2002SpringTheHerculean - Hercules Historical Society
2002SpringTheHerculean - Hercules Historical Society
1977 DESIGN . OFCITYLOOO THE HtRCULEAJ'If" . 1978 FIRST CULTURAL FESTNAL WOODFIELD :-0 .PARK • • • CENTENNIAL . • • a 0" • • • • • • • LI ~ " • CITY HALL . (> 1987 " NEW o • 2000 CITY'S > I . 1999 FIRST 24 HOUR RELAY CHALLENGE • 2001 HWY 4 IMPROVEMENT PRSRT STD u.s. City of Hercules 111 Civic Drive Hercules, CA 94547 POSTAGE PAID Rodeo,CA Permit No. 23 POSTAL CUSTOM ER City Directory City Manager City Hall-General Information City Hall Fax Community/Swim Center Parks & Recreation Department Hercules Senior Center Finance DepUBusiness License Business/Community Development Public Works & Engineering Inspection Request Line City Clerk Personnel - Job Hotline Police Department Rodeo-H ercules Fire District EMERGENCY ONLY 799-8206 799-8200 79!:>-2521 79!:>-8291 79&-8291 799-<3219 245-6509 799-8253 799-8241 799-8240 79&-8215 79&-8204 799-8260 799-4561 911 City Council 799-8206 Councif meets the second & fourth Tuesday of each month. Kris Valstad , Mayor Ed Balico, Vice Mayor Frank Batara Terry Segerberg Joanne Ward 799-8253 Planning Commission Commission meets the first and third Monday of each month. Richard Mitchell Trevor Evans-Young, Sr. Richard Wilbur Mario Estioco Melinda Manzo Community Services Commission 799-8230 Commission meets the second Monday of each month. Nichole Wilbur Adele Laput Marylyn Judan Kin Kin Sandhu Jeanne Li Kenneth Jett Stephen Rosales Blue Ribbon Committee on Education 799-8230 Committee meets the second & fourth Thursday of each month. Beverly Williams Donna Chin John Gotelli Judith Peterson Liddell Kam Marylyn Judan Paul Freese Hercules Library Commission 799-<3230 Commission meets the third Thursday of each month. Jacquelyn Harbert Barbara Rowl Gloria Evans-Young Jorge Alfaro or more information regarding meetings, please see our bulletin oard at the entrance of the City Ha" or call 799·8215. Visil our ebsite at WWW.CI.HERCULES.CA.US CITY HALL HOURS: MONDAY -FRIDAY 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM TABLE OF CONTENTS Mayor's Message City Scene Public Safety Recreation & Community Rental Facilities Classes AdultActivities Youth Activities Martial Arts Senior Services Youth Services Teen Activity Program Sports & Fitness Aquatic Season 2002 1 2 6 15 15 17 20 21 22 24 27 31 35 Chief Editor: Claudette Wade Layout & Design: Pedro Jimenez Marsha Reynolds Jenny Smith Mayor's Message Mayor Kris Valstad BRIGHTER DAYS FOR HERCULES! Over the next 12 months we will all witness the beginning ofa brighter day for Hercules. All of us on the City Council are very excited about the development that is being created. There are still many challenges for our community. We have worked hard to bring commercial development to Hercules, to create a dependable source of sales tax revenue. The cost of delivering essential city services like public safety grows each year and we need a way to pay for them withont asking for additional property taxes. As the new development begins to take shape, there will be construction projects all over Hercules. One ofthe first major street projects will be the extension of Sycamore from San Pablo to the Waterfront development. Our project with Home Depot continues to work its way through the approval process. As this article is being written, a subcommittee of the City Council and Planning As our Olympic Team competed for the Gold at the XIX Commission are reviewing the first subnlissions on the Olympic Games of Salt Lake 2002, we all watched the project. With funnal review ofthe project set for April, it best athletes our nation had to offer, competing and giving is hoped the project can begin construction in August of their very best to represent our COuntlY. During the past this year. twelve months we have seen America at its very best. • From the tragedy of September eleventh, to the War on Terrorism, to the Olympic Games; we have been on the world's stage and the world has watched our nation not merely survive but shine. Here in Hercules we often boast of our city's cultural and racial diversity, we boast of how well we all live and work together. Each day laskyou to remember how important we all are. Our community is experiencing a metamorphosis that will, for the next 100 years, establish Hercules as one of the prenlier locations in West Contra Costa County. From the Capital Corridor Train Station and Waterfront, to the Neo-Traditional Town Center a well-planned community is well on its way toward reality. Spring 2002 Herculean City Scene New Development!!! NEW COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT In addition to the Jack-In-The-Box Restaurant, Starbucks Coffee House and Radio Shack, the property owner has been working to occupy the remaining vacant storefronts at the south-east corner of San Pablo and Sycamore Avenues. Koll Development Company has completed construction of a 49,805 square foot building in the North Shore Business Park allowing AC Paper Company to relocate from Berkeley to this new facility. The Planning Commission has approved plans submitted by the Penterra Development Company for the construction of 167,000 square feet of commercial space on the west side of San Pablo Avenue at Sycamore Avenue . The Penterra Company is working with staff to get the project approvals before the building permits can be issued. The Chevron Gasoline Company has shown an interest in developing a station at this site. A conceptual land use plan is being prepared which includes construction of a hotel and complimentary service in "Hospitality Corridor" located along the south side of Highway 4 and east of Interstate 80. Construction and building plans have been approved for a single story Rite Aide pharmacy/ drugstore at Turquoise Drive and Sycamore Avenue across from McDonald's. Home Depot is in the process of preparing a site plan for the construction of a home improvement center along with the redevelopment of the entire Creekside Shopping Center. Bio-Rad Laboratories has received Planning Commission approval for the expansion of their corporate campus in the Northshore Business Park. The complete build-out will be done in three phases and will total approximately one million square feet in floor area. Bio-Rad currently has 250,000 square feet in office/laboratory space. 2 Spring 2002 Herculean A Phoenix based company, Remediation Financiallncorporated, is proposing a residential and commercial rnixed-use development to be located west of San Pablo and south of the North Shore Business Park. At present, the entire concept needs to be reviewed prior to submittal of an application. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • •• • BEVERLY SCHERF, PH.D. PSYCHOLOGIST •• • • ••• •• •• • •• (510) 799-7495 SYCAMOREAVE., • 1500 • SUITEB9-B •• HERCULES, CA 94547 PSY 16604 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• City Scene New Development!!! NEW RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Schuler Homes of California has completed the construction of 98 single-family homes located west of San Pablo Avenue and north of Athena. The second phase of the project for 36 additional single-family homes is currently under construction. Citation Homes is in the process of completing the construction of their forty single-family homes located north of Santa Fe Avenue and East of Pinole Street. Western Pacific Housing has submitted their plan to construct 218 single family homes in the waterfront area. New Pacific Properties has proposed the construction of 880 homes on the former Pacific Refinery site on San Pablo Avenue. Grading has begun to prepare the site for construction. Warmington Homes has begun its Planning Commission approval to construct the house designs. Plans have been approved for the construction of a senior housing facility on the corner ofTurquoise Drive and Sycamore Avenue. The developer is proposing a four-story building, which will provide a maximum of 78 units. A Specific Plan is being developed for the construction of homes in the Franklin Canyon Golf Course area. The plan will include the development of 150 acres, construction of a hotel and a new residential community of 577 homes. Kaufman and Broad is in the process of developing a mixed-use project that includes residential and expansion of the Civic Center complex. Construction of the 125 single-family homes is underway. Kaufman and Broad has also received approval for the construction of 15 houses along Refugio Valley Road next to the existing Country Run development. The Planning Commission has approved a 56 unit residential development at the northwest intersection of San Pablo and Hercules Avenue. RODEO HOME FOR THE ELDERLY Residential Board and Care Facility "Our mission is to provide quality care for your MOM and DAD in a home-like setting environment". Our services include: 24 hour personalized care Supervised medication Nutritious meals and snacks Daily laundry services Indoor and outdoor activities Ambulatory and non-ambulatory Private and semi-private rooms "Must see to appreciate" Locations: ~IS Violet Road, Hercules 769 Windward Dr. , Rodeo ~icense #071441070 License # 071441240 For more information, please call: Gerry or Tita Escalada (SI0) 367-4S96 or (S IO) 24S-291O Spring 2002 Herculean 3 City Scene When is a Permit Necessary? Building Permits The Building Depaltment receives numerous calls with questions about what types of replacement or repair items require building penn its. There are only a few items in the C niform Building Code that are allowed to be repaired or erected without the benefit of a building permi!. These are asfollows: - Retaining walls less than three feet in height and three feet awa'· fro m the property line or other structures (must be field verified by the City Engineer). - Tool sheds less than 120 square feet in area. - Decks less than 30 inches measured ITom the highest POllL Building Pennits are required before any construction is started and can be obtained from the Building Department at City Hall, 111 Civic Drive. Prior to obtaining a building pennit, you must have approval from the Community Development Department with respect to zoning and allowable locations. Those homes that reside within a Home Owner'sAssociation (HOA) development must have HOA approval of the proposed project. The Building Department requires three sets of plans for the plan checking process on small projects, which can be drawn by the homeowner. For room additions and larger projects the Building Department requires: - Flat concrete work. Some of the items that require Building Permits and inspecuons are: iil>crallation of a new roof. installation of furnaces and water heaters. Installation of retrofit vinyl windows. lllicrallation of vinyl siding. installation of a new fi·ont door. Replacement and repairs to weather damaged siding. Installation of exterior stucco. O,·erhead patio structures. Storage buildings in the side yard or over 120 square feet. Carports for additional parking. Bathroom and kitchen remodeVrepairs . .-\ny electrical or plumbing work. The property owner is responsible for insuring that pennits are obtained for work being done on their property. To reduce an y problems in the future, make sure your contractor is licensed by the State of California Contractors Licensing Board and obtains building permits ITom the City Building Department for all your home improvements. Proj ects that do not have valid building permits will receive a letter ITom the city Code Enforcement Officer. Lack of permits can cause problems, should you consider selling your home. 4 Spring 2002 Herculean Three sets of plans Two set of engineer's soils repOlt. Two sets of Title 24 energy calculations. Two sets of structural calculations. As a reminder, any work to be done on driveway approaches and sidewalks in ITont of homes require permits from the Publi c Works Department. For information call regarding these types of permits, please contact Gary Stone at (510) 799-8247. If you have any questions about building construction please call Gary West, Building Official, Building Inspection Division, (5 I 0) 799-8244 or (51 0) 799-8241. R. Berri Paintin2 Commercial, Residential & Industrial Interior - Exterior Pressure Washing, Wall Paper Removal, Texturing & Cabinets (510) 819-8437 License #789942 Rob Berri email JRBerri@ aoLcom City Scene The Ramon S. Taraya Scholarship Fund Corporation Scholarships Available Applications are now being accepted for the Ramon S. Taraya Scholarship 200212003. Individuals must meet the following criteria to be eligible. • • • • Must have a cumulate grade point average of2.0 or above. Must be current resident of City ofHercules (minimum 2 year residency requirement) Must submit a completed application. Must submit a one page type written essay answering the question: "What would you give President Bush to encourage diversity, tolerance and/or patriotism after the September 11 th tragedy?" Applications are available at City Hall, III Civic Drive or can be requested via e-mail at taraya_ scholarship@hotmail.com. Deadline to submit completed application packet April 8, 2002. Scholarships are only available to students who will be attending college (including vocational and technical schools) during the Fall semester of the 2002/2003 academic year. Verification of enrollment will be required prior to disbursement of funds. The Ramon S. Taraya Scholarship Fund Corporation 1623 Swallow Way Hercules, CA 94547 BILL PRATHER REALTOR SINCE 1975! Thinking of Selling? See what my E·MARKETING Campaign can do for you! Visit: www.visualtour.com. Check Tour #40390. Area Resident since 1942! Hercules Resident since 1978! NO ONE knows the Area Better! Office: 510-245-9901 Fax: 510-245-9906 E-mail: wprather@pacbell.net Security Pacific Real Estate Brokerage Spring 2002 Herculean 5 Public Safety Hercules Police New Police Officers Officer Ezra Tafe sse joined the Hercules Poli ce Department on October 23, 200 1 after successfull y completing the police academy at the A lameda County Sheriffs' Regional Training Center. The police academy was a 27-week program focusing on various academic subjects and practical skills necessary to perform tbe duties of a police officer. Officer Tafesse grew up in Hercules and attended John Swett High School in Crockett. He graduated from Diablo Valley College with an AA Degree in Liberal Arts and transferred to the University of Arizona, where he earned a BA degree in Sociology with a minor in Criminal Justice. Officer Tafesse has also served in the United States Army Reserve for five years. He holds the rank of sergeant and is an Imagery Analyst in tbe Military Intelligence Corps. Ezra enjoys watching sports, working out with weights, and reading mystery novels. The Hercules Police Department is proud to welcome Ezra as a member of our team. The Hercules Police Department is pleased to annou nce the addition of Connie Van Putten as a Hercules' Reserve Officer. Connie boasts a wealth of police experience, hav109 served over 35 years in Law Enforcement. She began her career as a Policewoman Detective with the San Diego Police Department. She worked for San Diego for 23 years as a Field Training Officer, Police Academy Advisor, and was also the first woman promoted to tbe rank of Sergeant and later Lieutenant. Connie was employed as a Police Captain, by the Union City Police Department, from 1988 until her retirement in December of2000. While in Union City, Connie worked in each of the department's divisions; Field Operations, Admmlstrative Services, and Support Services. Connie enjoys riding motorcycles, scuba diving, attending major league baseball games and baking. She also serves as a volunteer for tbe Boy Scouts San Francisco Bay Area Council and tbe Prevent Blindness Association of Northem California. The police department w ill benefit greatly from the knowledge and experience she possesses . Connie is currently assigned to tbe Services Division where she conducts follow-up witl] crime victims. She also be working for the patrol division, on routine patrol and specialized assignments, as a reserve police officer. w'ill Ezra Tafesse, Hercules Police Officer 6 Spring 2002 Herculean Connie Van Putten, Reserve Police Officer Public Safety Now Accepting Applications Second Annual Citizen Police Academy THE POLICE DEPARTMENT HAS A NEW K-9!! Wednesday Evenings 7-9 PM May 16 through August 14, 2002 The Hercules Police Department has started 2002 with a new police K-9. Sabre comes to us from Holland and is a 14-month old brown and black Malinois (Mal' -NWah), a prototype Shepherd breed. He will be the partner of Officer John Goodner and will help our department w ith apprehending suspects, article searches, and protecting our officers. Future training will also expand Sabre into the area of narcotics detection. Citizen Police Academy participants are selected by the Chief of Police and staff through an application process. Applications are available at the Police Department and City Hall. Enrollment is limited to twenty-five students per academy class. Candidates for the Citizen Police Academy must meet the following standards: Minimum Age of 18 Live or Work in the City of Hercules No Felony Convictions No Misdemeanor Convictions within One Year ofApplication Any requirement may be waived or modified upon review and approval ofthe Chief of Police. Applications are available at the Hercules Police Department, III Civic Drive, Hercules CA94547 . Contact Commander Tom Muehleisen, (510) 799-8280, for additional information. Application deadline is May 8, 2002. Here are some comments fi'om citizens who attended our 2001 Citizen Academy: Subjects were all perfectly presented. Presenters were all knowledgeable, understanding and nice p eople. The Hercules Police Dept. rolled out the red carpet to ensure this program was a success . . I've heard that some programs in other areas are not as comprehensive as the one we had. Sabre with Officer Goodner 1 liked all the fieldwork. Taking field trips were fim. Thank you so much for such a wonderfi" experience. An opportunity to know all of you officers. I'm humbled and gratefi,z. Spring 2002 Herculean 7 Public Safety Most Frequently Stolen Vehicles Auto Theft Status Quo in 2001 Iri 100 I there were 120 reports of auto thefts lD Hercules. 