March 2014 - Christ Lutheran Church


March 2014 - Christ Lutheran Church
March 2014
Reaching Out With the Good News of Jesus Christ to all Generations
Christ Lutheran Church
Yuma Lutheran School
2555 S Engler Avenue
Yuma, AZ 85365
(928)726-0773 Church
(928)726-6674 Church Fax
(928)726-8410 School
(928)726-5330 School Fax
Chad Block served up some fun at the 70’s
area with such dance classics as “The
Hustle” and the “Electric Slide”. It was a
highlight of the event enjoyed by everyone!
Rev. Vincent Harman, Senior Pastor
Rev. Mark Johnson, Associate Pastor
Chad Block, YLS Principal
David Toensing, Director of Music
Inside this Issue:
50th Anniversary Celebration
Pastor’s Letter
YLS News
CARE Ministry Updates
Around the Congregation
Those Who Serve
February Celebrations
February Calendar of Events
Kid’s Page
The Fisher family served up lemonade and
BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs to a hungry
and thirsty crowd.
See page 2 for more fun pictures of the
Or check out our Facebook page
The Good News
March 2014
Thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed the Neighborhood Block
Party! It was a joyous occasion to celebrate God’s gifts and blessings!
Thank you to all who helped to organize, setup and work the various
booths and made the event a huge success: Becky Chavez; Annie Fisher;
Bruce & Joyce Jensen; Keith Dennis; Curt Weber; Al Schutt; Jay, Dakota
and Jordan Meeks; Chad Block; Matt Dusek; Tony & Carrie Harman;
Staisha Hinojosa; Bob Marshall; Dan Chavez; Boy Scouts; Wayne Eide;
Robert, Dawn, and Tyler Echols; Marilyn Lammel; Nick Files; Jerich and
Aryx Lopez; Malibu Walter; Paeden Jackson; Nicole Hinrichs; Kim HillOlsen; Allison Osowski; Doyle McCurley; John and Garret Fleming;
Brittany Graham; YLS Orchestra directed by Maggie Fenske; Penny
Esmeier; Art Becker; Pastor & Tammy Harman; Duane & Patty Sheppard;
Dave & Mona Kaczmarczyk; Richard & Joyce Campbell; Bruce & Cynthia
Paulsen; Dannette Penny; Susanna & Harry Hitchcock; Debbie Sebree;
Dan Geszvain; Pastor Johnson; Lyndsee Flint; Matthew Bell, Robin
Fisher, Ron Larson. And thanks and praise to God for His overflowing
blessings. May He continue to bless Christ Lutheran Church with many
more years of ministry in Yuma.
(top, left): Kids of all ages enjoyed the blow up slide; (top right): Attendees watched a history of Christ Lutheran Church
through pictures in the sanctuary; (bottom): YLS orchestra students treated listeners to some beautiful music under the
direction of Maggie Fenske. For more pictures of the event, check out our Facebook page at
ChristLutheranChurchYuma. Like our page to keep up to date with all the latest news!
The Good News
March 2014
Vince Harman
Mark Johnson
Dear Friends of Jesus,
This month we begin the season of Lent.
Lent is a forty day journey in which we are
reminded of God's greatest gift of love - the
gift of His Son Jesus Christ. Because of
God’s great love for us Jesus willingly and
sacrificially gave Himself, even unto death,
so that we will have eternal life. Now that's
love. We will be celebrating this great love
of God beginning with Ash Wednesday on
March 5th.
The theme for our Lenten Services is:
"Restored in Christ.” This season will give
us the opportunity for us to face the
brokenness of our lives and our world, and
then turn that brokenness over to Christ so
that we can be restored by Him through the
cross. Each service will focus on a certain
event in the Lenten story and takes a good,
hard look at a broken element from that
particular story. Coming to an
understanding of how each of these broken
elements leads to restoration in Christ is key
to understanding what it ultimately means
to live today as new creations in Christ.
We will begin with “Broken
Hearts” (Joel 2:12-14). Our hearts are
broken in sorrow over sin; Christ restores
our hearts through His forgiveness. We then
will move to “Broken Vessel” (Mark 14:19). A broken vessel holds costly perfume;
we are broken vessels restored by Christ.
