Pastor Vince and Tammy Harman


Pastor Vince and Tammy Harman
Reaching Out With the Good News of Jesus Christ to all Generations
April 2015
The inaugural Sarah Harman Memorial 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament is
finished and was a huge success. 37 teams participated ranging from 10
years and younger to a team with one player who is 60 years old. Can you
believe it? Over 130 people played more than 70 games Friday night and all
day Saturday. In total the event raised between $5,000 and $6,000 for youth
ministry, hopefully to send some of our kids to the National Youth
Gathering next year.
The mission of this event is To Keep Kids Connected to Christ. Our
dream is that this becomes a city wide event not just for kids and adults to
come together to play basketball, but in the bigger picture to use the
resources to reach teenagers and young adults in Yuma for Christ. The
vision is to use this event as a spring board to host other events and
ministries so that more and more of our young people in Yuma will have a
vibrant relationship with Jesus.
What made this event a success is that God opened up many doors and
connections not only with those who played but with many local churches,
area coaches, the city of Yuma Parks and Recreation, businesses that
sponsored the event, players from AWC, and many volunteers that made
this event such a blessing.
Tammy and I are so thankful for all the volunteers and their hard work,
for all the support of local businesses, for all the financial support and all the
prayers that made this event, in memory of our daughter Sarah, a way we
can connect more and more people to Christ in our community. Thank you
again for all your support.
Christ Lutheran Church
Yuma Lutheran School
2555 S Engler Avenue
Yuma, AZ 85365
(928)726-0773 Church
(928)726-6674 Church Fax
(928)726-8410 School
(928)726-5330 School Fax
Rev. Vincent Harman, Senior Pastor
Rev. Mark Johnson, Associate Pastor
Angie Schiller, YLS Principal
David Toensing, Director of Music
Pastor Vince and Tammy Harman
Inside this Issue:
Sarah Harman Memorial 3on3 BBall
Pastor’s Letter
YLS News
CARE Ministry
Youth Ministry
Around the Congregation
Z Fun Factory Season Pass Fundraiser
Those Who Serve
Calendar of Events
There was great competition both on the inside and outside courts.
Congratulations to all of the winners!
The Good News
April 2015
Easter Hope
Vince Harman
Mark Johnson
Dear Friends of Jesus,
This month we celebrate one of the
greatest events in the history of the world,
the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And yet,
when you read the resurrection accounts
you can’t help but notice that even though
Jesus had risen from the dead, there were
still many people, including believers,
without hope. In Luke 24:17 we read,
“They stood still, their faces downcast.
One of them name Cleopas, asked him,
‘Are you (speaking to Jesus) only a visitor
to Jerusalem and do not know the things
that have happened there in these days?’
‘What things?’ he asked. ‘About Jesus of
Nazareth,’ they replied. ‘He was a
prophet, powerful in word and deed before
God and all the people. The chief priests
and our rulers handed him over to be
sentenced to death, and they crucified him;
but we had hoped that he was the one who
was going to redeem Israel. And what is
more, it is the third day since all this took
place.’” Jesus then said to them, “’How
foolish you are, and how slow of heart to
believe all that the prophets have spoken!
Did not the Christ have to suffer these
things and then enter his glory?’ And
beginning with Moses and all the
Prophets, he explained to them what was
said in all the Scriptures concerning
himself.” And then in verse 31 we read,
“Then their eyes were opened and they
recognized him.”
How many people in the world are living
without hope because they don’t recognize
Jesus? Worse yet, how many Christians live
as if they have no hope even though Jesus
has risen from the dead? The truth is all of
us, at times, have doubted our Savior who
redeemed us from sin and death and has
given us the victory over all things through
his glorious resurrection. We have doubted
even though Jesus lives.
What we all need, like the disciples on
the Emmaus road, is God’s Word. God’s
Word that keeps us in the faith and close to
Jesus. God’s Word that empowers us to
believe and not doubt; and God’s Word that
The Good News
gives us hope each day we live. We all need
God’s Word so that we will always see Jesus
as our Lord and Savior.
This Easter let me encourage you not
only to come and celebrate with us but just
as important invite a friend, relative, or even
a stranger to come and worship with us.
