Packaging — Processing Bid on Equipment 1-847-683-7720 e THE CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL v, tvri $0/ CHEMICOLLOID LABORATORIES INC. rkz7r4r7- Packaging - Processing Bid on Equipment 1-847-683-7720 A little about us - since 1924. Chemicolloid Laboratories, Inc., founded in 1924, has continuously manufactured the CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL which has earned and maintained a respected position throughout the process industries. A small machine shop in lower Manhattan turned out the early models up to the limit of initial application. While the early appearance of the CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL has in some ways been altered, the basic principle, design, and grooved rotor and stator has remained unchanged. The result of this consistency bears out the interesting fact that today the C HARLOTTE continues in process applications long under way and is being specified in many for future development. The Chemicolloid reputation for design and manufacture of CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILLS AND COMPLETE PROCESS SYSTEMS over the years Is universally acclaimed. The CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL is known the world over. 01,tit•Lorm ttu, C(')1•1.011.) "" NOctl,Vizpit 1 The Charlotte Colloid Mill its Design and Application The CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL design consists of a grooved rotor and a grooved stator. The clearance between them is regulated by an externally calibrated adjustment device assuring proper mill setting throughout a run. Process material is fed between the stator and rotor which turns at 3600 R.P.M. The material is dispersed, emulsified, homogenized, or disintegrated by hydraulic shear, turbulence, and impact. The CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL is preferred for processing products with specifications which call for emulsion stability and uniform dispersion. Familiar everyday products, such as mayonnaise, automotive lubricating grease, road paving asphalt emulsion, liquid polish, colorfully dyed fabrics, foam cushions, smooth coated playing cards, pourable salad dressings, rubber tires, pharmaceutical creams, lotions, and a host of other products — all have one thing in common — THE CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL IS USED TO PRODUCE THEM. As a matter of fact, the CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL is more often the difference between basic ingredients and the finished product deserving a reputable label. Designed to perform and produce specified results around the clock, the CHARLOTTE is considered the finest and most dependable colloid mill. Packaging - Processing Bid on Equipment 1-847-683-7720 CIIEMICOi.4OID LABORATORIES, INC. SD Series. CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL, Model SD-20. Open view showing cover plate, cover plate bolts and grooved rotor removed. G-Series. CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL, Model G-125. Open view showing grooved rotor and stator, inlet cover plate, rotary seal assembly and seal housing. "G" Models for Rugged Industrial Service Versatility High production, together with uniform quality of product, is obtained through the use of the CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL in such diversified applications as asphalt emulsions, and fine cosmetics—lubricating greases and pharmaceutical suspensions—textile printing colors and edible oil processing. Materials of Construction The CHARLOTTE "G" Series are available in Type 316 stainless steel and cast semi-steel. All models are jacketed for cooling or heating. The completely closed design prevents product aeration, oxidation, and volatile losses. Continuous production through a closed system. MODEL 0.10 Top Capacities CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILLS are made in sizes to fit a wide range of production requirements — from small pilot plant models to large production units handling over 7,000 gallons per hour. The approximate capacity given for each mill is from. "minimum" to "maximum" and is conservatively estimated. Easy Cleaning and Inspection The action of the CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL helps to clean itself. Flushing with water or a proper solvent is usual procedure. Simplicity of design and construction minimizes clean up time, and maintenance costs. Thorough cleaning and inspection of the entire milling chamber is easily accomplished and downtime is held to a minimum. Construction of CHARLOTTE MILLS is such that with normal care and attention, many years of satisfactory operation will be obtained. The shaft and drive mechanism is rugged, durable, and operates quietly and vibration free. Mechanical Rotary Shaft Seal is front end removable. Packaging - Processing Bid on Equipment 1-847-683-7720 CHARLOTTE "G" monmis are manufactured in these sizes Model G-3 Model G-5 Model G-10 Model G-20 Model G-30 Model G-50 Model G-75 Model G-100 Model G-125 20-50 G.P.H. 50-100 G.P.H. 100-200 G.P.H. 200-400 G.P.H. 300-600 G.P.H. 600-800 G.P.H. 800-1500 G.P.H. 1000-5000 G.P.H. 3000-7000 G.P.H. Packaging — Processing Bid on Equipment 1-847-683-7720 CHEMICOLLOID LABORATORIES C' 0 .e, W OIL COO LAW? *0 T In I. teleAr. „Akar., 0WanteAli imiNt-641111Mar lu nd • At' il e PV41011' \)'• A'V\' \ I 4entrAPArimmir7, wrnueskirliiii,440/ nAi "41 %RR.