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Inn U Křivého psa
we bring our customers relaxation for the past
Three hundred years.
Reservations at tel: 558 64 64 64
Baroque restaurant U Křivého psa
A former coaching inn on Silesian street
from the second half of the 18th century and
at that time it was called The Black Eagle.
The original coaching inn was built by the
Frýdecká lord and rented to interested parties. The whole area occupied a considerably large area. A large court complemented a
spacious servants’ hall, which in the fifties
gave way to larger road. The large barn was
later converted into apartments. Around the
spacious courtyard stood a barn and at the
Old Town sidewalk were many sheds, which
are gone today. The Pub increased in value
when the main trade route mail from Frydek
to Těšín was completed in 1788.
The original range of services at the hostelry
was very modest. Accommodation in several
dormitories for the rich, others slept in the
servants’ hall. The food beer, wine and liquor,
bread, cheese, smoked meat and sausages –
cooked meals were only for locals.
It can be a hyperbole to say that around the
pub, The Black Eagle walked history. In 1748,
passed through Frydek – Mistek, the Russian
army in a strength of about forty thousand
men to aid the Emperor. About thirty years
later, in 1779 they again returned, this way
of Fryštát because of the „Těšín peace“ of the
Emperor Joseph II. It is also quite possible
that they stopped for a while for refreshments.
From there, they traveled in a carriage through Mistek in Moravia.
Another important figure was the Russian Generalissimo Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov and
his troops, an Italian prince, Rhine Earl, Earl
of the German Reich. He arrived on the 8th of
February 1800 in Frýdek on
the way from the ItalianSwiss campaign.
Severely ill and slowly
dying the leader stayed in the Silesian
inn, and stayed there the next day. To
Těšín he continued
to the 10th of February. He died a short
time later, in May 15,
1800. Marshal Mikhail
Kutuzov Illiarionovič, Prince of Smolensk, arrived in Frydek at the head
of the Russian Army the 28th September 1805
during his trip to Austria. He stayed at the
Inn At The Black Eagle and stayed there on
the 29th September, when he received reports
from commanders of individual columns. He
traveled on the 30th of September to New Jičín
and thence to Brno.
Through the inn passed on the 24th of September 1814 the Russian Tsar Alexander I, who
traveled to the Congress of Vienna. When he
returned to Russia on the 24th December of
that year, he was welcomed by a large crowd
at this place.
Mgr. Jaromír Polášek, Museum Beskyd
Extract of text from the publication
“Ageless pubs”
(Petr Broulík 2008)
Alexandr Suvorov – Army gusto Generalissimo
Fieldmarshal Suvorov had the reputation of a commander, who
suffered no defeat in his military career (which is over 60
battles). He was decorated
with all the numerous
Russian and foreign military orders. „You have to
prove that thy soldiers
should never lack food,“
Suvorov taught officers
and generals. „Take care of
your health!“ – Called the
leader. – „Cleanse the stomach when dirty. Hunger
is the best medicine.“ Many
Suvorovovs orders were particularly devoted to the organization of military boarding.
The military way of life is manifested itself in the tastes of Suvorov, even
when he became fieldmarshal and Generalissimo. His favorite drink was simple buttermilk,
the best lunch cabbage soup and mash. Suvorov
never had dinner and never had breakfast. He got
up very early in the morning, practically in the
night, threw himself into a bucket of cold water
and then had tea. He liked it black and of the
highest quality.
Allexandr Suvorov was a very religious
man and strictly kept all fasts. On the
Holy Week he was satisfied with just
tea, even without the bread.
After morning tea, he called the
cook and ordered a lunch from
4–5 dishes that were served in
small cups. Aside from his fasts
it was beef cooked with spices,
soup from fresh sour cabbage,
sometimes a Kalmyk thick soup,
pelmeni, a variety of porridge
and sometimes
veal and venison. In the
spring he would like to have
boiled pike. On a feast day
on the table was stuffed
mushrooms and mushroom pies, stuffed pike with
horseradish. Before lunch,
he would always have one
shot glass of sweet caraway
vodka, but nothing more.