We will begin a new sermon series called,
“Liar, Liar.” We’ll roll back the lies and
discover how these lies impact our lives.
We will also discover the truth and life that
God offers through His Son, Jesus Christ.
My prayer is that God’s Word will help you
and all those in attendance see Jesus as the
Way and the Truth and the Life. That
God’s Word will strengthen your faith or
empower you to believe for the first time in
Jesus who gives hope in a hopeless world.
Looking forward to seeing you on Easter if
not before!
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Pastor Harman
April 2015
What’s Your Plan?
‘For I know the plans I have for you’, declares the Lord, ‘Plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you a hope and a future’. ~ Jeremiah 29:11
A Ministry of Christ Lutheran Church
Angie Schiller
Registration is going so well! As
expected, we have full classes in
kindergarten and preschool-full day. If you
know someone interested in attending
Yuma Lutheran next year, encourage them
to contact the school office as soon as
possible. We continue to receive
applications every day and we don’t want
anyone to miss out on the opportunity to be
here! Currently we have 315 students
enrolled and 74 of them are new students!
God continues to bless our work here at
Yuma Lutheran School!
The Spring BBQ was a HUGE success!
Hopefully you were able to attend, or to
stop by to see all of the fun events. From
the silent auction, to horseback rides, the
kids all seemed to be having a blast! Spring
Break begins March 30 and ends April 3.
I’m sure we’re all looking forward to some
‘down’ time!!
Have you seen our Yuma Lutheran
School Facebook Page? Make sure you
check it out and ‘like’ it! We have lots of
pictures and you can see what we’ve been
up to.
Please continue to keep Yuma Lutheran
School, the staff and the students in your
prayers. We know that He has a great plan
for this place and thank Him for a
congregation that shows us so much
Thrivent members can help determine
where Thrivent distributes part of its
charitable outreach funds. Contact your
Thrivent representative or call 800-8474836 to find out how you can designate
your Choice Dollar amount to Yuma
Lutheran School. (optional this month!)
Don’t forget that your state taxes can
help students attend Yuma Lutheran.
School Tuition Organizations, or STO’s,
allow Arizona tax-payers a dollar-for-dollar
tax credit on their Arizona income tax
return. Please contact the School Tuition
Association of Yuma (STAY) at 928-7825786 or Yuma’s Education Scholarship
Fund for Kids (YES) at 928-314-0033 to
find out how you can help students attend
Yuma Lutheran School.
Our monthly Yuma Lutheran School Board meeting was held on
March 2nd. As of that date our enrollment was 353 students.
Ms. Angela Hunt from Y.E.S. (Yuma Education Scholarship Fund)
presented information on the YES Scholarship and how it works and
helps YLS students and their families. It works through the state
income tax system, similar to STAY, so that students can receive
scholarship to attend Yuma Lutheran School.
Susan Johnson, a YLS graduate and now High School student, spoke
to the Board as well. Her talk was very interesting to our Board, as she
described her experiences in making the transition to High School.
The Board reviewed the current YLS and Surround Care budget and discussed the
new budget for the upcoming 2015/2016 School year. That budget will be submitted to
the Mission & Ministry Council for their approval.
Our school community is growing, with 74 new and 315 returning students enrolled
for next school year. God continues to bless YLS in many ways!
God’s Blessings
Dave Cummins
Chairman YLS School Board
The Good News
April 2015
S is for Savior, Sanguinetti, Dr. Seuss, shamrock shakes, subs,
and Spring!
A Ministry of Christ Lutheran Church
Spring has sprung! We are all about Easter,
new life and baby animals in pre k! We
enjoyed some very special guest visitors;
baby bunnies and even two baby chicks! We
tasted green eggs and ham and had to pick
up after those crazy leprechauns on St.
Patrick’s Day. We also woke our bears up
from hibernation and enjoyed a teddy bear
picnic. We’ve learned all 26 letters in the
alphabet and are ready to ride the bullet
train to kindergarten!
Mrs. Penny’s class learned
about the Trinity using
shamrocks and enjoyed making
(and eating!)shamrock shakes
for St. Patrick’s Day!
