A Glimpse - Doha Bank


A Glimpse - Doha Bank
In This Issue
September 2007
A Glimpse
From the Desk of Chief Executive Officer ........................3
Statement of H. E. the Chairman ........................................
Doha Bank USD 350 Million International Syndication
attracts overwhelming response.........................................
Doha Bank achieves ISO/IEC 20000 certification,
first in Qatar..............................................................................
Doha Bank launches Private Banking
& Corporate branch................................................................
Doha Bank achieves a balanced growth and impressive
performance ratios..................................................................
Doha Bank Soft Launch Dubai Operations.............
Doha Bank’s newly refurbished office commissioned in
Doha Bank opens representative office in shanghai......12
Customers come first ........................................................13
New York................................................................................
Doha Bank signed E-remittance and banking arrangement
with Bank of Beirut S.A.L. ...............................................
Doha Bank signed mutual fund distribution arrangement
with Birla Sun Life assets management company ..........
Doha Millionaire Draw
Al-Dana savings scheme Event...........................................
Corporate Citizenship is all about Total Compliance...18
Doha Bank’s “Personal Loan Promotion”....................
Climate Change can be neutralized through
Mabrouk................................................................................ 20
Carbon Trading......................................................................
For any query, feed back or suggestions please do not hesitate to call us or write to us:
Nawaf S. A. Al-Shamari Wins back his full loan amount in
Tel: Usha Ravishankar:
Mohammed Salem: 4456533
September 2007
Chairman,s Statement
Sh. Fahad Bin Mohammed
Bin Jabor Al Thani
nce more I repeat my thanks and appre-ciation to the Managing Director H.E. Sheikh
Abdul Rahman bin Mohammed bin Jabor Al
Thani for his efforts and great achievements
for the bank during his tenure as CEO in addi-tion to his original functions as Managing Di--
rector. This was crystal clear from the quality
of services and advanced products that were
offered during the previous years and the current financial position of the
I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate Mr. R. Seetharaman
on his new position as Chief Officer of the bank, wishing him success
in carrying out his duties and responsibilities in the manner that will
achieve our ambitions and aspirations.
I’m pleased to announce that we have received the approval
of Qatar Central Bank to open a branch for the bank in London. We
also received approval of the concerned authorities in both Qatar
and Kuwait to open a branch for the bank in the State of Kuwait
to engage in all banking businesses. Furthermore, we are about to
open our Dubai branch officially.
Finally, I reiterate my thanks and appreciation to the other
members of the Board of Directors, the executive management
team and all those who have contributed to these achievements
and to the development of this bank.
From the Desk
of Chief Executive Officer
Ramadan Kareem.
Mr. R. Seetharaman
take this opportunity to thank the esteemed Board of Directors
for the trust and confidence shown in me.
As we move to the fourth quarter of 2007, I would like to reflect
on the recent developments. The financial results so far have
been extremely encouraging. We continue our trend to be
the best performing bank.
In line with our expansion strategy, we signed a US $350 million
Syndicated Loan in London. The oversubscription of the
arrangement shows the growing respect of Doha Bank in the
International Financial community. We expanded our international
presence with the opening of our Shanghai office and launching of
full-fledged operations in Dubai. We now have presence in seven
countries. In the coming years, we are set to grow significantly
across the world.
We continue to be a pacesetter and set the standards for
customer centric service and innovative products. We have
concluded some strategic arrangements to serve our customers
better. The tie up with Bank of Beirut will be beneficial for both the
banks in general and the Lebanese expatriates in particular. Our
arrangement with Birla Sun Life Assets Management Company
Limited for the distribution of Mutual Fund in India will provide an
additional investment option and opportunity for customers.
Being good corporate citizens, we continue our social
commitment with equal vigor and vitality. We have been
conducting a series of seminars on Global Warming and Climatic
Changes’ across the world. The seminars have been attended by
cross section of corporate world, government dignitaries, diplomats
and professionals from all walks of life. The response has been
overwhelming and extremely satisfying.
Our strength and success is built on our human capital, which is
each one of you. I look forward to your commitment as always and
am optimistic that we as a team will continue to perform to our best
Wishing you and your families Eid Mubarak.
With Warm Regards
September 2007
Participants, lead bankers, mandated lead arrangers, book runners & facility agents.
Doha Bank USD 350 Million International
Syndicated Loan oversubscribed by 46%
oha Bank is pleased to announce that its US $ 350 million Syndicated Loan (the
“Facility”) was successfully signed on August 10, 2007 at the historic “Goldsmith
Hall”, Foster Lane, London. The Facility Agreement was signed by Sheikh Fahad
Bin Mohammed Bin Jabor Al Thani, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Mr. R.
Seetharaman, C.E.O. on behalf of Doha Bank and by the representatives of the partt
ticipating banks. The signing ceremony was attended by the representatives from
the participating banks.
The Facility was oversubscribed by
46.14% against the launch amount of US
$ 350 Mio. This is the second international
Syndicated Loan for Doha Bank. The Five
Year Facility has been provided to finance
Doha Bank’s general corporate purposes
with an interest margin of 26 bps above
LIBOR and with bullet repayment.
It may be recalled that Doha Bank
had successfully completed its debut Sub-ordinated Bond (EMTN) Issue of USD 340
Mio, the first International Subordinated
Bond by any bank in the State of Qatar
end 2006. The bond was issued under
Doha Bank’s Euro Medium Term Note pro--
gramme (EMTN) of USD 1 Billion for gen-eral funding purposes required to support
the bank’s growth plans and is listed on
the London Stock Exchange.
In continuation of the same, the bank
opted to raise another round of funds
through Syndication arrangement. The
funds will enable us to minimize the level
of mismatch in the bank’s balance sheet
both in terms of maturity and interest rate
and better management of assets and
liabilities, to widen the source of stable
and low cost funding, and business ex-pansion.
Pursuing its growth initiatives, Doha
Bank has established branches and of-fices in strategic International locations in
countries having strong trade and com-merce with the region. The bank has now
presence in Dubai, New York, Singapore,
Tokyo, Turkey and Shanghai (China) – the
most active trading partners of Qatar. The
expansion would help the bank to lever-age on increasing bilateral and multi-lat-eral trade and commerce through these
regions. Doha Bank is the first bank from
Qatar to have a branch in Dubai.