At dinner he drank a little wine or Malaga, on feast
days he would have a glass
of champagne. He did not like
fruit and candy. Sometimes instead of dinner he was served thin
slices of lemon sprinkled with sugar
and three teaspoons of preserves, with
which he drank sweet wine. Suvorov had lunch
after eight in the morning. After lunch, he slept
about three hours before he had a glass of English
beer with grated lemon rind and sugar. Then he
worked again and at ten in the evening he lay
down to sleep.
Suvorov did not eat from a silver, but a tin spoon
and assured everyone that silver contains poison. He hated big eaters. One stranger surprised him at dinner by his appetite. The
next day he said about it, „We thank
this guest, as the first to properly appreciated my cook: He ate as if he
had no stomach.“
Prince Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Smolensky
Early career
Mikhail started to receive home
education since the age of seven
and in June 1759 he entered
the Royal Artillery and Engineering Academy, where
the artillery was taught by
his father. Having taken an
oath already in December
of that year he received the
1st Class Conductor military rank (non‑commissioned officer/steward) together with a soldier’s pay.
The talented young man
started to teach commissioned officers soon.
In February 1761 Mikhail
graduated from the academy, staying there as a mathematics teacher with the rank of
Engineering Warrant Officer. In
1762 he was appointed the Chief of
the Astrakhan Infantry Regiment Company, commanded at that time by Colonel
Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov.
Being under the command of Lieutenant-General
I. I. Veymarn, the commander of the Russian
troops, Kutuzov commanded small battalions intervening against the Polish resistance since
1764. In 1770 he was sent to the 1st Army of General Field-Marshal Rumyantsev, dislocated in
the south, and took part in the Russo-Turkish
war in 1768–1774.
Russo-Turkish Wars
experience, which Kutuzov gained during the period of Russo-Turkish wars in the second half of
the 18th century, had tremendous significance in
his becoming a great commander. In December
1790 he distinguished himself by attacking
and capturing Ismail. General Suvorov described Kutuzov’s deeds in his report: “He is a shining example of bravery and hardihood, having
managed to overcome all obstacles under a heavy
enemy fire. He overcame the cross gate, overtook
the Turkish counter-action, climbed the walls of
the fortress quickly, conquered the bastion and
many batteries...
Although General Kutuzov was attacking from
my left wing, he was my right hand man.“
After conquering Ismail, Kutuzov was
promoted to the rank of LieutenantGeneral and was decorated with
the Order of St. George 3rd Class;
this military operation was named The Patriotic War of 1812.
Before the Russian troops left
Smolensk, Tsar Alexander I
was forced to appoint the General of Infantry Kutuzov,
whom he disliked after the
battle of Austerlitz, the Commanderin-Chief of the Russian Army and the militia. On
10 August the Tsar awarded
him the title of Prince. The
fact that Kutuzov was appointed the Chief of the Russian
Army brought a wave of patriotic enthusiasm both in the army
as well as among ordinary people.
According to one of the testimonies,
he said about the methods he was about
to undertake against the French: “We will
not defeat Napoleon. We will outwit him.” Kutuzov decided to follow Napoleon even behind the
borders. In East Prussia there were three groups
of troops. The strongest comprised 33,000 men.
On 30 December 1812 General York went over to
the Russian side.
Soon afterwards McDonald’s regiment was defeated at Libava by General Shepelev. After the battle
of Libava, McDonald withdrew to Königsberg. He
was being followed persistently and eventually
the Russians conquered the city. During the first
January days the Russians occupied Elbing, Marienburg and Marienwerder. This time the main
army crossed the Neman and on 24 January reached the Vistula and occupied Plock. Warsaw fell
on 7 February and in mid-February the Russians
reached the Oder. In spring they captured Berlin.
Hamburg fell on 19 March and in mid-April the
main forces were concentrated beyond the Elbe.
