The Good News - Runnells Christian Church
The Good News - Runnells Christian Church
The Good News Runnells Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) A monthly publication of Runnells Christian Church ~ Issue 185~Oct 2015 Coffee Fellowship 9:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 9:15 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. During worship October 4, with Christians around the world, we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper, also called Communion or Eucharist. Please join us as we claim our place with brothers and sisters around the world. Sign-in begins at 2:30 pm, walk/run begins at 3:00 pm at Caring Hands Outreach Center, 201 9th St NE, Altoona. $25 Online registration. $30 the day of the event. Youth 17 and under are FREE. Registration and t-shirt size required. Registration includes free t-shirt and gift bag! Parking and free shuttle service to/from Haines Park. Member Organizations: Adventure Life Church Altoona Christian Church Altoona United Methodist Church Christ the King Lutheran Church Crossway Community Church Lutheran Church of the Cross Oakwood United Methodist Church Rising Sun Church Runnells Christian Church Ss. John & Paul Catholic Pumpkinville Sunday, October 18 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Enjoy: hayrack ride to the Food Pantry Challenge For the month of October we will be hosting a fun Food Pantry Challenge and allow you to vote for your favorite State of Iowa University. Each food item donated will score one vote for your team. At the end of the month we will see who has the biggest fan base and we will donate all the non-perishable food items to the Caring Hands Food Pantry. Beginning October 4 and for each Sunday in October, you can bring your non-perishable food items to Sunday School or Worship to vote for your favorite team. pumpkin patch mini-maze straw train straw jump granary animalville bonfire hot dogs marshmallows plan to attend? Please sign up: Call 966-2587 Email I want to thank you all for all of the cards and kind comments you gave me on September 20. As someone said, “It doesn’t seem like you’ve been here a year.” Time has flown by. So, again, thank you for the cards and the potluck. I also want to thank those of you who participated in the SWOT analysis where we listed what you believed were the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the church. Hopefully, this will provide another tool in going forward and engaging in strategic planning for the church. I also want to let you know of my appreciation for your response to the sermon series on the book of Revelation we engaged in this summer. If we understand Revelation in the context of the times, circumstances and purposes for which it was written, we find a book that is encouraging and challenging to how we live our lives in our time, too. It encourages us to see the world for what it is and God for who God is. It was encouraging to see the number of people who showed an interest in the series as well as the attendance numbers. I have long had a fascination with the book of Revelation and I hope you found the series informative and encouraging to you. So, thanks again. God’s best to you all and I will be seeing you along the way. Pastor Brad Thornton Book Group News We will meet October 27, at 7:00 pm to discuss the book, Two Old Women by Velma Wallis. (from Based on an Athabascan Indian legend passed along for many generations from mothers to daughters of the upper Yukon River Valley in Alaska, this is the suspenseful, shocking, ultimately inspirational tale of two old women abandoned by their tribe during a brutal winter famine. Though these women have been known to complain more than contribute, they now must either survive on their own or die trying. In simple but vivid detail, Velma Wallis depicts a landscape and way of life that are at once merciless and starkly beautiful. In her old women, she has created two heroines of steely determination whose story of betrayal, friendship, community and forgiveness "speaks straight to the heart with clarity, sweetness and wisdom." In November we will be discussing A Winter’s Dream by Richard Paul Evans. Outreach Auction November 29 Are you a bargain shopper? Are you a crafter? Do you own a business? Do you know someone who shops, crafts, or owns a business? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you can help in a very rewarding and meaningful way. Each fall our congregation hosts an Outreach Auction to raise money for families in the South East Polk district who need assistance with rent and/or utilities. (From the Prologue of A Winter Dream) The story I'm about to Last year we raised $5687.00. share with you begins with a dream. . . . Whether the dream was prophetic or the cause of all that happened, I'll never know. But If you answered no to any of the above for years, I kicked myself for telling the dream to my father, who, questions you still can help in a very meaningful for reasons I'll never understand, chose to share it with my eleven way...start saving those pennies and plan to join us brothers. Joseph Jacobson is the twelfth of thirteen siblings, all of for a night of fun and friendly competitive whom are employed by their father's successful Colorado adverbidding. tising company. But underneath the success runs a poisonous undercurrent of jealousy; Joseph is his father's favorite and the focus of his brothers' envy and hatred. When the father seems ready to anoint Joseph as his heir, the brothers make their move, forcing Joseph from the company and his Denver