For the Doha Bank’s current Syndicat-ed Loan Barclays Capital, CALYON, Com--
merzbank Aktiengesellschaft, Gulf Internnational Bank B.S.C., Mizuho Corporate
Bank Ltd and Standard Chartered Bank
acted as Initial Mandated Lead Arrangeers and Barclays, Calyon, Commerzbbank Aktiengesellschaft and Standard
Chartered Bank as Joint Book Runners.
Mizuho Corporate Bank acted as Faciliity Agent and Commerzbank Aktiengeesellschaft as Documentation Agent.
There are 26 lenders in the Syndicate
from 13 different countries including Barcclays Bank PLC, CALYON, Commerzbank
Aktiengesellschaft, Gulf International
Bank B.S.C., Mizuho Corporate Bank
Ltd and Standard Chartered Bank actiing as Initial Mandated Lead Arrangers;
Bank of Tokyo – Mitsubishi UFJ, BayernLB,
Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, dz Bank and
Erste Bank, ING, Wachovia acting as
Mandated Lead Arrangers; Intesa Sanppaolo, ICBC and Kommunalkredit actiing as Arrangers; Banca Popolare di
Verona, Banque et Caisse D’Eparge de
L’Etat, Dresdner Bank, Exim Bank of Chinna, KBC, Monte dei Paschi and Zurcher
Kantonalbank acting as Co-Arrangers;
National Bank of Umm Al Qawain. and
UBAF acting as Lead Managers.
Doha Bank is a leading private bank
based in Qatar having a dominant possition in Qatar banking sector for more
than 28 years. One of the fastest growiing banks in the region, Doha bank has
achieved more than three fold growth
in Shareholder Equity and six fold inccrease in Annual profit in a span of four
years. Doha bank has been consistently
maintaining the best performance rattios in the region, with Return on Avera-
age Assets of 4.03, Return of Equity of
26.9 and cost income ratio of 28% duriing financial year 2006. The bank has
earned pre-tax profit of QR 462.6 Millions
for the six months period in 2007, reporteed in accordance with International Finnancial Reporting Standards with return
of Equity of 32%. The share capital has
grown organically to QR 1.248 Billion.
As of June 2007, Shareholder’s equity
stands at QR 3.14 Billions.
At present the domestic network of
the Bank consists of 31 Branches includiing 4 Islamic branches, 10 Electronic
Branches and 5 Pay Offices in addittion to the 3 Mobile Banking Unit with
wide ATM network numbering 100 in the
State of Qatar. In addition, DB has two
overseas branches in New York, US and
Dubai, U.A.E and 4 Representative Offfices covering Singapore, Tokyo, Shanghhai (China) and Istanbul (Turkey).
Doha bank provides comprehenssive range of banking services for differeent customer segments, unmatched in
Qatar. In Retail Banking segment, it has
offerings for all conceivable personal
needs of individuals requiring financing
support, savings and investment opttions. The Bancassurance offers compprehensive products for individuals and
group, Islamic takaful, and cover for all
types of commercial requirement of
corporate entities. Doha Islamic, the Isllamic banking unit of Doha Bank offers
a comprehensive range of products
addressing diverse needs of individual
and corporate.
Doha Bank has always been a trendssetter in deploying consumer centric
technology and new delivery channels
such as SMS Banking, Bank-on-Wheel,
Bilingual website, state of art ATMs,
Heavy duty cash deposit machines,
on line internet banking, e-bank. It has
introduced Dbank product suites, conssisting of a variety of electronic banking
services, operating at 24X7 basis.
In Corporate banking, in addition
to traditional services, Doha Bank offfers many financial specialties such as
corporate finance and project finance
advisory Services such as mergers and
acquisitions, IPOs, valuations, financial
restructuring, IPO arrangement etc.
Doha Bank has a strong Treasury and
investment division offering various forex
and investment services. An area of
high focus is the high net worth segment
and the bank is continually providing
new services to cater to this segment.
As BS7799 compliant institution with
with ISO 9001:2000 certified processing
centers, Doha Bank testifies its commitmment to follow international best practtices and standards.
Doha bank has been applauded
by respected financial sector analysts
for its pioneering and leadership role in
taking Banking experience in Qatar to
new heights. It has been consistently
bagging various awards and accollades since 2003. Doha Bank has been
adjudged “Banker of the year for Qatar
for 2006”, by The Banker, Financial Times,
London and “Best Commercial Bank” in
the Middle East for the year 2007 by the
“The Banker Middle East” Magazine.
H.E. Sheikh Fahad Bin Mohammed AL Thani, Chairman of Doha Bank & Mr. Seetharaman, CEO signing syndication agreement at the
historical Goldsmith hall.
September 2007
Mr. R. Seetharaman, CEO with Mr. Abdulla Al Asadi, Mr. U.V.K.Kumar, Mr. Saheem Mohammed and other IT Managers
oha Bank, a prime and progressive bank in Qatar has added another achievement to
its wealth of several achievements by becoming the First and only bank in Qatar to be
accredited the coveted ISO/IEC 20000 certification. The assessment was performed
by STQC (Standardization Testing Quality Certification), Ministry of communication and
Information Technology, Government of India, which is an it SMF Registered Certification
ISO/IEC 20000 is the first worldwide
standard specifically aimed at IT Service
Management. It describes an integrated
set of management processes for the
effective delivery of services to the
business and its customers. Doha Bank
has established its policy for IT Service
Management as “To adopt and adapt
state of the art IT technology integrating
with people and processes to support
and improve all business processes of
Doha Bank”
Mr. R. Seetharaman expressed his
satisfaction on achieving this unique
milestone of being the only bank in
Qatar to be ISO/IEC 20000 certified for
its IT Department. The certification was
an outcome of the project comprising
of building and implementing IT Service
Management system ensuring compliance
with the global standards.
“Highest standard of customer service
is always our main focus. The Bank has
introduced variety of banking products
like ATMs, Phone Banking, Mobile Banking,
SMS Banking, Internet Banking, eRemittance & Card Management System,
leveraging on Information Technology to
enhance the efficiency and convenience
of banking service. In order to ensure
quality of service, we are committed to
follow international best practices and
standards. We have already achieved
BS7799 security standards and ISO
9001:2000 certified processing standards.
Now have attained ISO/IEC 20000 which
will go a long way in improving the quality
of I.T. service management.”
Mr. R.
Seetharaman, CEO said.
“Doha Bank IT Department is on journey
of continuous improvement for its support
services to all users of Doha Bank. In the
highly automated environment, Banks
all over the world are totally dependant
on the quality of Information Technology
services for efficiency and differentiation.
