Fr. Stanley J. Klasinski, Pastor Fr. Kevin E. Estabrook, Parochial


Fr. Stanley J. Klasinski, Pastor Fr. Kevin E. Estabrook, Parochial
Fr. Stanley J. Klasinski, Pastor
Fr. Kevin E. Estabrook, Parochial Vicar
Fr. Robert M. Wendelken, In Residence
Deacon Ross C. DeJohn, Sr., Pastoral Associate
Mrs. Lori Mascia, Pastoral Associate
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 p.m.; Sunday 8 a.m., 10 a.m. and 12 noon
Weekdays: 8:30 a.m.
Holyday of Obligation: Vigil 7 p.m.
Holyday: 8:30 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Saturday: 3:30-4 p.m. or by appointment.
First and third Sunday of the month at 1 p.m. Please contact the Business Office to make
Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Initial contact is to be made
directly with a priest of St. Clare.
Communion for the Sick and Shut-Ins:
We are most anxious that all who cannot get to Church be able to continue to receive the
Eucharist. Please call the Business Office and a Eucharistic Minister will be provided.
Anointing of the Sick:
A priest will gladly come to your home by request to anoint the ill or aged. Anointing for
hospital patients is provided by the hospital chaplain.
Sponsor certificates are given to those who are registered parishioners, confirmed and
practicing Catholics. Contact parish office.
Welcome! Please register in person at the business office.
This Week at St. Clare
Mass Intentions
Monday, April 6
Catherine & Clarence Bucaro
Tuesday, April 7
Salupo & Ciraldo Families
Wednesday, April 8
William Fioritto
Thursday, April 9
Richard & Agnes Parsons
Friday, April 10
Fred Peschke
& the Frank Koenig Family
Saturday, April 11
Maria Trybus & Family
Sunday, April 12
Celebrant’s Intention
10:00 Our Parish Family
12:00 Celebrant’s Intention
Monday, April 6
Finance Meeting, 7 p.m., HR
An Invitation!
Tuesday, April 7
Ensemble Choir, 7:15 p.m., Ch
Thursday, April 9
Boosters Meeting, 7:30 p.m., HR
Sunday, April 12
Sunday School, 10 a.m., Sc
SCYGA, 6:30 p.m.
Christ is risen!
And certain of them which were with us went to the
sepulcher, and found it even so as the women had
said: but him they saw not.
~ Luke 24:24
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Training
Pope Francis said that the Eucharist “is not a prize for the
perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for
the weak.” You are invited to join our dedicated
Eucharistic Ministers in assisting at weekend liturgies
and/or taking the Eucharist to the homebound. It is
a privileged way to share your faith! A one-time
diocesan workshop is required. Details and contact
information follow below.
Register NOW for Spring 2015
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
To Register: Call the Business Office at
440-449-4242, x101
Sunday, April 19 - 2-4:30 p.m. (Check-in 1:30 p.m.)
(RSVP no later than close of business April 10)
St. Barnabas
9451 Brandywine Road
Northfield, OH 44067
Thursday, May 14 - 7-9:30 p.m. (Check-in 6:30 p.m.)
(RSVP no later than close of business May 6)
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
1730 Mount Carmel Drive
Wickliffe, OH 44092
If you are of high school
age and would like to join a
youth group where you will
make lifelong friends in a
nurturing environment, go
to baseball games, cookouts and take part in other
activities throughout the
year, consider joining
SCYGA, St. Clare’s Youth
Group Army. This group is
led by two young adults,
Colleen & Nick. They are
old enough to guide and
direct and young enough to
remember and relate to
some of the perils you may
experience! Think about it.
Then call the Business Office
at 440-449-4242, x 101 to
be put in touch with Colleen
or Nick!
The next SCYGA meeting
is April 12th at 6:30 p.m.
Saint Clare Telephone Directory - 440-449-4242
Business Office
Charlie, Business Mgr.
