Welcome to 2007


Welcome to 2007
December 2007
Inside This Issue
New Resources For Independent
Gospel Artists
Political Synergy + - = ?
Rick Warren:
Religious Babylon Revealed
Starting the Year Off With Jesus
“The Minister of Business”
By: Latatia Washington
Dr. Robert Watkins
Chicago’s #1
Gospel Station
HIV Prevention
“Healing Is For You”
Welcome to 2007
All New
Gospel Swap
New Partners
Additional Services For Independent Gospel Artist
Create Your FREE Account NOW!
Additional Information on page 12
Three Powerful Women of God - Three Different Styles -With A Message In Their Music
Praise & Worship Gospel Jazz
Christian Contemporary
Traditional Gospel
This is a must have CD to add to your
collection for the New Year as
Jacquelene Dyles-Peters miniters in
song. Her style is unique which she call
Gospel Jazz Praise and Worship. “Your
Love Has Proven To Me” has maintained a rating of 10 star for 25 weeks
since being added to rotation on
Chicago’s #1 Internet Gospel Station
www.gospelpower.fm “Where we play
the best mix of gospel music online.”
Since being added to the rotation in
November Christian Contemporary
Artist Karen Mire has 3 songs that have
been rated 6 stars. This is a great
project all songs were written by Karen
and was produecd by William Hymes.
After the 9/11 tragedy, Julia Ann was
inspired to write the songs for her debut record “Messages” The songs
“Spirit of America” and “Always Remember” were compased as the search
for survivors and victims at the World
Trade Center site. Ms. Gardner feels
that this was a time when all America
joined together in pain and sorrow but
was united in spirit. The hope of Ms.
Gardner is that every listener will also
be inspired to live theuir dreams, find
their purpose in life, work and rejoice
in the giving of joy and happiness to
others. For it is truly up to each one of
us to rise up and make a difference in
the world.
1. Who Am !?
2. I Am Anchored In You
3. You Have Kept Your Word
4. I Give You Worship
5. I Lay It All Down In Worship
6. Overwhelmed
7. Your Love Has ProvenTo Me
8. Watching Your Glory
9. You Are Greater
10. The Angets Cry Holy
11. I Want To Love You
12. I’m Walking In Gods Total Confidence
This fourteen song project will bless
you as Karen shares her ministry in
The Fountain
1. What I Need
2. In Him
3. Sanctified
4. Live In Me
5. Surrender
6. Made To Worship
7. Magnificent Worship
8. The Fountain
9. I Will Praise You
10. No Weapon
11. Lord you Know My Heart
12. It’s Only your Glory
13. It’s Not Enough
14. Invisible Girl
1. Made A Difference
2. The Blood
3. Risw
4. Until I’m What
5. Take time
6. Let It Go
7. Spirit of America
8. Always Remember
Currently In Rotation on Chicago’s #1 Internet Gospel Station
Download your Favorite Song for $.99 online at the all new Gospel Swap
Become A Subscriber and download (50 songs) for $19.99 per month
Details Available Online!
Page 1
Volume 9 Number 1
January 2007
Hey Andre:
Hey man, I want you to know that you are a genius. It took me a while to
get it but I got it now. I am putting GospelSwap on all my literature.
Arthur Sutton & Gift of Praise
Page 5
Dear Andre,
EXCUSES (Part 1)
“The Minister
of Business”
I just got finished reading the magazine. I was totally impressed with the indepth articles, the quality of the layout and look , and the detail. I feel
priviledged to be included in this issue. YOU are totally professional. GOd
BLESS YOU for your extra effort. I”ll call you soon—Karen Mire
Dr. Robert J. Watkins
Page 9
Starting the Year
Off With Jesus
I very impressed with the gospel.fm station and the work you are doing. I
will now make the fm station my internet listening channel. I heard a song
that I wanted to buy, however when you click on the buy tab it takes you to
Gospel Swap but not the CD you want to buy or even download. I tried
searching but could not see where to find that particular song. What do I do?
I also sent a copy of the downloadable magazine to our Minister of Music
(Cory Ratliff). Hope to hear from you soon. I am just astonished at the
progress you have made and are making, you have come a long way.
PRAISE GOD! Sherry Murray
By: Latatia Washington
Page 10
Page 13
Political Synergy
Religious Babylon Revealed
Page 23
The Belle Report
Sharing information about what going on!!!
Page 24
Gloryland Gospel
Webring Guide 12 Quartet Sites To Visit...
Page 26
Page 18
6th Annual
Tiffany Gospel Awards
Presnts The TL Holmes Spirit of
Excellence Award
Gospelpower.fm Playlist
The Best Independnet Gospel Music Online!
Add us to your favorites and listen as you surf or work on the
Net. Commercial Free gospel music 24/7.
Page 27 & 28
Gospel Swap Playlists
List includes most requested and sold!
We welcome your feedback please send to
Order Your Subscription online at
Page 2
Synergy is the essence of principle-centered leadership. It
is the essence of principle-centered parenting. It catalyzes,
unifies, and unleashes the greatest power within people.
What is synergy? Simply defined, it means that the whole is
greater than the sum of its parts.
The essence of synergy is to value differences-to respect
them, to build on strength, to compensate for weakness.
Synergy is almost as if a group collectively agrees to subordinate old script and to write a new one.
Value the difference in the essence of synergy-the mental,
the emotional, the psychological difference between people.
And the key to valuing those differences is to realize that all
people see the world, not as it is, but as they are.
The person who is truly effective has the humility and reverence to recognize his own perpetual limitations and to
appreciate the rich resources available through interaction
with the hearts and minds of other human beings.
Synergy works it’s a correct principle. It is the crowning
achievement of all previous habits. It is effectiveness in an
interdependent reality-it is teamwork, team building, the
development of unity and creativity with other human beings.
Publisher/Editor Andr’e L. Carter
Webmaster - Andre A. Carter
My Pastor Rev James T. Meeks
House of Hope of Chicago
724 E. 114 St. Chicago, IL 60628
Contributing Writers
Andr’e L. Carter, Shelle Belle, Jenny Rogers,
Tawana Davis, Attorney Joseph Smalls,
Latatia Washington, Dr. Robert J. Watkins,
Tijuana Agnew, Regina B. Howard,
Marketing And Promotions
Gloryland Gospel
Glory To God TV
Cover Design
Terrence Suttle - Tsuttle@fuzionitsolutions
Valeda Williams - vwilliams@fuzionitsolutions.com
Legal Advisor
Attorney Arthur Sutton
Synergy is collectively working together but at the same
time each party maintains their own identity. There should
be more positive synergy in the body of Christ. It doesn’t
matter what assignment God gives each of us we are all
placed in an interdependent position. If you are a gospel
announcer brokering your time you are looking for sponsors and advertisiers to help pay for your time. If you are a
gospel artists you are interdependent on the gospel announcers to play your music. We live in a world of
SNERGY, God has given each of us a dream.
It is up to us to put the correct pieces of the puzzle together
that will make our dream and vision a reality. Bottomline
we live in an interdependent world, in order to move to the
next level we have to position ourselves to maximize on
our positive synergy. God Bless!
One year subscription $15.00 USD
Available online Please notify subscription
department of change of email address.
Submission of manuscripts, illustrations, and or
photographs must be accompanied by a self-address
envelope for the return materials. The publisher is not responsible for unsolicited materials.
Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is
Send change of Email address to:
The opinions expressed by the authors who contribute to Gospel Synergy Magazine are their own and does not necessarily
reflect those of Gospel Synergy Inc. All work is copy written. Reproduction of any material appearing in Gospel Synergy
Magazine without prior written permission is prohibited. However, any articles, photographs, graphics, or other mediums
accepted for publishing becomes the property of Gospel Synergy Inc, unless other reproduction rights, terms and conditions
are negotiated and approved prior to publishing.
Page 3
New Year’s Resolutions
By: Andr’e L. Carter
Well Praise God! We made it another
year! This is the time of the year when
we make our resolutions to change a
few things in our lives for self improvement. Will it be weight loss, to
stop smoking, pay your bills on time,
work smarter instead of harder or will
it be, to stick to whatever resolution
we make for this year.
Making a New Year Resolution is a
great challenge that really doesn’t
have to be made at the beginning of
the year. It can be a choice that we
can make at anytime during the year.
In my case its not going to be difficult for me to make a resolution that
I will be able to keep. My resolution
is to continue my course and provide
a publication to spread the good news
but more importantly provide a publication that will be a blessing to the
independent gospel artist and gospel
My resolution is very simple... I plan
to provide a quality online publication to continue to spread the Good
News. God gives each of us an assignment to fulfill. My God given assignment is to provide a publication
for new writers, ministries and music
ministries. Our rates are reasonable
as well as affordable.
we will stick to them and never give
up. God bless you and have a Happy
and Prosperous New Year!
He has given me a plan to organize
an online syndication of Internet Radio Stations to help spread the good
news and be a blessing to the many
struggling independent gospel artist
who find it a challenge to get air play
on conventional radio stations. There
are many changes taking place as
technology is changing the way music and news is being shared in the 21
God has blessed me to make it
through some very challenging times
in 06. I am sure that many of you
reading this issue can attest that if it
had not been for the Lord you would
not have made it through some of the
difficult times you experienced last
year. I am sure, we all have a testimony that can be told of how we
made it over, through much prayer.