Doha Bank has state of art completely
integrated architecture, designed to
maximise availability, scalability, reliability,
reusability, security and manageability.
State of art DR site has been commissioned
with alternate processing capabilities for
all critical systems. Work Flow Automation
and oracle e-biz suite has been the driver
to move the bank towards paperless
environment and internal efficiency.”
Mr. U.V.K Kumar, Head of Information
Technology Department said.
“ISO/IEC 20000 consists of two parts:
ISO/IEC 20000-1:2005 is the formal
Specification and defines the requirements
for an organisation to deliver managed
services of an acceptable quality for its
customers. ISO/IEC 20000-2:2005 is the
Code of Practice and describes the
best practices for Service Management
processes within the scope of ISO/IEC
20000-1. The IT Service Management
System at IT Department of Doha Bank
aims to effectively deliver managed
services to meet the requirements of
organization through adoption of an
integrated process approach. We are
the first bank in Qatar to achieve this
accomplishment.” Saheem Mohammed
Ibrahim, ITSM Manager and project
manager for ISO20000 Implementation
H.E. Sheikh Abdulla Bin Saoud Al Thani, Governor, Qatar Central Bank & H.E. Sheikh Abdul Rehman Bin Mohammad Bin Jabor Al Thani, Managing Director,
during ribbon cutting ceremony at inauguration of the Private Banking Department.
Doha Bank launches Private Banking
& Corporate branch
oha Bank, announced the launch of its Private Banking arm under the brand name
Private Banking”. The Doha Bank’s Private Banking will focus on the
Bank’s natural strengths in the segments of business entrepreneurs and high net
worth individuals. H.E. Sh. Abdulla Bin Saoud Al Thani, Governor, Qatar Central Bank
inaugurated the Private Banking lounge in the presence of Sh. Abdul Rehman Bin
Mohammad Bin Jabor Al Thani, MD & CEO and Mr. Ahmed Abdul Rahman Yousuf
Obaidan Fakhroo, Vice Chairman of Doha Bank and other dignitaries.
Private Bank takes
an open approach to product delivery
through global agreements. This ensures
that our clients receive a wide and
unbiased range of financial solutions to
meet their individual needs.”
Doha Bank’s Private Banking will offer
advice on investments, foreign
exchange and securities trading,
deposits and lending to high net worth
clients. The business will operate from
Doha Bank’s exclusive First Class lounge
situated at Sultan Bin Ali building at
Grand Hamad Avenue.
focus simultaneously on locals as well as
The Doha Bank’s Private Banking was
launched to meet the growing demand
for specialised products and services
from clients who have investible surpluses.
Private Banking will extend the Bank’s
ability to meet the demand for these
services created by the rapid growth in
We will bring something new to our
private banking clients. We are Local, yet
also International. We can offer both
offshore and onshore banking. We will
have innovative products and services,
and importantly, we cherish deep
longstanding relationships. Our clients will
experience a new and distinctive blend
of capabilities.”
With the rapid economic growth
in Qatar, the affluence of the local
population has risen significantly. Doing
business in Qatar since 1979, Doha Bank
is committed to this dynamic and fast
growing market. We have long established
relationships with our clients and we
understand their wealth management
goals and ambitions. Doha Bank’s Private
Banking aspires to become the best wealth
manager and partner of HNWI clients in
growing wealth for generations.”
Doha Bank also launched a dedicated
“Corporate Branch” at Grand Hamad
Avenue. Doha Bank is committed to
maintain service excellence and ensure
corporate convenience with the support
of technological advancement to the
maximum. This Corporate Branch will
focus on tailor-made packages to cater
corporate customers, and deliver our
intimate knowledge of the local market.
The Bank has already regrouped business
lending within Wholesale Banking Division
viz: Corporate & Commercial Banking,
SME Financing, Mortgage Finance &
Real Estate Services, Equipment Finance
Division and Project Finance & Equity
Advisory. Now Corporate Branch will be
the front office for the related services
and operations for business clients.
September 2007
Mr. R Seetharaman with Mr. Al Meer and Mr. Al Asaadi during the press conference.
is Excellency Sheikh Fahad Bin Mohammad Bin Jabor AltThani, Chairman of
Board of Directors of Doha Bank, announced Doha Bank’s financial results for
the first half of the year 2007. Net profit for the first half of 2007 has jumped up to
QR 462.587 million, compared to QR 437.523 million for the same period in 2006.
Earnings per share has increased to 3.71 as compared to QR 3.51 in the corrett
sponding period of previous year. Net interest income rose by 27.1% to QR 319.6
million. Commission income rose by 31.3% to QR 159.1 million while Exchange
income rose by 14.1% to QR 21.9 million. The net operating income during the
same period has gone up from QR 536.504 million to QR 709.842 million reflecttt
ing an increase of 32.3%. The deposits have grown by 33.8% to QR 16.6 billion
from QR 12.4 billion for the same period last year. Net loans & Advances increased to QR 16.5 billion from QR
9.99 billion for the same period last year, registering a growth of 65.6%. Total assets increased by QR 10 billion,
a growth of 60.2%, from QR 16.6 billion as at 30th June 2006 to QR 26.6 billion as at 30th June 2007.
H.E. Sheikh Fahad further added that “The shareholders’
funds, at the end of June 2007, stands at QR 3.135 billion, showing
an increase of more than 25.36% during the last twelve months.
The shareholders’ funds at the end of June of last year was QR
2.501 billion. The strong shareholder’s funds as well as the increasiing profitability levels, have resulted in a return on average equity
at 32.23%, as at the end of June 2007. The Bank’s achievement
of Return on Average Assets at 3.83% is a clear reflection of the
high level of operating efficiency in the Bank, given the scale of
As regards branch expansion programmes of the Bank, Sheikh
Fahad added that “In January this year, the Bank opened up its
representative office in Japan. In Dubai, we have just launched
the soft opening of our branch operations. As regards expansion
within the country, the Bank has very recently opened up branchees in Al Handasa Street, D Ring Road and Aswaq Muaither. The
Bank has also recently received regulatory approvals for opening
up a representative office in China. The representative office in
China would soon be operational”.
