April 2013 Meeting Minutes FINAL
April 2013 Meeting Minutes FINAL
MINUTES OF THE REGULAR & ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ROCHESTER-GENESEE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES April 11, 2013 A. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum The meeting was called to order by Chairman James Redmond who determined that a quorum was present. Present on Roll Call: County of Monroe County of Monroe County of Monroe City of Rochester City of Rochester City of Rochester County of Genesee County of Livingston County of Orleans County of Seneca County of Wayne County of Wyoming Amalgamated Transit Union Stephen Carl James H. Redmond Robert Fischer Thomas R. Argust Barbara Jones Karen Pryor Paul Battaglia Milo I. Turner Henry Smith Edward W. White Michael P. Jankowski Frank Vitagliano Francis Falzone = = = = = = = = = = = = = 5.33 votes 5.33 votes 5.33 votes 2 votes 2 votes 2 votes 2 votes 2 votes 1 vote 1 vote 3 votes 1 vote 0 votes Total Votes Possible 32 Total Votes Present 25 Votes Needed for Quorum 17 B. Adoption of the Agenda On motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Carl, the Agenda was unanimously adopted. C. Approval of Minutes On motion of Commissioner Vitagliano, seconded by Commissioner White, the following minutes were approved. Regular Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2013 Governance Committee Meeting Minutes, March 7, 2013 Compensation Committee Meeting Minutes, March 20, 2013 1 D. CEO Report Bill Carpenter, Chief Executive Officer, presented the monthly CEO Report as reflected in the power point presentation, a copy of which shall be attached to these Minutes. In response to a question from Commissioner Argust, John Bednarczyk responded that yes we did know it was going to take five years to complete this project. There was an evolution of building a foundation of systems in order to get to the point that we could carry out this function. In response to a question from Commissioner Fischer, Kirk Bethel responded that yes the Transit Center will be incorporated into the system as some point. It’s still in the planning stages. In response to a question from Commissioner Vitagliano, Kirk Bethel responded that the bus does not tell the driver where to park. In the morning we have a bus placer who will instruct the driver what lane to park in. When the driver park in that lane, they have to enter the lane information on the bus. In response to a question from Commissioner Pryor, John Bednarczyk responded that we have about 50% acceptance of the new system if not more. Everyone is very enthused about the change. On motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Pryor, the CEO Report was accepted by unanimous vote. E. Financial Report Scott Adair, Chief Financial Officer, presented the financial report, a copy of which shall be attached to these Minutes. In response to a question from Chairman Redmond, Scott Adair responded that the primary driver for the fringe benefits savings of $134,000 was some of our health care providers have changed what they offer in plans, and during the open enrollment period. Yes we are on target for hitting our expected number of participants in the high deductible health plan. On motion of Commissioner White, seconded by Commissioner Argust, the Financial Report was accepted by unanimous vote. F. Proposed Resolutions Resolution Authorizing Award of Contract for Brand Exploration and Related Services, RGRTA 24-2013 2 In response to a question from Commissioner Pryor, Maryalice Keller responded that the brand itself should be quite evergreen, and have quite a long shelf life. What will change is the way you present it to the community. We will establish a brand and a brand promise and that should remain the same. In response to a question from Commissioner Fischer, Maryalice Keller responded that she has not spoken with anyone from Monroe County to find out how successful their rebranding was. In response to a question from Commissioner Argust, Maryalice Keller responded that she would absolutely expect that we would have a reporting mechanism to share our progress with the commissioners, our insights, but more importantly to have some dialogue. In response to a question from Commissioner White, Maryalice Keller responded that Antithesis Advertising was in the middle for price and we looked at their track record and we asked that they show us the process as well as the results. We also looked at the skill and expertise of the agency as a whole, as well as the client team that we would be working with. The cost that is built into the resolution really gets us through the first three phases of the project. When we are ready