YEC Parent letter 2014


YEC Parent letter 2014
 November 18, 2014 Dear Parents, In just a few days, 150 students and leaders from Calvary will head to the Cajun Dome in Lafayette to join several thousand teenagers from all over Louisiana for the Youth Evangelism Celebration (YEC)! We are so excited to have your student join us! The theme for the conference this year is “Live Sent.” We believe that God has created us for more than ordinary or mundane lives. He desires for us to live boldly for Him and share the Good News of Jesus Christ to the entire world. Your students will get to learn from Wes Hamilton and experience worship through music led by the incredible band, Finding Favor. Special guests include Jared Hall (illusionist) and a Monday night concert will feature Dove Award’s best new artist of 2013, For King and Country! We have included a couple of important documents with this letter: 1.) Permission Wavier that must be signed by a parent/guardian before the student may leave on Sunday; 2.) Schedule of the weekend for you to have so that you know when and where your student is during the conference. Here are some basic details. Your student will need to arrive at the Chi Alpha (XA) House no later than 2:00pm on Sunday November 23rd. We will need to give them final instructions before heading down to Lafayette. Please make every effort to not be late! All students will be transported from Calvary to Lafayette by one of leaders in church vans or personal vehicles. The only meal provided for the students during the weekend will be breakfast on Monday morning at the hotel. We will make food stops on Sunday for dinner and Monday for lunch and dinner. At each of these times students will be responsible for purchasing their own meals (fast food/mall food court). Students may want to bring some extra cash for concessions open at the Cajun Dome throughout the conference, though it will not be necessary. We are so excited to have your student join us for this opportunity to worship with thousands of other teenagers from around our state. Be praying that God will speak to your child during this weekend, and that he/she will have the courage to be obedient to Christ’s leading. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call or stop by the Student Ministry offices. Discipling students together, Billy Lonsberry Lead Student Pastor 318-­‐445-­‐5640 ext. 290 2014 YEC SCHEDULE
Sunday, November 23
Arrive at XA House
Student Meeting/YEC instructions
Depart for Lafayette
Arrive at Hotel, settle in, eat dinner
Session 1
Arrive back at Hotel
Monday, November 24
Breakfast at Hotel
Depart for Cajun Dome
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4 (featuring For King & Country in concert)
Arrive back at XA House (parent pick-up)**
* Your student may want some extra spending money while at the conference. There will be food,
music, books, clothing and other items for sale.
YEC Packing List
Pillow (optional), clothes for cool weather (there is a chance of rain on
Sunday), Bible, notebook, pen, toiletries, money for 3 meals (fast
food), extra money at conference (optional), & a good attitude.
A rotten attitude, IPODs, gaming devices, homework,
pranking items, or anything else you can think of that you
shouldn’t bring!
Billy Lonsberry 623-0118
Drew Rivers 419-1879
Mark Byrd 623-0061
Luke Johnson 678-316-7744
Sleep Inn
2140 W Willow St.
Scott, LA 70583
(337) 264-0408
Join students in the 7th-12th grades from all over Louisiana, and gather at the Cajun
Dome in Lafayette for the biggest Celebration of the year!!! This year, YEC will
feature Illusionist Jared Hall, speaker Wes Hamilton, worship band Finding Favor,
and artist For King and Country! We will travel in church vans and personal vehicles
of our leaders to Lafayette. Don’t be late!
I, the undersigned parent/guardian of ___________________________________ do hereby consent
to his/her participating in the trip(s) to(for)____________with
Calvary Baptist Church of
YEC 2014
Alexandria, LA and/or Calvary Woodworth, Woodworth, LA (hereinafter “the church”). As the
lawful parent/guardian of the above named person, and having full lawful authority to consent to
the furnishing of hospital, medical, surgical, dental, or other care, I do hereby authorize the
Ministerial Staff, Ministry Director or Volunteers of this event to secure the services of a licensed
physician to provide the care necessary, including anesthesia, for my child’s well being. In addition,
I hereby authorize the church to use and publish photographs of my child or children, or in which
my child or children may be included, in any church publication, including its website. For privacy,
I understand that my child’s name will not be used in connection with any image used on the church
website. I hereby release the church and anyone acting on the church’s behalf, including but not
limited to Ministerial Staff, Ministry Directors, Volunteers, and other employees from all claims
and liability relating to said photographs.
SIGNED: __________________________________________________ Date:________________