St. Ann Catholic Church Serving Downtown West Palm Beach since
St. Ann Catholic Church Serving Downtown West Palm Beach since
August 16, 2015 St. Ann Catholic Church Serving Downtown West Palm Beach since 1895 310 North Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 832-3757 Fax: (561) 659-1465 Web Site: Email: P AR I S H S T AF F Parish Offices hours: Monday-Friday 8am-3:30pm, closed for lunch 1-2pm All may be reached at 832-3757 unless otherwise indicated. Pastor: Very Rev. Nestor L. Rodriguez, V.F. Parochial Vicar: Fr. Pierre-Soul Estefont Deacon: Gino Aceto Pastoral Associate for Religious Education: Sr. Yolanda Nuñez, RMI, 832-3676 ext. 303 Community Services/St. Ann Place Executive Director: John Pescosolido 805-7708 Office Manager: Gloria Davidson Bookkeeper: Megan Gary Director of Music Ministries Adriana Samargia 503-5969 Maintenance: Miguel Paiz Facilities Rental (bldg. on 3rd St.) : Rocio Escalante or 255-4022 St. Ann Place-Homeless Outreach: 2107 N. Dixie Hwy. WPB 33407, 805-7708 Our Lady of Faith Haitian Center & Office: 1020 Belvedere Rd. WPB 33405, 223-2762 St. Ann School: 832-3676 Principal: Susan Demes Chief Financial Officer: Tom Counihan 585-0084 School Board President: Daniel Miller 832-3676 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary August 15, 2015 It is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year, however we will celebrate an English Mass at 9:30am on August 15th. A Creole Mass will also be celebrated at 7pm. M AS S S C H E D U L E English Mass: Mon.-Fri.: 7:30am & 12:05pm English Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm English Sun. Masses: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:30am Spanish Sun. Mass: 1:30pm Creole Sun. Mass: 5:00pm Holy Day of Obligation: As announced Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat. 4:00pm By appointment Mon.-Fri. in the Parish Office. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE CHURCH BULLETIN E-mail your bulletin announcement to the attention of Sr. Jean-Bulletin , . The deadline for receiving information is Friday. 11:00 am, eight days before the published date. MINISTRY DIRECTORY ALL ARE AT 561 AREA CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. AFFILIATE ORGANIZATIONS Council of Catholic Women (CCW): Please call the Parish Office Knights of Columbus: For information call Mitch Garcia-Menocal856-6968 Pax Christi of Palm Beach: Maureen O'Connell, 561-512-1566, COMMUNITY SERVICES Bus transportation to Mass: Mary Lane-543-8192 Food Pantry: John Pescosolido, Gloria Davidson 832-3757 St. Ann Place: John Pescosolido 805-7708 Hospital Ministry: Melissa Tyner 301-1204 Substance Addiction Ministry (SAM): Ray Maher -360-9364 Social Justice: See bulletin for any announcements FAMILY LIFE Annulments: Jerry & Kathy Jennings 255-0075 LITURGY COMMISSION CHAIR: Anthony Andrepont 876-7935 Altar Servers: JoJo Guardiario 684-3210 Art and Environment: Martha Heimbach 689- 6972 Al Nevoso 582-0983 Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Charlene Stengel 790-0134 Eucharistic Ministers: Lori Batlle 329-4516 Lectors: Mary Moran- 601-9040 Sacristans: Deacon Gino Aceto Ushers/Greeters: Mike McDonald - 809-9588 PARISH LIFE Welcoming New Parishioners: Dolores Willis 389-0774 Pastoral Council: Fran Maher 561-249-2535 Finance Council: John Herrick 832-8842 Stewardship Council– contact Parish Office RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: English: Sr. Yolanda Nuñez, 832-3676 ext. 303 Creole: Claudette Jean-Louis 478-9171 Sacrament of Baptism: A mandatory prebaptism preparation program for parents and god-parents is required. Please contact Sr. Yolanda Nuñez, 832-3676 ext. 303 for further information. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: This process is for those wishing to become a full member of the Roman Catholic Church. Contact Sr. Yolanda Nuñez, 832-3676 ext. 303 for further information. Adult Faith Ministry: Enrichment programs for nurturing the faith life of adults. Contact Patty Panetta 561-630-0287. Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements should be made at least 6 months in advance and no other plans should be finalized until the Parish has been contacted. Please contact Adriana Samargia, Wedding Liaison, at 561-503-5969 or for further information. For F.O.C.C.U.S. please call Greg & Julie Quattlebaum at 561-762-8850. PAGE 2 Using Your Offertory Envelopes HOLY HOUR Do you know… What are the benefits of using my numbered offertory envelope? Holy Hour, each Wednesday, The envelope number automatically identifies your contributions for tax receipt purposes. Gifts “wrapped” in numbered offertory envelopes make it possible for the parish staff to record your giving into our database. Use of your offertory envelope is the only identifiable way of confirming your attendance for purposes of being a sponsor for Baptism, Confirmation or Marriage. Please remember to use your envelope each week, even if at times you are not able to give a monetary gift. Please treat your weekly gift to God with the care and respect you would any gift that you give. Please “wrap” your gift in the envelope with your name on it that is provided to you each month to insure that it is properly recorded. Registration Packets (white folders) are located at the entrance of the church on either side of the entrance doors. Sunday Offering for August 9, 2015 Total Offering $ 7,562.00 Capital Campaign $ 140.00 Total Envelopes Used 311 7-8pm, facilitated by Deacon Gino Aceto. ABUSE ASSISTANCE The Diocese of Palm Beach is committed to promoting healing and reconciliation with any person who has been the victim of sexual abuse as a minor by anyone acting in the name of the Church. Please call the Ms. Terry Fretterd at 561-8010999 for further information. SUBSTANCE ADDICTION MINISTRY (SAM) Are you affected by substance abuse addiction? Call Substance Addiction Ministry 561360-9364. COUNSELING Catholic Charities offers counseling at St. Edward Parish Center, 144 North County Rd. Palm Beach. Please call Molly Maguire, LCSW for an appointment at 561-891-0379. PLEASE KEEP THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR PRAYERS: Mary Butler, Laura Heimbach McGarry, Darlene Bucar, George Berig, Kaelene Memmer, Tony Sousa, Bridgette Varagoza, Fran Thomas, for the safety of our soldiers, and for those affected by war. IN THE HOSPITAL OR SICK AND HOMEBOUND Please call the Parish Office, 832-3757 if you are going to be in the hospital so we can arrange for Communion and the Sacrament of the Sick. If homebound, please let us know so that we can visit and bring Communion. 561-793-0711 To reserve space in the Church, or Patio, please call Gloria Davidson in the Parish Office at 561-832-3757 or email at . To reserve space in the Gym, Ministry Room, Field or Banquet Room (the facility on 3rd St.) please call or write Rocio Escalante at or 561-255-4022. PARISH MINISTRY NEWS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOOD PANTRY Sr. Yolanda Nuñez, 832-3676 ext. 303 Pastoral Associate For Religious Education We want to thank those who faithfully support our Food Pantry with food donations and monetary gifts. The Food Pantry doors remain open only thru the generosity of donations. In these hard economic times many families in our community are struggling. Your donations make it possible to ease that struggle a bit. The number of families we serve each week has grown to over 150! Many of these families include children and the elderly. The Food Pantry is always in need of the following non-perishable food items: canned meat, tuna, especially canned vegetables, rice, any type of pasta, pasta sauce, soup, peanut butter, jelly, cereal, or if your prefer you can make a monetary gift. Please consider bringing your food donation gift to Mass each week to help those in need. URGENT REQUESTS! 