Hradec Králové - Junior World orienteering championships
Hradec Králové - Junior World orienteering championships
JUNIOR WORLD oRIENTEERING chAMPIONShIPS CZECh REPUBLIC Hradec H radec K Králové rálové / 30. 6. – 7. 7. 2013 BULLETIN Pavel Kubát JWOC 2010 world champion on long distance Photo: Torben Utzon 3 J W O C 2 O 1 3 J W O C 2 O 1 3 HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ WELCOME Dear o-friends 60 days before the Opening Ceremony of your JWOC 2013 I can write: WE ARE READY. The Olympic orienteering village in hotel Černigov will host almost 400 of the world’s best juniors, from 40 countries. Sport and social life will happen in parallel for the whole JWOC week. Maps for four different Final races in demanding terrain are ready, courses are designed and tested, eight sets of medals are ready to be awarded. A big audience is looking forward to following your performances online with the help of GPS tracking, Tv broadcasts and a large screen in each arena. The social part completes the picture with a theatre festival, the Charlie Straight Show, the festival „Rock for People“ and the banquet. I believe we will all spend a wonderful week together in a friendly and fair atmosphere, and you will enjoy our beautiful city hradec králové and its surrounding terrain. I wish you all luck in your wishes to fulfil your dreams. Let’s show the world that orienteering is a sport for the 21st Century! Milan Novotný Event Director Event Controllers Senior Event Adviser – áron Less, hUN E-mail: National controller – Adam Zitka, CZE E-mail: Assistant Senior Event Adviser – Janos Sumegi, hUN E-mail: Organising Clubs – Among the Czech o-clubs with the biggest memberships (Ok99 has 205 registered members, Slavia123). – First independent orienteering club in the city, established in 1973, Ok99 acquired its present name in 1999. Slavia was established in 1984. – Both clubs have considerable organising experience at regional and national level (including national championships), and Ok99 organised Euromeeting 1995. Organisers – czech orienteering Federation (co F) – Hradec Králové Association of orienteering Sports – oK 99 Hradec Králové – Slavia Hradec Králové Event Director Milan Novotný coF coordinator Petr klimpl course Planners Michal Jedlička (Relay and Middle) Radek Novotný (Long and Sprint) Maps Jan Langr Event office Petra Novotná Accommodation Iva kubátová Board Daniela Čepová Social Programme Eduard Šmehlík Technical Service Jan Netuka Transport Aleš Balcar IT Jiří Strnad – Both clubs have been ‘cradles’ for top orienteers; amongst their current and past members, there are a few WOC (Michal Jedlička, Petra Novotná, Iva Mádlová, Radek Novotný) and JWOC (Jan Petržela, Denisa kosová, Pavel kubát, Tereza Novotná, Jaromír vlach, Iva Navrátilová, Iva Rufferová) medallists. Public Relations/Marketing václav komanec Media Petr kadeřávek JWoc Tour Martin Müller Health Service Martin Pompach JWoc 2013 hRADEC kRáLOvé 1 Detailed Programme June 28th Model event (Middle and Long) – own transport July 3rd Middle Final 7.00 – 9.00 11.30 – 14.30 12.00 – 21.00 17.30 – 20.30 6.00 – 9.30 7.00 – 12.00 10.00 – 16.30 10.00 10.30 – 12.00 11.30 12.00 – 15.00 14.00 16.45 17.30 – 20.30 Breakfast Lunch Event Office open – Accreditation Dinner June 29th Model event (Middle and Long) – own transport 7.00 – 9.00 11.30 – 14.30 12.00 – 21.00 17.30 – 20.30 Breakfast Lunch Event Office open – Accreditation Dinner June 30th 7.00 – 9.00 8.00 – 10.00 12.00 – 21.00 8.30 – 9.30 10.00 – 12.30 11.30 – 14.30 12.00 16.30 – 17.30 17.30 – 18.30 17.30 – 20.30 Breakfast Event Office open – Accreditation Buses depart to the model event Model event (Middle and Long) Lunch Deadline for final name entries and for the allocation of start groups to Long Opening Ceremony Team leaders‘ meeting Dinner July 1st Long distance 6.00 – 9.30 6.30 – 8.00 9.30 – 18.00 10.30 12.00 12.00 – 15.00 16.45 17.00 – 17.30 17.30 – 20.30 Breakfast Buses depart to the pre-start Long distance competition Quarantine Deadline for final name entries and for the allocation of start groups to Middle Q Lunch (at the competition centre; lunch pack for late starters) Flower Ceremony (women and men) Team leaders‘ meeting (at arena of Long race) Dinner July 2nd Middle Qualification 7.00 – 9.30 9.00 – 10.30 12.00 – 15.00 12.30 – 15.00 17.30 – 20.30 19.00 – 19.30 Breakfast Buses depart to the pre-start Middle qualification competition Lunch (at the competition centre) Dinner Team leaders‘ meeting Breakfast Buses depart to the pre-start Middle final competition First start of M/W B/C classes Lunch First start of WA class Lunch (in the competition centre) First start of MA class Flower Ceremony Dinner July 4th 7.00 – 10.00 10.00 – 