Mrs. Newbold’s kindergarten class has been
busy this spring learning about animals, life
cycles, and habitats. We are going to hatch
chicks and butterflies in April! We have two
exciting field trips coming up and are enjoying
all the reading we’ve been doing. We
are also learning about Easter and
rejoicing in our risen Savior!
Thank you to everyone who supported the YLS Handbell Choir and the
Sanquinetti House Museum. The students were the first handbell group to
play at that location. The upper grade students are getting ready for their
concert on Thursday, May 7th in the Church. More details will follow.
The YLS Music program is still collecting used cell phones and ink cartridges to purchase
music and instruments. Drop them off in the school office. Thank you for your help.
Want to see more pictures? Keep up to date with our school events, and see all the
fun and learning at Want to know more
about PTO events and projects? Like us at
Crusaders’ Cook’s Night Off
Each month the PTO of YLS will be sponsoring a restaurant
takeover, where a portion of the proceeds will be donated to
This month we are heading to
on April 21st. More details will be
announced as they become available!
It was a 4 alarm packed house
at Firehouse Subs in March.
Thank you to everyone who has supported the monthly restaurant takeovers.
The Good News
April 2015
“…and also if anyone competes in athletics, he is
not crowned unless he competes according to the
rules.” ~2 Timothy 2:5
“For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is
profitable for all things, having promise of the life
that now is and of that which is to come.”
~1 Timothy 4: 8
The Sarah Harman Memorial 3 on 3
Basketball Tournament was held
recently on the campus of YLS/
CLC. It was a great event that was
enjoyed by all that participated
and also by all the fans! It was
the inspiration of Pastor
Harman…as a way to bring
more people from the Yuma
community onto our campus, have
a fund raiser for the youth that will
be going to the National Youth Gathering,
and to pay tribute to their daughter Sarah
who loved to play basketball! Sarah played
basketball when she was a student at YLS
and on a Yuma city team. When she
attended Yuma Catholic High School she
played all 4 years. With her competitive
spirit she would have enjoyed playing on a
team of 3 in a tournament like this! It was
wonderful to see all of the 37 teams playing
their hearts out whether it was on the
parking lot or in the air conditioned activity
center…or if it were teams of youth or teams
of ‘youth gone by’! It was also great to see so
many volunteers helping with all aspects of
the tournament! There were the ladies that
took CARE of the registration, all those who
helped with set up and take down, the time
keepers (which included some of the AWC
basketball players), First Aid staff, the youth
who manned the concession stand, and the
“guys behind the scene” that made sure the
tournament stayed on schedule. We were
also blessed by all those who provided and
served the delicious tri tip lunch to those in
attendance! All of these volunteers had the
spirit of CARE-ing within them to help make
this event in Sarah’s name a great success!
The best news is that this tournament is
going to be held annually with the
anticipation that it will grow each year and
involve many more teams. It will be fun to
see just how big it can get! What made this
tournament even more special is that Pastor
Harman gathered the participants together
The Good News
before tipoff to say a prayer and to remind
everyone that this event for the community
was Christ centered!
A 3 on 3 tournament is a family oriented
event that has set rules so that games are
played competitively but safely. These rules
are important so teams play fairly and
injuries are kept to a minimum. (Good
news…only a band aid was given out
during the tourney!) It is interesting to
note that the need for rules in athletics
is even stated in the Bible as written
in 2 Timothy 2:5, “…and also
if anyone competes in
athletics, he is not crowned,
unless he competes according to
the rules”! If we don’t by faith trust
in Jesus as our Savior we won’t be
crowned with the gift of eternal life.
These are some of the rules that were
followed for the 3 on 3 games of basketball:
< There would be 3 players on each
team along with 1 substitute.
< The games would be played for 25
minutes, and a team must win by 1
< A coin flip prior to the start of the
game determines which team has
initial possession.
< The ball changes possession after
each scored basket.
< The offensive team must “pass the
ball in” before a shot is attempted.
All of these rules kept the games going
smoothly with ultimately one team winning.
Some of the rules, or the ten
commandments in the game of a Christian
life are:
< You shall have no other gods.
< You shall not misuse the name of the
Lord your God.
< Remember the Sabbath day by
keeping it holy.
< Honor your father and your mother.
< 5-7. You shall not murder…not
commit adultery…not steal.
