Weekly_Bulletin_07_0.. - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Weekly_Bulletin_07_0.. - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church 271 WINCHESTER STREET WARRENTON, VIRGINIA 20186 FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME JULY 03, 2016 “How lovely is Your dwelling place, O Lord God of Hosts.” Psalm 84:1 PASTOR Rev. James R. Gould PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Kevin J. Fimian SPANISH APOSTOLATE Rev. Henry Rivera 540-325-4568 DEACONS Rev. Mr. J. D. Williams Rev. Mr. Don Libera Rev. Mr. Daniel Resendes (Ret.) MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil ........ 5:00 & 7:00 pm (Spanish) Sunday .............................. 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 am, 12:30 & 5:30 pm Weekdays .................................... 6:30 & 8:30 am (Saturday 8:30 am only) Holy Days as Announced CONFESSIONS Wednesday ................................................ 8:00 pm Saturday ..................... 9:00 am, 4:00 - 5:00 pm Sunday ....................½ hour before every Mass Spanish Sabados ....................................................... 6:30 pm PASTORAL STAFF (540)-347-2922 Office Manager Mrs. Rosemary Coakley................. ext. 202 Director of Music Mr. James W. Noakes ............................ext. 206 Director of Religious Education Mrs. Sherin Murphy................................ext. 209 Youth Director Ms. Ceci Galvin..........................................ext. 212 Receptionist/Recepcionista & Bulletin Editor Mrs. Olivia McDonough.................. ext 201 School Principal Mr. Arthur Fairweather ..........(540)347-2458 Director of Pre-School Mrs. Julie Copeland ..................(540)347-5341 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Second & Fourth Sundays at 2:00 pm. Preparation is required. Contact Olivia McDonough at (540) 347-2922, ext. 201 to make arrangements. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Couples wishing to be married MUST contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to wedding or making any wedding arrangements. Para Informacion en Espanol, Llame 540-347-2922. SICK CALLS Please notify the Parish Office for visits and/or Communion calls to the sick and shut-ins. BULLETIN DEADLINE Submissions are due in writing at 4:00 pm Thursday, ten days prior to the Sunday of publication. All pulpit announcement requests for the following Sunday must be submitted in writing by 12:00 noon, Thursday. SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 540-270-6774 FACILITIES SCHEDULING Use of all facilities must be scheduled through the Parish Office. PARISH REGISTRATION If you live within our parish boundaries and have not yet registered, please contact the parish office. PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday ................................................................ 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Phone........................ 540-347-2922 Fax........................... 540-347-1274 On the web ...................................................................................... www.sje1.org St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES FOR THIS WEEK † Weekly Goal $ 30,000 Weekly Offertory $ 19,708 Faith Direct* $ 7,950 Total Weekly Offertory w/FD $ 27,658 + / -- for the week -$ 2,342 Poor Box for the week $ 391.00 Thank you for your generosity!!! Contributions via Faith Direct are deposited in the parish bank account once a month. The total deposit in Jun designated for Offertory of $31,803 has been divided by four and added to the weekly totals. Original Church loan value: $1,858,878 Current Church loan value: $ 489;355 RETIRE THE DEBT (RTD) UPDATE Monthly payment on loan $ 25,000.00 RTD Collection June $ 15,241.00 +/-$ 9,759.00 Note: A minus figure must be made up through church Funds generally used for other ministries Please do not use tape on envelopes, it is not necessary. Sunday, July 03 Confessions ½ hour before every Mass Curia Meeting ~ 1:30 – 4:30pm Mercy Hall Young Adults ~ 6:30pm Pavillion Adult Disc. ~ 10:00am KofC Social Room † Monday, July 04 Mass ~ 10am Independence Day Mass Legion of Mary ~ 9:45am Mercy Hall 7:00pm Parish Office Parish Office Closed † Tuesday, July 05 Rosary for Our Country ~ 8:00am Church E.S.O.L. ~ 6:30pm Parish Office † Wednesday, July 06 Eucharist Adoration ~ 9:00am – 8:00pm Confessions ~ 8:00pm Miraculous Medal Novena ~ 7:00pm Church A.A. Meeting ~ 8:00pm Mercy Hall Bible Class/Fr. Rivera ~ 7-8:30pm Youth Room † Thursday, July 07 Eucharist