Kutuzov left Hainau on 17 April, but had to stop
in Boleslawiec the next day on health grounds
(he caught cold because he was riding a horse in
chilly weather). He was gravely ill but despite
his illness he continued to command the troops.
He died in Boleslawiec on 28 April at 9.35 p.m.
Preparation usually takes to 45 minutes,
depending on the dish and a number of guests in the restaurant.
Weight of ingredients and meat is the raw state.
Half portions are accounted for 70% of the price.
Vegetarian meals are marked with the symbol _
1 pc Pickled Traditional Brie Cheese with Chilli Peppers and Bread _
2. 150 g Cheese Plate (Eidam, Traditional Brie, Blue Cheese, Bread) _
60 CZK
90 CZK
3. 150 g Meat Plate (Pork Neck, Smoked Roll of Pork Shoulder, Sausage, Onions, Horseradish and Bread) 88 CZK
4. 2 pc Grilled‚ Trefil’s Sausages, Mustard, Horseradish, Bread 77 CZK
5. 100 g Fried Bread with Meat, Ratatouille, sprinkled with Cheese 80 CZK
6. 100 g Salmon tartare, toast 99 CZK
7. 0,4 l Beef Broth with Meat and Noodles
38 CZK
8. 0,4 l Garlic Consommé with Eggs, Smoked Meat and Bread Croutons 38 CZK
9. 0,4 l Cabbage Soup with Smoked Meat and Mushrooms 38 CZK
0,4 l Tripe soup 40 CZK
Czech tradinional dishes
1. 150 g Roast Beef Sirloin with Creamy Sauce and Cranberries,
served with Carlsbad Dumplings
140 CZK
12. 150 g Beef Rump with Creamy Dill Sauce and Boiled Potatoes
or with Bread Dumplings 130 CZK
13. 150 g Beef Goulash Served with Bread Dumplings and Onions
109 CZK
14. 150 g Roast Pork Neck with Sauerkraut and Potato Dumplings 125 CZK
15. 150 g Roast Pork Neck with Spinach and PotatoDumplings 125 CZK
16. 350 g Homemade Gnocchi with Sheep Cheese and Bacon 109 CZK
17. 350 g Homemade Gnocchi with Sauerkraut and Bacon 99 CZK
18. 350 g Buckwheat with Sheep Cheese and Bacon 99 CZK
Meals served in a pot with bread
19. 0,5 l Meat Borscht with Sour Cream
88 CZK
20. 150 g Hearty Beef Goulash 109 CZK
21. 150 g Chilli con carne
(Spicy Pork Noodles with Beans and Peppers) 129 CZK
22. 400 g Innkeeper’s Goulash with Green Beans, garnished
with Smoked Sausage and Red Onions
149 CZK
From the Pan – food served in the pan
23. 400 g Smoked Pork Pasta Bake ‚‚Black Dog’s“
99 CZK
4. 450 g ‚‚Kutuzov’s Pan“ (Pork Tenderlion Noodles, Bacon, Eggs, 2
Onions, Cheese and Sautéed Potatoes)
149 CZK
5. 450 g ‚‚Farmer’s Pan“ (Smoked Pork, Mushrooms, Peppers, Onions, 2
Homemade Gnocchi, Cheese)
139 CZK
6. 450 g ‚‚Gourmet pan“ (Chicken Noodles, Smoked Pork, Mushrooms, 2
Potatoes, Cream, Cheese)
149 CZK
7. 450 g Canelloni with Ricotta and Spinach (Pasta filled with Spinach 2
and Ricotta baked in a Bechamel Sauce, Tomatoes and Parmesan Cheese) _
129 CZK
8. 450 g Walachian ‚‚Kontrabáš“ with Sauerkraut
(Smoked Pork, Buckwheat, Potatoes, Cheese) 99 CZK
Restaurant’s Specials
9.1500 g Roast Pork Knee with Mustard, Horseradish, Gherkins and Bread
(Up to 45 min preparation time) 266 CZK
3 0. 500 g 31. 250 g Roast Pork Ribs served on a Board with Mustard,
Horseradish and Gherkins
‚‚Suvorov’s Sword“ – three kinds of Meat on Sword
(Chicken Breast, Beef Sirloin and Pork Tenderlion layered with Pepper and Bacon) 159 CZK
239 CZK
