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AJN Feb 2015 - Amazon Web Services
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Akron Jewish News
February 2015 • 5775 Shevat
volume 85 • number 2
France Emergency
Suit up
Stand in solidarity. Donate
aid to help the French
Jewish community.
Last touches being
put on Shaw JCC
indoor pool
Lippman celebrates 50th Anniversary at March 14 event
Preparations are underway now for The Lippman School’s
50th Anniversary celebration on March 14, 2015.
The event starts at 7 pm in the school, where guests will have
a chance to “honor our past, experience our present, and
grow our future” while enjoying beverages and some light
hors d’oeuvres.
Then, the party moves into the Shaw JCC auditorium for
BINGO prizes, a chance auction, dinner, dessert, coffee
bar, and a video presentation. Make your reservations now
Busy, fun year planned
for Rubber City Jews
by calling 330-836-0419. Tickets are $100, with special
discounted pricing ($50) for current Lippman parents and
alumni under the age of 30.
As part of our celebration, sponsorship levels are available which
include donating 50 trees to the City of Akron and 50 trees to
Israel (the students will help plant the trees in the spring).
For information about sponsorship levels, purchasing ads
in the 50th Anniversary celebration program book, and to
donate online, visit www.thelippmanschool.org.
Annual Campaign 2015
Building our Second Century Together
Leora Cohen
RCJ President
Rubber City Jews, the Akron Jewish community’s organization specifically for
people in their 20s and 30s, continues to grow each month with new members
and new programs. At the close of 2014, we had fun as we celebrated the end
of a busy year. We went to see the Cleveland Cavaliers as they went up against
the Tel Aviv Maccabi, carved pumpkins and hiked at the Nature Realm, had
a bowling party at AMF, and had many different opportunities for socializing
and learning together. For Hanukkah, we had a great party at the home of
Debra & Steve Newman, with dreidel, latkes, drinks, and a crazy gift exchange.
We kicked off the New Year with a bagel brunch at the home of Leora & Nathan
Cohen and a fabulous game night at the home of Erin & Kevin Katz-Ford.
RCJ has a good mix of programs, some of which are child-friendly for young
families in the community and others are just for adults. In the upcoming
continued on page 9
On Jan. 22, the Jewish Community Board of Akron honored its Lion of
Judah and Pomegranate donors. Attendees, including Myrna Berzon,
Sue McMains and Dianne Newman, met with speaker Eric Fingerhut,
President and CEO of Hillel. More on page two.
Annual Campaign
2 § february 2015
Annual Campaign 2015
Building our Second Century Together
as of Jan. 23, 2015
Lions and Poms
Thank you to
Annual Campaign gather, hear Fingerhut
Thank you to the following people who helped
with the 2015 Annual Campaign. Thank you for
helping us build our second century together!
Help us reach
our goal!
We're almost to our goal of
$1.3 million for the 2015 Annual
Campaign. If you haven't yet
made a donation, there's a few
ways to give a gift.
• Online atjewishakron.org.
• By phone at 330-869-2424.
• By mailing a check to
Annual Campaign, Jewish
Community Board of
Akron, 750 White Pond
Drive, Akron, OH 44320.
Nelda Anderson
Marc Merklin
Cathy Baer
J.J. Mesko-Kimmich
Mark Baer
David Minc
Marty Belsky
Rob Minster
Eleanor Bradford
Andrew Mirman
Griffin Brown
Herb Moss
Sam Chestnut
Dan Nadav
Trish Crane
Dianne Newman
Stephanie Davis
Steve Newman
Kevin Ford
Adam Post
Marsha Friedman
Harriet Richman
Jon Golden
Laura Roberts
Susan Golden
Gary Rosen
Eric Goldstein
Judi Shapiro
Joel Goldstein
Debbie Shifrin
Esther Hexter
Mike Segal,
Campaign Chairman
Gizelle Jones
Bernie Kaminer
Sedell Kaminer
Alyssa Katz
Randy Katz
Erin Katz-Ford
Kathy Klein
Roberta Kleinman
Shelley Koch
Ron Lederman
David Sokol
Jerome Spira
Andrea Steinberger
Irv Sugerman
Brad Willen
Lydia Wolf
Richard Zelin
President: Debra shifrin
CEO: David K. Koch
The Akron jewish News was established
in 1929 and is published 11 times per year by
the Jewish Community Board of Akron.
President of JCBA Debra Shifrin with Eric Fingerhut,
President and CEO of Hillel.
Rick Spector
Rochelle Stone
Editor & Advertising: Lisa Hofmann
330.835.0013 • editor@jewishakron.org
Circulation: Mary Dean
330.835.0002 • Mary_Dean@jewishakron.org
Paula Gross
(right) hosted
and opened her
home for the Lion
of Judah and
event, honoring
women who
donate $1,500+
to the Annual
Campaign. Kathy
Sands (left) was
one the attendees.
Marsha Friedman
(not pictured) was
event chair.
Fingerhut spoke at the Lions of Judah and Pomegrantes
event. He discussed the importance of the presence
of Hillel on campuses for Jewish students and to
demonstrate tolerance and diversity to all university
students. He also said that Hillel is an important voice
on campus against an increasing number of faculty
who are anti-Zionist and use their position to spread
intolerance and hate. Fingerhut explained that Jewish
Federations of North America is a very strong supporter
of the Hillel movement. Through the Annual Campaign,
JCBA gives funds to support Hillel of Kent State and
University of Akron.
The AJN is distributed at the Shaw JCC and mailed to members of the Jewish community
and members of the Shaw JCC. An online version is also available at jewishakron.org.
Deadlines for AJN are two weeks prior to the publication date. The newspaper will be
delivered the first week of every month.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to 750 White Pond Drive,
Akron, OH 44320-1195 • Tel: 330.869.2424 • Fax: 330.867.8498
Akron Jewish News
Community Event Calendar
Tu B'shevat Israel Fair
10:00AM - 12:00PM
Temple Israel, 91 Springside Dr.
9:30AM - 12:00PM
Beth El Raffle
11:00AM - 3:00PM
Beth El, 750 White Pond Dr.