17.00 12.00 12.00 – 14.00 17.00 – 18.00 17.30 – 20.30 18.30 – 19.00 Breakfast Model event (Sprint + Relay), own transport Deadline for final name entries and for the allocation of start groups to Sprint Lunch Prizegiving Ceremony for Long and Middle Dinner Team leaders‘ meeting July 5th Sprint 7.00 – 11.00 12.00 12.00 – 15.30 12.30 – 16.00 15.30 17.30 – 20.30 19.00 – 19.30 Breakfast Deadline for final name entries for Relay Sprint competition Lunch (at the competition centre) Flower Ceremony Dinner Team leaders‘ meeting July 6th Relay 7.00 – 9.00 Breakfast 8.00 – 9.00 Buses depart to the competition centre 10.00 Start of women’s class 12.00 Start of men’s class 12.00 – 15.00 Lunch (at the competition centre) 15.00 Flower & Prizegiving Ceremony, official Closing Ceremony 19.00 – till the endBanquet July 7th 7.00 – 10.00 Breakfast Departure Some of the above timings can still change. If not mentioned, breakfast, lunch and dinner are at hotel Černigov. 2 Competition Rules The Competition Rules for IOF Foot Orienteering Events (version valid from 1st January 2013) shall be applied to participation in the Junior World Orienteering Championships 2013. Please refer to the Competition Rules on the IOF website Classes and Participation must bring official identification (with photo) to the doping test area. The athlete should also bring their therapeutic use exemption (TUE) if applicable. In general, it is advisable that the athletes bring their ID to all the competitions and events. Punching and Time-keeping System The SportIdent punching system will be used in all JWOC 2013 competitions. All competitors will receive SI cards from the organisers. W 20, M 20 An electronic start gate will be used for the Sprint race. All competitors must be born in or after 1993 and must be full passport-holding citizens of the country they are representing. Live TV and tracking Coverage Clothing There are no special regulations applying to runners concerning the type of clothing they choose to wear, but the organisers recommend the use of long trousers for the Long distance, Middle distance and Relay races. It is forbidden to use shoes with spikes in the Sprint competition and also in Sprint training. Anti-doping Code The Relay competition will be televised live, and the Middle Final will have complete live coverage but televised one day after, both in cooperation with Czech TV. The Long, Sprint and Middle Qualification races will be recorded as well and televised as recorded broadcasts later. An on-line internet result service and live tracking will also be used. Output from TV cameras will be provided for spectators in the arenas at every competition, using large screens. Doping is strictly forbidden, and the organisers of JWOC 2013 are dedicated to supporting the anti-doping authorities in their work. Doping controls may be carried out any time during the competition period. As some sites for the doping controls may be a few minutes’ drive away, we suggest that athletes are prepared at all events to take along some dry clothes to change into after their race. Doping tests are always carried out in accordance with the procedures described in the WADA International Standard of testing. The IOF Anti-Doping Code and Rules apply as of 1st February 2010. Athletes who are selected for the doping tests JWoc 2013 hradec králové 3 Embargoed Areas and Competition Areas With reference to the IOF Competition Rules (article 26.6), the areas indicated on the accompanying maps are embargoed. Potential team members, leaders and others, whose knowledge of the terrain could influence results of the JWOC competition, are prohibited from entering these areas. However paved and asphalted public roads passing through the areas may be used. For the Sprint area there is an exception to the rules described above: within the embargoed area, it is allowed to drive along the main roads marked in yellow on the street plan (and therefore ONLY along these roads), but it is not allowed to stop or park there. 