Next we will take a look at “Broken
Trust” (Mathew 26:14-25). Judas breaks his
trust with Jesus by betraying Him; our
broken trust is restored through the sacrifice
of Christ. After that we will be looking at
“Broken Bread” (John 6:48-58). Bread is
broken at the Last Supper; we are restored
through the Bread of Life, Jesus. Next we
will take a look at “Broken
Promises.” (Mathew 26:69-75). Peter’s
broken promises to never deny Jesus are
restored by the surpassing love of Christ.
And finally we will take a look at “Broken
Justice.” (2 Corinthians 5:20-21). A broken
justice system put Jesus on the cross; we are
restored when by His death and are declared
not guilty.
Have a blessed Lenten journey!
In Christ,
The Good News
Lenten Services will be held
Wednesdays at 7p.m. &
Thursday afternoons at 12p.m.
Soup Suppers will be served
on Wednesdays at 6pm in the
Activity Center. Sign up on
Sundays to bring soup, bread,
or dessert!
My prayer is that all of us will journey to the
cross and the empty tomb together as God's
family. If you have never been to one of our
Lenten services or it has been a long time
since you have come, join us as we journey
to the cross of Christ.
March 2014
Letter from the Principal
A Ministry of Christ Lutheran Church
Chad Block
Open registration for the 2014-2015
school year begins March 3rd. If you know
someone who has questions about our
school or is interested in a tour, please have
them contact me in the school office.
Discounts are available for families who
register early.
The annual Spring BBQ will be on
Saturday, March 22nd, from 3-6 pm. The
meal includes pit BBQ with all the
trimmings, and dessert will be available for
an additional cost. There will also be
games, rides, face painting, the book fair,
and silent auction items. Please purchase
your tickets in the school office. We invite
everyone to come out and join us for an
afternoon of fun and fellowship in support
of Yuma Lutheran School.
Yuma Lutheran School and Christ
Lutheran Church will again sponsor a booth
at the Yuma County Fair. We are looking
for volunteers to host the booth throughout
the week. If you are able to volunteer,
please contact the church or school office
for available times.
As a Thrivent member, you can help
determine where Thrivent distributes part of
its charitable outreach funds. Contact your
Thrivent representative or call 800-847-4836
to find out how you can designate your
Choice Dollar amount to Yuma Lutheran
Remember that even though you may
not know a specific student to
recommend, your general donation to
STAY can help students attend Yuma
Lutheran School. Even if you do not know
current students that you would like to
recommend, we receive general funds from
STAY that are used to help families with
multiple students, military families who
may not have family in the state of Arizona,
and anyone else who has expressed a
financial hardship. Please contact your tax
advisor for more information, and thanks in
advance for considering a donation. You
have until April 15th!
Congratulations to these winners!
Gwen Brack, Isabel Torok—runner-up
6:30pm in the Church
Geography Bee
Everyone is welcome!
Spelling Bee
Sam Cheung, Noah Ramirez—runner-up
This is an opportunity for students to play
a solo or a small group song with a few
friends. Students have come so far this
year and it has been a joy to see them
Science Fair
Over All
1 – Dakota Meeks
2 – Brooke Diviney
3 – Brady Shill
8th Grade
1 – Cassidy Legros and Sidney Northrup
2 – Mia Thelander
3 – Anna Baldwin
Older students will soon be getting ready
for a community “Celebration of Strings”
concert on May 10th at Kofa High School.
6th Grade
1 – Emilee Cumming
2 – Nikki Fila
3 – Gage Reese and Austin Pacewic
The Good News
March 2014
A Ministry of Christ Lutheran Church
March is a busy month for YLS. With
Spring comes the annual BBQ, an orchestra
recital, several celebrations of Dr. Seuss,
and the students, like Spring, are
blossoming in their learning and faith.
Here are a few more highlights!
Mrs. Kist’s full day pre k class has made
it to 100 days of school and beyond. We’ve
now covered all 26 letters in the alphabet
and with the help of our Zoo Phonics
Animal friends we can make all 26 sounds!
We’re looking ahead to spring, sunshine
and growing in God’s love!
Mrs. Newbold’s Kindergarten class
learned about lots of fun things last month
including love and friendship, dental
health, presidents of the United States, and
fairy tales! We’ve been exploring rocks and
the earth in science and in religion we’re
learning about how Jesus loves us.