Come and peruse the Temple Israel
Sisterhood Gift Shop catalogs and
receive a 10% discount on all orders!
10:00AM - 12:00PM
Mahjong Monday is the first Monday
of every month at Temple Israel. No
experience necessary.
Shlichim Program- Project
"Shorashim" - Roots
7:00PM - 9:00PM
Beth El, 750 White Pond Dr.
"Shorashim" means Roots in Hebrew
We invite you to come and learn about
our family roots and explore their
story -where they came from, how they
made “Aliya” to Israel and what were
their culture and traditions at home.
Shabbat in the Round
6:00PM - 8:00PM
Anshe Sfard, 646 N. Revere Rd.
Come enjoy Shabbat in the Round - a
special Shabbat service for younger
children and their families!
Jewish Public Affairs Forum
6:15PM - 9:00PM
Beth El, 750 White Pond Dr.
Guest Speaker Akron Police Chief Nice
LLL Workshop
Maccabi Games
Informational Meeting
2:00 PM
Monday, Feb. 9
Shlichim Program- Project
"Shorashim" - ROOTS
7:00PM - 9:00PM
Rubber City Jews Happy Hour
6:00PM - 8:00PM
Ray's Place in Fairlawn
Rubber City Jews
Dessert & Discussion
7:00PM - 9:00PM
Schultz Campus for Jewish Life, 750
White Pond Drive
Join us for Dessert & Discussion:
Continuing Education Through
Community Learning.
6 PM - 8:30 PM
Support the Shaw JCC at the 13th Annual
Sports Dinner! The evening will feature David
Blatt, Head Coach of the Cleveland Cavs.
Tickets and sponsorships still available. Visit
shawjcc.org or call 330-867-7850.
Hit the slopes with RCJ! Please RSVP to
get the meeting location.
Swing by for a drink with friends at
Ray's Place Fairlawn (where the old
Winking Lizard used to be).
Shaw JCC
Sports Dinner
Shaw JCC, 750 White Pond Dr
1:00PM - 3:00PM
Special night where everyone is
welcome to share their family's history
and how they reached the U.S. You can
bring pictures, music, or anything you
have about your background.
Shaw JCC, 750 White Pond Dr
The Shaw JCC will be participating
in this year’s JCC Maccabi Games in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 2-7,
2015. Learn more at this meeting.
Rubber City Jews Sledding!
Beth El, 750 White Pond Dr.
11:15AM - 2:00PM
Women’s Kabbalah Workshops Invites
you to an Tu B’Shvat: Interactive
Mahjong Monday
Temple Israel, 91 Springside Dr.
Anshe Sfard, 646 N. Revere Rd.
It’s Beth El’s 34th Annual Raffle!
Temple Israel, 91 Springside Dr.
Collaborative Family Education Series
of Anshe Sfard, Beth El, and Temple
Israel. This event is for Jewish 1st-6th
graders and their parents.
Select events from the Community Calendar at www.jewishakron.org.
For a full calendar listing, visit our website.
Temple Israel Sisterhood
Gift Shop Catalog Party
February 2015 § 3
Adult Purim Party
7:00PM - 10:00PM
Beth El, 750 White Pond Dr.
Back by popular demand! We will
celebrate Purim with adult beverages
and a retelling of the Megillah.
Murder Mystery Purim Party
7:00PM - 11:00PM
Temple Israel, 91 Springside Dr.
Join the Temple Israel Sisterhood for a
“Murder Mystery” Purim Party!
Purim Ball
4 § february 2015
2015 Queen Esthers
60 years of Purim Ball
For the past 60 years, the Jewish Community
Center of Akron has been pulled together by the
dedicated Auxiliary volunteers who plan the annual
Purim Ball. This event was created to present high
school senior girls to the community. These girls,
our Queen Esthers, have always been symbols of
strength, beauty, and creativity,who possess a deep
commitment to the Jewish people.
PHoto by Nancy Williams
Through the years, more than 800 young women
have been presented at the Purim Ball. The Queen
Esthers and their fathers (or partners) work
together for several months before the event to
perfect their dancing skills. In addition, the girls,
along with their mothers, plan a mitzvah project
for the community.
Mallory Nava David
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Eli David
Leia Paige Gertz
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Marc Gertz
Julie Suzanne Garcia
Daughter of Mr. & Mrs.
Julian Garcia
Brady Aliza Marks
Daughter of Mr. & Mrs.
Steven Marks
Purim Ball has served as a wonderful vehicle to
bring together young women from different schools
and synagogues. It has provided an opportunity
for daughters, dads, and family members to bond
and share special moments. Purim Ball has helped
bring the Jewish community together for 60 years
of celebrations.
The Shaw Jewish Community Center of Akron Auxiliary
cordially invites you to attend the
Honoring Past Purim Ball Chairpersons
March 7, 2015
The Shaw Jewish Community Center of Akron
750 White Pond Drive
Doors Open at 7:00 pm
Presentation at 7:30 pm
Dessert Buffet and dancing following the presentation
Adult Admission Pre-sale $30: Door $36
Senior Admission Pre-sale $20: Door $25
Student Admission Pre-sale: $15 Door $20
Donations in honor of a Queen Esther may be made to the newly established
Purim Ball Fund
Rita Bliman, Ruth Rosen, Arlene Gordon were co-chairs
of the Purim Ball in March 1975.
