member of the month - Copperstate Mustang Club
member of the month - Copperstate Mustang Club
June 2013 2013 OFFICERS PRESIDENT JEFF MINX 480-748-8185 MEMBER OF THE MONTH Tim Francis In 1969 my parents had only been married for a couple of years, were young, and had no money. They only owned one car, a Volkswagen Beetle (I told you they had no money). My dad dropped Mom off at the hairdresser and went next door to the used car lot at Narducci Ford to kill some time. There he found a 1966 Wimbledon White Mustang Coupe. According to the salesman it had been owned by a little old lady in Pasadena (I'm pretty sure every used car in Southern California in the late 1960's had been owned by a little old lady in Pasadena). Dad convinced Mom that this was the car they needed to buy, so they put $350.25 down and bought the car. It became my Dad's daily driver. VICE PRESIDENT Don Cook 480-201-2158 SECRETARY Sharon Maloley 602-448-8138 TREASURER Doris Minx Pending e-mail SGT. AT ARMS Andy Sievers 602-544-0192 Fast forward 10 years. I was born and Dad got a job offer in Houston, TX. The family, Mustang and all, was moved to Texas. It continued being the daily driver for another 5 or 6 years. In the mid-1980's the engine was rebuilt. I have very fond childhood memories of "helping" my dad work on the engine and of my grandfather using the Mustang to explain to me how an internal combustion engine works. A few years after the engine was rebuilt, the transmission broke...again. The 3 speed manual transmission that Ford used with the 6 cylinder engine in 1966 was, for lack of better words, a piece of junk. Life was pretty hectic at this point and we didn't have the time and money to fix it. So, it ended up in the garage, covered in boxes. COPPERSTATE INFORMATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dave Jacobelli Wes Young Tim Francis 480-375-0620 602-882-9129 281-753-7158 Chris Valentino Jo Young Donna Bickel 817-247-9204 480-248-6214 480-588-6383 BOARD ALTERNATES Tom Martin Dana Cook 602-621-0590 480-201-2159 RACING DIVISION COORDINATOR Andy Sievers 602-544-0192 CHIEF JUDGE Chris Valentino 817-247-9204 WELCOMING COMMITTEE Becky Field 480-813-6838 AZ AUTOMOBILE HOBBYIST COUNCIL Tom Martin 602-621-0590 NEWSLETTER EDITOR Chris Valentino 817-247-9204 CLASSIFIED and EVENTS Scott Nett 480-213-8722 NEWSLETTER TECHNICAL ADVISOR Hank Gallo 602-300-3396 WEBMASTER Greg Nelson MCA REPRESENTATIVE Tim Francis 281-753-7158 CLUB MERCHANDISE Becky Field 480-813-6838 PARADE COORDINATOR Fabian Pugliese 602-339-3183 CLUB PHOTOGRAPHER Patrick Sweeney Hank Gallo CLUB WEBSITE 602-300-3396 The Mustang Mirror is a monthly publication of the Copperstate Mustang Club, Inc. Submission deadline is the 2nd Wednesday of every month and can be sent to the club PO Box 50309, Phoenix AZ 85076. Be sure to contact an officer or board member for the many benefits of belonging to The Copperstate Mustang Club! MEETING MINUTES Board Meeting - 05/15/2013 Meeting opened by Jeff Minx, President of Board at 6:42 pm. Attending: Valentino. Sharon Maloley, Doris Minx, Tom Martin, David Jacobelli, Jo Young, Wes Young, Donna Bickle, and Chris Absent: Tim Francis, Don and Dana Cook Member of the Month: Becky and Mitch Field Agenda: Ice Cream Social to be held away from the church. The Sugar Bowl in Scottsdale or Mary Coyle’s in Phoenix. It was further decided to go to Mary Coyle’s in Phoenix. Pizza Party update – Hank has reserved the Upper Crust Pizza Parlor for the November event IRS update – meeting to be held with Aaron Blau CPA June 5 at 3 pm. More details to follow after meeting. Ford Asset Scholarship – Tom Martin updated the status of the finances are available in the bank account for this Gift cards for members of the month – a discussion resulted in disbanding this program for the remainder of the year due to the current financial condition. Copperstate Mustang Club decals – it was further discussed that these were not ordered because of the current financial condition and did not feel it was the