For the past two years, God has
placed me in a position to network
with a lot of people that I may have
never met had it not been for the
Internet. Over the past two years, He
has allowed me to offer a network of
services to help promote and assist
gospel music artist. Services that will
provide, on demand, gospel music
videos, on demand ministries, gospel
ringtones, online EPKS and much
more. All of these service are available online and can be accessed in the
comfort of your home, office, lap top.
The services can now be retrieved on
your cell phone as well.
God has allowed me to launch an
online distribution service for independent gospel music. He has allowed me become the Program Director/Music for Chicago’s #1
Internet Gospel Station where we
play the best mix of gospel music 24/
7. All I can do is thank Him for His
Grace and Mercy so can we all stop
here and say, “thank you Lord. I made
Our publication and all of our service
will be linked making it easy to access the service of your choice. We
have made changes and upgrades so
that each site will be user friendly for
our visitors. So, as you can see, it is
very important that my resolution is
one that will allow me to continue my
God given assignment by any means
necessary. It is my prayer that, what
ever our New Year’s Resolutions are,
Page 4
Be our Friend
to spot a Dictator because they are
usually the loudest person in the room.
4) The Procrastinator -
Dr. Robert J. Watkins
“The Minister of Business”
Taking responsibility is where success
starts. Yet, this is one of the hardest
things for people to do. I believe this is
one hurdle that prevents most of us
from making our dreams a reality. We
simply are not willing to take
responsibility for where we are, who
we are and what we have.
As a young child growing up in an
orphanage, there were many obstacles
that could have prevented me from
living my dream. For years, I allowed
the excuse of being born poor for not
fulfilling my dream of ministry and
entrepreneurship. Like most people, I
My background
My environment
The school system
The economy
My job
My finances
The procrastinator normally knows
what to do to become successful, but
lacks the discipline to make it happen.
They make many excuses on why they
are not succeeding, but in actuality, they
For example, in 1 Samuel 15, God
chose to put off important tasks.
instructed King Saul to utterly destroy
the Amalekites and to not bring any of I can give you thousands of examples
the spoils back. However, King Saul’s of people who have overcome terrible
temptation caused him to take many of circumstances to achieve outstanding
the spoils back for himself, totaling results. None of them made it until they
disobeying God. What was Saul’s did two things: (1) shunned every
excuse? He said that he feared the possible excuse for failure and (2) took
people. That simple excuse cost Saul responsibility for their own personal
his kingship and the anointing of God success.
exited his life.
For more information of Robert’s
How do you recognize if you are using upcoming book “No Excuse For
excuses for not succeeding? Here are Failure”, please contact us at
four characteristics of someone headed kings@kings-priests.org.
for failure:
1) The Excuser –
The Excuser has an excuse for
everything that has gone wrong. An
Excuser always carries a bag of
“reasons” for why and where they are
in life. They have gotten so accustomed
to making excuses, it comes out in their
causal conversations.
2) The Blamer –
The Blamer blames people for all their
problems. One can locate a Blamer
because they usually have a chip on their
shoulder. They typically hold long-term
grudges against people whom they feel
are responsible for their failure.
For most people who have a list of
excuses like the one above, we fail to
put the most critical item on the list:
themselves. It is a total waste of time
to blame. No excuse is valid when it
comes to you taking steps towards your 3) The Dictator –
The Dictator likes to take control of
George Washington Carver wrote, every situation. The Dictator makes
“Ninety-nine percent of failures come excuses for why other people are not
from people who have a habit of making succeeding. They like to put other
excuses.” Excuses are weapons used to people “in their place” to make
sabotage our dreams.
themselves look good. It’s fairly easy
Page 5
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“Stay Where God Puts You”
Just because you are a Christian doesn’t
mean you are called to “full-time
I have run into this many times over
the years, where someone becomes a
pastor, for example, when it’s obvious
their skills lie elsewhere.
I heard the story again recently, of a
successful business man who became
a Christian, and felt like he needed to
quit his business and become a pastor.
But here’s the thing. God calls some
people to be zealous for Him…in
Let’s say you are a research scientist at
a major university, and God moves in
your life in a powerful way. Should you
cease your research and start
preaching? Probably not.
Here’s a little story for you. Years ago
I often met a guy for lunch at a little
café. One day he saw our waitress
outside smoking, and he started razzing
her about it. I paid no attention, until
she said this: “When I get a boyfriend,
then I’ll quit smoking.”
I jumped in. “Then you can’t quit,
because maybe that’s he wanted in the
first place, a smoking girlfriend.”
That’s kind of a dumb story, but what
I’m trying to say is that when God calls
you, He doesn’t always call you away
from whatever you’re doing. Unless it’s
sinful, it is most likely that He wants
you to continue in your current
vocation, it’s just that now you are
doing it “as unto the Lord.”
In Luke chapter 3, people asked John
the Baptist what they should do, now
that they had repented and turned to
God. Did he tell the tax collectors to
“quit that awful business and become
a priest”? No. They were to keep
collecting taxes, but in a way pleasing
to the Lord. He said, “Don’t collect
anymore than you are required to.”
seek the Creator of mathematics, and
discover a new joy in your field that
comes from serving Him.
I see this a lot in young people. They
come to Christ, then passionately
want to serve Him, which is proper.
Did he tell the soldiers to get out of But then they think the only way to
the army and join his ministry? No. do that is in full-time ministry, like at
Instead he told them to use God’s church or on the mission field. For
principles…as soldiers. He said, some, that is God’s calling. But for
“Don’t extort money and don’t most, they should continue on their
accuse people falsely – be content current path, realizing that God has
with your pay.”
always been at work in their life, and
it is no accident that they are where
Yes, God calls some people to leave they are.
what they are doing behind and go
into full-time ministry. That’s how If it’s politics, be a sold out Christian
Jesus called His 12 disciples. But politician. If it’s in the media, do it
throughout the New Testament, most with the fire of Christ. Wherever you
converts continued what they were are, don’t feel like you must quit in
doing, bringing righteousness and order to serve the Lord. Not so. I
light to work with them.
think most of us are called to stay
put, taking Jesus with us into
In First Corinthians 7:20 we read, whatever situation we are in.
“Each one should remain in the
situation which he was in when God One other note. Don’t think that your
called him.” Then verse 24 says, life would be so much easier if you
“Brothers, each man, as responsible could only quit your job and go work
to God, should remain in the situation at some ministry. Those folks would
God called him to.”
quickly tell you, the ministry is
riddled with challenges and
See, what happens so often, is when heartaches, too.
we come to Christ, we are ready to
do whatever He wants us to do. We No. The key is to be where God calls
are ready to jump, to make a big you. And most of the time, I think,
change, to leap into our new lives.
as odd as it may seem, He already
put you where He wanted you, even
But we miss this important point. before He called you.
God was involved in our lives before.
First of all, He gave us our talents Comments?
and abilities. We are better at some Email me...
things than others. We are more dougapple@wave94.com
interested in some things than others. may God bless you today! With
Why? I think it’s because God placed Apples of Gold... I’m Doug Apple
that within us, even before we were
* Colossians 3:23-24 “Whatever
you do, work at it with all your
If you are a math wiz, and love heart, as working for the Lord, not
solving and teaching mathematics, for men, since you know that you
you are probably not called to quit will receive an inheritance from the
all that and start a new church. More Lord as a reward. It is the Lord
likely you are called to wholeheartly Christ you are serving.”
Page 6
“The Purposeful Process”
By: Evangelist Regina B. Howard
There comes a time in our lives, where
we must experience some processing.
Many of us have had situations and
circumstances arise that cause us great
discomfort, but it doesn’t kill us. As we
grow in our faith and in our walk with
God, there must be tests and challenges
(processing) to make us who God is
calling us to be.
There are two things about the process
that we must be aware of. First, it can’t
be avoided and secondly, it has purpose.
If we could talk to some of the awesome
men and women of God now, who
minister to the body of Christ, they would
tell us “there’s no escaping the process.”
When God has anointed you for ministry,
you have to be purged, prepared and
proven: thus being the purpose. Stage
one of the process is purging. To be
purged is when one is one is made free
of something unwanted or to rid oneself
of something that is keeping them in
bondage. Every one of us has a habit or
condition we would like to be free from,
but for some reason we are still bound.
We plan our freedom through diets,
patches (for smoking), exercise or
changing our environment, but we just
can’t break free. That’s where the yoke
destroying power of God comes in, to
“make us” free. The Lord will allow
situations to arise in the very area we
need to be free from causing us to be
purged. If there are certain people we
need to disassociate ourselves from, then
turmoil will come in the relationship.
Then there are those habits we need to
break, all of a sudden they put a bad taste
in our mouths and could possibly cause
us to become sick. However, the
intended purpose is accomplished. You
stopped those habits and you were freed
from those unhealthy relationships.We
“We can cast our cares upon Him
because He cares for us.” Also, the truth
is proven, because: “He will keep us in
perfect peace, if we keep our mind stayed
on Him.” (Isaiah 26:3). In doing so, this
will always help us to accomplish God’s
can be purged or delivered from many
things, such as gossiping, lying, seeking
attention or sowing seeds of discord. When
we are purged, that simply helps us to be
The “purposeful process”, brings about
a change in our lives that will cause us
to fulfill our purpose in the manner God
intended. Being in His will is so
important and it is quite safe.
To be prepared causes one to be
subjected to a special process or
treatment. Once we are purged
(cleansed) the special process can begin.
We have to be prepared to meet all types
of people and situations. If we haven’t
been purged of our mean streak or hostile
attitude, we will not be prepared to
handle the person who is rude to us.
However, in a prepared state we will be
able to handle the hostile situation in an
effective manner. If we react in our flesh,
what type of an example would that be?