60th Purim Ball to honor past chairs
Lynne Weinberger, Mimi Surloff and Shelby Detrick, 60th Anniversary Chairs
The Shaw JCC Auxiliary will be celebrating the 60th anniversary of Purim Ball on March 7. We plan
to honor all the past Purim Ball chairwomen that evening; the following is a list of the names we
have been given:
Ellie Minkin
Tammy Gersman
Michelle Mostow
Livia Kades
Sharon Schiff
Teri Segal
Pam Gertz
Eileen Benson
Sue McMains
Beth Sugerman
Susie Meles
Debbie Hershfield
Andi Ehrenberg
Magita Willen
Leslie Littman
Theresa Weinberger
Carol Leaventon
Carmie Stein
Sherry Banayan
Kathi Marks
Shelley Koch
Debbie Zelin
Elaine Neumann
Susan Osherow
Janis Weintraub
Mimi Surloff
Lynne Weinberger
Zippy Silverman
Patti Nemeroff
Shelley Kaye
Kathy Bouker
Rona Lowry
Marlen Spector
Robin Levy
Paula Gross
Faye Regal
Chrissie Levey
Linda Apple
Anita Levin
Clara Berns
Maxine Gertz
Sally Ekus
Evie Goldsmith
Evie Weinberger
Leona Pollock
Rhoda Lipkin
Harriet Richman
Carol Yost
Janice Woll
Barbara Rosenfeld
Ruth Rosen
Rita Bliman
Arlene Gordon
Ruth Morrison
If you or someone you know has chaired Purim Ball and is not on this list, please email the names
and addresses to Lynne Weinberger at lwine11@aol.com. A special invitation will follow. If you
would like to honor our Queen Esthers and/or past chairwomen, donations can be made to the
Auxiliary Purim Ball Fund at the Shaw JCC.
Looking forward to seeing you at this wonderful celebration!
Something New for Purim
Temple hosts Murder Mystery
February 2015 § 5
Beth El Congregation
This year, Temple Israel Sisterhood is doing something new and
different for Purim. Sisterhood is holding an adult “Murder Mystery”
party on Feb. 28 t 7 pm.
“Who dunnit?” Attendees will enjoy solving the mystery of the
“murder” in their midst. Prizes will be awarded to the winning table.
Other games will occur during the breaks, so put on your best game
face. Heavy hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar with colorful Purim drinks
will be available. The cost is $25 per person. Save the date, and be there
or be Hamen. For more information, call Barb Yedidsion at 330-807-
A Mitzvah for Purim:
Mishloach Manot
Mishloach Manot is one of the four mitzvot that we perform on the
holiday of Purim. On Purim day we send Mishloach Manot, a gift of at
least two kinds of food to friends.
Women’s Chavurah Sisterhood is sponsoring shared Mishloach Manot
gift boxes at a low cost so that as many community families as possible
can participate in this tradition. They will deliver Mishloach Manot to
any family you choose in the Akron area. Here’s how the program works:
1. Your selection will most likely be grouped with other senders. The
recipient will get ONE Purim gift box filled with Hamentashen, other
Purim treats, and a card listing the names of ALL THE SENDERS to
that recipient.
Snow-Birds & other out-of-towners will receive a Purim card (listing
all senders) in lieu of a package.
2. Carefully circle the number to the left of the names of the families
you wish to send a gift box to. Each name you choose from the attached
list is only $5. The minimum participation fee is $25, which entitles
you to five choices.
3. To send a Purim gift box to someone NOT on the attached list, you
may do so by ordering a prepared Mishloach Manot box for only $13.
4. Avoid any hurt feelings with our “Reciprocity” option. If someone sent
to you, but you did not originally send to them, we will automatically
add them to your list and bill you after Purim at $5 per box.
5. For a donation of $136 you can select up to 36 families and all
reciprocals are free (a savings of $50). Each additional family will only
cost $3 each.
6. Our volunteers will deliver all Purim gift boxes ordered or
reciprocated (in the Akron area) By Purim Day – Thursday, March 5.
7. If you know anyone who would like to be included on our future
Mishloach Manot list, please email Kailasasonkin@gmail.com.
The deadline is Friday, Feb. 20. To the order form and receive a list
of potential recipients, contact Kaila at Kailasasonkin@gmail.com.
Nosh on a Kosher Hamantash
Buy Wendy Macher’s homemade hamantashen for your Purim celebration
$12 a dozen. Pre-paid orders due by Friday, Feb. 20. Mail orders to
Hamantashen c/o Lauren Scherr, 935 Robinwood Hills Drive, Akron, OH
44333. For more information, call Lauren at 216-402-1665 or laurenscherr@
Pick up at Anshe Sfard on Sunday, Feb. 22, 12-2 pm (or call for an
Hamantash Order Form
I would like to order a total of ______dozen hamantashen in the following
______Dozen Prune
_______Dozen Apricot
______Dozen Raspberry
_______Dozen Poppy Seed
______ Dozen Chocolate _______Dozen Assorted
Enclosed is $___________
Buyer’s Name_____________________________________________
Email ___________________________________________________
Proceeds to benefit Women’s Chavurah Sisterhood Community Programs.
6 § february 2015
Akron Legacy &
Endowment Fund
Akron Jewish News
Greta Foster, Endowment Director
with James D. Nice,
Chief of Akron Police
Dishing up the dirt
Sue me for being small-minded, but sometimes I like
discussing people. (“Great minds discuss ideas, average
minds discuss events, small minds discuss people” Eleanor Roosevelt). The fact is that after three months
of writing columns about ideas – end of the year tax
planning, the IRA Charitable Rollover, etc.– I am simply
ready to lighten up!
Jewish & Public Affairs Forum
Beth El Congregation
"Policing in 2015"
Friday Night, February 6
6:15 PM-Shabbat Dinner
So this month I thought I would write an exposé of some
very special people: donors. I deal with donors day-in
and day-out, so if anyone is qualified to “dish,” it is me.
7:30 PM-Shabbat Service
On one end of the donor-spectrum, there are donors who
want what they want when they want it. You may not
believe it, but I never mind. Okay, I may roll my eyes
sometimes. But I never mind. Because what do these
donors want? They want only to do good in the world,
albeit faster/without waiting patiently in line for their
turn. And if I am not committed to accommodating
them, I should not be in this job.
Beth El Congregation
750 White Pond Drive, 44320
But these “characters” are the small minority of our
donors. There is no dirt to dish about all the others: they
are not just good but also nice – incredibly nice in almost
every case.
So maybe I do not sound that small-minded after all.
Some of our donors may be higher-maintenance than
others, but all of our donors are loveable in their own
way, and helping them fulfill their philanthropic visions
is both my privilege and my pleasure.