1hIS is a slight reduction compared to the 2000 figure of 126. Over 50 percent of the vehicles taken were Toyotas or Hondas. The Police Department has continued street-level enforcement effoI1S. Hercules officers recovered 64 vehicles from Hercules and other jurisdictions and made 18 arrests fo r auto thefts in 200 I. Ninety percent of all vehicles taken from Hercules in 200 I were recovered by January 15,2002. 14) T-·---· ~--. - . I 126 120 r 12:1 I 102 ~ 100 " In addition to Patrol efforts, Hercules Police also coordinate or assist with at least one Auto Theft Task Force Operation each U ~ year. This is a combined effort with the California Highway Patrol, Pinole Police Department, Contra Costa Sheriff, Parole, & Probation. These are highly visible operations and target areas of high auto theft and suspects that are wanted or on parole or probation for auto theft. lncreasing citi zen awareness is one of the more effective ways of combating auto theft. Remember to lock your vehicle every time you leave it. Never leave your vehicle unattended with the keys in the ignition (not even in your driveway). Steering \",'heel locks, alarms, kill switches, and other devices are a good idea if you own a high-risk vehicle or frequently use commuter lots or other areas of concentrated outdoor parking. A fu ll list of prevention tips is available at the Police Department or on tbe City's website (www.ci.hercules.ca.us). I. I 74 &) 1 65 i 00 1 40 i 1, 20 i i I , 0 -- 1997 1998 199 2000 2001 MOST FREQUENT VEIllCLES Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 Year 1990-00 1985-90's 1988-99 1987-00's 1990-99 Make Honda Toyota Acura General Motors Ford Model(s) Civic, Accord Camry, Corolla, Pickup, Van Integra Pickup, Van, SUV, Corvette Mustang, Pickup, Escort FREOUENT LOCATIONS Transit Center lot (16) Village Park (10) Foxboro Heights (7) Foxboro Downs (7) Bay Pointe (4) 8 Spring 2002 Herculean Number Taken 35 33 15 12 8 Public Safety Changes in law for 2002 Child Safety Seat Changes As our city streets and highways become more and more crowded, it becomes more important to protect our most precious cargo, our children. In order to keep our children safe in the event of a collision, the State of California has enacted new child safety seat laws. These laws are as follows: Vehicle Code Section 27360(a) No parent or legal guardian, when present in a motor vehicle, as defined in section 27315, shall pennit his or her child or ward to be transported upon a highway in the motor vehicle without providing and properly securing the child or ward, in a child passenger restraint system meeting applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards unless the child or ward is at least six years of age or older or weighs 60 pound or more Vehicle Code Section 27360(b) No driver shall transport upon a highway any child in a motor vehicle, as defined in section 27315, without providing and properly securing the child in a child passenger restraint system meeting applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards unless the child or ward is at least six years of age or older or weighs 60 pound or more. The new law requires any child who is under 6 years of age and weighs less than 60 pounds to be secured in a child passenger restraint system (child safety seat). If a child is at least 6 years of age or weighs 60 pounds or more, that child is not required to be secured in a child safety seat. Examples: A 5-year-old child weighing 55 pounds ~ required to be in a child safety seat. A 5-year-old child weighing 63 pounds is not required to be in a child safety seat. A 6-year-old child weighing 50 pounds is not required to be in a child safety seat. If you have any question regarding the new child safety seat laws or you would like your child safety seat inspected, please contact Officer Herbert, the Department's certified child safety seat technician, at (510) 799-8276 or via email at therbert@ci.hercules.ca.us. Officer Herbert will be happy to set up an appointment with you to have your seat inspected to insure it is installed properly and has not been recalled. Officer Herbert is available Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and every other Wednesday, 7 :00 a.m. to 7 :00 p.m. MOST FREOUENT CALLS False Alarms Suspicious Circumstances Juvenile Complaints Miscellaneous Disturbances Other Calls: Assaults Burglary Residential Automobile Auto Theft Vandalism Oct Nov Dec 74 21 14 18 83 37 12 15 80 32 12 17 7 6 4 10 23 9 4 13 12 12 9 8 13 12 7 Although we saw a slight decrease in Auto Burglary & Residential Burglary in November and December, these property crimes contribute significantly to overall crime in Hercules. Total Burglaries are up from 53 in 2000 to 108 in 200 I. Other thefts are up from 215 in 2000 to 271 in 200 I. With the increase in property crimes, citizens need to be alert for suspicious activity and report in progress crimes immediately. Spring 2002 Herculean 9 Public Safety Rodeo-Hercules Fire Protection District Fire and Emergency Services Training The Rodeo-Hercules Fire District is working to establish an ROP (Regional Occupation Program) for high school students in fire training and emergency service. This twoyear program, will begin in the junior year of high school will be modeled after a very successful program at Mariposa High School, home to the Mariposa High-Grizzly Fire Department. Establishedjust 6 years ago, this high school fire-training program provides local youth the oppmtunity to explore a career in the fire service. Successfhl graduates of this class receive a Firefighter 1 Certificate and EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) Certificate. This allows those youth who have successfully completed and graduated the program to be qualified to apply for and most often successfully compete in examinations for the position ofFirefigbter. Empbasis on what being a firefighter is about makes these classes very popular with students. They know they are getting an edge on those who do not have the oppmtunity to learn what the fire service is really about. Aptitude and physical conditioning are vitally important to future firefighters. Preparation for the recently adopted "tougher" Physical Agility Test gives students an opportunity to appreciate wby firefigbters must be in top condition both mentally and pbysically. If you are cunently a higb school sophomore or junior and are interested in infonnation on this program you can contact the Rodeo-Hercules Fire District at (51 0) 7994561. All scbool districts in our area will be contacted as to tbeir interest in paliicipating in this class. John Swett High School District bas already committed to this program for the 2002-2003 school year to begin in September 2002 . This is not an easy class and will be valuable to those who conunit and successfully complete the program. 1 a Spring 2002 Herculean FIRE PREVENTION IN THE HOME In 1999, according to the National Fire Protection Association, 3,570 Americans were killed and another 21,875 were injured as a result ofpre. Direct property loss due to pres was estimated at $10 billion. Fire killed more Americans than all natural disasters combined. 82% of all pre deaths occurred in residences. With these startling statistics in mind, here are some safety tips for you: SMOKE DETECTORS Smoke is responsible for three out of four deaths. • Install smoke detectors on every level of your home and outside of sleeping areas. • Test every detector at least once a month. [See your instruction book for the location of the test button.] Keep smoke detectors dust free. Replace batteries with new ones at least once a year, or sooner if the detector makes a chirping sound. • If you have a smoke detector directly wired into your electrical system, be sure that the little signal light is blinking periodically. This tells you that the alarm is active. • Inexpensive smoke detectors are available for the hearing impaired. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS They remain your best bet if you're on the spot when a fire begins. • Fire extinguishers should be mounted in the kitchen, garage, and workshop. • Purchase an ABC type extinguisher for extinguishing all types of fires . Learn how to use your fire extinguisher before there IS an emergency. • Remember; use an extinguisher on small fires only. If there is a large fire, get out immediately and call 911 from another location. Public Safety Fire Prevention In The Home THINKING AHEAD: Your Exit Plan • • • Never leave cooking unattended. It·s wise to have a fire extinguisher near the kitchen. Keep it to feet away from the stove on the exit side of the kitchen. Never pour water on a grease fire; turn off the stove and cover the pan with a lid, or close the oven door. Keep pot handles on the stove pointing to the back, and always watch young children in the kitchen. Don't store items on the stovetop, as they could catch fire. Keep kitchen appliances clean and in good condition, and turn them off and disconnect them when not in use. Don't overload kitchen electrical outlets and don't use appliances with frayed or cracked wires. Wear tight-fitting clothing when you cook. Here's why: An electrical coil on the stove reaches a temperature of 800 degrees. A gas flame goes over 1,000 degrees. Your dishtowel or potholder can catch fire at 400 degrees. So can your bathrobe, apron, or loose sleeve. Be sure your stove is not located under a window in which curtains are hanging. Clean the exhaust hood and duct over the stove regularly. and wipe up spilled grease as soon as the surface of the stove is cool. Operate your microwave only when there is food in it. As with other things, the best motto is, "Be Prepared." • Prepare a floor plan of your home showing at least two ways out of each room. • Sleep with your bedroom door closed. In tbe event of fire, it helps to hold back heat and smoke. But if a door feels hot, do not open it; escape through another door or window. • Easy-to-use window escape ladders are available through many catalogues and outlet stores. For instance, First Alert sells one for around $90. • Agree on a fixed location out-of-doors wbere family members are to gather for a head count. • Stay together away from the fire . Call 9 11 from another location. Make certain that no one goes back inside the burning building. • Check corridors and stairways to make sure they are free of obstructions and combustibles. • To help cut down on the need for an emergency exit in the first place, clear all unnecessary items from the attic, basement, garage, and closets. • When lighting a gas space heater, strike your match first, then turn on the gas. • Never use a gas range as a substitute for a furnace or space heater. • CLOTHES DRYER GASOLINE AND OTHER FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS Under some circumstances, dangerous heat can build up in a dryer. • Never leave home with the clothes dryer running. • Dryers must be vented to the outside, not into a wall or attic. • Clean the lint screen frequently to keep the auway clear. • Never put in synthetic fabrics, plastic, lUbber, or foam because they retain heat. Those cans aren't painted red just for the fun of it! Flarnmable liquids shonld be stored only in approved safety containers, and the containers should be kept outside the house and garage in a separate storage shed. Gas up lawn equipment and snow throwers outside, away from enclosed areas and any source of sparks or heat. Start the eqnipment 10 feet fi'om where you filled it with fuel. Don 't fill a hot lawn mower, snow thrower, or other motor; let it cool first. Never clean floors or do other general cleaning with gasoline or flammable liquids. KITCHEN Careless cooking is the number one cause of residential fires. • • • • • • • • Spring 200:;;' Herculean 11 Public Safety Rodeo Hercules Fire Protection District Bicycle Injury Facts Forty percent of the 99 million riders in the United States are children ages 14 and under. This age group rides about 50 percent more than the average bicyclist and accou nts fo r more than one-third of all bicycle-related deaths in addi tion to 65 percent of a ll bicycle-related injuries. Bicycles are assoc iated with more childhood injuries than any other consumer product except the automobile. In 1993, six children were killed, more than 10,000 suffered from head injuries and more than 22,000 suffered from face injuries. When and Where Deaths and Injuries Occur Children ages 14 and under are more likely to die from bicycle crashes in urban areas (60 percent), at non-intersection locations (72 percent), during the months of May to September (56 percent) and between noon and 9:00 pm (62 percent). Head injury is the leading cause of death in bicycle crashes and is the most important determinant of bicycle-related death and permanent disability. Head injuries account for more tban 60 percent of bicycle related deaths and about one-third of hospital emergency room treated bicycling injuries. The most effective safety device available to reduce bead injuries and fatalities from bicycle crasbes is a bicycle helmet. Other protective safety equipment, including retro-reflective material, headlights and taillights, can also belp prevent or mitigate bicycle-re lated injuries and eYen deaths. The risk of sustaining an injury in non-daylight conditions (e.g. at dawn, dusk or night) is 3.6 times greater for children ages 14 and under than riding during the daytime. D eaths and Injuries Who Is At Risk Each year approximately 250 children ages 14 and under are killed in bicycle-related incidents. Due to differences in risk exposure and lifestyle, the fa tality rate for males is greater than that for females at all ages. :\inety percent of bicycle related deaths (all ages) are the result of collisions with motor vehicles. Children between the ages of 5 and 14 have a death rate more than two times the death rate of all other bicycle riders. The fata lity rate rises rapidly beginning at about age 4 and is the highest among 12 to 14 year olds. In 1994, almost 400,000 chi ldren ages 14 and under were treated in emergency rooms for bicycle related injuries. Approximately 10 percent ofthese injuries were related to collisions w ith motor vehicles. Children ages 14 and under are approximately six times more like ly to be injured than children ages 15 and older from bicycle-related crashes. 12 Spring 2002 Herculean For chi ldren, cycling on streets is about 3.4 times the risk of riding on unpaved surfaces and e ight times riskier than riding on bike paths. Children ages 9 and under are at risk for bicycle-related head injuries. Bicycle Helmet Effectiveness Bicycle helmets have been shown to reduce the risk of head injury by as much as 85 percent and the risk of brain injury by as much as 88 percent. Universal use ofblke helmets hy children ages 4 to 15 would prevent between 135 and 155 deaths, between 39,000 and 45 ,000 head injuries, and between 18,000 and 55,000 scalp and face injuries annually. (Article continued on page 13.) Public Safety Rodeo Hercules Fire Protection District Bicycle Injury Facts Nationwide, only 15 percent of children ages 14 and under use bicycle helmets. However, 85 percent of children who own bicycle helmets use them. Bicycle Helmet Laws To date, 13 states have enacted some form of bicycle helmet legislation, most of which covers only young riders. None of the 50 states has a bicycle helmet law that applies to all riders. (Continued) Buy a bicycle helmet that meets or exceeds the safety standards developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANZI) Z-90.4, the Snell Memorial Foundation B90 or the American Society for testing and Materials (ASTM) F1447. Learn the rules of the road and obey traffic laws. Ride on the right side of the road, with traffic, not against; use appropriate hand signals; respect traffic signals; stop at all intersections, marked and unmarked; and stop and look both ways before entering a street. Cycling should be restricted to sidewalks, paths and driveways until a child is able to show how well she or he rides and observes the basic rules of the road. For more infonnation, contact: National SAFE KIDS Campaign 111 Michigan Avenue, N .W. Washington D.C. 20010-2970 (202) 884-499 - (301) 650-8038 Fax Health Care Costs and Savings Every $15 bike helmet saves this country $30 in direct health care costs and an additional $365 in other costs to society. If 85 percent of all child cyclists wore bicycle helmets in one year, the lifetime medical cost savings would total between $109 million and $142 million. Prevention Tips A bicycle helmet is a necessity, not an accessory. Always wear a bicycle helmet every time you ride. Wear a bicycle helmet con·ectly. A bicycle helmet should fit comfortably and snugly, but not too tightly. It should sit on top of your head in a level position, and should not rock forward and back or from side to side. The helmet straps must always be buckled. Spring 2002 Herculean 13 CROCKETT & RODEO GLASS Co Reduce your heating and cooling costs by up to 15 percent Install new, energy-efficient windows The average houshold spends over 40 percent of its energy budget on heating and cooling costs HIGH PERFORMANCE, DOUBLE PANE REPLACEMENT WINDOWS CAN HELP YOU SAVE MONEY Replace old wood sash windows with new Vinyl Windows o 1>"1 1>"1 1>"1 1>"1 Double Pane Insi.dated V.V. Protective Low-E Glass Sliding or single hung No more cold drafts or sticking windows No cutting of stucco Peace and Quiet! We Feature CERTAINTEED WINDOWS Rated #1 in America -FREE QUOTE AND IN HOME MEASUREMENTS'- CALL 7 DAYS (510) 799-4157 Brien Weir Glazing Contractor License #787293 14 Spring 2002 Herculean Recreation & Community Services Recreation & Community Services Staff Administration, 111 Civic Drive, (510) 799-8230 Acting Recreation Manager-Child Care/Senior Center/ Tiny Tot Services .................................. Marsha Reynolds email: marsha.reynolds@ci.hercules.ca.us Acting Recreation Manager-Recreation Classes/Facilities/ Sports ......................... .. .. ... ...... ........ ....... .... Greg Dwyer email: gdwyer@cLhercules.ca.us Acting Recreation Manager-Community Events/Aquatics/ YouthlTeen Programs ........................ ..... ..Pedro Jimenez email: pjimenez@ci.hercules.ca.us UPCOMING COMMUNITY EVENTS FOR 2002! Hercules Spring Flea Market . Saturday, April 13, 2002 For more information, please (510) 799-8291 Administrative Secretary....................... ........ Jenny Smith email: jenny.smith@cLhercules.ca.us Commun ity/Swim Center 2001 Refug io Valley Road Facility Coord inator. .............................. .. .. ...Gaby Flores Phone: (510)799-8291 Sports Coordinator. ................................. Tony Melendez Phone: (510)799-8295 Aquatics Coordinator.............. . .... .. ........ ...... Mike Arwine Phone: (510) 799-8229 Senior Center Coordinator................ ........ .. .Janet Bewley Phone: (510)799-8219 email: janet.bewley@cLhercules.ca.us Community Events Specialist... ............... Janine Shaheed Phone: (510) 799-4630 Hanna Ranch Child Care 2480 Refugio Valley Road, (510) 245-4803 Child Care CoordinatorlTeens ................. .. .Beverly Dupree Lupine Child Care 1905 Lupine Road, (510) 799-8259 Child Care Coordinator.................................... .Diana Fall Ohlone Child Care 1616 Pheasant Drive, (510) 799-8224 Child Care Coordinator......................... .. .. ... ... .... Gwen Hill Hercules 24th Cultural Festival June 1 & 2, 2002 For more information, please call: (510) 799-8291. HERCULES 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION!! Co-sponsored by the City of Hercules and the Hercules Chrunber of Conunerce Parade begins a"t 10:30 a.m. Redwood Road "to Sycamore Avenue and in "to "the Park! For more informa"tion or if you are in"teres"ted in par"ticipa"ting please con"tac"t "the Hercules Chamber of Commerce Telephone: 799 - 7536 For a participan"t applica"tion go "to Spring 2002 Herculean 15 All Used Vehicles Sold Below Kelly Blue Book We Specialize In Any Problem Credit, Should You • need Our Help Trade-ins Welcome Sponsored By the City Of Hercules Come Visit Our Money Machine .... Cash, Prizes, Discounts !Date: 4[13[02 £ 4[14[02 5ime: Sat 9:00am-8:00pm Sun 10:00am -6:00pm For Every Vehicle Sold, $100 Will be Donated to The City of Hercules Cultural Festival!!! Rental Facilities hether you are hosting a wedding reception, birthday party, or any other special occasion, the Hercules Recreation and Community Services Department invites you to share your precious moments in any of our available facilities. Welcome!!For more information call: (510) 799-8291 The Foxboro Community Center is located at 1025 Canterbury Avenue, situated in the Foxboro Neighi;lorhood Park. This facility is best suited for small parties and meetings not to exceed 48 people. The facility has one small assembly room, restrooms, street parking, and a large outdoor park area including tennis and basketball courts. This facility does not have kitchen facilities. The Hercules Senior Center is located at 111 Civic Drive, adjacent to the City Center Plaza. This facility is best suited for parties and meetings not to exceed 100 people. It has one large assembly room, with a wooden Hoor suitable for dancing. Additional areas include a kitchen, outdoor patio area with barbeque, restrooms, and large parking lot. The Ohlone Community Center is located at 190 Turquoise Drive, adjacent to the Ohlone Neighborhood Park. This facility is best suited for small parties and meetings not to exceed 75 people. The Ohlone Center has one medium sized assembly room, a residential kitchen, outdoor patio, restrooms, and a small parking lot. Spring 2002 Herculean 17 Rental Facilities ifill II ental Procedures: For detailed information on rental fees, date availability, and application procedures, you may pick up a Facility Application packet at the Community/Swim Center during normal business hours. The packet contains step-by-step instructions for booking all of the City's facilities. Reservations will be received on a first come, first serve basis. Reservations will also be taken no more than one year in advance, and no less than one month prior to the event date. For more information, please call: (510) 799-8291. The Community/Swim Center is located at 2001 Refugio Valley Road. This facility is situated within a beautiful valley surrounded by eucalyptus groves and open space. This facilty is best suited for parties, fund raisers, and other social events not to exceed 300 people. The Community Center includes one large assembly room with a portable stage, three multi-purpose rooms, outdoor patio area, restrooms, and a arkin lot. The Community Center Gymnasium is available for rental for volleyball and basketball games for private individuals or company events! Rental includes sports equipment, portable bleacher units, restrooms, outdoor patio area, and parking lot. Refugio Valley Park Gazebo is very popular for outdoor weddings because of its unique design and proximity to the lake. The scenic view and easy access provide a unique location for any outdoor celebration! Electricity is available, however, rental does not include tables or chairs. are i private or company rentals. There is a two hour minimum on all field rentals. Rental of these facilities does not include sports equipment or field preparations. 18 Sprlng 2002 Herculean Classes COOKING CLASSES The City of Hercules offers a wide variety of cooking classes. Popular Chef Chat Mingkwan will instruct such classes as Asian Appetizers, Sushi & Kaiseki (Japenese Food Art), Fusion & California Cuisine, Thai, Pacific Rim Vegetarian, and more! All Classes will be held at the CommunitylSwim Center, for more information, please call (510) 799-8291. Remember to bring a good knife, apron, cutting board, hand towel and something to drink! Location: Instructor: Fees: Times: CommunitylSwim Center 2001 Refugio Valley Road Chef Chat Mingkwan $45 Res/$48 Non-Res 6:30pm-9:30pm 11544-A 11544-6 Nigiri & Kaiseki Sushi Dim Sum Tues Tues 03/05 03/26 ASPIRING WRITERS These writing courses are designed for adults or teens who are intermediateladvanced writers. Participants will explore all forms of writing depending on the interests of class members. Various forms will include biographies, autobiographies, journals, essays, short stories, novels, and poetry. Information on how to market one's writing will also be provided throughout the course. Location: Instructor: Fee: Time: CommunitylSwim Center, Resource Center Sue Clark $50 Res/$55 Non-Res 7:00pm - 8:30pm 11501-6 21501-A Wed Wed HERCULES PUBUC STARGAZING Looking for something different for an evening out? Want something fun, educational, and free to do in the evening with the children? Under clear night skies* right here in Hercules, see exciting, brilliant views of the moon, planets, beautiful star clusters, galaxies, the Milky Way, and other wonders through telescopes and binoculars, and learn about what you see. Come to our public stargazing program conducted by experienced amateur astronomers for the benefit and enjoyment of sky watchers of all ages. If you are a teacher, bring your class; if a parent, bring your children. If you are an amateur astronomer, novice or expert, bring your own binoculars and telescopes and share your knowledge and enthusiasm. Please, no smoking oralcohol, and nofiashlights without a red filter. Dress warm. For more information, call (510) 526-5974. On scheduled evenings, call (510) 799-8237 after 7:30 p.m. Location : Instructors: Fee: Dates: Foxboro Neighborhood Park David Harris, Lance Shaw, & Walt Meadows No Charge 03/09,04/13,05/11,06/08,06/15,7/06,7/13, 8/03, 8/10, 9/28 Time: Saturdays at dusk * Weather permitting! Partly cloudy OK! 04/10-06/09 6/12-8/28 *no class on 6/26/02 or on 7/3102 ,;<>'1'\\\;:[ ['egi~ter for all ~ffru? •• ~by ph6n;~', . ,,!j:t 4 (510) 799.-8291 ,,,, we accept VISA ,~, . - and MasterCard, . Spring 2002 Herculean 19 Classes dult Activities " BASIC FIRST AID TRAINING "~\i."Vr;/ T Medic First Aid is a basic eight hour training course in emergency care, CPR and other important emergency care skills are combined in the course, which allows the student to function with one consistent set of priorities in a medical emergency. The training is accomplished in seven modules of instruction , and students will receive a wallet card & certificate of completion. Please bring a bag lunch. Location: Instnuctor: Instnuctors Fee: Communityl Swim Center, Press Room Delucchi's First Aid Training Certified $45 Res/$50 Non-Res, plus a $5 materials fee for certification packet and handbook. TRADITIONAL FOLK DANCING BY KARILAGAN INCORPORATED This class is a unique opportunity for those interested in the Philippine culture to pass on Traditional Folk Dances such as the Tinikling, Banga, Maria Clara, and Sultana to future generations within our community. Karilagan, Incorporated was formed in September 1995 to provide youths with a positive alternative to negative pressure, and has now joined forces with the City of Hercules Recreation and Community Services Division . These classes are ongoing and students may enroll at any time. Performances are held throughout the Bay Area, and all level s of experi e nce are welcome! Active parent participation is required. Senior Center Friday, 5:00pm-9:00pm Jojo Delrosario at (510) 758-1819 $50 per family plus costumes 41 508-B 11 508-A 21508-A Sat Sat Sat 04/13 07/20 09/14 8:00am-4:30pm 8:00am-4:30pm 8:00am-4:30pm Location: limes: Contacts: Fee: 11517-A 11517-B 21517-A 21517-B Sat Sat Sat Sat 03/16 05/11 06/01 08/10 8:00am-4:30pm 8:00am-4:30pm 8:00am-4:30pm 8:00am-4:30pm HATHA YOGA FINANCIAL WORKSHOP FOR INDIVIDUAL INVESTORS An educational workshop is being offered for indiv idual investors. In this 5 session course, the instructor will provide an in-depth look at many different types of investments available and suitable for retirees, workers and small-business owners. You will learn ways to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Increase your investment income Reduce taxes on your investments Participate in the stock market Save for retirement or college Instnuctor: Fees: Communitiyl Swim Center 200 1 Refugio Valley Road Blaine Davis $30 Residentl$35 Non-Resident 21502-A Mon Location: 20 Spring 2002 Herculean 06/03-07/01 6:30pm-8:00pm '' By bringing attention inward to our movements and breath by directing our energy and by releasing mental and physicai ten sions , yoga postures become a moving med itation. Consciousness is explored through the wisdom of the body. This class will consist of gentle and some challenging asanas (postures), pranayama (yogic breathing) and meditation. Please bring a yoga/exercise mat, thick blanket and an open heart and mind. Yoga is done with bare feet. Instructor: Location: Fees: Daymme: Bonnie Pannell Hercules Senior Center Monthly passes: $28/$9.00 for drop-ins Sat 10:00am-11 : 15am 51539-1 51539-J 51539-K 51539-L 51539-A 51539-8 March April May June July August Classes GENTLE YOGA STRETCH This class will consist of gentle yoga stretches and conscious breathing to help tap into the innate wisdom of your body to restore energy, flexibility, health and peace of mind. Everyone is encouraged to work within his or her own comfort zone and to honor their body's limitations. This class is suitable for beginners with or without prior yoga experienced students. For those students wanting a more challenging class and more instruction, the 10:00am class is recommended. Please bring a yoga mat, firm blanket and/or cushion, and a strap. Yoga is done with bare feet and preferably on an empty or light stomach. Location: Fees: Instructor: DaylTime: Hercules Senior Center $22 amonth or $7 Drop-In Bonnie Pannell Saturdays 9:00am-9:45am 5153S-1 5153S-J 5153S-K 5153S-L 5153S-A 5153S-B March April May June July August Intermediate Computer Learn the basic programs that come with almost every computer-MS Word, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint, and MS Outlook. Get up and running on these great applicationslearn how to set up your email and use it, how to create and save documents, create basic spreadsheets and slideshows! Location: Instructor: Fee: Community/Resource Center Cass Robinson $50 Res/$60 Non-Res 11510-A TueslThurs 05/07-05/23 7:00pm-S:00pm Advanced Computer Classes MS Word - Learn how to handle different formatting functions within MS Word: creating web pages; making posters, creating newletters, cards or reports. This is an intensive and focused class on this particular program. Location: Instructor: Fee: 11511-A Community/Resource Center Cass Robinson $75 Res/$S5 Non-Res 06/03-07/0S 7:00pm-S:00pm Mon MS Excel - Learn how to format your spreadsheets, create formulas for automatic cornputation, hand printing, etc. Community/Resource Center Cass Robinson $75 Res/$S5 Non-Res 06/04-06/25 7:00pm-S:00pm Tues HERCULES COMPUTER CLASSES Location: Instructor: Fee: 11512-A Beginner Computer Learn all the basics of your computer-the mouse, keyboard, monitor-and vital functions of your computer. This is a great class for people just starting out! In a few short sessions, learn how to change settings, do fundamental maintenance, and essential concepts of computer language and usage. MS Outlook - This class will focus on one of the more common email programs that come with most computers. Learn how to set up your address book, mailing lists, customize settings, etc. Location: Instructor: Fee: Community/Resource Center Cass Robinson $25 Res/$30 Non-Res 11509-A Mon 05/06-05/20 7:00pm-S:00pm Location: Instructor: Fee: 11514-A Community/Resource Center Cass Robinson $75 Res/$S5 Non-Res 06/06-06/27 7:00pm-S:00pm Thurs MS PowerPoint - Learn how to create your own slideshows, either for work or for fun. Learn howto import pictures, create fades into slides, set up themes and other functions, and different settings that allow your shows to run automatically. Location: Instructor: Fee: 11514-A Community/Resource Center Cass Robinson $75 Res/$S5 Non-Res Wed 06/05-07/03 7:00pm-S:00pm Spring 2002 Herculean 21 Classes Youth Activities GYMNASTICS Little Munchkins Daycare This fun-filled class is designed for children 7 and older, and for advanced tumbling students, who are preparing for a more advanced gymnastics experience. Emphasis will be on balance, coordination, flexibility and strength. Quality Care & a Nurturing Environment Great New Location· Huge Outdoor Play Area Infants· Toddlers· Kindergarten Program Before & After School Oaycare • Homework Help ~'...~ ~ __ Summer Daycare Program " v " ;. Location: Instructor: Fee: Foxboro Community Center Matthew Silveria $38 Res/$41 Non-Res .. , \- " "" 11 523-A 21523-A 21523-8 Sat Sat Sat 04/13-05/11 06/01-06/29 07/20-8/24 11 :00am-11 :45am 11 :00am-11 :45am 11 :00am-11:45am ROMPER GYM Come explore with your child as they leam and grow. Romper Gym is designed especially for the two to four year old who wants to explore but requires parental assistance and encouragement. Matthew Silveria brings over 12 years of lTXlIivating and training experience to assist the parent in instructing their children to balance, control movement and CJf<m in this upbeat experience. Fee: Foxboro Community Center Matthew Silveria $38 Res/$41 Non-Res 11 526-A 21526-A 21526-8 Sat Sat Sat Location: Instructor: 04/13-05/1 1 06/01-06/29 07/20-08/24 9:00am-9:45am 9:00am-9:45am 9:00am-9:45am TINY TUMBLERS Enjoy the fun while developing body awareness. This class is designed for children ages 4 through 6 and leads students to leam stretches, rolls, balance and cartwheels in a playful and safe environment. Location: Instructor: Fee: Foxboro Community Center Matthew Silveria $38 Res/$41 Non-Res 11522-A 21522-A 21522-8 Sat Sat Sat 04/13-05/11 06/01-06/29 07/20-08/24 22 Spring 2002 Herculean 10:00am-1 0:45am 10:00am-1 0:45am 10:00am-1 0:45am .. _, 'c ___ , _ , \",.11" .......:,/,.