Potato Pancakes
32. 300g Traditional Brie Cheese wrapped in Potato Dough _
119 CZK
33. 500g Hungry Pilgrim’s Potato Cake stuffed with Smoked Meat and Sauerkraut (Smoked Meat and Sauerkraut in Potato Dough)
138 CZK
34. 400g Potato Cake stuffed with Chicken and Pork,
served with Home-Made Ratatouille
142 CZK
35. 450g Traditional Brie Cheese, Chicken Breast and Pork Neck
wrapped in Potato Dough
153 CZK
Poultry Dishes
36. 200 g Chicken Medallions with Butter Sauce served with Parsley 129 CZK
37. 200 g Chicken Breast with grilled Zucchini and Lemon Sauce 139 CZK
38. 200 g Chicken Stuffed with Broccoli and Traditional Blue Cheese 139 CZK
39. 200 g Chicken Pieces with Mushroom and Creamy Sauce 129 CZK
40. 300 g Italian-Style Risotto with Chicken, Asparagus and Parmesan Cheese 143 CZK
41. 150 g Duck Liver with Shallots and Red Wine Sauce
109 CZK
Pork Dishes
2. 200 g Pork Tenderloin stuffed with Bacon and Mushrooms 4
with Herb Sauce 162 CZK
43. 200 g Medallions of Pork Tenderloin with Sautéed Vegetables
and Wholegrain Mustard Sauce 159 CZK
44. 200 g Slices of Pork tenderloin with Mushrooms in Cream Sauce with Dill
159 CZK
Beef Dishes
45. 200 g Medallions of Beef Sirloin with Shallots and Red Wine Sauce 249 CZK
46. 200 g Beef Sirloin Skewer with Bacon and Mushrooms 259 CZK
47. 150 g Beef Sirloin Stroganoff 219 CZK
48. 150 g Steak Tartare of Beef Sirloin served with three Garlic Fried Bread 219 CZK
Extra Garlic FriedBread 8 CZK
For your isnpiration...
Our Chefs’ Pickled Traditional Brie Cheese
with Chilli Peppers (1)
Pork Tenderloin Stuffed with Bacon
and Mushrooms (42)
Buckwheat Risotto with Fresh Vegetables
Ham Pasta Bake „Křivý pes“
Served in a Skillet (23)
Meat Borscht with Sour Cream
For your inspiration...
Chicken Breast With Grilled Zucchini
Beef Sirloin Skewer with Bacon
and Mushrooms (46)
English-Style Upside-Down Apple Pie
Mix of Fresh Vegetables with Chicken
Roast Meat Pork Ribs
Served on a Board (30)
For your inspiration...
Suvorov’s Sword
Hanger Steak – Steak of Beef Belly
Canelloni with Ricotta and Spinach
Salmon grilled with Herb Butter
and Green Bean Pods (60+96)
Roast Pork Knee (29)
The historic hall can accomodate up to 90 guests.
It is suitable for family and corporate events. We have a variable arrangement
of tables and chairs - great for wedding receptions, balls and social events,
conferences and seminars. There is audio-visual technology, access to wifi internet
and a flipchart.
49. 200 g Fried Chicken Schnitzel
98 CZK
50. 200 g Fried Schnitzel of Pork Tenderloin 128 CZK
51. 200 g Fried Schnitzel of Pork Neck 92 CZK
52. 150 g Jewish Schnitzel of Beef Sirloin
209 CZK
For our little ones
53. 100 g „Lord of the Woods Talisman“ (Chicken Breast, Sirloin Steak Sauce, Gnocchi)
80 CZK
54. 100 g „Sleeping Beauty“ (Chicken Breast with Peaches and Cheese, French Fries) 80 CZK
55. 250 g Steak of Chicken Breast
128 CZK
56. 250 g Steak of Pork Tenderloin 149 CZK
57. 250 g Steak of Pork Neck 124 CZK
58. 250 g Steak of Beef Sirloin 325 CZK
We recommend
59. 250g Hanger Steak – Steak of Beef Belly 248 CZK
A large piece of Flat Juicy Meat with a unique aroma and flavour.