home, severing his ties to his parents and ending his relationship with his soonto-be fianceé. Alone and lonely, Joseph must start a new life. Joseph joins a Chicago advertising agency where his creativity helps him advance high up in the company. He also finds hope for a lasting love with April, a kind woman with a secret. However, all secrets hold consequences, and when Joseph learns the truth about April’s past, his world is again turned upside down. Finally, Joseph must confront his own difficult past in order to make his dreams for the future come true. A Winter Dream is an ingenious modern retelling of the Old Testament story of Joseph and the coat of many colors by the master of the holiday novel. Everyone is invited and welcome! Caring Hands Food Pantry A “Simple Supper” is provided for Do you know Items donated our food pantry clients the last Mon- September 2015 someone in need of August of 2015, found day of each month from 5:30 – 6:30 1Jelly 306 families coming to assistance in the p.m. This dinner is held at Adventhe pantry for assistance, ture-Life Church, but is provided by 8 detergent SEP school district? 24 veggies 596 adults and 386 churches, organizations and families 3 graham crackers children, making a total in the SEP area. The meal on Sep- 2 hamburger helper Regular food pantry of 982 individuals, our tember 28 will be provided by the hours: 4 cereal biggest month so far this Lions Club and in October by Kim 12 individual pudding year. A total of 9,090 lbs. of food was Beyers. Monday & Wednesday given out, not including meat, bread and Statistics for the Clothes Hanger for 2 body soap 4:00 pm-6:00 pm 3 soup many bakery items from various stores August are: 180 families assisted – 2 syrup in the area.There has been lots of produce also the most this year - (359 adults 1st & 3rd Saturdays 3 condensed milk (green beans, peppers, tomatoes, apples) and 309 children) totaling 668 indi9:00 am-11:00 am 1 misc. donated as well. Personal items such as viduals. Clothing items totaled 2,712 $75.00 infant diapers, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and household items 61. shampoo, toilet tissue and soap were also On behalf of our clients, we say, “Thank Items especially given. There were 300 $8.00 Fareway You,” to all of the individuals, churches, needed this month: vouchers given for perishable items. businesses, schools, and organizations for Beef Stew Rent assistance checks for $1.418.97 were your generous donations of food, money written as well as utility checks for Laundry Soap and time, and we pray your lives will be $1,855.35. richly blessed. From Caring Hands newsletter Caring Hands Food Pantry Please consider helping at the Food Pantry. Runnells Christian Church furnishes 2 volunteers on the third Monday of the month from 4-6 pm. If you are in high school at SEP, this would qualify for the Silver Cord program. Our Nursery Attendant for worship is Connie Schillinger. Our nursery is available to infants through preschool children. The Grief Support Group will meet at church Tuesday, October 13 at 6:30 pm. (Please note we have changed to Tuesday evenings.) Please contact the church office with any questions. Online Bill Pay Doing Homework? Sunday Ball Game/ Practice? Send the Church your offering through your online banking & bill pay with ease & convenience! Set the Church up as a payee: Runnells Christian Church. Your account number is your phone# plus area code: example: 515.123.4567 Address: P.O. Box 30 Runnells IA 50237-0030 Do you Facebook? Check out Runnells Christian Church & Runnells Christian Church Youth Thank You for Recycling Ink and Toner Cartridges Bring cartridges from work or home. Ask your family or neighbors if they have used cartridges. You can bring them to Church or Drop them off at Staples. (Church acct is 515-966-2587 Runnells Christian Church/ Barb) 20 a Month will give the Church $480.00 a year for supplies Chi-Rho and CYF News Leaders: CYF Mike and Deb Bracewell Chi Rho Mike Miller, Julie Underwood, Katie Temple A big thank you to the Bracewells for the great youth group kickoff on September 13. There was a bonfire for sitting around and cooking and games for fun. The weather was just right! On September 20 the groups gathered at the home of the former Max Ingle to do yard work. The group was small but focused and much work was accomplished. Bill grilled hot dogs and hamburgers for our dining pleasure. It was a good time to remember Max. We are going to get a running start on October. The youth groups will be participating in the Caring Hands Run/Walk for the Hungry on October 4. We will meet at the church at 2 pm, sign-up for those not already registered at 2:30 at Caring Hands. The run/walk starts at 3 pm. Bring your family and friends! Pumpkinville will be the destination for our second meeting of the month. The groups will join other members and families of Runnells Christian Church for a cookout and Pumpkinville fun. The groups will separately explore the corn maze. As always, friends are welcome! Submitted by Katie Temple Hello and welcome sports fans to the 2nd year of the RCCFFL(Runnells Christian Church Fantasy Football League!) Apologies for being late with the update, we're running a little behind here at Fantasy HQ, with so much going on, including a well-deserved Minnesota fishing trip for Mr. & Mrs. Commish, as well as recently guiding a pair of church ladies on an exciting bass safari. As this is the first update, and with this season's league expansion, it behooves us to introduce our teams and owners: Armed Rodgery- Devin Gaudette My Little