The purging may be uncomfortable, but
is very necessary for our preparedness.
Think about it, every person in the bible
that was being prepared for a mission
went through a process. David was
overlooked, before he became King and
Joseph went to the pit before he went to
the palace as King. Are you prepared for
your purpose? When we are prepared
we can be proven. To be proven, the
truth must be tested. The truth is often
tested in our trials. When you go
through, how do you go through? Your
spirit should project victory and peace.
I know some times we are heavy, but
deep down in our spirit we maintain our
victory status.
When we have experienced and come out
of a purging process and share it with
someone, it would appear to them that
we haven’t gone through anything such
as was described. Their comment was
as such, because your countenance
during your purging process denoted
victory and not defeat. You didn’t wear
your process on your face. You’ve
proven the word of God to be true in that:
Page 8
Chosen ones of God, escaping the
process won’t happen. However, your
denying the process will just cause a
delay in you reaching your purpose.
Remain focused and trust God to carry
you through. There is nothing to hard
for Him and He wants you to defeat the
devil and come out victorious every time.
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Starting the Year Off With
By: Latatia Washington
On the first day of its designated year,
“2006” boldly made its entrance. On
January 1, 2007, it swiftly vanished just
as surely as it came. Looking back on
the past year, many of us can still feel
its residue. 2006 exited and left behind
a plethora of bitter and sweet memories:
some we will deeply cherish while
others, we’ll strive to forget. At the
stroke of midnight on January 1, 2007,
millions of people all over the world
embraced the new year with great
enthusiasm and intensity! Fireworks lit
up the sky as “Happy New Year” wishes
were exchanged between strangers and
friends. Churches were packed with
worshipers starting the new year by
thanking and praising our Almighty
God. Many others danced and drank
the night away. However it occurs,
celebration on New Years, generally
takes place as a means of “seeing out
the old” and bringing in a “new” year.
Some people celebrate with booze or
beer and others begin the year with their
eyes and hopes fixed on Jesus. While
other ways may seem rather exciting
(for some), the best way for a child of
God to begin the New Year is with
Jesus. Not only does it set the stage
(pattern) for the days to follow, but it
also provides us with the opportunity
to start the year putting (seeking) God
“first” as God’s Word (Bible) says we
should in Matthew 6:33.
* INCLUDE God in everything you do
(watching television, driving, working,
* TAKE God with you everywhere you
Many people see this time of year as a 2. Develop a closer relationship with
chance to start something fresh and God (reacquaint, bond, share).
new. Traditionally, January 1st is the 3. Find new ways to fellowship with,
day we commit to beginning our New appreciate and serve God.
Year Resolutions. We all want great
health, wealth and prosperity and if new When we do these things, while seeking
year resolutions are going to be set, for God’s kingdom first, we will began to
God’s children, the first ones on our see changes as God blesses our lives
list should pertain to God and our even more. According to Matthew
spiritual growth and development. 6:33: All of those other things we need
Setting our sights on the things of God will then be added unto us. The old year,
can produce great blessings, mercy and 2006, is now behind us. Praise God,
favor while on our spiritual journeys. we have made it through yet another
There is an old saying: “If you keep year! As we embrace 2007, we must
doing what you did - you’ll keep getting learn to trust and depend on God
what you got.” Many of us want completely. The beginning of a new
“change” but are not willing to change. year is a great time to start allowing
We often keep doing the same old God to come into our hearts, mold,
things thus receiving the same results. teach and lead us more deeply into His
Oftentimes, we are more than ready and marvelous light. A new year brings
able to do something different (change) forth opportunity to start over again,
but are not quite sure how. Keep in reinvent ourselves, release and leave
mind that no matter which way we negative things behind us (grudges,
began the new year, it’s never too late painful memories, habits) and strive for
to make a conscious decision greater things in Christ. It’s a time for
(resolution) to put God first in every new awakenings, visions and
area of our lives. The following are just reacquainting ourselves with our
a few suggested resolutions (examples) individual covenants with God as we
to consider. First, try rearranging your develop a stronger, personal connection
“New Year Resolutions List” displaying (relationship) with Him. While keeping
the below Spiritual Resolutions as “top God first, let us celebrate another year
priority” on your List. Next, pray and (blessing) that God has given us to
ask God for guidance, discipline, become all in Christ He called us to be
strength and support.
knowing that “We can do all things
through Christ who strengthens us!”
(Philippians 4:13)
1. K. I. T. (keep in touch) with Jesus:
* READ your Bible more often.
* PRAY more frequently (not just
before eating or going to sleep at night).
* TALK to God just as you would your
closest friends whom you greatly
respect and cherish.
Page 9
We pray that you will
have a Happy and prosperous
New Year
Political Synergy + - = ?
Rick Warren:
Religious Babylon Revealed
Greetings friends,
The article copied below from Joseph Farah provides
stunning and clear evidence that the religious component
or element of Middle East peacemaking is now in full swing.
Rick Warren is an admitted member of the CFR, one of
the most elitist organizations of this world’s political
systems, which I have repeated over and over again are all
created and ruled by fallen angels. I have read and
commented on Rick Warren’s book “Purpose Driven Life”
which is posted on my web site and even discussed on a
recent radio interview, also posted on the site. In his book,
Rick advocates to his readers to ignore Bible prophecy,
even saying that in his opinion Jesus himself would tell
you prophetic understanding surrounding the second
coming is....”none of your business”.
Everyone should be aware that Daniel and John’s visions
of the last days includes a Babylonian/Roman system that
will establish a peace covenant in the Holy Land that many
will proclaim is the arrival of the Kingdom of God, when
in reality it is the arrival of the Antichrist. This Babylon/
Roman/American system, so clearly represented by the
CFR, has three components or elements to it...politicalreligious-economic. Rick Warren is part of the religious
component and has been seduced by fallen angels into
following a false gospel or another Jesus as Paul taught
the Corinthians and Galatians. Rick has been warned many
times, so he is not ignorant of what he is doing. He really
thinks his way is the right path and those who have begged
him to turn around just have a different “opinion or
One of the most important questions Joseph Farah, and
his Christian readers at World Net Daily should be asking,
is how are Christians to respond to this information? For I
am deeply saddened that so many Christians have been
seduced by fallen angels into the “just” war doctrine or
delusion where Christians can join themselves to the carnal
war against hate-filled Islamic jihadists. Those who think
that way are just as deceived as Rick Warren, only in a
different way. They should be asking the Lord Jesus Christ
why he has allowed this violent religion to again rise up in
these last days, much in the same way he allowed Assyria
and then Babylon to rise up to judge his stiff-necked and
backslidden people who...played the harlot... as Jeremiah
During the last seven years of Daniel’s prophecy, after God
has used the Russian/Islamic confederacy to judge and
defeat Israel, who instead of trusting in Jesus Christ allied
themselves with America, he will cause his holy angels to
rain fire down from the heavens to utterly destroy the
jubilant Russian/Islamic armies, and then move on to set
up and destroy once and for all the Babylonian/Roman/
American/European world order. Please read my article
“the Judgment Chronicles” posted on our site for the
scriptural details and timeline.
Jesus Christ is coming to make war against all of his
enemies. On that day and in that time everyone on Earth
will have been given the opportunity to repent through
Godly sorrow that brings salvation from their sin nature.
Those who refuse will instinctively accept, with the militant
pride of religious patriotism, the Mark of the Beast and
will feel the wrath of the sword that comes out of the mouth
of the Lord Jesus Christ at his second coming, Revelation
19. Until the days of the 70th week of Daniel come we
Christians are to pick up our cross, go forth as sheep in
the midst of wolves, harmless as doves, pleading with the
unsaved yet religious masses to fall before the bloody cross
of Jesus in repentance and Godly sorrow. Once a person
does this the Holy Spirit enters us and regenerates our
hearts producing a true love for God and all men including
our worst enemies, a hunger for the truth and right thinking,
and a longing for Jesus to return.
Because of his rapid rise to fame, he has been befriended
by the President, and most likely the Pope, in order to
assist them in making peace in the Middle East. They are
the real power players and dealers in this Satanic world
system. Read Revelation 13 for the truth concerning the
offices of the Presidency and Papacy. Daniel said the
coming Covenant of Peace (Daniel 9:27) would include a
religious component when he said the Jews would be Your eternal friend,
allowed to rebuild their Temple in Jerusalem, proving the Jack http://www.babylonthegreatisfalling.net
absolute need for all religious leaders to be onboard with
the President and Pope. Rick has fallen into the trap.
A Vietnam Veteran Perspective
Page 10
The Devil Doesn’t Sleep
By: Tijuana Agnew
In my dreams the children fought
giants. The giants were massive dark
figures of sickness, depression, fear,
perversion and death. They wanted to
be rescued by the imps and demons
that were sent to destroy them. It was
my job to help the children but my
best weapon at the time was my feet.
I’d grab them and run! Fear did not
allow me to fight.
God gave me dreams to reveal
spiritual truths. As I wrote out what
God showed me in the dream, I was
able to see the war that took place in
my life and the lives of those I am
connected with. I understand that the
devil doesn’t sleep. I also understand
that God has ALL POWER as long
as I abide in Him!
After years of running, I grew tired
and wanted to face the giants with
more power. God did not give me the
spirit of fear. The more I allowed God
to dwell inside of me, my dreams
became fearless. Some nights I would
wake up feeling like I had wrestled
all night. Essentially, I had.