- For All Your Oaycare Needs Call Sara (510) 245-0678 Experienced Care in Hercules for 7 Years· License #073402078 Employment Opportunities Available OIL PAINTING Have fun while learning to draw, paint, design, mix colors, and combine colors. Students will also learn about lights, shadows, and composition perspective. This course allows students to learn on an individual basis at their own pace, while developing talents that they have been wishing to accomplish for years. There is an additional fee for supplies. Supply information will be provided when registering. Location: Instructor: Fee: Community/Swim Center Maria S.C. Davi $32 Res/$35 Non-Res 11516-A 11516-8 21516-A Tues Tues Tues 03/19-05/07 OS/21-07/09 08/06-09/24 1:00pm-3:30pm 1 :00pm-3:30pm 1:00pm-3:30pm YOUTH OIL PAINTING Youth, ages 7-17 years, will have fun while learning to draw, paint, design, mix colors, and combine colors. Your child wi ll also learn about lights, shadows, and composition perspective. This course allows students to learn on an individual basis at their own pace, while making new friends and developing new talents. Location: Instructor: Fee: Community/Swim Center Maria S.C. Davi $32 Res/$35 Non-res 11521-A 11521-8 11521-C 11521 -0 21521-A 21521-8 Tues Fri Tues Fri Tues Fri 03/19-05/17 03/22-05/10 OS/21-07/09 OS/24-07/12 08/06-09/24 08/09-09/27 3:30pm-5:00pm 3:30pm-5:00pm 3:30pm-5:00pm 3:30pm-5:00pm 3:30pm-5:00pm 3:30pm-5:00pm Classes KARATE .TUDO Do you sometimes think about your child and worry that someone may be picking on them or that they may be in danger? Are you or your child interested in learning how to defend yourselves? Then come to me, Sensei Garcia! In my class, students will learn the basic fighting skills of Karate. Students will also learn self-discipline , self-esteem and confidence in protecting themselves. If you are interested in a trial offer. just bring the coupon below to the Communitv/Swim Center and receive one month free of Japanese hard stvle karate. This class is on-going and students may enroll at any time. Locations: Instructor: Fees: Mon and Tue Classes at 333 Rodeo Ave WedlThur Classes at Senior Center Fri Classes at Community/Swim Center Joe Garcia $55 Res/$58 Non-Res Monthly fee $35 Res/$38 Non-Res additional family members Mon & Wed Beginners (age 16 & under) 5:00-6:00 pm Yellow Belt (age 10 & under) 6:00-7:00 pm 7:00-8:00 pm Adults 6:00-7:00 pm Tue & Thu Green & Purple Belts 7:00-8:00 pm Brown Belt All Belts (open day) 6:30-7:30 pm Fri 51529-1 51529-J 51529-K 51529-L 51529-A 51529-B Judo is a martial art that concentrates primarily on throwing and grappling techniques. The striking and self-defense techniques are practiced only in Kata form . Judo has been an Olympic event since 1964. The instructor will take registration for all classes at any time during the sessions. If you wish to speak to the instructor prior to enrollment, you may call 799-9906, or you may visit the class. Location: Instructor: Fees: Ohlone Community Center Wayne Cunningham $40 Res/$43 Non-Res Monthly Fee $20 Res/$22 Non-Res additional family members Ages 5 through Adults- MonlWed Workout Hours: MonlWed MonlWed 51519-1 51519-J 51519-K 51519-L 51519-A 51519-B 6:30-7:30pm 7:30-9:00pm Ages 5-11 Ages 12-Adult March April May June July August March April May June July August Students must have fighting gear to attend Friday class. ' There is an additional fee forthe complete uniform. All orders and payments for the uniform are taken by the instructor. **ONE MONTH FREE COUPON" ' COUPON GOOD FOR NEW STUDENTS ONLY' ' ONE COUPON PER PERSON, ONE TIME USE ONLY Spring 2002 Herculean 23 Senior Services HERCULES SENIOR CENTER 111 CIVIC DRIVE 799-8219 Friends, Food, Fun and Companionship is what the Hercules Senior Program is all about. Join us for a day of activities or just come and relax for a while. Our program provides a variety of social and recreational activities in a friendly atmosphere where the emphasis is on hospitality. You will be warmly welcomed by our volunteer staff when you stop in to visit our center. ON-GOING ACTIVITIES MONDAYS Goodie Store TaiChi Computer Classes Low Impact Exercise Lunch 10:30am-ll :OOam 8:00am - 9:00am 9:00am - 2:30pm 9:00am -10:15am 11:30am -1:00pm TUESDAYS Tai-Chi Art Class Lunch Tap Class Intermediate Tap Class Beginner 8:30am - 10:30am 10:00am - 1:oopm 11:30am -1:00pm 1:30pm - 2:30pm 2:30pm - 3:30pm WEDNESDAYS Various Crafts Card Group Bingo Lunch Beginner Computer Class 9:00am - 11 :30am 9:00am - 4:00pm 10:00am -11:00am 11 :30am-12:30pm 1:OOpm-4:00pm Please drop in and say hello to our staff and volunteers Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Ourcenterwill provide you WITh updated information on current and upcoming activities and events. THURSDAYS TaiChi Card Group Lunch Bingo 8:00am - 9:00am 9:00am - 4:00pm 11 :30am - 1:OOpm 1:OOpm - 3:00pm HERCULES COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE FRIDAYS Bingo for Goodies Tai Chi Low Impact Aerobics Beginner Computer Class Lunch Beginner Computer Class 8:00am - 9:00am 9:00am - 10:15am 9:00am-11 :OOam 11 :30am - 1:OOpm 1:OOpm-3:00pm Here you will find a variety of social and recreational services for all seniors. The Hercules Senior program and support services are available to adults 50 and over. Our activities and programs welcome participation by adults of all ages on a space available basis. These servces include classes, day trips, nutrition services, health screening services, multi-cultural enrichment, and much, much more! We strive to ensure a physically and emotionally comfortable environment for all, as well as encouraging socialization with peers. Location: Date: Time: Hercules Senior Center 111 Civic Drive, Hercules, CA April 17, 2002 3:30pm-6:30pm BLOOD PRESSURE Get your blood pressure taken by one of our finest Rodeo Hercules Fire Fighters on the Second Wednesday of each month! 10:30am-ll:15am "Hercules Senior Center is the host to the C.C. Cafe Monday through Friday: suggested donation $1.50 to $1.75. Reservation must be made one day in advance before 12:30pm. POOL TABLE The Pool Table is available Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Time: 1:OOpm to 5:00pm Free Spring 2002 Herculean 24 Senior Services ADULT TAP DANCE BEGINNING & INTERMEDIATE LEVELS Join us for fun and exercise! You will become adept at basic tap dance steps while leaming dance routines choreographed to music of the 30's, 40's and 50's, Carol Rose is a local instructor with over 35 years in the field. She had her own dance studio and holds a State of Califomia Teaching Credential. Tuesday 2:30pm-3:30pm 1:30pm-2:30pm Ongoing Beginner Intermediate $3/week $3/week Would you like to leam the basics of computers? Learn to do letters, balance your checkbook, make a personal appointment calendar and more! Beverly Kegel will teach you in this hands-{)n class. Call for a time MYSTERY TRIP Wednesday, April 24, 2002 Fee: $47.00 CARMEL AND 17 MILE DRIVE Thursday, May 16, 2002 Fee: $45.00 per person COMPUTER CLASS Mondays HERCULES SENIOR CENTER 2002 TRAVEL SCHEDULE Free HICAP HEALTH INSURANCE COUNSELING ADVOCACY PROGRAM ELKHORN SLOUGH Wednesday, June 26, 2002 Fee: $72.00 per person KITCHEN KUT-UPS Wednesday, July 17, 2002 Fee: $48.00 per person TRAIN RIDE THROUGH SANTA CRUZ COASTAL REDWOODS AND A TOUR OF WILD THINGS Tuesda~August20,2002 Did your HMO increase your monthly premium from $0 to $20,$30 or more per month? Having Problems with a denial of payment by Medicare. Do you know that starting February 1st that you can use your Medicare Card at participating pharmacies and save 10 to 47% on prescription qrugs? If you want answers to these questions and many more, call and make a HICAP appointment. Counseling sessions are free and confidential. A trained experienced counselor is available on the 1st Monday of each month at the Hercules Senior Center from 9:00-11 :00 am, call (510) 799-8219. C.C. CAFE All people 60 and over get out of the house and have something nutritious to eat. Live healthier, socialize and have a little fun while you're at it. Visit Hercules C.C. Cafe at the Senior Center, 111 Civic Drive, Monday through Friday at 11 :30 am. The big lunch is served for a suggested donation of $1.75. That's the best deal in town! Call (510) 799-8219 a day in advance before 12:30 pm for reservations. Your first meal is on us! Enroll with Westcat at (510) 724-7433 for free transportation to C.C. Cafe. Give it a try. You won't regret it! 25 Spring 2002 Herculean Fee: $72.00 per person JACKSON RANCHERIA CASINO Monday, September 12, 2002 Fee: $16.00 CHRISTMAS IN THE SIERRA FOOTHILLS Thursday, December 5-6, 2002 Fee: $54 per person double occupancy; $78 single RENO TRIPS April 7-8, June 2-3, August 4-5 and October 14-15, 2002 Fee: $49.00 per person For more information, contact Janet Bewley at the Hercules Senior Center (510) 799-8219. Youth Services BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CHILD CARE FEES The a:.ow;ng fees are effective for 01-02 school year at Hanna Ranch, Lupine and Ohlone Child Care Centers. These fees are based upon a four week billing period and do not include holidays and scheduled in-service (non-student) days. ~11ft:H;hild 10% Discount for all Children's Programs - 10% discount on total program fees for families with two or more children em:JIeC in the same program. 15% of fees to be used for facitity construction and maintenance. Frve-Qay Care Kinl!ru: Grades1-3 Grades 4-6 Care 7:3Oam-8:30am $54 $54 $54 Care 6.3Oam-8:30am $108 $108 $ 108 Dism issal to 5:00pm DismISsal to 6:30pm $310 $403 $155 $248 $140 $233 $32. 50 $65 $186 $242 $32.50 $65 $93 $149 $32.50 $65 $84 $140 ~ay Care AM Care 7:30am-8:30am ".M Care 6:30am-8:30am DisrrOssaI to 5:00pm Dismissal to 6:30pm Late Payment Fee Registration Fee Late Pick-Up Fee $20 for first tate payment $35 $1 per minute/per child AM KINDER PROGRAM Tre AM Kinder Program is for children attending Kindergarten from 11 :OOam-2:30pm at Ohlone Child Care and 11 :30am-3:00pm at Hanna Ranch Child Care. These fees are based on a four we ek billing period. Fwe:Oay Care Kinder AM care 6:30am-l1:30am AM Care 8:30am-II :30am PM care 2:30pm-5:00pm PM Care 2:30pm-6:30pm Late Payment Fee Registration Fee Late Pick-up Fee Three-Day Care Kinder $310 AM Care 6:30-11 :30am $186 AM Care 8:30-11 :30am $155 PM Care 2:30pm-5:00pm $248 PM Care 2:30pm-6:30pm $162 $97 $93 $149 $20 for first late payment $35 $3 per 10 minutes/per child TINY TOTS PRE-SCHOOL FEES Toose fees are based on a four week billing cycle. Pre-Kinders MfWfF 9:00am-12:00pm Resident on-Resident Little Learners TfTH 9:00am-l1 :OOam Resident Non-Resident $132 $139 late Payment Fee Registration Fee late Pick-up Fee $20 for first late payment $35 $3 per minute/per child $58 $62 SUMMEruANNUALDAYCAMPS These fees are based on a weekly billing cycle. They do not effect the Youth and Teen Camp. See Leaflet or flyer for weekly fee schedules. Late Payment Fee $15 for first late payment Resident Non-Resident Five-Day Care Core 8:30am-5:00pm $141 Registration Fee $20 deposit for each week $126.50 Extended 6:30am-6:30pm $140 $155 reserved Three-Day Care Late Pick-up Fee $1 per minute/per child $85 Core 8:30am-5:00pm $76 Extended 6:30am-6:30pm $93.50 $83 Spring Herculean 26 • Youth Services BEFORE/AFTERSCHOOL CHILD CARE The Child Care Programs run from Sept.-June and are for children in grades K-5. This is a recreation program that provides your child a safe, supervised and fun place to go before and after school. The children enjoy themselves with a variety of activities, including crafts, games, sports, a fun fitness program, clubs, cultural appreciation , and life skills. During the day a short time is allotted for the children to start their homework. The Child Care Programs are offered at Ohlone, Lupine, and Hanna Ranch Child Care Centers. For more information please contact the Child Care Coordinators listed below. TINY TOTS The Tiny Tots program is a preschool experience for children 3 and 4 years old. The program is designed to develop the "whole child" . Our qualified and caring staff assist your child in developing confidence and self-esteem. Children will learn responsibility and independence. Social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and creative aspects of the child's development are included in each day's program. All children in Tiny Tots must be completely toilet trained. No diapers or pull ups. Space is limited. The Tiny Tots programs are offered at the three Child Care Centers listed below. For more information, please contact Diana Fall at (510) 799-8259. *A fee of $35 is required at the time of registration. Registration for Before/After school Child Care and Tiny Tots is now open to the public. For more infonmation on registration , please contact the Program Coordinators at the phone numbers listed below. A fee of $35.00 is required at the time of registration for Child Care & Tiny Tots. Camps require a $20.00 non-transfundable and non-transferable deposit for each week reserved. Beverly Dupree at 245-4803 Hanna Ranch Child Care Center 2480 Refugio Valley Road License No . 070215103 Diana Fall at 799-8259 Lupine Child Care Center 1905 Lu pine Road License No. 070209101 Gwendolyn Hill at 799-8224 Ohlone Child Care Center 1616 Pheasant Drive License No. 070210873 Spring 2002 Herculean 27 Youth Services SPRING CAMP-"ZING INTO SPRING!" - K-6 GRADERS li . CHILD CARE JOB OPENINGS Are you at least 18 years old and looking for a year round part·time job with benefits in the exciting child care field?? You don't want to miss this exciting camp filled with activities and surprise events, Some of the activities, you can expect are Movie Day, Arts & Crafts, Egg Hunt, Dance Party and much more! Zing into Spring at Hanna Ranch Child Care, 2480 Refugio Valley Road , Hercules, CA 94547, For more details contact Beverly Dupree, Youths Services Coordinator at (510) 245-4803, Dates: The City of Hercules has openings for: Children's Program Aides Starting at $7.45/hr + benefits Children's Program Leaders Starting at: Leader I: $8.73/hr + benefits Leader II: $9.64/hr + benefits April 1·5, 2002 Hours & Fees: 5 Day Core Program 8:30am-5:00pm $126,50 Res/$141,00 Non-Res For more information or to apply, please call: (510) 799·8204 5 Day Extended Program 6:30am-6:30pm $140,00 Res/$155,00 Non-Res 3 Day Core Program 8:30am-5:00pm $76,00 Res/$85,00 Non-Res REGISTRATION IS BEING TAKEN FOR THE HERCULES TINY TOTS 3 Day Extended Program 6:30am-6:30pm $83.00 Res/$93.50 Non-Res PROGRAM. Summer and Fall Registration Dates: Three Child Care siles available: Ohlone Child Care 1616 Pheasant Lupine Child Care 1905 Lupin e Hanna Ranch Child Care 2480 RefugiO Valley Road Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays ONLY For more information, please contact Diana Fall at (510) 799-8259 Summer Camp: April 29, 2002 9:00am Lupine Day Camp: K-2 Ohlone Day Camp: 3rd-5th HannaPlanet Youth: 6th-8th Fall Enrollments: May 20, 2002 9:00am Hanna Ranch Site, Lupine Site, Ohlone Site, Middle School and Tiny Tots Registration Location: Community/Swim Center 2001 Refugio Valley Road Hercules, CA 94547 (510) 799-8291 ·'. Give your child a chance to socialize with other children his/her own age. Music, Art, Language, Physical development! For 'Y oU b Y,·····";c ..... . . YOUl;,corwen-ience " "" ', cah register , f ~ '. , ' .iii person althe . Community/Swim Center . if: .: ...by fax send form to (510) 799·8288 \1"0,.. ••• by phone ,MI (510) 799·8291 t! ]li\ we accept VISA \1 ,~, . .c-- and MasterCard ~ ~ I , k.~ " ,.. ... by mail 2001 Refugio Valley Road Spring 2002 Herculean 28 Teen Activity Program COOKING WITH STEVE FOR GRADES 6-8 Come join the fun and exciting cooking program. This course offers basic fundamental skills in cooking full meals, baking, knife skills, measuring skills, how to be safe and sanitary, and much, much more! After taking this program, Youths will have the fundamentals of cooking which will give the parents a chance to have a night off from cooking. Times: Days: Fees: Community/Swim Center Resource Center 2001 Refugio Valley Road 5:00pm to 7:00pm Tuesday and Wednesday $50 Per 10 Week Session 51613-D 04/08/02-06/14/02 Location: 'The information above is subject to change. For more information, please call Janine Shaheed at (510) 799-8294. FLASH ANIMATION WITH LYNELL JINKS GRADES 6-8 This course focuses on the basics of creating animation for the internet using Flash 5. Flash 5 is a program that is considered to be the industry standard in producing animation for the internet. These sessions will be held over a 10 week period and throughout the course the students will learn the basic fundamental skills to create animation short. Times: Days: Fees: Community/Swim Center Resource Center 2001 Refugio Valley Road 5:00pm to 7:00pm Tuesday and Thursday $50 Per 10 Week Session 51614-D 04/08/02-06/14/02 Location: 'The information above is subject to change. For more information, please call Janine Shaheed at (510) 799-8294. TEEN RESOURCE CENTER If you're looking for a way to raise your grade point average, why not try our Teen Resource Center? During the school year 9th12th graders will have an opportunity to use Computers with internet access, have unlimited use of various resources, and receive general homework assistance. Students can receive professional tools used in today's career industries, as well as resume and job preparation skills. For more information regarding upcoming workshops , training classes and sessions, call Gyuhee Kim, Teen Resource Coordinator at (510) 799-9680 or (510) 799-8291. Location: Time: Fee: Community/Swim Center 2001 Refugio Valley Road , Hercules, CA. 3:00 p.m . to 7:00 p.m. Mon-Thur $40 Annual Membership - per school year $2-Daily Drop-in - each day BEFORE AND AFTER MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM: TH.E. SP.OT The City of Hercules Before and After Middle School Program for students entering grades 6th through 8th provides an exciting anray of activities and events. T.H.E. S.P.O.T. (Teens of Hercules Empowering through Spirit, Perseverance, Outreach & Teamwork), is just the spot to be, in a safe, fun and secure environment socializing and sharing ideas among peers. This program is available for all Pre-Teens and Youths attending the Hercules Middle School , ages 11 through 14 years. T.H.E. S.P.O.T. "Before School Program" is located at the Community/ Swim Center, 2001 Refugio Valley Road, Hercules, directly across from the Middle School. Homework help, the use of the Teen Resource Center, computers (internet access), and sports activities will provide a full moming of events before going to school. Youths will be safe~y escorted to the School crosswalk. The "After School Program" is located at 1900 Refugio Valley Road, Hercules, on the site of the Middle School in the Multpurpose room. Our Homework Club provides assistance and tutoring. Youths can challenge their sports' skills in the gymnasium; use the School Resource Center and computers to do their homework, participate in our workshops, drama projects, local field trips and much more! This program consists offoursessions per school year, most sessions are ten weeks each for both AM and PM programs. Participants must sign up for each session. A deposit of $20 will be required to reserve space per session. A one-time annual registration fee of $35 will be required per school year. For more information, please call Beverly Dupree, Youth Services Coordinator at (510) 2454803 or (510) 799-8291. Spring 2002 Herculean 29 Before and After Middle School Program Grades 6th, 7th, and 8th REGISTRATION INFORMATION The following fees are effective for the 2001-2002 school year for Grades 6th, 7th, and 8th. A $35.00 Pre-Registration fee payable to the City of Hercules is required along with $20.00 deposits to reserve your child's space per week, 112 session , or full session, Please note that this registration is non-refundable and separate from you regular program fees. Payments are due before the start of each session . Full day