While explaining the continued introduction of new products
and services, Mr. Seetharaman, Chief Executive of the Bank addeed that “The Bank has always been in the forefront of introducing
innovative products and services to meet the growing needs of
the various customers. In pursuit of this, we have recently launched
our new DREAM credit card scheme, the first in the country to offfer unique loyalty schemes and instant redemption options. The
Bank has also recently taken a strategic investment in one of the
leading stock broking companies in India, to bring in an added
value to our customers. Further, as part of the continuous social
responsibility initiatives, the Bank recently held a Green Quiz highllighting the need for greater awareness on Global Warming and
Climate Change.”
Mr. Seetharman further attributed the commitment of the
shareholders, the visionary support of the board, high level of
commitment of management and staff, customer care, best suite
of products and services, and ongoing product and service impprovement as the main reasons for Doha bank maintaining such
high level of growth and achieving greater efficiency levels.
September 2007
DOHA BANK Soft Launch Dubai Operations
Mr. R. Seetharaman with Mr. Qasim Abbas Murad , Chief Country Manager of Doha Bank UAE. in front of Doha Bank’s
Dubai Branch.
oha Bank has recently converted its Representative Office into a full fledged Commercial
Branch and is located in the bustling Manhattan of Dubai, 21st Century Towers on Sh.
Zayed Road. The expansion is in line with the bank’s strategy to spread its wings in
various continents with a combination of Representative Offices and branches to serve
its large customer base that have dealings in the various countries and to meet their
international banking needs.
The gross domestic product of Dubai
as of 2006 was USD 46 billion, a jump of
16% from 2005 figure. Per capita GDP is
approximately $31,140. Revenue from oil
and natural gas only accounts for 3% of
the GDP. Dubai has the most diversified
revenue stream in the Gulf region totally
detaching and delimiting itself from “Black
Gold. Around 4/5 of business activities are
powered by trade, construction, financial
services, transport, logistics and tourism.
In the international trade, Dubai’s
total imports in 2006 was Dhs 163.58 billion
with total export of Dhs 50.59 billion. Its
re-export was worth Dhs 39.87 billion.
The emirate is the third largest re-export
center, ranked behind Hong Kong and
With the soft launch of the Dubai
branch, Doha Bank will be able to
participate in cross border lending and
investment opportunities in the UAE and
Qatar. As trade between the two countries
increases, Doha Bank, Dubai Branch
will help serve these strong commercial
relations. Besides, as Dubai is centrally
located between the East and the West,
the branch will be geared to facilitate
businesses with the bank’s New York
Branch and the Representative offices in
Turkey China, Singapore and soon South
The bank provides a complete range
of services both, for the wholesale and
retail customers in domestic and foreign
currencies, besides full range of services in
Nostro account and payments, trade and
treasury and a complete range of quality
products and services at very competitive
Doha Bank is fully committed to
provide products and services that
meet Dubai consumers needs. Doha
Bank differentiates itself from the rest of
the regional players by offering tailormade packages designed to suit the
of the discerning Dubai
Doha Bank will officially launch the
Dubai branch during the month of
October 2007.
Doha Banks newly refurbished office
commissioned in New York
oha Bank is the only Qatari Bank and one of the few
Middle East banks having a full fledged branch offt
fice in New York offering its customers wide range
of services.
Mr. R Seetharaman with Doha Bank New York staff members.
Inaugurating the refurbished premises
of Doha Bank, New York branch Mr Sheikh
Abdullah Jabor AL Thani , Director , Doha
Bank, complimented the branch executtives for the excellent services rendered
by Doha Bank to residents of Qatar and its
Corporates in addition to the various Midddle East banks in meeting their banking
needs in USA for more than two decades.
Doha Banks branch in New York is loccated at 100 wall Street, New York and
is a full member of CHIPS and Fed wire
System which ensures the payments are
received and sent on real time basis as it
is transacted by any other major banks in
the USA.
Established in the Year 1983, Doha
Bank New York Branch has been offering
a vide range of services in New York as
it seeks to offer trade finance services,
payments services , cash management
solutions besides offering clearing services
being a member of the New York clearing
system. The branch has been one of the
active branch of GCC based banks offferings correspondent banking services to
the banks in the Middle east, Africa and
Asia besides handling trade related transa-
actions across the globe.
Mr. Seetharaman noted that Doha
Bank was indeed privileged to have its
branch in New York, being a premier finnancial centre in the world. He added
that the vision of the Board of Doha Bank
in terms of globalization enabled the
bank to establish its Representative Officees in Singapore, Turkey, and Japan. Doha
bank also converted recently its erstwhile
Representative Office in Dubai into a fullfledged branch to widen its global foot
print and to cater to the ever growing
trade and business needs of various clieents dealing in/ from Qatar and Dubai.
Meanwhile he also commented that the
globalization is a long and an enduring
mission and will be accomplished over
the next few years.
Mr. Anjum Nisar, the Chief Manager of
the Doha Bank’s New York Branch highllighted that the Banks Globalization plans
enabled their branches and the representtative offices now to cross sell our services
across the globe and this initiative will
continue to meet the aspirations of the
existing and prospective customers, both
Corporates and correspondent banks. He
viewed this as a significant value addition
to the services offered by the bank globaally.
Mr. Seetharaman, reiterated the banks
commitment to meet and comply with the
ever increasing regulatory requirements in
USA and that the bank will do its utmost to
meet these on a continuous basis. “
He informed that Doha Bank’s transfformation has been recognized and appplauded by respected financial sector
analysts. Doha Bank for the fifth year in
succession received the “Best Commerccial Bank” award from Banker Middle East
for the year 2007, Best Commercial Bank
in the Middle East in 2006, in continuation
of the earlier awards as the Best Commmercial Bank” for 2005. Doha Bank also
bagged the “Best Bank in Qatar” from the
Banker for the year, 2006, 2004 and 2003
besides Euro money awarding the “Best
Bank in Qatar” for the year 2005 thus demoonstrating its commitment to continuously
strive to bring the best of the service to its
customers and the best value to its Share
September 2007
H.E. Abdullah Abdul Rahman Al Muftah Qatar Ambassador to China cutting the ribbon while opening of Doha bank
Representative office along with Mr. R. Seetharaman, CEO-Doha Bank, Mr. Khalifa Thani, Consular and Mr. Harry Chief
Representative & other officials.
oha Bank hosted a Gala Dinner reception on Wednesday (August 8, 2007) evening at
Portman RitztCarlton Hotel, Shanghai Centre, Shanghai for top dignitaries from China
and Qatar representing Government, Banking, and Business sectors. The event was
hosted by Doha Bank to celeberate the inauguration of its Representative office in
Prior to the evening Gala dinner, H.E.