right time to put dollars in this Fall Car Cruise in Prescott update – need volunteers and sponsors to pull off this event; contact David Jacobelli for details Donations for Food Bank – further discussed and decided that there would be no cash donations but the membership to bring non perishable items to the next couple meetings and they will be distributed to those organizations that will accept – St Mary’s Food Bank etc. Club Events – 2 new events being sought by Chris and Jeff – cart racing and bowling – details to follow Knottsberry Fabulous Ford on April 21, 2014 – looking for Copperstate Mustang Club sponsorship for this event to be apart of the 50 year celebration participation 2014 Spring Fling Car Show – due to the all the events for the 50 year celebration, this show will not be held. Meeting Adjourned 8:07pm Meeting Minutes Cont. General Meeting - 05/19/2013 Meeting was opened by Jeff Minx, President of Board at 1:10pm. Board introduced – attending were Doris Minx, Sharon Maloley, Chris Valentino, Andy Seivers, Tim Francis, Tom Martin and Donna Bickel Absent – David Jacobelli, Jo and Wes Young, Don and Dana Cook A Happy Birthday recognition to Catherine Walrod. Welcome to visitor Brady Steinmoyer. Tom Martin provided an update on the AHC pertaining to the toll roads in AZ. No changes. It was announced the June Ice Cream Social will be held at Mary Coyle’s. Each member is responsible to pay for their own. There will be door prizes and a car showing in the parking lot. Tim Francis provided and MCA update on the upcoming event in Reno, NV, June 7 – The Mustang 3 Trail – cars, horses and P51 Mustang air craft. Reno to Carson City cruise with a cost of $5 to join in. Includes pictures take with each of the mustangs. Note that you must be an MCA to participate in the car show. All other events are open to non-members as well. Mustangs across America launches the 50 year celebration of the Mustang – April 16-20, 2014. Starting point will be in Oklahoma to Las Vegas OR Oklahoma to Charlotte, NC. Ford will be introducing the 2015 Mustang CONCEPTION. The vehicle will not be available until later in the year. There will also be the Woodward Dream Cruise which is the greatest of all time being held the 3 rd week in August. Contact Tim Francis for details. The Fall Car Show is being planned as a mega cruise. Will leave from Berge Ford to Payson into Verde Valley. There will be no race – no times – just fun and relaxing. The committee needs help with obtaining nice prizes and sponsorships. Dinner will be held at Murphy’s and there are a block of rooms set aside for the St Michael’s Hotel in Prescott. The cost will run $80 to $90 a night. Contact David Jacobelli for further details. Jeff requested a sponsor for providing snacks for the September meeting. The Maloley’s volunteered. Angelo is trying to sell a 1983 77 Royale Buick with 33,000 miles, 307 motor and a trailer hitch for $2,500. Pizza Party will be held November 2 at the Upper Crust in Phoenix off of the 101 and Cave Creek. Offering a wine & cheese tasting for $10 per person. Meeting adjourned 2:30 pm. Ice Cream Social Will be held at Mary Coyle’s in Phoenix on June 22nd from 4pm to 6pm. The address is 5521 7th Ave Phoenix, AZ 85013. Please remember that members will be responsible to pay for their own ice cream, but there will be door prizes given away. MCA 50th Anniversary Show Plans are starting to come together for one of the biggest milestones in Mustang history, the MCA 50th Anniversary Show. The dates are April 16th-20th. The celebration website is up and running now and can be found at the link below. MCA has secured some discounted rates at some of the Casinos on the strip which can be found on that website for the Las Vegas Show. The cheapest rate I found was $50.00 a night at the Excalibur Casino. Keep in mind that does not include all the fees and taxes. I contacted them and they have room for trucks with trailers should you plan to trailer your Mustang up there. Tim is going to try and