This cut of Beef is known as butcher’s Tenderloin because the butchers used to keep it for themselves, rather than offer it for sale.
Sauces for steaks
Creamy Peppercorn Sauce
40 CZK
Mushroom Sauce
40 CZK
Wholegrain Mustard Sauce
40 CZK
60. 200 g Salmon grilled with Herb Butter
177 CZK
61. 200 g Salmon in Dill Sauce
187 CZK
62. 250 g Trout grilled with Herb Butter
144 CZK
63. 200 g Zander grilled with Herb Butter
226 CZK
64. 200 g Zander – Russian-style (baked with Almonds, Cream and Cheese)
246 CZK
Recommended side dishes to fish
150 g Green Bean Pods 35 CZK
150 g Spinach with Cream 35 CZK
Salads with Meat
65. 440 g Mix of Fresh Vegetables with Chicken, Yoghurt Dressing and Fried Onions
124 CZK
66. 440 g Mix of Fresh Vegetables with Pork, Yoghurt Dressing
and Fried Onions
133 CZK
67. 440 g Mix of Fresh Vegetables with Beef, Yoghurt Dressing and Fried Onions 145 CZK
68. 440 g Mix of Fresh Vegetables with Chicken, Traditional Brie Cheese,
Horseradish Dressing and Fried Onions
137 CZK
Side Salads
69. 250 g Shopska Salad 59 CZK
70. 150 g Cucumber Salad
35 CZK
71. 150 g Cucumber with Sour Cream
38 CZK
72. 150 g Tomato Salad with Onions 35 CZK
73. 150 g Mixed Fresh Vegetables 40 CZK
74. 150 g Compote (current offer) 30 CZK
Vegetarian Dishes _
75. 150 g Fried Cheese with Home-Made Tartare Sauce _ 99 CZK
76. 100 g Fried Tradional Brie Cheese with Cranberries _ 99 CZK
77. 150 g Fried Mushrooms _ 79 CZK
78. 300 g Risotto of Italian Rice with Vegetables and White Wine,
sprinkled with Parmesan Cheese _ 79. 350 g Buckwheat Risotto with Vegetables _ 122 CZK
79 CZK
Vegetarian meals are marked with the symbol _
Preparation usually takes to 45 minutes,
depending on the meal and a number of guests in the restaurant.
Weight of ingredients and meat is the raw state.
Half portions are accounted for 70% of the price.
