UTNC-EV UTNC-I Italiano English Français Deutsch
UTNC-EV UTNC-I Italiano English Français Deutsch
ISTRUZIONI PER L’USO INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE MODE D’EMPLOI GEBRAUCHSANWEISUNG INSTRUCCIONES DE USO Ventilconvettore Fan coil UTNC-EV UTNC-I Ventilo convecteur Klimakonvektoren Fan coil H57866/A Italiano English Français Deutsch Español Le istruzi oni originali della presente pubblicazi one sono i n lingua italiana, le altr e lingue sono una traduzione delle istruzioni originali. È vietata la riproduzione la memorizzazione e la trasmissione anche parziale della presente pubblicazione, in qualsiasi forma, senz a la preventi va autorizzazi one scritta della RHOSS S.p.A. I centri di assistenza tecnic a della RHOSS S.p.A. s ono disponibili a risolvere qualunque dubbio inerente all’utilizzo dei suoi prodotti ove la manualistica fornita risulti non soddisfacente. La RHOSS S.p.A. si ritiene libera di variare s enz a pr eavviso le car atteristiche dei pr opri prodotti. RHOSS S.p.A. attuando una politica di costante s viluppo e miglioramento dei propri prodotti, si riserva il diritto di modificare s pecific he, equipaggiamenti ed istruzioni r elati ve all’uso e alla manutenzione i n qualsiasi momento e senz a alcun preavvis o. Italiano The original instructions of this publication ar e in Italian, other languages are a transl ation of the original instructions . Reproduction, data storage and transmission, even partial, of this publication, i n any form, without the prior written authorisati on of RHOSS S.p.A., is prohibited. RHOSS S.p.A. technical service centres c an be c ontacted for all queries regardi ng the use of its pr oducts, s hould the information in the manuals prove to be i nsufficient. RHOSS S.p.A. r eser ves the right to alter features of its pr oduc ts without notice. RHOSS S.p.A. follows a policy of continuous produc t devel opment and improvement and reser ves the right to modify specificati ons, equipment and instructions regarding us e and maintenance at any time, without notice. English Les ins tructions originales de la présente publicati on sont en langue Italienne, l es autres langues sont une traducti on des i nstructions originales. La repr oduc tion, la mémorisation et la trans mission quand bien même parti elles de la présente publication s ont interdites, sous quelque forme que c e soit, sans l'autorisation préalable de RHOSS S.p.A. Les c entres d'assistance technique de RHOSS S.p.A. sont à la dis position de l'utilisateur pour fournir toute information s uppl émentaire sur ses produits dans le cas où les notices fournies s'avèrerai ent insuffisantes. RHOSS S.p.A. conser ve la faculté de modifi er sans préavis les carac téristiques de ses produits. Mettant en œuvre des acti vités de développement et de cons tante amélioration de s es produits, RHOSS S.p.A. se réser ve la fac ulté de modifier à tout moment et sans préavis auc un, spécifications, équipements et instructions d'utilisation et d'entreti en. Français Die Originalanleitung wurde in italienischer Sprac he verfass t. Bei den anderen Spr achen handelt es sich um eine Übers etzung der Originalanleitung. Die auch teil weise Ver vielfältigung, Abspeic herung und Weitergabe der vorliegenden Veröffentlichung in jeder Form ist ohne vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung seitens des Herstellers RHOSS S.p.A. untersagt. Die tec hnisc hen Kundendienststellen RHOSS S.p.A. helfen bei Zweifeln über di e Anwendungder betriebseigenen Produkte gern weiter, sollte di e beigestellte Dokumentation in dies er Hinsicht nicht ausreichend sein. RHOSS S.p.A. behält sic h das Recht vor, ohne Vorankündigung die Eigensc haften der Geräte zu ändern. RHOSS S.p.A. behält sich weiter hin das Recht vor, im Zuge sei ner Gesc häftspoliti k ständiger Entwic klung und Verbess erung der eigenen Produkte jeder Zeit und ohne Vorankündigung die Beschrei bung, die Ausrüstung und die Gebrauchs- und Wartungsanweisungen z u ändern. Deutsch Las instr ucciones originales de esta publicación han sido redactadas en italiano; las versiones en otros idi omas son una traducción del original. Se prohíbe la reproducción, memorización y tr ans misión inclus o parcial de esta publicación, de cualquier manera, si n la autorización previa por escrito de RHOSS S.p.A. Los ser vicios técnic os de RHOSS S.p.A. están disponibles para s olucionar cualquier duda ac erca del uso de l os produc tos, si el manual no fuese s uficiente. RHOSS S.p.A. se reser va el derecho de aportar modificaciones a los productos si n previ o aviso. RHOSS S.p.A., siguiendo una política de constante desarrollo y mejora de s us productos, se r eser va el derecho de modificar especific aciones, equipamientos e ins trucciones referentes al us o y el mantenimiento en cualquier momento y si n previ o avis o. Español Dichiar azione di conformità La s ocietà RHOSS S.p.A. con s ede a Arquà Polesine (RO), via delle Industrie 211, dic hiara, s otto la propria esclusi va res ponsabilità, c he i prodotti della s erie UTNC-EV 26 - 41 - 51 - 61 - 86 - 111 sono conformi ai requisiti ess enziali di sicurezza di cui alla Diretti va Macchine 2006/42/CE. ------------ La macc hina è inoltre c onforme alle seguenti diretti ve: - 2006/95/CE (Bassa T ensione). - 2004/108/C E (Compati bilità El ettromagnetica). Statement of conformity Déclar ation de conformité RHOSS S.p.A. located in Arquà Polesine (RO), via delle Industrie 211, hereby states on its own exclusi ve res ponsibility that the products in the La s ociété RHOSS S.p.A. dont le siège se tr ouve à Arquà Polesine (RO), via delle Industrie 211, déclare, sous sa r esponsabilité exclusi ve, que les produits de la série UTNC-EV 26 - 41 - 51 - 61 - 86 - 111 UTNC-EV 26 - 41 - 51 - 61 - 86 - 111 are compliant with the ess ential safety r equirements as set forth in Machine Directi ve 2006/42/CE. -----------The mac hine is also c ompliant with the following direc tives: - 2006/95/CE (Low Voltage). - 2004/108/C E (Electromagnetic Compatibility). sont c onformes aux car actéristiques de s écurité requises par la Directi ve Machines 2006/42/CE. -----------L’appareil es t par ailleurs c onforme aux directi ves sui vantes : - 2006/95/CE (Basse T ension). - 2004/108/C E (Compati bilité El ectromagnétique) . Konformitätserklärung Declar ación de conformidad Der Hersteller RHOSS S.p.A. mit Geschäftssitz in Arquà Polesine (RO), via delle Industrie 211, erklärt eigenverantwortlich, dass die Geräte der Baureihe La empresa RHOSS S.p.A con s ede en Arquà Polesi ne (RO), via delle Industrie 211, declar a bajo s u única res ponsabilidad que los productos de la serie UTNC-EV 26 - 41 - 51 - 61 - 86 - 111 UTNC-EV 26 - 41 - 51 - 61 - 86 - 111 den grundsätzlichen Anforderungen an die Sic herheit in Übereinsti mmung mit der Maschinenrichtlini e 2006/42/EG entspr echen. -----------Darüber hinaus entspricht di e Maschi ne folgenden Richtlinien: - 2006/95/EG, (Nieder Spannung). - 2004/108/EG (Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit). Codroipo, lì 20 febbraio 2012 Se encuentr an en c onformi dad con los principales requisitos de seguridad i ndicados en la Directi va de máquinas 2006/42/C E. -----------La máquina, además, s e encuentra en confor midad con las siguientes directivas: - 2006/95/CE, (Baja T ens òn). - 2004/108/C E (Compati bilidad elec tromagnétic a). Il direttor e tec nico / The Tec hnical Director / Le Directeur Tec hnique Der Leiter der Tec hnisc hen Abteilung / El director técnico Michele Albi eri 3 INDEX INDEX Italiano page 4 English page 20 Français page 36 Deutsch Seite 52 Español página 68 I SECTION I: USER................................................................................. 21 I.1 Desc ription of the Machine......................................................................... 21 I.1.1 I.1.2 I.1.3 I.1.4 I.1.5 I.1.6 Declar ed con ditio ns of use ............................................................................ 21 Machin e ide ntificatio n .................................................................................. 21 Structural features ....................................................................................... 21 Functioni ng lim its ........................................................................................ 21 Information reg ardi ng impr oper us e ................................................................ 21 Information ab out resid ual risks that can not be el imin ated ................................... 21 I.2 Acce ssories and spare part s ...................................................................... 21 I.2.1 I.2.2 I.2.3 I.2.4 STANDARD comma nds an d controls (su ppl ied se parate ly) ................................. 22 ADVANCED comm ands a nd contro ls (supp lie d separ ately) ................................. 23 Serial i nterfaces for adva nced co ntrols (sup pli ed sep arately) ................................ 23 Serial CONVE RTERS (supp lie d separ ately) ..................................................... 23 I.3 Instructions for use ................................................................................... 24 I.3.1 I.3.2 Prolon ged sh utdow n .................................................................................... 24 Start-up after prolon ged sh utdow n .................................................................. 24 I.4 Cleaning the unit....................................................................................... 24 I.4.1 Clea nin g the air filter .................................................................................... 24 I.5 Warnings and suggestions......................................................................... 24 II SECTION II: INSTA LLA TION AND MAIN TEN ANCE............................. 25 II.1 Transport instructions............................................................................... 25 II.1.1 II.1.2 II.1.3 II.1.4 Packagi ng an d compo nents .......................................................................... 25 Hand lin g Instructions ................................................................................... 25 Storage con ditio ns ...................................................................................... 25 Clear ances a nd pos ition ing ........................................................................... 25 II.2 Installation instructions ............................................................................. 26 II.2.1 II.2.2 II.2.3 II.2.4 II.2.5 II.2.6 Pre-Installati on ........................................................................................... 27 install ation ................................................................................................. 27 Assembly of the frame/grid ass embly .............................................................. 28 Outdoor fresh air an d treated air flo w into an a djac ent room ................................. 28 Water connectio ns ...................................................................................... 30 Electrical co nnecti ons .................................................................................. 33 II.3 Instructions for start-up............................................................................. 34 II.3.1 Prelimi nary checks b efore start-up .................................................................. 34 II.4 Instructions for maintenance...................................................................... 34 II.4.1 II.4.2 Routin e mainte nanc e ................................................................................... 