Miss Hamel’s Kindergarten class has
been having a great time learning about
money and the history of our Presidents.
We are looking forward to telling time and
animal habitats. The class is also reading
up a storm.
February flew by in 1st grade. Trying to
understand “winter” and “snow” can be a
bit challenging, living in Yuma. The
students have been learning more about our
county’s presidents which has been a
highlight. March is just around the corner
and Spring is almost here. This is an
exciting time of year as the 1st graders
blossom with the flowers. At the beginning
of March, we will be recognizing Dr. Seuss’
birthday in our classes in various ways. At
the end of March the 1st grades will be
leading chapel.
The 2nd graders learned all about
Geometry in math and motion and simple
machines in science. We enjoy reading
several Dr. Seuss books as we celebrate his
birthday this month. We continue to add
pages to our scrapbooks in art and this
month will add our lucky shamrock page
for St. Patrick’s Day!
Our 2nd/3rd grade combo is has been
busy learning cursive and they are so
excited about it! During Science we have
begun learning about plant life.
Several of our students have families that
work in the Agricultural industry and we
hope to have some hands-on experience
with plants to make our study come alive!
Things are jumping in Mrs. Paulsen’s 3rd
grade classroom! We had a wonderful time
raising donations for heart research by
jumping rope, doing relays, and racing in
the gym. The big block party for church
was a blast! Games, food, friends, music
and crazy booths made for an awesome
day. Report cards for 3rd quarter were
handed out and it’s exciting to think about
being “pretty soon” 4th graders! Only one
more quarter and we’ll be swimming,
vacationing, video gaming, and then
wishing we were back to school with our
friends in no time! We are getting excited
about our annual San Diego Zoo trip
coming up. With the weather warming up
again, recess is our most favorite subject!
God blesses us every day with His
“Sonshine” and we are growing in His
grace. Pray for us, please. We want to do
what is good….
Mrs. Franklin’s fourth grade is working
hard. We’re learning to add and subtract
fractions. We’re learning about forces in
science. We had a great field trip to the
Yuma Territorial Prison and looked for
burrowing owls at the West Wetlands Park
owl habitat. We are reading up a storm
and having fun with our varied writing
projects. Most importantly we are learning
about Jesus and His work on earth. Isn’t it
wonderful that we can learn about our
Savior each and every day and that we can
study His word?
Mrs. Echols can’t believe in just a few
weeks we will be in the 4th quarter. How
time flies in 4th/5th combo! We have
started geometry and fractions in math.
The students loved geometry. In February
we worked on a poetry book and will be
finishing those up. I can’t wait for the
students to share those at home. They have
been very creative and ask to work on them
in free time. With Easter coming up we are
learning about the life of Jesus between His
birth, death and resurrection. We flew
through pronouns and are working on
adverbs. The 4th graders visited the
Territorial Prison and West Wetlands park
to visit the owl habitat. The owls were
hiding, but proof that they lived there was
Continued on page 6...
The Good News
March 2014
A Ministry of Christ Lutheran Church
The Spring BBQ, Silent Auction and Family Fun Day will be held Saturday, March 22nd
from 3-6 pm. Pitted BBQ and all the works will be served along with desserts. Silent
Auction Baskets from all YLS classes will entice many ranging from those with a sweet
tooth with the Baker’s Basket to those who want to work off the sweets with the Working
It Out Basket. The book fair will kick off the same day. Kiddie rides, big slide, photo
booth, crazy cars, and lots more family fun!
Continued from page 5…
all around. They also learned a lot about
some Yuma history at the prison. God
Mrs. Stuebs’ fifth grade had a wonderful
trip to West Wetlands Park for some
fishing! It was great to see how excited all
the kids were. Many even caught a fish or
two. After fishing we ate and returned to
school. It was a wonderful field trip. Each
and every day the students are growing in
reading fluency and comprehension. Keep
up the great work fifth grade!
Lutheran Schools Week at the end of
January was awesome! The 6th graders
loved the dress-up spirit days, field day, and
the softball game. The 6th grade students
also had their science projects proudly on
display that week. All their hard work was
The Good News
evident as there were several top winners
from the 6th grade. And finally, to finish
this exciting week, the 6th graders spent a
day at the Renaissance Festival. It was the
culmination of their study of the
Renaissance period in history class.