to go more public later on in the timetable, there will probably need to be a revisiting of financials. RGRTA 24-2013: On motion of Commissioner Argust, seconded by Commissioner Carl, the aforementioned Resolution, a copy of which shall be attached to these Minutes, was unanimously approved. G. Consent Resolutions Resolution Authorizing the Declaration of Buses as Surplus, RGRTA 25-2013 RGRTA 25-2013: On motion of Commissioner White, seconded by Commissioner Turner, the aforementioned Resolution, a copy of which shall be attached to these Minutes, was unanimously approved. Resolution Authorizing RGRTA to enter into an Agreement with Popli Design Group for Architectural and Engineering Services related to the 2013 Campus Improvement Project, RGRTA 26-2013 In response to a question from Commissioner Argust, Mark Ballerstein responded that this work would include renovations to the Operations Building, the acquisition and demolition of the properties over on Chamberlain and the construction of a new parking lot for employees. Popli will do the preliminary design and preparing the RFP for the design/builder selection. Commissioner Argust also asked about involving stakeholders in looking at the design. Mark Ballerstein responded that we have worked with Operations staff, laying out what changes we would be doing and prioritizing the work. As we get Popli Design Group on board we would restart that effort and probably go through that process for the next four months. We have reached out to the property owners in the neighborhood and on the 17th we have a meeting with the tenants. 3 RGRTA 26-2013: On motion of Commissioner Argust, seconded by Commissioner Pryor, the aforementioned Resolution, a copy of which shall be attached to these Minutes, was unanimously approved. Resolution Appointing Commissioner Smith to the Governance Committee, RGRTA 27-2013 RGRTA 27-2013: On motion of Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Pryor, the aforementioned Resolution, a copy of which shall be attached to these Minutes, was unanimously approved. On Motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Pryor, the Board went into Executive Session to discuss Personnel issues. On Motion of Commissioner White, seconded by Commissioner Smith, the Board came out of Executive Session. Resolution Authorizing Regional Transit Service, Inc. (“RTS”) to enter into a five-year collective bargaining agreement with the Teamsters, Local 118 (“Teamsters”), RGRTA 282013 RGRTA 28-2013: On motion of Commissioner Carl, seconded by Commissioner Pryor, the aforementioned Resolution, a copy of which shall be attached to these Minutes, was unanimously approved. Resolution Ratifying the Recommendation of the Compensation Committee, RGRTA 29-2013 RGRTA 29-2013: On motion of Commissioner Turner, seconded by Commissioner Smith, the aforementioned Resolution, a copy of which shall be attached to these Minutes, was unanimously approved. H. Calendar The Calendar was reviewed and no changes were noted. I. Adjournment There being no further matters on the adopted Agenda, the meeting was adjourned on motion of Commissioner Vitagliano, seconded by Commissioner Carl. 4 CEO Report Presented by: Bill Carpenter, CEO Chief Executive Officer Report TOPS Highlight Project Highlight Miscellaneous Record Setting On-Time Performance We continue to see improvements in our systems that impact OTP. On March 24th we set a new record at 96.66% Highest Day Recorded Sunday, March 31st 96.9% Highest Month Recorded March 2013 91.9% Highest Months 93% 91.92% 92% 91.43% 91.08% 91.08% 91% 90.62% 90.09% 90% 89% February '12 March '12 April '12 December '12 January '13 March '13 Chief Executive Officer Report TOPS Highlight Project Highlight Miscellaneous John Bednarczyk, Fleet Systems Engineer Kirk Bethel, Project Manager April 11, 2013 Technology Initiatives Driving Excellence Began as a combined program of 14 technology initiatives 2008-2010 – System Design and Technology Infrastructure Roll-out Overall system design completed Technology implemented: On the Bus In the Scheduling Department In Dispatch and Radio Control In the Maintenance Department 2010-2012 – Customer-facing systems implemented Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) Electronic Bus Stop Signs with Next Bus Information Where’s My Bus? (WMB) WMB on the Web – Notify Me New Fareboxes and Fare Collection system 2012-2013 – Closing the Loop on Automated Operations Management Automated Operator check-in in Dispatch Yard Management: “Where’s My Bus for Us” Electronic Vehicle Inspection Reports – Second Quarter 2013 Operator tap-in on the bus – Third Quarter 2013 Kirk Bethel Project Manager Yard Management is a software application