Information from Intrado California County Coordinators
Information from Intrado California County Coordinators
Information from Intrado California County Coordinators Industry 1 Overview ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Telematics Service Providers & Stakeholders E911 call flow ALI Standard Development PSAP Mapping Telematics Industry Information Common Questions ◦ Hughes, OnStar, ATX/CCAS 2 3 Telematics is the passing of voice and/or messages containing data associated with an emergency call from a vehicle. ◦ An emergency call is initiated automatically due to the deployment of one or more airbags. ◦ A manual emergency call is initiated by a vehicle occupant physically pushing the emergency button within the vehicle. Even though the voice and data may traverse a Wireless Carrier’s network or use wireless location technology, today’s telematics calls do not involve a mobile phone unless the vehicle occupant also places a 9-1-1 call from a mobile phone. 4 Working with Intrado and Telematics Providers Excellent collaboration with CA 911 Office First Telematics E9-1-1 tests in 2009 LA & Yolo County conducted initial tests First deployment at Yolo County Comm Center Established first Telematics ALI Standard 5 3 Telematics providers ◦ ATX, OnStar, Hughes All in less than 1 year (2009) Calls route on x-y Route to local Primary PSAP Deliver specific ALI to PSAPs More than 6,000 emergency calls already delivered with E9-1-1 ALI data ◦ Data from May through Dec. 2009 6 Buick Cadillac Chevrolet GMC Hummer Saturn SAAB Pontiac BMW Assist Mercedes-Benz TeleAid Lexus Enform Rolls Royce Assist Toyota Safety Connect Mercedes-Benz mbrace (after Nov. 16, 2009) 7 Intrado is working with Telematics Service Providers (TSPs) to leverage and access associated Peering coverage that is in place today TSP receives emergency call from vehicle through airbag deployment or manual request TSP passes necessary information to Intrado including X,Y, Incident ID, CBN, and TSP name Intrado terminates associated 9-1-1 call to the Selective Router for the appropriate PSAP Intrado delivers associated data elements (X,Y, Incident ID, CBN, and TSP Name) to PSAP 8 8 Intrado worked with California Standard is used at every PSAP in CA CA 911 Office queried County Coordinators Used feedback to make info useful to PSAPs Very intuitive and clear Intrado dedicated development in a few months Minimal impact to PSAPs Used existing fields from the VoIPi2 deployment 9 ‘COMPANY NAME’ TELEMATICS CALL CENTER ◦ Used in the subscriber name field ◦ This is consistent with every telematics service provider TLMA ◦ Used in the class of service field ◦ This had to be different than VOIP class of service in order to send the lat/lon. VEHICLE EMER CALL ◦ Used in the community name field ◦ chosen because each ESN can have multiple communities and we did not want wrong data at the PSAP. ID# ◦ Incident number used in the street name field 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CA 911 Office sent memo to all PSAPs ◦ MEMO 09-04 dated June 12, 2009 Discusses new ALI data PSAPs can use the TLMA class of service to plot the lat/lon of telematic calls Most PSAPs have maintenance agreements with their CAD, GIS, or CPE Be prepared and plan to plot 17 18 California was the initial focus of ATX’s direct connection to 9-1-1 centers because nearly of quarter of all connected vehicle emergency signals the company receives originate from California roadways. Industry News from APCO – Communication Trends & Intelligence, Public Safety Communications, Vol. 75, Number 9; September 2009 19 Two types of emer calls from vehicles ◦ Automatic crash notification that are activated upon air bag deployment ◦ SOS button initiated by the motorist Will have a different 24x7 number in the CBN (call back number) field depending on the service contract ◦ Mercedes Benz, Toyota, BMW, etc.. 20 Additional crash information for PSAPs ◦ Some vehicles also send crash impact data, including whether the vehicle rolled over, the direction of impact (i.e. head-on, rear-end, driver- or passenger-side impacts) and the number of impacts. 21 22 23 OnStar has partnered with GM Mobility to offer TTY services on select 2007 and newer model year vehicles to deaf, hard of hearing, and speechimpaired subscribers at little or no additional cost. 24 Most newer OnStar-equipped vehicles are equipped with sensors that capture critical real-time crash details. These details include the severity and type of crash. The Advisor can provide this information to emergency responders, to help them better determine the equipment required or if a trauma center is required to treat crash victims. 25 OnStar’s new Public Safety Microsite ◦ 26 27 When the voice call is delivered will both the occupant and operator/call attendant be on the line (three way conversation with Telecommunicator at PSAP, occupant(s) of vehicle and Telematics call attendant)? ◦ Yes, the car occupant, along with the call center agent will be bridged on the call with the PSAP. 28 Currently our VoIP calls are delivered on our wireline trunks, please confirm these calls will also be delivered over wireline trunks (not wireless). ◦ Yes, calls will be delivered as your VoIP calls are delivered today. 29 Has the "TLMA" class of service been adopted by NENA as a standard class of service? ◦ There are on-going discussions with NENA on the TLMA class of service. ◦ In California, TLMA is specially adopted to allow the x-y to be delivered with the call. ◦ Using TLMA, PSAPs can plot the call similar to wireless phase II calls. 30 When the call arrives at your PSAP has the agent already determined it to be an emergency, and will the agent remain on the line while you speak with the caller from the car? ◦ Yes, the call has already been determined an emergency, and the telematic call agent will be on the line. ◦ More than 50% of telematics calls are filtered and this makes only the real emergency calls to go to the PSAPs. 31 What does certification mean? ◦ Certification is defined as the PSAP accepting calls from the Telematic providers. ◦ For California, the State 911 Office performed initial testing to make sure there was compliance with the telematics ALI standard. 32 What does the call look like in the ALI? ◦ This is California Specific. 33 What does the Telematics call agent pass along to the PSAP? ◦ Location and vehicle type, model, year, color ◦ Any information on number of occupants and injuries ◦ Crash information ◦ Severity of the crash -Severity Index calculations under development 34 35