5:30 pm - St. Michael the Archangel


5:30 pm - St. Michael the Archangel
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
490 Arnold Mill Road, Woodstock, GA 30188
Rev. Larry Niese, Pastor
Rev. Robert Blake, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Mr. Bill Heinsch, Rev. Mr. Victor Taylor, Deacons
Administrative Office - 770-516-0009
Religious Education Office - 770-516-9699
Preschool Office - 678-213-1517
Hispanic Office - 678-213-0685
Sacramental Emergency (after office hours)
FAX - 770-516-4664
Daily Mass
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 6:30 am
Monday through Saturday - 9:00 am
Sunday Mass
Saturday Vigil - 5:30 pm
Sunday - 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am,
12:45 pm, 2:30 pm (Spanish)
5:30 pm - Life Teen
Saturday - 9:30 - 10:30 am
Wednesday - 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Monday at 9:30 am through Saturday at 9:30 am
Ministry to the Sick
Please call the Parish Office if you need Eucharist brought to your home.
Help Feed the Hungry at
Each year our parish provides Thanksgiving
Baskets to families in Cherokee County.
You can become part of this wonderful ministry this
Thanksgiving by donating a decorated food basket.
These are the suggested items for the food baskets.
(There is a sample basket on the Welcome Table in the Narthex)
Del Monte Green Beans (2)
Del Monte Corn (2)
5 lb bag of potatoes
1 large can of sweet potatoes
Boxed dressing
Turkey gravy in jars
Cranberry Sauce
Bottled Apple Juice - large
Aluminum Baking Pan (for turkey)
Paper plates, napkins, etc.
Please bring your basket
to the Parish Hall Nursery (located beside the playground)
All Baskets need to be returned by November 18th.
Rosary and Blessing of the Thanksgiving Baskets - November 21,
7:00 pm in the Church
Blessing of the Volunteers and
Delivery of Food Baskets - Saturday, November 22, 9:30 am
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
November 2, 2014
Mass Intentions
November 1 - 8
All Souls
2015 Treasure Commitment
5:30 pm
7:30 am
9:00 am
11:00 am
12:45 pm
2:30 pm
5:30 pm
All Souls
People of the Parish
All Souls
All Souls
All Souls
All Souls
All Souls
Nov 3
6:30 am All Souls
9:00 am All Souls
Last Sunday was Stewardship Sunday and our
Pastor asked that everyone fill out an offertory
pledge for their 2015 planned giving. If you
were not able to make a pledge last week, please
pick up a pledge envelope on the Welcome
Table, fill it out and drop it in the offertory
basket. Thank you.
Give Back to God What is RIGHT
Not what is LEFT!
Nov 4
9:00 am All Souls
Nov 5
6:30 am All Souls
9:00 am All Souls
Nov 6
9:00 am All Souls
Nov 7
6:30 am All Souls
9:00 am All Souls
Nov 8
9:00 am All Souls
Rosary prayed everyday following 9:00 am Mass.
Eucharistic Adoration
Monday 9:30 am through Saturday 8:30 am
The Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed each day at 3 pm in the
adoration chapel. Please join us! We currently have these
time slots available each week as a guardian.
Monday - 1 pm, 4 pm, 6 pm, 7 pm, 8 pm
Tuesday - 1 am, 6 pm
Wed - 2 am, 4 pm
Thursday - 1 am, 2 am, 10 am
Friday - 1 am, 2 am, 3 am, 10 am, 2 pm, 3 pm, 11 pm
Saturday - 2am
To commit to an hour or as a substitute, please call:
Kim Graff - 770-592-5665, sma.adoration@gmail.com
2014 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Update
We have $206,167 in pledges for the Annual Appeal
this year. Paid to date is $133,513
Thanks to all for supporting the Archbishop and
the ministries this appeal supports. If you have a
balance due on your pledge, you will continue to
receive statements from the Archdiocese through
the end of December. Funds received above and
beyond St. Michael’s goal amount will be used for
the new building expenses.
If you have questions about the Appeal, please
contact Dana Wood in the parish office.
Christmas Cards
Beginning next Sunday The Knights of Columbus will be
selling “Keep Christ in Christmas” cards after all Sunday
masses for the next several weeks.
New this year are the “Keep Christ in Christmas” yard stakes,
magnets and much more.