* :111117> : dris r/A / /0„ ,-7-2i., ititirW/ADVIEM1/42,4,--. AlIr te _117 / 14117 141" n " am DASD ( No? 14444PK)"'""*"" ". a soul STATOR NOWN00 '"-"-""'"" ''''" G Soa Halcsma4 .........,.....--n ---n-n• 14154 A G 204 0 cos 14040.......- .................. ERAIPM NUT ... ............... 0 200 MSS* IC.Y .., .......0....e..... E 210 auFTALkia PACK1N4 -**0*-*•• a 207 a114 OIL 441.0014 a vs.semtitiss-- — --- I t wmumpa-LL 5ILREN4 LOCK MKT USTMENT Mumma (NAND *mama 220 ADJUSTMENT HOUSING LWOW ""••"*.`"••••••• •••• 0 221ADJUSTMENT NOUS NO 44LT 44044 Aire 4 za AiNtusTmeNT KOOINUa STOP 441,1***- """" -^ I 22.4 COUPLING 44444 221 cou pLudi KIEF • FAIL& ONO -* I a tia 2I 0 K 11$ COUPLING KRT • 04004 ENO ••- • •.. I 227 ADJ. Haulm. Ca p uto INN ..—...... I 22$ **wren Hecatetmstotwio..-... ...-. 1 .. a ........-1.-....04 Cif INLET calm* :is INLET coVaK P NuT.........”........0 _ 214. STATOR OR RdiCTOR RdiCTOR5C11111VP 5C11111VP .*.*_ ..00....0.'" 00....0.'" on on us AD-1'44710NT us AD-1'44710NT 1404.401 1404.4011446•0•••••4•• 1446•0•••••4•• 244 244 ItRoNT 1111104 . 1-.00........... -....,..0"....... 11I 210 INAPT 210 INAPT.i...s.......................,........ .i...s.......................,........ KM PACKING WC GLAND 4 sirs comm. UM. $401► 14 I tins WA" COAL a tin FRONT 14.1.41‘14 PACK GLAND NAM 4.8 RANO 7111140 .0. I VS ou. cap oirn.wr twits Packaging - Processing Bid on Equipment 1-847-683-7720 INSTRUCTIONS for OPERATION AND INSTALLATION CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL Model G-5 and G.10 Industrial Head The CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL is of sturdy construction and will operate satisfactorily for many years with very little attention. The following operating and maintenance instructions should be followed carefully and without variation. GENERAL The Model G-5 and G-I0 has a separate Product Head assembly which, since it contacts product, may be of Cast Semi-Steel, Stainless Steel, or other alloy. The associated machine parts exposed to product, such as Rotor, Stator, Shaft, Key and Nut, Inlet Cover, Seal Gland and Outlet Flange would be of similar alloy. MILL JACKETS — PIPING A- Oil Chamber Jacket in Housing There is one inlet (bottom) and one outlet (top) for water cooling jacket which surrounds the oil lubricating chamber. Water cooling is recommended at all times on the oil lubricating chamber jacket. B- Stator Cooling Jacket There is one inlet (bottom) and one outlet (top) directly back of Cover Plate for connecting coolant to Stator Jacket. Outlet should be connected to open end line. C- Heating When ilbe product being processed requires heat, the material chamber (stator) jacket is connected for low pressure steam or hot water as follows: — 50 P.S.LG. Maximum. When steam is used it is connected in at the top of the material chamber and discharged at the bottom. (Returns may be made to the boiler.) When hot water is used, the connections are made with the inlet at the bottom and the discharge at the top. NOTE:— Never connect steam or hot water lines to the bearing chamber. See instructions for cooling bearing chamber above. D- Seal Well Drain is in bottom, under seal access window, for draining any seepage to seal well. MOUNTING OF BASE Great care should be taken not to strain or distort base when bolting unit to foundation. DIRECTION OF ROTATION Standing directly in front of mill head Cover Plate, direction of rotation is clockwise. SHAFT SEALS FOR PRODUCT The following interchangeable seals can be provided for this mill:1. Rotary seal with replaceable wearing rings. 2. Standard packing gland with metallic packing. The seal in the Product Chamber of this mill is made accessible by removing Cover Plate, Rotor Nut (left hand thread), Rotor and Rotor Key — and, If rotary shaft sear-releasing hollow head set screws in spring holding seal ring at shaft taper shoulder, by means of an ale wrench. Then release 4 housing bolts holding Product Chamber and carefully slide the chamber off the Shaft. The seal gland is then exposed and released by unbolting the -four screws which, if screwed into adjacent tapped holes uniformly, will eject the seal gland from housing for cleaning and examination without disturbing setting of Hand Wheel, etc. A 1/64" gasket is used between Seal Gland and Stator Housing. ROTARY SHAFT SEAL INSTRUCTIONS Rotary shaft seal instructions and B/P are sent with mills equipped with rotary seal and should be followed carefully. Mill should not be operated without productinchamber to act as coolant and'lubricant. Serious seal damage could result. A steel tube for setting the position of the locking ring is provided with the mill. This is properly used as follows:1. Rotor and Stator must be in open position (POWER OFF). (Achieved by hand wheel adjustment.) 