80. 1 pc English-Style Upside-Down Apple Pie with Ice Cream and Whipped Cream
59 CZK
81. 1 pc Homemade Sponge Tiramisu
49 CZK
82. 1 pc Homemade Cake Malakov
49 CZK
83. 2 pc Pancakes with Marmalade, Whipped Cream and Sauce 60 CZK
84. 2 pc Pancakes with Quark, Raisins, Whipped Cream and Sauce 60 CZK
85. 2 pc Pancakes with Ice Cream and Whipped Cream 60 CZK
Other desserts from our kitchen – current offer
Side Dishes
86. 200 g Boiled Potatoes topped with Butter 35 CZK
87. 200 g Crushed Potatoes with Bacon and Onions
35 CZK
88. 200 g Sautéed Potatoes with Bacon and Onions 35 CZK
89. 200 g Potato Wedges 40 CZK
90. 200 g Steak Chips 40 CZK
91. 200 g Potato Croquettes
40 CZK
92. 200 g Rice 30 CZK
93. 200 g Home-made Gnocchi 30 CZK
94. 200 g Grilled Vegetables 45 CZK
95. 200 g Leaf Spinach with Cream 35 CZK
96. 200 g Green Bean Pods 35 CZK
97. 1 pc Bread, Toast
98. 8 CZK
Basket – selection of Bread
99. 150 g Compote (current offer) 20 CZK
30 CZK
Sauces and Condiments
100. 50 g Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Mustard
15 CZK
101. 100 g Gherkins, Spicy Peppers, Pickled Mini Onions 25 CZK
102. 50 g Home-Made Tartare Sauce, Spicy Sauce, Horseradish 20 CZK
0,05 l Campari 45 CZK
0,10 l Cinzano – Bianco, Rosso 45 CZK
0,10 l Martini – Bianco, Extra dry 45 CZK
0,10 l Metropol – Bianco 35 CZK
0,10 l Crodino (non-alcoholicaperitiv) 40 CZK
Sects and sparkling wines
0,75 l Bohemia Demi sec, Rosé 0,75 l Bohemia Prestige Demi sec 0,75 l Bohemia Demi sec alcohol free
0,75 l Children sect – alcohol free
240 CZK
360 CZK
240 CZK
100 CZK
Non-alcoholic drinks
0,50 l Carafe of water with ice and lemon 0,33 l Mineralwater KORUNNÍ – sparkling 0,30 l Toma NATURA – flat, gently sparkling, sparkling
0,10 l Soda 0,10 l DRINK ON TAP – current offer 0,25 l Pepsi cola, Pepsi cola light 0,25 l Mirinda, 7 UP, Tonic 0,25 l Toma juice
0,20 l Ice tea 0,25 l Icea tea – lemon, peach, green 0,25 l RED BULL 15 CZK
22 CZK
22 CZK
30 CZK
30 CZK
30 CZK
30 CZK
40 CZK
50 CZK
Wines from the Barrel
Viniculture KUBÍK Velké Bílovice
Dry White Wine from cask
0,20 l 32 CZK
Dry Red Wine from cask 0,20 l 32 CZK
Bottled Wine 0,75 l
White wines
Traminer – quality dry wine Sauvignon – quality dry wine Pinot Gris – quality dry wine Traminer – late harvest, semi dry wine Pálava – selection of grapes, semi sweet wine 185 CZK
185 CZK
185 CZK
330 CZK
330 CZK
Red wines
BlauerPortugiese – quality dry wine Zweigeltrebe – quality dry wine Cabernet sauvignon – late harvest, dry wine Pinot Noir – selection of grapes, dry wine
185 CZK
185 CZK
330 CZK
330 CZK
Spirits and Liqueurs from the Moravian
and Silesian and regions
Beskydská distillery producing
local fruit and herbal liquer
0,04 l Gooseberry liquer 20 % 0,04 l Blueberry liquer 20 % 0,04 l Raspberry liquer 20 % 0,04 l Herbal bitter liquer 35 % 0,04 l Lysa hora liquer 35 % 29 CZK
29 CZK
29 CZK
29 CZK
29 CZK
Žufánek – Moravian family
distillery producing the highest
quality spirits
0,04 l Plum brandy 50 % 60 CZK
0,04 l Pear brandy 50 % 60 CZK
0,04 l Wine brandy 40 % 70 CZK
0,04 l Walnut brandy 35 % 50 CZK
0,04 l Honey brandy 33 % 50 CZK
Spirits and liquer
0,04 l Local rum
0,04 l Griotte
0,04 l Pepermint
0,04 l Fernet Stock
0,04 l Fernet Stock citrus 0,04 l Jägermeister
0,04 l Magister
0,04 l Becherovka