For more information please contact Greta Foster,
Endowment Director at Greta_Foster@jewishakron.org
or 330-835-0004.
at in the Rou
A young family Shabbat experience
through food, fun, friends & prayer.
Open to all. 6 - 7:30 pm
Jan. 9, Feb. 6, Mar. 13, May 1, Jun 5
Sponsored by the Lippman Kanfer Family Foundation
8:00 PM-Chief Nice
Pre-paid reservations must be received by
January 28. Please mail your reservation
along with your check to Beth El Congregation.
Adults: $18; Children, 6-12: $8; Free for 5 and
*Shabbat dinner is underwritten by a generous
grant from The Osherow Family Foundation*
Oneg Shabbat Sponsored by Beth El Sisterhood
Chavurah, Lippman bring Chanukah
to Chambrel for 15th year
Mazal Cohen
for the Akron Jewish News
On Dec. 19, residents of Chambrel enjoyed a special
visit during their Chanukah party. The Lippman
School students, parents and teachers Miri Kogan,
Beth Gibbons, Courtney Krieger, Sarah Greenblatt
visited, and I thank them all for joining us. This
is a 15-year partnership of Women’s Chavurah of
Anshe Sfard Synogogue and The Lippman School
to bring the joy of Chanukah to the residents of
When the students walked into Chambrel’s activity
room, it was nicely decorated for Chanukah, but
what really made the affair festive was the presence
and participation of the students. As they entered
the room and burst into beautiful Chanukah
songs, the residents joined in the singing and this
really set the tone for the day.
We were honored that the resident Jack Lederman
(93 years old) blessed and lit the menorah. Other
residents and guests then blessed the Shabbat
candles, challah and the Kiddush. Throughout the
afternoon, the residents and students participated
in ongoing discussions about the holy day.
A special thank you goes to Joan Allyn Kodish
who shared Chanukah words of wisdom.
Students were fully engaged in the discussion
of Chanukah miracles and related the miracles
topic to present situations in their lives. such as a
baby’s birth and friendships. This helped to make
Chanukah meaning relevant for both the adults
and students.
All enjoyed the special Shabbat food and
especially the Chanukah treats of latkes and
donuts.The highlight of the party was when
the children walked around and handed each
resident a handmade Chanukah card with an
individual blessing.
We are forever grateful for this annual tradition
of bringing together students and the residents of
Chambrel to celebrate the miracle of Chanukha.
This would not be possible without the dedicated
efforts of Sarah Greenblatt (The Lippman School)
Kim Price (Chambrel), and dedicated volunteers
Shlomit Antopolsky and Joan Allyn Kodish.
Akron Jewish News
to hold Local Synagogues
Beth El, Temple
Togetherness Shabbat
on March 13
For the past two years, Temple Israel and Beth El Congregation have come
together to host the wonderful Gospel Shabbat. This year, both synagogues will
collaborate on a new Friday night service – Togetherness Shabbat. This service
will be held at Temple Israel on Friday, March 13 at 7:30 pm. The music at the service will have a Hasidic, klezmer feel and will be
accompanied by a small instrumental ensemble. Both synagogues will jointly
host a special program for students in grades 5-8 that will coincide with the
Cemetery Information
The Jewish Community Board of Akron is responsible for maintaining
four cemeteries: Sherbondy, South Street, Workman’s Circle and Farband.
South Street and Sherbondy are always locked. Occasionally, someone
forgets to lock up after they leave. Workman’s Circle and Farband are
open year ‘round.
You may stop at the Shaw JCC front desk and sign out a gate key. Be sure
to return the key to the front desk on your way home from the cemetery.
Please phone the JCBA 330-869-2424 if you notice any maintenance
issues that should be addressed.
➢ Burial Lots Available
The Jewish Community Board of Akron (JCBA) has burial lots available at Sherbondy Hill, Workman’s Circle and Farband. The purchase price of each lot is $950, plus perpetual care at $500. Contact the JCBA at
330-869-2424 for details.
Candle Lighting Times
It is considered a great mitzvah and responsibility
to honor the Sabbath by lighting candles 18
minutes before sunset on Friday evening and on
designated times on holidays.
Friday, Feb. 6
Friday, Feb. 13
Friday, Feb. 20
Friday, Feb. 27
5:31 pm
5:40 pm
5:48 pm
5:57 pm
February 2015 § 7
Anshe Sfard Synagogue
646 N. Revere Road, Akron • 330-867-7292 • Rabbi Mendy Sasonkin
Shacharis: Sundays, 8 am; Mondays and Thursdays, 7:30 am; Shabbos, 9 am
mincha/maariv: Sunday-Thursday, 7:30 pm; Friday, Sunset
Adult Education: At Anshe Sfard led by Rabbi Mendy Sasonkin; open to
men and women; Parsha with Rabbi commentary; great discussions. RSVP to
Kaila Sasonkin at 330-867-6798.
Beth El Congregation
750 White Pond Drive, Akron • Rabbi Stephen Grundfast • Hazzan Stephen Stein
7:30 am
8:30 am
Friday Evenings
6:15 pm
Saturday Mornings 9:15 am
SPECIAL NOTE: Evening services, other than Friday evenings, will be held only
by request and special arrangement. Please call the office one week in advance to
make arrangements.
Temple Beth Shalom
50 Division Street, Hudson, OH 44236 • 330-656-1800 • info@tbshudson.org
Rabbi Jim Egolf
Friday night services are held twice a month at 7:45 p.m., normally on
the second and fourth Fridays of the month
Temple Israel
91 Springside Drive, Akron, OH 44333 • 330-762-8617
Rabbi Robert S. Feinberg • Cantor Jason Rosenman
Friday Night Shabbat Services: 7:30 pm
Saturday Morning Services: 9 am
torah study: Saturdays, 9:40 am
at Temple Israel Akron
starting July 2015
To be considered, please send a
summary of your qualifications
to Dr. Lawrence Roth, Temple
Israel Akron’s 1st Vice President,
at lawrenceroth@sbcglobal.net.
