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SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES .................................................................................. 4
GRANT-MAKING PROGRAMS ............................................................................ 8
DONOR PROGRAMS ........................................................................................ 14
FINANCIAL REPORT .......................................................................................... 20
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Mission of The Community Foundation
Community Foundation of Elbe Euroregion is a civil society organization working
towards an open community and better life in the Elbe Euroregion.
Community Foundation of Elbe Euroregion strives to accomplish its mission by:
• supporting a variety of communities, developing cross-sector partnerships and assessing needs and issues of Ústí nad Labem
• helping to set up platforms where locals, businesses, NGOs, local government and state administration representatives can
meet to search for and to initiate shared visions and solutions to local issues;
• assisting in resolving today’s as well as future issues by raising funds and redistributing them through grant-making towards
culture, environment, education, social and health services and local development.
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2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004
04 2004 2004 2004 2004
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2004 2004 2004
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4 2004
2004 2004
2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 200
2004 2004 2004
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2004 2004
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DIALOG Program
We believe that quality of life in our community depends on quality of
relationships, on our ability to communicate, to identify and to share values,
to respect our differences and to accept our share of responsibility. Whenever
people are capable of coming together to address a specific issue, to invest their
energy, to be committed, much more comes out than the tangible outcome.
Partnership and trust based community is created, a space where people can
meet and be creative.
Ústí nad Labem Investment Center
As of June 2004, our foundation has become an official
member of the Ústí nad Labem Investment Center – an
association without a legal status - joining the Ústí nad
Labem Municipality, Elbe Euroregion Regional Development
Agency, Regional Chamber of Commerce in Ústí nad Labem
and the Ústí nad Labem Labor Office.
The principle objective of the Investment Center is to set
up attractive opportunities for investors in the Ústí region,
to increase investors’ awareness as to local investment
opportunities, to promote Ústí nad Labem region as an area
ready for investors’ influx as well as for active communication
with potential investors. Our foundation in the Investment
Center focuses primarily on providing current investors with
corporate social responsibility services.
Elbe Euroregion Regional Development Agency
In 1998, our foundation initiated and co-founded the Elbe
Euroregion Regional Development Agency, o.p.s.
This agency strives to support the overall development of
Ústí nad Labem region, in particular by providing information
regarding funding and projects designed for this region, by
administering and coordinating national and international
development programs concerning the region and by
implementing regional development projects. Our foundation
is currently represented in the supervisory board of the
Donors Forum Czech Republic
Donors Forum was set up in 1995 as a non-profit initiative
of donors operating in the Czech Republic. Currently,
Donors Forum unites Czech foundation, endowment
funds and corporate donors in three associations. The
mission of the Donors Forum is to support philanthropic
activities, to improve attitudes towards philanthropy in the
Czech Republic and to advocate interests of donors. Our
foundation is one of the 32 associated foundations under
the auspices of the Donors Forum Czech Republic.
TCFN–Transatlantic Community Foundation Network
During 2004 the second three-year phase of the TCFN
program took place. This program focuses on experience
sharing and capacity building of community foundations on
both Atlantic shores. This program is organized by German
Bertelsmann Stiftung in cooperation with The Charles
Stewart Mott Foundation of the US. Our foundation is one of
the 34 organizations participating in the program, engaging
primarily in the “Community Leadership – Other than Grantmaking Roles of a Community Foundation” working group.
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Civic Sector Assistance
We realize that supporting local civic sector through grant-making only cannot
suffice from the point of view of a community foundation. We are convinced that
civic sector long-term sustainability is linked to regular training opportunities,
to project design capacity as well as to the capacity to raise funds in order
to implement them and, last but not least, to sharing experiences, plans and
Information Support:
In the course of the year we designed and distributed an
up-to-date summary of funding opportunities and
information sources to local civil society organizations. This
material contained a list of funding sources designed to
support the NGO sector, including information regarding
programs, deadlines and application details as presented
by the individual funders. Information regarding grantmaking program deadlines was distributed upon request
also outside this target group.
We continued in setting up and updating a contact
information database concerning entities that are publicly
active within the Elbe Euroregion and that we have come in
contact with. Currently, this database contains over 1,450
entries and is used by NGOs particularly for purposes of
addressing specific target groups.
In cooperation with the Civil Society Development
Foundation, we designed an information workshop for
NGOs from Ústí nad Labem and Karlovy Vary regions
regarding their opportunities to participate in the 6th annual
“Help the Children” program.
Technical Assistance and Training:
Within the seventh and eighth call for proposal we assisted
starting NGOs through consulting to design their project
proposals to thereafter apply for a grant made by our
foundation. We provided individual advice and assistance
to dozens of NGOs in selecting suitable partners or funding
sources to implement their projects.
In cooperation with the Center for Community Work service
organization we designed the Small Community Grass-roots
Development Program. Co-funded by the US government,
this program provides training and assistance designed to
support NGO development in rural and peripheral areas
of the Elbe Euroregion with the aim of providing starting
organizations with the fundamental operational capacities.
Civic Sector Promotion:
For the first time this year, we organized an exhibit in Ústí
nad Labem displaying successful projects implemented in
2004 in our region with the aid of promoting NGO activities
and raising public awareness.
Community Needs and Assets Assessment:
In the course of the year, we organized a series of meetings
focused on identifying specific issues and needs of NGOs in
individual districts of the Elbe Euroregion. Local NGO sector
SWOT analyses for districts Děčín, Litoměřice and Teplice
come forth from these meetings, providing an important
feedback both for the foundation management as well as
for the local NGO development.
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Public Involvement
In order to make our region a better place to live and improve its environment it
is crucial to actively involve the public in community affairs. Developing lasting
relations to the place people live and work is particularly important with respect
to our history and geographic location. We have chosen to appeal primarily to
young people through the Youth Advisory Committee Project.
Youth Advisory Committee (YAC):
The Youth Advisory Committee is an open group of young
people 15 to 25 years of age whom our foundation provided with a space to take forward various community development activities.
The YAC has set forth the following goals:
• Allowing young people to implement their own projects
that respond to needs identified by the YAC;
• To enable young people to develop an active and responsible relationship to the place they live;
• To inform young people of the civic sector, in particular
with activities carried our by a foundation, offering them
an access to an interesting activity area that could become the focal point of their future professional or other
In the course of 2004, the YAC had seven members, Ústí
nad Labem University students mastering in social work and
social policy studies, who worked to achieve the YAC goals
engaging in activities described bellow.