1) With the close of the school year, the demand on our food pantry increases. We ask that you continue supporting the food pantry thru the summer months. As always we thank you for your dedicated support. 2) The Food Pantry has several volunteer opportunities available. Please call Gloria at 561-832-3757 for more details. “If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” Mother Teresa Parish Rosary Group will continue to pray the Holy Rosary each Sundays after 10:45 AM in the Church. If you would like to volunteer as a Rosary Leader please call Mike McDonald at 561-809-9588. MUSIC MINISTRY The St. Ann Community Choir (9th grade to adult) sings at 11:30am Masses and special celebrations from September to July. Rehearsals are in the Rectory on Thursdays at 7:15pm. For more information please call or write to Adriana Samargia, Director of Music Ministries at 561-503-5969 or PAGE 3 NEXT BAPTISMS At 9:30 Mass: Sept. 6, 2015 At 11:30 Mass: Aug. 23, 2015 Sept. 27, 2015 At 11:00 am (N0 Mass: Aug. 29, 2015 Sept. 26, 2015 Baptism Class: Sept. 8, 2015 ST. ANN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PREP Classes For those who are looking forward to the following school year, Sunday classes will begin on September 13. Registrations will be after each Mass on August 16, 23 and 30. Baptisms Any child who is 7 years or older and has not been baptized, needs to register for classes. First Communion This is a 2-year program. If your child is in 1st grade and does not attend a Catholic School she/he needs to be registered to begin the program. If in 2nd grade, register for First Communion. If a Rosarian student, complete the registration form and return it. http:// Confirmation This is a two year program. Any one in 8th grade or higher who has not completed Confirmation needs to register for it. Any one in 9th grade or higher who has completed Confirmation I, register for Confirmation II. -form/ RCIA Any adult, 18 years or older, who would like to learn more about Catholic faith, would like to receive the Sacraments, or would like to join our Catholic faith is invited to join our classes beginning August 20 at 6:30 in the Ministries Room. registration-form-for-rcia/ FAITH SHARING QUESTIONS August 16, 2015 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Theme: Look into your life Question for Adults: How does your faith in Jesus nourish your own life? How does the Eucharist nourish you? Questions for Youth: Jesus promises us eternal life if we follow him and believe. What makes it hard for you to believe? What is easy about faith? Question for Children: How does receiving communion help you grow in your faith? How does it help you love others? ST. ANN PARISH DIOCESAN NEWS ST. ANN SCHOOL 561-832-3676 An International Baccalaureate World School Established in 1923 324 North Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 832-3676 www/stannwpb/org/school BECOME PART OF THE TRADITION! Open Enrollment, PreK3-8th Grade Please call the school for a personal tour. If you are a St. Ann School graduate, please visit our website and sign up as an alumnus. PAGE 4 RETREAT/REFLECTION OPPORTUNITIES Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center offers the following opportunities for retreats and days of reflection: Days of Reflection—The first Wednesday of every month, Oct.—July, from 10:00 am to 2:30pm. Each session includes presentations, private reflection time, opportunity for Confession, a meal and Mass. Register prior to each event. Topics are varied and relevant. Twelve-Step Recovery Retreats—Men’s Retreat Nov. 6-8, 2015, and Women’s Retreat Dec. 3-6, 2015, Advent Day of Reflection—Dec. 19, 2015 New Year’s Eve Overnight Reflection—Begins at 6:00pm on Dec. 31, 2015. For more information or to register, call 561 6261300 or go to RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS - RCIA GoodNewsPeople is a dynamic parish-wide program that offers a way to