Please also visit our beautiful
new building at 91 Springside
Akron Jewish News
8 § february 2015
From the Shlichim
ofri & tohar kait
Tohar cell: 234-207-0572 • Ofri cell: 330-316-5699 • shlichim@jewishakron.org
Your past begins with your family tree
February’s subject is 'Shorashim,' which means 'roots' in Hebrew
“Avodat Shorashim” (roots project) is an annual project that every student in
the seventh grade has to do in Israel. Seventh grade is the year of Bat and Bar
Mitzvah, and this means taking responsibility and becoming a mature member of
your family. This special roots project helps each student connect to the lineage
of Jewish people in general and their families in particular. The purpose of this
project is that each student will personally document his/her family heritage and
connect to his/her past.
During this year each student has to build a family tree and research a certain topic
he/she finds interesting. In order to build this tree, students need to document
many members of the family, interview them, collect photos, documents and take
pictures of special family objects. Throughout the years this project has become
a true “family project” because everyone is pitching in to help with the work.
Everyone starts collecting knowledge and at times they find things that have been
hidden and forgotten over the years.
Many families who participated in this process experience a new connection that
enriches and strengthens the link between children and their parents and also
between the children and their grandparents. At the end of the year each class
holds a big celebration and all the family members are invited. The kids present
their beautiful work and this is a very touching moment!
Both of us had a very special time preparing our “Shorashom Project.” We decided
that February’s subject will be “Our Roots” and this fits perfectly especially since
we also celebrate Tu Bishvat- “Rosh Hashanah La’iilanot”- “New Year of the Trees.”
Come and join us in this months programs, hosted by Beth-El Congregation.
This month’s programs
will be hosted by Beth-El
Congregation, 750 White
Pond Dr., Akron, OH 44320.
“Shorashim Project: Our Roots”
Your past begins with your family tree.
3 Tuesday
7:00 PM
Our Shorashim: The Shlichim Roots
Learn about Ofri and Tohar’s families, as we present our shorashim (roots) with the story of our
families. You will learn how they came to Israel
and our special foods, music and traditions.
Above: Tohar's Grandfather, David Gofer
(Grokop), grew up in Bialystok, Poland. He
was a Holocaust survivor from AushwitzBirkenau that came to Israel at the end of
the war.
RIGHT: Ofri's grnadparents,Avraham and
Chaya Vexle, came from Rosario, Argentina.
In the picture they are holding Ofri's mother,
Debora Kait.
17 Tuesday
7:00 PM
Sharing Our Community Roots
We welcome people of all ages from the
Akron community to share their family story,
their roots. Bring photos and any items to
share about your family history.
For any further questions contact
Erin Katz at erin_katz@shawjcc.org
Akron Jewish News
February 2015 § 9
Rubber City Jews continued from page 1
months, we will be ice skating (Feb. 7), sledding (Feb. 14), and going to Zip
City (March 21). Jewish events will include a bi-monthly Shabbat dinner and
celebrations for Purim (March 8) and Passover. Other regular events include a
monthly “Dessert & Discussion,” a member-led study session each final Monday
of the month, and bi-monthly happy hours. Many special promotions have also
been available to RCJ members, including attendance at the Shaw JCC Sports
Dinner, and more promotions will be available in the future.
Starting in 2015, RCJ will also become more active in the greater community as we
participate in community service together. Each quarter, a different organization
will be chosen as a place where we will do service and raise funds or goods in the
months in between. In our first service quarter, we will be raising food-goods for
the Akron Canton Regional Food Bank, where we will be working in March.
We would like to thank the leadership at the Jewish Community Board of Akron and
the entire Jewish community for their overwhelming support and encouragement
as we take these next steps of growth together as a young and thriving community.
Please email us at RubberCityJews@gmail.com or “Like” us on Facebook to be
included in our mailing list and to receive updates on our upcoming events.
Don't miss Temple 150th
Anniversary events
The 150th Anniversary Committee, chaired by
Laura Lee Garfinkel, is hard at work planning
an exciting weekend April 17-18, 2015, as well
as organizing programs leading up to “Celebrate
the Past and Embracing the Future.”
Don’t miss special Shabbat services, discussions
with Rabbis who began at Temple Israel, and
a not-to-be-missed festive party on Saturday
evening! The hope is that families and friends
who attended Temple and may have moved away
will plan on returning to Akron to celebrate with the congregation and
reconnect with long-time friends. And of course, all friends of Akron’s
Jewish community are invited to attend and celebrate.
Enjoyable and enlightening programs are planned for Friday, February
20, and Friday March 20. Please continue to check the website www.
templeisraelakron.org, watch for e-blasts, or call 330-762-8617 for updated
Gift Shop Catalog Party Renee Pinsky, Marsha Krieger, Chrisie Levey
and Temple ISrael Sisterhood volunteers
The Temple Israel Sisterhood Gift Shop is having a "Catalog Party" with 10% off
orders, and you are invited!
The party is Sunday, February 8 from 9:30 am-12 pm at Temple Israel, 91 Springside
Drive in Akron.
Enjoy bagels, coffee and other treats while you peruse our catalogs and place
your orders. This is a great opportunity for you to choose Judaica for Passover,
weddings, other holidays, and life cycle events. That morning, you›ll receive an
additional 10% off our already discounted prices for orders and in-stock items.
The Temple Israel Sisterhood Gift Shop is open after most Shabbat evening services
and by appointment. For information, please call the Temple office at 330-762-8617.
See you at the party!
LLL hosts Tu B’shvat Interactive Seder on Feb. 8
Learn, Live, L’chaim (LLL) invites women to discover the
spirit and energy of the New Year of Trees. Taste and explore
the seven species at Tu B’shvat: An Interactive Seder on
Sunday, Feb. 8.
Led by Mazal Cohen, this event is from 11:15 am-1:30 pm.
It is hosted by Jodi Morris, 1222 Ledgewood Dr. in Akron
(330-665-4102). Program cost is $10. RSVP to Robyn Tobias
at robyncheryl@gmail.com. For more information, contact
Mazal at 330-864-0806.