34 Specia l Mainte nanc e ................................................................................... 35 II.5 Instructions to dismantle the unit and dispose of hazardous substances......... 35 SYMBOLS USED SYMBOL MEANING DANGER ! The DANGER sign warns the operator and maintenance personnel about risks that m ay cause death, ph ysical injur y, or immediate or latent illnesses of an y kind. DANGER: LIVE COMPONENTS! The DANGER: LIVE COMPONENTS sign warns the operator and m aintenan ce p ersonnel about risks due to the presence of live voltage. DANGER: SHAR P EDGES! The DANGER: SH ARP EDGES sign warns the operator and m aintenan ce p ersonnel about the presen ce of potentially d angerous sharp edges. DANGER: HOT SURFACES! The DANGER: HOT SURF ACES sign warns the operator and m aintenan ce p ersonnel about the presen ce of potentially d angerous hot surfaces. DANGER: MOVING PARTS! The DANGER: MOVING PARTS sign warn s the operator and m aintenan ce p ersonnel about risks due to the presence of moving parts. IMPORTANT W ARNING! The IMPORTANT W ARNING sign indicates actions or hazards that could damage the unit or its equipment. SAFEGUARD THE EN VIRONMENT ! The environmental safegu ard sign provides instructions on ho w to use the m achin e in an environmentally friendly manner. Reference standards UNI EN 292 UNI EN 294 UNI EN 563 UNI EN 1050 UNI 10893 EN 13133 EN 12797 EN 378-1 ATTACH MEN TS PrEN 378-2 A1 A2 A3 Technica l data…………………………………………………………………..……….85 Dimens ions……………………………………………………………..………………..89 Wiring di agrams……………………………………………………………….….……..93 IEC EN 60335-2-40 UNI EN ISO 3744 EN 50081-1:1992 20 Safety of machinery. Basic concepts, general design principles Safety of machinery. Safety distances to prevent reaching danger zones with upper limbs. Safety of machinery. T emperature of contact surfaces. Ergonomic data to establish limit values for temperatures of hot surfaces. Safety of machinery. Principles of risk assessment. Product technical documentation. User instructions Brazing. Brazer approval Brazing. Destructive tests of brazed joints Refrigeration systems and heat pumps – safety and environmental requirements. Basic requirements, definitions, classification and selection criteria Refrigeration systems and heat pumps – safety and environmental requirements. Design, construction, testing, installing, marking and documentation Safety of electrical equipment for domestic and similar use. Part 2: Specific regulations for electric heat pumps, air conditioners and dehumidifiers. Determination of the levels of strength of sound sources by means of sound pressure. T echnical design method in an essentially open space on a reflective surface. Electromagnetic compatibility - Generic emission standard Part 1: Residential, commercial and light industry SECTION I: USER I SECTION I: USER I.1 I.1.4 FUNCTIONING LIMITS IMPORTANT ! RHOSS S.p.A. shall not be h eld liable for damag e to persons or propert y caused b y a connection that does not comply with the indicated functioning limits. DESCRIPTION OF THE MACHINE UTNC-EV is a Box-type air handling terminal unit, to be installed i n false ceilings, with air flow and retur n directl y i nto the room. I.1.1 DECLARED CONDI TIONS OF USE W ater Circuit UTNC-EV is a fan coil intended for the treatment of air (summer and winter air-conditi oning) inside buildings us ed for domestic or si milar purpos es. T he unit is not designed for ins tallation in rooms us ed for laundry purposes (IEC EN 60335- 2-40 Standard). • Water side maximum pressure: 1400 kPa (142 mwc) • Minimum temperature of the input water: + 4°C • Maxi mum temperature of the i nput water: + 80°C The units c omply with the following Directi ves: - Machiner y Directi ve 2006/42/EC (MD); - Low Voltage Directi ve 2006/95/EC (LVD); - Electromagnetic C ompati bility Directi ve 2004/108/EC (EMC); • Minimum temperature: 5°C (1) • Maxi mum temperature: 32°C Environment air Note: (1) If the room temperature is thought to drop belo w 0°C, it is recommend ed to empt y the water system so as to pr event possible breakage du e to frost (see "W ater Connections" par agraph). DANGER ! The mach ine is designed for indoor installation only, for use in dom estic or similar environments. DANGER ! Do not introduce objects through the air intake or deliver y gr illes. Electric po wer supply unit • Single-phas e nomi nal voltage 230V ~ 50Hz I.1.5 IMPORTANT ! The unit will function correctly only if the instructions for use ar e scrupulously follo wed, if the specified clearan ces ar e comp lied with during installation and if the functioning r estriction s indicated in this m anual are strictly adh ered to. IMPORTANT ! The mach ine has been designed and constru cted solely and exclusively to function as an air handling terminal unit; an y other use is strictly PROHIBITED. Installing the machine in an explosive environment is prohibited. IMPORTANT If clearan ce distances are not maintain ed at installation, it could cau se m aintenan ce difficu lties and reduction in p erformance. I.1.2 INFORMATION REGARDING IMPROPER USE I.1.6 INFORMATION ABOUT RESIDUAL RISKS THAT CANNO T BE ELIMINATED IMPORTANT ! Pay the utmost attention to the symbols and instructions lo cated on the appliance. MACHINE IDENTIFICATION The units have a s erial number plate affixed to the inside, which is visible by removi ng the air filter. If any risks r emain in spite of the pr ovisions adopted, or if there are any potential or hidden risks , thes e are indicated by adhesi ve labels attac hed to the mac hine in c omplianc e with standard ISO 3864. I.2 I.1.3 IMPORTANT ! Only use origin al spare parts and accessories. RHOSS S.p.a. shall not be held liab le for damage caused b y tampering or work carr ied out b y unauthorised per sonnel or malfunctions cau sed b y the use of non-original spar e part s or accessories. STRUCTURAL FEATURES • The self-s upporting structure is made of gal vanised sheet s teel complete with a device that raises the condensate fr om the tray to the drain level tray, a buffer ceiling with manually adj ustable fl ow fins, r eturn grid and regenerable filter. • Finned coil heat exc hanger. • 3-speed fan UTNC-EV. • Brushless fan UTNC-I. I.1.3.1 IMPORTANT ! In the case of a water supply with a particular ly high content of hard water salts, it is advisable to fit a water softener. KV2 - KV3 ( supplied separately) – 2/3- way elec troval ve for 2-pipe systems complete with an insul ation covering (the access ory does not come with the auxiliar y c ondens ate drai n tray). Versions • • • • • UTNC-EV 2-pipe fan coil UTNC-EV/V2-V3 2-pipe fan coil with installed val ve 2/3 way. UTNC-EV B4 4-pipe fan coil UTNC-EV/V2-V3B4 4-pipe fan c oil with installed val ves 2/3 way. UTNC-EV REL 2-pipe fan coil + el ectric resistance • • • • • UTNC-I 2-pipe fan c oil UTNC-I/V2-V3 2-pi pe fan coil with ins talled val ve 2/3 way. UTNC-I B4 4-pipe fan coil UTNC-I/V2-V3B4 4- pipe fan coil with i nstalled valves 2/3 way. UTNC-I REL 2-pipe fan c oil + electric resistanc e ACCESSORIES AND SPARE PARTS 21 SECTION I: USER V2 - V3 (installed) – 2/3-way elec troval ve for 2-pipe s ystems c omplete with an insulation covering (the accessor y does not c ome with the auxiliary condensate drain tr ay). KAP (supplied separ ately) – Primar y air kit. Models 26-41-51 (¾”) Models 61-86-111 ( 1”) I.2.1 UTNC-EV has a number of commands and controls that can be supplied separatel y, on request. Hereunder is the list of commands or controls that can be combined with the UTNC-EV. • KCV2 (supplied sep arately) Panel with a 3-speed switch complete with a summer/off/winter switch and the possibility of c onnecting the minimum thermostat externally. Wall mounted. KV2B4 - KV3B 4 (supplied separat ely) – 2/3-way electrovalve for 4pipe s ys tems. The c old side val ve is compl ete with an ins ulation covering (the access ory does not come with the auxiliar y condensate drain tray). V2B4 - V3B4 (in stalled) – 2/3- way electroval ve for 4-pi pe s ystems. The cold side val ve is complete with an ins ulation covering (the access ory does not come with the auxiliar y c ondens ate drain tray). (Dimensions 145 x 82 x 40 mm) • KTCV2 (supplied separately) Control and adj ustment panel including: off/continuous ventilati on/ther mostat ventilation switc h; room thermostat; summer/winter switc h; s peed s witc h; auxiliary contacts (230 Vac) to control the On/Off val ves in 2-pi pe s ystems, 2- pipe s ys tems with electric resistance or 4- pipe s ys tems with the possibility of connec ting the minimum thermostat externall y. Wall mounted. Models 26-41-51 (¾” – ½”) Models 61-86-111 ( 1” - ¾”) (Dimensions 145 x 82 x 40 mm) • KTCVA (supplied sep arately) Electronic control panel including: continuous/off/thermostat ventilation switch; 3-speed s witch; room thermostat; automatic summer/winter switchover; red/green heating/cooling functioning LED; auxiliary contact (230 Vac) to c ontrol the ON/OFF valve in 2-pipe s ystems. Wall mounted. KVA (supplied separ ately) - Auxiliary condensate drain tray. 26-41- 51 STANDARD COMMANDS AND CONTROLS (SUPPLIED SEPARATELY) 61-86- 111 (Dimensions 145 x 82 x 40 mm) The heating-cooling switchover occurs automatically via detection of the water temperature in the fan c oil upstream the val ve acc ording to the following logic. KCB (supplied sep arately) - Flow closur e slots. Stand-by 20 23 29 32 T = water temperature • KTCVR (supplied sep arately) Electronic c ontr ol panel i ncludi ng: on/off/elec tric resistanc e s witch; automatic summer/winter switc hover; automatic speed/mi nimum s peed switch; comfort ±5°C adjustment knob; auxiliary c ontacts (230 Vac) to control the ON/OFF val ve in 2-pipe s ystems, 2-pipe s ystems with electric resistance or 4-pipe s ystems . Minimum thermostat function, destratification c ycle and dirty filter signal. Wall mounted. KFFE (supplied separ ately) - Passi ve electros tatic photoc atalytic filter. 0 (Dimensions 145 x 82 x 40 mm) 22 SECTION I: USER • KMVR (supplied sep arately) for UTNC-EV Module to c ontr ol the ON/OFF val ves i n 2 or 4-pi pe s ystems, to be associated with the KCMS electr onic boar d. It has two auxiliar y contacts: s ummer/winter consent and boiler control. The heating-cooling switchover occurs automatically via detection of the water temperature in the fan c oil upstream the val ve acc ording to the following logic. If the electric resistance is present, it can be activated. 2-pipe system Stand-by 20 32 T = Water temperature. 