Abdullah Abdul Rahman Al-Muftah , Qa-tar Ambassador to China, Mr. D.I Wang,
Director of Gulf Affairs, Foreign Ministry,
P.R. China along with Mr. R. Seetharaman,
CEO of Doha Bank inaugurated the Rep-resentative Office located at Suite 360,
No. 1376 Nanjing Road (W), Shanghai
Center in Shanghai. Also present on the
occasion were Mr. Khalifa Thani- Consular,
Embassy of State of Qatar, Mr. Jere Tala,
Area Manager, Qatar Airways, Shanghai,
Mr. Harry Liu - Doha Bank Shanghai Of-fice Representative and officials from the
Shanghai media.
Speaking on the occasion Mr. Seethar-aman, the Chief Executive Officer of Doha
Bank said “the inauguration of our office in
Shanghai is an important milestone, which
gives us an opportunity to understand the
world’s one of the biggest countries and
explore the Chinese market, which may
lead the bank to establish Doha Bank’s
operations in a full-fledged manner sub-ject to the appropriate regulatory ap-provals. We want to be perceived as a
bank with traditional values and strong
presence in the International arena”.
While referring the Doha Bank’s in-ternational operations Mr. R. Seethara-man briefed about the representative
offices opened recently in Singapore,
Turkey and Tokyo and said “These coun-tries in which the representative offices
are opened were identified with great
care by considering the strong commer-cial and economic relationship between
these countries and Qatar into consider-ation. International companies want to
make investments besides doing business
with companies from Qatar with growing
Mr. Seetharaman informed that hav-ing presence in these centres Doha Bank
will have the opportunity to understand
the market and do business in these re-gions and at the same time build-up com-mercial and banking relationships. He also
highlighted in detail about the participa-tion of various Chinese companies and
corporates which are already executing
many projects in Qatar and have estab-lished their project offices in Doha.
He drew the attention to the fact that
China is one of the largest trade partners
of Qatar. Bilateral trade which stood at US
$ 389 Mio in 2004, increased to nearly US
$ 2 Billion by 2006. The growth in the nonoil sector in Qatar provides for ample op-portunies for the Chinese companies for
their participation in various projects and
doing business in Qatar, he said.
During his speech Mr. Seetharaman
also said that Shanghai Representative
office will help to further strengthen the
financial and economic bridges between
the two countries. He further elaborated
the eagerness of Governments of both
countries to boost their trade cooperation
with each other.
“Doha Bank expects an increased in-terest of Chinese companies in different
sectors in the State of Qatar and establish-ment of Representative Office in Shang-hai, China will allow Doha Bank to under-stand, explore and facilitate the needs
of Chinese companies doing business or
intend to do business in Qatar” said Mr. R.
Mr. Qasim Abbas (Country Chief Manager – Dubai), Mr. Ismail Al Naqi (Director
- Dubai Outsourced Zone), Mr. R. Seetharaman (CEO of Doha Bank), Mr. Yousef Al
Mana (Counselor General) and Mr. Abdullah Asadi (Sr. Manager - Pvt. Banking).
oha Bank organized a clients’ meet on Thursday, 23rd August, at Jumeirah Emirates
Towers, Dubai to highlight the importance of Customer Convenience in banking
Mr. R. Seetharaman, CEO addressing the gathering.
The event opened with an exhibition
, where e-commerce products and
services of the bank were on display.
This included corporate and retail eBanking solutions and various products in
the offing. The bank had grouped its ebanking products into seven categories,
which were demonstrated live through
the electronic media to the customers.
The focus of the exhibition was to highlight
the advantages of using the e-banking
channels of the bank.
Chief Country Manager of Dubai
branch Qasim welcomed the gathering.
Mr. Ismail Al Naqi graced the occasion
as the Chief Guest . In his speech, he
mentioned that outsourcing has become
an integral part of today’s business
strategy and that Dubai is well set to
capitalize on this. He also highlighted the
convergence of banking with technology
and remarked that outsourcing can play
a pivotal role in improving the efficiency
in the banking system. Mr. Yousef Saad Al
Mr. R. Seetharaman, CEO explaining the services offered
by Doha Bank during the presentation over customer
Mana, Councilor General – state of Qatar
in the United Arab Emirates was also
present in the function.
CEO of Doha Bank Mr. R.Seetharaman
highlighted the financial achievements.
He briefed the audience about the various
products introduced for the first time in
the Qatar market and the initiatives that
have, so far, been taken to emerge as
a ‘global financial service provider’. His
presentation focused on value addition
to the customers through various products
and delivery channels offered by the
bank, with a view to improve customer
convenience. He mentioned that bank
has transformed and emerged stronger
over the years, thanks to vision of the Board
and the commitment of the management
and staff. He also introduced Dubai Souq
to the clients through an interactive
session. Dubai souq is an e- mall offering
facility, offered for the first time by a bank
in this region, for undertaking round the
clock transactions. The salient features of
the facility were also demonstrated.
Nabil Tabbara from Retail Banking
highlighted the customer convenience
from the basket of Retail products, catering
to the various requirements of the clients.
A. Sekar from Corporate and Commercial
Banking said that the focus of the bank
has always been to provide solution,
tailor-made to suit specific needs of the
corporate clients. He briefly touched upon
the aspects of the product range, global
network and the ease of operation that
the bank offers. Manoj Kumar showcased
the benefits and financial protection this
service offers to the customers and how
they could benefit through those.
The team fielded some interesting
queries on various aspects and packages.
This was followed by a raffle draw. Kevin
Hugh Cain Assistant General Manager
proposed the vote of thanks. The evening
concluded with entertainment and
sumptuous dinner.
September 2007
Mr. Najib Semaan of Bank of Beirut with Mr. R. Seetharaman at the signing ceremony
Bank in the
Middle East”
by “Banker
Middle East”
signed an agreement with the
Bank of Beirut S.A.L., (BOB) which
is one of the leading commercial
banks in Lebanon for the online
Electronic Funds Transfer from Doha
to Lebanon. Both the banks also
agreed to generate local business
for each other targeting mainly the
nontresident Lebanese living in the
State of Qatar.
The agreement was signed, on 21st
June 2007 in a function held in Doha
Bank Head Office in Doha, by Mr. R.
Seetharaman, Deputy Chief Executive
Officer of Doha Bank and Mr. Najib
Semaan, Assistant General Manager
– Treasury, Capital Markets, Foreign
Exchange & International Division of Bank
of Beirut.