Sample Activities:
In the course of 2004, the YAC organized two calls for proposal TEENTOWN whereby young people 15 to 25 years of
age were enabled to apply for support of their projects to
be implemented in the Ústí nad Labem district. (For further
information regarding the outcomes of the TEENTOWN
calls for proposal see page 13).
In this respect, it is important to stress that a vast majority of
funds redistributed was raised by YAC members from local
corporations and individuals.
In February, the YAC Coordinator participated in a week of
training in Belfast UK focused on working with young people involved with the YAC project. This event was organized
by the European Foundation Centre (EFC) in cooperation
with the Community foundation of North Ireland.
Toward the end of May 2004 the YAC asked high school students to write a dwarf story. All twelve literary pieces were
read at the Ústí nad Labem City Museum ceremony closing
the Year of the Dwarf.
During the same period of the year, a survey “Wherein Ústí
2004” took place, involving 65 elementary and high school
students. The objective of the survey was to identify locations that young people from Ústí nad Labem liked the best
and the least. Outcomes of the survey were used as basis
for implementing further activities.
In the course of the year, YAC members participated in organizing the Children’s Day in the Ústí nad Labem ZOO or
the beneficial concert in the CIRCUS Club.
Towards the end of the year, they updated their website
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2004 2004
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2004 2004 2004
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The Open
Grant-making Fund
Open Grant-making Fund is the basic fund of our community foundation and
it is open to all donors and funders. The objective of this fund is to accumulate
funding for purposes of supporting open calls for proposal and operating
programs of the community foundation.
The seventh call for proposal that focused on supporting public benefit projects of small and starting NGOs was opened for
grant applications of organizations working in the field of social services, environment, culture and arts, training and human
resources or in an unspecified thematic field. The fundamental eligibility condition was that the project be implemented in
the Elbe Euroregion, i.e. within the former Děčín, Litoměřice, Teplice and Ústí nad Labem districts.
Social Services:
Naděje, o.s. Litoměřice branch...................... CZK 13,000
Sewing workshop equipment
Opening a sewing workshop work therapy for residents of an
asylum house.
Training and Human Resources:
Šťovík Teplice, o.s. .......................................... CZK 20,000
Environmental education teachers’ clubs
Setting forth a teachers’ club with the aim of improving access
of teachers to training activities in the field of environmental
Naděje, o.s. Litoměřice branch...................... CZK 10,000
Leisure time club equipment
Purchasing equipment to open a club for children from socially
disadvantaged families.
Šťovík Teplice, o.s. ............................................ CZK 7,000
Public awareness building of o.s. Šťovík
Organizing a series of exhibits and presentations dealing with
the environment.
Deštník, o.s....................................................... CZK 5,500
Training assistance staff
Training staff providing care to clients with the Alzheimer’s in
Teplice area.
Sdružení přátel SOŠ v Ústí n/L. .................... CZK 20,000
Now I know how
Training for volunteers of the student volunteer center of the SOŠ
high school in Ústí nad Labem.
Deštník,o.s...................................................... CZK 20,000
Ergo therapy for clients with the Alzheimer’s
Purchasing a special ergo therapy table allowing clients to
maintain maximum self sufficiency in home environment.
Culture and Arts:
OBERIG .......................................................... CZK 20,000
Multi-cultural meeting point
Setting up a club for meeting of children and youth of different
nationalities in Ústí nad Labem.
Mateřská škola Dubí ...................................... CZK 20,000
Garden, a place where children’s dreams come true
Expanding the use of a school yard during the morning hours by
children from Dubí.
ZO ČSOP Tilia .............................................. CZK 14,000
Eko-club Ledumka
Developing circumstances for active nature protection in the new
club in Krásná Lípa.
Zubr, o.s. ........................................................ CZK 16,750
Závislý Zubr festival
Organizing a cultural festival of amateur theater and music group
in Zubrnice.
Les divokých sviní, o.s. .................................. CZK 20,000
Staging a Roma fairytale for the repertoire of the Dramatic Studio,
involving also Roma children from Ústí nad Labem.
Spolek pro trvale udržitelný
rozvoj Šluknovska .......................................... CZK 7,000
Children cooperation – meeting of children from Vilémova and
from Neukirch
Developing cooperation and meeting of children of similar age
groups from Czech-German border area.
Fifty nine (59) NGO projects applied within the seventh call for proposal for a total of CZK 1,138,550. Thirteen (13) projects
were selected and allocated a total of CZK 193,250. Grants were covered from the Foundation Investment Fund (NIF) 2003
proceeds and from local corporate and individual gifts.
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The eighth call for proposal was opened for grant applications of organizations working in the field of social services,
environment, culture and arts, training and human resources or in an unspecified thematic field. The fundamental eligibility
condition was that the project be implemented in the Elbe Euroregion, i.e. within the former Děčín, Litoměřice, Teplice and
Ústí nad Labem districts.
Social Services:
Speciální mateřská škola, Demosthenes ....... CZK 50,000
Canis therapy – dog helps
Opening the so called canis therapy – helping with dogs in
caring for disabled children in Ústí nad Labem region.
Training and Human Resources:
Tyflocentrum Ústí nad Labem ....................... CZK 30,000
Providing professional training workshops for job market and social
inclusion of the blind and people with severely impaired sight
Providing training for people with impaired sight from Ústí nad
Labem region.
Senior, o.s....................................................... CZK 50,000
Activating program of the daycare center for the elderly in Děčín
Operating a program for the elderly focusing on improving both
their physical and psychical health.
Šťovík Teplice, o.s. .......................................... CZK 40,000
Teplice NGOs – an emerging community
Training and promotion activities strengthening development
and cooperation of the civic sector in Teplice area.
Romské sdružení Indigo Děčín ...................... CZK 35,000
Open community center in Děčín
Establishing and equipping a center for children and youth in the
Boletice nad Labem housing development.
Reg. organizace Roska Ústí n/L. ................... CZK 37,000
Together we can do it
Supporting rehabilitation services for Ústí nad Labem residents
suffering from degenerative sclerosis.
Slunečnice, o.s. .............................................. CZK 25,000
Daycare center - CDS Slunečnice
Establishing a daycare center for clients with mental and physical
Unspecified Themes:
Salesiánské středisko mládeže
– DDM Rumburk – Jiříkov .............................. CZK 40,000
Jiříkov is alive
Supporting operation of a youth center in the Šluknov area
organizing self-help club activities for leisure time of local
Rami, o.s. .................................................... * CZK 17,200
Sewing and ceramics club
Providing staff for a sewing and ceramics club for children and
youth from the Nový Svět locality of Krásné Březno.