coordinate some events and hopefully a caravan up to Vegas that week. More to come on that as time goes on… Member of the month Cont. Fast forward to 2008. The car was still in the garage. Wanting to learn more about working on cars, and being a bit foolish, I suggested to my dad that we get the Mustang running again. The deal was made, I'd pay for the parts, we'd work on it together, and when it got to the point that it could be driven from his house to mine, the car would be mine. Basically, I was buying a Mustang one part at a time. We quickly realized that we didn't know what we were doing and joined the local Mustang club in hopes of meeting people who could help us out. After rebuilding the transmission (twice), replacing the entire fuel system up to the carb, replacing the radiator, tires, brakes, and numerous other things, we finally got it running. We then struggled with an overheating issue, but finally got over that as well. We were able to take the car on many club cruises and eventually it made it to my house. In 2011 my job gave me the opportunity to move to Phoenix. The other choice was unemployment, so we decided to move to Phoenix. So, just like how my dad moved the family, Mustang and all to Houston, I moved my family and both Mustangs (I'd picked up a 2005 Mustang GT in 2010) to Phoenix. At the same time, my dad retired and he and my mom bought an RV to travel around the country. They visited Phoenix and it was decided that the Mustang needed to be fully restored, properly. We then went about taking it apart, getting the body sandblasted, and getting any rust cleaned up. Amazingly, we found the body pretty solid with very little rust. Now, it's just a matter of putting it back together. The car is a 1966 coupe, Wimbledon White with red interior. The engine is a 'T' code 200 cubic inch six cylinder coupled with a 3-speed manual transmission. The only "optional" equipment that originally came on the car was the California smog pump. It was built in San Jose, CA and had a Los Angeles DSO. The records from 1966 were destroyed years ago but by all accounts this is quite possibly the least rare, most non-collectable first generation Mustang ever built. It does have some historical significance. When everyone talks about how successful the first generation Mustang was they talk about how it had such a low, low introductory price. Well, that was this car. This is the base model that helped make the Mustang an economical success for Ford. Of course, this car is even more important to me. It was my dad's. It's been in the family longer than I have. I remember riding around in it as a kid and I look forward to the day it is back together and I can drive my kid around in it. For that reason, this is the most priceless Mustang ever built. Thanks, Tim CALENDAR OF EVENTS Jun 1 Cannonball Phoenix: Elite Car Cruising Organization is having the Cannonball Phoenix; $75/ person to enter; they will be cruising to Flagstaff and spending the night; email for info or go to the website. Jun 5 Copperstate Mustang Club Board Meeting: Copperstate Mustang Club will be having its monthly Board Meeting at Berge Ford at 6:30pm. All are welcome to come out and participate. Help make our club successful. Jun 7 Reno Mustang Club– Unbridled Spirit: The Reno Mustang Club presents Ubridled Spirit Mustang and Ford Car Show of 2013; held at the Boomtown Hotel & Casino, Reno, NV; an MCA Show; there will be a banquet, Pony Trails; entry space is limited; for information Show is June 7, 8 & 9. Jun 8 Watermelon Festival - Glendale, AZ: This event is coming back to Glendale and they are looking for convertibles. Please contact Fabian if you are interested at Jun 8 Cruz'n The Rim: Rim Country Cruisers of Show Low is the host of this event; held at Frontier Fields, 550 N 9th Pl at the Deuce of Clubs, Show Low; open to all makes and models; entry fee $25 prior to June 2, $35 after; for more info Rick 928-358-1933. Jun 8-9 Reno Mustang Car Club's Annual Car Show: This event will be held