4-pipe system Stand-by 20 25 • KCMVI (supplied separ ately) for UTNC-I Electronic board that can be configured as MAST ER or SLAVE for manual or automatic regulation of all appliance functions, c omplete with MVRI module (MVRI module to control the ON-OFF val ve i n 2 or 4 pipes s ys tems of brus hless fan). t = Room temperature. I.2.2 ADVANCED COMMANDS AND CONTROLS (SUPPLIED SEPARATELY) • KPCM (supplied sep arately) Electronic control panel with 11-key LCD, for manual or automatic regulation of all appliance functions according to the pre-set room temperature. The panel is set-up to be wall-mounted. ON S CONT • KSTI (supplied separately) Temperature sensor for additional water heating coil, to be us ed in combinati on with the KCMS-KCMVI electr onic car d. OFF C Mode (Dimensions 70 x 101 x 20 mm) KTCM (supplied separ ately) Infrared remote control with LCD, for manual or automatic regul ation of all appliance functions acc ording to the pre-set room temperature. T he remote c ontrol is c omplete with a s upport brac ket to be wall-mounted. • KPRI – Extensi on l ead for the recei ver for remote control operation. I.2.3 • KISI (supplied sep arately) CAN-bus serial interfac e (Controller Area Network, indispensable for the networ k c onnecti on of the units and their serial addressi ng, which are to be associated with the KCMS elec tronic boar d (Can-Open Protocol). MODE CONT ON OFF SERIAL INTERFACES FOR ADVANCED CONTROLS (SUPPLIED SEPARATELY) S TIMER FUN CTIONS C (Dimensions 50 x 130 x 30 mm) • KICM (supplied sep arately) Recessed panel with LCD to c ontrol the Fan coil CMS el ectronic ally. The panel is set- up to be i nstalled in 3-modul e recess ed wall-mounted boxes . • KRS485 ( supplied separately) RS485 serial interfac e for logical dialogue with building automation and super vision s ystems, which is to be associated with the KCMS electronic board (Supported pr otoc ols: proprietar y protocol; ModBuS ® RTU). (Dimensions 65.2 x 44.4 x 27.3 mm) • KCMS (supplied sep arately) for UTNC-EV Electronic board that can be configured as MAST ER or SLAVE for manual or automatic regulation of all appliance functions, c omplete with a container for any additional KMVR modul es. I.2.4 SERIAL CONVERTERS (SUPPLIED SEPARATELY) • KRS232 ( supplied separately) RS485/RS232 s erial converter to c onnect to s upervis ory s ys tems and must be ass ociated to one or more KRS485 s erial interface modules in the c ase of c entr alised management of the units . 23 SECTION I: USER • KUSB (supplied separat ely) RS485/USB s erial converter to c onnect to s upervis ory s ys tems and must be ass ociated to one or more KRS485 s erial interface modules in the c ase of c entr alised management of the units . I.4.1 CLEANING THE AIR FILTER To ens ure c orrect air intake, the air filter must be cl eaned at l east onc e a month or more often if the machine is us ed in ver y dusty environments. T he filter must always be removed from the unit to be cleaned. The air filter is mad e of acr ylic fibr e, which can be washed with wat er. The electrostatic activated carbon filters (with which the unit m ay b e equipped) cannot be wash ed and must be r eplaced. 1) Opening the grid Turn the two screws by 90° (1/4 of a turn) I.3 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE The followi ng operations can be c arried out via the control panels: • Drive/stop the unit. • Selection from the three fan speeds . • Regulation of the thermostat and mai ntai ning the desired temperature i n the room. • Switc hover of the cooling/heating: functioning c ycle. • Continuous ventilation control. The specific instructions for u se of the controls are provided with the relative controls. I.3.1 2) Removing the filter PROLONGED SHUTDOWN IMPORTANT ! If the unit is not used during the winter period, the water contained in the system may freez e. If the mac hine is goi ng to be out of use for long periods of ti me, it is necess ary to disconnect the unit from the mains by disconnec ting the main switc h, fitted by the installer. If the unit is not used during the winter period, the water c ontained in the s ys tem may fr eeze. To prevent this, all the water contained in the circuit must be emptied before the onset of winter. Alternati vel y, a suitabl e quantity of anti-freez e liquid should be mi xed with the water. I.3.2 START-UP AFTER PROLONGED SHUTDOWN Befor e starti ng up the unit again: • Clean or change the air filter. • Clean the heat-exc hanger. • Clean or uncl og the drain of the condens ate tray. • Bleed any air from the water s ystem. • It is advisable to run the unit at maximum speed for s everal hours. I.4 3) Cleaning the filter First clean the filter with a vac uum cleaner, then rinse it under running water and dry it. Insert the filter bac k into its seat correctl y. CLEANING THE UNI T DANGER ! Always disconnect the electric po wer b efore cleaning or performing m aintenan ce op erations. Do not spray water on the unit. The external surfac e of the unit can be cleaned. Clean with a s oft cl oth dampened with water and alcohol. Do not us e hot water, abrasi ve or c orrosive substances or sol vents. Befor e refitti ng the filter, make sur e it is clean and compl etel y dry. If the filter is damaged, it mus t be replaced with an original RHOSS S.p.A filter. I.5 WARNINGS AND SUGGESTIONS Never obs truct the air flow. T he use of water or aer osol spr ay in proximity to the unit can cause electric shoc ks and malfunctions . 24 SECTION II: INST ALL ATION AND MAINTEN ANCE II SECTION II: INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE II.1 II.1.1 II.1.3 STORAGE CONDI TIONS Pac kaged units can be stored by s tac king a maximum of four on top of each other and must be s tored in a dr y area. II.1.4 TRANSPORT INS TRUCTIONS PACKAGING AND COMPONENTS CLEARANCES AND POSITIONING IMPORTANT ! Incorrect positioning or in stallation of the unit can amplif y noise levels and vibrations gener ated during operation. DANGER ! DO NOT OPEN OR T AMPER W ITH THE PACKAGING UNTIL THE TIME OF INST ALLATION. The units must only be moved and lifted b y specialised p ersonnel who are trained to do so. Never obs truct the air flow or return: MAX 3 m Upon deli ver y, c hec k that the unit has not been damaged during transport and that it is c omplete with all its parts. If there is visible damage, immediatel y take note of the damage and write this on the tr ansport document together with the following statement: “ACCEPTED WITH RESER VATIONS BECAUSE OF EVIDENT DAMAGE TO THE PACKAGING”, stating the s erial number if there are s everal mac hines , sinc e ex- wor ks deli ver y implies entitlement to compens ation under the terms of the i nsurance, in acc ordance with the provisions of applicabl e Laws . Prevent direct s olar radi ation into the room (draw the c urtains) when operating in cooling mode: MAX 3 m To remove the packaging, follo w these instructions: • Chec k for visibl e damage; • Open the pac kaging; • Verify that the envelope c ontaining the use and maintenanc e manual is present; • Dispose of the pac kaging material in accordanc e with c urrent legislation, at the appropriate waste rec epti on or rec ycling site. SAFEGUARD THE EN VIRONMENT ! Dispose of the p ackaging m aterials in compliance with the n ational or local legislation applicable in your countr y. Do not place the unit cl ose to heat sources: DANGER ! Do not leave the packaging within r each of childr en. II.1.2 HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS DANGER ! Movement of the unit must be performed with care, in order to avoid dam age to the extern al structure and to the internal mechanical and electrical components. Also make sure that ther e are no obst acles or people blocking the route, to avoid the danger of collisions, crushing or tipping over of the lifting device. Always use the p ersonal protective equipment. Avoid environments with oil vapours. All the operations listed below must be carried out in accordanc e with current health and safety regul ations , with reference to the equipment used as well as the procedures followed. Before c ommencing handling operations , ensure that the lifti ng device has the required capacity for the unit i n questi on. The units c an be moved or lifted by hand or by means of a suitable truck. If the unit weighs more than 30 kg and is to be handl ed manually, this must be c arried out by two persons: however, it is recommended to use a truc k. If s everal units need to be moved at the same time, it is advisable to put the machines in a c ontainer and lift them by means of a forklift truc k or similar means. Do not use a c ondens ate drai n pi pe to the ci vil dr ains/sewer without a siphon. The height of the si phon must be acc ording to the water head, which allows the c ondensate to evacuate correctl y. 25 SECTION II: INST ALL ATION AND MAINTEN ANCE Avoid environments with an enhanced pres enc e of high frequencies . II.2 INSTALLATION INS TRUCTIONS DANGER ! Installation must only b e carried out b y skilled technicians, qu alified to work on air conditioning and refriger ation system s. In correct installation could cau se the unit to malfunction, with a consequent det erioration in performan ce. DANGER ! The unit must be in stalled according to nation al or local regulation s applicable at the time of installation. Always u se the per sonal protective equipment. Check that the voltage and the frequ ency of the electric system cor respond to those requir ed and that the available po wer inst alled is sufficient for other household appliances that are connected on the sam e electric lines to function. Make sur e that the electrical supply syst em complies with current National safet y r egulations. Make sur e that an efficient earth line is available. The condensate dr ain pipe of the inner unit mu st be extended with a PVC pipe of an intern al Ø 16 mm (not supplied), long enough for the installation in question and therm ally insulated. Avoid the partial insul ation of the pipes and non-level installations as either c an c aus e dripping. The unit is not designed to be installed in rooms used for laundr y purposes (IEC EN 60335-2-40). Avoid ascending trac ts, away from the unit, in the condensate drain pipe. Thes e can onl y be present near by the unit with a maxi mum level difference of 200 mm with respect to the upper bas e. Follow the indications b elo w for the in stallation procedur e: Install the unit in a possibl y central position of the room. The air flow direction c an be adjusted by manuall y moving the vents acc ording to the func tioni ng mode (c ooling or heating). This optimis es the air distribution in the room. When functi oning in c ooling mode, the optimal position (2) of the vents is that which blows the air towards the ceiling by Coanda effect. In heating mode, the vents (1) direct the air towards the floor to prevent stratification of hot air in the upper part of the room MAX. 200 mm Do not crush the connec tion pipes and the condens ate drain pipe. 2 1 Avoid horizontal tracts and bends of the condens ate drain pipe; this must have a mi nimum sl ope of 2%. 1 Heating: vents i n position to blow the air. 2 Cooling: vents in position to blow the air. For quick and eas y installation and maintenance, the pr e-selected position must allow the c eiling panels to be removed and in the case of mas onr y ceilings, the unit c an be acc essed. In the c ase of plasterboard ceilings, the unit housing di mensions must not exceed 660x660 mm (models 26- 41-51) and 900x900 mm ( models 61-86- 111). In r ooms with high humi dity, ins ulate the fastening brac kets with s uitable s elf-adhesi ve isolati ng parts. Avoid loos e elec trical connec tions . 26 SECTION II: INST ALL ATION AND MAINTEN ANCE Use the relati ve KIT (KC B) to cl ose one or two air flow vents. Once the four tie-rods are i nstalled, screw i n the bolts without tightening and insert the washers as i ndicated in the figure: ATTENTION ! Do not close the air flo w in an y way other than that shown in the diagram. A maximum of 2 vents can be clo sed. 1 5 II.2.1 5 4 PRE-INSTALLATION 2 Transport the pac kaged unit as close as possible to the installation location. For further protection, the control and the grid are supplied in separate pac kaging. The unit i nstallation is facilitated when a for k lift is used. 3 4 1 1 1 Bolt 2 Gap for fastening brac ket 3 Threaded tie-rod 4 Washer 5 T-profile First position the connection pi pes as described in the "Water Connections" par agraph and remove a T-profile for a quic ker and simpler installation. Carefull y lift the unit ( without the frame), grabbing it fr om the four fastening brac kets (or the four corners) and insert it into the false ceiling. IMPORTANT ! Do not handle the unit from the conden sate drain pipe or the water connections. Hold it from the four corners. 