YMCA Ústí nad Labem .................................. CZK 30,000
Monastery garden – an oasis of peace in the city center
Finalizing renovation of the monastery garden in city center of
Ústí nad Labem and opening it to the public.
Ninety seven (97) NGO projects applied within the eighth call for proposal for a total of CZK 3,785,839. Ten (10) projects
were selected and allocated a total of CZK 354,200. Grants were covered from the Foundation Investment Fund (NIF) 2003
proceeds and from local corporate and individual gifts.
*) This project was funded in January 2005 from NIF 2004 proceeds.
Projects Supported from the „Gabriel Lion 2004“ Fundraising Event Carried out within the Open Grant-making Fund.
M.E.C.C.A. o.s. ............................................... CZK 16,000
M.E.C.C.A. o.s. ............................................. CZK 100,000
Promotion of the dance theater project „Gabriel Lion 2004“.
Promotion and implementation of the dance theater project
„Gabriel Lion 2004“.
M.E.C.C.A. o.s. ............................................... CZK 50,000
Promotion and implementation of the dance theater project
„Gabriel Lion 2004“.
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Grants from Field of Interest Funds
Field of interest funds are open funds accumulating funding from more donors
in support of an agreed purpose. Each field of interest fund has a clearly
defined purpose, strict rules for accepting gifts into the fund as well as rules for
providing grants from this fund. Such rules are stipulated in the fund status and
are usually defined upon the agreement of the founding donors of the fund.
Each field of interest fund also includes a permanent segment to ensure its
sustainable operation in the future also from investment proceeds thereof.
Elbe Rocks Fund
Purpose of the fund:
Supporting the overall development of the Elbe Rocks area.
Martin Buber Fund
Purpose of the fund:
Supporting education development in Elbe Euroregion.
Sdružení pro vzdělávání komunit .................. CZK 54,000
SEA, o.s. ....................................................... CZK 130,000
Designing external funding project proposals for the Elbe Rocks
Setting up an independent Martin Buber Endowment Fund,
including a draft of the fund development plan.
Elbe Euroregion Development Fund
Purpose of the fund:
Supporting Elbe Euroregion development programs and
New Ústí nad Labem Insights Funds
Purpose of the fund
Supporting publication of the “New Ústí nad Labem Insights”
and related activities.
Sdružení pro vzdělávání komunit .................. CZK 31,500
Ústecká kulturní platforma, o.s. .................... CZK 20,250
Introductory section of the feasibility study for the pro-investment
policy project for the Elbe Euroregion.
Sdružení pro vzdělávání komunit .................. CZK 81,000
Designing presentation materials for the project “České Švýcarsko
development area”.
SEA, o.s. ......................................................... CZK 81,000
Purchasing a printing press.
Ústí nad Labem Cultural Tradition Revitalization Fund
Purpose of the fund:
Supporting projects that have to do with revitalizing Ústí nad
Labem cultural traditions, develop a sense of belonging and
improve community relationships; this fund was supported
from a public collection.
Promoting PR of the “Science Part Žďárek” project.
Muzeum města Ústí nad Labem ................. CZK 9,733.50
Purpose of the fund:
Supporting sheltered housing project for people suffering
from long-term mental illness in Ústí nad Labem region; this
fund was supported from a public collection.
Sdružení pro péči o duševně nemocné Fokus Ústí nad
Labem ............................................................. CZK 100,000
Renovating a half-way house for sheltered living.
Organizing public events with the aim of revitalizing Ústí nad
Labem cultural traditions.
Ústí nad Labem Space Jam Fund
Purpose of the fund:
Supporting young basketball in Ústí nad Labem.
Asociace školních sportovních klubů ČR – Školní sportovní
klub při 14. ZŠ ................................................ CZK 22,461
Purchasing sporting equipment for Ústí nad Labem girl basketball
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The purpose of the TEENTOWN fund is to support small projects up to CZK 3,000 implemented within the former
district of Ústí nad Labem by people younger than 25 years of age. Grants are distributed on the basis of a TEENTOWN
call for proposal.
Second TEENTOWN Call for Proposal
Third TEENTOWN Call for Proposal
G. Jedličková/ Poradenské centrum služeb pro školu děti
a mládež Ústeckého kraje ................................ CZK 3,000
P. Obrdlík/ FŽP UJEP ..........................................CZK 3,000
Photo exhibit
J.Štreit’s photograph portraying lives of drug addicts.
Series of public presentations
Delivering regular environmental presentations.
E. Fialová/ FŽP UJEP ...........................................CZK 3,000
V. Tymová, I. Moralesová/ Gymnázium
Jateční .............................................................* CZK 2,100
Children and the environment
World through the eyes of Environmental Faculty students
Addressing environmental and multi-cultural issues through
a photo exhibit.
(Project was not implemented, the grant was returned)
Educating children on the current environmental issues.
B. Nechybová/ Gymnázium Jateční ................. CZK 2,000
Magic garden 2004
Interconnecting worlds of people with mental disability and “normal” people through a game.
J. Mydlilová/ YMCA Ústí nad Labem ............... CZK 2,000
Futher publication of the Wýkřik magazine
Publishing the Wýkřik magazine, informing young people in Ústí
nad Labem about what goes on in the city and about local YMCA
Z. Vobrátilová/ YMCA Ústí nad Labem........... CZK 2,000
I. Moralesová, M. Hovorka, V. Tymová/ Gymnázium
Jateční .............................................................* CZK 3,000
Spooky night
(CZK 2 were returned)
Implementing Comenius’ “School as a game” in practice.
M. Hovorka/ Gymnázium Jateční .................... CZK 1,500
Sports League
Offering an alternative to a common afternoon program of high
school students.
P. Popovský ...................................................... CZK 2,500
Dance workshops
Enhancing activities for young people from Ústí nad Labem by
organizing three dance workshops.
M. Hovorka/ Gymnázium Jateční .................... CZK 3,000
Sporting weekend
Making children of different social background acquainted with
a range of various sports.
J. Mydlilová/ YMCA Ústí nad Labem ............... CZK 3,000
Publication and editing the Wýkřik magazine
Publishing a teenage magazine where they get to read about different interesting activities.
V. Tymová, I. Moralesová/ Gymnázium
Jateční ..................................................... * CZK 3,000
Movie as a treat
(CZK 19 were returned)
Strengthening educational motivation of socially disadvantaged
*) Returned funds will be used during the next TEENTOWN call for
Fashion on the past
Fashion show of historic dresses and competition.
M. Hovorka/ Gymnázium Jateční .................... CZK 1,000
Sports League
Improving students’ leisure time by offering a variety of sporting
S. Fraňková/ Gymnázium Jateční .................... CZK 3,000
Fairytale night
Organizing an evening full of fairytales for kindergarten children.