The seventh grade is working hard. We
will soon be changing gears in science to
study cells, heredity, and classification.
Our eighth graders are working on
machines and power in science and will be
moving onto electricity and magnetism
In 7th grade English we continue to
study grammar (verbs, adverbs,
prepositions) to improve our writing skills.
Literature is focusing on finding theme in
short stories, not always an easy task.
March 2014
“Children’s children are the crown of old men, And the
glory of children is their father.”
~ Proverbs 17:22
“One generation shall praise your works to another,
And shall proclaim Your mighty acts.”
~ Psalms 145: 4
At the end of a phone conversation with our
son and his family in Iowa, our 3 year old
grandson will say either, “I love you Grandma or
I love you Grandpa”…and I don’t think there are
any words spoken that make me feel more loved!
Out of the mouths of babes comes the most
honest and endearing words. To be a grandparent
puts you in a world of CARE-ing that is different
from when you were a parent. As a parent you
have all the responsibilities and challenges with
raising your children. As a grandparent you can
be involved to an extent…but in many situations
you can love them, spoil them, and then give
them “back” to their parents for the more difficult
tasks. Very recently we became grandparents
again as a grandson was born to our daughter and
her husband. As we waited for him to be born, I
found myself praying without ceasing for God’s
guidance in his birth and in his life to come.
What a privilege it is as grandparents to involve
God in your relationship with them…both in
your prayer world and also in your interaction
with them. We realize what a serious and difficult
world it is out there…and how important it is that
our grandchildren know who God is and the need
to have Him in their lives. No matter how close
one lives to your grandchildren or what the
relationship is with the parents of your
grandchildren…the act of praying for them can
never be taken away! CARE-ing through prayer
is so powerful!
In the book, “God Is In the Small Stuff (for
your family)” the author states that it is important
to have the third generation involved in the
raising of children. Grandparents bring stability,
balance, and strength to a family. Along with this
they bring a sense of history and heritage to the
family. A lot of times children like to hear stories
of their parents’ earlier lives and the grandparents
are the perfect source for these stories. It is a great
blessing to be grandparents. Psalm 128:55-6
illustrates it this way: “The Lord bless you out of
Zion, and may you see the good of Jerusalem all
the days of your life. Yes, may you see your
children’s children. Peace be upon Israel.”
Remembering this blessing that the Lord has
given us, we can share our lives with them.
Grandparents can also attest to God’s
continual provisions throughout the years. Their
lives tell the story of how God works in the
details and circumstances of day to day events. In
today’s world you sometimes hear grandparents
say that their children do not attend church;
The Good News
therefore their grandchildren are not given the
same Christian background as they had provided.
Sometimes you will see the grandparents are the
ones that bring the children to church, providing
the Christian CARE-ing that they need. Also, in
some circumstances, if the grandparents are able
to, they will be the ones that pay the tuition so
that their grandchildren can attend a Christian
school, such as YLS. They also will sometimes
retire where their grandchildren live…allowing
them to be in their daily lives and for all 3
generations to attend church together. This is the
case with Don and Kay Krahling, as they
relocated here a few years ago from
California….and it is heartwarming to see them
fill a pew with their daughter and her family. The
words of Psalms 145 are fulfilled when one
generation passes on the love of Christ to the next
Children will only be children with their
parents. But with the parents’ parents around,
these children can have the opportunity to be
grandchildren. All children should have the
opportunity to be grandchildren. These are
thoughts from the above mentioned book…and
are thought provoking words. They go on to say
that no child should miss the opportunity of being
a grandchild…as they are of preferred status. A
child gets disciplined…but a grandchild gets
spoiled. There are rules for a child, but a
grandchild has limited rules…because the
grandparent will give the child the opportunity to
be loved without demands or expectations.