that provides a comprehensive view of all buses in the yard in real time Used to automatically assign buses to routes and Operators Morning pullout (200 buses) Sophisticated algorithm that assigns buses based on: Bus placement Optimal bus series for each route Potential blocking conditions like garage support columns Afternoon pullout (180 buses) Used by Dispatchers and Bus Placers to organize the yard and assign buses and Operators to routes Fewer late pull-outs Faster bus assignment to routes Faster check-in of Operators at the Dispatch window More accurate location of buses in the Yard Fewer Bus Operators asking, “Where’s My Bus?” Put the right bus on the right route Maintenance personnel can quickly and easily locate buses scheduled for maintenance and repairs More efficient bus placement in the yard for pull-outs Fuel savings and a positive environmental impact in the neighborhood 2009: Design Unique system designed and developed by ACS and RGRTA 2011: Testing 2012: Implementation Go-Live: 2/21/2013 Final Steps e -VIR . Single Sign-On Administrative, Teamsters and ATU employees working as a team!!! Individual recognition John Bednarczyk, Fleet Systems Engineer Bus Placers Jim LaClair Rob Letky Dispatchers Bob Cassavaw Randy Jones Steve Maclean Peter McNaughton Alvin Metcalf Josh Ortiz Mike Capadano, Director of Transit Operations Rusty Korth, Director of Vehicle Maintenance Jay Corey, Assistant Director of Vehicle Maintenance John Bednarczyk Fleet Systems Engineer Yard Management System Vehicle Assignment Bus Operator Route Assignment System (Trapeze OPS) Operator w/ Assignment Ve Ma hicl int e S en eri an es ce a Sta nd tus Vehicle Assignment to Route Vehicle Maintenance System (Asset Works) Operator/Block Info DISPATCH Vehicle Assignment System (Yard Management) Bus Scheduling System (Trapeze FX) S P ck o l B es ule Seri d e ch err ref ed Bus Number Operator Message Bus Location Performance 3:15 a.m. 3:50 a.m. 4:45 a.m. 5:30 a.m. 6:30 a.m. “Under the bridge” wireless detection of buses pulling in Operators and Maintenance personnel enter parked location of bus Yard Management builds display Dispatch uses Yard Management to assign buses for afternoon pull-out 160-180 buses pull out between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The Go-Live on 2/21/2013 focused on automating the morning and afternoon pullouts Post Go-Live System stabilization nearing completion Automatic assignment algorithm has been optimized Operator check-in time at the Dispatch window has been minimized Parked Location entry has improved Expanding usage of the system to 24 hours per day, 7 days per week Acceptance of the new system continues to grow among Bus Operators, Dispatchers and Maintenance personnel Chief Executive Officer Report TOPS Highlight Project Highlight Miscellaneous Reorganization Effective April 8th • Daniele Coll-Gonzalez has been named Chief Operating Officer • Maryalice Keller has been named Chief People & Brand Officer • Their has been a reorganization to Lift Line and Regional Operations Management • Joy Pacheco has been named VP of Lift Line • Ray LeChase has been named Director of Regional Operations • As part of this transition some other modifications were made to the organization. WMB is Reintroduced • March 15, 2013 St. Patrick’s Day Parade RTS/RGRTA Employee Appreciation Day March 19, 2013 Transit Center: The Crane has arrived!!! Miscellaneous APTA Board Meeting in DC APTA Legislative Conference Orleans County Legislative Presentation RBJ Best of the Web Awards Event Customer Town Hall Meeting Grants Review with FTA in NYC Hosted RBA Coffee with the CEO Hosted Eno Mid-Manager Training Attended the Governor’s Budget Signing Attended the UNICON Scholarship Luncheon Financial Report RGRTA - Consolidated Budget Status Report - FY 2012-2013 As of 2/28/13 - (In Thousands) Budget 2012-13 Revenues FYTD 2/28/2013 Projected 3/31/2013 Budget Variance Total Locally Generated $ 28,718 $ 26,754 $ 29,376 $ 657 Total Government Subsidies $ 43,244 $ 39,463 $ 43,136 $ (108) Mortgage Tax $ $ 8,024 $ 1,174 Grand Total Revenue $ 78,812 $ 73,744 $ 80,535 $ 1,723 Personnel Salary & Wages Fringe Benefits Total Personnel $ $ $ 35,797 $ 22,161 $ 57,958 $ 32,771 $ 19,979 $ 52,750 $ 36,200 $ 22,027 $ 58,227 $ (403) 134 (269) Non-Personnel Services Fuel/Lubricants Parts Other Total Non-Personnel $ $ $ $ $ 4,356 $ 7,570 $ 3,178 $ 6,600 $ 21,704 $ 3,265 $ 7,149 $ 2,381 $ 5,022 $ 17,818 $ 3,835 7,846 2,808 5,937 20,426 $ $ $ $ $ 520 (276) 370 663 1,277 Grand Total Expenses $ 79,662 $ 70,568 $ 78,654 $ 1,009 Net Income/Deficit From Operations & Subsidies $ (850) $ 3,175 $ 1,882 $ 2,732 6,850 $ 7,527 Expenses ROCHESTER-GENESEE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Board Meeting Date: Presenter: Subject: Background: April 11, 2013 Maryalice Keller Authorizing the Award of a Contract for Brand Exploration and Related Services The Authority requires the services of a marketing firm which will provide professional services including brand audit and assessment, brand definition for the purpose of creating a new brand identity , and the launching of this newly defined brand for the Authority. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued, twenty-one (21) sets of the RFP document were distributed to proposers, and ten (10) proposals were received on February 8, 2013. The following is a summary of proposals received: 1.) Antithesis Advertising, Rochester, NY 2.) Brand Cool, Rochester, NY 3.) Branditecture, San Francisco, CA 4.) Cult 360, New York City, NY 5.) Dixon Schwabl, Victor, NY 6.) Forward Branding, Webster, NY 7.) Illium, Bellevue, WA 8.) McDougall-Travers Collins, Rochester, NY 9.) Proof Integrated Communications, New York City, NY 10.) The Paige Group, Utica, NY Based on a thorough evaluation of the proposals considering qualifications of project team, firm’s experience, work approach and cost, the Authority determined that Antithesis Advertising submitted a responsive proposal that the Authority determined to be the most favorable. The contract price will be $312,600 for an initial term of two years with the option for a one-year renewal. Hourly rates contained in Attachment A of the resolution shall be fixed for two (2) years; any rate increase(s) in an optional renewal year shall not exceed the Consumer Price Index (all urban consumers) for the prior twelve month period at the time of contract renewal. Financial Impact: Recommendation: The Authority determined Antithesis Advertising to be a responsible bidder. RGRTA will enter into an agreement with Antithesis Advertising for an amount not to exceed $312,600. In addition, RGRTA’s Chief Executive Officer will be authorized to execute change order(s) in an amount not to exceed $37,400, for additional services which may be needed as the Project progresses. The total authorized amount for the contract is $350,000. . That the CEO be granted authority to enter into a contract with Antithesis Advertising for brand exploration and related services. The term of contract shall be for two (2) years with one optional one-year renewal. RESOLUTION: RGRTA 24-2013 AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR BRAND EXPLORATION AND RELATED SERVICES WHEREAS, the Rochester-Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (the “Authority”) desires to engage a professional marketing firm to provide brand exploration and related services; and WHEREAS, under this contract the specified professional services will include brand audit and assessment, brand definition, and the launch of the newly identified brand for the Authority and its subsidiaries; and WHEREAS, the Authority sought proposals from qualified firms by issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) and publicly advertising for proposals in the New York State Contract Reporter on January 8, 2013 and the Rochester Business Journal on January 11, 2013; and WHEREAS, twenty-one (21) Request for Proposals packages were sent out and ten (10) proposals were received and opened on February 8, 2013; and WHEREAS, the Authority conducted a thorough evaluation of the proposals that were received and concluded that Antithesis Advertising submitted a proposal that was responsive and was the most favorable to the Authority; and WHEREAS, Antithesis Advertising has proposed a contract for $312,600 with an initial two-year term, with the option to renew for one additional year; and WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that the Antithesis Advertising proposal is fair and reasonable; and WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that Antithesis Advertising is a responsible proposer. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chief Executive Officer is authorized to enter into a contract with Antithesis Advertising with an initial two-year term, in an amount not to exceed Three Hundred Twelve Thousand and Six Hundred Dollars ($312,600) with an authorized contingency of $37,400 for justified change orders, resulting in a total authorization of $350,000; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Executive Officer is authorized to enter into up to one (1) optional one-year renewal; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the hourly rates contained in Attachment A are in effect for the initial two (2) years and renewal rate increases shall not exceed the Consumer Price Index (all urban