This is a perfect way to keep the true message of Christ in
Man Hour
Saturday Morning - 5:00 am in the Chapel
Sponsored by Deacon Vic. All men 18 years and older are
invited to join us for the rosary and a reflection.
Dan helps Fr. Larry through the entrance to the new
Gospel Reflections for Men
Striving to be better Christian men, we reflect on the meaning
and message of the Sunday Gospel reading and relate it to our
everyday personal and professional lives. We meet Saturday
mornings at 8:00 am - 9:00 am in Conference Room B.
Charismatic Prayer Group
Do you occasionally need a prayer warrior on your side? Come
praise and worship with us! The Charismatic Prayer Group
meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm in the old parish
rectory. Join us for an uplifting evening of prayer, praise and
worship! Everyone is welcome.
St. Michael’s Preschool
Preschool is in full swing now and we are having
a blast! We still have a few spots in our 3 and 4
year old program. Please visit our website for
more information or contact Teresa Wilson,
Parents must be registered and active parishioners of St. Michael’s
(regularly attend mass, using envelopes, and involved in ministries).
Before scheduling a baptism, you must attend a baptism class at St.
Michael’s. The baptism classes are held on the second Saturday of
the month.
Next Baptism class - Saturday, November 8, 2014 , 10 am
Baptisms are the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at 11:00 am.
You must attend a baptism class every three years. Please call the
parish office to register for a baptism.
The priests will hear your confession on Saturday mornings
from 9:30 am to 10:30 am and Wednesdays - 5 pm to 6 pm.
The confessionals are located in the Day Chapel.
St. Michael’s Young Adult Ministry
Couples are required to contact one of our priests at least 6 months
before they wish to marry to arrange for instruction and spiritual
preparation for the sacrament of marriage. A wedding date cannot be
set until after the initial interview with the priest.
Please contact the Parish office for an appointment.
Be sure to connect with us on Facebook or send us your email.
Offertory October 26th
In Church Giving - $26,073
Online Giving - $4,916
Thank You for Your Generosity!
Counselors Available at St. Michael’s
Bill Powers, MS, MBA, NCC, LAPC, a Catholic therapist from Holy
Family Counseling Center, will be at St. Michael’s on Wednesdays
to provide marriage, family and individual counseling services. For
information and appointments, please call 404-473-1357 to speak
directly with Mr. Powers or www.holyfamilycounselingcenter.com
Ms. Dunia Lobo MA, NCC, LPC (bilingual) counselor is at
St. Michael’s on Mondays and Thursdays.
Individual, Couple and Family Psychotherapy
For information and appointments, please call 678-787-9543
Ms. Lobo also offers Play Therapy. In Play Therapy, the most
troubling problems can be confronted and lasting resolutions can be
discovered, rehearsed, mastered and become lifelong strategies.
For information on play therapy: infor@a4pt.org
Pilgrimage With Fr. Bob
Travel with Fr. Bob, parochial vicar of our parish, on a special
pilgrimage to Budapest, Hungary, Prague, Czech Republic,
Vienna, Austria, and the cities of Warsaw, Wroclaw, and
Czestochowa in Poland. Father will be serving as chaplain for
this wonderful event visiting the most famous religious sites in
these settings, celebrating Mass daily and bonding the group in
a spirit of prayer and reflection.
The trip dates are: May 9 - 21, 2015.
The cost is $4799 - airfare and ALL included. The trip is organized by Catholic tour company Proximo Travel.
To register, please contact, 855-842-8001 or 508-340-9370.
You can also register online at www.proximotravel.com
Use of your parish envelopes is very important!
Using the parish envelopes is the way we know you are
attending Mass at St. Michael’s. If you are unable to
make a donation to the parish, use online banking for
giving or only give monthly, just drop your empty
envelope in the offertory. If you are going to be a
sponsor for a baptism or confirmation, apply for your
children to Catholic School, we need to know you are
attending mass on a regular basis and practicing stewardship of time, talent and treasure.
Looking for a Place to Serve?
We have a place for you at the Baby & More Thrift Store,
a ministry of The HOPE Center in Woodstock!
Volunteers are needed during the Fall/Holiday season to help
sort, clean and organize donations for sale in the store, serve our
clients and customers on the sales floor and keep our store looking beautiful.