God spoke and I?d listen as a child
growing up in church. Endless
dreams of spiritual battles. My body
became weak as I wrestled each night
and I would ask God?
Why do you allow me to see such
One night I dreamed there was a small
child sitting alone in a corner. She was
crying and appeared lonely. There
were other children around her
playing together but left her out. I sat
with the small girl and spoke with her
about her future. She mentioned that
she wanted friends but no one would
play with her. I ministered to the girl
about Jesus and how He is the best
friend she could ever have. She
smiled, as I reached to embrace her,
she became a demonic figure. I
jumped back and pleaded? THE
I can remember having dreams as far
back to the age six. I would dream
about being chased through dark
alleys by large black dogs. For years
I ran, cried and isolated my thoughts
of fear to myself. Fear became my As the imp ran away I immediately
beganto wept. The children around
me laughed as their bodies
Those dreams were more vivid and transformed into demons. They
real as I grew older. The black dogs appeared as innocent children, but it
represented evil and death. Shadows was a trick of the enemy. I began to
of darkness chased me through the fight the demons. I can recall dragging
night. I would toss and turn during one of the imps on the concrete and I
my sleep, but I had to face my fears slammed its face against the ground
knowing God had showed me where rebuking it over and over again.
the true war began. A war went on
inside of me. The enemy wanted what The setting became dark, I was the
God gave me?life. The closer I grew only one fighting. There was no fear
to God, the less I would fear.
inside of me.
Page 11
You can obtain a copy of the
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GMWA Hot Phone
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Its a waste of time and energy to move
to the next phase of your ministry if
you don’t have the money to invest in
Our goal is to be a blessing to the many your music ministry. There are many
new artist by providing additional re- service that are cost effective that will
sources to help independent gospel art- benefit your ministry.
ist understand the power of the Internet.
Most independent gospel follow the Independence Vs Interdependent...
same path rather than look at the many Many artist will say that they are indeopportunities that are available on the pendent and in most case they are. They
Internet. The Internet as we all now in want to assign people to certain posichanging how music is being distrib- tions that have no clue as to what to do
uted wolr wide with rates that are rea- and many learn through trail and error
sonable as well as affordable.
because they lack the knowledge about
the industry.
It is the most cost effective way for independent gospel artist to promote their In this issue we are introducing our new
music worldwide. I am under the im- partners that will provide much needed
pression that most artist would rather service to help market and promote
continue the struggle rather than take your music.
advantage of the many opportunities
that are available online. Often times I
hear a lot of artist talk about not being
able to afford advertisement. Why?
Many of the independent artist will
spend money to promote themselves
by having various events throughout
the year. That’s a good thing and they
should do that but what the artist fails
to realize is why would I want to pay
for an event when the next week I will
see them for free at another event.
Most can be found on page 17. We also
provide Internet Radio Partners in 20
major cities around the country. We
have a few PR firms as well as entertainment attorney’s to help you.
Most of the time it’s the same circle of
friends and artists singing to artist which
places a limitation on the artists ability
to grow their ministry. Trust me it takes
more than a few thousand flyers and a
few radio spots here and there to move
more than three thousand units which
in most cases is the recoupment on the
initial investment. All of these things are
necessary and certain circles the artist
is a star and has a pretty decent following. It will take more than having a
webiste and a My Space site which is a
great networking site.
I have been able to get up! Now is the
time to step out of our comfort zones
that is if you plan to go to the next level.
God gave each of us our own set of
fingerprints as well as DNA. We are all
unique and made in his image. We all
have to find what works for us and
more importantly who we can work
Our New
2007 Partners
Each service provides a unique service
to help you market and promote your
music through Electronic Press Kits as
well as online distribution.
The key is to get your music out to the
masses. We have an array of partners
that offer just what every artists needs
through the many valuable relationships
It takes a budget and a plan to take your that we have been building for the past
music ministry to the top. In many cases two years.
Page 12
These are all professionals and have a
fee for their services that is why it is
important to have a budget to work
with other wise its a waste of their time.
Time is valuable. We live in an interdependent society and no matter how independent we want to be its not possible.
God places each of us in a position to
be a blessing to someone else. I have
seen many artist become stagnant or
discouraged. I have seen many artist
regroup because of the mistake of believing that they can make it on their
The music business is not an easy business the artist is only as go as his or
hers last project. That is why we all need
help and the major key to this business
is trust. We have all made bad choices.
What matters most is can you get up
again and keep getting up no matter
how many times you get knocked
I pray that you will find a benefit by
reaching out to our new partners, trust
me we will be building many new relationships as we continue to move forward to help each and every artist willing to step out of their comfort zone.
The Ambassadors For Change project is the keystone project of This Years’Theme: Luke 14:23,
Determining Our Own Destiny.
“Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come
On June 1, 2006 The Ambassadors For Change made history in..”
with the release of Their first CD, “HEALING IS FOR YOU,” a
collaborative production which has some inspiring gospel songs This project was developed to bring about an increasedAwareness,
as well as messages that promote HIV testing, education, a purposeful Mobilization, and more Testing for HIV in the Black
Community. As the Black Church serves as the gatekeeper for
prevention, care and treatment.
the Black Community, we believe that it is vital that the Black
The CD features local African American gospel musicians, Church spearheads this movement. We believe that by using one
preachers, choir members and songwriters-some of who are HIV of the core elements of the Black Church, gospel music, to bridge
postive people. The CD is our first attempt to bring gospel music the gap between the good news of the gospel, the social justice
and HIV education & prevention along with care and treatment message of the gospel and the message of HIV education and
prevention, we will be able to further prevent the spread of the
disease in our community and ultimately, its elimination.
We realize that if we are to raise more awareness about the HIV
disease in the Black Community, we must first engage the black In order to arrest HIV infections and eventually eliminate this
church. And if we are to engage the black church, we must align disease, we need the help of the Black Church . We need the
Black Church, in its various forms, denominational differences,
ourselves with one of its core elements - gospel music.
worship practices, and congregational sizes, to help aggressively
To help accomplish our engagement process, the spread the messages of HIV education, prevention, and testing.
AMBASSADORS FOR CHANGE worked diligently for eight
months this year to create an inspiring and educational CD that We, the African American State of Emergency Task Force and
will have a positive impact in the black church, the black community the Determining Our Own Destiny Foundation, have produced a
and the world. It is our sincere belief that this CD will encourage faith-based, inspiration Gospel CD which encourages Black people
testing; and will encourage those who test positive to go into to test for HIV and if positive for HIV to get into care. We must
care. We declared that HIV will not always be! And if it is to be so make the decision to do HIV education and prevention with new
and innovative methods to get the messages on the streets, and
we must become active participants in its elimination.
into the highways and hedges.
On December 1, 2006 – World AIDS Day – the entry tickets was
pulled during our pre-concert reception at the Oakland Marriott
Download your favorite
City Center AJ Toppers Restaurant from 5pm – 7pm. (Groups/
song online at
Persons do not need to be present to win.) The winners were
announced during the Gospel Concert & HIV Testing
Extravaganza that was at the Olivet Institutional Baptist Church
Order your copy today
in Oakland, california. The Concert featured several local artists,
for $10.00 includes S&H
the Ambassadors For Change Gospel Ensemble, and our special
SMAAC Youth Center
guest artist.
1601 Webster Street
Oakland, CA 94612
Has been added to rotation on www.gospelpower.fm
Chicago’s #1 Internet Gospel Radio Station
Page 13
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Page 14
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Page 15
What To Do Immediately
After Getting Radio Airplay
By Dre L www.gospelpower.fm
What do you do? Let’s say that you
have successfully managed to get a
few radio stations playing your
music. What’s your next step?
Are you simply waiting on the charts
to come in each week in order to
learn if your single is moving up (or
If you would like to get a bit more
milage out of your airplay, here are a
couple of ways to, not only capitalize
on your current airplay, but to also
(possibly) move up radio charts even
1. Station IDs
I venture to say that most musicians
who are promoting themselves
probably never consider asking the
stations that are playing their music
in regular rotation for an opportunity
to do a station ID.
Now, if you are unfamiliar with what
station IDs are, a station ID sounds
something like...
“Hi, I’m Jackie Peters, and you’re
listening to www.gospelpower.fm
Chicago’s #1 Internet gospel
to them while the station also benefits
from having a familiar artist’s voice
identify it.
To me, the best interviews are the
ones that are live and have call-in
And, you get the obvious benefit of,
potentially, enjoying more station
music requests, which translates into
more spins and airplay, increased
sales, more performances, etc.
The great thing about on-air radio
interviews (whether live or or a CD)
in most cases, you are not required
to travel to stations in order to do
them, regardless of where stations are
located. You can simply do them from
the comfort of your home or office.
And, most stations are glad to
coordinate station IDs with artists
whose music they are playing. And,
if you become really popular with
their listeners, stations may even bring
you to town on a bill.
2. On-Air Interviews
These are great opportunities being
that we accept mp3 drops as well as
Here is, yet, another area where most pre-recorded interviews that can be
independent artists don’t spend programed in more than one of our
enough time pursuing. Yet, on-air programs. These are just a couple of
interviews can also dramatically suggestions that will help independent
increase your exposure, notoriety and gospel artist get increased exposure
to our listeners. Our service also
On-air interviews broadcast on includes the opportunity to advertise
stations that are already playing your in gospel Synergy Magazine our
music allow your listeners to become online publication as well as sell your
even more familiar with you and music online through Gospel Swap
embrace your music while they learn our online distribution service for
independent gospel music.
a bit more info such as:
* The background story as it relates
to your music overall
* Your personal background
* Your professional background
* The meaning behind certain songs
“Hi, this is Arthur Sutton from
“Arthur Sutton and the Gift of
Praise.” Whenever I’m online, I listen
to Chicago’s #1 Internet Gospel
Station... www.gospelpower.fm
“Where we the best mix of
gospelmusic online.”