Grandchildren should be allowed to have time
alone with their grandparents. Our children
always loved their visits to our parents’ farms in
the summer…driving the lawn tractor, playing
with cousins, climbing trees, going to the
swimming pool and the zoo, etc. They are some
of their fondest memories as young adults…and
memories we hope to make with our
grandchildren in the future. It also gives the
parents a much needed break from parenting and
time for themselves. What a special gift of
CARE-ing and love that only can be provided by
the third and sometimes fourth generations in a
Another side of being grandparents is very
evident in our society today. Many grandchildren
are being raised by grandparents…because the
parents are not able to due to substance abuse,
incarceration, mental illness, child abuse, or
death. In Arizona more than 100,000 children are
being raised by their grandparents or other
relatives. Nationwide that number is 5 million!
Grandparents raising their grandchildren must
deal with school systems, health coverage, legal
issues, financial concerns, and complex family
situations. This leaves many of these “second
time around” parents feeling overwhelmed. We
March 2014
all must have these very special
“parents” in our prayers…and pray that
they are given the guidance and strength
from their heavenly father to raise these
children in a Godly manner. In our
congregation we have and example of
grandparents raising a grandchild...and
it is very obvious that the Lord is at the
center of all their lives. It takes a village
to raise a child…and that can be said for
this child as she is loved and CARE-d
for by many at CLC.
You may say that it is difficult to be
grandparents because there is a lot of
distance between you and your
grandchildren. Find a way to be in your
grandchildren’s lives…be creative. With
today’s technology…take the time to
learn how to Facetime or Skype with
your grandchildren. It isn’t the same as
being there…but it is close…as you can
see them as you visit with them. Send
them a ‘CARE’ package once in a
while…it doesn’t have to be costly…it is
the thought that counts. With our
grandson in Iowa we have the tradition
of buying him a book regularly
(especially if we are visiting somewhere)
and mailing it to him. Inside the front
cover a note is written to him of our
love for him and the date. Someday
when he is reading these same books to
his children…he will be reminded of our
love and CARE-ing for him throughout
his life! Of course, the greatest gift that a
grandparent can give to their
grandchildren is to pray for them and to
share their faith with them. Remember
when you spend time with them…sing
children’s Christian songs, tell Bible
stories, and pray with them...set an
example for them to follow for years to
If you do not have grandchildren…there
are children that need to be “adopted”
as grandchildren. Many families live
many miles from their extended families
and therefore children do not have a
close (weekly) relationship with their
biological grandparents. If you become
involved with one of these families…
you can become their “local”
grandparents…and this friendship with
such a family can be a blessing to all.
Over the past few years we have
established a special relationship with
the Ebey family…and now that Garrett
is deployed…it has been a blessing to
help Anna with the children and their
home. I think we both treasure the
friendship that we have grown to have.
When we see the 3 children in church, it
is very heartwarming to have the
children know us and give us hugs.
Starting a ministry that would bring
generations together for fun and for
Christian learning would be great to
establish at CLC. In our 50th year it
would be a tremendous way to see our
congregation grow to unite the
generations and bring families together.
If this is a ministry that you would like
to help coordinate please talk to a pastor
or the CARE coordinator. The potential
to where this ministry could go is
exciting and endless! Just think if the
“adopted” grandparents could be the
grandparents that could be at birthday
parties…or help the parents, or get those
hugs at church! The “adoption” process
could be easy…over a dinner or a trip to
the park. For a child… the love of a
grandparent is priceless and it can make
a difference in their lives…and in their
faith journeys.
When our grandson was born 3
weeks ago…I was able to spend a week
with the his family. It was one of the
best weeks of my life. The time spent
cooking, cleaning, and loving our new
bundle of joy was priceless! It was
especially so…because my Mother…his
great-grandmother was also there for the
week. We made a lot of special
memories having all 4 generations
together…filled with reminiscing and
advice between generations. At the end
of the week my daughter gave her
grandmother a great compliment. She
told her, “You have been with me at
every event of my life…thanks!” It was
true…she had been a great role model as
a grandparent…giving of her time and
love to support her granddaughter…to
truly CARE for her! I pray I can do
likewise for our grandchildren. When I
became a mother 33 years ago…I
received a prayer book from a lady in
our church in Minnesota entitled,
“Mom’s Minutes with God.” The very
last entry in the book is titled ‘Let me
call you Grandma.’ The last paragraph
has valuable advice for all of us
grandparents…and it goes like this:
“Lord, teach me to be a good
grandmother. When I might meddle or
interfere where I have no right, hold me
back. When I want to offer advice, still
The Good News
March 2014
CARE Ministry Leaders:
CARE Ministry Coordinator
Twylah Wahl—343-2724
Church Service CD Ministry
Dorothy Doyle—819-0445
Funeral Luncheon Ministry
Nancy Pendleton—257-6257
Greeting Card Ministry
Lillian Furrow—782-3160
Health Services Ministry
Penny Esmeier—580-2341
Meals Ministry
Shelly Pensky—344-4694
CARE Baskets
Kay Krahling—562-743-6898
Military Ministry
Mona Kaczmarczyk—341-0253
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Carrie Petersen—210-3138
Flo Humann—726-8001
Prayer Network Ministry
Church Office 726-0773
Helen Norris—341-1927
my tongue until I am asked. When I am
about to criticize, whisper a warning
word in my ear. The responsibility for
this infant grandchild belongs to his
parents. They should be free to raise him
as they see fit without outside pressure
from my generation. Remind them that
they can always turn to You for
answers. In Jesus name. Amen.”