All of these rules or commandments are to
help keep our lives running smoothly. But
because we have sinned, we know we can
only “win” by believing in Jesus Christ as
our Lord and Savior…who gave His life for
the forgiveness of our sins on Good Friday.
The ‘winning shot’ was scored on Easter
April 2015
(Continued on page 6)
(Continued from page 5)
Sunday when He rose from the dead.
Pastor Harman recently gave the
congregation a test at the beginning of the
sermon. He asked each of us to write down
all of the 10 commandments word for word
perfectly. We weren’t to play 3 on 3…but 1
on 1 with God’s Word! He gave us 2 minutes
to take this test. He then asked if we passed
the test. By the reaction in the congregation
it didn’t seem anyone did. He then asked if
we would pass the test of life …that is do we
always show our love for God? Do we
always CARE for everyone in our lives? Do
we always live our faith? Do we always play
the game of life fairly? Pastor went on to say
that we all know that we have broken every
commandment again and again and again.
We deserve death to lose the game of life. He
then reminded us that God sent Jesus to pass
the test for us as He lived perfectly. He never
missed a shot! He became sin for us and
because He lives…we don’t die but will live
forever with Him. Amen! God brought us
out of the slavery of sin and will bring us to
the promised land of heaven. We can now
see the ten commandments in a whole new
light. By God’s spirit we live our lives for
God instead of living for ourselves. We look
at our neighbors through His eyes and take
the time to CARE for each of them as we
share our faith. We are on God’s team and
God’s Spirit moves us to live for Him and
serve others.
1 Timothy 4:8 sums up the game of life
well when it states, “For bodily exercise
profits a little, but godliness is profitable for
all things, having promise of the life that now
is and that which to come.”
CARE Ministry Leaders:
CARE Ministry Coordinator
Twylah Wahl—343-2724,
Church Service CD Ministry
Dorothy Doyle—819-0445
Funeral Luncheon Ministry
Nancy Pendleton—257-6257
Greeting Card Ministry
Lillian Furrow—750-2491
Health Services Ministry
Penny Esmeier—580-2341
Meals Ministry
Shelly Pensky—344-4694
CARE Baskets
Kay Krahling—562-743-6898
Military Ministry
Mona Kaczmarczyk—341-0253
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Lotte DePoule 436-8432
Prayer Network Ministry
Church Office 726-0773
Helen Norris—341-1927
CARE Coordinator
Prayer Shawl Ministry-The ladies will meet
for the last time this season Monday, April
20th at 1:00 in the conference room. They
continue to make prayer shawls and items
for the children at Phoenix Children’s
Hospital and the Ronald McDonald House
in Tucson. Thank you to each of these ladies
for their dedication and commitment to this
important ministry. Through your hard work
and faith in Jesus Christ many people’s lives
are better as they were comforted with the
shawls, hats, lap blankets, etc. that you made
with love! Thank you to Lottie for being the
coordinator this past season…all of your
hard work and effort was greatly appreciated!
Military Ministry-If you have suggestions for
this ministry and would like to get involved
please contact the CARE coordinator. If you
have a neighbor that is in the military and is
stationed in Yuma…think about inviting
them to church at CLC and sharing your
faith with them!
CARE Basket Ministry-Thank you to
everyone that donated baskets to Kay for
future deliveries…they will be filled with
‘treats’ for someone’s delight! You never
know whose door Kay and Don will knock
on for a special CARE basket delivery!
Thank you!
To God Be the Glory!
The Good News
April 2015
At War? Be a Well Equipped Warrior!
Have you noticed anything happening in
our culture—a backlash against Christians
and the Bible? Not just in the middle east or
communist countries—but happening right
here in America. There are more Christians
suffering severe persecution in the world now
than in all time put together. We see what’s
happening in other parts of the world, but
there is much persecution happening right
here in our own country—not at the level as
in, say, the middle east, but it is definitely on
the up-rise and growing rapidly!