Adoration ~ 9:00am to 8:00am Friday E.S.O.L. ~ 6:30pm Parish Office † Monday ~ 07/04/16 Independence Day 10:00am P.J. Kidwell + Tuesday ~ 07/05/16 6:30am P.J. McCown 8:30am Thank You to Jesus, Mary, & Friday, July 08 Eucharistic Adoration ~ 9:00am – 8:00am Sat. Legion of Mary Jr. ~ 4;30pm Parish Library † Joseph for prayers answered Wednesday ~ 07/06/16 6:30am Grace Davies 8:30am Stephen Curley + Thursday ~ 07/07/16 6:30am Cole Davies 8:30am Michael McGuire + Friday ~ 07/08/16 6:30am Ellen LaPlante + 8:30am James Aldrich + Saturday ~ 07/09/16 8:30am Luz Amparo Calderon Burgos Vigil 5:00pm Matthew Hassan & Family Spanish 7:00pm Maria del Refugio Godoy y Teresa Arellano + Sunday ~ 07/10/16 7:30am People’s Intentions 9:00am MaryAnn Hassan + 10:45am Kimberly & Grayson Grouge 12:30pm Jose Vasquez + 5:30pm Frank Magnotta + Saturday, July 09 Confessions ~ 9am and 4:00pm † Sunday, July 10 Confessions ½ hour before every Mass Curia Meeting ~ 1:30 – 4:30pm Mercy Hall Young Adults ~ 6:30pm Pavillion Adult Disc. ~ 10:00am KofC Social Room Father Mark, my mother, brother and I would like to thank everyone for the beautiful reception for Father Mark’s farewell. The food, balloons, ice cream, posters and beautiful flower arrangements along with the many parishioners who attended the party created a wonderful family farewell to a wonderful priest, brother and friend. Thank you so very much. God bless you all! www.sje1.org 2 St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Please let us know when your loved ones have returned home safely. Thank you! Please Pray For Our Men And Women In The Service Of Our Country: Michael O’Neal, Frank Snyder, Kirt & Mark Wlaschin, Dan Flatley, Joseph Wheeler, Lewis Shadle, Timothy O’Bryant, Sigfredo Quiles, Chris Hawks, Jimmy Topper, Stephen Hacker, Chase Villavicencio, Mason Mugnolo, Douglas Sherman, Ashley Parker, Kevin Koehr, John Crosby, Matthew Fisher, Sgt. Eric Schneider, Sean Breen, John Bowes, John C. Orban, Stefan Theriault, Hayden & Andy Howell, Zach Angell, Nicholas Castelli, Andrew Wing, Patrick Drury, James B. Lewis, Thomas Richardson, Ryan Foley, David Poff, Shahin Uddin, LCDR Sean Thompson, Michael Lewis, Ensign Daniel Evans, Ensign Ryan Costa, Tommy Conrath, Capt. Jeff Gunlicks, 1st Lt. David Lemelin, Stephanie Miller PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH Charles Phillips, Amy G., John Shepherd, Shawn Cooper, Frances Centanni, Peggy Dearden, Peter Anthony, Cindy Goletz, Emily Winkler, Thomas Stanley, Thomas Stanley Jr., Irene Petersen, Richard McMullen, Virginia Staats, Dorothy Laster, George Rosenberger, Loretto Sullivan, Jerry McPherson, Jack Britton, Jillian Simonson, Jeffrey Stonerock, Florence Grabowicz, Lucy Walbroehl, Sadie Brooks, Cynthia Bailey, Tyler Golden, Arleen Harris, Caroline O’Grady, Sister Mariangeles Lutz, George Chapman, Lee Garneau, Robin Collins, Louis Raymond, Sharon Simpson, Ann Carroll, Peter Fisher, Margaret Regis, Charles Prizmonte, Polly O’Meara, Andrew Schwartz, Randy Creel, Juan Arroyo, Martha Miller, Bill Flook, Ines Goncalves, Carol Begley, Kim Smith, Ivy Thompson, Sharon Lively, Karina Schulte, Elias Schulte, Greg Taylor, Phil Doucet, Mary Van Schaick, Sue Kemper, Rob Sylcox, Phil Morris, Marissa Jackson, Ida Klepper, Gene Bailey, Logan Andrzejewski, Frances Collins, Dave McNichol, Amelia Szafir, Dave Davis, Sara Marino, Carol Peters, Mike Cobb, Jane Ericson, Edna O’Donnell, Marisa Gottschalk, Connor Keating, Kyle Pinelli, Joaquin Archilla, Richard Stouffer, Robert Poff, Crystale Smith, Gloribeth Perez, Ronald Green, Joe Kowalewski, Julie Radzville, Mary Guyant, Ellen Khoury, Rose Howard, John & Gloria Knight, Colleen Merk, George Ward, Gunther Morse, John Biegert, Rod Beran, Beverly Gaunt, Joe Guerrero, Nora Ann Bernet, Elaine Watkins, Anthony Pizzo, Jim Simpson, Lorrie McClure, Josephine Rivera, Jolynn Desch, Anne H. Gay, Donovan Griffin, Sister Margaret Mary Griffin OP, Ray Young, John Guyant, John Bahosky, J.D. Jeter, Peter Romero, Pat Sanders, Bernie Boteler, Bruce Cooper, Joseph Angoco, Vivian Holmes, Garnet Lake, Fr. Joseph Clark, Pat Sampsell, Catharine Ogilvie, Mark Ogilvie, Mike Soderman, Julie & Mac Basinski, Pam Gay, Guillermina Veladiz, Sister Louise Benecke, Raymonde Thompson, Michelle Frazier, Glorybeth Smith, Jean Kowalewski, Susan Stroud, Paula Todd, Janet Wiebler, Mary Curtis, John McMahon, Jenna McMahon, Phyllis Zwirko, Anne Hartz, Jacque Ogilvie, Bob Brann, Paul Prizmonte, Tim Firebaugh, Bonnie Fogelberg, Rod Frazier, Annette Fontaine, Timothy Forster, Armando Archivaldo, Caleb Frazier, Louise Costas, David Jerge, Readine Owens, Kathy Smith, Cathy Stouffer, Nicholas Stoud, Frank Cocast, Freddy Godfrey, Mercedes Wazowski, Aidan Frazier, Tessie Pozo-Olano, Marki Cena, Anne Hartz JESUS I TRUST IN YOU “Can you not keep watch with Me for one hour?” Please join members of the parish in a Holy Hour – from 3:00-4:00pm every Friday, for the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the Mercy Stations of the Cross during Eucharistic Adoration. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is also prayed every morning after the 8:30 am Mass, Monday through Thursday during the school year – and additionally after the 8:30 am Mass on Friday mornings during the summer months. If you cannot be present to pray with us at the parish at these times, simply join in prayer with us spiritually by briefly thinking of our Lord’s Passion & Death every day at 3:00pm – and especially on Friday’s at 3:00pm – by simply praying the words, “Jesus I Trust in You.” Donna Marie Stanislaw EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Please prayerfully consider committing to one of the following hours which are short of Adorers: Wednesdays 12noon1pm, 1pm-2pm, 3pm-4pm: Thursdays noon to 1pm; Fridays 2am-3am, 8am8:30am, 9am-10am, 1pm-2pm, 7pm-8pm. Please contact Teresa Letteri at 540-287-2870 or taletteri@comcast.net or Christy Williams at 540788-4560 or clw.cwilliams@gmail.com to schedule your weekly hour. Noticias para la comunidad hispana: Confesiones todos los sábados a las 6:30pm Misa en español todos los sábados a las 7pm Sacramento del Bautismo: La clase se imparte el primer sábado de cada mes, la clase es requerida antes de recibir o participar de este sacramento. Los padres y padrinos deben asistir a la clase. Por favor de llamar a 540-347-2922 Ext. 211 para registrarse. The Secular Franciscan Order: (3rd order of St. Francis) Who are we? We are Catholic lay people from various walks of life, mothers, fathers, single, nurses, lawyers, writers, etc. What do we do? We meet in fraternity once a month to pray & study the rule given to lay people by St. Francis himself and to support each other in Gospel living. Interested? Come and See! Call Toya Finzel, OFS @ 540-937-9805. www.sje1.org 3 St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A farewell letter from our dear Father Moretti) Dear Folks, As I leave and Father Kevin Fimian arrives, it is a pleasure to write the “Dear Folks” letter as I prepare for my new assignment at Precious Blood Parish in Culpeper. To be honest, I have to get used to writing that name without adding the additional “p”…a confusion that only life-long Virginians are willing to accept The parish is very nice, and it has been administered by the Missionhurst fathers for the last 70+ years. Father Kevin Walsh, a great friend and brother in the priesthood, is coming in from three years of study in Rome to be the pastor. I am sure that we will make a good team together, and help the parish make the transition with joy and expectation. Speaking of great friends who make a good team, I cannot say enough wonderful things about Father Jim Gould. I first met Father Gould when I was an agent for the Department of State in 1987. I made an appointment to visit him at his office when he was the Vocations Director under Bishop John Keating. His good-natured approach really helped me in the vocation discernment process, and 30 years later, I still count him as an indispensable part of my life. He is warm, generous, kind, humorous, holy and the best blend of a Catholic pastor and evangelizer. Every homily or adult education class is meticulously prepared, and is a fine mix of knowledge, wisdom, and light-hearted humor. His dear Irish mother taught him well!! The five years we have been together here at Saint John’s has been absolutely the best of my priesthood. Let me give just a few examples to illustrate. Father Gould works hard to know as many parishioners that he can, and to help them to grow in the grace of God and in the direction of the Holy Cross. He is always there for us, and many a late night at the call from the hospital, Fr. Jim was there in the emergency room giving the sacraments to a person in great need. From weddings to baptisms, to school events and community outreach, we have a pastor “par excellence”!! In addition, Father Gould knows how to make the rectory life more like a family. Everyone is welcome to visit, and many nights we would simply sit out on the front walk and wave to people and invite them to sit and chat with