programs will be available at an additional f ee on some schoo l In service Days/Holidays. Separate registration for non-school periods will be required. Please return your teen's emergency form before the start of the program, All forms can be picked up at the Hercules Community Swim Center. Before School AM Program After School PM Program Hercules Community Swim Center Teen Resource Center/Gym 2001 Refugio Valley Road Hercules, CA 94547 (510) 799-8291 Hercules Middle High School Multi-Purpose Room 1900 Refugio Valley Rd Hercules, CA 94547 (510) 799-8291 Session # 4: April 8, 2oo2- June 14, 2002 BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM FEES Before School 6:30 AM to 8:30 AM $18,00 $90,00 $180.00 Before School 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM $9.00 $45.00 $90.00 After School 2:30 AM to 5:30 PM $21.00 $105.00 $210.00 After School 2:30 AM to 6:30 PM $36.00 $180.00 $360.00 Before School 6:30 AM to 8:30 AM $30.00 $138.00 $270.00 Before School 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM $15.00 $69.00 $135.00 After School 2:30 AM to 5:30 PM $35.00 $175.00 $350.00 After School 2:30 AM to 6:30 PM $60.00 $293.00 $582.00 Spring 2002 Herculean 30 r • Teen Activity Program CITY OF HERCULES YOUTH/ T EEN COUNaL The YouthfTeen Council are busy helping with Community Activities and Events. Our active Youth and Teens are demonstrating leadership skills through their participation in such events as, the City Clean-Up Day, the Halloween Haunted House, and the Town Meetings on Education. They recently met with the City of Pinole's Youth and Teen Council to sponsor joint Community Events for the Youth and Teens of our communities. This successful program is currently recruiting active members from the Middle and High School. If you enjoy working in your community and are great with making decisions for your peers, this is the program for you. We presently have a membership of 18 participants. All members must be between the 6th and 12th grade. Applications can be obtained from the Community/Swim Center or the Hanna Ranch Child Care site. Meetings are held in the Teen Resource Center, 2001 Refugio Valley Road, Hercules, CA94547, everyWednesdayfrom 3:00pm-4:30pm. If you are interested in participating, please contact Janine Shaheed, YouthfTeen Events Coordinator at (510) 799-4630 or Beverly Dupree, Youth Services Coordinator at (51 0) 2454803. MIDDLE SCHOOL DANCE Come and do your dance thing at our first Spring Fling! The Hercules YouthfTeen Council are proud to sponsor their first Glow-In-The-Dark Dance Party for 6th, 7th, & 8th graders. Tickets can be purchased at the Community/Swim Center. For more information , please contact Janine Shaheed, Youthl Teen Events Coordinator at (51 0) 799-4630 or (510) 799-8291. Date: Time: Tickets: Location: Friday, March 22, 2002 8:00pm-11:00pm Advance Sales: $5.00/at the door $6.00 Community/Swim Center 2001 Refugio Valley Road, Hercules, CA. H20 SUMMER PROGRAM: 9TH-12TH GRADERS This program consists of activities and events planned for High School students with differentiating attitudes. You can have a choice to pick and choose between daily swimming , fitness center, teen resource center, sports activities, open gym , special events & activities or just chill on the patio. Perhaps you might want to join us on a local field trip. Weekly or a Teen Week Summer pass will provide you with the opportunity to come and go as you please with discounted rates, or you might want to do a daily drop in. Please call Janine Shaheed, YouthfTeen Events Coordinator at (51 0) 7994630 for more details. PLANET YOUTH SUMMER CAMP It's that time again, to plan your summer activities. We're offering an exciting summer package, just for you. Our days will be filled with music, socializing in our unique Teen lounge, table games, pool, ping-pong, air hockey, video games, pinball and arcade machines, are just some of the exciting and challenging activities to explore . This camp is designed especially for 6th, 7th and 8th graders. For more details, call Beverly Dupree at (510) 245-4803 or (510) 799-8291. • First row: Sumeet, Nicole, Erica, Marlene, Kathleen; Second row: Kyan, Gwynee, Heleyna, Ashley, Graham, Janine; Third row: Derrick, Jessica, Akilah, Nyaisha, Lauren, Jay. Members unavailable for pictures: Christina, Dara, Kimberly and Daniel. April 29, 2002 Community/Swim Center 2001 Refugio Valley Road Hanna Ranch Site Camp Location: 2480 Refugio Valley Road Camp Time: 8:00am-6:00pm A $20.00 deposit fee will be required per week to reserve your space. This fee is non-refundable. Registration begins: Registration location: Spring 2 002 Herculean 31 ess Hours of Operation Mondav -Thursdav gam -10pm Fridav gam -lpm Saturday gam -2pm Sunday CLOSED *No personal trainer on site* Equipment Cardio Machines • • • • 2 2 2 I Weight Machines Treadmills Cross Trainers Bikes Stairmaster • • • • • • • *Youth Fees: Adult Fees: Daily Drop-in Rates: $2 residents/non-residents Daily Drop-in Rates: $3 residents/non-residents Dynamite Pass: (10 visits) $15 residents $20 non-residents Dynamite Pass: (10 visits) $25 residents $30 non-residents Avid Athlete Pass: (25 visits) $37.50 residents $50 non-residents Avis Athletes Pass: (25 visits) $50 residents $75 non-residents *Youths between the ages of 13- 16 Must be accompanied by an adult 32 Spring 2002 Herculean Smith Machine Incline/Decline Benches Dumbell Set (s7Slbs) Lat Pulldown/Row Combo leg ext/Curl Combo Bicep/Tricep Combo Muti-press Machine Located at: Hercules Community Swim Center 2001 Refugio Valley Rd (510) 799-8291 Sports & Fitness AGES 13-16 The Teen Elementary Basketball program is designed to teach and improve the basic fundamentals of basketball, with an emphasis on sportsmanship and having fun! The program is created to introduce beginning participants to dribbling, shooting, passing and rebounding skills, as well as improving hand-eye coordination. More experienced players should improve in each of these skills. League fees include the following: a team shirt, coaching staff, practice periods, two rounds of league games and playoffs, referees, and awards at the conclusion of the playoffs. The league is open to girls between the ages of 13-16, with beginner to advanced skill levels. Participants must bring a copy of their birth certificate at the time of registration. There will be an infonmation meeting to discuss the rules and regulations on Wednesday, April 3, 2002 at 6:30pm at the Community/Swim Center. For more information, please call the Sports Coordinator at (510) 799-8295. The league needs a minimum enrollment of 32 participants. Practices will be held on Tuesday and Thursday, from either 4:00pm to 5:15pm, 5:00pm to 6:15pm. Games will be played on Saturday mornings at 10:45arn and 11:50am with each team usually playing one game per week. Location: Fees: Community/Swim Center $75 Residentl$85 Non-Resident 11714-A 11714-B TueslThur 04/09-06/07 TueslThur 04/09-06107 4:00pm-5: 15pm 5:00pm-6: 15pm Priority registration for Hercules residents only is from 01/07 to 01/31. Open registration for residents and non-residents is from 02/01 to 04/08 or until the league is full. GIRLS ELEMENTARY BASKETBALL FOR AGES 10-12 The Girls Elementary Basketball program is designed to teach and improve the basic fundamentals of basketball , with an emphasis on sportsmanship and having fun! The program is created to introduce beginning participants to dribbling, shooting, passing and rebounding skills, as well as improving hand-eye coordination. More experienced players should improve in each of these skills. League fees include the following: a team shirt, coaching staff, practice periods, two rounds of league games and playoffs, referees, and awards at the conclusion of the playoffs. The league is open to girls between the ages of 10-12, with beginner to advanced skill levels. Participants must bring a copy of their birth certificate at the time of registration. There will be an information meeting to discuss the rules and regulations Wednesday, April 3, 2002 at 6:30pm at the Community Swim Center. For more information, please call the Sports Coordinator at (510) 799-8295. The league needs a minimum enrollment of 32 participants. Practices will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays, from either 4:00pm to 5:15pm or 5:00pm to 6:15pm or 6:00pm to 7:15pm. Games will be played on Fridays at 4:00pm to 5:05pm, with each team usually playing one game per week. Location: Fees: Community/Swim Center $75 Residentl$S5 Non-Resident 11713-A 11713-B MonNVed 04/0S-06/07 MonlWed 04/08-06/07 4:00pm-5:15pm 5:00pm-6:15pm Priority registration for Hercules residents only is from 01 /07 to 01 /31. Open registration for residents and non-residents is from 02101 to 04/08 or until the league is full. Spring 2002 Herculean 33 Sports & Fitness SUMMER YOUTH BASKETBALL CAMPS Fundamentals and summertime competition will be the name of the game as the City of Hercules once again offers it's popular day basketball camp for boys and girls. The camp is designed to teach and improve the basic fundamentals of basketball, such as, dribbling, shooting, passing, rebounding, offensive and defensive positions. Also, scrimmages and game situations will be implemented towards the end of the camp. The camp program is for youth grades 4th_8th and is limited to the first 36 participants who sign up. Participants should bring a snack, lunch or money for the snack bar. Beverages will be provided. For more information please call the Sports League Coordinator at 799-8295. Location: Fee: Community/Swim Center Gymnasium $75 ResidenV$85 Non-Resident 21709-A Mon-Fri 6/24-6/28 11 :OOam-3:00pm Priority Registration for Hercules Res only: 3/15-3/31 Open Registration Res & Non-res: 4/3 or until the Camp is full. 21709-B Mon-Fri 8/12-8/16 11 :00am-3:00pm Priority Registration for Hercules Res only: 5/1-5/31 Open Registration Res & Non-res: 6/1 or until the Camp is full. TEEN BASKETBALL LEAGUE 1316 YEAR OLDS The Teen Basketball program is designed to teach and improve the basic fundamentals of basketball with an emphasis on sportsmanship and having fun! The program is designed to introduce beginning participants to dribbling, shooting, passing and rebounding skills in addition to assisting in the development of hand-eye and running coordination. More experienced players should improve in each of these skills. League fee includes a team shirt, coaching staff, practice periods, league games and referees, and awards at the conclusion of the season. The league is open to boys ages 13 to 16 years old with beginner to advanced skill levels. Participants must bring a copy of their birth certificate at the time of registration, and be 13 years old by the start of the league and notturn 17 years old until after the end of the league. There will be an information meeting to discuss the rules and regulations on Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Swim Center. Location: Fees: 21706-A 21706-B Community/Swim Center-Gymnasium 2001 Refugio Valley Road $75 Res/$85 Non-Res MIW or T(fh 06/25-09/07 MIW or T(fh 06/25-09/07 4: 00pm-5: 15pm 5:00pm-6:15pm Priority Registration (Residential Only): 04/03/02 Open Registration (Residents & Non-ReSidents): 05/01/02 Maximum enrollment is 80 participants. Sign-up early! For more information, call the Sports Coordinator at (510)7998295. 34 Spring 2002 Herculean Sports & Fitness "EXPANDED HORIZONS" SUMMER BASKETBALL FUN! This camp "Expanded Horizons" will provide a low cost and totally comprehensive fundamentals oriented basketball experience! Targeting youths in the Hercules community and immediate area s. Instruction will include drill stations, classroom discussion and later incorporate scrimmages and game situational play. The camp will last five days and be limited to the first 40 participants who sign-up. Participants will be provided with a T-Shirt, lunch & snack daily. For more information, please call the Sports Coordinator at (510) 799-8295. Location: Fee: 21715-A Hercules Middle School Gym $60 Res/$65 Non-Res Mon-Fri 07/08-07/12 10:00am-3:00pm (Ages 12-17 year old boys only) Priority registration for Hercules Residents only: 05/0105/31 . Open registration Res & Non-Res: 07/01 or until the camp is fu ll. 21715-8 Mon-Fri 07/29-08/02 10:00am-3:00pm (Ages 6-10 year old boys and girls) Priority registration for Hercules Residents only: 05/0105/31 . Open registration Res & Non-Res: 07/18 or until the camp is full. 21715-C 08/05-08/09 10:00am-3:00pm Mon-Fri (Ages 11-16 years old girls only) Priority registration for Hercules Residents only: 05/0105/31 . Open registration Res & Non-Res: 08/02 or until the camp is full. • CO-ED SOFTBALL LEAGUES THURSDAY NIGHT 'C/D' LEAGUE The Hercules Recreation and Co mmunity Services Department will be forming it's annual Summer Softball League. The CO-ED '0' Softball League is designed for men & women ages 18 and older. Participants must register as a complete team and must have a team roster when submitting registration fee. Maximum roster size is 14, with a minimum of 12 players. The league is sanctioned by the United States Slow-Pitch Softball Association and USSSA rules regard ing what constitutes a CO-ED '0 ' level team will apply. All umpires will be USSSA certified. League fees includes staff, two rounds of league games, single game elimination playoffs (top four teams make playoffs), umpires, shirts for the champions of the playoffs and trophies for 1" and 2'" place finishers during regular season play. There must be a minimum offour (4) teams to run the league with a maximum of six (6) teams total. Rules and schedules will be discussed at the managers' meeting on Tuesday, June 4, 2002 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Community/Swim Center, located at 2001 Refugio Valley Road . Individual players are encouraged to sign up on the players interest list for possible placement on teams. For more information call the Sports League Manager at 799-8295. Deadline for fee and team rosters are due no later than May 31 , 2002! Locations: Woodfield Park, 1919 Lupine Hanna Park, 2480 Refugio Valley Rd Times : 7:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. & 7:20 p.m. 21708-0 Fee: Thurs. 6/13-8/22 $475 resident team There is an additional $5 fee for each non-resident player on each team. To qualify for resident team status, at least seven (7) players on a team's roster must reside in Hercules. Spring 2002 Herculean 35 Sports & Fitness i MEN'S SOFTBALL LEAGUES WEDNESDAY NIGHT 'C/D' LEAGUE Th e Hercule s Recreation and Community Servi ces Department will be forming it's annual Summer Softball League. The Men's 'C/D' Softball League is designed for men ages 18 and older. Participants must register as a complete team and must have a team roster when submitting registration fee. Maximum roster size is 14, with a minimum of 12 players. The league is sanctioned by the United States Slow-Pitch Softball Association and USSSA rules regarding what constitutes a 'C/D' level team will apply. All umpires will be USSSA certified. League fees includes staff, two rounds of league games, single game elimination playoffs (top four teams make playoffs), umpires, shirts for the champions of the playoffs and trophies for 1" and 2"" place finishers during regular season play. There must be a minimum of four (4) teams to run the league with a maximum of six (6) teams total. Rules and schedules will be discussed at the managers' meeting on Tuesday, June 4, 2002 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Community/Swim Center, located at 2001 Refugio Valley Road. Individual players are encouraged to sign up on the players interest list for possible placement on teams. For more information call the Sports League Coordinator at 799-8295. Deadline for fee and team rosters are due no later than May 31 , 20021 Locations: Woodfield Park, 1919 Lupine Hanna Park, 2480 Refugio Valley Rd Times: 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. & 7:20 p.m. 21708-8 Fee: 6/12-8/21 Wed. $475 per team There is an additional $5 fee for each non-resident player on each team. To qualify for residentteam status, at least seven (7) players on a team's roster must reside in Hercules. 