Surprised? We shouldn’t be. Jesus
promised that we would suffer persecution
for His sake. In John 15:18 He said, ”If the
world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me
first.” And in V 20...”If they persecuted me,
they will persecute you.” Scripture is full of
passages that speak of suffering for Christ’s
sake. We don’t have the space to go into
them now, but remember what Christ also
said: “I consider that our present sufferings are
not worth comparing with the glory that will be
revealed in us.” Rom 8:18. And “I have told
you these things, so that in me you may have
peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But
take heart! I have overcome the world.” John
Yes—Jesus had much to say about being
persecuted for being a Christian—but He
also gave us much hope and comfort—and
encouragement with PROMISE! Just
remember—“Our struggle is not against flesh
and blood, but against the rulers, against the
authorities, against the powers of this dark
world and against the spiritual forces of evil in
the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full
armor of God so that when the day of evil
comes, you may be able to stand your ground”
Eph. 6:12-13 ff
The “day of evil” is here! We are in a
spiritual battle—every day and every hour!
If it is not with our own sinful nature and the
temptations that assail us every day, it will be
some form of persecution—derision, ridicule,
discrimination, false accusation, maybe job
loss, or much more. And the time is coming
when these things will seem small and petty.
We should not dismay, but take heart!
Jesus promised to be with us and fill us with
His Spirit and give us whatever we need to
The Good News
stand firm. Our faith may be tested—but the
good thing is—if we lean on Christ, our faith
will GROW—in leaps and bounds. (Did
you know that Christianity grows under
persecution—and declines during the “good
The real question is—how will I react?
Will I conform to the culture or those around
me so they won’t pick on me? Remember
the thousands of little children who, at this
very moment, are refusing to deny their faith
in Jesus and boldly facing the executioner!
That alone gives me resolve! The stories of
persecuted Christians have taught me SO
MUCH about faith—and about MY faith!
Especially seeing how God gives them the
strength to stand firm and JOY in suffering!
“The JOY of the Lord is your strength” Neh.
8:10b Their stories are amazing!
Our lives can be a witness in the midst
of persecution. In fact—we can do more for
the cause of Christ by being strong in the
Lord through suffering, than anything else.
People are watching. They are wanting you
to give in. Hoping that you will succumb to
cultural pressure to be like everyone else.
Pressuring you to put your faith aside and go
with the flow! In these times, we need to call
on God’s Spirit to give us strength, to
sharpen our faith, to recall His Word—
which is our weapon—the “Sword of the
Spirit.” Ephesians 6:17
What is our weapon in our Spiritual
Battle? God’s Word!! (Ephesians 6:17)
How can we be armed and ready without
studying, spending time in, and learning
God’s Word? We are to “Read, mark, learn
and inwardly digest” (quoted from our
Lutheran liturgy but also can be found in the
prayer books of many other denominations.)
This requires more than hearing the Word
spoken and read on Sunday morning. Pray
that God would give you a hunger to be in
His Word, to learn from it, apply it to your
life and to equip you to “always be prepared
to give an answer to everyone who asks you to
give the reason for the HOPE that you have.
But do this with gentleness and respect.” (I
Peter 3:15) This answer is given you in
God’s Word.
April 2015
(Continued on page 9)
Easter Sunday, April 5th
Begins at 7:30am in the Activity Center
Everyone is invited!
Thank you to everyone who has donated items for
the annual Easter Breakfast. A free-will offering
will be taken at the breakfast for High School youth
planning to attend the National Youth Gathering.
Stop by the Christ Lutheran Church/Yuma
Lutheran School booth at the Yuma County Fair to
spot our Youth actively involved!!!
Fridays, 6:30-8:30pm
In the Activity Center
Jesus, Food, and Fun are always
*Will not meet on April 3rd or 17th.
Sundays, 9:30-10:30am
Mr. Harman’s room
Sundays, 9:30-10:30am
In the Conference Room
We are currently studying a video series
called “Liquid”, which applies Biblical
history/parables into modern-day
events teenagers face.
On April 24 , from 6pm to
midnight, the Yuma Lutheran
School 6th, 7th, and 8th graders
will hold a Lock-In at the
Activity Center. Dodgeball,
movies, pizza, minute-to-win-it
games, and other activities are planned. Pre-sale
tickets are $5.00 and are available at YLS office, or
$7.00 at the door on the day of the lock-in.