4 The organisers have also left free access to the very heart of the ancient town, as the Sprint is to be run late in the Championships programme and it is desired that the JWOC teams are enabled to visit the most attractive parts of Hradec Králové. A – sprint B – long C – middle D – relay E – reserve Numbers refer to those stated in the list of training maps. Since the publication of Bulletin 2, the Relay area has been modified a little – the northern border of the embargoed area now goes along a forest track, instead of cutting corners. This minor change was made to make the border more easily recognisable. All about JWOC 2013 embargoed areas: JWoc 2013 hradec králové 5 Finish Areas Long Odolov Meadow between village and forest 50°31’34.236”N, 16°5’26.065”E Middle Q,f Radvanice Part of former mining area 50°34’32.759”N, 16°3’17.942”E Sprint Hradec Králové Centre of the city 50°12’42.020”N, 15°50’7.471”E Relay Hoděšovice Meadow between village and forest 50°9’18.735”N, 15°54’16.832”E Courses Race Class Long distance Women 55 6.9 480 15 2 Men 70 9.9 610 21 3 Middle distance Qualification Women 20 2.6 80 12 Men 20 3,3 90 15 Middle distance Final Women 25 2.9 90 14 Men 25 3.6 120 17 Women 13 3.0 50 19 Men 13 3.5 50 21 1 leg 30 4.4 60 19 2 leg 30 4.4 60 19 3 leg 30 4.4 60 19 1 leg 30 5.7 80 23 2 leg 30 5.7 80 23 3 leg 30 5.7 80 23 Sprint Relay Women st nd rd Relay Men st nd rd 6 Winning Time (min) Length (km) Climbing (m) Number of controls Number of refreshment points Terrain Description SPRINT LONG DISTANCE Terrain form Mostly flat, except for a 15m high steep slope around the old town hill. 230–245 m above sea level (a.s.l.). Terrain form Moderately hilly to hilly, consisting of several ridges and valleys. 450–650 m a.s.l. Vegetation Partly park area – grass, flower beds, hedges, scattered trees. Partly urban area with no vegetation. Vegetation Coniferous forest. Quite large sections of young forest and felled areas. Meadows. Runnability Excellent Runnability Visibility: Excellent Paths and roads Urban and park areas with lots of fast routes. Very good to good. Limited on steep slopes and in young forest and dense areas. Visibility Special features Shoes with spikes are not allowed. Very good to good. Limited in young forest and dense areas. Paths and roads Developed network of forest roads and paths enables fast running. Special features 2nd World War fortification objects MIDDLE DISTANCE Q+F Terrain form Stony slopes, 550–710 m a.s.l., crowned by cliffs up to 10 m high. Plenty of boulders up to 5 m high. Uneven ground. RELAY Terrain form Overall a flat area with some gentle slopes. 260–290 m a.s.l. Vegetation An old coniferous forest. Some areas of diffuse thickets and clearings. Vegetation Runnability Generally good. In places significantly limited by stony ground, young forest and fallen branches. Mixed forest of variable age. Rich in vegetation detail. Some under-vegetation (grass). Runnability Varies from excellent to poor (due to under-vegetation and thickets). Visibility Generally good, but often significantly reduced in areas of young forest. Paths and roads Developed network of forest roads and paths, partly rectangular. Big forest roads enable extremely fast running. Visibility Varies from very good to limited. Paths and roads Forest with average network of paths and tracks which generally enable fast running. Competition Maps Race Scale Contour interval Long distance 1:15,000 5m Middle distance qualification 1:10,000 5m Middle distance final 1:10,000 5m Sprint 1:4,000 2m Relay 1:10,000 5m JWOC mapping team The JWOC course planners together with the JWOC mapping team have decided not to include rootstocks on JWOC maps. Despite these green crosses being common on Czech orienteering maps, the organisers have decided to take them out. Reason: it is almost impossible to have full control over all the rootstocks in JWOC areas. From the fairness point of view, it is better to ignore this special feature. In consequence, there is no need to focus any more on this particular object during your JWOC preparations. (There is still one control placed on a rootstock in training area no.1; it remains in place!) Jan Langr, Zdeněk Sokolář, Jan Drbal, Aleš Hejna, Petr Mareček High-resolution previously existing maps of the competition areas are available on the JWOC2013 website JWoc 2013 hradec králové 7 Opportunities For Training JWOC Training Officer JWOC training areas Radek Novotný +420 732 445 679 Area Name Scale Survey Discipline Cartography Permanent controls Organised training & competition opportunities 8th May 2013 Czech Sprint Championships, located at Chrudim, organised by Lokomotiva Pardubice (relevant for Sprint) 22–30 June 2013 Official Training Camp prior to JWOC Teams may use JWOC training areas - up to 9 forest maps, and 3 city maps for Sprint (including the new map from the Czech champs in Chrudim). Between June 22nd and June 30th, all courses in forest areas will be marked using tags. Instruction sheets containing driving directions, GPS position, parking instructions and course descriptions are provided together with maps for each session. Suggested courses have been set by the JWOC course planners (the same courses as used since August 2012). ! Teams are kindly asked not to leave any of their own markings in the woods, as well as respecting parking instructions. Common transport to training areas, and SportIdent timing, will