consumers); and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Executive Officer and his designee are hereby authorized, empowered and directed, for and on behalf of the Authority, to perform any and all actions and to execute any and all documents on behalf of the Authority as they may deem necessary, appropriate or advisable to carry out the intent and purposes of the foregoing resolution. RESOLUTION: RGRTA 24-2013 Page 2 CERTIFICATION The undersigned hereby certifies that the above is an excerpt from the Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority, which was held on April 11, 2013 and that the Resolution is still in full force and effect. ____________________________ James H. Redmond, Chairman Date: April 11, 2013 Rochester, New York Attachment A Hourly Rates for Brand Exploration and Related Services Job Title Account Supervisor Clerical Staff Copywriter Creative Director Field Survey Staff Junior Art Director Principle-in-Charge Project Manager Project Specialist Senior Art Director Senior Consultant Hourly Rate $ 125.00 $ 56.58 $ 125.00 $ 135.00 $ 46.56 $ 95.00 $ 390.69 $ 100.00 - $ 115.86 $ 72.75 $ 115.00 $ 167.05 Note: these hourly rates remain in effect for two (2) years from the contract commencement date. Any increase for an optional renewal year shall not exceed the change in the Consumer Price Index (all urban consumers) for the prior twelve (12) month period at the time of renewal. Maryalice Keller April 11, 2013 Our Promise to our Customers. A brand position describes exactly what we offer and what differentiates us from others. Brands are created by every employee in every contact with every customer every day. Sustainable Growth. A public transit service that people can build their lives around. “The preferred transportation choice.” EVALUATE DEFINE • Quantitative Research • Brand Promise • Develop Clear Messaging • Qualitative Research - DECEMBER 2013 DRIVE • Internal Focus • Communications Planning • Develop understanding & commitment • Brand Personality • Tag Line • Naming • Graphic Identity • SWOT Analysis AUGUST 2013 IMPLEMENT • Consumer & Community Campaign • Create alignment - SPRING 2014 • Initiatives to drive ridership, customer satisfaction & customer loyalty - 2014-2015+ Rochester based; founded in 2007 Co-owners: Larry Kleehammer and Kent Joshpe Five-member account team Research partner: Clarion Research Clients: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ URMC CooperVision St. Ann’s Community Harter Secrest & Emery The Board Award a Contract with Antithesis Advertising for Brand Exploration and Related Services. ROCHESTER-GENESEE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Board Meeting Date: Presenter: Subject: Background: Financial Impact: Recommendation: April 11, 2013 David Cook Resolution Authorizing the Declaration of Buses as Surplus The Authority periodically retires buses that are obsolete or not operable and are no longer suitable or necessary for the provision of public transportation services operated by the Authority. The buses recommended for disposal are all in excess of twelve (12) years of age and are being replaced with new equipment. The Authority anticipates incidental revenue from the sale of the buses. That the CEO be authorized to dispose of the buses listed in Attachment A in accordance with the Authority’s Surplus Property Disposition Policy and Procedures. RESOLUTION: RGRTA 25-2013 AUTHORIZING THE DECLARATION OF BUSES AS SURPLUS WHEREAS, the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (the “Authority”) periodically disposes of buses that are obsolete or no longer operable; and WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that the buses in Attachment A have reached the end of their useful lives and are eligible for disposal; and WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that the buses are no longer suitable or necessary for the provision of services operated by the Authority and thus are deemed to be surplus. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the buses listed in Attachment A are declared to be surplus; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the listed buses shall be disposed of in accordance with the Authority’s Surplus Property Disposition Policy and Procedures; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chief Executive Officer and his designee are hereby authorized, empowered and directed, for and on behalf of the Authority, to perform any and all actions and to execute any and all documents on behalf of the Authority as they may deem necessary, appropriate or advisable to carry out the intent and purposes of the foregoing resolution CERTIFICATION The undersigned hereby certifies that the above is an excerpt from the Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority, which was held on April 11, 2013 and that the Resolution is still in full force and effect. _________________________________ James H. Redmond, Chairman Date: April 11, 2013 Rochester, New York ATTACHMENT A Disposal Listing- RTS Buses for Board of Commissioners Meeting, April 11, 2013 Items RTS Bus #1212 RTS Bus #1260 RTS Bus #1270 RTS Bus #105 RTS Bus #110 RTS Bus #112 RTS Bus #113 RTS Bus #115 Description 1999 New Flyer D 40LF 2000 New Flyer D 40LF 2000 New Flyer 2000 NAB 04012 2000 NAB 04012 2000 NAB 04012 2000 NAB 04012 2000 NAB 04012 Asset ID # RV-BUS-00122 RV-BUS-00157 RV-BUS-00159 RV-BUS-00181 RV-BUS-00186 RV-BUS-00188 RV-BUS-00189 RV-BUS-00191 ROCHESTER GENESEE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Board Meeting Date: Presenter: Subject: Background: April 11, 2013 Mark Ballerstein Resolution authorizing RGRTA to enter into an agreement with Popli Design Group for architectural and engineering services related to the 2013 Campus Improvement Project. The Authority received proposals from the following firms in response to the Architectural and Engineering Services 2013 Campus Improvement Project RFP: 1.) Bergmann Associates, Rochester, NY 2.) CHA, Rochester, NY 3.) Hunt Engineers, Architects & Land Surveyors, P.C. Rochester, NY 4.) LaBella Associates, Rochester, NY 5.) O’Brien and Gere, Syracuse, NY 6.) Parrone Engineering, East Rochester, NY 7.) Passero Associates, Rochester, NY 8.) Popli Design Group, Penfield, NY 9.) QPK Design LLP, Syracuse, NY 10.) Stantec Consulting, Rochester, NY 11.) TY Lin International, Rochester, NY Financial Impact: Recommendation: Proposals were rated using the federally-mandated “Brooks Method” of qualifications-based vendor selection whereby the cost of the design services were not considered in the selection process. After rating the proposals and identifying the most qualified firm, negotiations were successfully conducted with the highest rated proposer, Popli Design Group. RGRTA will enter into an agreement with Popli Design Group for an amount not-to-exceed $338,000. In addition, RGRTA’s Chief Executive Officer will be authorized to execute change order(s) in an amount not to exceed $33,800 for additional architectural and engineering services that may be needed as the Project progresses. The total authorized amount for the contract is $371,800. The CEO be granted authority to enter into an agreement with Popli Design Group. RESOLUTION: RGRTA 26-2013 AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE 2013 CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the Rochester-Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (the “Authority”) desires to engage a firm to provide Architectural and Engineering Services (A&E Services) for the 2013 Campus Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, professional services under this contract shall include preliminary engineering, development of bridging documents, preparation of the Design Build Request for Proposals, consulting services during the Design Build procurement process and services during the construction phase of the project; and WHEREAS, the Authority sought proposals from qualified firms by issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) and publicly advertising for proposals in the New York State Contract Reporter on February 7, 2013 and the Rochester Business Journal on February 8, 2013; and WHEREAS, eleven (11) proposals were received and opened March 5, 2013; and WHEREAS, the Authority conducted a thorough evaluation of the proposals that were received and concluded that Popli Design Group submitted a proposal that was responsive and was the most favorable to the Authority; and WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that the proposal submitted by Popli Design Group is fair and reasonable; and WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that Popli Design Group is a responsible proposer. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chief Executive Officer is authorized to enter into a contract with Popli Design Group in an amount not to exceed Three Hundred Thirty-Eight Thousand Dollars ($338,000) with an authorized contingency of $33,800 for justified change order(s) resulting in a total authorization of $371,800; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the contract duration shall be from contract execution through project completion; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Executive Officer and his designee are hereby authorized, empowered and directed, for and on behalf of the Authority, to perform any and all actions and to execute any and all documents on behalf of the Authority