M. Hovorka/ Gymnázium Jateční .................... CZK 1,000
Publication of school magazine
Publishing a magazine to inform students of both school scene
and city events.
K. Chládková/ Gymnázium Jateční .................. CZK 2,000
Youth to the elderly
Bringing a stereotypical day of the elderly to life with a classical
music and folk song concert.
K. Chládková/ Gymnázium Jateční .................. CZK 3,000
Wild afternoon
Making the day for children from a special kindergarten by games
and contests.
S. Fraňková/ Gymnázium Jateční .................... CZK 2,500
Playing with computers
Providing children from socially disadvantaged families with
access to computers.
V. Tymová, I. Moralesová/ Gymnázium
Jateční .....................................................................CZK 3,000
Children go to movies for the third time
Supporting socially disadvantaged children to improve their
school outcomes and behavior.
Thanks to local donors, two TEENTOWN calls for proposal were organized in 2004, supporting 20 projects by a total of CZK
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Grants from Named Funds
Named funds are usually closed funds set up by corporate or individual donors
as a tool for achieving their philanthropic goals. Such funds are usually named
after the donor, their grant-making goals and rules expressing the donor’s
philanthropic strategies and intents.
Metal Fund Ústí nad Labem
Purpose of the fund:
Supporting activities of public benefit in Ústí nad Labem
area that are in compliance with donor strategy of Metal
Ústí nad Labem a.s.
Měď Povrly Fund
Purpose of the fund:
Supporting activities of public benefit in the Ústí nad Labem
area that are in compliance with the donor strategy of Měď
Povrly, a.s. corporation.
Zvláštní a praktická škola Trmice ..................... CZK 8,000
Sdružení pro péči o duševně nemocné Fokus Ústí nad
Labem .............................................................. CZK 2,000
Providing material needed to organize leisure time activities of
children and their parents.
Střední prům. škola strojní a elektro.
Ústí nad Labem ................................................ CZK 5,000
Contributing towards textbook printing.
Contributing towards a rehabilitation stay of clients of the organization.
Sjednocená organizace nevidomých
a slabozrakých ČR ............................................ CZK 2,000
Supporting educational bus trips.
Ústav sociální péče Hliňany I. .......................... CZK 5,000
Supporting the 2004 operation of a residential establishment of
social care.
Svaz tělesně postižených v ČR ......................... CZK 2,500
Taneční klub Styl-Dance ................................... CZK 4,000
Tělovýchovná jednota Povrly ......................... CZK 20,000
Purchasing sports equipment of a dance club.
Taneční klub Styl-Dance ................................... CZK 4,000
Covering expenses of the Teplice 2004 Grand Prix Award.
Elba Club Ústí nad Labem ............................... CZK 5,000
Supporting a humanitarian sports event for children with
disabilities “Sporting towards Hope”.
Společnost Duha, Nadace pro děti postižené mozkovou
obrnou ............................................................. CZK 5,000
Purchasing compensation aids.
Ústav soc. péče pro mládež Trmice ............... CZK 10,000
Partially covering operational costs.
Svaz neslyšících a nedoslýchavých ČR, ZO
nedoslýchavých Ústí n/L. ................................ CZK 5,000
Supporting summer rehabilitation stay.
Supporting activities of the association in 2004.
Supporting youth activities in 2004.
Klub důchodců Povrly...................................... CZK 7,500
Supporting activities of the club in 2004.
DRINKS UNION Civic Choice Fund
Purpose of the fund:
Accumulating funding raised from employees of DRINKS
UNION a.s. and from the DRINKS UNION a.s. corporation
for purposes of redistributing them in support of public benefit projects.
Masarykova nemocnice v Ústí n/L. ............... CZK 12,378
Providing in-kind gifts – 2 DVD players and 2 TV sets for children
clinic intermediary care patients.
Masarykova nemocnice v Ústí n/L. ............... CZK 34,466
Providing in-kind gifts – special bed for children clinic intermediary
Sdružení V.T.O.M. ............................................ CZK 5,000
Contributing towards material equipment of a children’s troop.
Kick Boxing Club Ústí nad Labem ................... CZK 5,500
Nadace pro transplantaci kostní dřeně ......... CZK 30,000
Expanding the registry of marrow donors.
Covering representation expenses of the Ústí nad Labem Kick
Boxing Club.
Spirála, o.s. ...................................................... CZK 5,000
Supporting operation of a Crisis Intervention Center.
Poradna pro mezilidské vztahy ........................ CZK 3,500
Purchasing material equipment.
Foundation Grants
Grants to service and auxiliary activities of the foundation.
Sdružení pro vzdělávání komunit ................ CZK 230,000
Providing a service grant to cover selected activities of the “Youth
Advisory Committee”, “Dialogue” and “Civic Sector Assistance”
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Why Use Services of the Community Foundation
in your Philanthropy?
Whether you are a local corporation, an individual or another legal entity, our
community foundation can assist you in achieving your philanthropic goals
concerning our community.
Professional and individual approach:
Our foundation offers full service from consulting donors in
formulating their philanthropic intents, through dealing with
all administrative requirements, providing PR and publicity
to the act of giving as well as to the activities supported,
to monitoring project implementation and informing the
donor regularly and supervising appropriate accounting
and evaluation of supported projects.
Local knowledge:
Our foundation is familiar with the local NGO sector,
identifying over two hundred public benefit project each
year, ready to provide information regarding priorities and
needs of the individual areas of public life and advice as
where to allocate the designated funding.
Our foundation is a transparent philanthropy tool, organizing
open calls for proposal, regularly publishing its annual
report, employing double-entry accounting, undergoing
an independent annual audit and other inspections. Our
foundation took part in designing and executed the Ethical
Code of Foundations in the Czech Republic, it is a founding
member of the Donors Forum – the Association of Czech
Foundations and an active member of the Transatlantic
Community Foundation Nettwork.
Synergic effect and continuity:
Our foundation is capable of ensuring synergic effects
of giving by multiplying the strength of more donors in
supporting selected public benefit projects. An interesting
philanthropic opportunity is to grant a permanent gift or
a segment thereof that will never be spent, the foundation
using annual proceeds only in support of donor designated
purposes. The continuity of gift is thereby maintained,
preserving a lasting memory of donor’s philanthropic
activities, even in the eventuality that the donor ceases to
contribute through our foundation.
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Community Foundation Fund System
Fund system represents a transparent and easy way of giving custom tailored to
specific requirements of all donors. It can be briefly characterized as follows:
• Each gift to our community foundation is deposited in
one of the funds.