Debra, Parish Secretary
Lisa, Bookkeeper
Gayle, Office Assistant
Frank Przybojewski,
Janet, School Secretary
Tina, Asst. Secretary
Lori Mascia, Director
Fax: 440-646-9648
Religious Education
Fr. Stanley Klasinski
105 Gym Kitchen
Fr. Kevin Estabrook
107 Hot Lunch
Market Day
Business Office &
Mass Schedule
Adoration Chapel Hours
Monday - Thursday:
St. Clare Outreach
9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Youth Ministry,
Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Fax: 440-449-1497
St. Clare Parish Mission Statement
St. Clare Parish is a Roman Catholic community that cherishes its faith tradition, celebrates the sacraments, and
cultivates lives of gospel service and stewardship.
April 5, 2015
Parish Support
Capital Improvement Contributions
Readings for the Week of April 6, 2015
Acts 2:14, 22-33/Mt 28:8-15
Acts 2:36-41/Jn 20:11-18
Fiscal Year beginning 07/01/14
Year-to-Date through 02/28/15
Goal for the Year
Wednesday Acts 3:1-10/Lk 24:13-35
Acts 3:11-26/Lk 24:35-48
Acts 4:1-12/Jn 21:1-14
Acts 4:13-21/Mk 16:9-15
Acts 4:32-35/1 Jn 5:1-6/Jn 20:19-31
Parish Support
Pray For Our Sick
Pray For Each Other
Matt Barry
Louis Cala
Carmella DeJohn
Ross DeJohn Sr.
Roger De Penti
Kim DiBurro
Roy Gardner
Kenny Gaunter
Michael Jerome
Al Jurcisek
Dominic Rossi
Carmella Sinisgalli
Rose Sinisgalli
Susan Sweeney
Angela Talbort
Marjorie Toomey
Lois Zimmerman
If you would like to be on this
prayer list, please contact the
Saint Clare Business Office
440-449-4242, x101
By April 30th,
let us know whether or not to
retain you or your family
Weekly Offertory Contributions
Children’s Offering
Loose Cash
Total Weekly Offering
Capital Improvement
St. Clare Outreach Weekly
Thank you for your commitment to consistent giving!
Saint Clare Daily Lottery
Albert F. Steigerwald
Jill Barron
Tomasa Iafelice
Luann DiCillo
Edward & Mary Schaller
M&M Michael Kavali
Dorothy Kramer
Pray For All Our Deceased
Parishioners & Benefactors
What is Bereavement?
Someone you love dearly has died and the pain and sadness
seem too great for any words to mean anything. The one who
suffers this loss is the mourner who must travel through the
phases of grief. Working through grief is difficult and each
person recovers according to his own timetable, however, this is
made easier when shared with others. The St. Paschal/St. Clare
Bereavement Support Group can help.
St. Paschal and St. Clare offer support to widows and widowers,
parents who have lost a child or anyone who has lost any
significant person in their life. A six-week support group begins
on April 8 at St. Paschal Baylon from 6-8 p.m. There will be
guest speakers, support materials and refreshments. You are free
to bring a friend or relative with you. There is no charge and this
group is open to parishioners and nonparishioners.
For more information, contact Barbara Curran at 440-840-5511,
Corky Mondello at 440-449-3584 or the St. Paschal Rectory at
440-442-3410. Thank you.
The Church of Saint Clare wishes all its parishioners
and visitors here today God’s richest blessings!
We hope all visitors come again and you and all your
loved ones are warmly invited to make Saint Clare
your home church.
Happy Easter!
The Following Donations Were Made Recently to
SCENE, Saint Clare School’s Scholarship Fund
Anonymous in memory of Gino Medaglia
Vincent & Flore DeCrane in memory of Lewis Hudson
Robert & Carla Callaway in memory of Mary Finn
The Dickens Fellowship in memory of Mary Finn
Thank you to all who made
these very generous
Young Hearts 50+ Social Group
American Red Cross Bloodmobile Update
April Showers
The March 22nd Bloodmobile produced 41 pints of lifesaving blood with the potential to help 123 patients!
Tuesday, April 14th, 1 p.m.
Thank you to all donors and to our volunteers
Susan Moravick and Charlene McCarthy.