not be provided. ! Training maps for the period June 22nd–30th should be ordered using the order form in the JWOC website Training section by June 10th at the latest. After the deadline the organisers cannot guarantee that the maps will be provided, for capacity reasons! Map packages can be collected at the reception desk at Hotel Černigov. After the Event Office is open, training maps may be also purchased there. Requests and questions concerning training activities should be directed to Radek Novotný (, +420 732445679). Please visit the JWOC website Training section for latest details. Report your training intentions It is obligatory to discuss all your training plans at least 3 weeks in advance with the JWOC Training Officer, who will then inform the forestry authorities. Please do respect that! Please remember, that according to the Czech forest law, every group of more than 3 persons needs to get permission for any kind of organised sport activity in the forests. 8 1 Dobrošov 1:15,000 2012 Long distance JWOC yes 2a Chvalečský les 1:15,000 2012 Long distance JWOC + other yes 2b Chvalečský les 1:10,000 2012 Middle distance JWOC yes 3 Závora hranice 1:10,000 2012 Middle distance JWOC yes 4 Lesní hřbitov 1:10,000 2012 Relay JWOC yes 5 Biřička 1:10,000 2012 Relay other yes 6 Kutná Hora 1:4,000 2012 Sprint JWOC no 7 Jaroměř 1:4,000 2011 Sprint other no –– all training courses are designed by the JWOC 2013 course planners Michal Jedlička & Radek Novotný –– the control points are, except for the Sprint areas, permanently marked in the terrain –– shoes with spikes are not allowed in the Sprint areas Training camps The only official training camp will take place one week prior to JWOC. However, for teams that are interested we are ready to offer further services, such as: –– training camp layout suggestions –– SportIdent sessions (flags, SI units, results) –– accommodation & catering arrangements –– sightseeing suggestions etc. Feel free to discuss your training ideas and needs, to get your customised training camp offer. Training fees, order & payment –– laser-printed map (1:15,000 offset printed), with or without courses 75 CZK –– single map file - OCAD (together with a related course file) 2,000 CZK –– JWOC training set package (areas 1-7 with courses, OCAD) 10,000 CZK For ordering training maps or OCAD files, or for a customised training camp request, please use the forms available on the JWOC2013 website in the Training section. There you will also find the payment instructions. More information on Event Centre Hotel Černigov, Hradec Králové 50°12’51.927”N, 15°48’48.593”E Hradec Králové is situated 100 km east of the capital city of the Czech Republic, Prague (Praha). The city can be reached in 100 minutes by car from Václav Havel Airport in Prague. Hotel Černigov is ideally located for reaching all the event sites and training areas, and is just 1.5 km from Hradec Králové city centre. Hotel Černigov is the recommended accommodation option. Accommodation and Board 30. 6.–7. 7. (7 nights) board extra night A1 comfortable single 12,350 CZK full board 1,750 CZK A2 comfortable double 9,250 CZK full board 1,350 CZK B1 standard single 7,700 CZK full board 1,100 CZK B2 standard double 5,800 CZK full board 800 CZK B3 standard triple 5,100 CZK full board 700 CZK C budget 2,100 CZK self-catering 300 CZK Description type facility rooms own WC/ shower air distance conditioning from EC own parking JWOC bus stop wifi A1 hotel Okresní dům**** single yes yes 1.5 km yes yes yes A2 hotel Okresní dům**** double yes yes 1.5 km yes yes yes B1 hotel Černigov*** single yes no 0.0 km yes yes yes B2 hotel Černigov*** double yes no 0.0 km yes yes yes B3 hotel Černigov*** triple yes no 0.0 km yes yes yes C Hostel Amas HK 2-5 beds no no within 2 km yes not sure yes JWoc 2013 hradec králové 9 Transport distance Qualification + Final and the Relay. (The Sprint checkin will be either within walking distance, or can be reached by the city public transport.) Hradec Králové is easy to reach by road and rail, being located 100 km east of Prague, with which it is connected by direct highway and railway. The nearest international airport is located in Prague. Transport to all forest competitions and model events will be by JWOC shuttle buses - this service is included in the entry fee. Transport from/to the Václav Havel Airport in Prague will be provided on demand (the journey takes 1:45-2 hours). ! Please note It will be compulsory to use the JWOC shuttle buses from Hradec Králové to the check-in for Long distance, Middle Entries The final entries with the names of competitors and officials must be sent to the organisers (see contact information) by no later than June 16th 2013. The