Mr. Seetharaman, CEO, Doha Bank,
highlighted the metamorphic growth
of Qatar and the consequent influx of
expatriates from around the world to meet
the manpower requirements in all fields
starting from Construction, technology, Oil
and Gas, Aviation, Banking, etc.
He informed that besides the
expatriates in Qatar from India, Nepal, Sri
Lanka and Philippines, sizeable people
from the neighbouring GCC and other
Arab countries including Lebanon have
started coming to Qatar to work and
business. This necessitates the need for
the banking industry in Qatar to have
a convenient home country banking
arrangement in Qatar for these expatriates
to do their money transfers, banking
operations besides service investment
needs. He recalled Qatar’s long standing
relationship with Lebanon in this contest.
With our presense in Dubai, this
arrangement would also be useful for
the Lebanese expatriates wherever they
will be working or living to reach their
dear and near ones through this banking
arrangement for their banking needs
especially money transfer with speed and
affordable cost and their home country
banking needs, he said.
Mr Seetharaman expressed that he
was hopeful that this arrangement with
BOB will grow further which would be
beneficial for both the banks and also
mainly the Lebanese expatriates working
or living in the State of Qatar.
Mr. Najib Semaan, Assistant General
Manager – Treasury, Capital Markets,
Foreign Exchange & International Division
of BOB briefed about the overview of
the bank and expressed his happiness
to have this tie-up with Doha Bank which
is one of the fast growing and customer
centric banks in the region. He was
certain that this arrangement with Doha
Bank will benefit the Lebanese expatriates
in Qatar in meeting their home country
banking needs and quick remittance of
money from Qatar at affordable cost in
a convenient way. He assured that this
small initiative would grow to other areas
between both the banks with an ultimate
aim of serving the Lebanese expatriates
both the individuals and the corporates
alike wherever they will be around the
Mr. Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Executive
Manager – International Banking Group
informed that this tie up would be
facilitated and serviced through the
International Relations Centre of Doha
Bank which is exclusively looking at the
various home country banking needs
of the various countries’ expatriates in a
convenient and cost effective way.
with Birla Sun
M a n a g e mt
ment Compnt
nay Limited,
which is one
of the leading Mutual Fund in Indt
dia for the distribution of Mutual
Funds products in Qatar. Both the
institutes also agreed to generat
ate local business for each other
targeting mainly the non-resident
Indians living in the State of Qatar.
The agreement was signed, on 2nd
July 2007 in a function held in Doha Bank
Head Office in Doha, by Mr. R. Seetharamman, Chief Executive Officer of Doha
Bank and Mr. Waqar Naqvi, Vice President
– International Sales of Birla Sun Life Assets
Management Company Ltd.
Mr. Seetharaman, CEO, Doha Bank,
highlighted the metamorphic growth of
Qatar and the consequent influx of expattriates from around the world to meet the
manpower requirements in all fields startiing from Construction, technology, Oil and
Gas, Aviation, Banking, etc. He informed
that besides the expatriates in Qatar from
the neighbouring GCC and other Arab
countries, a large community is serving
from other Asian countires including India.
He mentioned that Doha Bank is commmitted to customers for the best service
and to cater their financial services needs
locally as well as in their home country, we
are always trying to explore the more arrrangements. The arrangement with Birla
Sunlife Assets Mangerment will provide an
additional investment option and opportunnity for customers.
Mr Seetharaman expressed that he
was hopeful that this arrangement with
Birla Sun Life Assets Management Compnnay Ltd. will grow further which would be
beneficial for both the institutes and also
the Indian expatriates working or living in
the State of Qatar.
Mr. Waqar Naqvi, Vice President – Internnational Sales of Birla Sun Life Assets Manaagement Company Ltd briefed about the
overview of the mutual fund house and
growth of capital market across the globe,
and expressed his happiness to have this
tie-up with Doha Bank which is one of the
fast growing and customer centric banks
in the region. He was certain that this arrrangement with Doha Bank will benefit the
Indian expatriates in Qatar in meeting their
investment requirement. He assured that
they are committed for their service and
will be offering more products in Qatar
Mr. Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Executive
Manager – International Banking Group infformed that this tie up would be facilitated
and serviced through the International Rellations Centre of Doha Bank which is exclussively looking at the various home country
banking and investments needs of the variious countries’ expatriates in a convenient
and cost effective way.
Mr. Waqar Naqvi of Birla Sun Life with Mr. R. Seetharaman and other officials.
September 2007
Doha Millionaire won QR1,000,000 with
Doha Bank AltDana savings scheme Event
Mr. R. Seetharaman continued: “We were excited when an
8 year old, Sabha Al Suweidi, won the last year 2006 QR ONE
MILLION. Everybody was extremely happy for her. Al-Dana today
announced our first Millionaire for the year 2007 Eng.Zubir B. Mohd
Salleh who was our lucky winner to make his dreams come true by
winning One Million Qatari Riyals Cash!”
The new Doha MillionaireMr. Zubir B.Mohd. Salleh receiving winning
cheque from Mr. R. Seetharaman and other bank officials.
oha Bank conducted its Al Dana
Bumper Draw for QR1,000,000
on Sunday the 15th of July 2007
at the City Center t Doha. The
event was full with more than
600 participants who enjoyed
the various shows that included
a multiple of dances, and a lot
of entertainment for children.
The grand prize of QR1,000,000 went to the lucky
winner Engineer/Zubir B. Mohd Salleh who is 56 years
Also 3 young savers got the chance to be part of the best
scheme ever, Aia W. Z. El Gakhlab, Amna A. E. Al Shirawi & Anas
N. Mohamed. Each one of them won QR 5,000 in the Children
Monthly Draw.
Beside the main prizes, Doha Bank thanked the participant by
giving 5 lucky winners, the New Doha Millionaire Certificate with
the value of QR 1,000 for each winner, and they are: Kattila P. V.
Ismail, Sayed S. Z. Allam, Jibran J. Hyder, Nasser S. N. Romole &
Venugopalan M. Puthanka.
Mr. Abdul Rehman Al-Meer, Executive Manager – Retail
Banking said “Al-Dana savings scheme was the first ever program
launched in the Qatari Market running for the third year and is
still the only scheme distributing prizes purely in the Qatari market
which means that all the prizes are distributed to nationals and
expats residing in Qatar”.