• Each grant by our community foundation is made from
one of the funds.
• Open grant-making fund is the principal fund of our
community foundation.
• Other funds are divided into field of interest funds and
named funds.
• Field of interest funds are open to all donors who may be
attracted by the fund’s purpose.
• Named funds are closed, contributions thereto being
made by a single donor who set them up.
• From the point of view of fund property administration,
most funds have the so called permanent and temporary
• Permanent segment of any fund may not be spent,
producing regular proceeds, thereby contributing to its
temporary segment.
• Temporary segment of a fund is used in achieving the
fund’s purpose.
• Grant-making from each fund is subjected to grantmaking policy of the fond as well as to the fund’s grantmaking committee rules. Some funds organize open calls
for proposal, other funds make grants without an open
• Each fund has its own status that stipulates details
regarding administrative and economic rules of the fund,
its grant-making policy and other organizational and legal
Summary of Funds and their Permanent Assets (in CZK)
Title of the Fund
Permanent Segment as
of January 1, 2004
Open Grant-making Fund
Temporary Segment as
of December 31, 2004
Elbe Rocks Fund
Fund for Better Ústí nal Labem
Elbe Euroregion Development Fund
without permanent segment
without permanent segment
Field of Interest Funds
Space Jam Ústí nad Labem Fund
Martin Buber Fund*
New Ústí nad Labem Insights Fund
without permanent segment
without permanent segment
without permanent segment
Globus ČR Fund**
Drinks Union Civic Choice Fund**
Měď Povrly Fund**
Ústí nad Labem Cultural Traditions Revitalization Fund **
Named Funds
Foundation Investment Fund (NIF)
Metal Fund
*) This fond was disestablished for an independent Martin Buber Endowment Fund was set up.
**) This fund was set up in the course of 2004.
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Fund Donations
Open Grant-making Fund
Purpose of the fund:
Supporting open calls for proposal and operating programs
of the community foundation in compliance with its mission
Purpose of the fund:
Supporting sheltered living for people suffering from longterm mental illness in Ústí nad Labem region.
Severočeská plynárenská, a.s. ..................... CZK 100,000
CINERGETIKA Ú/L, a.s. ..................................CZK 50,000
CDL SYSTEM a.s. ........................................... CZK 50,000
Dorant Jan ...................................................... CZK 10,000
ENVIROCONT ............................................... CZK 10,000
SOŠ Ústí nad Labem ................................... CZK 9,901.50
Gandalovič Petr .............................................. CZK 10,000
ELI LILLY ČR, s.r.o. .......................................... CZK 5,000
MONTIZOLA, s.r.o. ....................................... CZK 10,000
Chabařovické strojírny, a.s. ............................. CZK 5,000
PRVNÍ IZOLAČNÍ PLUS, s.r.o. ....................... CZK 10,000
CHEMOPHARMA, a.s. ..................................... CZK 5,000
Vonka Radek .................................................... CZK 6,000
Jirsáková Hana ................................................. CZK 4,000
Krejčí Tomáš..................................................... CZK 5,555
Teldatcom s.r.o. ............................................... CZK 3,000
Beránek Ivan .................................................... CZK 5,000
Hadáček Tomáš ................................................ CZK 2,000
Exner Jiří ........................................................... CZK 5,000
Holinger Jan ..................................................... CZK 2,000
Kotrs Vítězslav.................................................. CZK 5,000
Krejčí Tomáš..................................................... CZK 2,000
Kubata Jan ........................................................ CZK 5,000
KOPÍK s.r.o. ..................................................... CZK 1,500
Roubíček Petr ................................................... CZK 5,000
Zavřel Milan ........................................................ CZK 200
SPOBYT, a.s. .................................................... CZK 5,000
Kozelková Božena ............................................... CZK 100
Štolba Josef ..................................................... CZK 5,000
Drobné dary ................................................... CZK 15,685
Adam Pavel ...................................................... CZK 4,000
Integral Consulting and Engineering, s.r.o. ..... CZK 4,000
Zemaník Milan ................................................. CZK 3,000
Kvapil Petr ........................................................ CZK 2,000
Lobkowicz William ........................................... CZK 2,000
Mrzena Pavel ................................................... CZK 2,000
TBG Ústí nad Labem s.r.o................................ CZK 2,000
Hadraba Jan ..................................................... CZK 1,500
Brejcha Miloslav ............................................... CZK 1,011
Bukáček Jaroslav .............................................. CZK 1,000
Fišer Marek ...................................................... CZK 1,000
Pospíšil Jaromír ................................................ CZK 1,000
Řeháková Eva ................................................... CZK 1,000
Purpose of the fund:
Supporting small projects implemented by people younger
than 25 years of age in Ústí nad Labem area.
Metrostav a.s. ................................................ CZK 30,000
Kvasnička Jan ................................................... CZK 3,741
Gadasová Lenka ............................................... CZK 3,000
Hofmannová Zuzana ....................................... CZK 1,500
Niklová Kateřina .............................................. CZK 1,500
Strych Marcel APPOLO SPORT ....................... CZK 1,000
Zímová Simona ................................................... CZK 500
Šimáček Miroslav ............................................. CZK 1,000
Veselý Petr ........................................................ CZK 1,000
Fundraising event “Gabriel Lion 2004 Dance and Theater
Performance“ within the open grant-making fund
Severočeská plynárenská, a.s. ..................... CZK 100,000
ČETRANS a.s. ................................................ CZK 50,000
Integral Consulting and Engineering, s.r.o. ... CZK 16,000
Our thanks and gratitude go to all our donors.
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DRINKS UNION Civic Choice Fund
Purpose of the fund:
Accumulating funding raised from employees of DRINKS
UNION a.s. and from the DRINKS UNION a.s. corporation
for purposes of redistributing them in support of public
benefit projects.
Fond Měď Povrly
Purpose of the fund:
Podpora veřejně prospěšných aktivit na Ústecku, které jsou
v souladu s dárcovskou strategií firmy Měď Povrly a.s.
DRINKS UNION a.s. .................................... CZK 100,000
Ústí nad Labem Cultural Tradition Revitalization Fund
Purpose of the fund:
Supporting projects that have to do with revitalizing Ústí
nad Labem cultural traditions, develop a sense of belonging
and improve community relationships.
Employees of the corporation ....................... CZK 45,410
Elbe Euroregion Development Fund
Purpose of the fund:
Supporting development programs and projects in the Elbe
GEN MAN VENTURES, A.G. ....................... CZK 100,000
Czech Property Investments, a.s. ............... CZK 100,000
New Ústí nad Labem Insights Fund
Purpose of the fund:
Supporting publication of the “New Ústí nad Labem Insights”
and related activities.