LLL is partially funded by a grant from the Jewish Women’s
Endowment Fund of the JCBA. LLL sponsors include Chabad
of Akron, NA’AMAT, Temple Israel Women of Reform
Judaism, Anshe Sfard Women’s Chavurah, the Shaw JCC and
the Jewish Community Board of Akron.
10 § february 2015
Akron Jewish News
Women discover ‘unique footprints’ at annual event
On December 14, a group of 70 women gathered to discover their unique
footprints. As part of the Annual Gathering of Jewish Mysticism, they learned to
honor their individual talents, abilities and gifts.
The evening began with an exhibit of two local artists, Shlomit Antopolsky and
Sheryl Aronson. The emcee for the evening was Kaila Sasonkin; she explained that
the purpose of sharing individual footprints is to inspire us and to recognize the
impact that each of us makes on the community. Nurit Kohl led an opening prayer,
which laid the foundation for the importance of one’s unique footprint and for the
insightful work planned for the evening.
Throughout the evening, attendees enjoyed live music played by local musicians:
April Sharrock, flute; Miranda Deppish, French horn; Jean Schwartz, piano; and
Julie Leeson, violin.
The first footprint story of the evening was the baby naming of Jodi Morris’
granddaughter. Neille Vitale, Jodi’s daughter, chose to give her daughter a Jewish
name, Yemena, that would connect her to her grandmother’s name and instill
in her Jodi’s footprint of nurturing, caregiving, love and devotion to family, and
community volunteerism.
During the event, many women shared their unique footprints with the participants,
as well as in the beautiful booklet designed for the event. They included:
Chana Sheri Glauberman (Connect to the Core); Janet Minc (Writing); Tohar
Kait (Coaching); Anne Goldstein (Connection); Dr. Alexia Lishnevski (Healing);
Sarah Greenblatt (Education); Shlomit Antopolski (Volunteering); Jen Chestnut
(Action with Intention); Becca Sacks (Mom’s Selflessness); and Kaila Sasonkin
(Joy in Judaism). Each participated in the candle lighting ceremony led by Mazel
Cohen, lighting a candle in honor of her unique footprint.
After the shared stories, Chana Sheri Glauberman facilitated a discovery workshop
that helped everyone better understand, identify, and embrace her own unique
footprint. The discussions were engaging and lively, with many participants
commenting on the insights they received about themselves.
The evening ended with a fresh homemade dinner ( an example of Efrat Ohayon’s
footprint). A commemorative booklet was given to each participant as a gift. The
booklets included Kaballah insights, teachings, and stories about “footprints” as
well as the local footprint stories that were shared during the gathering. If you
interested in getting the online booklet, please email event chair Mazal Cohen at
This evening could not have happened without the support of many women. Thank
you to the committee: Sheryl Aronson, Mazal Cohen, Chana Sheri Glauberman,
Nurit Kohl, Mimi Markis, Kaila Sasonkin, Eileen Schonfeld, Robyn Tobias, and
Laurie Zuckerman.
Additional thanks to volunteers Janet Minc, Orli Rodriguez, April Sharrock,
Miranda Deppisch, Jean Schwartz, Julie Leeson, Tohar Kait, Becca Sacks, Dr.
Alexia Lishnevski, Anne,Goldstein, Jen Chestnut, Jodi Morris, Neille Vitale, Kaila
Sasonkin, Eileen Benson, Miri Kogan, Leora Cohen, Lital Pearson, Jodi Morris,
Tali Israeli, Shlomit Antopolski, Illona Himmel, Rose Wilcher, Aviad Israeli, and
Efrat Ohayon,
Deep Gratitude to the Sponsors: Jewish Women’s Endowment Fund of the JCBA,
Women’s Chavurah of Anshe Sfard, the Shaw JCC and Chabad of Akron.
Far Above: Three generations of the Morris family participated in the baby naming
of Neille Vitale's daughter.
Above: Attendees of the Annual Gathering of Jewish Mysticism in December.
Beth El Sisterhood News
Taste of Torah
The third Monday of the month is the Sisterhood Torah Study Group,
Taste of Torah. On Feb. 16, the Sisterhood is honored to have Rabbi Joan
Friedman as its guest teacher. The topic is Miriam, her many gifts and
challenges as a woman leader in the Torah. Please join us at 7 pm at the
home of Julie Katz, 3869 Royal Rock Road, in Copley. Looking ahead to
March, the group will convene on March 16. The topic for the Torah Text
study will be Esther, lead by Sarah Greenblatt. Location TBA.
Sisterhood Donor Event Mark your calendars for the Donor Event on Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 6 pm at
Beth El. Please join Sisterhood for a delicious dinner with an informative
speaker from the Summit County Collaboration Against Human
Trafficking. Learn more about this serious issue in NE Ohio and around
the country. This event is open to everyone. Please support this important
fundraiser for Sisterhood. Please contact Sarah Greenblatt sgreenbrick@
gmail.com for more information.
Shaw JCC
February 2015 § 11
Ready to Dive In
LEFT: Make a Splash co-chairs Kathy Salem and Thom Mandel, along
with Shaw JCC Executive Director Eric Goldstein, tile artist Bonnie
Cohen, and Shaw JCC Assistant Director Stephanie Davis-Dieringer,
show off in the new indoor pool space.
Behind them is the donor recognition tile wall that Cohen designed.
More than 180 gifts were given to the Shaw JCC indoor pool renovation
project and will be commemorated on the colorful wall. You can still
be part of this historic project. Contact the Shaw JCC at 330-867-7850
to purchase a tile. New tiles purchased will be installed in early 2016.
The offical grand opening of the indoor pool and locker rooms will be
Sunday, March 22, though the facilities will be open for use before that
Keep kids active:
winter programs at the J
Wacky Game on Wednesday
Shaw JCC
Camp JCC
Ages 3-5 | Wednesdays | 2/25-3/18 | 1:00-1:45 PM | $35/M $50/G
We’ll run the base backwards, make baskets bottom of the net, and more! We’ll
develop skill and flex the mind.