3 II.2.2 3 5 INSTALLATION Mark the position of each support, the c onnection pi pes and condens ate drain pipe and the el ectric suppl y and c ontr ol cabl es (see dimensions). The supplied cardboard template can be us eful for this purpos e. T he tie-rods c an be installed as indic ated in the figure, depending on the type of c eiling. 5 7 6 6 3 Threaded tie-rod 5 6 T-profile Fasteni ng brac ket 7 Water connec tions If a T-profile cannot be removed, the unit mus t be tilted (this c an onl y be carried out if the false ceiling is higher than 300 mm). An example of fastening to a wooden structure: 3 1 3 4 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 Bolt Wooden struc ture 5 5 6 Threaded tie-rod Washer 1 1 6 27 SECTION II: INST ALL ATION AND MAINTEN ANCE 3 max 5 mm Level the unit using a spirit-level, adjus ting the bolts and loc k-nuts of the threaded tie-rods , keepi ng a distanc e of 25-30 mm between the sheet steel c asing and the l ower surface of the false ceiling. 6 9 9 B A 8 3 Threaded tie-rod 6 Fasteni ng brac ket 8 False ceiling 9 Level The side openings allow a separate intake duct to be implemented for the outdoor fresh air and the air flo w into an adjacent room. Re-mount the previousl y removed T-profile and align the unit with respect to the profiles , tightening the bolts and loc k-nuts. Remove the outer anti-condensate ins ulation, defi ned by the die, and remove the pre-sheared sheet s teel panels using a punch. Outdoor fresh air and treated air flow into an adj acent room 5 50 119 Ø1 6 155 II.2.4 Ø70 Lastl y, after havi ng implemented the condensate drain pipe and water connections, c hec k that the unit is s till level. II.2.3 ASSEMBLY OF THE FRAME/GRID ASSEMBLY Unpac k the frame/grid ass embl y and chec k that this has not been damaged during transport Appl y the assembl y to the unit by hooking it to the two fastening supports and tighten the four fas teni ng screws. 1 Ø1 50 2 IMPORTANT ! Only the supplied scr ews ar e to be u sed to fast en the frame. 4 3 10 2 Connection inlet Pipe clamp 3 6 mm neoprene gas ket 4 Insulated pipe duct 5 Outdoor air inlet Air distributed into an adj acent room 1 12 6 II.2.4.1 Air flow into an adjacent room The air fl ow into the adjac ent room requires the duc t vent to be clos ed using the relati ve flow vents obs truction kit. T he kit cannot be us ed with units that have an electric resistance. An air return grid must be installed (as clos e as possi ble to the ground) between the airconditi oned room (in which the unit is installed) and the adjac ent r oom. 11 11 11 W W 11 10 Frame pre-hook s upport D 11 Frame fastening screw 12 Safety string The frame must not be defor med caused by excessi ve tracti on; it must be c entred with r espec t to the false c eilings and it must especiall y guarantee tightness between the air intake and flow. T he figure indicates the s eal gas kets (A-B) that prevent the air from being bypassed (A) and the treated air from escaping (B) inside the false ceiling. Once the ass embly is installed, verify that the gap between the frame and the false ceiling is less than 5 mm. G 28 G W Wall D Door G Grid SECTION II: INST ALL ATION AND MAINTEN ANCE II.2.4.2 IMPORTANT ! DO NOT electrostatic or activated carbon filter kits in presence of ducting towards the adjacent room. Use a pencil to trac e the i nner Pol ystyrene along the perimeters of the previousl y s heared s heet steel, then use a c utter to c ut the Pol ystyrene, paying attention not to damage the c oil of the heat exc hanger at the bac k. IMPORTANT ! Failure to comply with these instruction s can cause dripping due to the conden sation. The Manufacturer cannot be held liable for an y d amage. W Wall D Door G Grid W D Outdoor fresh air Remove the precut sheet metal and install the air c ontrol device by fixing it to the unit frame. Use material (purchas ed l ocall y) that is s uitabl e for a c ontinuous temperature of 60 °C. The ducts c an be made of pol yester pipe (with a steel s piral core) or made of c orrugated al umini um, covered externall y with anti-condens ate material (fibr eglass 12 - 25 mm thic k). Once i nstallati on is c omplete, the non-insul ated surfaces of the duc ts must be covered with anti-condensate ins ulating material (e.g. 6 mm expanded neoprene). An additi onal fan for the intake of outdoor air (installed by the installer) must be connec ted to the terminal board as s hown i n the attached diagrams. T he fan functions in parallel to the elec trothermal adj ustment val ve, for it to stop when the val ve closes . G 230V~50Hz It is not permitted to use the two pre-sheared side openings on the unit simultaneousl y for the air fl ow into the adjac ent room. The “air flow into the adjacent room diagram" hel ps determine the length of the fl ow ducts (also considering the drop i n press ure by means of air flow diffusers, external air filters) and the increase i n noise due to thes e channels. 1 5 Air flo w into the adjacent room diagr am (one closed vent) If two vents are cl osed, the air flow rate towards the adj acent room is 50% higher than that generated with 1 cl osed vent (equal static c ounter pressure) p (Pa) 40 3 30 4 2 20 2 Electrical board Antifreeze ther mostat 3 Speed c ontr oller 4 Outdoor fan motor 5 230 V relay 1 10 26 41 51/61 86 111 0 0 100 300 200 410 400 Qa ( ) For winter functioning with outdoor air intake, it is recommended to install an anti-freez e thermostat calibrated to 2°C, with the bulb plac ed on the water outl et pi pes, which i ntercepts the additional fan. The outdoor air flow rate must be 10% less than the total air flow rate i n order to prevent problems pertaini ng to the functioni ng or noise. The fres h air fl ow must be less than 10% of the total air flow, to avoid operating problems or ecc essi ve nois e. For higher air flow a "primary air kit" KAP is available whic h us es the prepunc hed hole for air ducting to an adjac ent room and a baffle s o that the fresh air is introduc ed i nto the room through a diffuser. Install an i ntake grid with an ins pecti on filterholder frame on the outside so as to prevent dust and leaves from irreparabl y bl oc king the heat exc hanger coil of the unit. If this filter is installed, a c hannel cl osing damper does not need to be installed during the s hutdown periods. 4 p Static pressure available Qa Air flow r ate 4 Flow c hannel i nto the adjacent room 29 SECTION II: INST ALL ATION AND MAINTEN ANCE II.2.5 WATER CONNECTIONS II.2.5.2 IMPORTANT ! It is ver y important for the water conn ections to be implemented with great care b y sp ecialised personnel. II.2.5.1 Setting up the condensate drain For the condensate to fl ow correctl y, the drain pipe must have a downward 2% i nclinati on with no bottlenec ks . Furthermore, s et up a siphon that c an be inspected and is at least 50 mm deep s o as to prevent odours from returning into the room. Connection to the System Use threaded gas kets and suitable material for the water connections to the heat exchanger or the val ves i n order to guarantee a perfect s eal. The unit is equipped with female input and output fittings for the 2-pi pe and 4-pipe configurations. T he unit is also equipped with an air bleed val ve that c an be handled with an 8 mm wrench. 50 2% IMPORTANT ! The coil can only be partially drain ed. To drain it completely, blo w air through the coil. The water can be dr ained to a level that is 200 mm higher than (max) the unit, as l ong as the tract of the asc ending pipe is vertical and positioned in line with the drain flange. To drain the water to a higher level than that allowed, i nstall an auxiliary condens ate drain pump with a collec tion tray and level regul ator. We recommend models with a safety fl oat that stops the water flow if the pump malfuncti ons. Model Ø of fittings 26 ¾” 41 ¾” 51 ¾” 26 (*) ½” 41 (*) ½” 51 (*) ½” 61 1” 86 1” 111 1” 111 (*) ¾” (*) Hot circuits in the 4-pipe version 26 - 41 - 51 The pi pes mus t be covered with anti-condensate material, e.g. pol yurethane, polypropyl ene, neoprene or 5-10 mm expanded material. If several units are installed in a room, the c ondensate drai n pi pes mus t be ins talled as s hown in the figure. 1 3 2 4 5 II.2.5.3 61 - 86 - 111 Setting up the w ater siphon The condens ate drain s ystem mus t be set up with an adequate siphon so as to prevent the i nfiltration of odours. The diagram below shows how a water si phon is ins talled. 100 mm 50 mm 3 1 4 5 2 Always set up or install a plug in the l ower part of the siphon so as to allow a rapid disassembl y for the cl eani ng operations. 1 2 3 4 5 IMPORTANT ! Position the drain pipes so as not to mechanically stress the drain fitting of the unit. Cold water circuit inlet Cold water circuit outlet Air bleed val ve Hot water circuit inlet Hot water circuit outlet 30 SECTION II: INST ALL ATION AND MAINTEN ANCE II.2.5.4 Inspections II.2.5.6 When ins tallation is c omplete, it is nec essar y to: • Bleed the air c ontained in the circuit. • Ensure that there are no water l eaks. • Carefull y cover the val ve and c onnecti on pipes with 10 mm anticondens ate material or install the auxiliary tr ays. • Pour water into the c ondensate dr ain tray and c hec k that the liquid drains pr operl y, following it right thr ough to the outl et of the drain-tube. If it does not, chec k the i nclinati on and look for possibl e bl oc kages. II.2.5.5 Instructions to install the motorised electrothermal valve The el ectrothermal val ve unit must be ass embled on to the unit once the l atter has been i nstalled, following the di agrams and acc ording to the model. Assembly of the motorised electrothermal valve The unit c ontrol circuit onl y allows opening of the motorized valve when the fan motor is working. When a lower temperature is r equired by the ther mostats, the outlet V and H (terminal bl oc ks) is powered at 230V and the c orresponding chilled water or hot water valve is energized. e ATTENTION ! The pump control circuit stops water supply to the cold valve if an irregular in crease of the cond ensate water level is detected into the dr ain pan. If an irregular increas e of the c ondens ate water level is detected into the drain pan (for example: possible defecti ve drain, pump malfuncti on, fan motor not working) the c ontact of the “s afety level 2” float s witch opens to clos e the regulation val ve, stopping the c old water fl ow towards the coil and avoi ding further condensation. Regulation The water flow rate mus t be chec ked: • install the motorised val ves s upplied as acc essories or: • install the motorised val ves s upplied by the i nstaller ATTENTION ! Lightly gr ease the O-Rings before placing them into their seats. List of components The val ve unit for a c old c oil mus t be ins talled first in the 4-pipe models. Connect the val ve unit to the coil and fasten it by applyi ng a torque of: b a Typ e of gasket Rubber FabriFibra 22C Install the actuator on to the val ve body. When c onnecting the s teel pipes of the s ystem, ensure these are aligned and supported s o as not to exert abnormal force on the unit. When the s ys tem is filled with water, verify the tightness of all the fittings. If the KVA acc essor y is pr esent, ins tall the auxiliar y tray below the val ve unit, inserting the drain pipe into the rel ati ve hole; level and fasten it to the previously ass embled clip with the three screws supplied. Insul ate the three screws and the l ower border of the tr ay with insulating material. c d e Ref. a b c d e Nm 10/12 25/30 Description 1” Gas Valve ¾” Gas Valve ½ Gas Valve Shell O-ring Clip Clamp 2-PIPE 26 61 41 86 51 111 Q.ty Q.ty 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 4-PIPE 26 41 51 111 Q.ty Q.ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 NOTE: The tightness efficien cy of the valve unit is factor ytested. An y leaks in the syst em are ther efore due to an incorr ect in stallation. Cover the val ve with the shell (b), bloc king it with the clamps (e) and ensure that all the cold parts are insulated. Fit the actuator on the val ve body, route the val ve c abl e thr ough the box and connec t it to the termi nal bl oc k as shown in fig. To connect the steel pipes to the s ystem, ens ure they are aligned and supported to avoid excess s train on the unit. If the s ystem is filled with water, chec k all fitting seals. After ending the hydraulic connec tions , make sure ther e are no leaks Ins ulate the val ve using the shell, fi x it by means of the clips and make sure that all c old parts are ins ulated. F or 4-pipe hot water, repeat all the operations with gas adaptors, as per the table. 31 SECTION II: INST ALL ATION AND MAINTEN ANCE II.2.5.7 Connect the val ves accordi ng to the following instruc tions, using the relative wiring diagrams. The type of valves used must cl ose the water i nlet to the unit in the event of a power c ut. Functioning of the motorised electrothermal valve This 2- 3- way valve is of the OPEN/CLOSE type with ver y slow travel. It is not a modulating val ve so it has no PTC.T his val ve is driven, as a sensible element, by the ambient ther mostat of the “c assette” unit. The 2- way val ve is nor mall y clos ed to the coil with no power ed actuator side. The 3-way val ve is nor mall y clos ed to the coil with no powered actuator side while is open to the bypass way side. When the room temperature does not s atisfy the thermos tat, the valve opens after about 3 minutes about to allow water to circul ate i n the c oil. If the room temperatur e satisfi es the ther mostat or if the electric power has been s witched off, the valve is clos ed after about 3 minutes towards the c oil and is opened towards the bypass. 2-position (ON-OFF) 230V valves for UTNC-EV In this case the chilled water val ve must be piloted by the 230V ONOFF signal from clamp V, and the hot water val ve from clamp H. 2-position (ON-OFF) valves with a voltage other than 230V for UTNC-EV If a room control listed in the acc essories tabl e is us ed, follow the instructions in the previous paragraph, installing two 230V relays to clamps V-N and H-N that will control the valve opening. A 1 2 2 1 2 Control connection for UTNC-EV In an em ergen cy, the valve can be opened m anually by loosen ing the nut and removing the electric actuator. On ce the emergency is resolved, rememb er to restore the automatic function of the valve b y re-positioning the electric actuator. Failure to do so can cau se condensation due to the passage of water, even if not po wer ed. II.2.5.8 UTNC-EV Hot val ve or hot valve relay Cold val ve or col d val ve relay 1 2 If a l ow- voltage control is used or the room control ins talled is not included in the acc essories tabl e, the c onnecti ons mus t be implemented on the termi nal boar d of the unit. ATTENTION ! Failure to comply with these connections can cause the condensation water to overflow from the tray. Instructions to be followed if valves supplied by the installer are used COOL HEAT 230V-1ph-50Hz W ater connections N Use flat-end val ves with a 40 mm interaxis for sizes 26-41-51 and a 74 mm inter axis for sizes 61- 86-111. Install the val ves following the manufactur er instructions; refer to the relative figures for the c onnections to the unit. Carefull y insul ate the pi pes, the val ve units and the coil fitti ngs (cold water side) s o as to prevent the condens ation that c an form on them from dripping on to the false c eiling. When the s ys tem is filled with water, verify the tightness of all the fittings. L IG HOT COLD ON-OFF PE N N L V H C LC V3 V2 V1 TB Y/G RHOSS S.p.A. cannot guar antee tightness efficiency of the valve units supplied b y the installer as these are not factor y-tested. Th erefore, the Company shall not be h eld liable for an y malfunctioning valve unit and damage cau sed b y dripping. A 1 A Y/G F F=1A type F Electrothermal head Val ve body MIN 1 MED Val ve MAX A 2 G Electrical connections 1CF Connect the room control following the instruc tions r elati ve to the control used. O A B B 4 3 2 1 G 3 Y/G 1 2 3 4 5 6 O A B B C W FS 1 1LIV 5 3 1 M 5 PS C C UTNC-EV HOT Hot COLD Cold 32 R 3CM FS 2LIV W 3CF 1CM ATTENTION ! Route the cables through the electrical box as shown in fig. C CV R Y/G SECTION II: INST ALL ATION AND MAINTEN ANCE The val ves must onl y open when the fan is functioni ng, i.e. when one of the cl amps V1, V2 or V3 is energized by LC mains suppl y. Any el ectric heater, which mus t onl y be of the type installed in the factor y, must onl y be powered when a fan is func tioni ng. The connections must be impl emented in accordance with the diagrams supplied with the machi ne. Use a H05VV-F-type, flexibl e, doubleinsulated, bipolar + earth c able with a 1.5 mm² s ection to connec t the unit to the mai ns (2,5 mm² in case of elec trical heater). IMPORTANT: the unit with the elec tric heater is equipped with two thermostats; one with automatic rearm and one with manual rearm that can be reacti vated. Il riscaldatore elettrico è installato esclusi vamente in fabbrica. E’ assolutamente vi etato l’us o suppl ementare di altri riscaldatori montati i n loco. L’inosser vanza di ques ta norma c ausa il danneggiamento dell’unità e c omporta l’immedi ato annullamento della garanzia. The electric heater is fac tor y installed. The us e of other electric heaters is abs olutely prohibited. F ailure to follow this s afety requirement causes unit damage and voids the warranty. COOLING INPUT SIGNAL (230Vac) HEATING INPUT SIGNAL (230Vac) HEAT COOL 0-10Vcc ON/OFF B YX Y4 Y2 L L TB N N PE A FILTER N L PE Y/G Y/G Y/G G A A B M2 1CF 4 3 2 1 G 3 O A FS 1 1 1LIV 3 PE 3 X2 2 M1 1 X3 W W R C B 5 PS C N 4 B FS 5 L 5 RS232 1CM 2LIV B A- L N 230V-1ph-50Hz O A+ IG A B M C UTNC-I II.2.5.9 Anti-freezing protection IMPORTANT ! When the unit is out of service, dr ain all the water from the circu it. A Thermostat with manual reset B Thermostat with automatic res et IMPORTANT ! Mixing the wat er with glycol modifies the performance of the unit. Pay attention to the safet y instructions on the p ackage regard ing glycol. 1 If the unit is not used during the winter period, the water c ontained in the s ys tem may fr eeze. To prevent this, all the water contained in the circuit must be emptied before the onset of winter. However, if the operation of draining the s ystem s eems too laborious, a suitable quantity of anti-freez e liquid c an be mi xed with the water instead. If the s ystem needs to be empti ed, remember that a water head always remains into the c oil and it may freez e in c ase temperature goes bel ow 0° thus c ausing the heat exchanger failur e. The heat exc hanger can be totall y emptied by openi ng the val ves and bl owi ng in air in eac h val ve for 90 sec onds at a mini mum press ure of 6 bar. II.2.6 1 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS IMPORTANT ! The electrical connection of the unit mu st be carried out b y qualified p ersonnel, in complian ce with the regulation s applicable in the countr y wh ere the unit is in stalled. RHOSS S.p.A. shall not be held liable for damag e to per sons or prop ert y caused b y a non-compliant electrical connection. DANGER ! Always install a general automatic swit ch in a protected ar ea n ear the machine, which h as a characteristic d elayed curve, sufficient capacit y and breaking po wer. There must be a min imum dist ance of 3 mm bet ween the contacts. An earth connection is compulsor y b y law to ensure u ser saf et y while the m achin e is in u se. 5 6 4 7 3 2 Chec k that the voltage and the frequenc y of the electrical s ystem correspond to 230V (±10%) single phas e at 50 Hz (±7% in c ase of units with electric resi stanc e); that the available installed power is s ufficient for running the equipment and that the suppl y c ables are of adequate section for the maximum c urrent r equired. Make sure that the electrical s upply s ystem c omplies with c urrent national s afety regulati ons. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 33 UTNC-EV Electrical box Cable holder Terminal bloc k Electric heater rel ay Capacitor Fusible Val ve c able inlet ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS A1 TECHNICAL DATA Model UTNC-EV / UTNC-EV REL UTNC-I / UTNC-I REL 41 51 61 86 4,00 4,70 6,30 7,20 2,90 3,50 4,50 5,50 1,90 2,85 3,40 3,70 5,00 6,20 8,11 10,00 4,00 4,60 6,00 7,40 2,50 3,70 4,50 4,60 Nominal cooling c apacity (total heat) (*) kW Heating capacity (incoming water 50°C) (**) kW MAX MED MIN 26 2,40 1,80 1,55 3,20 2,50 2,20 Heating capacity (incoming water 70°C) (***) kW MAX 5,33 8,39 12,87 13,63 16,89 21,87 - - - - Nominal heating capacity additi onal c oil B4 (***) kW MAX MED MIN - - - - - - 1,90 1,44 1,24 6,37 5,10 3,60 6,80 5,80 5,00 16,00 11,50 7,30 Electrical heater 230V-1ph-50Hz kW 1,50 2,50 2,50 3,00 3,00 3,00 - - - - Air flow m /h Sound power dB(A) Sound pressure (****) dB(A) mm 660 450 360 47 37 32 38 28 23 43x41 735 505 320 52 44 32 43 35 23 43x41 900 625 485 57 48 42 48 39 33 43x41 980 720 530 47 40 34 38 31 25 43x41 660 450 360 47 37 32 38 28 23 61x59 735 505 320 54 45 33 45 36 24 61x59 900 625 485 57 48 42 48 39 33 61x59 1600 1080 600 61 52 40 52 43 31 61x59 W W 58 23 54 33 94 57 63 25 58 23 54 32 94 57 185 115 MAX 3 Cleanable filter (a x b) Power suppl y V-ph-Hz Max abs orbed power UTNC-EV Max abs orbed power UTNC-I MED MIN MAX MED MIN MAX MED MIN MAX MED MIN 111 9,60 6,60 4,05 13,00 9,30 5,20 26 2,20 1,65 1,45 - UTNC-EV B4 UTNC-I B4 41 51 3,50 4,10 2,70 3,25 2,00 2,60 - 1160 1600 825 1080 500 600 53 61 46 52 37 40 44 52 37 43 28 31 43x41 43x41 230-1- 50 85 185 46 115 (*) In the followi ng conditions : ambi ent temperatur e 27°C D.B.; 19°C W.B.; incoming water temperature 7°C with t 5°C. (**) In the followi ng conditions : ambi ent temperature 20°C; inc oming water temper ature 50°C with water flow as (*). (***) In the following conditions: ambient temperature 20°C; i ncoming water temperature 70°C with t 10°C. (****) Sound level pressure expressed in dB(A), in reference to a measurement at a distance of 1 m from the air outlet (with directionality factor Q=2). Power input Model UTNC-EV 26 - 2 pipes UTNC-EV 41 - 2 pipes UTNC-EV 51 - 2 pipes UTNC-EV 61 - 2 pipes UTNC-EV 86 - 2 pipes UTNC-EV 111 - 2 pi pes UTNC-EV B4 26 - 4 pipes UTNC-EV B4 41 - 4 pipes UTNC-EV B4 51 - 4 pipes UTNC-EV B4 111 - 4 pi pes UTNC-EV REL 26 - 2 pipes + Electrical heater UTNC-EV REL 41 - 2 pipes + Electrical heater UTNC-EV REL 51 - 2 pipes + Electrical heater UTNC-EV REL 61 - 2 pipes + Electrical heater UTNC-EV REL 86 - 2 pipes + Electrical heater UTNC-EV REL 101 - 2 pipes + Elec trical heater Unit V-ph-Hz 230-1- 50 230-1- 50 230-1- 50 230-1- 50 230-1- 50 230-1- 50 230-1- 50 230-1- 50 230-1- 50 230-1- 50 230-1- 50 230-1- 50 230-1- 50 230-1- 50 230-1- 50 230-1- 50 Cooling W A 70 0,33 66 0,29 106 0,46 66 0,32 97 0,52 197 0,91 73 0,34 69 0,31 109 0,48 200 0,92 70 0,33 66 0,29 106 0,46 66 0,32 97 0,52 197 0,91 Heating W A 61 0,28 57 0,28 97 0,42 57 0,27 88 0,48 188 0,86 64 0,30 60 0,27 100 0,44 191 0,88 1570 6,83 2566 11,16 2606 11,33 3066 13,33 3097 13,47 3197 13,90 Technical data of electric heaters (if installed) Electric heater c apacity Supply voltage Max. current input Model