Měď Povrly a.s. .............................................. CZK 34,000
Small gifts .................................................... CZK 9,733.50
Globus Ústí nad Labem Fund
Purpose of the fund:
Supporting public benefit activities in the Ústí nad Labem
region in compliance with donor strategy of Globus ČR
branch in Ústí nad Labem.
Globus ČR, k.s. .............................................. CZK 15,000
Pavlína a Pavel Huškovi.................................... CZK 2,000
Bzura Radim........................................................ CZK 400
Our thanks and gratitude go to all our donors.
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Summary of Grants and Contributions Received
Contributions from Other Foundations
The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation ........ CZK 706,524
Third payment of a three year contribution from the Civil
Society program to our „Route to sustainability“ project.
The objective of this project is to improve standard activities
of our foundation, to invest into internal capacity building
and to use new foundation development resources with
a particular stress on working with individual prospects.
VIA Foundation ..........................................* CZK 744,933
Contribution from the CEE Trust for Civil Society:
Strengthening Regional Foundations that Received Support
from the NIF.
Civil Society Development
Foundation ..........................................** CZK 503,340.95
EU PHARE 2002 Contribution – Civil Society Development
program for the “Route to Sustainability” project (No.
230 089).
The objective of this two-year program is to strengthen
economic independence of our foundation as much as
possible, particularly through targeting new donor groups,
applying new fundraising techniques and by developing
donor tools and services.
**) The total amount comprises accrued income from the 1st grant payment of
CZK 147,190.31 in 2004 and the 2nd grant payment of CZK 356, 150.64.
King Baudoin Foundation ......................... CZK 30,028.38
In 2003 our foundation became one of the five Czech
regional foundation selected for the extensive module
of a two year program focused on developing tools of
institutional and financial sustainability and on setting up
a local individual giving discussion and experience sharing
platform. In 2004, our foundation received the second
payment and a matching grant for fundraising successes in
the course of 2003.
Contribution to cover expenditure related to working with
a foreign staff exchange guest within the Transatlantic
Community Foundation Fellowship program.
*) The total amount comprises 2004 accrued income from the 1st grant
payment of CZK 363,843.80, the 2nd payment of CZK 66,137.20 and the
matching grant of CZK 314,952.
Contribution from the Foundation Investment Fund (NIF)
In December 2004, having executed the Supplement to the Agreement Regarding Transfer of Residual Resources from
NIF Designated to Support Foundations during the Second Phase, the Community Foundation of Elbe Euroregion received
a contribution of CZK 7,899,000. This contribution was invested into our foundation’s endowment and the proceeds thereof
will be redistributed – starting as of 2005 – in support of public benefit activities in the field of social services, the environment,
culture and arts, education and human resources and of other unspecified themes within the Elbe Euroretion, i.e. within
former Děčín, Litoměřice, Teplice and Ústí nad Labem districts.
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2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004
04 2004 2004 2004 2004
2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004
2004 2004
2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004
4 2004
2004 2004
2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 200
2004 2004 2004
004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2
2004 2004
2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004
2004 2004
4 2004 2004 2004
2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 200
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Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2004
A. Fixed Assets
Individual movables and movable property sets
BFN investment certificates (NIF)
BFN investment certificates (other)
FKD investment certificates (NIF)
FKD investment certificates (other)
FKD investment certificates (purchase expenditure)
Other long-term financial assets
Depreciation of individual movables and movable property sets
B. Current Assets
Cash balance
Bank accounts
Time deposits NIF
Remaining receivables
Other receivables
Deferred expenditure
Contingent receivable assets (BFN and FKD 2004 proceeds)
A. Own sources to cover fixed and current assets
Net assets – NIF contribution
Net assets – other
2004 permanent fund segments
Undistributed proceeds from previous years
Economic outcome account
B. Other sources
Other staff liabilities
Social security clearing
Other direct taxation
Deferred expenditure
Deferred income
Contingent liabilities accounts
in CZK
in CZK
Balance Sheet Commentary
Buildings CZK 1 500
Real estate in Chřibská (tourist facility) was purchased at a symbolic price of CZK 1,500. This real estate was deposited as
part of our foundation’s endowment at a total value of CZK 9,868,374 in accordance with an expert appraisal. For this reason
the balance sheet states this real estate at an accounting value of CZK 1,500 while the Registry Court Registry at its appraisal
value of CZK 9,868,374.
Deferred expenditure CZK 233,910.80
Accrued contribution from the VIA Foundation .................................................................................................... CZK 218,910.80
Accrued donation from the Globus ČR, k.s. donation ........................................................................................... CZK 15,000.00
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Profit and Loss Account as of December 31, 2004
in CZK
Corporate giving
Individual giving
Grants received
NIF contributions proceeds
Other income and interests
Maintenance and repairs
Other services
Social and health insurance
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets
Exchange rate loss
Other expenses
Total administration and program expenses
in CZK
and fundraising
a fundraising
*) Total operation cost include administrative expenditure of the foundation as well as its own program expenditure.
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Foundation’s Endowment as of December 31, 2004
As of December 31, 2004, endowment of the Community Foundation of the Elbe Euroregion amounted to CZK
The endowment consisted of the following deposits:
• 24,881,663 pieces of investment certificates of the Balanced Foundation Fund
of a total purchase price of ........................................................................................................................... CZK 25,645,150.00
• Real estate property in Chřibská, comprising building No. 22 located on lot No. 40, building No. 18
located on lot No. 33 and 26 tourist huts, including landscaping and utility distribution networks on lots No. 33 and 40,
in cadastre Krásné Pole u Chřibské, Chřibská, Děčín district, of a total value of ......................................... CZK 9,868,374.00
• 6,147,584 pieces of investment certificates of the Corporate Bonds Fund
administered by ČP Invest – Investment Group a.s. of a total purchase price of ....................................... CZK 7,899,030.68
• Monetary time deposit to account No. 1037003939/5500 of ....................................................................... CZK 1,477,000.00
• Monetary deposit to a savings account No. 124736271/0300 of .................................................................... CZK 131,626.00
Overall Endowment Growth
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NIF Contribution Proceeds Management
As of December 31, 2004, the Community Foundation of Elbe Euroregion has received from the 1st and 2nd phases of NIF
redistribution to the foundation’s endowment a total contribution of CZK 35,021,150.