* Where you are performing
Now, chances are listeners have
already heard your music, since you
are in rotation, and the station ID will
serve to make you a bit more familiar
So, by all means, don’t allow this
opportunity to increase exposure,
sales and income exponentially, to slip
through the proverbial cracks.
* More, more, more...
And, one of your primary goals
during on-air interviews should be to
turn the average listener who merely
likes your song into a lifelong
dedicated buyer of your music who,
not only picks up this particular
release, but who also eagerly awaits
your next release.
Page 16
Chicago’s # 1 Internet
Gospel Station...
“Where we Play The Best Mix
of Gospel Music online”
“The #1 Choice for Gospel
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Let Us Help You
Take You Music Ministry To Another Level
This is your resource guide to
online promotions for your
music ministry.
Independent Gospel Artists
Join our Online
Distribution Service
$35.00 One Time Set up Fee
Submission - One CD -Bio - Contact Information
Make Your Money Order payable to
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Mail To:
Gospel Synergy magazine
P O Box 286261
Chicago, IL 60628
Refer to our Partner Link Page to visit our Affiliates...
Page 17
6th Annual
Tiffany Gospel Awards
Presents The TL Holmes
Spirit of Exxcellence Award
Unity Productions, Inc. is a subsidiary of In-A-Way won TGA’s for each group
Charities Unlimited, Inc., a non-profit
organization, which was founded in
December, 1987. Unity Productions
sponsors events that help to strengthen and
category they were nominated for; Gospel
Single of the Year - “Trust in you”, Gospel
Collaboration of the Year – “Holy is the
Lord” featuring Rebecca McDowell,
Gospel CD Project of the Year – “Friend
18:24”. The evening was capped off for
In-A-Way when they were given the TL
Holmes Spirit of Excellence Award.
entertainment marketing
company that specializes in
producing high quality
concept music video’s.
MCG develop and
implement marketing strategies that produce
the results for our clients in the music,
entertainment and corporate industries. Latest
video Micah Stampley “Never Let you Go”
from the CD A Fresh Wind visit us online
at www.mediaconceptsgroupinc.com
“Unfailing love” from their “Friend 18:24”
and left to a standing ovation.
The Tiffany Gospel Awards. Sunday,
Dec. 17th, New York’s faithful gospel fans
celebrated and danced to the new sound
Media Concepts Group, Inc.: Founded by
in gospel music at the award show as they
TL Holmes, Media
enjoyed some of today’s rising gospel
Concepts Group, Inc. After receiving the first of many awards, Inartist.
(MCG) is a full-service A-Way took to the stage and performed
In addition to being feted to top shelf
independent Gospel talents, Unity
Productions, Inc. introduced and
presented the TL Holmes, Spirit of
Excellence Award, which was given to
the artist that demonstrates excellence in
every area of their artistry. Unity
Productions also unveiled the newest
member of the Tiffany Gospel Awards cohosting team. Joining the long standing
tandem of Pastor Ed Perry and Paul H.
Parker was Mr. Al Bynum. The comedic
flavor that used to be provided by original
co-host Dwayne “The Doktor”
McGleese were not disappointed when
Mr. Bynum hits the stage.
CFC Broadcasting Network: The Christian
Fellowship Council’s (CFC) purpose is to
help the inner-city help itself through
education, counseling, job training,
employment counseling and support, utilizing
its own resources as well as those available
from private, government, benevolent, or
academic organizations. It will also actively
pursue the modification of legislation which
conflicts with Holy Scripture. CFCBN is
broadcasted on Cablevision Channel 950
Newark, NJ in 80,000+ homes 24/7 and will
be broadcasting on Time/Warner Manhattan
The 6th Annual Tiffany Gospel Awards
was sponsored by Media Concepts
Group, Inc., Plush Studios, CFC
Broadcast Network, and produced by
Unity Productions, Inc. This event will
be the first awards show to be taped,
Media Concepts Group, Inc. / Plush
Studios and will be aired on CFC
Broadcast Network / Cablevision
Gospel A’Capella Christian
channel 950. CFC Broadcast Network
is currently aired in over 80,000 homes
Recording Arist
and will reach over 3 million homes
including NYC’s Time/Warner. This Wins Tiffany Gospel Awards
year’s award show was history in the
making! Realizing that the vast majority
NY December
of independent Gospel recording artists
19, 2006 – Up
were being ignored by other award
and coming
shows, the Tiffany’s gives such artists a
gospel artist
stage to literally showcase their
I n - A - Wa y
extraordinary gifts to what is now an
international audience. The mission: to
their way to 3
introduce independent gospel music and
gospel awards
at the 6th Annual Tiffany
artists to mainstream America.
Page 18
In-A-Way is currently traveling the nation in
support of their CD “Friend 18:24”. In-AWay is an independent artist making a name
for themselves the old fashioned way via
touring and grassroots efforts. While touring,
In-A-Way has received overwhelming
support from churches, fans, and local media,
as well as national radio airplay. The 3 songs
nominated for TGA.’s are songs featured on
In-A-Way’s Power Radio Sampler currently
in rotation on radio stations across the nation.
In-A-Way has shared the stage with Gospel
greats Bishop TD Jakes, Bishop Paul S.
Morton, Dorinda Clark Cole, Hezekiah
Walker, Daryl Coley, Vicki Winans and
Martha Munizzi.
For information on In-A-Way log onto
www.In-A-Way.com or call 609-910-2145
Congratulations to In-A-Way!
In-A-Way is currently in rotaion on Chicago’s
#1 Internet Gospel Station
www.gospelpower.fm “Where we play the
best mix of gospel music online.
You can also download songs from
their CD online at
The #1 choice for gospel music
downloads online.
Jackson, MS. December 18, 2006-In
recent years, the gospel music industry
has seen a general downturn in the popularity of quartet music. Though a few
groups have made headlines, most have
continued to toil hard without significant
notice, relying on live performances rather
than record sales to get by. Malaco
Records, a gospel industry icon, is stepping up to the plate and hoping to help
some of the industry’s classiest acts hit a
few more home runs.
In February 2007, Malaco will launch its
“Yes! Quartet” campaign, following close
on the heels of signing three well known
gospel quartets to its label, Slim & The
Supreme Angels, Spencer Taylor &
The Highway QCs, and True Believers.
The campaign will include the release of
eight new quartet projects from the
Malaco roster, using a blend of legendary
artists and rising stars.
These releases include the works of:
The Sensational Nightingales, The
Pilgrim Jubilees, The Jackson
Sisters, Slim and the Supreme
Angels, Spencer Taylor and the
Highway QCs, and True Believers.
A compilation project, Yes! Quartet,
pictured above right, will also be
released as a companion to the eight
CD set and includes cuts from each of
When asked “Why Quartets?” D.A.
Johnson, Director of the Gospel
Division at Malaco Records, said this,
“Yes! Quartet is the beginning of a
campaign to energize quartet music in
the gospel industry. Malaco’s history
is filled with some of the greatest
legends in quartet music, such as: The
Jackson Southernaires, Willie Neal
Johnson, Willie Banks, The Soul
Stirrers and others. Many quartets
today don’t have the support of a label
and With Yes! Quartet, we have begun
to lead quartet music home again (to
Malaco) by bringing the best to our
label so they can reach their quartet
Tommy Couch, Sr., President of
Malaco Music Group, joins Johnson
with his remarks, “In the early days,
we were first known for having the best
in Quartet music and have long been
known as having the best in choir music
(The Mississippi Mass, The Georgia
Mass). It’s seems natural to continue
in that tradition by hiring one of quartet
music’s leading producers, Darrell
Luster (The Sensational Nightingales)
to work with us on the Yes! Quartet
campaign. We look forward to
introducing the best in new quartet
music every February, during Black
History Month.”
Malaco Records will continue to
announce new releases in the Yes!
Quartet campaign in the weeks prior
to their release in February of 2007.
Page 19
Watch for more news! Media requests
should be directed to Jenny Rogers,
Radio and all other requests should be
directed to D.A. Johnson,
Slim & The Supreme Angels
The Sensational Nightingales
The Jackson
True Believers
The Pilgram Jubilee
Spencer Taylor & The Highway QC’s
Max Siegel,
President of Zomba Gospel
Leaves to Head Up Dale
Earnhardt Enterprises
By Sheilah Belle
New York, NY — In one of the biggest
moves ever made by any Gospel Music
Executive, Max Siegel leaving Verity
Records has got to be one of the biggest!
The announcement came on Friday, when
Max Siegel, President of Zomba Gospel
and Senior Vice President of the Zomba
Label Group informed his staff, and some
of the label roster members like Kirk
Franklin, Fred Hammond, John P. Kee
and others that he would be leaving the
company and heading to Charlotte, NC
to head up Dale Earnhardt Enterprises,
one of the largest NASCAR Operations
in the world.
Siegel has over fifteen years of brokering
deals and project management and is
known for his shrewd and savvy business
expertise, an accomplished entertainment
executive, attorney, author, conference
organizer and television & film producer.
Siegel is also one of the most sought after
persons in the entertainment industry and
has appeared on Oprah, twice in one year;
Tavis Smiley’s NPR and has been
featured in national major media outlets
such as The New York Times, Crain’s
New York Business, Black Enterprise,
Billboard Magazine and The Belle
He is a cumlaude graduate from the
University of Notre Dame, School of Law.