entry form for final entries is online at Preliminary entries as of April 30th Country Women Men Relay W Relay M Team officials Total Australia 6 6 2 2 2 14 Austria 6 6 2 2 3 15 Belarus 1 0 0 0 1 2 Belgium 4 6 1 2 2 12 Canada 4 4 1 1 2 10 China 4 5 1 1 2 11 Croatia 1 1 0 0 1 3 Czech Republic 6 6 2 2 4 16 Denmark 6 6 2 2 4 16 Estonia 4 1 1 0 Finland 6 6 2 2 3 15 Germany 3 3 1 1 2 8 Great Britain 6 6 2 2 4 16 Hong Kong 6 6 2 2 2 14 Hungary 4 6 1 2 2 12 Ireland 2 4 1 1 2 8 4 6 1 2 2 12 Latvia 3 5 1 1 2 10 Macedonia 1 1 0 0 2 4 Bulgaria France Israel Italy Japan 10 Moldova 1 2 0 0 1 4 New Zealand 6 6 2 2 2 14 Norway 6 6 2 2 3 15 Poland 6 6 2 2 2 14 4 4 1 1 2 10 1 3 0 1 1 5 Sweden 6 6 2 2 4 16 Switzerland 6 6 2 2 4 16 Ukraine 4 6 1 2 2 12 United States 6 6 2 2 3 15 Portugal Russia Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Accreditation Weather All registered participants are kindly requested to check in for accreditation at the JWOC Event Office upon their arrival. Each registered team member must present her/his personal passport before she/he can be accredited. A personal JWOC ID card with photo will be handed out at accreditation. All accredited persons must wear it at all relevant times - it must be presented for access to permitted zones. You can expect temperatures between 20°C and 30°C during JWOC. There is also the possibility of thunderstorms during the afternoons. The online entry form asks that all persons to be accredited provide a personal portrait photo for use on the ID card. The organisers will co-ordinate health-care services for participants. Health-care services will be provided at the assembly areas of the competitions and in Hradec Králové. Each Federation is responsible for insurance for all their team members. Payments Entries will not be deemed valid until we receive full payment. Payment details: Please note that the payer is responsible for all bank fee and charges. Name of Account: Kralovéhradecké sdružení orientačních sportů Owner adress: Buzulucká 431, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic Bank: Československá obchodní banka Bank adress: Břetislavova 1622, Hradec Králové Health Services Media We welcome all media representatives to JWOC 2013. Media representatives can receive information using the e-mail address: A Press Centre will be open at the Event Centre throughout the whole event. A photocopier, internet access and phone connections will be available here and also in the arenas during the competitions. We are able to arrange accommodation for journalists in Hradec Králové according to their wishes. Please send your entry and your accommodation requirements to the address IBAN: CZ61 0300 0000 0002 4549 8521 BIC/SWIFT: CEKOCZPP Detail of payment: [country] + JWOC entry fee or [country] + JWOC accommodation JWoc 2013 hradec králové 11 Visas JWOC Tour According to the current regulations, citizens of the following countries must obtain a visa in order to enter the Czech Republic: Belarus, China, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Mozambique, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Somalia, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine. Visas have to be applied for at your nearest Czech Embassy. The 6-day event „JWOC Tour” will be organised in conjunction with JWOC 2013. The same competition areas and maps will be used as for JWOC. Not only the challenging and varied terrain, but also the atmosphere of top events with future world stars, should make it worthwhile to come and take part. The programme and locations of stages will be arranged and scheduled so that JWOC Tour competitors will be able to spectate at all the JWOC events. Please note that conditions of entry to the country can change, and all JWOC participants are advised to keep abreast of the current situation by consulting their local Czech Embassy - see the website: states_whose_citizens_are/index.html. Anyone else accompanying who does not wish to take part in the Tour will have a wide choice between many natural, cultural and leisure attractions in the surrounding region, making for an enjoyable stay the whole time, not just during the periods of cheerful atmosphere in the arenas. All in all everyone is cordially invited! You can find more information on the JWOC website or directly on Information Bulletin 4 Kralovéhradecké sdružení orientačních sportů Bulletin 4 will be published during the last week of June 2013. („Bulletin 4 (additional event information) shall be given on arrival of the competitors“) Milan Novotný tel.: +420 498 511 111 fax: +420 495 513 371 Buzulucká 431, 500 03 Hradec Králové 3 J W o c 2 o 1 3 12 J W o c 2 o 1 3
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