as they may deem necessary, appropriate or advisable to carry out the intent and purposes of the foregoing resolution. RESOLUTION: RGRTA 26-2013 Page 2 CERTIFICATION The undersigned hereby certifies that the above is an excerpt from the Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority, which was held on April 11, 2013 and that the Resolution is still in full force and effect. ____________________________ James H. Redmond, Chairman Date: April 11, 2013 Rochester, New York ROCHESTER-GENESEE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Board Meeting Date: Presenter: Subject: April 11, 2013 Lisa Berrittella Appointing Commissioner Smith as Member of the Governance Committee Background: Each member of a Board Committee is appointed for staggered three year terms. Commissioner Henry Smith is proposed for appointment to the Governance Committee for the term expiring March 31, 2015. Financial Impact: Recommendation: None That the Board appoint Commissioner Henry Smith as Member of the Governance Committee and as suggested in the proposed Resolution. RESOLUTION: RGRTA 27-2013 APPOINTING COMMISSIONER SMITH TO THE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Commissioner Henry Smith is appointed to serve as a Member of the Governance Committee for the term expiring on March 31, 2015. and be it further RESOLVED, that the Chairman, any duly-elected officer or the Chief Executive Officer of the Authority is authorized to take any and all such further action as may be necessary to carry the foregoing Resolutions into effect. CERTIFICATION The undersigned hereby certifies that the above is an excerpt from the Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Rochester-Genesee Regional Transportation Authority, which was held on April 11, 2013 and that the Resolution is still in full force and effect. __________________________________ James Redmond, Chairman Date: April 11, 2013 Rochester, New York ROCHESTER GENESEE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Board Meeting April 11, 2013 Date: Presenter: Janet Snyder Subject: Resolution authorizing Regional Transit Service, Inc. (“RTS”) to enter into a five-year collective bargaining agreement with the Teamsters, Local 118 (“Teamsters”). Background: The prior five-year contract expired on December 31, 2011, and the Teamsters ratified this new agreement on March 28, 2013. The term of the new agreement is January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2016. Financial Impact: Recommendation: Key changes to the new agreement include a 2.0% wage increase for each year of the contract for employees at top rate and a corresponding 3% wage increase for employees in progression and new lower starting wage rates for new employees. Cost sharing of medical insurance premiums increases for all employees under this agreement. All bargaining unit employees will be moved to the RTS Non-Union Supervisory Pension Plan. The ratification of this agreement by the Board will have no significant financial impact on the consolidated Multi-Year Budget Projection contained in the Comprehensive Plan. The CEO be granted authority to enter into this agreement with the Teamsters, Local 118. RESOLUTION: RGRTA 28-2013 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN REGIONAL TRANSIT SERVICE, INC. AND THE TEAMSTERS, LOCAL 118 WHEREAS, the Teamsters, Local 118 (the “Union”) is the exclusive bargaining agency for the titles of the Teamster Regional Transit Service, Inc. Unit which includes the titles of full-time and parttime Road Supervisors, Dispatchers, Radio Controllers, Garage Supervisors, , Assistant Garage Supervisor, Service Writers; and WHEREAS, the current contract between the Company and the Union expired on December 31, 2011; and WHEREAS, the Company and the Union have reached a tentative agreement (the “Agreement”), subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners and the Union membership, which Agreement includes the key changes summarized on Attachment A; and WHEREAS, the Union membership voted to approve the Agreement on March 28, 2013; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chief Executive Officer and his designee are hereby authorized, empowered and directed, for and on behalf of the Authority, to execute the Agreement and to perform any and all actions and to execute any and all documents on behalf of the Authority as they may deem necessary, appropriate or advisable to carry out this project. CERTIFICATION The undersigned hereby certifies that the above is an excerpt from the Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority, which was held on April 11, 2013, and that the Resolution is still in full force and effect. ___________________________________ James H. Redmond, Chairman Date: April 11, 2013 Rochester, New York ATTACHMENT A Regional Transit Service, Inc. and Teamsters, Local 118 Collective Bargaining Agreement January 1, 2012 –December 31, 2016 Summary of Key Contract Provisions Term of Agreement: 1/1/2012 – 12/31/2016 (5 years) Health Insurance: All current employees at the time of ratification of this Contract will have the option of enrolling in either Simply Blue High Deductible Health Plan or the Simply Blue 25 Plan. For Current Employees who choose to enroll in the Simply Blue High Deductible Plan the Company shall contribute the same as non-union employees cost of the premium. Effective with ratification of the Agreement, both full-time and part-time employees will contribute toward the cost of health insurance on the Simply Blue 25 Plan as follows: Employees will contribute: Effective April 1, 2013 - 5% ; Effective April 1, 2014 –7.5% ; Effective April 1, 2015 – Same Monthly premium applicable to non-union employees in the same non-HDHP plan. Wage Increases: Employees at top rate as of December 31, 2011 will receive an increase in wages as follows: Effective January 1, 2012, a 2% wage increase ($31.21 top rate) Effective January 1, 2013, a 2% wage increase ($31.83 top rate) Effective January 1, 2014, a 2% wage increase ($32.47 top rate) Effective January 1, 2015, a 2% wage increase ($33.12 top rate); and Effective January 1, 2016, a 2% wage increase ($33.78 top rate) Employees receiving less than top rate at time of ratification will receive an increase in wages as follows: Effective January 1, 2012, a 3.25% wage increase (not to exceed $31.21 top rate) Effective January 1, 2013, a 3.0% wage increase (not to exceed $31.83 top rate) Effective January 1, 2014, a 3.0% wage increase (not to exceed $32.47 top rate) Effective January 1, 2015, a 3.0% wage increase (not to exceed $33.12 top rate); and Effective January 1, 2016, a 3.0% wage increase (not to exceed $33.78 top rate) Assistant Garage Supervisors and Service Writers shall receive an increase in wages as follows: Effective January 1, 2012, a 2% wage increase Effective January 1, 2013, a 2% wage increase Effective January 1, 2014, a 2% wage increase Effective January 1, 2015, a 2% wage increase Effective January 1, 2016, a 2% wage increase All current employees will receive a retroactive payment for the differential in wages. Pension Effective upon ratification/approval of the Agreement all bargaining unit employees will participate in (and if applicable, begin accruing service credit in) the RTS Non-Union Supervisory Pension Plan. ROCHESTER-GENESEE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Board Meeting Date: Presenter: Subject: Background: Financial Impact: Recommendation: April 11, 2013 Daniele Coll-Gonzalez Resolution Ratifying the Recommendation of the Compensation Committee The Compensation Committee of the Board of Commissioners has evaluated and proposed the compensation for the Chief Executive Officer for fiscal year 2013-2014 and accordingly seeks the ratification of the Board of Commissioners. The ratification of this recommendation by the Board has no significant impact on the fiscal year 2013-2014 Budget. That the Board of Commissioners approves and ratifies the recommendation of the Compensation Committee with regard to the compensation of the Chief Executive Officer. RESOLUTION: RGRTA 29-2013 RESOLUTION RATIFYING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMPENSATION COMMITTEE WHEREAS, the Compensation Committee has completed its Performance Appraisal of the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) of the Rochester-Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (“RGRTA”) pursuant to the CEO Performance Review and Compensation Policy, adopted by the Board of Commissioners on February 7, 2013 pursuant to Resolution 5-2013; and WHEREAS, the Compensation Committee has presented its findings and recommendation to the full Board of Commissioners with regard to the compensation of the CEO for fiscal year 2013-2014; and WHEREAS, the full Board has had the opportunity to discuss such recommendation with members of the Compensation Committee. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the recommendation of the Compensation Committee with regard to CEO compensation for fiscal year 2013-2014 is ratified by the Board of Commissioners. CERTIFICATION The undersigned hereby certifies that the above is an excerpt from the Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority, which was held on April 11, 2013, and that the Resolution is still in full force and effect. ____________________________ James H. Redmond, Chairman Date: April 11, 2013 Rochester, New York