While enrolled as a student, he made
history at Notre Dame as the first African
American to graduate with honors from
the School of Law. During the past 12years, the Indianapolis native has also
presided over the legal affairs for several
Fortune 500 corporations, as well as
professional sports, entertainment
individuals and organizations. Siegel’s
legal expertise and business acumen has
afforded him the reputation as a “win-win
attorney” among his peers, and has played
a major role in the shaping of sports
athletes as Tony Gwynn and Reggie
will be packing up his bags from his
recently formed company, Jordan
Entertainment Group, and returning to the
label he once called home…Zomba
Gospel Label Group. He will be heading
up both Verity and GospoCentric Records
and all of Zomba’s Gospel efforts…as
early as today! Continuing to run the day
to day operations at Jordan Entertainment
Group will be Jesse Thompson.
With his new position, under the Dale
Earnhardt Enterprises umbrella, Siegel
will have another chance in helping to
shape another world…this one involving
NASCAR, with responsibilities including
overseeing several race car teams, car
dealerships, an airline, thoroughbred race
horses, 500 employees and so much more.
Siegel says, “I was presented an awesome
opportunity, that just came out of no
where and I just couldn’t pass it up.
His departure, however will not be abrupt.
Siegel says, “I will still be hands on for a
while helping with the transition of the
company.” He also adds the Stellar
Awards will be his last industry public
appearance for a while.
The initial call came from Siegel to Jordan
about two weeks ago. It was over the
weekend, when the deal was finally
finalized. Jordan says, “At this point I
don’t see any other staff changes, but there
could be some adjustments once
everything is figured out.”
However, as he makes his departure, he
will leave behind a powerhouse that he
help build. It’s roster consist of the some
of the top Gospel artists in the world
including Kirk Franklin, Fred Hammond,
Deitrick Hammond, Donnie McClurkin,
Keith “Wonderboy” Johnson, Andrae
Crouch, Donald Lawrence, Richard
Smallwood, Tonex, Marvin Sapp, Joann
Rosario, 7 Sons of Soul, John P. Kee and
several others. Verity Records also has 7
of the top ten charted records and it has
earned 42% of all Gospel Sales.
As for the transition in leadership at
Verity, not much difficulty there either.
The former Senior Vice President/General
Manager of Verity Records Jazzy Jordan,
Page 20
Jordan says, he will be retaining the same
title he left with, while working at Verity
and will be returning to the company
under his own terms. Jordan says, at this
juncture there will not be a President of
Verity Records.
Over all, Jordan is excited about the
opportunity and says, “Hopefully my
position with also offer artists from Jordon
Entertainment a little more clout.
Mel Holder
Gospel Jazz Artist
By Andr’e L Carter
Chicago, Mel Holder gospel jazz artist
was in Chicago for a Christmas event for
AT&T. While in town he made a few
rounds to promote his new project Mel
Holder Music Book Vol. 1 a special DVD/
CD Pre Release Edition whch will be
available during the first quarter of 2007.
Check out Chicago’s #1 Internet Gospel
Station... Where we play the best mix of
gospel music online... For the Gospel Jazz
Lovers Mel Holder has been added to rotation. www.gospelpower.fm
GRAMMY Award Nominations Announced December 7, 2006
playing time of VOCAL tracks.)
December 7, The Recording Academy
announced the nominations for the 49th
Annual GRAMMY Awards. Artists who
announced the nominations included Mary
J. Blige, James Blunt, Chris Brown, Josh
Groban, Evanescence’s Amy Lee,
Ludacris, Corinne Bailey Rae, Rascal
Flatts, Justin Timberlake, and KT
The GRAMMY season officially kicked off
with the nominations announcement in Los
Angeles today. The 49th GRAMMY
Awards take center stage at the STAPLES
Center in Los Angeles on Feb. 11, 2007,
on CBS.
Below are nominations in the Christian/
gospel music categories.
Best Gospel Performance
(For solo, duo, group as collaborative
performances. Singles or tracks with vocal
containing Gospel lyrics. All genres of
Gospel music are eligible.)
• Victory
Yolanda Adams
Track from: The Gospel - Soundtrack
[Verity Records]
• Not Forgotten
Israel & New Breed
Track from: Alive In South Africa
[Integrity Gospel]
• The Blessing Of Abraham
Donald Lawrence & The Tri-City Singers
Track from: Finale Act One
[EMI Gospel]
• Made To Worship
Chris Tomlin
Track from: See The Morning
[Sparrow Records/SixStepsRecords]
• DecembeRadio
DecembeRadio [Slanted Records]
• Where The Past Meets Today
Sarah Kelly [Gotee Records]
• Turn Around
Jonny Lang [A&M Records]
• End Of Silence Red
[Essential Records]
• Bone-A-Fide
T-Bone [Bone Yard/Flicker Records]
• The Blessing Of Abraham
Donald Lawrence, songwriter (Donald
Lawrence & The Tri-City Singers)
Track from: Finale Act One
[EMI Gospel; Publishers: QW Songs,
Zomba Publishing.]
• Imagine Me
Kirk Franklin, songwriter (Kirk Franklin)
[Fo Yo Soul/Verity/Zomba; Publishers:
Zomba Songs, Kerrion Publishing, Lilly
Mack Music.]
• Mountain Of God
Brown Bannister & Mac Powell,
songwriters (Third Day)
Track from: Wherever You Are
[Essential Records; Publishers: Vandura
2500 Songs, New Spring (Zomba),
Banistuci Music.]
• Not Forgotten
Israel Houghton & Aaron Lindsey,
songwriters (Israel & New Breed)
Track from: Alive In South Africa
[Integrity Gospel; Publishers: Sound of the
New Breed, Integrity’s Praise! Music,
Aaron Lindsey Publishing.]
• Victory
Tye Tribbett & G.A.
Track from: Victory Live!
[Columbia, Sony Urban]
• Victory
Tye Tribbett, songwriter (Tye Tribbett &
G.A.) Track from: Victory Live!
[Columbia, Sony Urban; Publisher: G.A.S.
Best Gospel Song
(A Songwriter(s) Award. (Artist names
appear in parenthesis.) Singles or Tracks
Best Rock Or Rap Gospel Album
(For albums containing 51% or more
Page 21
Best Pop/Contemporary Gospel Album
(For albums containing 51% or more
playing time of VOCAL tracks.)
• Sound Of Melodies Leeland
[Essential Records]
• Coming Up To Breathe
MercyMe [INO Records]
• Wherever You Are
Third Day [Essential Records]
• See The Morning
Chris Tomlin [Sixstepsrecords/sparrow]
• Introducing Ayiesha Woods
Ayiesha Woods [Gotee Records]
Best Southern, Country Or Bluegrass
Gospel Album
(For albums containing 51% or more
playing time of VOCAL tracks.)
• Kenny Bishop
Kenny Bishop [Daywind Records]
• Give It Away
Gaither Vocal Band [Gaither Music Group]
• Precious Memories
Alan Jackson [ACR Records/Arista
• The Promised Land
The Del McCoury Band [McCoury Music]
• Glory Train
Randy Travis
[Word Records/Curb/Warner Bros.]
Best Traditional Gospel Album
(For albums containing 51% or more
playing time of VOCAL tracks.)
• An Invitation To Worship
Byron Cage [Zomba/Gospocentric]
• Paved The Way
The Caravans [Malaco Records]
• Still Keeping It Real
The Dixie Hummingbirds
[MCG Records]
• Alive In South Africa
Israel & New Breed [Integrity Gospel]
• Finalé Act One
Donald Lawrence & The Tri-City
Singers [EMI Gospel]
Best Contemporary R&B Gospel
(For albums containing 51% or more
playing time of VOCAL tracks.)
• Set Me Free
Myron Butler & Levi
[EMI Gospel]
• Hero
Kirk Franklin [Fo Yo Soul/Zomba]
• A Timeless Christmas
Israel And New Breed [Integrity Gospel]
• This Is Me
Kierra Kiki Sheard [EMI Gospel]
• Victory Live!
Tye Tribbett & G.A.
[Columbia, Sony Urban]
Yolanda Adams also received a
nomination for Best R&B Performance
By A Duo Or Group With Vocals for
“Everyday (Family Reunion)” along
with Chaka Khan, Gerald Levert, and
Carl Thomas.
For More information visit us online at
Page 22
Gospel Music Association
Announces Kirk Franklin
and Todd Agnew As ArtistsIn-Residence for February’s
GMA Academy Event in
Event is Christian/Gospel’s Official
Weekend Training Camp and Competition
for Signed and Aspiring Artists and
sessions, individuals receive in-depth
instruction, covering practical business
concerns to improving artistic and
songwriting skills, taught by music
industry professionals. The event also
includes the industry’s oldest and most
respected talent competition.
“The GMA Academy events are intensely
rewarding. In one, focused, weekend,
registrants will make time to focus on their
individual calling in music, learn more
about the inner-workings of the Christian
and gospel music industry, network with
influential industry executives and receive
valuable feedback about songwriting and
performance skills. I cannot think of any
more important way to spend two days if
I were an aspiring or independent artist
or songwriter,” said John W. Styll,
president of the GMA.