36 Spring 2002 Herculean MEN'S SOFTBALL LEAGUES MONDAY NIGHT 'D' LEAGUE The Hercules Recreation and Community Services Department will be forming it's annual Summer Softball League. The Men's 'D' Softball League is designed for men ages 18 and older. Participants must register as a complete team and must have a team roster when submitting registration fee. Maximum roster size is 14, with a minimum of 12 players. The league is sanctioned by the United States Slow-Pitch Softball Association and USSSA rules regarding what constitutes a 'D' level team will apply. All umpires will be USSSA certified. League fees includes staff, two rounds of league games, single game elimination playciffs (top four teams make playoffs), umpires, shirts fo r the champions of the playoffs and trophies for 1" and 2"" place finishers during regular season play. There must be a minimum offour (4) teams to run the league with a maximum of six (6) teams total. Rules and schedules will be discussed at the managers' meeting on Tuesday, June 4, 2002 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Community/Swim Center, located at 200 1 Refugio Valley Road. Individual players are encouraged to sign up on the players interest list for possible placement on teams. For more information call the Sports League Coordinator at 799-8295. Deadline for fee and team rosters are due no later thim May 31, 2002! Locations: Woodfield Park, 1919 Lupine Hanna Park, 2480 Refu gio Valley Rd Times: 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. & 7:20 p.m. 21708-A Fee: Mon. 6/10-8/19 $475 per team There is an additional $5 fee for each non-resident player on each team. To qualify for resident team status, at least seven (7) players on a team 's roster must reside in Hercules. Sports & Fitness CO-ED SOFTBALL LEAGUES TUESDAY NIGHT 'D' LEAGUE ADULT MEN'S FLAG FOOTBALL LEAGUE The He rcu les Recreation and Community Services Department will be forming its Annual Summer Softball League. The CO-ED '0' Softball League is designed for men & women ages 18 and older. Participants must register as a complete team and must have a team roster when submitting registration fee. Maximum roster size is 14, with a minimum of 12 players. The Hercules Recreation and Community Services Department will be forming a Men's Flag Football League. The league is designed for men ages 18 and older. Participants must register as a complete team and must have a team roster when submitting registration fee. Maximum roster size is 14 with a minimum of 7 players. The league is sanctioned by the United States Slow-Pitch Softball Association and USSSA rule s regarding what constitutes a CO-ED '0' level team will apply. All umpires will be ()SSSA certified. League fees includes staff, two rounds of league games, single game elimination playoffs (top four teams make playoffs), umpires, shirts for the champions of the playoffs and trophies for 1" and 2'" place finishers during regular season play. There must be a minimum offour (4) teams to run the league with a maximum of six (6) teams total. Rules and schedules will be discussed at the managers' meeting on Tuesday, June 4, 2002 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Community/Swim Center, located at 2001 Refugio Valley Road. Individual players are encouraged to sign up on the players interest list for possible placement on teams. For more information call the Sports League Coordinator at 799-8295. Deadline for fee and team rosters are due no later than MAY 31, 2002! Game Locations: Woodfield Park, 1919 Lupine Hanna Park, 2480 Refugio Valley Rd Game Times: 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. & 7:20 p.m. 21708-C Fee: Tues. $475 team 6/11-8/20 There is an additional $5 fee for each non-resident player on each team. To qualify for resident ieam status, at least seven (7) players on a team's roster must reside in Hercules. League fees include the following: staff, referees, two rounds of league games, single game elimination playoffs (top 4 teams make playoffs), shirts for the Champions of the playoffs and trophies for the 1st and 2nd place finishers of the regular season. Teams must provide their own unifonms or TShirts that are similar in color and have numbers on the front or back. There must be a minimum of 4 teams to run the league with a maximum of 12 teams being admitted. Rules, regulations and league schedules will be discussed at the Manager's meeting on Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 6:30pm at the Hercules Community/Swim Center. Deadline: Team fees and rosters need to be turned in no later than Monday, June 24, 2002. Fee: $475 per team. There is an additional $5 fee for every non-resident player on each team. Location: When: Times: Hanna Ranch Park Saturday Afternoons 1:00pm, 2:15pm & 3:30pm 21111 -A Sat 06/29-09/14 Individuals are encouraged to sign-up on the player interest list for possible placement on teams. If interested or need rnore information, please call the Sports Coordinator at (510) 799-8295. .. Spring 2002 Herculean 37 Sports & Fitness TENNIS CLASSES PEE-WEE TENNIS Lessons at several levels will be offered by long time local teaching pro Amado Lozano. Students will play points and matches against one another, discuss conditioning and the potential for entering tournaments. Pee-wee tennis is a comprehensive program designed to introduce children ages 4 to 6 to the game of tennis in a fun and rewarding way. Pee-wee tennis allows children to learn the sport quickly and have fun too! Beginner (Ages 7-14) 11701-A Mon 11701 -6 Mon 11701-C Mon 03/04-03/25 04/01 -04/29 05/06-05/27 3:00pm-4:00pm 3:00pm-4:00pm 3:00pm-4:00pm 11705-A 11705-6 11705-C Tues Tues Tues (Ages 14 and up) 11 702-A Mon 11 702-6 Mon 11702-C Mon Refugio Valley Tennis Courts $40 Res/$45 Non-Res (fee covers four 03/04-03125 04/01-04129 05/06-05/27 4:00pm-5:00pm 4:00pm-5:00pm 4:00pm-5:00pm Location: Fees: lessons) Intermediate (All ages) 11703-A Tues 03/05-03/26 11703-6 Tues 04102-04130 11703-C Tues 05/07-05/28 Advanced (All ages) 11704-A Tues 11704-A Tues 11704-6 Tues Location : Fees: lessons) 03/05-03/26 04102-04130 05/07-05/28 3:30pm-4:30pm 3:30pm-4:30pm 3:30pm-4:30pm 4:30pm-5:30pm 4:30pm-5:30pm 4:30pm-5:30pm Refugio Valley Tennis Courts $50 Res/$55 Non-Res(fee covers four 03/05-03/26 04/02-04/30 05/07-05/28 3:00pm-3:30pm 3:00pm-3:30pm 3:00pm-3:30pm INDIVIDUAL TENNIS LESSONS All individual lessons must be arranged with the instructor and fees paid at the Hercules Community/Swim Center. Location: Fees: Time : 11710-A 11710-B 11710-C Refugio Valley Tennis Courts $25 per 30 minute private lesson $45 per 60 minute private lesson To Be Announced Sat 03/09-03/30 Sat 04/06-04127 Sat 05104-05125 OPEN GYM PASSES The City of Hercules Community/Swim Center Complex has open gym passes available for residents and nonresidents. Resident passes allow participants to enter the facility at a reduced cost per entry, while the nonresident passes are for convenience only and are set at the regular drop-in rate. Open Gym Passes are valid throughout the year. 38 Spring 2002 Herculean Dynamite Pass 10 visits Adult $25 Res/$30 Non-Res Youth $15 Res/$20 Non-Res Avid Athlete 25 visits Adult $50 Res/$75 Non-Res Youth $37 Res/$50 Non-Res Sports & Fitness TENNIS FACIUTIES AVAILABLE! Tennis Court Rules and Regulations signs are posted at all City Tennis facilities. These tennis facilities are available to the public by rental permit or on a first-come first-serve basis. Hours and Fees Refugio Valley Tennis Complex: Refugio Valley Road & Pheasant Drive Daily 7 am to 4 pm @ $4/hour/per court Daily 4 to 10 pm @ $5.50/hour/per court SaUSun/Holidays @ $6/hour/per court Except Mondays & Tuesdays from 3 to 7 pm and Saturdays 3 to 5 pm for City Lessons Foxboro Tennis Courts: 1025 Canterbury Daily 7 a.m. to dusk Woodfield Tennis Courts: 1919 Lupine Daily 7 a.m. to dusk Tennis Court Reservations Tennis court reservations are available to Hercules residents only; there is a one-hour minimum on all tennis court facilities. Reservations are accepted at the Community/Swim Center, 2001 Refugio Valley Road. YOUTH & ADULT TABLE TENNIS This program is designed to provide competitive table tennis action for all youth who want to improve their knowledge and skill of the game. The table tennis tables used are approved by the U.S. Table Tennis Association and the International Table Tennis Federation. Join the crowd for this exciting program for an annual membership fee and drop-in pass. Location: 51708 Ohlone Community Center, 190 Turquoise Fri 7:00pm-10:00pm Sat 1O:OOam- 4:00pm Play is supervised by registered volunteers of the Hercules Table Tennis Program. Fees: Annual Adult Membership: Drop-in 20 Pass Fee: Annual Youth Membership: Drop-in 20 Pass Fee: Tournament Play: Recognized Community Organization $6/hour/court $12 per hour/court Private Organizations $15 per hour/court Commercial Use Court Rules And Regulations: Annual Family Membership: Adult: Youth: Ages 19 & up $20 Res/$23 Non-Res $30 Res/$32 Non-Res Ages 6 to 18 $10 res/$12 non-res $20 Jr. Pass Ages 6-12 $25 Teen Pass Ages 13-18 2nd member and up $10 Res/12 Non-Res $5 Res/$6 Non-Res Fees must be paid at the Community/Swim Center. Each participant must bring his/her receipt to Ohlone Community Center. 1. Tennis shoes must be worn 2. Courts are available on a first come, first serve basis or by reservation 3. Drop-in play is limited to one hour and fifteen minutes 4. Waiting players must be present to hold position for play 5. Court reservations preempt non-reserved court play 6. City sponsored programs have priority 7. No food on tennis courts 8. No bike riding, roller skating or skateboarding on tennis courts 9. City sponsored lessons ONLY no public instruction . 10. Tennis Tournaments by permit ONLY! 11. Tennis Court Rules And Regulations Will Be Enforced 12. No alcoholic beverages allowed at any park or courts. Call 799-8291 for further information. Spring 2002 Herculean 39 Sports & Fitness GOLF LESSONS Want to learn more about golf? Want to improve your score? Come and let Jeff Hales , PGA Professional (formerly of Olympic Club), teach you the fundamentals of Golf. In these summer le sso ns, students will le arn Pre-Swing Fundamentals, In-Swing Principles and overall awareness of the Golf game. All lessons will be held at the Franklin Canyon Golf Course. Classes will meet every Wednesday. Space is limited to 4 students per session, so register early. Registration will be taken at the Hercules Community/Swim Center, located at 2001 Refugio Valley Road, Hercules, CA. Providing your own golf clubs is preferred , but equipment can be arranged through the instructor. Do you have any old golf clubs setting around that you don't use? Please contact us at (510) 799-8295 if you are interested in donating any old golf clubs that you are no longer using! Location: Instructors: Fees: Fees : Maximum: Junior Lessons (Ages Wed 21801-A 21801-8 Wed 2180 1-C Wed Franklin Canyon Golf Course, located off of Highway 4 Jeff Hales, PGA Professional $80 per session for Junior's ages 10-17 $100 for Adults ages 18 and up 7 students per session 10-17) 06/05-06/19 07/10-07/24 08/07-08/21 3:00pm-4:00pm 3:00pm-4:00pm 3:00pm-4:00pm Adult Lessons (Ages 18 and Up) 21802-A Wed 06105-06/19 21802-8 Wed 07/1-07/24 Wed 08107-08/21 21802-C 4:00pm-5:00pm 4:00pm-5:00pm 4:00pm-5:00pm Adult Lessons (Ages 18 and Up) 21803-A Wed 06105-06/19 21803-8 Wed 07/10-07/24 21 803-C Wed 08/07-08/21 5:00pm-6:00pm 5:00pm-6:00pm 5:00pm-6:00pm 40 Spring 2002 Herculean ATTENTION YOUNG GOLFER'S CITY OF HERCULES PRESENTS "JUNIOR GOLF CAMP" This golf camp is designed for youth's ages 10-17 that are looking for a challenge and a valuable learning experience in the game of golf. Students will learn the rules of the game, golf etiquette, fundamentals, games and hands-on individual instruction. Space is limited to 24 students so register early. Registration will be taken at the Hercules Community/ Swim Center located at 2001 Refugio Valley Road. If you have any questions, please contact the Sports Coordinator at (510) 799-8295. Franklin Canyon Golf Course, off Highway 4 Location: Instructors: Jeff Hales, PGA Professional Celtic Golf Mgmt $75 Jr's ages 10-17 (paid to the City of Fees: Hercules) Maximum: 24 students/Minimum of 12 Equipment: Students must bring their own golf clubs! 21805-A Wed-Fri 06/19-06121 9:00am-10:00am Sports & Fitness J AZZERCISE CLASS Jazzercise is a total body-conditioning program designed for everyone at every fitness level. Each 60 to 65 minute class includes a warm-up, ae robics, muscle toning and strengthening with weights, stretching and a final cool-down to a variety of popular music including funk, country, pop, reggae and rock! Jazzercise is carefully designed to increase ftexibility, muscle tone, strength, stamina and cardiovascular fitness. Come join us for FITNESS , FRIENDSHIP & FUN! Join at any time and take advantage of the NEW STUDENT SPECIAL: 8 week purchase for $48 (that's just $6 per week!). Instructor: Location: Days: Kimberly Moffat (510) 724-7809 Community/Swim Center Mon - Thurs at 6:30pm Sat & Sun at 9:00am Drop-in: $6.00 Fees: Monthly Pass: $42.00 Monthly Pass EFT': $32.00 What to bring: Mat, bottled water and hand weights "'Electronic Funds Transfer ADULT OPEN GYM BASKETBALL/VOLLEYBALL Open Gym periods are ongoing. Players, beginners to advanced, are enccuraged to drop in. Come on down for an energetic game of Basketball or Volleyball!! Location: Fee: Gymnasium, 2001 Refugio Valley Road $3.00 per adult $2.00 per youth Adult Open Gym Basketball Adult B'ball 7:45-10:00 pm 16yrs&up Mon Thu Adult B'ball 7:45-10:00 pm 16yrs& up Adylt Open Gym Volleyball Tues Adult V'Ball 7:45-10:00 pm 16 yrs& up Wed Adult V'Ball 7:45-10:00 pm 16 yrs& up Yoyth Open Gym Basketball Mon-Fri Youth B'ball 11:00am-4:00 pm 9-16 yrs II I Gymnasium for Rent Now you can rent the Community/Swim Center Gymnasium for Basketball or Volleyball practices, games and/or business recreational games! The gym is available on a limited basis. Applicants must be 21 years of age, call 799-8291 for further information. The City of Hercules Recreation & Community Services Department operates the Community/Swim Center Gymnasium which is available for limited public use. Reservations will only be accepted with a ccmpleted application and payrnentforthe hours rented. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age. All ccntact regarding the reservati ons, fees , rental time and on site ccordination will be arranged with the original applicant only. Reservations will not be taken more than one (1 ) month in advance or less than two (2) weeks priorto the planned activity. An attendant will be present during the entire event. Adu~ supervision is required by applicant during the event. Applicants interested in renting the gym are enccuraged to view the facility prior to renting. The gym has a maximum capacity of 100 persons for a sports event. 'Standard rental indudes the main room with two (2) portable basketball units or two (2) volleyball units, portable bleachers and indoor bathroom. Advanced Payment Required Fees: (Two hour minimum) One day rental $50 Res/$60 Non-Res per hour 3 or more days $30 Res/$40 Non-Res per hour Attention local businesses!! The gymnasium is now available for public use for either Volleyball or Basketball, Monday through Friday from 12 noon to 2:00pm. Note: Open gym programs are not available during league programs. Spring 2002 Herculean 41 AQUATIC SEASON 2002! Public Swim The Hercules Swim Cenler is open to the public for playing, wor1<ing out, diving, or lounging around the pool side in a beautiful outdoor setting. The Hercules Aquatic staff are certified by the American Red Cross and are fully trained in the supelVision of aquatic activities, lifeguard training , first aid, CPR, and rescue situations. We ask that all participants of the public swim sessions be fully knowledgeable about our pool rules as listed below: • All entries to the pool and deck areas must be paid admissions, including nonswimmers and chaperons. • Children, 9 years and under, must be accompanied by an adult at least sixteen years Of Days, Dates, & Times for Public Swim: Fee: $3 Adults (18 & older) $2 Youths (1-17 years) $2 Non-Swimmers/Spectators Free for Children Under 1 year Swim schedule: Sat!Sun Man - Fri 05l04to 09129 06117 to 08130 1:30-6:00 pm 1:30-4:00 pm Swim Passes older. • There is a fifteen (15) minute rest period on all weekend public swim sessions from 3:45 to 4:00 p.m. All participants under the age of eighteen are required to exit the water area and remain on the lawn or deck area. Discount Swim Passes are available for residents and non-residents. Resident passes allow participants to enter the facility at a reduced cost per entry. Non-resident passes are available for convenience only, with rates set at the regular drop-in rate. Participants with swim passes will be allowed into the facility 15 minutes earlier than general public for public swim sessions. • Flotation devices such as inner tubes, water wings, noodles, air mattresses, etc. are not permitted in the pool areas. Only Coast Guard approved flotation devices are allowed with adult supervision. Adult Youth Adult Youth $25 res $15 res $30 non-res $20 non-res $62.50 res $37.50 res $75 non-res • Full face masks, snor1<els, and diving fins are not permitted in the pool areas. Dynamite Pass (10 visits) Frequent! Swimmer (25 Visits) • Diving toys, coins, water guns, etc. are not permitted in the pool areas. Lap Swimming Picnics are permitted around the deck/lawn areas, however, all items must be kept away from the pool side. No glass, breakable containers, alcoholic beverages. Barbecues are permitted by special arrangement only. Are you ready to begin a steady peal exercise program again? Why not come to the Hercules Swim Center to strengthen, stretch, and tone all your muscles. You may w ish to choose a vigorous training schedule, or just a leisurely swim. Lanes are divided for fast and slow swimmers. The pool w ill be open for lap swim during inclement weather unless dangerous cond itions exist. Lap 1< 1< Public swim sessions are subject to early dosure after the first hour of operation due to poor weather and/or if attendance drops below 25 participants. There are no refunds for ca nceled swim sess ions. * Proper swim attire is required. No cutoffs and/or leotards or street dothing. * Pool rules are posted on the deck areas surrounding the pool areas and are necessary for the safety of all participants. Participants must obey posted rules and oral instructions from Aquatic Staff at all times. * It is requested that patrons be sensITive to the needs of parents to change their young children of the opposite sex in the locker room areas. • No photographic equipment permitted. .. Swim Diapers Requiredl 42 2002 Spring Aquatics Program $50 non-res lane will be available during Public Swim until pool attendance reaches 250. Fee: $3 Adults (18 years and up) $2 Youth (14-17 years) Winter/Spring Schedule Mon/WedlFri Man lTueslThur/ Fri 03/04-05131 03/04-05131 11:30-1:00 pm 7:00-9:00 pm Summer Schedule Mon-Fri Mon/TueslThursiFri Saturday Sunday 06103-08/30 06/03-08130 05/04-08131 05105-09/01 11 :308m-1:00pm 7:00pm-9:00pm 6:30pm-8:00pm 10:00am-12:00pm * No evening lap swim on Wednesdays, Fall lap swimming hours will be announced in the Summer Herculean issue! AQUATIC SEASON 2002! Swim Instruction Levels forAIiAges Level IV Stroke Development Pre-Requisite: Level III or Demonstrated Competency Are you or your family members fearful of the water? Can't coordinate breathing with arm strokes? Or are you wanting to brush up on skills and learn new techniques? The Hercules Aquatics Staff are caring and experienced water safety instructors who will teach basic to advanced level swimming skills to all members of your family. Students will develop coordination and endurance in the front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke, and