Mr. Al-Meer mentioned that “Al-Dana scheme 2007 represents
the commitment that we have given to the market and our
customers and the credibility that has been demonstrated by
having more than 600 winners since inception. Our scheme for
2007 focuses on three major advantages and value additions: 1)
more winners will be awarded through the QR10,000 cash prize
on a daily basis, 2)prizes and winners will be increasing as the
scheme goes, that is customers should expect higher prizes to
be announced every time for a higher number of winners, and
3)we will be having MORE THAN ONE MILLIONAIRE and Eng./Zubir
B. Mohd Salleh was our first Millionaire for the year and Everybody
is invited to participate and become part of Al-Dana family with
the main cause of saving more and winning much more.”
Mr. R. Seetharaman said: “We have promised that this year
we will keep on doubling the prizes, so after the previous QR
300,000 Draw on 15th of May 2007 we would like to announce
that the next Bumper Draw will be on 15th of November 2007 for
QR 600,000 for six Lucky winners, each will get QR 100,000 Cash”.
Al Dana scheme includes a variety of events for both children
and adults throughout the whole year in order to provide
excitement for all Al-Dana customers and bring them closer to
the Bank.
The winner of the Daily Draw for QR 10,000 is Abdul Quiyum
Abdul Hoque.
Doha Bank’s CEO Mr. R. Seetharaman announced the winners
in a live draw, in the presence of the officials from Consumer
Protection-Ministry of Economy and Trade and Doha Bank, and
said “Al-Dana Savings Scheme for 2007 has given away prizes for
more than 101 customers until now and will continue in to 2007
with more exciting and rewarding prizes”.
Mr. R. Seetharaman with other bank officials announcing the new Doha
Millionaire at the Bumper draw event in City Center, Doha.
S. A. Al-Shamari
Wins back his
full loan
amount in
Doha Bank’s
“Personal Loan
Mr. R. Seetharaman presenting the winning cheque to winner Mr. Nawaf S.A.Al Shamari.
Mr. R. Seetharaman, CEO of Doha Bank, along with the Doha
Bank family, is proud to announce that Mr. Nawaf S. A. Al-Shamari
is the winner of the “Personal Loan Promotion 2007”.
Doha Bank has launched the unique personal loan promottion towards end of March until 25th July, 2007. This was the first
promotion that gives back the whole loan amount to customers
with that value. All existing and new Doha Bank customers who
applied for personal loans during the promotion period were enrrolled in the draw. Mr. Nawaf S. A. Al-Shamari was the lucky winnner, and he won back his full personal loan amount where Doha
Bank will settle his full liability amounting to around QR 910,000.
“We are very excited that Mr. Nauwaf S. A. Al-Shamari was
the winner in the “Personal Loan Promotion 2007”, commented
Mr. R.Seetahraman, CEO. “Personal Loan is a convenient way
to meet any life goal and to finance the things every customer
needs. We provide our customers with the best financing solutions
to use it for their personal needs or investments”, Seetharaman
“When we developed the promotion, we thought it would be
a new and nice way to grant our customers the opportunity to
settle their loan amounts and not only to lend them. It showed
our commitment to the well being of our customers in assisting
them to manage their financial status and experience the convennience of our personal loan product” commented Abdul Rehman
Al-Meer, Executive Manager – Retail Banking.
Al-Meer continued saying “2007 started with a variety of prommotions and campaigns and we have distributed more than QR
4 million in cash prizes covering our Dana savings scheme, the
current personal loan promotion, Dream credit cards, etc... much
more are expected before the year end. So we call on all custtomers and non-customers to enjoy the benefits and rewards in
dealing with Doha Bank”.
“I’ve never won a prize of this value before in my life, so this
is terrific,” said Nawaf Al-Shamari. “I couldn’t believe when I recceived the call from the bank and it is still a surprise that I won
more than QR 900,000. I want to thank God and Doha Bank for
giving me this generous prize” Nawaf added.
Doha Bank announced the lucky winner in its ‘Salary transfer Campaign’ that
was from 27.03.2007 to 26.07.2007. All the customers who applied for loans,
credit cards or simply transferred their salaries to the bank had a chance to
win this fabulous prize. Asoka Kumar Thankayyan Amrutha won the ‘Double
Your Salary Scheme.’ He was really surprised and astonished when he discoveered this after returning from vacation. He was delighted to know that he
will be drawing double the salary for a whole year. Abdul Rehman Al Meer,
Executive Manager of Retail Banking said that this was one of the multiple
schemes going on during the last four months. He added that Doha Bank
gave QR. 1 million to the ‘Al Dana Winner’, and around QR. 1 million to Mr.
Nawaf Al-Shamery who won his full loan back. This is yet another reward to
Mr. Asoka wins double salary for a year.
our customers like Asoka who wins a second salary for a whole year.
September 2007
Corporate Citizenship is All about
Total Compliance
Mr. R Seetharaman giving the
key-note address.
Compliance should be a part of the
culture of the organization; it is not just
the responsibility of specialist compliance
officer alone.
Compliance should start form the
top, and the corporate culture should
emphasize standards of honesty &
integrity, lead by the board of directors &
senior management.
Compliance is the concerns of every
one within the institution & should be
viewed as an integral part of the business
activities, since failure to consider noncompliance negative impacts will affect
shareholders, customers, employees &
markets resulting in significant adverse
publicity & reputational damage to the
. Seetharaman Chief Executive Officer of Doha Bank & the keyt
note speaker in the MENA Compliance Officers Forum held on
Sharm El Sheikh – Egypt on 19t20 July 2007 under the subject
“Best Practices for Compliance with the International Standards &
Regulations” expressed that corporate citizenship is all about total
organized crime is most recognizable
is money laundering. Mr. Seetharaman
expressed that till date no accurate
figures has quantified the scope of money
laundry, however, the United Nations
report concluded that money laundering
is the tenth global economic activity –
and reliable estimates attribute 4% of the
worlds economy to organized crime.
The illicit drugs industry is reckoned to
be worth $ 400 billion per annum (that is
bigger than the world’s oil & gas industry.
The UN estimates that the share of the
illicit drugs industry in the GDP of Peru at
6%, Colombia 7+%. Organized gangs are
targeting the banking services to legitimize
their funds.
Mr. R.Seetharaman CEO mentioned
the specific responsibilities of the institution’s
board of directors & senior management
for compliance, before describing the
principals that should underpin the bank’s
compliance function.