Harvest Room of Sister Lucy Center
Landerhaven’s February 10th drive produced 707 pints of
blood with the potential to help 2,121 patients! Thank you
and God bless all!
Join in the fun as we welcome Spring and “Shower”
the St. Clare Community Outreach Program.
Those in our community who face
hunger will benefit whether
your donation is monetary or foodstuffs.
A representative of the Mayfield Heights
Fire Department will speak on Senior Safety.
Soup & salad lunch no reservations required, just come!
Questions? Call Pat at 440-605-1674
or Terri at 440-442-4103.
Spring Exercise
Spring is upon us and in addition to enjoying
Easter with our families, we are thinking of
ways to reduce winter’s weight gain and be
ready for a fun-filled season ahead. How
about starting a Spring walking program? Walking is a
form of exercise that reduces stress, enhances weight loss,
strengthens bones and reduces blood pressure! Ask a
friend to walk with you. The Buddy System is great for
keeping each other encouraged! So from St. Clare’s
Wellness Ministry, enjoy your Easter and Spring by
getting out into God’s beautiful world and meditate on
all He has blessed you with while you walk.
St. Clare School Testimonials
Dr. Glenn Lobo and Ourania Lorentzos, current parents: Our daughter Amy was a
Saint Clare PSR student who transferred from the South Euclid-Lyndhurst School System to St. Clare
School in 2014. She is currently a 7th grade student in Mrs. Kopcak’s class. Right from admissions on
her first day in school, Amy was made very welcome by her peers, teachers and Principal Przybojewski.
Under Mrs. Kopcak (who is also her English teacher) Amy’s verbal and presentation skills
continue to improve exponentially. This was evident recently when she was selected as the 2 nd place
winner for her written essay on American Patriotism (Sponsor: Fleet Reserve Branch 17) where middle
and high school students from 35 schools competed. Adding to this, under the guidance of her
science teacher, Ms. Tanno, Amy, along with other 7 th and 8 th graders, participated in the
2015 NEOSEF Science Fair. Here she was awarded a second place prize and secured a specialty award
for her Science Poster. These are indications of the high standards and hard work Saint Clare
School teachers expect from their students. Accordingly, the teachers provide the dedication needed
to get their students to achieve these levels. Spiritually, Amy is involved with Saint Clare Church
primarily as an Altar Server and with weekly classroom interactions with Fr. Estabrook, she continues
to grow closer to her Catholic faith. As parents we could not be happier to see her progress
both academically and spiritually at Saint Clare and we look forward to seeing her develop
into an ambitious young lady with strong Catholic faith and traditions.
NO PERSONAL information will be shared or used in the new Parish Directory,
including your home address!
Please see the registration form on the last page of today’s bulletin.
St. Clare School Corner - A Christ-Centered, Child-Centered Education
Dear St. Clare Parish Family,
On behalf of the faculty and staff of St. Clare School, I wish to extend to all St. Clare Parish families my best wishes for a
most blessed, memorable and festive Easter season. May you be able to fully celebrate and appreciate our Lord’s choicest
blessing within your life and that of your families through this joyous season.
Happy Easter!
Frank Przybojewski
April 3-12
April 13
Easter Break
School Resumes
Here are just a few reasons these students LOVE Saint Clare School:
Great Teachers
Music Class & Choir Concerts
Playing on Sports Teams
with Classmates
Learning to Type in
Computer Class
Gym . . . Smart Cookie Math
Spelling . . . Science Experiments
Being the Special Helper
History Lessons . . . Lunch with Friends
Classmates are like Brothers & Sisters
The School Environment Feels Like a
Second Home
Learning Centers
More Saint Clare . . .
Saint Clare School is dedicated to educating and inspiring the heart and mind of each child, providing a learning environment
that encourages students to reach their fullest potential. Devoted to delivering a challenging curriculum fostering today’s
values, Saint Clare students are learning at a grade level (or two) ahead of children at other schools and becoming leaders
both inside the classroom and beyond.