kW V-ph A Safety thermostat Power suppl y c ables Recommended fus e (Type gL) mm2 A 26 1,5 41 2,5 51 2,5 61 3 86 3 111 3 230-1 6,50 10,8 10,8 13 13 13 N° 1 Thermos tat with automatic reset ST 1S 60°C N° 1 Thermos tat with manual r eset ST2S 100°C 3 x 2,5 3 x 2,5 3 x 2,5 3 x 2,5 3 x 2,5 3 x 2,5 8 12 12 16 16 16 85 111 9,10 6,80 3,80 - ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOS A2 DIMENSIONI/DIMENSIONS/DIMENSIONS/ABMESSUNGEN/DIMENSIONES UTNC-EV / UTNC-EV B4 / UTNC-EV REL: 26 – 41 – 51 UTNC-I / UTNC-I B4 / UTNC-I REL: 26 – 41 – 51 55 102 148 40 4 5 40 4 5 70 2 35 34 8 155 57 78 9 220 278 298 144 60 570 570 1 400 720 550 Ø16 6 51 90 Ø1 3 249 170 271 50 119 141 203 515 720 267 292 7 122 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Assieme cornice-griglia (Plafonatura) Staffa di appensione Vaschetta ausiliaria (accessorio KVA) Attacchi idraulici – entrata Attacchi idraulici – uscita Grille/frame assembly Fastening bracket Auxiliary condensate drain tray (KVA) Water connections – inlet Water connections - outlet T ubo di scarico condensa Condensate drain pipe Distribuzione aria in locale attiguo Presa aria esterna Quadro elettrico KCMS-KCMI Air distributed into an adjacent room Outdoor air inlet Electrical box KCMS-KCMI Grille de soufflage et de reprise d’air Etrier de support Bac auxiliaire de récupération de la condensation (KVA) Raccords hydrauliques - entrée Raccords hydrauliques - sortie T uyau d’évacuation de la condensation Distribution air dans la pièce attenante Prise d'air neuf Armoire électrique KCMS-KCMI Gitter/Luftansaug-Baugruppe Rejilla/toma de aire Montagewinkel Zusätzliche Kondensatwanne (KVA) Wasseranschlüsse - Eintrag Wasseranschlüsse - verlassen Abrazadera de suspensión Bandeja auxiliar de recogida de la condensación (KVA) Conexiones hidráulicas - entrada Conexiones hidráulicas - salida tubo de descarga de la condensación Distribución del aire en el local adyacente T oma de aire exterior Cuadro eléctrico KCMS-KCMI Kondenswasserablassrohrs Verteilung der Luft in einen angrenzenden Raum Frischluftsaugung Schalttafel KCMS-KCMI 26 41 51 Unità/Unit/Unité/Gerät/Unid ad Kg 14,5 16,5 16,5 Cornice/Frame/Grille/Rahm en/Bastidor Kg 3 3 3 89 ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOS UTNC-EV / UTNC-EV B4 / UTNC-EV REL: 61 – 86 – 111 UTNC-I / UTNC-I B4 / UTNC-I REL: 61 – 86 – 111 4 5 40 172 278 55 69 298 35 4 5 96 66 14 9 109 211 60 825 825 74 60 2 1 620 595 156 8 6 15 960 16 812 0 310 362 10 0 7 74 3 122 5 0 14 25 347 399 10 4 5 Assieme cornice-griglia (Plafonatura) Staffa di appensione Vaschetta ausiliaria (accessorio KVA) Attacchi idraulici – entrata Attacchi idraulici – uscita Fastening bracket Auxiliary condensate drain tray (KVA) Water connections – inlet Water connections - outlet 6 T ubo di scarico condensa Condensate drain pipe Distribuzione aria in locale attiguo Presa aria esterna Quadro elettrico KCMS-KCMI Air distributed into an adjacent room Outdoor air inlet Electrical box KCMS-KCMI 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 Grille/frame assembly Grille de soufflage et de reprise d’air Etrier de support Bac auxiliaire de récupération de la condensation (KVA) Raccords hydrauliques - entrée Raccords hydrauliques - sortie T uyau d’évacuation de la condensation Distribution air dans la pièce attenante Prise d'air neuf Armoire électrique KCMS-KCMI Unità/Unit/Unité/Gerät/Unid ad Kg Cornice/Frame/Grille/Rahm en/Bastidor Kg 90 61 37,1 5 Gitter/Luftansaug-Baugruppe Rejilla/toma de aire Montagewinkel Zusätzliche Kondensatwanne (KVA) Wasseranschlüsse - Eintrag Wasseranschlüsse - verlassen Abrazadera de suspensión Bandeja auxiliar de recogida de la condensación (KVA) Conexiones hidráulicas - entrada Conexiones hidráulicas - salida tubo de descarga de la condensación Distribución del aire en el local adyacente T oma de aire exterior Cuadro eléctrico KCMS-KCMI Kondenswasserablassrohrs Verteilung der Luft in einen angrenzenden Raum Frischluftsaugung Schalttafel KCMS-KCMI 86 37,1 5 111 39,6 5 111 B4 40,6 5 ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOS UTNC-EV / UTNC-EV B4 / UTNC-EV REL: 26 – 41 – 51 UTNC-I / UTNC-I B4 / UTNC-I REL: 26 – 41 – 51 8 155 298 278 220 1 35 70 55 153 106 2 4 5 4 5 40 40 57 54 12 9 40 40 144 60 102 148 570 570 400 720 550 Ø16 6 515 720 313 341 7 51 3 273 170 271 141 230 90 Ø1 50 119 122 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Assieme cornice-griglia (Plafonatura) Staffa di appensione Vaschetta ausiliaria (accessorio KVA) Attacchi idraulici – entrata Attacchi idraulici – uscita Grille/frame assembly Fastening bracket Auxiliary condensate drain tray (KVA) Water connections – inlet Water connections - outlet T ubo di scarico condensa Condensate drain pipe Distribuzione aria in locale attiguo Presa aria esterna Quadro elettrico KCMS-KCMI Air distributed into an adjacent room Outdoor air inlet Electrical box KCMS-KCMI Grille de soufflage et de reprise d’air Etrier de support Bac auxiliaire de récupération de la condensation (KVA) Raccords hydrauliques - entrée Raccords hydrauliques - sortie T uyau d’évacuation de la condensation Distribution air dans la pièce attenante Prise d'air neuf Armoire électrique KCMS-KCMI Gitter/Luftansaug-Baugruppe Rejilla/toma de aire Montagewinkel Zusätzliche Kondensatwanne (KVA) Wasseranschlüsse - Eintrag Wasseranschlüsse - verlassen Abrazadera de suspensión Bandeja auxiliar de recogida de la condensación (KVA) Conexiones hidráulicas - entrada Conexiones hidráulicas - salida tubo de descarga de la condensación Distribución del aire en el local adyacente T oma de aire exterior Cuadro eléctrico KCMS-KCMI Kondenswasserablassrohrs Verteilung der Luft in einen angrenzenden Raum Frischluftsaugung Schalttafel KCMS-KCMI 26 41 51 Unità/Unit/Unité/Gerät/Unid ad Kg 14,5 16,5 16,5 Cornice/Frame/Grille/Rahm en/Bastidor Kg 3 3 3 91 ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOS UTNC-EV / UTNC-EV B4 / UTNC-EV REL: 61 – 86 – 111 UTNC-I / UTNC-I B4 / UTNC-I REL: 61 – 86 – 111 825 1 74 40 278 138 159 2 298 4 5 4 5 35 172 74 40 211 96 109 825 9 55 69 60 620 595 156 8 6 15 0 960 16 812 0 369 401 10 7 74 3 122 5 0 14 25 385 458 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Assieme cornice-griglia (Plafonatura) Staffa di appensione Vaschetta ausiliaria (accessorio KVA) Attacchi idraulici – entrata Attacchi idraulici – uscita Grille/frame assembly Fastening bracket Auxiliary condensate drain tray (KVA) Water connections – inlet Water connections - outlet T ubo di scarico condensa Condensate drain pipe Distribuzione aria in locale attiguo Presa aria esterna Quadro elettrico KCMS-KCMI Air distributed into an adjacent room Outdoor air inlet Electrical box KCMS-KCMI Grille de soufflage et de reprise d’air Etrier de support Bac auxiliaire de récupération de la condensation (KVA) Raccords hydrauliques - entrée Raccords hydrauliques - sortie T uyau d’évacuation de la condensation Distribution air dans la pièce attenante Prise d'air neuf Armoire électrique KCMS-KCMI Gitter/Luftansaug-Baugruppe Rejilla/toma de aire Montagewinkel Zusätzliche Kondensatwanne (KVA) Wasseranschlüsse - Eintrag Wasseranschlüsse - verlassen Abrazadera de suspensión Bandeja auxiliar de recogida de la condensación (KVA) Conexiones hidráulicas - entrada Conexiones hidráulicas - salida tubo de descarga de la condensación Distribución del aire en el local adyacente T oma de aire exterior Cuadro eléctrico KCMS-KCMI Kondenswasserablassrohrs Verteilung der Luft in einen angrenzenden Raum Frischluftsaugung Schalttafel KCMS-KCMI 61 86 111 111 B4 Unità/Unit/Unité/Gerät/Unid ad Kg 37,1 37,1 39,6 40,6 Cornice/Frame/Grille/Rahm en/Bastidor Kg 5 5 5 5 92 ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOS A3 SCHEMI ELETTRICI DI ABBINAMENTO / CONNECTION WIRING DIAGRAMS / SCHEMAS ELECTRIQUES DE BRANCHEMENT / ANSCHLUSS-SCHALTPLÄNE / ESQUEMAS ELECTRICOS DE COMBINACION COLLEGAMENTO ELETTRICO STANDARD / STANDARD ELECTRICAL CONNECTION / BRANCHEMENT ÉLECTRIQUE STANDARD / ELEKTRISCHER ANSCHLUSS STANDARD / CONEXIÓN ELÉCTRICA S TANDARD COOL HEAT 230V-1ph-50Hz L IG ON-OFF MIN MED PE N N L V H C LC V3 V2 V1 TB Y/G MAX HOT COLD A 1 A Y/G F F=1A type F N 2 G 1CF O A B B R Y/G 1 2 3 4 5 6 3CM G O FS 3 W 3CF 4 3 2 1 1CM 2LIV C A B B C W FS 1 1LIV 5 3 1 M 5 PS C C CV 93 R Y/G ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOS Legenda schema collegamento elettrico standard / w iring diagram legend / légende branchement électrique standard / Schaltschema legende elektrischer anschluss standard / leyenda conexión eléctrica standard M Motore ventilatore unità Unit fan motor Moteur ventilateur unité Ventilatormotor der Einheit PS CF/CM KV2 KV3 KV2B4 KV3B4 REL ST TB V1 V2 V3 LC H Pompa scarico Connettori Elettrovalvola acqua calda/fredda Elettrovalvola acqua calda+fredda Riscaldatore elettrico Termostato sicurezza Morsettiera Bassa velocità Media vel ocità Alta vel ocità Linea alimentazione Selezioni riscaldamento Drain pump Connectors Hot/cold water solenoid val ve Hot+cold water solenoid val ve Electric heater Safety thermostat Terminal board Low speed Medium speed High speed Power suppl y line Heating selec tions Kondensatpumpe Anschluss Magnetventil (Heizung /Kühlung) Magnetventil (Heizung+ Kühlung) Elektroheizung Sicherheitsthermos tat Klemmleiste Niedrige Drehzahl Mittlere Drehzahl Hohe Drehzahl Versorgungsleitung Heizungswahl C Selezioni raffresc amento Cooling selections Kühlungswahl Selección refrigeración H V L N Uscita riscaldamento Uscita raffresc amento Fase linea Neutro Heating output Cooling output Line phase Neutral Pompe d’évacuation Connecteurs Electrovanne (chaude/froi d) Electrovanne (chaud+froi d) Réchauffeur élec trique Thermostat de séc urité Bornier Vitesse bass e Vitesse moyenne Vitesse haute Alimentati on de ligne Sélection c hauffage Sélection rafraîchissement Sortie c hauffage Sortie froi d Phas e ligne Neutre ES Cableado del fabricante Cableado del i nstalador Conector Punto de c onexión de los bornes Contac to normalmente cerrado Contac to normalmente abierto Fusionar 1A tipo F Condensador del motor del ventilador Microflotador de seguridad Motor del ventilador de la unidad Bomba de desagüe Conectores Electrovál vula agua caliente/fría Electrovál vula agua caliente+fría Calentador eléctrico Termostato de seguridad Bornera Velocidad baja Velocidad media Velocidad alta Línea de alimentación Selección cal efacción Ausgang, Heizung Ausgang, Kühlung Phas enleiter Nullleiter Salida c alefacción Salida enfriamiento Fase de línea Neutro F CV FS IT Cablaggio del c ostruttore Cablaggio dell’installatore Connettor e EN Factor y wiring Field wiring Connector FR Câblage d’ usine Câblage de l’installateur Connecteur DE Wer kseitige Verdrahtung Baus eitige Verdr ahtung Anschluss Punto c ollegamento morsetti Contatto nor mal mente chiuso Contatto nor mal mente aperto Fusibile 1A tipo F Condensatore motore ventilatore Micro galleggiante di sicurezza Terminal c onnecti on point Normall y closed contact Normall y open contact Fuse 1A type F Point de raccordement des bornes Contac t normal ement fermé t Contac t normal ement ouvert Fusible 1A type F Condensateur moteur ventilateur Klemme an Klemmleiste Verschmelzen 1A T yp F VentilatormotorKondensator Floating safety switch Microflotteur de s écurité Mikro-Schwimmerschalter Fan capacitor Öffnerkontakt Schliesser kontakt C olore cavi / Cables colour / Colours des fils / Verdr ahtungsfarben / Color es d e lo s cables C W A R G B V Y O Y-G Nero Bianco Marrone Rosso Grigio Blu Viola Giallo Arancione Giallo-verde Blac k White Brown Red Grey Blue Purple Yellow Orange Yellow/Green Noir Blanc Marron Rouge Gris Bleu Violet Jaune Orange