us. Call it “old school”, but parishioners love to see their priests in a more relaxed setting, and this was exemplary. We loved to welcome new parishioners with quarterly brunches on a Sunday afternoon, and the volunteers who helped us do that were just exceptional. Halloween has become a tradition, with the families and kids stopping by for tons of Father Jim’s candy, and my famous toasted marshmallows. Preparation for the high feasts of Christmas and Easter allowed us a chance to increase opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Rather than have a single parish penance service, Fr. Jim and I would make sure that one or both of us would be in the confessional each night. This was intense for us as priests, but a pleasure for the parishioners, as it accommodated their often hectic work or family schedules. The word got out, and now we have Catholics from neighboring parishes coming to Saint John’s for confession. As the old movie line says: “If you build it…they will come!” Sunday services are amazing too because people genuinely enjoy coming to Mass here. We ask the Holy Spirit to inspire us with reverent Divine Worship, thoughtful and challenging homilies, prayers for the well-being of our fellow parishioners, and joyfulness. I am always amused after Mass by the number of people who hang out afterward and let their kids socialize and romp around the front lawn. All this tells me that we have put together an integrated and cheerful parish family. You can see it in the grand liturgies like the Easter Vigil, or the Feast of Corpus Christi, or the Spanish Masses for Our Lady’s feasts…in some cases complete with mariachi bands and processions. In addition, a distinctive part of our parish is Eucharistic adoration. Thanks to our coordinators, we have many opportunities for it here, and rare is the day that I don’t come into the church and not see a parishioner or two praying and adoring. But the nocturnal adoration really makes this parish special. Our Knights of Columbus council made a commitment to have two Knights with the Lord throughout each holy hour, and to come into the church at 2 or 3 in the morning and see my brother Knights quietly attending the Blessed Sacrament meant so much to me. They accompany a good number of other parishioners in silent prayer and love for the Lord and His presence in the Eucharist. I am sure this will continue and will be a special source of grace for the parish. Finally, there has been a blessing that has descended upon us through funerals. You might think this is a strange thing for me to say, but allow me to elaborate. Over the past several years, we all know of many of our family here who struggled through painful and long illnesses and God gave us all a chance to walk “the road to Calvary” with them to support them and pray for them and show them love. We found ways to make the Cross they were bearing just a little lighter, and to give a sense of relief and comfort to their families. And when the time came for God to call these friends of His home to the reward promised to the faithful, those final funeral liturgies provided the correct expression of faith and love to allow a healing balm to descend from the Holy Spirit. We gained a deeper trust in God, and a strength we did not know before. As I move on to my new assignment, I will be reflecting upon this and letting it motivate me to be a more compassionate and affectionate priest. I ask that you keep me, Father Gould, Father Fimian, Father Henry, Father Albert, Deacons JD and Don and Dan, and all of our parish staff: Sherin Murphy, Greg Mott, James Noakes, Donna May, Tami Burns, Olivia McDonough, Judy Pineda, Dawn Wimer, Brenda Chichester, Bill Helsel and Rosemary Coakley in your prayers. One decade of my Rosary will always be just for you in return. May God bless you, and if you feel the need for a road trip, Culpeper is 30 miles down the pike!! Fr. Mark Moretti www.sje1.org 4 St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Greetings! Happy Fathers' Day to all our parish dads and our parish priests as well. I wanted to share a few of my thoughts on education today and the challenges faced by Catholic educators, as well as a guide for how they should proceed in educating students. "A FEW REMINDERS......." "Our job is to teach the students we havenot the ones we would like to have. not the ones we used to have. Those we have right now. All of them."