0,04 l Stará Myslivecká 0,04 l Borovička spišská 0,04 l Captain Morgan
0,04 l Havana Club white
30 CZK
30 CZK
30 CZK
30 CZK
30 CZK
50 CZK
30 CZK
40 CZK
30 CZK
35 CZK
45 CZK
45 CZK
0,04 l Gin Befeater 0,04 l Chivas regal 12 YO 0,04 l Tullamore Dew
0,04 l Jack Daniels
0,04 l Jameson
0,04 l Johny Walker Black 0,04 l Baileys
0,04 l Metaxa 5*
0,04 l Metaxa 7*
0,04 l Hennessy fine cocnag
0,04 l Tequila sierra Silver 0,04 l Tequila sierra Gold
50 CZK
89 CZK
50 CZK
75 CZK
60 CZK
99 CZK
50 CZK
50 CZK
60 CZK
99 CZK
55 CZK
65 CZK
0,04 l Amundsen 37,5 % 0,04 l Amundsen – flavored 0,04 l Finlandia 40 % 0,04 l Absolut 40 % 35 CZK
33 CZK
45 CZK
45 CZK
Draft beer
0,3 l Pilsner Urquell 22 CZK
0,5 l Pilsner Urquell 35 CZK
0,3 l Radegast 12° 18 CZK
0,5 l Radegast 12° 28 CZK
0,3 l Radegast 10° 17 CZK
0,5 l Radegast 10° 27 CZK
0,3 l Dark beer 10° 17 CZK
0,5 l Dark beer 10° 27 CZK
0,3 l Birell (non-alcoholic) 18 CZK
0,5 l Birell (non-alcoholic) 28 CZK
Bottled beer
0,5 l Birell light
0,5 l Birell half dark
0,3 l Frisco – Cider
0,5 l Gambrinus fruit beer
28 CZK
28 CZK
35 CZK
28 CZK
Warm drinks
Espresso Manuel
Turish coffee
Irish coffee
Algerian coffee
Viennese coffee
Ice coffee
33 CZK
40 CZK
49 CZK
30 CZK
67 CZK
46 CZK
43 CZK
33 CZK
48 CZK
Hot chocolate black
Hot chocolatewhite
Grog Mulled wine
Hot Frenchman
Tea Manuel
Hot TOMA juice
Sweets and assorted items
Havlík Wafers
Lays Chips
Roasted almonds (50g)
Orbit chewing gum Olives 20 CZK
30 CZK
30 CZK
40 CZK
45 CZK
20 CZK
30 CZK
36 CZK
40 CZK
40 CZK
35 CZK
38 CZK
33 CZK
30 CZK
35 CZK
Accommodation in air-conditioned attic rooms with period furniture replicas
H i st o r y
he INN U Křivého psa has been making life
more pleasant by its guests for three hundred years. The baroque storey house was
known as a coaching inn named Tolls or The Black
Eagle. In the middle of the last century was called
at the Happy. Not always, however, the past was it
ruled by the spirit of comfort as it is today. As the
memory of those times hangings in the lobby restaurant on a marble plaque with portraits of
Suvorov and Kutuzov commanders who once lived here.
Hostinec U Křivého psa
Slezská 1079
738 01 Frýdek – Místek
Tel.: +420 558 64 64 64
IČ: 29394899
Responsible manager:
Martin Radil
fter a long decade, when the building fell
into disrepair, it was successfully reconstructed in the second half of the nineteennineties.
On the ground floor there is a restaurant with 90
seats. It is renowned for its traditional Czech cuisine. Its vaulted ceilings and a stylish interior will
surely appeal to you.
A floor above is a spacious room with original beamed ceilings from 1707. Its capacity is 100 seats.
It allows for the arranging of various private and
corporate events.
The pension in the attic area is equipped with replicas of period furniture, which combine well
with the necessary amenities. If you are searching
for a place for your friends and yourself a romantic atmosphere you are in the right place.
Eleven rooms offer a high standard of accommodation and services. Even the most demanding client will find their own. As well you are welcome
here and we will try to fulfill all your wishes.
Penzion U Křivého psa
Slezská 1079
738 01 Frýdek – Místek
Tel./fax: +420 558 63 63 61
Tel.: +420 731 10 07 31
IČ: 15406407
Responsible manager:
Dalibor Frňka