Managing 2004 Proceeds
Total NIF contribution 2004 proceeds amounted to ...................................................(* CZK 853,755.55) CZK 858,731.45
Of which:
BFN proceeds ......................................................................................................................................................... CZK 838,512.00
Time deposit interest ............................................................................................................................................... CZK 17,760.45
FKD proceeds ............................................................................................................................................................. CZK 2,459.00
Difference between contingent and real BFN 2003 proceeds ............................................................................ (CZK -4,975.90)
*) The number in brackets corresponds with the 2004 proceeds accounting value, the number next thereto refers to the contingent income from 2004 dividends
and interests paid.
NIF contribution 2004 proceeds were not used in 2004. Part of the proceeds of CZK 17,700 was used in January 2005 to
cover one grant awarded within the eighth call for proposal, the remaining part will be redistributed in the course of 2005
within the ninth and tenth calls for proposal in grants supporting public benefit activities in the field of social services, the
environment, culture and arts, education and human resources and of unspecified themes in Děčín, Litoměřice, Teplice and
Ústí nad Labem areas (detailed grant-making rules will be published in the course of 2005).
Managing 2003 Proceeds
Total NIF contribution 2003 proceeds amounted to ...................................................(* CZK 448,060.77) CZK 441,376.34
*) The number in brackets corresponds with the 2003 proceeds accounting value, the number next thereto refers to the received income from 2003 dividends
and interests.
2003 proceeds were used in the course of 2004 as follows:
a) Awarding 13 grants of the seventh call for proposal (CZK 158,250) and 9 grants of the eighth call for proposal
(CZK 200 000). Total grants made amounted to CZK 358,250, i.e. to 81.17 % of total 2003 proceeds.
b) CZK 83 126.34, i.e. 18.83 % of the total 2003 proceeds were used in administering our foundation. The sum allocate
to the foundation’s administration partially covered salaries and operational costs of our 2004 grant-making program.
Grant-making rules and recipients of grants made from 2003 NIF proceeds are listed in the section above describing the
seventh and eighth calls for proposal.
Complying with
the Limited Administrative Costs Rule
In accordance with Act No. 227/1997 of Col. each foundation status or founding charter is obliged to regulate administrative
costs. Our foundation set forth the rule to limit administrative costs in accordance with § 22 c) of the quoted Act as
„Total annual administrative costs of the Community Foundation of the Elbe Euroregion may not exceed 30 % of its total
endowment as of December 31 of that year.”
2004 Outcomes
Community foundation of Elbe Euroregion 2004 administrative costs amounted to CZK 2,477,332.29, thereby representing
5.50 % of the total endowment of the foundation as of December 31, 2004.
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Auditor’s Statement Regarding
NIF Proceeds Management
Účetní jednotka: Komunitní nadace Euroregionu Labe – audit hospodaření s výnosy
We carried out an audit of administering the contribution in accordance with § 18,
Section 2a)6) of Act No. 171/91 of Col. and audit of administering proceeds. The statutory body
of the concerned accounting unit shall be responsible for book keeping as well as for compiling
the balance sheets. It is our believe that the administration and use of proceeds ensuing from the
concerned contribution are – in all significant characteristics – well captured in the accounting
balance, the annual report and the 2004 proceeds summary.
Audit of the accounting balance, the annual report and the proceeds summary of
the Community Foundation of the Elbe Euroregion as of December 31, 2004 shall be, in
accordance with Act No. 254/2000 of Col. on Auditing as well as with the auditing guidelines
issued by the Czech Chamber of Auditors, in particular with guideline No. 14, contained in
a special Auditor’s Concluding Statement. Keeping books, their completeness, validity and
accuracy as well as compiling the accounting balance shall be the responsibility of the statutory
body of the accounting unit. The auditor shall be obliged – on the basis of the audit carried out
– to issue a report and a statement concerned with administration and use of proceeds ensuing
from the contribution in question.
The auditor planned and carried out the audit with the aim of procuring all information
that – to the best of our knowledge – are necessary to verify and to provide appropriate guarantee
as to the administration and use of proceeds not being marked by any significant shortcomings.
Verification was carried out selectively with respect to the significance of the concerned data.
We are convinced that the audit carried out provides a sufficient basis for the statement issued.
At the same time, we verified that the use of proceeds has not exceeded the limit set forth in §22
c) of Act No. 227/1997 on Foundations.
Thus, on the basis of the carried out audit of administration and use of
proceeds ensuing from the designated resources of the Community Foundation of
the Elbe Euroregion as of December 31, 2004, auditor of the PRIMASKA AUDIT, a.s.
company hereby issues
In Ústí nad Labem as of June 8, 2005
Ref No.: Pa/148/He/2005
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Auditor’s Statement Regarding
Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2004
Účetní jednotka: Komunitní nadace Euroregionu Labe – zpráva auditora
We verified information regarding the audited accounting unit stated in the 2004 annual
report with the authorized accounting balance. In our opinion, all important aspects stated therein are
in compliance with the accounting balance as of December 31, 2004.
As of March 29, 2005, we issued the following report and statement regarding the accounting
We audited the accounting balance of Community Foundation of Elbe Euroregion as of
December 31, 2004 shall be, in accordance with Act No. 254/2000 on Auditing as well as with the
auditing guidelines issued by the Czech Chamber of Auditors. Keeping books, their completeness, validity
and accuracy shall be the responsibility of the statutory body of the accounting unit. The auditor shall
be obliged – on the basis of the audit carried out – to issue a report and a statement concerned with
accounting balance in question.
The auditor planned and carried out the audit with the aim of procuring all information
that – to the best of our knowledge – are necessary to verify the accounting balance and to provide
appropriate guarantee as to the accounting balance not containing any significant shortcomings. The
audit included verification of completeness and validity of data included in the accounting balance,
assessment of correctness and appropriateness of accounting procedures and important estimates made
by the accounting unit as well as evaluation of the overall presentation of the accounting balance.
Verification was carried out selectively with respect to the significance of the concerned data. We are
convinced that the audit carried out provides a sufficient basis for the statement issued.
We conclude that the accounting balance provides – in all significant aspects – a true
and accurate picture of activities, liabilities, capital and financial situation of the Community
Foundation of the Elbe Euroregion as of December 31, 2004 and of economic outcomes during
the 2004 accounting year in accordance with the Act on Accounting and with other relevant legislation
of the Czech Republic.
Thus, on the basis of the carried out audit of the accounting balance of the Community
Foundation of the Elbe Euroregion as of December 31, 2004, auditor of the PRIMASKA AUDIT,
a.s. company hereby issues
In Ústí nad Labem as of June 8, 2005
Ref No.: Pa/149/He/2005
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When We Say a Community Foundation...