1 Tim
The Good News
***Follow Christ
Youth Ministry on
facebook, twitter,
and instagram***
Any questions,
comments, concerns,
problems, answers,
solutions, or
confessions please
call Matt Dusek
(928-304-8336) or
Liz Thompson
April 2015
Sundays, 6-8pm
In the Church
Food is always available and our
lessons are Christ-centered around
topics related to young adults! Get
involved and join the upcoming
Canada Mission Team, CLC Service
Team, and look for info about the
National Youth Gathering in New
Orleans in 2016!
*Will not meet on April 5th
The college-age/Young Adult Small
Group is looking for a new day and
time to meet. This Group started out
strong but has met with some
challenges due to class schedules,
homework, employment, and early
closure at the Starbucks on AWC
campus. We have several college
students involved in our Church so
please text or call Liz or Matt with any
meeting time/day ideas to continue this
Group!! Let’s get this Holy Huddle
going again!
Holy Week Elders and Acolytes
Thursday, April 2nd @ 7pm
Elders: Bill Esmeier, Sr. and Kelly Keithly
Acolytes: Eden Newbold and
Lilly Lammel
Friday, April 3rd @ 7pm
Acolyte: Emma Singer
Thank you so much for your prayers, cards,
phone calls, and visits while I was in the
hospital and at home.
God bless, Ruby
Thank You to all my Forever Friends at Christ
Lutheran. I thank you for all the prayers you
have offered up on my behalf. I know they
brought me through with flying colors. I also
thank the prayer shawl ladies for my shawl. I
am using it daily. Thank you to the Care
Committee for the basket of goodies and thank
you to Pastor Harman & Johnson for their
prayers, concerns and visits. God is
Good! Alice Ehmen
Donations Needed!
A member of our congregation is in need of
furniture: bed, dresser, table, chairs. If you
are able to donate any furniture, please
contact the church office. Thank you!
Dale Avenson in Concert!
Dale Avenson will be performing at his
annual piano concert at the Yuma Main
Library on Thursday, April 9th at 3pm.
(Continued from page 7)
Think you can’t memorize? Jesus has an
answer to that: “. . .do not worry about how you
will defend yourselves or what you will say, for
the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what
you should say.” Luke 12:11-12 And, “But
make up your mind not to worry beforehand how
you will defend yourselves. For I will give you
words and wisdom that none of your adversaries
will be able to resist or contradict.” Luke 21:1415 If we spend time in God’s Word, He will
help you recall what you learned. But—for
this to happen, we need to be CONNECTED
TO JESUS: “I am the vine; you are the
branches. If a man remains in me and I in him,
he will bear much fruit: apart from Me you can
do nothing.” John 15:5
We are called to be warriors in an ongoing
spiritual battle! God is our captain! He
provides our armor, our strength and
inspiration, and the weapons (His Word!) that
we need to follow Him into the fray and claim
His Victory!
The Good News
Sunday, April 19th @ 2pm
At Myrtle Paulsen’s house.
Call the church office for directions.
Congratulations to Haley Johnson!
She will be recognized at a special
Celebration of Ministry service at Concordia
University-Irvine as she and other senior
graduating students will be preparing for first
calls or continuing toward certification or
ordination. The service will take place on
April 9th at 7pm in the CU Center. If you
are not able to attend the service, it will be
streamed live at
April 2015
Waylon’s Water World & Yuma Lutheran School
Teaming Up Together
You can purchase a Waylon’s Water World Season Pass for $125
(a $50 savings). A portion will be donated to YLS. When you come
into purchase your pass just mention Yuma Lutheran School
and you will receive the special rate.