explore the call of the New Evangelization. Through an engaging small-group process of prayer, reflection, and action, GoodNewsPeople explores and deepens our call to discipleship. Each of the fourteen sessions includes prayer, reflection on Sacred Scripture, inspiring stories of “good news people,” focus on a virtue of the week, and woven through it all, opportunities for sharing in dialogue. Watch the bulletin over the summer for more information. The Children’s Choir will resume in September. Watch the bulletin for details. The Rite of Christian Initiation or RCIA is a learning and loving process in which conversion of the heart brings you to Jesus Christ whom God has sent for the salvation of all. In the RCIA you will learn about Catholic Christianity – who we are, what we believe, how we pray, how we live our lives as a community of believers. But this spiritual journey is more than just faith formation – at its core the RCIA is a journey of conversion and relationship with Jesus Christ and his Church. Who is RCIA for? Persons who are not baptized Persons baptized in other Christian traditions who desire to become Catholic Persons baptized Catholic who have not received the sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation What are the Stages and Rites of the RCIA Process? Period of Inquiry—inquirers begin to learn what the Catholic Church believes, teaches and proclaims to be revealed by God. Rite of Acceptance and Welcome Period of the Caechumenate—the catechumens and candidates reflect more deeply on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, His Church and the Catholic moral life. Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion Period of Purification and Enlightenment—the catechumens and candidates grow in prayer and examination of their lives as they prepare to celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation. Rites of Scrutinies and Penitential Rite Rites of Initiation—sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist Period of Mystagogy—the newly initiated persons deepen their journey of faith as active disciples of the Lord in the Church. ST. ANN PARISH NEWS PAGE 5 UPDATE ON CAPITAL CAMPAIGN FROM FR. NESTOR YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE “Religious life ought to promote growth in the church by way of attraction. The church must be attractive. Wake up the world! Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, of acting, of living! . . . It is this witness that I expect of you. Religious should be men and women who are able to wake the world up.” —Pope Francis, meeting with the Union of Superiors General, November 29, 2013 Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life O God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of Faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to you. Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who treasure the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen Let us pray daily for all consecrated sisters, brothers, and priests, especially those ministering in dangerous situations. September, 2013, we embarked on the Capital Improvement Fund to repair maintenance issues in our buildings. Thank you for responding so generously. We are so blessed to have our historical church and vintage school. Please help me to maintain the beauty and integrity of our buildings. As many of you have pointed out to me and have noticed, we have been diligently making repairs. OFFICE, RECTORY AND FIRE ESCAPE- through the generosity of a parishioner this work was done pro-bono. Recently, they painted the entries of our school and updated the kitchen in our school. This parishioner is a gift to me and this community. May God Bless him and his family for being good stewards. FOUR NEW AIR CONDITIONERS IN THE CHURCH, THREE NEW AC’S IN THE RECTORY, ANOTHER AC IN THE STAGE AREA OF GYM, NEW AC IN THE MINISTRY ROOM, NEW AC IN THE ST. JOACHIM