at Boomtown Hotel and Casino; on I 80, west of downtown Reno; show is called Unbridled Spirit; this is an MCA event as well; cars can be judged or just displayed; for complete details go to or call Dianna at 775-323-1362. Jun 9 Copperstate Mustang Club Monthly Meeting: 1:00 pm at the Community Hall of the Mount of Olives Church; 3546 E Thomas Rd, Phx; we will have snacks/deserts to enjoy during the meeting. We meet the second Sunday of each month at this location. Come out and enjoy yourself. Jun 13-15 Rocky Mountain Mustang Roundup: Rocky Mountain Mustang Roundup in Steamboat Springs, CO; this is a great event with a cruise, auto cross, banquet, car show, and the sites of the Rocky Mountains; for more info go to; please contact a Board member to see if others are going so can cruise up as a group. Jun 16 Glendale Old Towne Cruise & Car Show: Downtown Glendale, 59th Ave to 56th Ave, Glendale; 1pm to 8pm; FREE; this is a new cruise & car show in downtown Glendale; parking all around the park, all sides streets and parallel; this event will be the third Saturday of each month except December. Jun 21 Third Friday at Culvers: We will meet at Culvers at 825 E Camelback Rd, Phx; we will meet around 6pm; come out and enjoy the company of other Mustangers; weather will be getting a bit warm, but you still have to eat! Jun 22 Copperstate Mustang Club Ice Cream Social: Copperstate Mustang Club will have our Annual Ice Cream Social at Mary Coyle's Ice Cream Parlor located at 5521 N 7th Ave, Phx from 4pm to 6pm. This year the Club will not be paying for the ice cream. Cars will be on display and there will be door prizes. Jun 29 High Octane Car Show: Arizona Celebration of Freedom in downtown Mesa, Lot on corner of Pepper & Centennial; all makes, models and years; limited to the first 120 cars registered; registration is free; must be registered by 6/15/13; show from 6pm to 10pm; visit for more info CALENDAR OF EVENTS Jul 10 Copperstate Mustang Club Board Meeting: Copperstate Mustang Club will be having its monthly Board Meeting at Berge Ford at 6:30pm. All are welcome to come out and participate. Help make our club successful. Jul 14 Copperstate Mustang Club Monthly Meeting: 1:00 pm at the Community Hall of the Mount of Olives Church; 3546 E Thomas Rd, Phx; we will have snacks/deserts to enjoy during the meeting. We meet the second Sunday of each month at this location. Come out and enjoy yourself. Jul 19 Third Friday at Freddies Steak Burger: We will be gathering at Freddies; 4929 W Bell Rd (Bell Rd & 51st Ave; see you there starting at 6pm to share food and stories; there are many other cars on display as well; it may be hot, but you still have to eat; so get out and enjoy yourself. Jul 20 Glendale Old Towne Cruise & Car Show: Downtown Glendale, 59th Ave to 56th Ave, Glendale; 1pm to 8pm; FREE; this is a new cruise & car show in downtown Glendale; parking all around the park, all sides streets and parallel; this event will be the third Saturday of each month except December. Sep 7 Flagstaff Route 66 Days Charity Car Show: Hosted by Route 66 Car Club of Flagstaff in downtown Flagstaff; open to all makes/models/years; open to the first 450 cars; $35 preregistration; show 8am to 5:30pm; go to the website to print off the registration; many club members go to this event. We have blocked rooms again at the Ramada West, 2755 S Woodlands Village Blvd; please call 928-773-1111 and ask for the rooms booked under Copperstate Mustang Club, then transfer the room to your name; the rate is $74.99/night. This is a must attend event. For more info John 928-451-1204. Oct 19 Copperstate Mustang Club Fall Show Mega Cruise: More information to follow Some Unique Concept Cars 1955 Lincoln Futura (became the Batmobile) 1955 Ford Mystere Some More Concepts 1953 Lincoln XL-500 Check out the center emblem on the below picture... Different taillights were supposed to be implemented in 1966 PO Box 50309 Phoenix, AZ 85076 SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PROUD SPONSORS