Z Fun Factory
4446 E. Co. 10th St.
(928) 726-6000
Yuma, AZ 85365
Offer expires April 30th, 2015
Lenny (lead) & Carol
Miller; Charles & Ruth
Baker; Al Conaway, Ken
Harry & Susanna
Jason & Dawn Geszvain,
Matt & Mindy Dusek
Bert Morgan and
Renata Ruth
Dick & Barb Bruce
Chris, Angie, Alex, Max,
and Jaxson Schiller
Charles & Ruth Baker
Shelly Hook, Brenda Dennis, Lois Korth, Susie DePuy, Vicki Fruend
6:30 Isaiah Schlechte
8 Elyse Sheppard and
Dallas Wilson
9:30 Hannah and
Wyatt Knutson
8 Dan Esch
Dave & Sharon
9:30 Don Krahling Cummins, Paul
11 Steve Watkins
11 Jacob and Thomas
8 Gregory Harbolt
8 Dave Ohlde
11 Cookie Rubida and 9:30 Dan Chavez
Grace Torok
11 Dave Cummins
8 David and Jimmy
11 Kyaah Knutson
8 Karsten Hanson
11 Eden Newbold and
Jessee McCurley
8 Randy
9:30 Mark Spencer
11 Rich Knutson
8 Jim Hanson
9:30 Richard
11 Tony Harman
6:30 Al Schutt
8 Bill Esmeier, Sr.
9:30 Steve Watkins
11 Steve Watkins
Mark & Karen
Spencer, Pat
8 Kelly Keithly
9:30 Bruce Paulsen
11 Dan Geszvain
Patty Larson,
Dave & Mona
8 Al Schutt
9:30 Keith Dennis
11 Dan Geszvain
8 Bill Esmeier, Sr.
Rex Pope,
Lila Reynoldson, 9:30 Bruce Paulsen
Ann Tennant
11 Dan Geszvain
The Acolyte schedule for Holy Week Services is on page 9.
The Good News
April 2015
Jacque Carruthers
Marcie Schultz
April Taylor
4 Nichole Ahlstrom
Jo Thompson
Joseph Campbell
5 Norman Brustad
Luke Harbolt
Eric Snyder
6 Velma Harrison
Terry Schutt
8 Gary Wahl
Katherine Simms
9 Ryker Sellers
10 Elyse Sheppard
11 Andrew Steinly
13 George Franklin
Atilio Giangreco
Betsy Boggust
14 Ashley Simms
James Yager
15 Ann Franklin
Edite Seamans
17 Aldo Millan
18 Katie Rubida
20 Kylie Campbell
Linda Shank
Jayne Wright
22 Edwin Hovatter
Carter Hull
Sue Kirk
23 Richard Campbell
Josh Penny
Rob Petersen
Robbie Petersen
24 Darlene Brown
Hope Gettings
Kyle Penny
25 Aaron Szloboda
26 Diana Metelski
Joyce Stegeman
Lukas Tyree
Apryl Brand
27 Heiress McCurley
Norma Mohr
Joel Spencer
29 Carrie Harman
Baptismal Birthdays
Norman & Janice Brustad ~ 56 years!!
David & Staisha Hinojosa ~ 8 years!!
Gregory & Yolanda Torok ~ 9 years!!
Thomas & Michel Eilers ~ 28 years!!
Keith & Ruth Kukuk ~ 65 years!!
Michael & Joyce Stegeman ~ 40 years!!
Daniel & Cathy Padilla ~ 25 years!!
Gene & Penny Urbatsch ~ 30 years!!
Frank & Verna Dowden ~ 55 years!!
Dan & Becky Chavez ~ 36 years!!
David & Diana Metelski ~ 30 years!!
Gene & Lori Hafner ~ 60 years!!
Steve & Amy Botelho ~ 3 years!!
Harry & Susanna Hitchcock ~ 31 years!!
Roger & Megan Peacock ~ 9 years!!
Juan Correa
March 29th
Timothy Ratcliff
March 21st
The Good News
Scott Binder
Dick Bruce
Joe Campbell
Dominic Castillo
Alex Chastain
Sammie Chastain
Inez Collins
Kaitlyn Dennis
Dayn Dusek
T. J. Eilers
Lauren Eilers
Raeann Eilers
Annie Fisher
Joe Fisher
John Fisher
Armeda Freel
Julia Garcia
Ian Hanson
Karsten Hanson
Sue Hanson
Melia Harman
Noelani Harman
Velma Harrison
Peg Henderson
April 2015
Sara Johnson
Susan Johnson
Cheryl Keithly
Kay Krahling
Kyla Lim
Doyle McCurley
Lillian McCurley
Will McNeil
Dakota Meeks
Madeline Millan
Jennifer Ratcliff
Jim Sargent
Terry Schutt
Eric Snyder
Ken Snyder
Robert Snyder
Lois Sunderman
Ray Thompson
Daniel VargasHopper
David Watts
Dallas Wilson
Dylan Wilson
The Good News
April 2015