May God bless all of the
grandparents and “adopted”
grandparents at CLC…and may we
each take the time to share our faith
with our grandchildren. In the journey
of life that we are on…all that REALLY
matters is that the generations to come
are believers in our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ! It is our Christian
responsibility to help CARE for our
grandchildren and to guide them down
this Christian path.
To God Be the Glory!
CARE Coordinator
Come and join us at the church and school
booth at the Yuma County Fair April 1
through 6. Volunteer to greet and
welcome guests to our church and school
for just a few hours, and enjoy the rest of
the day at the fair afterward!
Sign ups are available by calling the church
or school office during the week.
If you are enjoying a day at the fair with
your family, please stop by and say hello!
The moment you come onto our campus,
there are volunteers serving you. From
friendly greeters to the musicians; from
teachers in Kids for Christ to the ushers,
Christ Lutheran Church is largely dependent
on volunteers using their gifts and abilities.
The members and friends who serve each
weekend are just a tip of the iceberg. We have
teams who assist in the office, plan and serve
at special events, and so much more.
Volunteering is a great way to serve God and
get plugged in at Christ Lutheran Church.
You will develop new friends and make an
impact in the community.
In all areas of service, you can try out
serving without making a commitment up
front. Try it out once or twice. If, after trying
it, you feel energized about serving in that
capacity, you can be officially added to the
team. But if you decide that particular area is
not what interests you, feel free to try
something else until you find what excites
you to serve! Listed below are just a few of
the opportunities to get involved. Contact
the church office for more information and
Altar Care—Picking up altar flowers on
Thank you to Nancy Pendleton and crew
who helped to set up, serve, and cleanup
for the luncheon for the family of Al Face
on Saturday, February 15th. It was a time
for his family and friends to comfort each
other and to reflect on his
life over the past 94 years.
Thank you also to those who
contributed food for the
Fridays and delivering to the church.
Contemporary Band—the band is growing!
Do you have a musical talent for singing or
playing an instrument? The band would love
to include you!
Usher Coordinator for Special Services—
Recruiting ushers for special services such as
Advent, Lent, Christmas, etc.
Treasurer's Corner
Acolytes for Wednesday
Lenten Services:
This service that you perform is not only supplying
the need's of God's people but also overflowing in
many expressions of thanks to God. ~ 2 Cor. 9:12
Through Jan. 2014
Fiscal Year-to-Date
(4 Months)
March 5: Kassidy Knutson and
Dakota Meeks
March 12: Amanda Rubida
Offerings Needed
March 19: Emma Singer
Offerings Received
Over (Shortfall)
The Good News
March 26: Katie Rubida
March 2014
Harlan Ehmen (lead);
Nancy Pendleton; Ed &
Maxine Hovatter; Bert
Morgan; Larry
Frank & Jean White;