The GMA Academy Dallas begins on
Friday, February 16 for two days of
intensive training with tracks for
songwriters and performers. Artists
Franklin and Agnew will participate in the
GMA Academy event as Artists-inResidence and present a teaching concert
on the first night, along with the GMA
Academy Regional SONG of 2007
Competition. The event concludes
Saturday night with the GMA Academy
Regional ARTIST 2007 Competition and
Nashville, TN — The Gospel Music showcase performances of the winners.
Association (GMA) will host a GMA
Academy event February 16-17, 2007 in Winners from the talent competition at
Dallas with Fo Yo Soul Entertainment/ GMA Academy Dallas will be invited to
Zomba recording artist Kirk Franklin and go on to the Artist & Song of 2007
Ardent/INO Recording Artist Todd National Competitions at GMA Music in
Agnew. The Christian and gospel music the Rockies, held in August 2007 in Estes
industry’s official weekend training camp Park, Colo.
and talent competition for signed and
aspiring artists and songwriters, the GMA In addition to Franklin and Agnew, GMA
Academy event will be held at the Hyatt Academy Dallas will feature influential
professionals from all areas of the music
Regency Dallas.
business who serve as faculty for the
Academy registration is available online
weekend event. Additionally, author and
at www.gospelmusic.org. There is a
speaker Reed Arvin will offer keynotes for
deadline to register for the talent
each morning. Arvin is an accomplished
competitions, which is January 16.
author, with his legal thrillers published
The GMA Academy was originally around the world in 13 different
established to encourage and train musical languages. His latest work, Blood of
talent interested in developing a ministry Angels (2006, HarperTorch), has been
or career in Christian and gospel music. named to numerous Top 10 lists since its
Through various seminars and critique
release. Prior to becoming an author,
Page 23
Arvin was an accomplished musician/
producer touring with artists Michael W.
Smith and Amy Grant and producing 12
#1 songs for the late Rich Mullins. Arvin
served on the original GMA Academy
Advisory Council as dean, and was the
managing editor for the first GMA
Academy music curriculum, which was
published in 1999.
Earl Bynum & As We Are,
Head for Italy!
Norfolk, VA — Earl Bynum along with
his group As We Are- Christmas In Italy.
Earl Bynum is a name that is well known
and respected in the European Gospel
market. Bynum has ministered in more
than 100 European cities, and is known
for the energy that he brings which has
brought him before SOLD OUT
CONCERTS, with lives being changed.
Souls are being saved and Bynum says,
“I thank God for the opportunity.”
According to Loris Bazzerto, Earl Bynum
is one of the greatest performers he has
ever seen.
Sheilah Belle has worked in the field of
broadcast news, journalism and with the
press for over 15 years. She currently holds
the title as News and Community Affairs
Director and Talk Show Hostess for five
50,000 watts FM radio stations in Virginia,
including the top Urban Radio Stations in
Richmond and Norfolk, VA . Ms. Belle is also
a contributing editor and columnist for
Gospel Synergy Magazine, Streaming Faith,
Gospel Today, Gospel Truth, Gospel
International and XII Magazines. Ms. Belle
is also the host for the brand newsThe Belle
Report, radio show, that now airs in four
different markets. Ms. Belle, was also
recently tapped as the Program Director for
WTBC Gospel, one of the largest on-line
gospel internet radio stations. Ms. Belle has
worked as a News & Helicopter Reporter,
Health Producer, and Talk Show Hostess
from New Orleans to New York for television,
radio and print media. She owns Ma & Popop
Productions, Inc., The Gospel Times
Newspaper, The Belle Report, LaBelle &
Associates (a PR, Promotions and Marketing
company) and works as a Media Consultant.
Ms. Belle is now a highly requested speaker
as she continues to grow her ministry to
inspire and uplift others. “My vision is to help
abused women, give singles encouragement
and remind the teens that it’s okay to love
the Lord and not be ashamed of it,” says
Gloryland Gospel WebRing
Gloryland Gospel WebRing
12 sites
Gloryland Gospel
Preserving the history of gospel quartet music, while sharing the gospel quartet genre with the world. And in
the process “Taking Gospel Quartet” to the next level.
NC Gospel Quartets
Preserving NC rich gospel quartet history and music.
SC Gospel Quartets
Preserving SC rich gospel quartet history and music.
Soteria Distribution, Inc.
The Musbo Company
Our purpose at Musbo is to help the independent artists with all their marketing and distribution needs. We
know that there are many great talents out there that just need a helping hand.
Tennessee Gospel Quartets
Bringing to the World Wide Web the best in Gospel Quaret Music from Tennessee.
Mississippi Gospel Quartets
Preserving Mississippi rich gospel quaret music and history
Florida Gospel Quartets
Bringing to the World Wide Web the best in gospel quartet music from Florida.
American Gospel Quartet Convention
The purpose of the American Gospel Quartet Convention is to re-establish Jesus as the foundation of our
music. We further want to return to living what we sing about. Next, we want to learn more about the
business of music and finally, we want to promote wholesome fellowship.
Blanche Goodson
Bringing the best in gospel quartet music to the world.
California Gospel Quartets
Preserving California’s gospel quartet history and music.
Georgia Gospel Quartets
Preserving Georgia’s gospel quartet music and history.
Gloryland Gospel WebRing • homepage
Ringlink Webring Directory
Visit us online at www.glorylandgospel.com click enter - then click Webring host to visit each site...
WOW Webring System
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Concerts, Seminars
& Events - 2007
January 20 - 27, 2007
May 24-27, 2007
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Coming This Spring 2007
Gospel Synergy Magazine
In Theaters This Valentine Day
Tyler Perry’s
January 13, 2007
22nd Annual Stellar
Gospel Music Awards
Returs to the
Grand Ole Opry House
in Nashville, TN
For ticket info
daddy’s little girls
First Annual Event
currently in rotation
March 29-3,1 2007
February 16-18, 2007
“In His Presence Conference”
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Contact Information
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Page 25
www.GospelPower.fm Playlist... On Air Now!
The Best independent gospel music online supporting independent gospel everywhere...
Jacquelene Peters
1. Your Love Has Proven
K. W. A.
2. He Was There
McClurkin Project
3. Oh Lord Have Mercy
Thomas Jones
4. Remember Me
Dynese Stuart/E Pugh
5. So Much
Da Truth
6. Go
Judith McCallister
7. Bless The Lord
Darnell Davis
8.I’m Yours
Desmond Pringle
9.Holiness Is Right
Apostle Donald Alford
10.It’s All About You
Joshua’s Generation
11.And We Worship
Michael Mindingall
12 Sing Unto The Lord
Rod McGaha
13. Amazing Grace
Youthful Praise
14.You Are So Awesome
Dr. Margret Douroux
15.Give Me A Clean Heart
Jacquelene Peters
16. I Want To Love You
Donald Lawrence
17. Encourage Yourself
Kelly Price
18. God Is Faithful
McClirkin Project
19. Hallelujah Chorus
Kirk Franklin
20. Lookin Fo U
21. One Night With The King J.Bynum/J. Butler
Mel Holder
22. We Lift Our Hand
Mark Holley
23. He’ll Bring
Marcy Norman/Ekklisia
24. Sing Praises
Patrice Wilson
25. You Care For Me
Kenny Lattimore
26. I Give You My Praise
Higher Ground
27. Shout
Elizabethtown CC
28. Enter His Gates
Harvey Watkins
29. You Brought It
Youthful Praise
30. Incredible God
Marvin Sapp
31. Do You Know Him
Tim Bowman
32. Glory To Glory
Tim Solomon
33. Just As I Am
Stephen Hurd
34.Great Praise
35. Already Been To The Water Ami Rushes
James Fortune
36. My Dance
Hezekiah Walker
37. Celebrate
Karli Bonne
38. Love Is
39. Don’t Forget To Remember L.Hathaway/R. Lewis
Elder Howard & Family
40. Jesus Is The Best Thing
Kevin Vasser
41. One Touch
Vanessa Bell Armstrong
42. So Good To Be Me
William “Redd” Crook
43. Possed By His Love
New Direction
44. I Came To Jesus
Desmond Pringle
45. Let There Be Praise
46. God’s Gift
48.It’s Been Revealed
49.Endow Me
50.Made It
51.I Must Tell Jesus
52. Operator
53. Nothing But God
54. Let It Shine
55. All Things
56. Trust Jesus
57. Be Blessed
58. The True Christmas
59. I Can’t Give Up
60.World Wide God
62. Abundant Life
63. So Good To Be Me
64.Right Now Praise
65. All Things Working
66. Angel
67. Prayer
68. Die Daily
69.Do You Know
70. When You’ve Been Blessed
71. What Is This
72. One True Defender
73. Great Is Thy Faithfullness
74. Next Voice You Hear
75. I Told The Storm
76. God Will
77. Secret Place
78 Worship Call
79. Only You
80. Happy
81. Made A Difference
82. Greater Is He
83. Hurting Woman
84. Sanctified
85. Blessed Assurance
86. Faithful
87. Lift Him Up
88. Precious Memories
89. The Road To Damascus
90. Stand and Know
Jeff Majors/Kelly Price
Todd Rasean
Coko/Faith Evans
Twinkie Clark
Kirk Whalum
J. Moss
Dave Hollister
Son’s Of Jerusalem
Valerie Woodard
Ambassodors For Change
Bishop Paul Morton
Mamon & Mamon
Dr. C. W. Wallace
Prenistine P. Williams
Rev. Oscar Hayes & ALF
Tyrone Birkett
Vanessa Bell Armstrong
Ambassadors For Change
LaShaun Pace
Karli Bonne
Bishop G. E. Patterson
Sean Slaughter
Charmaine DaCosta
Pattie LaBelle
The Hawkins Family
Vitimin F
Tim Solomon
Fred Martin
Greg O’Qiunn
Juanita Wynn
Kathryn Riggins
Dr. Willette G. Johnson
Steve Perriloux
In A Way
Julia Ann Gardner
Jana long
F.Evans/Shirley Caesar
Karen Mire
Jeff Majors
William Hymes
Ron Kenoly
Dottie Peoples/Jeff Majors
Somkey Robinson
Lisa McGlowan
Playing The Best Independent Gospel Music On Line
Download your favorite song online www.gospelswap.com today!