Obstacle of Fun
Ages 3-6 | Wednesdays | 2/18-3/11 | 3:30-4:15 PM | $35/M $50/G
Children will wander through a variety of mazes, and wiggle through tunnels to
complete an obstacle course.
Floor Hockey
Ages 6-10 | Mondays | 2/16-3/23 | 4:30-5:30 PM | $30/M $40/G
Play Hockey in the gym after school with Mr. Davis! Develop your motor skills
and sportsmanship.
Indoor Soccer
Be the Early Bird!
$20 off each camp fee when you register by March 31.
Ages 6-10 Thursday 2/19-3/26 4:15-5:15 PM $30/M $40/G
Children will learn the basic skills of soccer and play games. All players will score,
pass, and play goalie.
June 8 - Aug. 21
a big thank you
to Estelle Kaufmann
for donating her Pick 3 winnings back to the Shaw JCC Auxiliary!
shawjcc.org/camp • 330.867.7850
Shaw JCC
12 § february 2015
Take in some theatre
with the Shaw JCC
Cleveland Playhouse presents
The Pianist of Willsden Lane
At age 14, pianist Lisa Jura was separated from everything and everyone she
knew and loved. She survived the Holocaust after she was sent by her parents
from Germany to England on the Kindertransport. In this play, Jura's daughter
(renowned pianist Mona Golabek) brings her mother's true tale of survival and
triumph to the stage.
Sunday, March 1 at the Allen Theatre
Bus departs the J at 12:45 pm
Cost is $54 for members and $64 for non-members
Registration deadline is Feb. 11
Broadway in Cleveland: Dirty Dancing
The classic story on stage is an unprecedented live experience, exploding with
heart-pounding music, passionate romance and sexy dancing.
Sunday, March 22 at the Palace Theatre
Bus departs the J at 11:45 am
Cost is $65.50 for members and $75.50 for non-members
Registration deadline is Jan. 29.
Broadway in Cleveland: Kinky Boots
Kinky Boots is an exhilirating Broadway musical that will lift your spirits to new
high-heeled heights! Winner of six Tony Awards, this inspirational story follows
a struggling shoe factory owner who works to turn his business around with help
from Lola, a fabulous entertainer in need of some stilettos.
Sunday, April 12at the Palace Theatre
Bus departs the J at 11:45 am
Cost is $46 for members and $56 for non-members
Registration deadline is March 4
Ongoing senior programs at the J
Mondays, 11 am-1:30 pm
Thursdays 1-4 pm
4th Thurs. of each month, 5:30 pm.
Feb. 26 - Vasilis Greek Cuisine in
the Valley. Call Myra at 330-8350036 to RSVP.
Retired Men’s Group
Movie Matinee at the J
Mah Jongg
2nd and 4th Tuesday of the
month, 9:30-11:30 am
Lunch Bunch
2nd Tuesday of each month,
11:30 am.
Feb. 10 - Longhorn in Montrose
3rd Wednesday of the month
12:30 pm. Feb. 18 - Chef with
Sofia Vergara
Be’Tay Avon Café
3rd Tuesday of every month at
11:30 am. Feb. 17 - local author
Irv Korman
Inside the Shaw JCC
Find your way to fitness
Eric Goldstein
Shaw JCC Executive director
Did you resolve to get fit and healthy this year? Stick to your conviction at the J!
People find their way to fitness success differently, and here at the Shaw JCC, we
have a variety of ways for you to achieve your goals.
Personal training is a great option for those of you who need help designing
the right workout, assistance doing exercises properly, or that extra push from
someone else. Try out the Quick Start package and get three sessions for $120.
Group exercise can be a great motivator–and even fun, too! From Zumba to
spinning to step aerobics to kickboxing, there are classes for everyone. Check
out all the classes and programs that we offer at www.shawjcc.org.
Remember that we offer babysitting so you can get a workout in and your kids
can have a safe, fun place to be. Just call the babysitting room at 330-835-0033
at least 24 hours in advance. We›ve got a sitter available!
Our indoor pool will very soon offer another option for fitness. The water is in
and almost ready for you to make a splash. We’re looking forward to the ribbon
cutting on Sunday, March 22. If you can’t make this official grand opening of the
pool and locker rooms, please be sure to stop by and tour the renovated facilities
when they are open.
If you are part of an area business that is looking to bring a wellness program
to your employees, join us for our After 5 Open House on Feb. 25 from 5-7 pm.
In partnership with the Fairlawn Area Chamber of Commerce, this event is for
businesses that may want to become corporate partners.
Stay healthy and stay in touch. Contact me with any questions and concerns at
egoldstein@shawjcc.org or 330-867-7850.
Limited number Sports Dinner tickets
available for Feb. 9 event
Tables are quickly filling for the Shaw JCC's Annual Sports Dinner. The Feb. 9
fundraising event features Cavs head coach David Blatt. It is held at the Shaw
JCC from 5:30-8:30 pm.
Sponsors (as of Jan. 23) include: Slam Dunk Table Sponsors Brunswick Companies
and Mark & Andie Light; 3 Points Table Sponsors Bober Markey Fedorovich,
Cleveland Jewish News, and Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, LLC. A complete
list of all Dinner Table Sponsors will be listed in the next issue of AJN.
Register at shawjcc.org or call 330-867-7850.
Maccabi Games Information Meeting
The Shaw JCC will be participating in this year’s JCC Maccabi Games in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 2-7, 2015. The Maccabi Games is an Olympicstyle event for Jewish teenagers ages 13-16 Once again, Team Youngstown will
be joining forces with Team Akron to create the Youngstown-Akron Delegation.
Learn more about the Maccabi Games at an informational meeting on Sunday,
Feb. 8 at 2 pm at the Shaw JCC. RSVP by Wednesday, Feb. 4, to Laura Roberts
at laura_roberts@shawjcc.org or 330-835-0052.
February 2015 § 13
Lippman students to take break from technology
Middle School students at The Lippman School are
going to take the Tech Timeout Academic Challenge
from February 28-March 2, 2015. They’ll take a break
from texting, social media, video gaming, and other
activities related to the use of electronic devices.