Frank & Lisala White
Kelly, Stacy, Riley, and
Emma Singer
Philip & Elisabeth Hahn
Richard & Nixia Files
Joe & Judy Amoral
Lenny & Carol Miller
Shelly Hook, Brenda Dennis, Susie DePuy, Flo Humann, Lotte DePoule
8 Isaiah Schlechte and
Elyse Sheppard
11 Jerich Lopez
8 Duane Sheppard
9:30 Richard
11 Tony Harman
8 Dakota Meeks
8 Dan Esch
11 Abby and Emma
9:30 Chad Block
8 Elyse Sheppard and
Dakota Meeks
8 Dave Ohlde
9:30 Dan Chavez
11 Emma Singer
11 Jason Geszvain
8 Isaiah Schlechte
8 Grant Collins
11 Katie & Amanda
9:30 Rex Pope
8 Dakota Meeks
11 Hannah Knutson
The Good News
11 John Ballos
11 Mark Hutsell
8 Curt Weber
9:30 Dave Cummins
11 Rich Knutson
March 2014
Mark & Karen
Curt Weber
8 Bill Esmeier, Sr.
9:30 Steve Watkins
11 Dan Geszvain
Andrea Block,
Dan Geszvain,
Paul Hinrichs
8 Bill Esmeier, Sr.
9:30 Bruce Paulsen
11 Lloyd Sunderman
Steve Watkins,
Buzz & Lila
8 Kelly Keithly
9:30 Steve Watkins
11 Dan Geszvain
Dave Sisson,
Cheryl Keithly,
Dwylia Hamilton
8 Al Schutt
9:30 Keith Dennis
11 Dan Geszvain
Dave & Sharon
Patty Larson
8 Kelly Keithly
9:30 Bruce Paulsen
11 Lloyd Sunderman
Warren Bowser
Neil Dawson
Melia Harman
Noelani Harman
Paul Hinrichs
Luke Kruse
Carrie Petersen
3 John Ballos
Pat Boddy
Verlon Bourelle
4 Melody Thompson
5 Yanna Kruse
Caitlyn Leonard
6 Amberly Hardt
7 Dick Bruce
Grant Collins
8 Tom Tyree
9 Kim Furrow
10 Jacob Harman
Gerry Reynoldson
11 Kaitlyn Dennis
Cathy Padilla
Greg Torok
12 Mike Arce
Jacob Binder
15 Ciera Burauto
Lillian Furrow
17 Mikaya Evitch
Kyla Lim
18 Anissa Collins
19 Pat McKay
21 Chad Block
22 Pat link
Jennifer Ratcliff
Jim Sargent
23 Gene Bub
Cheryl Keithly
Gary Link
Roger Peacock
Erin Watts
25 Karsten Hanson
Alex Rosado
27 Ryan Ritterby
28 Brody Glenn
29 Dayn Dusek
Mikala Roberts
30 Jack Thompson
31 Yolanda Torok
Baptismal Birthdays
Charles & Kathy Ray ~ 41 years!!
Kellan & Stacy Morris ~ 5 years!!
Doug & Judi Hipp ~ 35 years!!
Wilburn & Lillian McCurley ~ 55 years!!
Dan & Marisela Geszvain ~ 20 years!!
Mark & Katy Tinker ~ 2 years!!
Chad & Andrea Block ~ 8 years!!
Gene & Gerrie Bub ~ 54 years!!
Todd & Brooke Hudson ~ 11 years!!
Jason & Dawn Geszvain ~ 2 years!!
Billy & Marilyn Thornbury ~ 25 years!!
Al & Bev Conaway ~ 59 years!!
John & Erin Ballos ~ 6 years!!
Paul & Kelly Hinrichs ~ 24 years!!
The Good News
Janice Brustad
Breck Dusek
Mikaya Evitch
Nick Files
Ella Gettings
Jacob Harman
Paul Hinrichs
D’Artagnon Hook
Janett Hutsell
Anna Jarocki
Dave Kaczmarczyk
Kyaah Knutson
Wyatt Knutson
Luke Kruse
Gwen Lucas
March 2014
Greta Matus
Ivan Mendivil
Myrtle Paulsen
Mallory Peacock
Sophia Peacock
Nels Peterson
Duane Sheppard
Emma Singer
Graden Steinly
Adele Tabor
Alex Vermont
Ammar Vermont
Matthew Watts
Night of Worship 4
Sponsored by Yuma High School
Fellowship of Christian Students
Friday, March 1st, 2014
Snider Auditorium 7pm
Cost: Canned Food to be donated to Crossroads Mission
Worship Bands
Speaker Mike Bondora from 88.1
The times is...NOW!