2. Press tube against locking ring collar (Rotor removed)which is held;in place by Rotor Nut (left hand thread). 3. With the locking ring in this position, tighten set screws with Allen wrench. Care should be taken not to turn Hand Wheel beyond seal spring range without releasing the seal spring set screw ring. Care should be taken not to injure the precision surfaces of the seal ring faces. When worn, these surfaces can usually be refinished. This service, and/or replacement parts for seal should be ordered directly from the seal manufacturer and reserve rings stocked. STANDARD PACKING GLAND A metallic packing is provided to fit this gland which has a left hand screw adjusting nut to adjust pressure of packing. move Cover Bolts, der, Rotor Nut, Rotor and Ivey. The four bo allowing the Stator Head which contains the packing gland to be slid off Reverse above procedure for re-assembly after new packing has been installed. Al packing nut gradually over a period of a few days to allow the packing to seat to the shaft. up o ADJUSTMENT OF MILL CLEARANCE To obtain the best results, The Charlotte Colloid Mill must be properly adjusted.: Clearance between ro maintained when properly adjusted. Adjustment of the mill is obtained by means of the adjusbnent hand Part 0.219), as follows:— 1. Release adjustment bolt (Part No. G-221) that locks adjustment wheel and remove stop bolt wheel to turn in either direction. Direction of OPEN and CLOSE is plainly indicated on the mill G-222) must always be In the hand wheel while in operation, to act as a safety measure against too close stator. 2. Turn adjustment wheel in the direction of CLOSE until rotor and stator are at "zero" clearance and the mill', turned by hand. Then, turn the adjustment wheel slowly in the OPEN direction turning the coupling to note when t turning freely. The closest adjustment of the mill will be found to be one notch away from where the grinding s operation as serious damage could result. tts tan housing t the adjustment wheel represents .001". It is advisable not to adjust mill wilbeaproxmty.01"Echolen 3. When desired clearance is reached, lock Hand Wheel with Adjustntent Bolt (Part No. 0-2211 UPLING -- Coupling requires a little grease occasionally. (See huhu The null shaft`has a longituclinal adjustment by hand wheel for regulating space between Rotor and Stator. an end-wise play in any position of mill shaft so as not to put thrust bad on ball bearings. OIL LEVEL IN HOUSING Oil level on gauge at side of mill should only be read while 1/2 full. Oil should be drained and replaced, especially after %Mal PRODUCT INLET AND OUTLET The inlet is 3/4" pipe tap for G-5, 1" for 010 The outlet is 3/4" pipe tap for 0-5,1" for 0-10 ROTOR NUT on Shaft is Left Hand ROTOR PULLER is provided with STATOR SEALING The Stator is shrunk fit into ties Producth:' prevents Stator Jacket coolant from entering p No'pressure should be applied to either cure to both ends of tare Stafor w hich essCoveris in place and bolts are REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT' OF STATOR Stator ejector screws are shown on drawing. To remove head must frrsst be removed from the beating There are threaded holes which ate visible in the back of industrial h , from which the sesding set screws must be remove& The ejector screws which are shipped with the tool package are used and should be advanced evenly to eject the Stator. replacing the Stator, install the Stator using a sealing material of suitable composition for your product. Replace the set screws also using a sealing material on the threads. This will prevent tie cooling or heating medium from leaking into the product or product leaking into the machine well. RELATIONSHIP OF CAPACITY OUTPUT to• fineness or quality of finished product. Forting quantities of material through the mill to secure large capacity may defeat the object, which is to secure the the best possible capacity. Capacity will vary with different Material. If you are not securing a product which is fineerg wet to cut down on capacity until a point is reached where the results are satisfactory. PARTS ORDERS:— WHEN ORDERING PARTS, PLEA EGIVE MODEL NUMBER, SERIAL NUMBER AND P CHE I AB()RATI:)FtIES INC. Packaging - Processing SOLE-IiiMUFACTURER AND DISTRIBUTOR OF CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILLS 55 HERRICKS ROAD • GARDEN CITY PARK, L 1., N.Y. 11040 516 747-2600 ent 1-847-683-7720 Packaging - Processing' Bid on Equipment 1-847-683-7720 "Si)" Models. Sanitary Design for Food Processing CHARLOTTE "SD" MODELS are specially designed to handle food and other products under sanitary conditions. Continuous production through a closed system from