Jaune/Vert 94 Schwarz Weiss Braun Rot Grau Blau Violett Gelb Orange Gelb/Grün Negro Blanco Marrón Rojo Gris Azul marino Violeta Amarillo Naranja Amarillo/Verde ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOS COLLEGAMENTO ELETTRICO CONTROLLI STANDARD / S TANDARD CONTROLS ELECTRICAL CONNECTI ON / BRANCHEMENT ÉLECTRIQUE DES CONTRÔLES STANDARD / ELEKTRISCHER ANSCHLUSS STANDARDS TEUERUNGE / CONEXIÓN ELÉCTRICA DE LOS CONTROLES STANDARD UTNC-EV / UTNC-EV B4 26÷111 + KCV2 KCV2 IG TM ---- KCV2 Note: 230V-1ph-50Hz L N L 7 8 3 4 5 6 TM IG Note: A 1 A Y/G F 2 G 1CF O A B B C W R Note: O FS A KCV2 IG TM ---- Y/G 1 2 3 4 5 6 Note: B B C W R Y/G FS 1 1LIV 5 3 KCV2 IG TM ---- 1 M 5 PS C C Control panel Automatic general switc h Minimum temperature thermostat Connection by the installer Heating Cooling Panneau de c ommande Interrupteur automatique général Thermostat de température minimale Raccordement devant être effectué par l'installateur Chauffage Refroidissement 3CM G Riscaldamento Raffreddamento Bedientafel Automatischer Schutzschalter Mindesttemperaturregler Vom Ins tallateur auszuführ ender Anschluss 3CF 4 3 2 1 1CM 3 KCV2 IG TM ---- PE N N L V H C LC V3 V2 V1 TB Y/G 2LIV KCV2 IG TM ---- F=1A type F N Pannello di comando Interruttore automatico generale Termostato di minima Collegamento a c ura dell’installatore CV Note: Heizungs Kühlungs Panel de control Interruptor automático general Termostato de míni ma Conexión a cargo del instalador Calentamiento Enfriamiento 95 ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOS UTNC-EV / UTNC-EV B4 26÷111 + KTCV2 KTCV2 IG ST1 TM KV2/KV3 KV2B4 KV3B4 ---- J1 J2 ST1 KTCV2 230V-1ph-50Hz N L N 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 L TM Note: IG Y/G HEAT COOL A 1 A Y/G F=1A type F F 2 O G 1CF A B B 4 3 2 1 O A FS KV2/KV3 Notes: B B 5 KTCV2 IG ST1 TM KV2/KV3 KV2B4 KV3B4 ---- 1 1LIV M 5 3 PS C C CV J1 J2 ST1 KTCV2 Rem. : 230V-1ph-50Hz N L N 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 L KTCV2 IG ST1 TM KV2/KV3 KV2B4 KV3B4 ---- TM IG Hinweise: PE N N L V H C LC V3 V2 V1 TB A 1 A Y/G HEAT 2 G 1CF O A B B W R Y/G KV3B4 1 2 3 4 5 6 3CM G O FS 3 C 3CF 4 3 2 1 1CM 2LIV COOL F=1A type F F A B B C W R 1LIV 5 3 C C KTCV2 IG ST1 TM KV2/KV3 KV2B4 KV3B4 ---Notas: 1 5 Connection by the installer Panneau de c ommande Interrupteur automatique général Sonde de températur e de l’air Thermostat de température minimale Vanne c haude/froide Vanne c haude + froide Raccordement devant être effectué par l'installateur Jumper J1 Fermé = Sonde Air ST 1 Inter ne Jumper J2 Fermé = Sonde air ST1 Externe Chauffage Refroidissement Bedientafel Automatischer H auptschalter Lufttemperaturfühler Mindesttemperaturregler Warm-/Kaltwass erventil Warm+Kaltwasser ventil Vom Ins tallateur auszuführ ender Anschluss Jumper J1 geschlossen = Interner Luftfühler ST1 Jumper J2 geschlossen = Externer Luftfühl er ST1 Heizungs Kühlungs Panel de control Interruptor automático general Sonda de temperatur a del aire Termostato de míni ma Vál vula c aliente/fría Vál vula c aliente + fría Conexión a cargo del instalador Y/G FS 1 Hot + cold val ve Y/G R W C Control panel Automatic general switc h Air temperature probe Minimum temperature thermostat Hot/cold val ve Jumper J1 closed = Internal ST1 air sensor Jumper J2 closed = External ST1 air sens or Heating Cooling 1 2 3 4 5 6 FS 1 Y/G Jumper J1 Chiuso = Sonda Aria ST1 Interna Jumper J2 Chiuso = Sonda Aria ST1 Esterna Riscaldamento Raffreddamento 3CM G 3 Y/G Collegamento a c ura dell’installatore 3CF 1CM 2LIV R W C Val vola c alda + fredda KTCV2 IG ST1 TM KV2/KV3 KV2B4 KV3B4 ---- PE N N L V H C LC V3 V2 V1 TB Pannello di comando Interruttore automatico generale Sonda temperatura aria Termostato di minima Val vola c alda/fredda M PS Puente J1 c errado = sonda de aire ST1 interna Puente J2 c errado = sonda de aire ST1 externa Calentamiento Enfriamiento CV 96 ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOS UTNC-EV REL 26÷111 + KTCV2 J1 J2 ST1 KTCV2 230V-1ph-50Hz N L N 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 L IG KV2/KV3 COOL PE N N L V H C LC V3 V2 V1 A 1 A Y/G C F=1A type F TB Y/G F 2 KR V 1 3 7 8 5 B A G 1CF O A B B 4 3 2 1 B 3CM G 3 Y/G R 1 2 3 4 5 6 1CM 2LIV W C 3CF FS 1 O 1LIV 5 3 C A B B W C R REL Y/G ST1S FS 1 5 REL 1 1 2 2 M ST2S R C PS C C CV KTCV2 REL KR IG ST1 ST1S ST2S KV2/KV3 ---- Pannello di comando Resistenz a elettrica Relè resistenza elettrica Interruttore automatico generale Sonda temperatura aria Termostato sicurezza resistenza 60°C Termostato sicurezza resistenza 100°C Val vola c alda/fredda Collegamento a c ura dell’installatore KTCV2 REL KR IG ST1 ST1S ST2S KV2/KV3 ---- Control panel Electric heater Electric heating el ement relay Automatic general switc h Air temperature probe Safety thermostat el ectric heater 60°C Safety thermostat el ectric heater 100°C Hot/cold val ve Connection by the installer KTCV2 REL KR IG ST1 ST1S ST2S KV2/KV3 ---- Panneau de c ommande Résistanc e élec trique Relais de résistance électrique Interrupteur automatique général Sonde de températur e de l’air Termostat de s écurité résistance 60°C Termostat de s écurité résistance 100°C Vanne c haude/froide Raccordement devant être effectué par l'installateur KTCV2 REL KR IG ST1 ST1S ST2S KV2/KV3 ---- Bedientafel Heizwiderstand Relais Heizwiderstand Automatischer H auptschalter Lufttemperaturfühler Sicherheitsthermos tat Heizwi derstand 60°C Sicherheitsthermos tat Heizwi derstand 100°C Warm-/Kaltwass erventil Vom Ins tallateur auszuführ ender Anschluss KTCV2 REL KR IG ST1 ST1S ST2S KV2/KV3 ---- C Panel de control Resistencia eléctrica Relé de la resistencia eléc trica Interruptor automático general Sonda de temperatur a del aire Termostato de seguridad resistencia 60°C Termostato de seguridad resistencia 100°C Vál vula c aliente/fría Conexión a cargo del instalador Note: Jumper J1 Chiuso = Sonda Aria ST1 Interna Jumper J2 Chiuso = Sonda Aria ST1 Esterna In pres enz a della resistenz a el ettrica non montare il TM. Riscaldamento Raffreddamento Notes: Jumper J1 closed = Internal ST1 air sensor Jumper J2 closed = External ST1 air sens or If there is an electrical heater do not i nstall the TM. Heating Cooling Rem. : Jumper J1 Fermé = Sonde Air ST 1 Inter ne Jumper J2 Fermé = Sonde air ST1 Externe En pr ésenc e de la résistance électrique, ne pas monter le TM. Chauffage Refroidissement Hinweise: Jumper J1 geschlossen = Interner Luftfühler ST1 Jumper J2 geschlossen = Externer Luftfühl er ST1 Den TM nicht montieren, wenn ein Heizwiderstand vorhanden ist. Heizungs Kühlungs Notas: Puente J1 c errado = sonda de aire ST1 interna Puente J2 c errado = sonda de aire ST1 externa Si está pres ente la r esistenci a el éctrica, no montar el TM. Calentamiento Enfriamiento 97 ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOS UTNC-EV 26÷111 + KTCVA KTCVA IG ST1 ST2 KV2/KV3 ---Rem. : Panneau de c ommande Interrupteur automatique général Sonde de températur e de l'air Sonde de températur e de l'eau Vanne c haude/froide Raccordement devant être effectué par l'installateur Jumper J1 Fermé = Sonde Air ST 1 Inter ne Jumper J1 Ouvert = Sonde air ST1 Externe Chauffage Refroidissement La s onde ST 2 es t comprise dans l'emballage du ther mostat. KV2/KV3 En présence de la vanne ON/OFF, la sonde eau ST2 doit être placée en amont de la vanne. KTCVA IG: ST1 ST2 KV2/KV3 ---Hinweise: Bedientafel Automatischer H auptschalter Lufttemperaturfühler Wassertemperaturfühler Warm-/Kaltwass erventil Vom Ins tallateur auszuführ ender Anschluss Jumper J1 geschlossen = Interner Luftfühler ST1 Jumper J1 geöffnet = Externer Luftfühler ST1 Heizungs KTCVA IG ST1 ST2 KV2/KV3 ---Note: Pannello di comando Interruttore automatico generale Sonda temperatura aria Sonda temperatura acqua Val vola c alda/fredda Collegamento a c ura dell’installatore Kühl ungs Der Fühler ST 2 liegt der Verpac kung des Thermostats bei. Bei vorhandenem Ventil ON/OFF muss der Wasserfühler ST2 vor dem Ventil installiert sein. Jumper J1 Chiuso = Sonda Aria ST1 Interna Jumper J1 Aperto = Sonda Aria ST 1 Es terna KTCVA IG ST1 ST2 KV2/KV3 ---- Riscaldamento Raffreddamento La s onda ST 2 è compres a nell’imballo del termos tato. Notas: In cas o di presenza dell a val vol a ON/OFF, la sonda acqua ST 2 deve esser e posta a monte della val vola stess a. KTCVA IG ST1 ST2 KV2/KV3 ---Notes: Panel de control Interruptor automático general Sonda de temperatur a del aire Sonda de temperatur a del agua Vál vula c aliente/fría Conexión a cargo del instalador Puente J1 cerrado = sonda de aire ST1 interna Puente J1 abierto = sonda de aire ST1 externa Calentami ento Enfriamiento Control panel Automatic general switc h Air temperature probe Water temperature probe Hot/cold val ve Connection by the installer La s onda ST 2 se incluye en el embal aje del termos tato. Con la vál vula ON/OFF, la sonda de agua ST2 debe instalarse antes de l a vál vul a. Jumper J1 closed = Internal ST1 air sensor Jumper J1 open = Exter nal ST 1 air s ensor Heating Cooling The sensor ST2 is incl uded in the thermostat pac kage. In the c ase of the ON/OFF val ve, the ST2 water sensor must be installed upstr eam of the val ve its elf. 98 ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOS UTNC-EV REL 26÷111 + KTCVR J1 J2 ST1 KTCVR 230V-1ph-50Hz N L N 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 L IG KV2/KV3 PE N N L V H C LC V3 V2 V1 A 1 A Y/G ST2 C F=1A type F TB Y/G C F 2 KR V 1 3 7 8 5 B A G 1CF O A B B 4 3 2 1 Y/G R B 3CM G O FS 3 W 1 2 3 4 5 6 1CM 2LIV C 3CF A B B C W R FS 1 1LIV 5 3 REL Y/G ST1S 1 1 2 2 ST2S R M 5 REL 1 C PS C C C CV Note: KTCVR REL KR IG ST1 ST2 ST1S ST2S KV2/KV3 ---- Pannello di comando Resistenz a elettrica Relè resistenza elettrica Interruttore automatico generale Sonda temperatura aria Sonda temperatura acqua Termostato sicurezza resistenza 60°C Termostato sicurezza resistenza 100°C Val vola c alda/fredda Collegamento a c ura dell’installatore Jumper J1 Jumper J1 Jumper J2 Jumper J2 C Chiuso = Sonda Aria ST1 Interna Aperto = Sonda Aria ST 1 Es terna Chiuso = Impianto a 4 tubi Aperto = Impianto a 2 tubi (2 tubi + resistenza) Riscaldamento Raffreddamento In pres enz a della resistenz a el ettrica non montare il TM. Impi anto a 2 tubi (2 tubi + REL) J umper J 2 aperto e s onda acqua ST 2 a monte val vola (se pres ente). Impi anto a 4 tubi J umper J 2 chi uso e sonda acqua ST 2 a valle val vola c alda (s e pres ente). Notes: KTCVR REL KR IG ST1 ST2 ST1S ST2S KV2/KV3 ---- Control panel Electric heater Electric heating el ement relay Automatic general switc h Air temperature probe Water temperature probe Safety thermostat heater 60°C Safety thermostat heater 100°C Hot/cold val ve Connection by the installer Jumper J1 Jumper J1 Jumper J2 Jumper J2 closed = Internal ST1 air sensor open = Exter nal ST 1 air s ensor. closed = 4 pipe s ystem open = 2 pipe s ystem (2 pipes + heating element). Heating Cooling If there is an electrical heater do not i nstall the TM. 2 pipe s ystem (2 pi pes + REL) Jumper J2 open and ST2 water sensor upstream from val ve (if pres ent). 4-pipe s ys tem Jumper J2 closed and water s ens or ST2 downstream from hot val ve (if present). 