Supporting Independent Gospel Artists Worldwide! All Songs available online at www.gospelswap.com
Page 26
Listen to www.gospelpower.fm
For The Best
Independent Gospel Music Online
New Singles
New Singles
1. Ambassadors For Change - Right Now Praise New
2. Pat Lewis - Give them the Flowers - New
3. William Hymes - Faithful - New
4. Chaos In Heavenly Places-Changes Long Over Due New
5. Kam - Because He Lives New
6. Valerie Woodward - All Things New
7. Karen Mire - Lord You Know My Heart New
8. Thomas Jones - Remember Me - Jazz- New
9. Mel Holder - Glory To Glory - New
10. Mel Holder - Holy Is The Lamb New
11. Sons Of Jerusalem - Let It Shine New
12 Maurice the Group - It’s Been Revealed New
13. Ambassadors For Change - Trust Jesus New
14. Mamon & Mamon - He’ Just A Prayer Away New
15. Tracy Roberson - All I Need - New
16. Lady David - Thank You
17. Sounds of Salvation - Don’t Let The Devil Ride
18. Thaddaeus Gains & Judah - Speak A Word
19. Sign of The Dove Music - I Thank You Lord
20. Leo Cooper, Jr. Church Choir (Comedy)
New Addition CD
1. Ambassadors For Change - A Healing Is For You New
2. Pat Lewis - Give them the Flowers New
3. William Hymes - November Songs New
4. Chaos In Heavenly Places - Soundtrack New
5. Kam - I Am That I Am New
6. Valerie Woodard - Relationships New
7. Karen Mire - The Fountain - New
8. Thomas Jones - You’re The One For Me -Jazz New
9. Mel Holder - Now and Forever - New
10. Mel Holder - A Gift So Special - New
11. Sons Of Jerusalem - I’m Going To Tell Jesus - New
12 Maurice the Group -I’m So Glad I’m Saved New
13. Ambassadors For Change - Healing Is For You - New
14. Mamon & Mamon - The End Time - New
15. Tracy Roberson - What Do You Believe - New
16. Lady David - We Are One
17. Sounds Of Salvation - Alright!
18. Thaddaeus Gaines & Judah - Soul’d Out
19. Sign of The Dove Music - Live Praise & Worship
20. Leo Cooper, Jr. - Did I Say That?
www.gospelswap.com once
you enter click search
music type in artist name
or song title and listen to
2 minute sound Clips
before you purchase your favorite track for $.99.
1 Vitamin F - One True Defender - New
2. Mary Courtney - The Most High God New
3. In A Way -Happy - New
4. Charles Green - Fly Away
5. K.W. A. - He Was There
6. Blood Bought P. I. F. - American Idol
7. Paulette Triplett - The Place
8. More Than Conquerors - We Ain’t Play’n
9. Rev. Dr. R. Singlelary, P. Beasley, Rev. J. Wooden &
Louis Jones - Fly High
10. Darrell Alexander - Free Indeed
11. Minister Greg Harris - Just A Little Talk with Jesus
12. Simply Phia - Joined Together
13. Nat Brown -Wonderful
14. Prenestine Williams Porter - It’s time To Pray
15. Victory Christian Assembly Mass Choir - Over & Over
16. Chris O’Neal - I Need you Lord
17. The Bardby Girls - Rain On Me
18. Lady Peachena - Stay In The Will of God
19. Phillip Carter and SOV - Have Faith
20. Mark Caston & Just For Christ Chorle
New Additions CD’s
1. Vitamin F - Nothing By Comparison New
2. Mary Courtney - He’s Leading The Way New
3. In A Way - Friend 18:24 New
4. Charles Green - Bring Your Troubles To The Lord
5. K. W. A. - A New Heart
6. Blood Bouught P. I. F.- Shake Down: The Truth Unveiled
7. Paulette Triplett - The Place
8. More Than Conquerors - His Season Our Time
9. Rev. Dr. R. Singlelary, P. Peasley, Rev. J. Wooden &
Louis Jones - The Church Is “Flying High”
10. Darrell Alexandre - Praise Your Pains Away
11. Minister Greg Harris Minister Greg Harris Live
12. Simply Phia - Simply Phia
13 Nat Brown - Family Album of Praise
14. Prenestine Williams Porter - Appointed for Praise
15. Victory Christian Assembly Mass Choir - Victorious
16. Chris O’Neal - Got Praise
17. The Bradby Girls - Expecting A Blessing
18. Lady Peachena - The Bishop’s Daughter
19. Phillip Carter and SOV - The Journey Continues
20. Mark Caston & Just For Christ Chorale - He Did It All
Visit us online today www.gospelswap.com
Page 27
Listen To www.gospelpower.fm
For The Best
Independent Gospel Music Online
New Singles
1. Kathryn Riggins - Secret Place
2. Minister Ronald J. Materre - Amazing Grace
3. Women of Integrity - Trouble
4. Clarria Smith - Yes, Lord I’ll Follow Thee
5. Theola Booker & Friends - I Need Your Blessing
6. CCJM - Delivered
7. Pilgrim Rest Dallas - Church Medley
8. Ledoria - Reborn
9. Cathy Townsend - Soon I Will Be Done
10. Dr. Willette Green-Johnson - Give It To Jesus
11. Bishop Joe Simon - Lay My Burden Down
12 Sam Hofer - Lethal Action
13. Sam Hofer - The Battle Is The Lord
14. Sister Maxine West - Lord Will Make Away
15. Danioelle Nightingale - Holy One
16. Denise Wolford - Inage of God
17. Michael Ford & New Joy - No Compromise
18. Charle Green - Fly Away
19. Minister Gerry Grant - We’ve Got To Believe
20. Masterpiece Compilation - It’s Worked Out (D.Coley)
New CD Additions
1. Kathryn Riggins - Give Him The Praise
2. Minister Ronald J. Materre - Look At God
3. Women of Integrity - God Is Good
4. Clarria Smith - God Has Got Your Back
5. Theola Booker & Friends - Self Titled
6. CCJM - What A Friend
7. Pilgrim Rest Dallas WFAM - A Live Experience
8. Ledoria - Heaven’s Callin’
9. Cathy Townsend - RE-Born RE- Juvanating RE-Joicing
10. Dr. Willette Green-Johnson - Adore
11. Bishop Joe Simon - Time to Change
12. Sam Hofer - Imagination Station
13 Sam Hofer - Whitestone
14. Maxine West - Sister Maxine West
15. Denise Wolford - When Your # Comes
16. Minister Gerry Grant - Jesus Has Kept Me
17. Rev. Charlie Wells & The Voices of Couds - I Love You
18. Robert Houston & True Dedication - Heaven
19. Lonnie McNamee - The Compilation Masterpiece
20. Get you CD Listed Here... Join Today!
www.gospelswap.com once
you enter click search
music type in artist name
or song title and listen to
2 minute sound Clips
before you purchase your favorite track for $.99.
Top Clips Played
1. Dr. Margaret Douroux - The Glow of Glory
2. Dr. Margaret Douroux - Thank You
3. Dr. Margaret Douroux - Already Done
4. Arthur Sutton & Gift of Praise - In This Place
5. Joe Sharkey - If It Had Not Been
6. Pilgrim Rest - Created For Worship
7. Pilgram Rest - Church Medley
8. Ronald J Matterre - Amazing Grace
9. Lady Peachena - Lord Save Our Young Men
10. Witness For Christ - Are You Ready
11. O Lord Is It I - Nat M. Brown Productions
12. Thank You - Minstrel
13. Since I Met Jesus -The Voices of Progressive
14. All Of God’s People - MAMON and MAMON
15 Deliverance Is On The Way-God Will Deliver
16. Church House Rap - KAE DJ Publishing
17. Jesus Is Real - Unity In The Spirit Chorale
18. Simply Serene - Karli Bonne
19. Center Of My Joy - St. Monica
20. Angel Without Wings - Karli Bonne
Editor Choice
1. Portia Young - When I Come Into Your Presence
2. Rev. William Crook - Possessed By His Love
3. Robert Houston & True Dedication - Devotion
4. To Be Faithful - Betty Lester
5. Willette Green Johnson - Adore
6. The 411- Can’t Nobody
7. Secret Place - Kathy Riggins
8. Jesus - Arthur Sutton and The Gift of Praise
9. What A Friend - C.C. M. J.
10. Over & Over - Victory Christian Assembly Mass Choir
11. Grateful - Zi’el
12. Where There’s A Will There’s A Way - Maxine West
13 Can’t Nobody - Women of Integrity
14. God Has Got Your Back - Clarissa Smith
15. Since Jesus - Cathy Townsend
16. Lay My Burden Down - Bishop Joe Simon
17. Dr. Jesus - Elder Charles Scott
18. Never Alone - Jason Allen and The Family
19. It’s Your Season - Van D. Roberson
20. I Heard The Angels Singing - Rev. Charlie Wells and the
Clouds of Joy
Page 28
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