We have community centers set up in city problem neighborhoods, we have
community planning of social services, even community schools and libraries.
When we use community as an adjective, for most people this is what first
comes to mind.
Consulting a dictionary, we encounter different definitions of varied semantic
connotations. If we read more carefully, however, we may discover that one
theme is repeated over and over: stress on appertaining amongst people in
a given area that forms a whole from a geographic, cultural or historical point
of view. This is why foundations that respect and honor this thought are called
community foundations.
All community foundations, whether they are in the US, Slovakia or South Africa, share certain common characteristics that
differentiate them from other types of foundations.
Characteristic features of community foundations include in particular the following:
• Community foundations strive to make life better in a
clearly designated geographic location.
• Community foundations are independent, they are not
subdued to influence of other NGOs, donors, local or
national governments.
• Community foundations are represented and managed
by local community leaders.
• Community foundations make grants to NGOs, optionally
to individuals, in support of a wide range of emerging and
changing community needs.
• Community foundations look into the future – they strive
to accumulate and to valorize their endowments raised
from a wide array of donors – individuals, corporations
and other entities, primarily from the location they serve.
• Community foundations raise funds primarily from local
donors, both individual and corporate.
• Community foundations help their donors in achieving
their philanthropic goals and visions, primarily by
providing services custom tailored to their interests and
• Community foundations are impartial and open to all
active community members, striving to be a helpful
partner to other entities in addressing local issues.
This integral concept was developed in 1914, when Frederick Goff, an attorney and a banker, founded the first community
foundation in Cleveland, Ohio. It was he who formulated an idea that 82 years later appealed to us, and before that to over
1,100 community foundations around the globe; an idea that has helped to accumulate property exceeding USD 30 billion,
thanks to which community foundations support NGOs worldwide with nearly 2 billion US dollars.
Following the example of the US and other countries where community foundations began to grow, we strive to accumulate
funding from local individual and corporate donors, from all those who live, work or otherwise care for the locality we serve
– the Elbe Euroregion, i.e. Děčín, Litoměřice, Teplice and Ústí nad Labem areas.
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Word in Conclusion
Dear reader,
By publishing this 2004 Annual Report we wanted to share with you our successes and key activities
of the past year. Please allow me to sum up once more the most important information regarding
the 2004 journey of our foundation towards developing an open society and making the Elbe
Euroregion a better place to live.
In May 2004, we officially changed our name to Community Foundation of the Elbe Euroregion.
We thereby formalized a four year process of assuming our share of responsibility not only for Ústí
nad Labem, but also for Děčín, Litoměřice and Teplice areas.
In the course of last year, we invested much effort and energy in innovating local giving. We set up three new named funds
and one field of interest fund, we focused on promoting and carrying through the idea of permanent fund segments that
– as we believe – represent a great potential for the future of local philanthropy. We thoroughly advanced our offer of donor
services with the aim of meeting all the multiform philanthropic ideas and objectives of our current donors as well as our
We hope that NGOs welcomed the news of our organizing two annual open calls for proposal. Thanks to them and thanks
to grants made from field of interest and named funds we supported 76 projects with a total of CZK 1,5 million in 2004.
From the economic independence and sustainability point of view, it was undoubtedly important that our foundations
received another contribution from the Foundation Investment Fund, thereby scaling our endowment up to the current CZK
45 million.
Last but not least, I would like to stress our active involvement in projects and events focused on philanthropy and community
building at local, national and international levels. Among all, let me spell out our involvement in the Donors Forum, in the
Transatlantic Community Foundation Network or in the CEE Trust program regional foundations group.
In conclusion, on behalf of our foundation, I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to everyone who contributed in any
way: local corporate and individual donors and national and international donors for their funding support; local institutions
and partners for extensive cooperation; project implementing partners for their contribution to bringing our community to
life and for making it a better place; and to our foreign partners for sharing invaluable know-how and experience.
RNDr. Ing. Miloslav Handl
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
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Organizational Structure
Board of Trustees
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
RNDr. Ing. Miloslav Handl
Deputy Chariman of the Board of Trustees
Ing. Miloslav Brejcha
Lubomír Krbec
(Board membership terminated as of March 25.3.2004)*
Ing. Luděk Masopust
Ing. Ivan Beránek
Ing. Roman Budínský
Ing. Vítězslav Kotrs
Ing. Ivan Lysenko
Ing. Karel Švarc
*) As of March 26, 2004 Lubomír Krbec was appointed an Honorable
Member of the Board of Trustees.
Supervisory Board
Chairman of the Spervisory Board
RNDr. Jiří Exner
2004 Volunteers
Jan Hadraba
Stanislava Holíková
Filip Hroch
Jan Kotěra
Jana Kubínková
Jakub Michal
Jaroslava Mužíková
Michal Polesný
Lenka Procházková
Miloš Röhlich
Renata Rokůsková
Jiří Zach
Youth Advisory Committee Members
Olina Dvořáčková
Věra Frimlová
Slávek Hýsek
Lucie Novotná
Petra Pašková
Martin Pošvář
Kateřina Šperlová
Supervisory Board Members
Ing. Nicolea Dedulea
(Board membership terminated as of March 25, 2004)
Ing. Aleš Fousek
Ing. Ladislav Hruška
Ing. Petr Kvapil
Ing. Josef Vejlupek
Executive Director
Tomáš Krejčí
Program Manager
Pavel Hušek jr. (employment terminated as of January 31, 2004)
Bc. Petr Veselý (employment commenced as of March 29, 2004
Donor Relations Manager
Mgr. Kateřina Niklová
Marcela Ježková
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Contact Information
Community Foundation of Elbe Euroregion /
Komunitní nadace Euroregionu Labe
Koněvova 1697/18
400 01 Ústí nad Labem
The Czech Republic
tel.: +420 475 201 023
fax: +420 475 201 023
email: info@komunitninadace.cz
Tax identification No.: 44 55 22 54
Community foundation of the Elbe Euroregion is registered by the Regional Court of Ústí nad Labem, Foundation Registry,
Section N, Entry 7.
Production of the 2004 Annual Report was financially supported by Komerční banka a.s
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For general promotion and information purposes, this Annual Report is distributed without
the complete annual financial balance which – according to § 25 f) of Act No. 227/1997 of Col.
– must form an annual report appendix in the case of any foundation.
Full version of this 2004 Annual Report including the appendix stated above was deposited at the Regional Count
of Ústí nad Labem with the Foundation Registry and at the seat of the Community Foundation of Elbe Euroregion
at Koněvova 1697/18, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem,
The Czech Republic
© CDL Design s.r.o.
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