treading water. Students will also be introduced to the breaststroke, sidestroke, and to turning at the wall. Students will learn to dive from standing and stride position on the side of the pool, in addition to more safety skills including expanded information on rescue breathing. The Hercules Leam to Swim program is based on theAmerican Red Cross certification standards for progressive swim instruction. Each level of swim instruction builds on the skills learned in the previous level. Below are the various levels offered and the skills associated with each level. Levell Water Exploration No Prerequisite needed Level one is designed for those who have little to no experience in the water. The objective is to assist students in becoming comfortable and safer in the water. Students will learn to blow bubbles, submerge their face, float on front and back with support, kick on front and back with support, learn basic water safety skills, and be introduced to alternating arm action. Levelll Primary Skills Pre-Requisite: Levell or Demonstrated Competency Students wilileam to float unsupported, to kick and coordinate arm movements on front and back unsupported, to turn over from front to back and back to front, to retrieve underwater objects at shallow depths, rhythmic breathing, and water safety skills. Levellll Stroke Readiness Pre-Requisite: Level II or Demonstrated Competency Students will learn to coordinate the front and back crawl, be introduced to treading water and elementary backstroke, learn to dive from the side of the pool, learn safe diving rules, learn self-rescue skills, and be introduced to rescue breathing. Swim Registration Information * No refunds after first day of class * No refunds or make-ups for missed days * Refund fee $10.00 surcharge for all student withdrawal after registration process. * Register early if possible. Classes may be cancelled if minimum class size not met. *Registration is limited to 2 sessions per registered Level V Stroke Refinement Pre-Requisite: Level IV or Demonstrated Competency Students will continue to develop endurance and refine the front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke, breaststroke, and sidestroke. Students will also be introduced to the butterfly, underwater swimming, and surface dives. Students will learn additional open swim turns, alternate kicks for treading water, rules for safe diving from the springboard, and recognition for spinal injury care. Level VI Skill Proficiency Pre-Requisite: Level V or Demonstrated Competency Students will continue to increase endurance and refine the front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke, sidestroke, breaststroke, and butterfly. Students will learn approach strokes, the front flip turn, speed turns, the approach and hurdle on the springboard, surface dives in tuck and pike positions, and additional kicks for treading water. Additional water safety skills will also be included. Level VII Advanced Skills Pre-Requisite: Level VI or Demonstrated Competency Students will perfect all strokes and skills previously presented and learn to swim greater distances. Students will learn conditioning principles for lifetime fitness, the backstroke flip turn, in-water rescue techniques, the springboard dives in pike and tuck positions, and explore alternative aquatic activities. To pass this course, students must pass a Level VII Skills Test. All ages are welcome!!! date. * Note it is not unusual for some students to repeat a level to complete the necessary skills. Please take into consideration when registering for swim lessons. * Classes are cancelled only in case of lightening. * Pools are heated. * Swim diapers required for infants/ toddlers not yet toilet trained. 2002 Spring Aquatics Program 43 AQUATIC SEASON 2002! Morning Individual Lessons Evening Individual Lessons The Individual Lesson program is designed for students ages four (4) years and up. Th e Individual Lesson program should be utilized as a supplement to group/adult lessons when a student is experiencing difficulty with a particular skill , or if you are just looking for one-on-one instruction. The Individual Lessons are composed of four, 1/2 hour classes, Monday/ Tuesday & Thursday/Friday. The Individual Lesson program is designed for students ages four (4) years and up. The Individual Lesson program should be utilized as a supplement to group/adult lessons when a student is experiencing difficulty with a particular skill , or if you are just looking for one-on-one instruction. The Individual Lessons are composed of four, 1/2 hour classes, Monday/ Tuesday & Thursday/Friday. Pre-registration is mandatory for all individual sessions. We strongly encourage early registration due to the limited number of available time offerings, and due to the extreme popularity of this program option. The Individual Lesson times do fill to capacity within the first few months of registration. Pre-registration is mandatory for all individual sessions. We strongly encourage early registration due to the limited number of available time offerings, and due to the extreme popularity of this program option. The Individual Lesson times do fill to capacity within the first few months of registration. Location: Main Pool & Play Pool Fee: $45 res/$50 non-res Time: 11 :30am-12:00 pm Location: Main Pool & Play Pool Fee: $45 res/$50 non-res 5pm-5:30pm Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Session 7 Session 8 Session 9 Session 10 Session 11 OS/27-05/3 1 06/03-06/07 06/10-06/14 06/17-06/21 06/24-06/28 07101-07/05 07108-07/12 07/15-07/19 07/22-07/26 07/2S-08/02 08105-08/09 11:30am-12:00pm 11 :30am-12:00pm 11:30am-12:00pm 11:30am-12:00pm 11:30am-12:00pm 11:30am-12:00pm 11:30am-12:00pm 11:30am-12:00pm 27033-A 27041-A 27043-A 27051-A 27053-A 27061-A 27063-A 27071-A 27033-B 27041 -B 27043-B 27051-B 27053-B 27061 -B 27063-B 27071-B 5:30pm-6pm 6pm-6:30pm 27033-C 27041-C 27043-C 27051-C 27053-C 27061-C 27063-C 27071-C 27021-0 27023-0 27031-0 27033-0 27041-0 27043-0 27051-0 27053-0 27061-0 27063-0 27071 -0 6:30-7pm OS/27-05/31 06/03-06/07 06/10-06/14 Summer Jobs! Instructors Needed! Parents we're looking for adults who would like to teach wimming. If you have ever been a Water Safety Instructor, or would like to become a swim instructor, give us a call. We have opportunities in the mornings and evenings. For more information, please call: (510) 799-8228 44 2002 Spring Aquatics Program 27021-E 27023-E 27031 -E AQUATIC SEASON 2002! Adult Lessons Group Lessons The Adult Lesson program is designed for students ages thirteen (13) and up, who would like some additional swimming instruction without the hustle and bustle of small children. The Adult Lessons are designed to have a maximum enrollment of six (6) students per class in order to provide increased instruction time by each instructor. This lesson program is ideal for adults of all ages who never learned to swim or who may have a limned aquatic background. The Aquatic staff will help you develop confidence and assurance while swimming, and if necessary, decrease your fears of being in water. The Adult sessions will be composed of eight, 1/2 hour classes, and will be held over a two week period; Monday/Tuesday & Thursday/Friday (4-days per week). Preregistration is mandatory for all adult classes and we encourage early registration due to the popularity of the adult lesson program. The registration deadline for adult lessons is the Friday preceding each session, at 5:00pm. Late registration will be accepted on a space available basis or by special arrangement with the Aquatics Coordinator. Late sign-ups are subject to a late fee of $5. The group lesson program is designed for students ages four (4) years and up. The group sessions are composed of eight classes, and will be held over a two week period; Monday/Tuesday & Thursday/Friday (4 days/week). Classes for Levels I, II , III are 1/2 hour in duration and Levels IV to VII are 45 minutes in order to provide adequate instruction and practice for the advanced swim skills. Location: Main Pool Fee: $55 resl$60 non-res Levels & Times: All Levels All Levels 11:30am-12:00pm 6:00pm-6:30pm Adult Lessons: Session 1: 06117-06128-28011 a,b Session 2: 07101-07112 (prorate) - 28021 a,b Session 3: 07115-07126 - 28031 a,b Session 4: 07/29-08/09 -28041 a,b Basic Water Rescue This course will provide individuals with the information and skills necessary to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies. This will also teach participants how to protect themselves while assisting others. No prerequisites or age requirement; written and skills test; certification card valid for three years. Pre-registration is mandatory for all group lessons and we encourage early registration due to the popularity of the group lesson program . The registration deadline for group lessons is the Friday preceding each session at 5pm. Late registration will be accepted on a space available basis or by special arrangement with the Aquatics Coordinator. Late sign-ups are subject to a late fee of $5. Location: Fee: Main Pool & Play Pool $40 resl$45.00 non-res All Sessions meet: MITIThlF for 2 weeks Summer Sessions AM & PM Classes Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 06103-06114 pm class only (A Sections Only) 06/17-06128 07101-07112 (prorate) 07115-07126 07129-08/09 Levels & Times: am classes 1,2,3 4,5,6,7 1,2,3 1,2,3 4,5,6,7 pmc/asses 1,2(a,b) 1,2,3 1,2,3 4,5,6,7 1,2,3 10:00-10:30 am 10:00-10:45 am 10:30-11:00 am 11:00-11:30 am 11:00-11:45 am 5:00-5:30 pm 5:30-6:00 pm 6:30-7:00 pm 7:00-7:45 pm 7:00-7:30 pm 20903-C Date: Time: Fee: June 28, 2002 9:00am-1 :OOpm $20 Res/$25 Non-Res ·This course is included as part of the water safety aide instruction course. 2002 Spring Aquatics Program 45 o AQUATIC SEASON 2002! ParentllnfantIToddler C lass ParentllnfantIToddler Fun Swim! The ParenVlnfanVToddler program is designed to assist parents in introducing their children, ages 6 months up to 3 years of age, to water play and pre-swimming skills. The course is designed to create an enjoyable, non-threatening envirmmentwhich allows parents to actively participate with their children in the learning of water skills. This course is an ideal entry level program which begins to prepare your child for swim instruction as he/she grows into more advanced level classes. The ParenVlnfanVToddler program is composed of eight 1/2 hour classes, and will be held over a two week period; Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, Friday. Children are required to wear t ight f itting swim pants. Parents are encouraged to bring your child's favorite water toy to add to the famil iarity of t he environment. Due to popular demand, we are expanding our special time period just for parents and toddlers to enjoy the play pool without the hustle and bustle of large groups, and/or older participants. Parents may practice swim instru ct ion techniques learned in the ParenVlnfanVToddler Instructional Class or just enjoy a quiet swim time with their children. This swim session is restricted to children between the ages of six (6) months and three (3) years of age. All children must be accompanied by an adult at all times while in and out of the water. Parents are encouraged to bring their child 's favorite water toy to these swim times in order to make the child feel more comfortable. Flotation devices, such as water wings and air mattresses are not permitted. Swim Pants are requi red! Fee: Time: Days: $40 res/$45 non-res 11:45 to 12:15 or6:00-6:30 pm Mon-Tues-Thur-Fri (2-weeks) Session 1 06/17 -06/28 Session 2 07101-07/12 (prorate) Session 3 07/15 -07/26 Session 4 07129 -08/09 20906A am 20906 B pm 20906 C am 209060 pm 20906 E am 20906 F pm 20906 G am 20906 H pm Children's Birthday Swim Parties Happy Birthday Parties at the pool .... a swim party!! Children's B irthday Ev ents will be allowed into the facility d uring pub lic swim periods f ifteen (15) m inutes earlier than t he general pub lic, an d includes p icn ic table areas t hat can be reserved. Refundable Deposit Maintenance Fee Two Patio Tables Optional: SSOPit Additional (2) Patio Tables Plus youth rate per entry $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $20.00 $20.00 Pool Party Special $125 w ith refundable deposit of $50 includes (Deposit, Maintenance Fee, two patio tables, SSO Pit, 10 free patron and plus youth rate per entry). 46 2002 Spring Aquatics Program Fee: $3 per parent and child couple MWF Sun 06/17-08/09 06/02-08/18 12:15pm-1:15 pm 11 :OOam-12:00pm Private Pool Rentals Reserve the pool for your own private party! Rental fee includes: exclusive use of the main pool and/or play pool (Play Pool requires additional fee); grass areas. BBQ grill, locker room, no alcohol orsmoking permitted. Limited availability. Small Private Pool Rental Only-(75 person maximum. Ages 9 and under)'" Residents $40/hour Deposit: $350 Non-Residents $60/hour Deposit: $350 Combined Pool RentalsHourly Rates 1-20 persons $50 Resi$60 Non-Res DepoSIT: $350 1-50 persons $75 Resi$90 Non-Res Deposit: $350 51-100 persons $125 Resi$150 Non-Res Deposit: $350 101-150 persons $150 Resi$180 Non-Res Deposit: $350 151 -250 persons $200 Resi$240 Non-Res Deposit: $350 "'There must be at least one adutt chaperon (age 18 or over) for every ten (1 0) children in attendance. "'Certificate of insurance is required for all pool rentals. These rates are specified under facility rental rates. AQUATIC SEASON 2002! Water Exercise Deep Water Exercise Are your looking for an alternative to high impact aerobics and stair stepping? Or just looking for a healthy form of exercise? Well, this is the class for you! This specialty course is ideal for therapy patients, elderly, and fitness buffs! The Water Exercise program follows sound exercise principles while using water resistance to improve your cardiovascular system, tone muscles, and burn fal. The course is designed for different fitness levels and movement abilities, using a wide range of musical tempos. Males and females are encouraged to participate, and swimming skills are not necessary. The Deep Water Exercise program is designed for the more energetic water exerciser. No advanced swimming skills are required, however, students must feel comfortable in deep water. This course is designed to provide students with a more strenuous cardiovascular workout than the beginner water exercise class. Instructor: Location: Fee: Anita Roger Fields Main Pool $7.00 drop in rate Special Senior Rate $5.00 drop-in rate Instructor: Location: Fee: Water Aerobics passes will now be used instead of registration. TuesfThurs (For one session only) 06103 - 06114 12:00pm-1:00pm Fee: MonlWed $50 Res/$60 Non-Res $30 Res/$40 Non-Res All students are required to bring to class an Aqua Jogger, which can be purchased at most local sporting good retailers or they are available for rent at the pool on a first come, first served basis. Anita Roger Fields Main Pool $7.00 drop in rate Special Senior Rate $5.00 drop-in rate 10 visits 10 visits for Seniors 06/17-D6/28 MonlWed/Fri Passes may be purchased from the main office: (510) 799-8291 07/01-08/30 TuesfThurs (For one session only) 06103 - 06114 12:00pm-1 :OOpm 09/04-09/30 MonlWed 06/17-06/28 12:00pm-1 :OOpm MonlWedlFri 07/01-08/30 12:00pm-1 :OOpm MonlWedlFri 09104-09/30 12:00pm-1 :OOpm 12:00pm-1 :OOpm 12:00pm-1 :OOpm MonlWedlFri 12:00pm-1 :OOpm benefits of water exercise: 1. INCREASE MUSCULAR ENDURANCE AND STRENGTH 2 . DECREASEBODYFAT Instructor: TuesfThur: TBA 8:00pm to 9:00pm 3. INCREASE RANGE.()F-MOTION. 06118-08108 4. IMPROVE ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING THATINVOLVEAGILlTY, BALANCE, COORDINATION , FLEXIBILlTY,AND STRENGTH SUCH AS WALKING, LIFTING, STANDING, CARRYING,AND REACHING 2002 Spring Aquatics Program 47 AQUATIC SEASON 2002! Hercules Piranhas Swim Team! The City of Hercules will be offering a recreational swim team during the 2002 season. This program is designed for participants ages 5 to 18 who will be eligible to participate in all sanctioned practices, clinics, invitational meets, and monthly socials. A parent's informational meeting will be held on April 24, 2002 at 6:00pm at the Hercules Community Center Spring Season Summer Evening Practice: 05/06/2002 ~8/16/2002 13 and older 6:30-8:00 p.m. 11-12 & Under & 9 -10 5:30-6:30 p.m. 7-8 years 6 & under 4:30-5:30 p.m. Summer Season 13 and older 7:00 - 9:00 a.m. 11-12 years & 9-10 7:00 - 8:30 a.m. 7-8 years 9:00 -10:00 a.m. 10:00 -11:00 a.m.* 6 & under • Time subject to change DateslTimes: Monday-Friday Swim Meets will be on Wednesday evenings and Saturday momings Head Swim Coach: Zack Lisson * Parents are require to submff a refundable $100 deposit for required volunteer obligations. See parents handbook for further details. Full Season 05/06/2002 - 08/16/2002 2 children 3 children $315 $410 Full Season 20908-A $225 Membership $500 Swimmers 15 -18 only have to pay $ 150 with no Deposit and no parent obligation required. A free 3-day trial for participants new to the Hercules Swim Team is available so that the participant can see if helshe are enjoying the team participation, as well as providing the opportunity for the coaching staff to evaluate the swimmer's ability. This 3-day trail begins with the first attendance. Last day to register is June 11. 