premixing to packaging. Food products such as salad dressing, mayonnaise, fruit puree and vegetable puree are pumped through the system by a sanitary positive pump at remarkably high production rates. The integral pumping action of the CHARLOTTE MILL will handle gravity fed material without the need of an auxiliary pump. Sanitary-Easy to Clean CHARLOTTE "SD" MODELS have accessible inside corners. The entire head, machined from a solid stainless steel casting, is completely separate and removable. For easy cleaning, it is only necessary to flush the mill with warm water and a mild detergent. For thorough cleaning or inspection, only the cover plate, rotor, nut, key, and seal need be removed. Stainless Steel Construction CHARLOTTE "SD" MODELS are provided with sanitary pipe connections on both inlet and discharge. All metal parts in contact with the process material are stainless steel, Type 316, notably corrosion resistant for food handling. A special sanitary rotary shaft seal assures long, trouble-free operation. CHARLOTTE Laboratory and pilot units—Models G-3 (shown) and G-5. Models SD-2 and SD-5 for food and sanitary service. CHARLOTTE "ST)" MODELS are manufactured in these sizes Model SD-2 Model SD-5 MODEL SD 4() 1-60 G.P.H. 50-175 G.P.H. Model SD-20 300-600 G.P.H. Model SD-40 600-1200 G.P.H. CHARLOTTE CM Packaged System for laboratory development of emulsified asphalt and other processes. Designed to produce small one gallon or up to five gallon batches. Completely piped, wired and provided with impedance heating for temperature control. Caster mounted for full mobility. 6 CHARLOTTE•DIXIE Packaged Systems for manufacture Of Emulsified Asphalt. Typical arrangements; skid mounted, shows mixing tanks, pumps, pipe and fittings, each designed around the CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL. Packaging — Processing Bid on Equipment 1-847-683-7720 Systems for Mayonnaise and Salad Dressiv.78 CHARLOTTE-DIXIE Mayonnaise System with one pre-mixer. Compact arrangement. Output can be doubled with second pre-mixer. Paekariffl Systems lbr the .Process 1'i14118h-7:es CHEMICOLLOID LABORATORIES, INC. has long specialized in completely integrated mixing and processing systems designed around the CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL — THE HEART OF THE SYSTEM. Mayonnaise and salad dressing producers around the world acclaim the CHARLOTTE CONTINUOUS PACKAGED SYSTEMS standard equipment. Producers of emulsified asphalt and other products recognize the desirability of a packaged plant because it includes the advantages of coordinated design, ease of installation, and mobility if the equipment should ever be moved. The CHEMICOLLOID packaged systems include all tanks, pre-mixers, piping, valves, pumps, motors, wiring, controls, and the CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL — compactly arranged and fabricated ready for service — even trailer mounted and shed enclosed for full portability. The CHEMICOLLOID packaged systems offer the surest and most economical route to commercial production with the added advantage of prior proof of performance. CHARLOTTE-DIXIE Continuous Mayonnaise System. Typical arrangement shows two pre-mixers with controls and CHARLOTTE Continuous Mayonnaise Machine on stand with positive transfer pump below. Medium production system Including premixers, pump and CHARLOTTE MAYONNAISE MACHINE. Unit is completely piped, Packaging - Processing Bid on Equipment 1-847-683-7720 wired and ready for operation. Write for specific "PROCESS INFORMATION" about the CHARLOTTE'in these applications. "THE CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL — Portable Unit for Aseptic Processing" "THE CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL — Hormone Unit" Typical CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL installations. "THE CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL for Pharmaceutical Preparations" "THE CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL in the Textile Industry" "THE CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL for the Textile Dyehouse" "THE CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL for Delusterant in Viscose Rayon" "THE CHARLOTTE CONTINUOUS SYSTEMS for Mayonnaise, Salad Dressing, and Related Products" "THE CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL for Lubricating Grease" THE CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL — Emulsified Asphalt Packaged System" "THE CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL — Laboratory and Pilot System for Emulsified Asphalt" "THE CHARLOTTE COLLOID MILL for Paper Coating, Fibre Binders, and Related Wood (building) Products" • Please write or phone us for more detailed information about our equipment and its applications. We'll welcome your inquiry. Packaging — Processing Bid on Equipment 1-847-683-7720 516-747-2666 CHEMICOLLOID LABORATORIES, INC. 55 HERRICKS ROAD • GARDEN CITY PARK, N. Y. 11040