- Dr. Kevin Maxwell "Care about each student you teach because children deserve a caring teacher. They will be able to tell by your actions and it will come naturally. The children who are the most difficult to love, need it the most." Natasha Babineau "Every student can learn, just not on the same day or in the same way"- George Evans "As adults we had our day, for good or bad, when we were in school. Now it is the current children's time to be educated. If what administrators or teachers are doing is not right for students, I do not want to hear about it. It is not about our comfort or how it has always been done, it is about the welfare emotionally, spiritually and academically of the kids."-Art Fairweather Have a great summer! ST. JOHN PRESCHOOL/PRE-K As the St. John's Preschool year comes to an end, we would like to express our deep appreciation to all of our wonderful families for their generosity and support you have given us throughout the year. Thank you for entrusting us with your child's care and education. We hope that everyone has a safe and fun-filled summer. Please know that our hearts and prayers go with you, and we look forward to the return of another exciting Preschool year in September. The Preschool office continues to remain open during the summer on a part-time basis and messages left are checked daily. St. John Preschool has a few spaces available in the 4Day and 5Day Pre-K (4 /5 year old) Program. For questions,inquiries, or to schedule a tour, please contact the Preschool office at 540-347-5341 or at the Elementary School at 540-347-2458. Redskins Football Tickets Raffle Our parish school is holding a Redskins Football Tickets Raffle. $50 donation per chance and only 200 tickets will be sold. The Raffle includes: 2 tickets to (2) two pre-season and (8) regular home games during the 2016 season. These END ZONE tickets are in Section 111, Row 1, Seats 1 & 2. Parking pass in the Green Lot include! Tickets Available in the School Main Office. Drawing will be held on July 31st. The 2016 summer Young Adult hang-outs called Chill @ the Grill has started again and will run EACH SUNDAY until August 28th at the Deacon Bernie Pavilion located on the parish grounds behind the St. John’s School building. Come enjoy hot dogs, hamburgers, music, volleyball and good company after the 5:30 pm Sunday Mass – rain or shine! RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: Please contact the Religious Ed Office at 3472922 x209 if you are interested in becoming Catholic or if you are an adult who needs to be confirmed. Through a process of discernment, prayer, education, and sharing with others on the journey, these adults prepare to become Catholics and the entire SJE parish community rejoices with them. Preparation sessions are held on Wed. evenings in the St. John School’s Art Room from 7 to 8pm, from September through the weeks after Easter. www.sje1.org 5 St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Religious Ed 2016-2017 Registration Pre-printed St. John’s RE Family registrations forms are available at the parish office. All students in grades 1-12 who are not attending a Catholic school should be enrolled in RE classes. We offer Kindergarten classes during all 4 sessions. Register with payment BEFORE August 1st to avoid any registration Late Fees Classes are beginning to fill up – so register early! Session A Grade 7th is now full with others soon to follow Classes begin August 21st & 22nd For the upcoming year, we will be making adjustments to our schedule, with the following 4 Sessions for grades K-8: Session A: Sunday 9:15am-10:30am Session B: Sunday 11am – 12:15:pm Session C: Sunday 3:45pm – 5pm Session D: Monday 5pm – 6:15pm High School grades 9-12 will continue to have classes at these times: Sunday 4pm – 5pm Monday 5pm – 6pm Monday 7pm – 8pm Confirmation 2016 Confirmation candidates: Please don’t forget that your C7 & C8 Service Hour Experience Journals and Spiritual Exercises were due May 27, 2016. Please turn in all completed Confirmation paperwork as soon as you have completed it so we may update your files. Please do not wait until the last moment! Interviews will be schedulded beginning mid July, through the summer, and completed before the end of August. So, begin studying the “Clock Test” questions (found online and in your packets) for you Interview prep. Remember the “Act of Contrition”! Legion of Mary A Catholic Lay apostolate that performs both spiritual and corporal Works of Mercy. Meetings are Monday morning at 9:45 AM in Mercy Hall, Monday evening at 7 PM in the Parish Center and 4:45 on Friday afternoon for children in the Parish Center. For more information