We also need “Mighty Men of HOPE” to help with moving/
handyman projects. Hours are flexible/training provided.
Call Deborah, Volunteer Coordinator, to schedule a tour and get
plugged in: 770-924-0864.
St. Michael’s Food Pantry, serving over 120 families a
week, always accepts your donations of non-perishable
food and household supplies. You can drop donations
anytime in the Food Pantry box in the entryway of the
Church. Monetary donations are also needed and
are tax deductible. Thank you for your generosity.
The Food Pantry is located in part of the old Rectory. Pantry
hours are Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, 10 am till noon.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
We are in need of caseworkers to serve the poor, the forgotten and the hungry. We ask that you prayerfully consider if
being a caseworker is a calling for you.
The Thrift Store, located in Kennesaw, is always accepting
donations of furniture, used household goods and clothes.
VOLUNTEERS are also urgently needed to work in the
store. Please consider this call to serve the forgotten in our
community. Call Lori for information, 770-720-2909.
If you are interested in being a part of SVDP, please join us
the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 7:00 pm in
Conference Room B. Our next meeting is October 12th.
SVDP Emergency Help Line: 770-591-4643
St. Michael’s House: (Kennesaw) 770-720-2909
SVDP Thrift Store: 770-919-1458
2722 Summer Street, Kennesaw
Putting our Brothers and Sisters Back to Work
Job Opportunities (Assisting Parishioners and Clients)
We are in need of job opportunities to assist those who are
unemployed or under-employed, both in our parish and in our
SVDP client network. Please let us know of any opportunities
of which you know either in your company or elsewhere. This
information will be posted on our Jobs Bulletin Board located
just inside the church entrance above the food pantry collection box. Call John Cory, 770-592-0183 or 770-855-4768.
Multiple Sclerosis Support Group
A M.S. self-help/support group meets on the 3rd Saturday of each
month from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Contact Zaida, 770-485-4226
Soup for the Soul
“Lord when did we see you hungry and feed you?
An outreach ministry for families in need in our parish.
Volunteers cook meals for families that are struggling
from illness, surgery, death and other life crisis.
To volunteer, or if you know anyone in need, call Amy Heil,
The Knights of Columbus
All men of the Parish 18 and older - you are
cordially invited to join the Knights of Columbus
for our monthly pre-meeting dinner and fellowship on Monday, November 3rd at 6:15 pm in the
Parish Hall. Come and meet some of our members and take the
opportunity to ask your questions about who we are and what we
do for the church.
The business meeting for the members starts at 7:00 pm on the
first Monday of each month.
For questions, call Grand Knight Eric Huminski: 404-704-2572
Respect Life Ministry
Please join us for our meetings on the 4th Saturday of the month
at 7:30 am. Following our meetings, we welcome you to join us
for a prayer vigil at the Abortion Services Clinic in front of
Governor’s Ridge, 1640 Powers Ferry Rd, Marietta.
Contact for information: Mike Duquaine, 770-876-1343.
PATH (Post Abortion Treatment and Healing)
PATH offers ongoing Bible Studies. Compassionate, confidential care is available to women, men, siblings, grandparents and
friends. Please contact Mary Ann McNeil, 404-717-5557 or
pathmcneil@gmail.com or the website:
Music Ministry Notes
Sing to the Lord a joyful song!!
It’s not too Late to Sign Up!
This year is the year to pray in song & make music with new
friends. Give choir a try. The spiritual and physical benefits are
God’s gift to you. Singing is giving praise back to him!
2014 rehearsal times:
Angel choir - 10:15 - 10:45 am Sundays
Youth choir - 6:00 - 7:15 pm Thursdays
Adult choir - 7:30 - 9:30 pm Thursdays
Nila Alexander 770-572-0586 or
Fifty Plus Club
St. Michael’s Fifty Plus Club is a social club for parishioners
over the age of fifty. From September through May, we have
monthly luncheon meetings at various local area restaurants,
thus providing our members with the opportunity to make new
friends and enhance existing relationships. Our next meeting
will be Tuesday, November 18th at 12:00 noon at the Vespucci’s Pizza and Pasta, 4805 Canton Road, Marietta For
information on joining our club, please call Brian Matthews,
President, 770-973-8082.
Senior Luncheon
Senior citizens, please join us for the next senior luncheon on
Wednesday, November 19th
Mass is at 11:00 am in the church followed by lunch in the
Parish Hall.