Ponies- Peyton Goode Rod Kimble- Trent/ Cody Nelson Bracewell Beasts- Evan Bracewell Runnells Terminators- Mike Bracewell Cheez-Its- Jon Gaudette Starburst- Lynn Phipps Team Phillips- Zach/ Carter Phillips Pink Camo- Jenny Coulson Lazy Teenagers- Alex Gaudette Team Phipps- Blair Phipps Team Zak- Zak Underwood That's a total of 12 teams up from 8 last year. We had a fun (albeit long) draft party and the teams are in full action. The East is in the midst of a 3 way tie, as owners find out what their teams are made of. It's a long season and all teams are in the hunt, but Rodgery looks to be built for the long haul. The West is already being led by a veteran MLP squad, closely followed by Kimble. (The Commish apologizes to Kimble for pre-season tech difficulties.) last year's Champ, Team Phillips, should never be counted out and is poised for a repeat. This league is intended to be a fun fellowship opportunity for folks that may not otherwise interact, and is a Church activity, so please- refrain from wagering in the pews. All 12 teams have already tasted victory, and are hungry for more. Stay tuned for what looks to be a fun season! The Commish (Jim Coulson) T h a n k Y o u “FREEWAY FRIDAYS” Thanks to all who helped serve our community through Freeway Fridays. In the three Fridays we worked we served around 125 sleepy neighbors with only one small incident. (Tyler’s car was not damaged, only his pride.) We had a great time! Pat Jesse, Mission Coordinator Noisy Offering Report We want to thank everyone who supported our Noisy Offering in September. You donated $208.78 when our cute, smiling kids passed the metal pans among you. These donations will be used to help support “Caring Hands’ Clothes Hanger.” A Rutherford baby is inching into our hearts & lives—Due to arrive this November! You are invited to join us in honoring the birth of Miss Mya Rutherford on October 10 at Runnells Community Center, 108 Brown St. from 10 am - 1 pm,. In lieu of cards, Sarah (Elam) Rutherford has requested books for Miss Mya. A list of books can be found on Sarah’s registry at Bye, Bye, Baby or Target. Please RSVP by Oct. 2 to Aunt, Emily Hartman 515-971-11470 or Grandma, Carol Elam 515-971-1936 Our October Noisy Offering will go toward the Jim Elleffson Free Medical Clinic. Thank you for your support! Jim Adkins Cindy Bensley Blaine Calhoun Don DeGroot Kelly & Jodi Dirks Bob Gray Christopher Greiser Karl Grigg Bob Hershey Donald Kain Gina Kern Cate Kelly Prairie Vista Village: Maria McClellan Haelynn Morgan Maxine Phipps Carl Mott Norwalk Rehab: Gene & Janet Pepper Prayer Concerns Randy Waltz Belinda Rinehart Good Samaritan Center, Betty Robbins Indianola: Brandi Ross Kim Wentland Lilith Thomas The Rose of In an effort to keep our prayer concerns current, Des Moines: names will remain on the list for four weeks. At Lola Bullington that time names will be removed unless you Valley View Village: have called the office to ask that a name remain on the list and give an update on the person’s Jeanne Vermie All Military Personnel Including: Greg Bartelma Troy Bunch Patrick Feeley David Funk Aimee Wells Michael Waltz well-being. Thanks for your help! Home Communion The Elders are taking Communion once a month to those who are homebound, in nursing homes or hospitalized. If you are not receiving Communion or know of someone who would like Communion brought to them, please contact Elder Chair, Tammy Gaudette at 515.957.8324 or 515.707.3715 or Building Loans — Church Extension—15-Year Loans 1) Amount of Loan (May 2008): $340,000.00 New (May 2014) Percentage rate: 4.99% Monthly payment: $668.00 9/10/15 Loan Balance: $11,953.44 2015 Building Fund Donations -Paid on Principal $6,910.00 2) Handicap Access Loan (April 2008): $35,000.00 Percentage rate: 4.99% Monthly payment: $258.00 9/10/15 Loan Balance: $16,681.12 (U. S. Post Office requires P.O. Box 30 on all church mail.) Please Remember the Food Pantry this month! COUNCIL MEMBERS: Sheila Aukes, Chair per son Mary Beth Martin, Secr etar y Katie Temple, Vice Chair per son Sherry Johnson & Jeff Robbins, Membership Co-Coordinators Tammy Gaudette, Chair of the Elder s Jill Simonsen & Julie Underwood, Education Co-Coordinators Bill Ingle, Finance Coor dinator Pat Jesse, Missions and Evangelism Bob Miller, Pr oper ty Coor dinator Kathi Burns, Wor ship Coor dinator HIPPA LAW Under the regulations of the Hippa Law, hospitals are unable to release any patient information. This includes contacting a church or pastor if someone is admitted to the hospital. If you or a family member is taken to the hospital and would like pastoral care, please contact the church office immediately so that care can be provided. No report from September’s meeting. The next meeting will be October 14 at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend our Council meetings. Runnells Christian Church Pastor Brad Thornton Cell Phone: 515.240.1243 Email: The Body of Christ: Place Stamp Here J E SUS Building Runnells Christian Church ( Disciples of Christ) 309 Brown Street P.O. Box 30 Runnells, Iowa 50237 (Please use P.O. Box 30 when addressing all mail to Church) Phone: 515.966.2587 E-mail: Website: Church Staff: Ministers: The Congregation Pastor: Brad Thornton—515.240.1243 Council Chair: Sheila Aukes Church Secretaries: Barb Miller/Sherry Johnson Children’s Choir Director: Sheila Aukes/Tammy Feeley Bell Choir Directory: Sheila Aukes Pianist: Tammy Feeley Organist: Myrna Hunt Custodian: Leonard Northway Nursery Attendant: Connie Schillinger Growing Address Service Requested Serving
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