contact: Mary Bowes @ 540-439-0340 The Patricians Society will hold its next adult discussion group on Saturday, July 9, from 10-12 PM in the Library of St. John’s School. The topic will be “Internal Form”. Questions to be discussed are, “What is internal forum in the Catholic Church? How is it used? How does it apply to the divorced and remarried?” All are invited to come and join in the discussion to learn more about our Catholic faith. Refreshments will be served. Please contact Bill Flook 540-347-9651 for further information. Little Flowers Girls’ Club Will host their annual Mid-Atlantic Regional Mary’s Garden Party Camp at the Freedom Center in Leesburg, VA on July 8-10, 2016. All Catholic girls age five and up and their mothers are invited, whether they have any previous involvement in Little Flowers Girls’ Club or not. The cost is only $125 for the mother/daughter lodge accommodations or $65 if tent camping. Registration is online at http://www.beholdpublications.com/SummerCamps/. The Mary’s Garden Party Camp is an opportunity for up to a hundred girls to come together for a weekend centered on the Blessed Mother, building virtue and strengthening authentic Catholic friendships. Girls will have the opportunity to earn badges and have a fun camp experience in a completely Catholic environment. Moms and leaders will have the opportunity to share wisdom on raising young girls, exchange advice on running their Little Flowers Club and have the opportunity to collaborate on a more effective program. www.sje1.org 6 St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Are You Interested in Learning more about the Bible? YOUNG @ New this Year! Study the Bible at your own pace and at home. Parishioners, family and friends, and even new friends can sign up to watch the videos online and get together for discussions at any time and place they wish. The bible studies to be made available are listed below. Whenyou visit the parish website www.sje1.org and click on the Adult Bible Study picture it will take you to a page with available studies. Then click on the title of a bible study and you will find the link to sign up for the Bible studies that St. John's is making available. Once you log in and purchase the study materials, you will be able to watch the videos at your convenience. Please look for future studies in upcoming bulletins and on the parish website. These Studies were designed to form a solid foundation for an ongoing parish Bible Study program. We hope to add other studies in the future. If you have any questions, please call the Religious Ed office at 540-347-2922 x209. The first Study, started in October, was “The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation.” The 24 lessons in “The Bible Timeline” guide the student of Scripture through the reading of the biblical narrative. In 2013, “Matthew: The King and his Kingdom,” another 24-part study, was the follow-up to the Scripture narrative in “The Bible Timeline.” The gospel of Matthew explores the life and mission of Jesus. Following Matthew was “Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom” **in 2014. This study shows how the Church continued the work of Christ after the coming of the Holy Spirit. ** Available here soon There will be no July meeting. All over 55 are welcome. We meet the first Friday of each month at Mercy Hall at 9:15am. No dues or fund raisers. Sharing in fellowship, prayer, guest speakers, games, friendship, & travels. (You do not need to belong to Y@H to join us on our trips). We welcome your ideas & suggestions. For info: contact Marianne Boston 540-347-5718 or Michelle DawsonPowell 571-213-1847 “Co-Chairs”. EUCHRE 6:30 PM 1st Weds in the Knights Social Hall. Contact Doris 540-341-3482. BRIDGE 1:00 PM second Mondays, Ledo’s back room-lunch at 12:noon contact Jill 540347-4130. BRIDGE Second Weds, 6:30 PM Knights Social Hall, contact Jill 540-347-4130. Mah Jong Third Thursday, 1:00PM Ledo’s back room, contact Mahala 540-349-9756. BISTRO May 31st, last Tuesday of the month at the hospital, join us 4:30 to 6:30 for dinner & fellowship. Atlantic City, Cape May & The Spirit of Philadelphia boat cruise 3 Days, 2 nights: Sept 13, 14, & 15. $279 *PP Dbl Occupancy, Motor coach transportation, 2 nights lodging, 4 meals including: 2 breakfast 1 lunch 1 dinner, $30 Casino Bonus, Any questions please Mary Guyant at: 540-347-5443. Pilgrimage to Fatima and Rome. We are almost out of time if you are interested in attending. Please contact: Will Mickiewicz Pilgrimage Designer www.leviatour.com