ROOM AND MANY OTHER AC REPAIRS ON THE PREMISES. By far, this has been our greatest expense at close to $80,000. FIRE AND SECURITY ALARM FOR THE CHURCH AND ELECTRICAL WORK- over $20,000 REPAIRED ELECTRONIC BELLS IN CHURCH- $2,300 LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION IN PRAYER GARDEN- $23,000 REPLATING THE TABERNACLE-$1,700.00 REFURBISHING PATIO FURNITURE-$3,500 PAINTING-$2,375.00 COMPUTER NETWORKING- $675.00 We need to replace a 12.5 ton ac in the gym, and the other three do not have much life to them. We still need to paint the church, school and gym and of course, daily maintenance issues that arise. Please consider making a pledge or a gift to help us defray the many costs that come with maintenance of our buildings. Once again, thank you for everything you do for St Ann Parish and School. Thank you for loving your parish. Thank you for making my job a little easier. As your pastor, I am so blessed to be here. Together, we will make a big difference. God Bless you. Fr. Nestor ***NEW COLUMN**** FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT MASS A new question will be featured each week “Why do we have Mass?” “I want to say one word to you and this word is joy. Wherever consecrated people are, there is always joy!”. Pope Francis We celebrate Mass because Jesus asked us to do this when he instituted the Eucharist at the Last Supper. St. Paul tells us that Jesus took bread, gave thanks, broke the bread, and said, “This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” Then he took a cup of wine and said, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” (see 1 Cor 11:23-27) The Acts of the Apostles tells us that early Christians would gather for the breaking of the bread in remembrance of Jesus’ death and resurrection (2:42). They believed (as we believe today) that the bread and wine is transformed into the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL Vigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Agosto 16, 2015 LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — La sabiduría nos dice: Dejen su ignorancia y vivirán; avancen por el camino de la prudencia (Proverbios 9:1-6). Salmo — Haz la prueba y verás qué bueno es el Señor (Salmo 34 [33]). Segunda lectura — Vivan como personas de sabiduría tratando de entender qué es la voluntad del Señor, llenos del Espíritu y dando gracias siempre (Efesios 5:15-20). Evangelio — Jesús dice, “Yo soy el pan vivo que ha bajado del cielo; el que coma de este pan vivirá para siempre” (Juan 6:51-58). LA PALABRA DE DIOS HOY En cada Misa somos alimentados en dos mesas: la mesa de la Palabra sagrada de Dios y la mesa de la Eucaristía. Las lecturas de hoy ofrecen un festín para nuestras almas. La sabiduría, esa misteriosa figura femenina, nos invita a todos a su mesa, a comer su pan y a beber su vino. Este alimento nos ayuda a avanzar “por el camino de la prudencia”. Como discípulos sabios del Señor escuchamos las palabras de Jesús: “Yo soy el pan vivo que ha bajado del cielo”. En la mesa de la Eucaristía festejamos y nos alimentamos con el más sagrado de todos los alimentos. Comemos y bebemos del mismo cuerpo y sangre de Cristo. De ambas mesas, la de la Palabra y la de la Eucaristía, se nos da la vida en abundancia. Que la palabra de Dios proclamada hoy nos dé hambre de sabiduría y de la presencia de Cristo. Traducido de Saint Margaret Sunday Missal derechos de autor © J. S. Paluch Company ACTIVIDADES DE LA SEMANA Formación Cristiana: Comienza en Agosto 24 7 pm Hora Santa: Miércoles 7:00pm Grupo Juan XXII: Miércoles 7:30pm Grupo de Oración: Viernes 7:30pm Grupo de Jóvenes: Sábado 7 pm Confesiones: Sábado 4:00pm Reunión de Lectores: Ultimo Martes del mes AVISOS Bautismos: Preparación Pre- Bautismal: Agosto 24 Bautismo: Sept. 6 Para mas información comuníquese con Belén Diz al 561-471-0520 Grupo de Jóvenes de St. Ana-JOSUE—te invita a que te unas con nosotros. Todos los jóvenes de 18 