The Columbiettes are a Catholic women’s organization
that is dedicated to assisting not only our Parish and
parishioners, but also the Knights of Columbus.
We put into action God’s call to serve.
Grow your spirituality by helping to make our Prayer Blankets
for spiritual support for those in need.
By serving our Bookstore you will help in the evangelization
and education of our parishioners.
By providing food and serving at special Receptions, welcomings, funerals and more, we provide sustenance and goodwill.
Please call Susan Radek, 770-720-0244 and join the fun!
The Columbiettes sponsor the Bookstore which is open after all
Masses on the weekend. Gift items, books, prayer cards,
medals, the Sunday missal that we use at mass and much more
are available. As part of the new building project, there will be
a new, larger bookstore located closer to the main entrance of
the church with more books and gift items!
Children’s Faith Formation/PSR
Thank you, Fr.
Bob for visiting
with our Thursday
night children’s
classes! Both the
children and Catechists were very
excited to see you!
Come Join US -Catechists Still Needeed!
3rd Grade –Sunday @ 11:00pm
5th & 4th Grade– Sunday @ 9:00am
5th grade —Wed @ 5:00pm
4th grade—Thurs @ 6:30pm
Confirmation Retreat:
Saturday, November 8
7:45am-6:30pm- Parish Hall
Year 2 Parents: you should have received a letter
It’s how our story began. Life began because God spoke; He
breathed the word (Genesis 1:3) and creation spun into existence. It was when God breathed life into Adam, however,
that things got even more interesting.
~ Genesis 2:7
2 - Life Night—Sanctified
4 - XLT
9 - Universal Outlook
16 - Face of Christ - Issue Night on Poverty
21 - Deliver Thanksgiving Baskets - All Welcomed
23 - 30 - Thanksgiving Holidays
30 - No Life Teen/Seniors out to Dinner
***Raffle Ticket Winners***
Sarah Bergman - 48 “ Flat Screen TV
Victoria Bonutti - 32 “ Flat Screen TV
Joana Perez - i-pad mini
Shawn Steward - Smart Watch
Thank you for all your support.
All proceeds go towards Thanksgiving Food Baskets.
via USPS regarding some items for
the retreat.
A reminder email was sent out this past week.
XLT November 4th
We will meet at 5:00 pm and stop for dinner, return
around 9:30. Bring money for food.
Our daily life (schedules, relationships, time, social media
usage, money spent, etc.) reveals which life we are living
for - this one of the eternal life to come. The Lord is my
shepherd, there is nothing I shall want. ~Psalm 23
Service Opportunities:
St. Michael’s Food Pantry: Glenn Quinn 770-591-8769
Monthly Senior Luncheons: Carol Dull 678-234-5975
SMA Meals Ministry: Amy Heil 770-592-9240
Pro Life Prayer Vigil: Mike Duquaine, 770-876-1343
RE Arranged: sign-up sheets in RE Office:
Mar 7: St. Francis Table
Dec. 13: Catholic Charities
Oct. 11: Homestretch
Dec 14 & Mar 22: Woodstock Nursing Home
Church Tour project
RE Office Hours:
Mon-Tues 9:30am-4:00pm;
Wed-Thur 1:00pm-8:00pm;
Sun 9:00am-12:30pm & 3:15pm-5:00pm
Elizabeth Bonutti, Director of Religious Education
770-516-9699 x233
Fax: 770-516-4664
The EDGE, Catholic Middle School Ministry
The EDGE kickoff was a blast and the EDGE Core Team is
looking forward to a great year with all our 6th, 7th and 8th
EDGE meets once a month from 3:00 - 5:00 pm in the Parish
Hall. EDGE is designed as a high energy, interactive program that incorporates social activities, service projects and a
faith focused curriculum to lead our middle school students
to a greater love for Christ and his Church while having lots
of fund in the process.
November 15th - Service Project (note NEW DATE)
December 13th - Caroling and Stories @ Colbert Square watch for more details. (NEW DATE)
It’s not too late to register.
Registration forms are blue and are outside the Rel Ed office.
Please fill out both sides of the blue form as well as the white
form. The Cost is $20 for the year for supplies. Please provide a copy of your insurance form with the registration
form. Please drop the forms in the Rel Ed office.