C:804-833-5752 O:347-787-4853 In the early summer of 2015 we offered “Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother” in one day. This study is an extraordinary pilgrimage that reveals Mary's unique role in God's Kingdom and in our lives. In the fall of 2015 “Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come” an 11 part study showed us how the kingdom established by Christ in his Church is intimately connected with the kingdom of heaven. In this study you will discover what the mysterious figures and images of Revelation mean. You will see how Revelation is more than an apocalyptic vision of the "end times." It is a revelation of God as our Divine Bridegroom and the Church as his spotless Bride, forever united in a heavenly, holy, and mystical marriage that we enter into every time we celebrate the Mass. In 2016 the Bible Study group covered “James: Pearls for Wise Living” described as a “book of wisdom.” James is a compilation of teachings intended to help the fledgling church in the face of persecution. GIFT SHOP AND LIBRARY ~ The Sacred Heart Gift Shop and library will be open only 2 days a week during summer months, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am until 2:30pm. We will also keep it open on Sundays from 10am – 12pm or if you prefer by appointment then you can call Marion Phillips at 703-517-0177. Thanks for your support. Attention: I would appreciate if I could get volunteers for 2 hours a week to cover gift shop and library. Please call me if you are interested. Thank you. www.sje1.org 7 St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Knights’ Roundtable Rosary Group http://www.kofc5561.org/ From the Knights of Columbus Herman J. Veger Council: “There is no Catholic organization better positioned today to assist in the renewal of family life than the Knights of Columbus!” – Supreme Knight Carl Anderson in his monthly column in the K of C’s Columbia magazine. Make a difference – become a Knight! Upcoming events over the next few weeks:. The next Officer’s Meeting is on Thursday, July 7 at 7pm in the social room. The next monthly Council Social Meeting is on Thursday, July 14. Dinner with the Ladies Auxiliary in Mercy Hall is at 6:30 followed by the Council meeting at 7:30. Brothers, the Installation of Officers, and the PGK Dinner, will be Saturday, 23 July. Watch your email for more information/details. SAVE THE DATE - Saturday, Aug 20, 2016; 9:00am – 12:00 noon. Founders Day & New Knights Orientation – All Knights who have joined Council #5561 during 2015-16 (and anyone else interested in learning more about the Order). More info to come in future bulletins! Society of St. Vincent De Paul The Society of St. Vincent de Paul invites you to join us in spiritual growth, fellowship and works of charity. In our mission, we quietly and discreetly aid needy families by making personal visits to connect with and serve those in distress. We grow spiritually through giving of ourselves to others as Jesus commanded. Vincentians are generally not professionally trained social workers; we simply desire to serve as Jesus served. If you have a few hours to give each month, and a desire to grow in your Catholic faith, you can be a valuable addition to our Conference. Please feel free to join us during a meeting to see what we are about! NEXT MEETING: July 17, 9 AM – KofC Social Room, lower level of Mercy Hall. 540-270-6774 http://stjohntheevangelistsvdp.blogspot.com Follow us @ SVDPStJohns Meets monthly for prayer, food and fellowship. Contact Tammy Anzenberger @ sirenliberty@hotmail.com for times and locations. MUSIC CORNER Choir Schedule: Adult Choir Rehearsal: Thursdays, 7:30 pm in Church, beginning Sept. 10 and 10:45 Mass on Sundays. Children's Choir Rehearsal: Fridays at 3:30 pm in the school, beginning Sept 11 and 9:00 am Mass on Sundays. Saturday Vigil Mass Rehearsals: Saturday, 4:00 pm in the church. For all of the above contact: James Noakes: 347-2922, x206 jnoakes@stjohntheevangelistschool.org Sunday Evening Mass Rehearsals: Sunday, 3:30pm in the Church. Ken Galvin: ken@galvinproductions.com Volunteers Needed! Give your neighbors the gift of English! Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington-Hogar Immigrant Services is urgently seeking volunteer English teachers for our classes in Manassas. No foreign language or teaching experience necessary! If interested, please call (571) 208-1572, extension 103 or email volunteer.hogar@ccda.net. SPIRITUAL EXERCISES Silent Ignatian Retreat at San Damiano Spiritual Life Center White Post, Virginia Preached and directed by the priests of Miles Christi, the Spiritual Exercises is a silent retreat based o the well-proven method of St. Ignatius of Loyola. These retreats are entirely in accord with the Magisterium of the Church, and based on solid Caholic spirituality. Weekend for Women (6 and over) July 22-24, 2016 Weekend for Men October 28-30, 2016 For more information, or to register, contact Miles Christi at virginia@spiritualexercises.net or at (248) 596-9677. www.sje1.org 8 St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time www.sje1.org 9 Ronald J. Aiani, P.C. Attorneys at Law Professional Legal Service on a Personal Level Bankruptcy ~ Personal & Business Traffic Violations · Personal Injury Wills, Trusts & Estates · Tax Matters Business & Corporate Matters John W. Adams III STERLING CARPET SHOPS, INC. CPA, PC Ronald J. Aiani Former IRS Trial Attorney Complete Accounting & Tax Advisory Services For Business and Individuals Member VTA Lynn E. Aiani Quality, Service, Experience STERLINGCARPETSHOPS.COM 38 EAST CATOCTIN CIRCLE SE LEESBURG, VA 20175 • (Virginia Village II) Since 1976 703-777-5566 Winston Whitehead · WHITEHEADW @STERLINGCARPETSHOPS.COM 540-937-6450 86 East Lee Street · Warrenton, VA 20186 540-347-5295 Email: john@jwacpa.com www.jwacpa.com We are a debt relief agency. 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Downey ATTORNEY AT LAW St. John's Parishioner Since 1975 Julie Maybach Royal, PT, MSPT, CWS Physical Therapist Ph: 540-347-2424 (P) 540-347-4005 iptjmr@verizon.net www.innovativeptllc.com 381 Stuyvesant Street · Suite 4 Warrenton, VA 20186 www.jdgmlaw.com The science of healing, the art of caring. GLORIA SCHEER MACNEIL Associate Broker 540-272-4368 540-349-9339 29 Main Street · Warrenton Fax: 540-349-1705 jd@jdgmlaw.com 298 Falmouth Street · Warrenton, VA 20186 (F) 540-645-6093 PERFORMANCES NOT PROMISE An American Restaurant with a European Accent PUT OUR EXPER TS TO WORK FOR YOU BILL GRIFFIN Realtor® 540-598-6468 403 HOLIDAY COURT · WARRENTOWN, VA ~ SAINT JOHN'S PARISHIONERS ~ John B. Rethman, D.V.M. Animal Medical Center of Warrenton P 540-428-0025 F 540-428-2005 www.amcwarrenton.net 79 GARRETT STREET · WARRENTON, VA 20186 Jon L. Burleson, CPA, P.C. Old Town Tax Professionals, Inc. Renee' L. Turner, EA • Enrolled Agent • NTPI Fellow Certified Public Accountant & Financial Advisor 540-349-4898 Strategic Small Business Planning · Individual & Business Taxes 9 North Third Street • Suite 201 • Warrenton VA www.oldtowntax.com 183A Keith Street, Warrenton, VA • 540-351-1717 oldtowntax@gmail.com For 25 years, our business has been built on repeat and referred business from loyal customers like you. www.WindowsPls.com WindowsPlus@WindowsPls.com E������ I�: W������ · D���� � S����� Tom Camarca, Parishioner 703-956-6172 Dentistry for the Whole Family COMPREHENSIVE CARE FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS Quality-Integrity-Compassion APPOINTMENTS: Mon.-Thurs. 8am-5pm · Fri. 8am-4pm DR. ROBERT C. FLIKEID · DR. MICHAEL G. KOERNER DR. WILLIAM H. ALLISON · DR. BRYAN T. ZOP ROYSTON FUNERAL HOME INC. (540) 364-1731 Marshall,VA 20116 B74701 (EM) - St. John the Evangelist, Warrenton PARISHIONER 540-347-3396 220 CULPEPER STREET · (CORNER OF CULPEPER STREET & 29 BUSINESS) St. John's Member Nicole McNamara (540) 764-0121 nicole.mcnamara.dq0i@statefarm.com Providing Insurance and Financial Services Gift Certificates Available Monday-Saturday: 9:00am-7:00pm Sunday: 11:00am-4:00pm Walk-Ins Welcome 10% OFF FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH 350 WATERLOO STREET · WARRENTON · 540-341-8888 FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside Right Moser Funeral Home, Inc. Randolph T. 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Lee Hwy. · Ste. 153 · Warrenton, VA 20186 NOW PARTICIPATING WITH ANTHEM FOR FAUQUIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT & SCHOOL EMPLOYEES ALONG WITH CIGNA PPO AND DELTA DENTAL PREMIER Experience • Results. Susan Tullington Realtor®, ABR, Parishioner 540-219-5573 VINCENT J. MURRAY, DDS, PC JAMIE L. CHILDRESS, DDS www.warrentondentistry.com 5 ROCK POINTE LANE, SUITE 100, WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-349-0056 Parishioner B74701 (EM) - St. John the Evangelist, Warrenton Phone: 540-216-3959 · Fax: 540-216-3901 info@savory-fare.com · www.savory-fare.com STONERIDGE EVENTS CENTER · 7373 COMFORT INN DRIVE · WARRENTON, VA 20187 FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Outside
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