en adelante y menores acompañados por sus padres o guardianes. Para mas información comuníquese con Manolo Díaz– 561-670-9038 MINISTERIOS: PARTICIPA Y UNETE A LA COMUNIDAD Ministros extraordinarios de la Eucaristía: Esaú Vázquez 561-713-4360 Proclamadores de la Palabra: Sandra Matute 561-315-7932 Ujieres: Hermenegildo Arriaga 561-502-0697/ Arnoldo Ventura 561-215-6541 Música/Coro: Marcos Juárez 561-574-4605 Grupo de Oración: Esaú Vázquez 561-713-4360Enrique Ventura 561-667-6934 Grupo Juan XXIII: Ronaldo Matías 561-201-9594 Preparación Sacramental & RICA: Belén Diz 561-471-0520 Servidores del Altar: María García 561-687-0499 Sacristán Asistente/ Grupo Juvenil: Manolo Díaz 561-670-9038 Educación Religiosa—Niños– Hrna Yolanda: 832-3676 ext. 303 HAITIAN/CREOLE NEWS PAGE 6 Men lis group ki aktif nan pawas la. Ou kapab rele moun sa yo si ou vle patisipe: (List of active groups in the parish. You may call in to join a group:) Group Akey (Ushers): Mr. Clervéus Jean-Pierre (561) 255-6592 Group Coeurs Unis (Prayer Group): Mr. Nelson Augustin (561) 667-2347 Group Espoir de demain (Young Adults group): Mme Corine Déronvil: (561) 301-8652 Esther Pierre: (561) 574-4098 Group Karismatik (Charismatic group): Mme Marilynn Duval: (561) 666-0958 Koral (Choir) Mme Marie-Josée Estiné: 561-396-0880 Group Lejyon Mari (Legion of Mary) Mme Alette Georges: (561) 201-5989 Group Litiji (Liturgy): Mme Gislaine Delva: (561) 7133606 Musik (Music): Mr. Ricot Pierre: (561) 688-2145 Katechis pou kominyon ak konfimasyon (CCD): Mme Claudette Jean-Louis: (561) 478-9171 Group Sent Famiy (Holy Family group): Mr. Yves Stym phil: (561) 667-9099 Group Tèt Ansanm (Adult group): Mr. Serge Pierre: (561) 389-9211. Chofè Van (Driver): Mr. Yves Stymphil: (561) 667-9099 Komite Pastoral (Pastoral Council):Mr Wendy Brissault: (561) 891-5713 / (561) 965-8852. Mme Viviane JeanBaptiste: (561) 841-4760 / (561) 313-6902. Mme Anne Marie Morisseau: (561) 633-0296. Nou remesye-w pou tout jefò-w pou soutni kominote-a. Nou ranmase pou jou ki te : Daout 9, 2015 Total Kèt: $ 1,268.00 Anvlop: 118 ▲Mardi, Mercrdi, Vendredi 5-9pm; Samedi & Dimanche 7-9pm 1020 Belvedere Road WPB, Fl. 33405. Phone #: 561 223-2762 Mès pou malad yo, chak dènye Jedi: At 1: 00 PM Nan St. Ann Haitian Center (1020 Belvedere Rd. WPB) Chak 3èm Vandredi (3rd Friday Children BBQ)- BBQ pou Jen Nou yo : from 6:00 to 8:00pm Nan St. Ann Haitian Center (1020 Belvedere Rd. WPB) Priyè Lwanj-Confesyon-Mès ak Adorasyon; Chak dènye Vandredi At 8-10 PM Nan St. Ann Haitian Center (1020 Belvedere Rd. WPB) MASS INTENTIONS PARISH WEEKLY CALENDAR Sat. Aug. 15 4:30pm t Mary Sown by John McCaffrey Sun. Aug. 16 8:00am t Kathleen Zibny by Robert & Cathy Walsh 9:30am t Francesco Ravo by Don Massetti & James Rota 11:30am t Francesco Ravo by Family 1:30pm t Mon. Aug. 17 7:30am t Deceased of St. ann Church 12:05pm t Doherty Family by John McCaffrey Tues. Aug. 18 7:30am t Andre Hardy by Family 12:05pm t McCaffrey Family by John McCaffrey Wed. Aug. 1 7:30am 12:05pm t Donald J. D’Ambrogi by Mary L. Berard t Jim Martin by Jeanie Martin Thurs. Aug. 20 7:30am t Francis Matthew by Family t Harold Conway by Joyce Conway Fri. Aug. 21 7:30am 12:05pm t Kay Riviera by Melissa Tyner Living – Elizabeth Faith White by Koppitch Family PAGE 7 August 16, 2015 Sat. Aug. 15 10:00am 7:00-10:00pm Assumption Mass CH Emaus Meeting Men BR Sun. Aug. 16 10:30am-12:00pm Youth Program GYM 8:30am-1:30pm Blood Drive 2nd St. Mon. Aug. 17 7:00-10:00pm Tues. Aug. 18 7:00-9:00pm Wed. Aug. 19 7:00-8:00pm 7:00-9:00pm School of Christian Formation Hispanic RCIA Holy Hour CH John XXIII BR Thurs. Aug. 20 7:00-9:00pm 7:00-10:00pm Hispanic Adult Education MR Hispanic Community CR Fri. Aug. 21 7:00pm-9:45pm Hispanic Prayer Group BR KEY: CH-Church, PH-Parish Hall, REC-Rectory, GYM-Gymnatorium, BR-Banquet Room , R-Ministries Room, PC-Parish Courtyard, CR-Conference Room, GC-Gym Courtyard, F-Field, G-Garage, SJR-St. Joachim Room