2002 or until filled 48 2002 Spring Aquatics Program AQUATIC SEASON 2002! Water Safety Aide for Aquatic Volunteers Hercules Master Swim Club (HMSC) Pacific Masters Swimming (PMS) is an organized swimming program for adults ages 19 and over. Individual members may participate in a variety of ways ranging from recreational lap swimming to international competition, however participants are not required to compete as a member of the club. Some members join for health, fitness, comradery, or just plain fun! When you become a member of the United States Master Swimming (USMS), you are automatically covered for additional accident and liability insurance during all sanctioned events and workouts. In addition, you will receive a subscription to SWIM magazine, a national swimming and fitness publication, and a PMS Newsletter in every issue. Membership also includes borrowing privileges from the PMS library, and the privilege of participating in any PMS water event, clinic, and training groups. For further information, please contact our Aquatics Coordinator at 799-8291 or 799-8296. Lacatian: Fees: 20909-A Spring MfTfThlF MIWIF Summer Man-Fri MfTfThlF MainPaal $25 Annual USMS Membership Fee $25 for 10 visits $40 far 20 visits $60 for 30 visit pass $200 for full season 02104-05103 03/04-05131 06/04-08/30 05103-08130 This course is designed for those who wish to become a volunteer or instructor aide at the Hercules Swim Center. The training is designed for youth (ages 14-17), adu~s , and senior crtizens who desire further involvement in aquatic activities. The training consists of five days, with 3 to 5 hours per session. An additional five hours oftraining will be offered to those volunteers who wish to assist in Level VI or VII swim classes. Prerequisite: Instructor: Must be proficient in Level VI or equivalent Anrta Roger Fields Fee: 20903-A $40 res/$45 nan-res Week One: Week Two: June17,18&June24-26 9:00am-11:00am June 28 9:00am-1 :OOpm Title 22 First Aid for Public Safety Personnel The purpose of this course is to meet the specialized First Aid and CPR Training requirements of the Califomia Administrative Code - Trtle 22 required for Lifeguards, Police Officers, and Fire Fighters. This course will provide these First Responders with the knowledge and skills they need to help sustain life until more advanced help arrives. The course contains five (5) units. Students must sucoessfully complete every unrt to become certified. Prerequisites: Current Certification in CPRFPR. Lifeguard training. Which includes CPRFPR taken concurrently or completed within 30 days of the start of the session Instructor: Fee: Anita Roger-Fields $1251Resident-$1301N0n-resident 20910-A July 1-3,8,9 7:30 -1 0:30pm 4:00pm-6:00pm 11:30am-1:00pm 11:30am-1:00pm 7:00pm-9:00pm Fall Dates to be announced in the Summer Herculean! 2002 Spring Aquatics Program 49 AQUATIC SEASON 2002! CPR for the Professional Rescuer Challenge Course and Lifeguard Training Challenge Course These courses involve testing only for CPR for the Professional Rescuer (CPRFPR) Lifeguard Training and First Aid in order to renew certification. Prerequisites: 15 years of age, pass a swim skills test, previous certificaffon in Red Cross or YMCA Ufeguard and CPRFPR. BRING YOUR OWN MASK Swim skills test includes: 1) Treading water for two (2) minutes, with arms across chest (legs only). 2) Swimming 500 yards continuously using crawl, side stroke, and breast stroke. 3) A surface dive and retrieving a 10 lb. object from a depth of 7 feet. Lifeguard Training This com prehensive course provides American Red Cross certification in Lifeguard Training, CPR forthe Professional Rescuer, and First Aid. Students will leam how to handle special rescue eqUipment and emergency situations, Prerequisites: 15 years of age by last class session and pass a swim skill s test which includes: 1) Treading water for two (2) minutes, WITh arms across chest (legs only). 2) Swimming 500 yards continuously using crawl , side stroke, and breast stroke. 3) A surface dive and retrieving a 10 lb. objecl from a depth of 7 feet. Instructor. Fee: 20901-A 20901-8 Instructor: Fee: Anita Roger-Fields CPRFPR only Ufeguard Training CPRFPR & First Aid CPR Challenge 20902-A Sat 20902-8 Tu es 05/18 07/30 Lifeguard Training Challenge 20902-0 Sat 06/18 20902-E 08/03 Sat $25 res!$30 non-res $50 res!$5O non-res 1:00pm-4:00pm 6:00pm-l 0:00pm 10:00am-12:00pm 10:00am- 12:00pm GUARDSTART 20901-C Thi s course w ill tra in to teach the A m e rican Red Cross Swimming Courses. Future instructors w ill learn how to use course mate rials , develop lesson plans , conduct classes, eval uate stud ents, and complete course records. Instructor: Fee: Instructor: Anita Roger-Fields Fee: $50 res!$60 non-res (induding materials) Prerequisite -Demonstrate level VI swimming abilily( see page 45.} 20907-A Session 1/ 209011-A Week One: Week Two: Mf(/Th!Fri June 17 & 18 3:00pm-5:00pm June 24, 25, 27,28 3:00pm-5:00pm 07/15-07/26 50 2002 Spring Aquatics Program 9:00am-II :OOam 05115-06110 MlVVITh 6:00pm-9:30 pm +Two Dates To Be Announced MW 07/17-08107 6:00pm-9:30pm +Two Dates To Be Announced MW 09/04-09/26 6:00pm-9:30pm +Three Dates To Be Announced Water Safety Instructor Course Th is course w ill train individuals 11-14 year aids the A merican Red Cross skill s necessary to become tomorrow's lifeguards. Get a jump start on becoming a lifeguard today' Volunteer opportunities exist for summer at the Hercules Community I Swim Center. Sta rt training now ! Session I 209011 -A Anffa Roger-Fields $125 res!$135 non-res (including materials) Anita Roger-Fields $125 res!$135 non-res (including materials) Pre-requisffes -17 yrs old of age by the end of the course Demonstrate level IV swimming ability( see page 45.) Pass a precourse written and water safety skills test Man & Wed 04/10-05113 6:30pm- 10:00pm +Two Dates To Be Announced HOW TO REGISTER GENERAL INFORMATION 1. All reg is tration is on a first come, f irst serve basis unless specified in the course descri p tio n . 2. Pre- reg istration for a ll programs is recommended. We encourage participants to register at least one week in advan ce of the course sta rting date. WALK-I N REGISTRATION 1. All wa lk in registratio ns are accepted a tthe Community S w im Ce nter, 2001 R e fugio Valley R oad. Office h ours a re Monday thru Thursday, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm , and Friday, 9;00am 10 5;00 pm . 2. Prereg istrationi sreco mmended fora llprogram sa tleast one week prior to th e sta rting d a te of the course. 3. Pl ease make checks a nd/o r m oney orders p ayable to the CITY OF HERCULES. 4 . All regi s tration fee s must be accompani ed by a completed re gistration form. A waive r o f liability is a lso required for c ertain activiti es as specified in the cou rse description. 5. A $5.00 la te registra tio n fee wi ll b e added to a ll registra tio n received one h ou r prior to a co urse s tarting time and/or after a course has begun . The late registration fee will not be added to some extended co urse sessions until after the second c lass meeting as specified in th e co urse description. 6. Some co urses may be ca ncele d o r combined due to lack of registration. 7. Proof of residen cy will be asked upon regi s tration. Driver 's li ce nse , utility b ill or other form of identi fication is acceptable. RESIDENTS ARE THOSE WHO RESIDE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF HERCULES. 8. R egistration and paym ent for one ses sion d oes n o t guarantee en rollment in su bseq uent sessions , unl ess payment is rece ived in full for all appli ca ble sess ions. 9. Parents/G uardians must register th e ir c hildren jf under the ag e of 1 8. 10. Ifthere a re chang es in the course schedule or if the course is full, you will be notified by ou r staff prior to the class starting date. 11. A mail drop is p rovid ed near th e main entrance to the office if registration is received after re gular busin ess hour s. PLEASE DO NOT DROP OFF CASH PAYMENTS. REFUND POLICY 1. Refunds and/or transfe rs w ill be gra nted on o r before the first cl ass meetin g. No refunds o r transfers will be granted after the first c lass meeting . The re is a $ 10.00 service cha rge on all re funds initiate d by the parti c ip a nt. 2. If the course is cance led b y the H ercu les Recreation and Community Services , the partic ipa nt w ill h ave the option o f transferring to a similar program , or will be granted a full refund . 3. Refunds may be g iven a fter a co urse has begun due to a particu lar medi cal co ndition if a doctor 's n ote is provided . Th ese refunds a re at the discretion of th e Recreatio n S upervisor. MAIL-IN REGISTRATION 1. Please fill out the co urse registra ti o n form prov ided in this brochure. Copies of the registration form maybe made if more forms are necessary. 2. Please enclose your payment information. Payments may be made by VISA , Mastercard , Check , Mon ey Order. Please do not mail o r drop off cash payments. 3. You may mail your registration form and paym e nt tothe H e rcules Comm uni ty/Swim Cente r, 200 1 Refugi o Valley Roa d , Hercules , CA. 94547. 4. A cou rse receipt w ill be mailed to you confirmin g yo ur reg istra tionintothecla ss .Ifyouhave n o trece ivedverification of you r reg istration by the first class meeting, please ca ll the H e rcules Recreatio n an d Community Services a t51 0 799-8291 . 5. If your registration check is returned to you, t h e c lass is full and you will automatically b e p laced on a waiting li s t. PHONE IN REGISTRATION 1. Plea se fill out the co urse regi stration form provided in this brochure fo r eac h participant a nd program you are inte rested in . M a k e sure you h ave your VISA or Ma stercard inform ation availabl e when you ca ll. This informatio n w ill in c lude the name of the ca rd h older, the account number, and the expira tio n date. 2. Phone in registra tion will be accepted during reg ular business hours and/or by leaving a voicemail m ess age on ou r reg istration line (799-8291) if yo u are reg is te ring by phone a fter h ours, p lease include a ll the n ecessa ry informa tio n o n the reg is tration form and payme nt fo rm , including a contac t number so our s ta ff may contact you for further information in ord e r to process yo ur registration. FAX INFORMATION 1. Please fill out the cou rse regi stration form provided in this broc hure an d fax to (510) 7 99-82 88 . VISA and Masterca rd paym en t s will only be accepted for fax rp.,]i stration. Spring 2002 Herculean 51 - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - City of Hercules Parks and Recreation Department Program Registration Form ParenVGuardian Name (if participant is under 18 years of age): ___________________________ Daytime Phone: _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Address: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ City: _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip Code: _ __ __ Evening Phone: _________ _ Participant's Name 1. 2 3. 4. Birth Date (if under 18yr) I I I I I I I I Credit Card Type: _ _ _ Mastercard___VISA Course Number and Title Dates Times Card No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp. Date __I__I__ Authorized Cardholder Signature: __________________ _ ________ Date: ________________ I understand that the City of Hercules does not carry specific insurance to cover participants or spectators of Parks and Recreation sponsored activities. I hereby assume the risk of my injuries, or that of said minor, that may be sustained in the pursuit of recreation activities, and forever discharge the City of Hercules, its officers, agents, and employees from any actions, suits, damages, claims, or judgments that may result from any property damage or personal injuries that I or said minor may sustain while using equipment owned or in the possession of the City of Hercules, or while engaged in sponsored activities . I also agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Hercules, its officers, agents and employees from any and all loss, damage, liability, cost or expense, arising out of any acts or om issions of the City of its officers, agents, or employees. Participant Signature:-,,-_ _,,--_ _ _,--_______________ ________________________ Date: ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ (ParenVGuardian Signature if participant is under 18 years of age) City of Hercules Parks and Recreation Department Program Registration Form ParenVGuardian Name (if participant is under 18 years of age): _ _ _ __ _________________________________ _ Daytime Phone: ________________ Address: _____________________ City: Zip Code: _____ ,Evening Phone:_________ Participant's Name 1. 2. 3. 4. Birth Date (if under 18vr) I I I I I I I I Credit Card Type: _ _ _,Mastercard___VISA Course Number and Title Dates Times Card No. ______________,Exp. Date_ _ I__I__ Authorized Cardholder Signature:____________________ _ _ ______________________ Date: ________________ I understand that the City of Hercules does not carry specific insurance to cover participants or spectators of Parks and Recreation sponsored activities. I hereby assume the risk of my injuries, or that of said minor, that may be sustained in the pursuit of recreation activities, and forever discharge the City of Hercules, its officers, agents, and employees from any actions, suits, damages, claims, or judgments that may result from any property damage or personal injuries that I or said minor may sustain while using equipment owned or in the possession of the City of Hercules, or while engaged in sponsored activities. I also agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Hercules, its officers, agents and employees from any and all loss, damage, liability, cost or expense, arising out of any acts or om issions of the City of its officers, agents, or employees . Participant Signature:=--c;;::----;c-----;:c----cc---c;---c:--c-----;-c----;---;-;:-------;----;-------Date:----_ _ _ _ _ ___ (ParenVGuardian Signature if participant is under 18 years of age) THE HERCULEAN Advertising Information I. DESIGN: CAMERA-READY (black and white advertisement and picture) SUBMIT ADVERTISEMENT on a 3 In" floppy or zip disk. 2. ARTICLE SUBMITTAL DUE DATES FOR 2002: ************************* .* * SAVE 10% : Purchase all four consecutive : : editions and receive 10% discount. : Spring Friday, January 18, 2002 (March publication) Summer Friday, April 19, 2002 (June publication) Fall Friday, July 19,2002 (September publication) Winter Friday, October II , 2002 (December publication) 3. ADVERTISEMENT SIZES: * * * ************************* ADVERTISEMENT COST PER PUBLICATION: Inside-Eighth Page (B/w) (3 In" Wx I H) $150.00 Inside-Quarter Page (B/w) (3 1/2" W x 2 1/2" H) $225.00 Inside-Half Page (B/w) (7" W x 4 H) $250.00 Inside-Full Page (BIW) (7" W x 8 314" H) $325.00 Inside Back Page-Full Page (B/W) (7" W X 8 314" H) $350.00 Outside Back Cover Half Page (in color) (7" W x 2 $400.00 In" In" In" H) Additional $20.00 for photo with ad a. Hercules Community Non-Profit organizations recognized by the Hercules Community Services Commission will receive one FREE ad per calendar year. (ad size eighth page BIW) b. The return of an ad only upon request. c. Retllrn pages 2 & 3 ofthe advertisement contract. 4. METHOD OF PAYMENT: I. Check or money order (please make payable to the City of Hercules) 2. MasterCard or Visa (credit card payments must be made in person at City Hall) s. PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR AD 6. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Revised 111191100 I City of Hercules III Civic Drive Hercules, CA 94547 Attention: Herculean Chief Editor, Doreen Mathews Phone: (510) 799-8215 Fax: (510) 799-2521 THE HERCULEAN Advertising Contract Please complete and return pages 2 and 3 of the advertising contract. 1. DESIGN: o o CAMERA-READY (black and white advertisement and picture) SUBMIT ADVERTISEMENT on a 3 1/2" floppy or zip disk. 2. ARTICLE SUBMITIAL DUE DATES FOR 2002. Select the number of publications. o o o o Spring Friday, January 18, 2002 (March publication) Summer Friday, April 19, 2002 (June publication) Fall Friday, July 19, 2002 (September publication) Winter Friday, October 11, 2002 (December publication) 3. ADVERTISEMENT SIZES: ADVERTISEMENT COST PER PUBLICATION: Select the following advertisement sizes: o o o o o o o Inside-Eighth Page (B/W) (3 Inside-Quarter Page (B/W) (3 Inside-Half Page (B/W) (7" W x 4 H) $250,00 Inside-Full Page (BIW) (7" W x 8 3/4" H) $325.00 Inside Back Page-Full Page (B/w) (7" W x 8 3/4" H) $350.00 Outside Back Cover-Half Page (in color) (7" W x 2 $400.00 1/2" 1/2" Wx I Wx 2 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" H) H) H) $225,00 Additional $20.00 for photo with ad a. Hercules Community Non-Profit organizations recognized by the Hercules Community Services Commission will receive one FREE ad per calendar year .(ad size eighth page BIW) b. The return of the ad only upon request. 4. METHOD OF PAYMENT: o o $150.00 Check or money order (please make payable to the City of Hercules) MasterCard or Visa (credit card payments must be made in person at City Hall) Revised 11/19/01 2 THE HERCULEAN Advertising Contract please print NAMEIBUSINESS/ORGANIZA nON ADDRESS STATE/ZIP CODE STREET PHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER CONTACT PERSON PHONE TOTAL AMOUNT SUMITTED _ __ _ _ _ RETURN ORIGINAL AD o D YES SIGNATURE Revised 1111912:00) NO DATE 3 f Saturday, June 8, 2002 Community Swim Center 2001 Refugio Valley Road Come and help us celebrate Philippine Independence Day in the City of Hercules. The outdoor festivities will begin at 12:00 noon, including live stage entertainment, booths featuring Philippine products, foods from Bay Area Filipino restaurants, dancers in colorful costumes, exciting games and martial arts demonstrations. The Community Swim Center will display exhibits of I\\lM\SS\O\\l Philippine art, literature, .· 1,-.;1-....,.....·~4··.1.' • \S fltt music and film for the entire family to enjoy. PI 2002 will be a fun-filled daylong event for the entire family. Come join the fun and learn what Philippine culture is truly about. • Hercules Area Specialist & Resident .15 Years Experience .Awardee: Life Member Million Dollar Club .. Services Offered: Real Estate Loans . . f# .~ . F Market Analysis of you r home R Buyer's Pre-Qual ifi cation E Home Warranty E There so many of "US" Pick The Best Termite Inspection (510) 799-1670 Call me to find out why ALL my listings are sold, ALWAYS, If not for a FULL PRICE but they sell MORE than the asking price, • •• Along with MY DISCOUNTED FEES And Quality Performance. Proven Results "I don't promise .... I DELIVER!" with all your insurance needs: Like a good neigh bor, State Farm is th ere" statefarm.com™
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