Register to see Saint Clare School during our upcoming Drop-In Days. We invite you to get to know us better and to see
if we are a fit for your family. Parents can tour the school while children observe classes in session. Call the school office
to set an appointment for Drop-In Day at 440-449-4242, ext. 102 or 118 on the following dates:
MONDAY, APRIL 20 & MONDAY, APRIL 27 ~ 9-11:30 a.m.
Students entering grades 1-8 who are NEWLY registered at Saint Clare School for the 2015-2016 school year are eligible to
take the Academic Achievement Scholarship Test. Top achievers on these tests will receive up to a $1,000 tuition
scholarship! Call the school office for more information.
PSR students who make the switch and enroll in the day school will be given a one-time discount of $1,000.
When a registered Saint Clare family (current or new) refers a new family to our school and the new family mentions it at
the time of registration:
The existing school family will receive a $500 credit on their 2016 -2016 tuition for each new family that is
enrolled at Saint Clare School for the 2015-2016 school year.
The newly referred family will also receive a $500 first year discount for each new student enrolled in grades K-8
prior to August 28, 2015.
Register NOW for our Totally Catholic VBS EVEREST!
Monday, June 22nd through Friday, 6/26, 9:30 a.m.-noon.
Open to all children ages 4 through those just finishing 6th
grade. The $50 fee per child includes daily Totally Catholic
Bible Adventures, Mountain Top Treats, Imagination Station Crafts, Glacier Games, Base Camp Songs,
Activities, T-Shirt, evening Program & Open House on Thursday evening, 6/25 for family & friends
and Field Day with lunch & activities for the children and staff on Friday morning, 6/26! Registration
forms are available in the school and business offices or online at under the tab
“Parish” & “Religious Education”.
“HELP!” Volunteers Needed!
Teachers, office aides, hostesses and teenage helpers. If you are interested in volunteering a little time
with BIG returns, please contact Mrs. Lori Mascia at 440-449-4242, x119 or
“Let us learn from Christ how to pray, to forgive, to sow peace, and to be near those in need”. Pope Francis
Come Home
Spring and Easter are frequently thought of as a time of reconciliation, resurrection, new birth, a
new beginning . . .
Have you, or has someone you know, been away from Saint Clare for awhile? There are reasons
members become inactive. Maybe there were hurt feelings or a misunderstanding. Perhaps a member
felt burned out or that the parish did not care. Was there an illness in the family and perhaps you just
have not gotten back into the routine of attending Mass? We have all been there. Whatever our
reasons, the Lord knows, understands and cares. He knows all our pain, physical and emotional.
The Bible tells us that He collects our tears in a bottle! Psalm 56:8-9. How much He cares for each
of us, individually!
Keep in mind these truths:
He knows the number of hairs on our head! He sees every sparrow that falls. How much
greater are we than the sparrows? Matthew 10:29-31
He knows our innermost being. He knit each of us together in our Mother’s womb!
Psalm 139:13
The flowers grow and do not spin or toil. The Lord takes care of them.
greater to Him are we than these? Luke 12:27-28
How much
In the story of the prodigal son, when the son returns, the father is waiting and watching. He sees his
son coming from “a long way off”. Even though the son is covered with filth from his days of feeding
and eating with the swine, the father “falls upon his neck” and kisses him. He orders a celebration,
gives him the best robe, puts a ring on his son’s finger and shoes on his feet. Luke 15:11. In short, the
father is overjoyed!
Today our Father is watching and waiting with open arms to receive us back into the fold. He is
waiting now.
People typically return to Saint Clare at Easter so you will not
be alone. No way will you “stick out like a sore thumb”.
Prayerfully consider returning to church and be still and allow
yourself to feel the drawing of the Holy Spirit. In addition to
finding fellowship in a loving, caring community, you will find
groups in which you may utilize your talents as Saint Clare is a
church buzzing with activity.
We need you. HE needs you ~ and we ALL need Him!
Come home.
Jesus never barges in or forces Himself on anyone. He patiently knocks. It
is up to us to allow Him in.
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and
open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with
~ Revelation 3:20