Civil wars & relaxing governments have
indirectly contributed to the problem,
facilitating weapons trade and other
criminal activities. Money Laundering is
a global problem & we should maintain
an effective cross-border co-operation &
information sharing to combating money
The legal economy has gone global &
the organized crime economy has gone
global accordingly, the area in which
Mr. Seetharaman concluded his keynote speech in the following points:
• We should promote a proper risk based
approach regime which focuses
resources on high risk areas. Allowing
better management of risks & proper
cost-benefits, focusing on
real &
identified threats
• Deep understanding & proper risk
classification to our products, market &
• An independent expert & capable
compliance officer function.
• Independent & regular reviews of the
AML program.
• An ongoing employment training that
explains policies & procedures, and
teaches how to identify suspicious
• An ongoing risk assessment
• Immediate identification & reporting of
suspicious transactions
• Senior Management awareness of the
Money Laundering risks & independent
compliance function
• Regulatory regime that incentives &
empowers firms to manage their own
risks effectively.
Finally, a total compliance will
promotes good reputation, higher
productivity, value advantage to all
stakeholders & gross happiness as a good
corporate citizen, he concluded.
Climate Change
can be
through Carbon
Mr. Kevin, Cain AGM Wholesale Banking Doha Bank, Mr. (??) Celal Ergun, Head of Training
Department TEMA Foundation, The Turkish foundation for combating soil erosion for reforestattion and the protection of natural habitats), Mr. R.Seetharaman CEO of Doha Bank, Dr. Filiz
Demirayak General Manager of WWF Turkey, Mr. Nezih Akalan Chief Representative of Turkey
Representative Office.
. Seetharaman, while addressing the business community over the Global Warming and Climt
mate Change conference in Turkey he mentioned “a sense of urgency to Globalizing, Co2
emission trading is not an option. Industries and Institutions need to take initiatives to foster
renewable energy, factor environment in trade negotiations, liberalize environmental goods,
and sustainable trade in bio fuels & multi lateral environment agreement factored into Doha
development role.
Doha bank has always been on foreffront in promoting awareness of socially
relevant issues and supporting social
causes. Amongst many initiatives towards
this objective, It has been conducting a
series of awareness seminars in the region
on one of the most critical issues facing
the earth – Global Warming. Doha Bank
believes that knowledge dissemination
across the globe is extremely crucial to
proper understanding and addressing of
the relevant issues. The latest seminar on
the subject was conducted in Turkey at
the The Ritz-Carlton Hotel. The seminar was
attended by the large audience and eminnent guests which included Dr. Filiz Demiraayak, General Manager WWF Turkey and
Mr. Celal Ergun, TEMA (Turkish foundation
for combating soil erosion for reforestation
and the protection of natural habits). They
also underlined during their presentations
the severe effects caused by the Global
Warming on the climate .
Mr. Nezih Akalan, Chief representattive of Doha bank, Turkey welcomed the
gathering. Mr Seetharaman, chief Executtive officer in his address, elaborated on
various aspects of Global warming, the
cause, dangers and how we can responssibly tackle it. He explained how rapid urbbanization, industrialization, never ending
need for energy, pollution and population
growth have been creating severe imbala-
ances in our ecological system. He gave
several illustrations of catastrophes arising
due to this phenomenon and explained,
“The world is getting warmer significantlly, raising sea levels, melting of sea ice
and glaciers worldwide, severe weather
changes resulting in increasing natural
calamities like drought, floods, storm and
heat waves are all resultant of global
warming. We must do our bit to conserve
the ecological balances globally.”
He elaborated how the combination
of ecologic balance and economics has
opened opportunities to address Global
warming by tapping the power of the
global marketplace. The innovative “economic” business model has attracted a
great deal of support at the highest levels
in light of the continuous migration of conssumers towards eco-and-health conscious
products. Moreover, geopolitical, environmmental and socioeconomic realities have
made sustainable industrial production a
permanent global issue.
He explained “The need to develop
environmentally and economically susttainable businesses is becoming stronger,
so that the globe remains a healthy place
to live. We need to strive towards investing
in approved and UN-compliant clean eneergy carbon credit programs. Investments
made now in clean energy such as biof-
fuels and bio-diesel projects represent the
future and will be a hedge against posssible oil-deflation prices as well as profitgenerating on their own account.”
Reminding every individual of their ressponsibilities towards it, he said “We must
reduce energy consumption with initiattives such as car pooling, putting unneceessary lights and TV off when not needed.
We must totally eliminate usage of non
bio-degradable materials, encourage
recycling and buy environment friendly
goods. We must plant more trees. These
are small steps which will make big differeence.”
Explaining the steps taken by Doha
bank, Mr. Seetharaman said, “Doha Bank
has taken various proactive measures in
addressing Global warming. It has condducted a series a seminars in creating
awareness across the region on Global
warming and its ramifications. It is propoggating energy saving as a corporate habiit. Doha bank encourages ideas from staff
on energy savings and suitably rewards
them. Doha Bank is taking a leading posittion in the Middle East as it is the first bank
in the region to propagate a “green” cultture. Doha Bank is committed to be a carbbon neutral entity.”
September 2007
Best Performing Staff/Branches
Monthly Recognition Awards June 2007
Name of Awards
Best Performing Branch
Best Branch in Credit Cards Sale
Best E-Channels Branch
Best Branch in Deposit Mobilisation
Best Branch in sale of new products
Most. Committed Staff of the Month
Best Account Officer
Best Call Center Agent
Best DSA
Mushaireb Branch
Dukhan Branch
Main Branch
Al Rayyan Branch
Al Gharaffa Branch
Mr. S. Shivaprakash - Bancassurance
Mr. Antoine Abboud - CCB
Mr. Mostafa Koukash
Mr. Khaldoun Al Hassoun
Senior appointments
Mr. Kevin Cain
Asst. General Manager
Wholesale Banking
Mr. K.P. Narayanan
Mr. Malik Ghaswala
Product Development
The following staff were blessed with new born babies:
Khadija Ali – Najma Branch
Athulya Menon – BPR
Mohd. Ali Mahmoud – Central Processing Unit
Abdullah Pajdam – Main Branch
N.M. Kasim – Chairman’s Office
Lakmal Randeni – Treasury
Yousuf Mandani – Al Mirqab Branch
Manal Issa – Private Banking
Alvin Capulong – Branch Control
We congratulate the following staff on his marriage:
• Susantha Bandara – Ras Laffan Branch