99 ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOS Rem. : KTCVR REL KR IG ST1 ST2 ST1S ST2S KV2/KV3 ---- Panneau de c ommande Résistanc e élec trique Relais de résistance électrique Interrupteur automatique général Sonde de températur e de l'air Sonde de températur e de l'eau Termostat de s écurité résistance 60°C Termostat de s écurité résistance 100°C Vanne c haude/froide Raccordement devant être effectué par l'installateur Jumper J1 Fermé = Sonde Air ST 1 Inter ne Jumper J1 Ouvert = Sonde air ST1 Externe Jumper J2 Fermé = Ins tallati on à 4 tuyaux Jumper J2 Ouvert = Ins tallation à 2 tuyaux (2 tuyaux + résistance). Chauffage Refroidissement En présence de la résistance électrique, ne pas monter le TM. Installation à 2 tuyaux (2 tuyaux + REL), J umper J 2 ouvert et s onde eau ST 2 en amont de la vanne (si présente). Installation à 4 tuyaux Jumper J2 fermé et sonde eau ST2 en aval de la vanne chaude (si prés ente). Hinweise: KTCVR REL KR IG ST1 ST2 ST1S ST2S KV2/KV3 ---- Bedientafel Heizwiderstand Relais Heizwiderstand Automatischer H auptschalter Lufttemperaturfühler Wassertemperaturfühler Sicherheitsthermos tat Heizwi derstand 60°C Sicherheitsthermos tat Heizwi derstand 100°C Warm-/Kaltwass erventil Vom Ins tallateur auszuführ ender Anschluss Jumper J1 geschloss en = Interner Luftfühl er ST1 Jumper J1 geöffnet = Externer Luftfühler ST1 Jumper J2 geschloss en = 4-Rohr-Anlage Jumper J2 geöffnet = 2-Rohr-Anlage (2 Rohre + Heizwiderstand) Heizungs Kühl ungs Den TM nicht montieren, wenn ein Heiz widerstand vor handen ist. 2-Rohr-Anlage (2 Rohre + REL) Jumper J2 geöffnet und Wasserfühler ST 2 vor dem Ventil ins talliert (falls vor handen) 4-Rohr-Anlage J umper J 2 geschloss en und Wasserfühler ST2 nac h dem Warmwass erventil (falls vorhanden) montiert. Notas: KTCVR REL KR IG ST1 ST2 ST1S ST2S KV2/KV3 ---- Panel de control Resistencia eléctrica Relé de la resistencia eléc trica Interruptor automático general Sonda de temperatur a del aire Sonda de temperatur a del agua Termostato de seguridad resistencia 60°C Termostato de seguridad resistencia 100°C Vál vula c aliente/fría Conexión a cargo del instalador Puente J1 c errado = sonda de aire ST1 interna Puente J1 abierto = sonda de aire ST1 externa Puente J2 c errado = instal ación de 4 tubos Puente J2 abierto = instalación de 2 tubos ( 2 tubos + resistencia) Calentami ento Enfriamiento Si está presente la resistencia eléctrica, no montar el TM. Instal ación de 2 tubos (2 tubos + REL): puente J 2 abierto y s onda de agua ST2 antes de la vál vul a (si está presente). Instalación de 4 tubos: puente J2 cerrado y sonda de agua ST2 después de la válvula de agua caliente (si está presente). 100 ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOS COLLEGAMENTO ELETTRICO CONTROLLI EVOLUTI: KCMS + KPCM EVOLVED CONTROLS ELECTRICAL CONNECTION: KCMS + KPCM BRANCHEMENT ÉLECTRIQUE DES CONTRÔLES ÉVOLUÉS: KCMS + KPCM ELEKTRISCHER ANSCHLUSS FORTSCHRI TTLICHE S TEUERUNGEN: KCMS + KPCM CONEXIÓN ELÉCTRICA DE LOS CONTROLES EVOLUCIONADOS: KCMS + KPCM UTNC-EV 26÷111 KCMS KICM ST1 ST2 KISI KRS485 KFTT10 ALL DIP DI5 B1 B2 B3 GN TX 8V FLAP EXP IR KPCM S E R I A CMS M2 SUPPLY EXP 4 5 6 GN TX 8V M3 L L MAX MED MIN J1 COM J2 L M1 N N N No3 No2 No1 GN TX V+ GN TX DI1 DI2 DI3 DI4 KRS232 KUSB SCR EIR SIC ECO UTNC-EV PE N N L V H C LC V3 V2 V1 TB Y/G A 1 A Y/G F=1A type F F 2 G IG 1CF O A B B 4 3 2 1 O FS 3 R Y/G 3CM G 2LIV W 1 2 3 4 5 6 1CM L N 230V-1ph-50Hz C 3CF A B B C W R Y/G FS 1 1LIV 5 3 C 1 5 C M PS CV 101 ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOS UTNC-EV / UTNC-EV B4 26÷111 KCMS KICM ST1 ST2 KISI KRS485 KFTT10 ALL DIP DI5 B1 B2 B3 FLAP EXP IR GN TX 8V KPCM KMVR S E R I A CMS J2 EXP L K4 M2 SUPPLY EXP 4 5 6 GN TX 8V M3 L L MAX MED MIN J1 COM J1 SUPPLY EXP M1 N N N No3 No2 No1 K2 M1 N No4 N No5 GN TX V+ GN TX DI1 DI2 DI3 DI4 K3 K1 M2 M3 No6 No7 CCH CCA KRS232 KUSB SCR EIR SIC ECO UTNC-EV PE N N L V H C LC V3 V2 V1 TB Y/G A 1 A Y/G F=1A type F F 2 G IG 1CF O A B B O FS 3 R KMVR N No4 N No5 Y/G 1 2 3 4 5 6 3CM G L N 230V-1ph-50Hz W 3CF 4 3 2 1 1CM 2LIV C M1 KV2/KV3 A B B C W R Y/G FS 1 1LIV 5 3 C 1 5 C M PS CV PE N N L V H C LC V3 V2 V1 1HW KV2B4/KV3B4 102 1CW ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOS UTNC-EV REL 26÷111 KCMS KICM ST1 ST2 KISI KRS485 KFTT10 ALL DIP DI5 B1 B2 B3 FLAP EXP IR GN TX 8V KPCM KMVR S E R I A CMS J2 EXP L K4 M2 SUPPLY EXP 4 5 6 GN TX 8V M3 L L MAX MED MIN J1 COM J1 SUPPLY EXP M1 N N N No3 No2 No1 K2 M1 N No4 N No5 GN TX V+ GN TX DI1 DI2 DI3 DI4 K3 K1 M2 M3 No6 No7 CCH CCA KRS232 KUSB SCR EIR SIC ECO KV2/KV3 UTNC-EV 1CV PE N N L V H C LC V3 V2 V1 A 1 A Y/G C F=1A type F TB Y/G F 2 KR V 1 3 7 8 5 B A G IG 1CF O A B B O FS 3 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 3CM G 2LIV Y/G R 3CF 4 3 2 1 1CM L N 230V-1ph-50Hz C W A B B C W FS 1 1LIV 5 3 C 5 C R REL Y/G M REL 1 ST1S 1 1 2 ST2S R PS CV C C 103 2 C ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOS UTNC-I 26÷111 KCMVI KICM ST1 ST2 ST3 3 2 1 DIP DI5 B1 B2 B3 GN TX 8V FLAP EXP KISI KRS485 KFTT10 IR KPCM MVRI S E R I A CMSI J2 EXP L 4 5 6 M2 SUPPLY EXP GN TX 8V L L M3 MAX MED MIN J1 COM SUPPLY EXP N N N No3 No2 No1 M1 GN No4 GN TX V+ GN TX DI1 DI2 DI3 DI4 KRS232 KUSB SCR EIR SIC ECO UTNC-I YX Y4 Y2 L L TB N N PE A B Y/G HEAT Y/G KV2/KV3 Y/G L N 230V-1ph-50Hz 1CF O A A B 4 3 2 1 1CM G O FS 2LIV 3 A 1LIV 5 3 C L N PE TP TP U M2 V W B W FS 1 B W R C KV2B4/KV3B4 X2 A- G A+ IG FILTER N L PE RS232 M1 X3 B 1 5 PS HEAT COOL M C 104 GN No5 No6 No7 ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOS UTNC-I REL 26÷111 KCMVI KICM ST1 ST2 3 2 1 DIP DI5 B1 B2 B3 GN TX 8V FLAP EXP KISI KRS485 KFTT10 IR KPCM MVRI S E R I A CMSI EXP L J2 4 5 6 GN TX 8V L L M3 MAX MED MIN M2 SUPPLY EXP COM SUPPLY EXP J1 N N N No3 No2 No1 M1 GN No4 GN TX V+ GN TX DI1 DI2 DI3 DI4 KRS232 KUSB SCR EIR SIC ECO UTNC-I YX Y4 Y2 L L TB N N PE A Y/G C V FILTER N L PE KR Y/G 1CF O A A B 4 3 2 1 1CM G O FS 2LIV 3 A 1 1LIV 5 3 C B L N PE TP TP U W W M2 V R RS232 W C X2 X3 B M1 ST1S 1 1 REL 2 B R 1 5 PS KV2/KV3 A B FS 1 B A- G L N 230V-1ph-50Hz 2 3 4 Y/G A+ IG B M C 105 REL ST2S 2 C GN No5 No6 No7 ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOS KCMS/KCMVI CMSI KPCM/KICM IG REL ALL L N SCR SIC EIR ECO CCA CCH ST1 ST2 ST3 ST1S ST2S KMVR/MVRI KISI KRS485 KF TT10 KV2-KV3 KV2B4-KV3B4 KRS232 KUSB --- KCMS/KCMVI CMSI KPCM/KICM IG REL ALL L N SCR SIC EIR ECO CCA CCH ST1 ST2 ST3 ST1S ST2S KMVR/MVRI KISI KRS485 KF TT10 KV2-KV3 KV2B4-KV3B4 KRS232 KUSB --- Controllo elettronico Controllo elettronico Pannello comando Interruttore generale Resistenza elettrica Ingresso allarme Linea Neutro Selettore comando remoto Sicurezza esterna Selettore estate/inverno remoto Selettore funzione Economy T ermostato ambiente caldaia (consenso) Consenso chiller Sonda temperatura aria Sonda temperatura acqua Sonda temperatura acqua (accessorio KST I) T ermostato sicurezza resistenza 60°C T ermostato sicurezza resistenza 100°C Modulo valvole-resistenza Modulo interfaccia seriale Can-bus Modulo interfaccia seriale RS485 Modulo interfaccia seriale LON Accessorio valvola calda/fredda Accessorio valvola calda + fredda Convertitore RS485-RS232 Convertitore RS485-USB Collegamenti a cura dell’installatore KCMS/KCMVI CMSI KPCM/KICM IG REL ALL L N SCR SIC EIR ECO CCA CCH ST1 ST2 ST3 ST1S ST2S KMVR/MVRI KISI KRS485 KF TT10 KV2-KV3 KV2B4-KV3B4 KRS232 KUSB --- Contrôle électronique Contrôle électronique Panneau de commande Interrupteur général Résistance électrique Alarme entrée Ligne Neutre Sélecteur commande à distance. Sécurité externe Sélecteur été/hiver à distance Sélecteur fonction Economy T hermostat ambiant de la chaudière (validation) Validation chiller Sonde de la température de l'air Sonde de la température de l'eau Sonde de température de l'eau (accessoire KST I) T ermostat de sécurité résistance 60°C T ermostat de sécurité résistance 100°C Module des vannes-résistance Module d'interface sérielle Can-bus Module d'interface sérielle RS485 Module d'interface sérielle LON Accessoire vanne chaude/froide Accessoire vanne chaude + froide Convertisseur RS485-RS232 Convertisseur RS485-USB Raccordements devant être effectué par l'installateur KCMS/KCMVI CMSI KPCM/KICM IG REL ALL L N SCR SIC EIR ECO CCA CCH Control electrónico Control electrónico Panel de control Interruptor general Resistencia eléctrica Entrada alarma Línea Neutro Selector del mando a distancia Seguridad exterior Selector de verano/invierno remoto Selector de función Economy T ermostato ambiente de la caldera (consenso) Consenso enfriadora KCMS/KCMVI CMSI KPCM/KICM IG REL ALL L N SCR SIC EIR ECO CCA CCH ST1 ST2 ST3 ST1S ST2S KMVR/MVRI KISI KRS485 KF TT10 KV2-KV3 KV2B4-KV3B4 KRS232 KUSB --- ST1 ST2 ST3 ST1S ST2S KMVR/MVRI KISI KRS485 KF TT10 KV2-KV3 KV2B4-KV3B4 KRS232 KUSB --- 106 Electronic control Electronic control Control panel Main switch Electric heater Alarm input Line Neutral Remote control selector External safety device Remote summer/winter selector Economy function selector Boiler room thermostat (consensus) Chiller consent Air temperature sensor Water temperature sensor Water temperature sensor (KST I accessory) Safety thermostat electric heater 60°C Safety thermostat electric heater 100°C Heating element - valve module Can-bus serial interface module RS485 serial interface module LON serial interface module Hot/cold valve accessory Hot + cold valve accessory RS485-RS232 converter RS485-USB converter Connections provided by the installe Elektronische Steuerung Elektronische Steuerung Bedientafel Hauptschalter Heizwiderstand Alarm Eingang Leitung Nullleiter Wahlschalter Fernsteuerung Externe Sicherhei Externer Wahlschalter Sommer/Winter Wahlschalter Funktion Economy Raumthermostat Heizkessel (Freigabe) Freigabe heizkessel Lufttemperaturfühler Wassertemperaturfühler Wassertemperaturfühler (Zubehör KST I) Sicherheitsthermostat Heizwiderstand 60°C Sicherheitsthermostat Heizwiderstand 100°C Modul Ventile-Heizwiderstand Modul serielle Schnittstelle Canbus Modul serielle Schnittstelle RS485 Modul serielle Schnittstelle LON Zubehör Warm-/Kaltwasserventil Zubehör Warm- + Kaltwasserventil Konverter RS485-RS232 Konverter RS485-USB vom Installateur vorzunehmende Anschlüsse Sonda de temperatura del aire Sonda de temperatura del agua Sonda de temperatura del agua (accesorio KST I) T ermostato de seguridad resistencia 60°C T ermostato de seguridad resistencia 100°C Módulo de válvulas-resistencia Módulo de interfaz serial Can-bus Módulo de interfaz serial RS485 Módulo de interfaz serial LON Accesorio de válvula caliente/fría Accesorio de válvula caliente + fría Conversor RS485-RS232 Conversor RS485-USB Conexiones a cargo del instalador ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOS COLLEGAMENTO ELETTRICO CONTROLLI EVOLUTI: KCMS + KTCM E KCMVI + KTCM EVOLVED CONTROLS ELECTRICAL CONNECTION: KCMS + KTCM AND KCMVI + KTCM BRANCHEMENT ÉLECTRIQUE DES CONTRÔLES ÉVOLUÉS: KCMS + KTCM ET KCMVI + KTCM ELEKTRISCHER ANSCHLUSS FORTSCHRITTLICHE STEUERUNGEN: KCMS + KTCM UND KCMVI + KTCM CONEXIÓN ELÉCTRICA DE LOS CONTROLES EVOLUCIONADOS: KCMS + KTCM Y KCMVI + KTCM PL RI DIP DI5 B1 B2 B3 FLAP EXP IR S E R I A CMS L ON M3 MED MIN M2 MAX J1 CONT COM J2 M1 MODE OFF S SUPPLY EXP TIMER FUN CTIONS C L L N N N No3 No2 No1 GN TX V+ GN GNTX TX DI1 DI2 DI3 DI4 KTCM CMS KTCM PL RI Controllo elettronico Telecomando (fornito separatamente) Cornice Scheda ricevitore CMS KTCM PL RI Electronic c ontr ol Remote c ontrol (s upplied loose) Frame Receiver CMS KTCM PL RI Contrôle électronique Télécommande (fourni s éparément) Grille Récepteur CMS KTCM PL RI Elektronisc he Steuerung Fernbedienung (lose beigelegt) Rahmen Empfänger CMS KTCM PL RI Control el ectrónic o Mando a distancia (entregado por separado) Bastidor Receptor 107 NOTE NOTE ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………. 108 NOTE NOTE ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………. 109 NOTE NOTE ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………. 110 UT NC- EV / UT NC-I 26÷111 RHOSS S.p.A. Via Oltre F errovi a - 33033 Codroipo (UD) Italia- tel. 0432.911611 - fax 0432.911600 - rhoss@rhoss.it - www.rhoss .it H57866/A 01.13 - PS/ R M (L010130H02)