Then, on March 3 at 6:30 pm, they’ll gather together at
the Shaw JCC with other members of the Akron area
community to discuss their experiences, and watch
the “Tech Timeout” movie, illustrating the experience
of Seattle area students who also took a short break
from using technology a few years ago.
So far, more than 16,000 students in schools
throughout the US and Canada have participated
in the program that addresses a growing concern
about young people’s reliance on digital devices for
communication and the amount of time they spend
interacting with people on social media versus faceto-face relationships.
The program is sponsored by Foresters and was
created by Michael Stusser and Marty Riemer, award-
winning filmmakers, and founders of the Seattlebased production company, Twisted Scholar.
“We’re not asking anyone to give up all of their
electronic devices and live tech-free forever”, says
Riemer. “We know how important technology is
to our society, but there’s a big difference between
using it, and over-using it. We want kids to realize
how important it is to unplug for a while, before this
dependence on devices carries over into their adult
Riemer will join The Lippman School’s discussion
on March 3 via live Skype chat, and will talk about
how and why he made the movie, and what students
around the country have experienced when they took
the challenge.
Lippman’s Head of School, Sam Chestnut, says he’s
hoping that students, teachers, and families from
throughout the Akron-Canton area will attend the
event. “We want to encourage a dialogue that starts
here, and spreads throughout our community”, he says.
New Schultz Campus high school
program off to great start, year
Shlichim Tohar and Ofri Kait, along with Lippman
Head of School Sam Chestnut have been working
to develop high school experiential education
programing for Jewish teens. Off to a great start,
three successful programs have already taken
place, with plans for monthly programs for the
remainder of the year. The feedback we have received from the participants
has been quite positive. Some of the themes students
are exploring include: leadership development,
volunteerism, entrepreneurism, environmental
stewardship and opportunities to build a resume
with “real life” experiences. The goal of the program
is to empower students to develop themselves
through unique experiences related to Jewish
themes. Contact: shlichim@jewishakron.org or
schestnut@thelippmanschool.org to learn more.
“We are actually very tech-oriented at Lippman, where
all students use computers and start learning to code
as early as first grade.” But, he says,” We also know
there can be a downside to overuse of technology,
such as children not getting enough rest because
they’re using smartphones and tablets late at night,
and cyber bullying. So, we think now is a good time
to start encouraging them to think about when it is
and isn’t appropriate to interact with their electronic
The movie and discussion will be held in the auditorium,
which is at 750 White Pond Drive in West Akron,
on the same campus as the Shaw JCC. Admission is
free, but reservations are required. Reservations can
be made online at www.thelippmanschool.org, or by
phone: 330-836-0419.
While the event is geared toward parents and families
of middle and high school students; it is appropriate
for all ages. Complimentary babysitting for young
children will be available with RSVP.
14 § february 2015
Akron Jewish News
A R i c h I n h e r i ta n c e
Our community keeps reinventing itself, finding new ways
to engage young people and adults, families and singles,
in the rich fabric of Jewish life. But some things never
change. Like the way each generation plans and builds for
the next, making sure the foundations of Jewish life are
strong and can respond to evolving needs. When you leave
a Jewish legacy, you join this chain of builders. You leave
your children and grandchildren a precious inheritance,
and a lasting testimony to your values.
Partners in Creating
a Jewish Legacy
To learn more about making a legacy gift, contact Greta
Foster at createajewishlegacy@jewishakron.org or 330835-0004 or contact one of the CJL partners.
February 2015 § 15
The minimum donation for all contributions (tributes) is changing to $10 as of August 1, 2014, because of increased costs
in postage and printed materials. Thank you for understanding and continuing to support the community while honoring
friends and loved ones. Note: Contributions to the Jewish National Fund (JNF) to plant trees in Israel remain $18 each.
Jewish Welfare Fund
Barbara Pollock
Scholarship Award Fund
In Memory of
• Ruth Ungar from Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wise, Dr. & Mrs. Barry Greenberg
• Francine Friedman from Mr. & Mrs. Martin Bliman
• Dr. Mort Schomer from Mr. & Mrs. Martin Bliman
Rose & Lawrence Schwartz
Holocaust Education Fund
In Honor of
• Rose Schwartz from Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schwartz
Sam and Kathy Salem
Philanthropic Fund
In Memory of
Francine Freedman from Leona & Jerry Pollock
Manuel Nackes from Leona & Jerry Pollock
Miriam Mermelstein from Leona & Jerry Pollock
Kay Hudak from Leona Polsky Pollock
In Honor of
• The engagement of Mr. & Mrs. Richard Zelin’s daughter, Rachael from Leona
& Jerry Pollock
• Ann Kauvar’s Special Birthday from Leona & Jerry Pollock
• Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Richman’s 45th Anniversary from Leona & Jerry Pollock
• Shirley & Sid Zetzer’s 60th Anniversary from Leona & Jerry Pollock
In Memory of
• Manuel Nackes from Kathy Salem
In Memory of
Jennifer Moss
Outstanding Graduate Award Fund
In Memory of
Endowment Fund
• Ruth Ungar from Marvin and Judi Shapiro
• Francine Freedman from Marvin and Judi Shapiro
• Manuel Nackes from Marvin & Judi Shapiro
Kerry Migdal Memorial Fund
• Jim Flower from Mr. & Mrs. Herb Moss
• Diane Pryweller’s father from Mr. & Mrs. Herb Moss
• Ruth Ungar from Mr. & Mrs. Herb Moss
In Honor of
• Larry Hexter from Mr. & Mrs. Herb Moss
• Manuel Nackes from Stan Migdal
For Recovery of
In Honor of
• Marsha Friedman becoming acting Beth El administrator from Mr. & Mrs.
Herb Moss
• Susan Alfonso’s granddaughter’s marriage from Mr. & Mrs. Herb Moss
• Birth of Mr. & Mrs. Alan Siff’s grandson from Mr. & Mrs. Herb Moss
Mazel Tov to
• Larry Levey and much success in your new business venture, Taco Bell from
Mr. & Mrs. Herb Moss
• Myron & Andrea Rabinovitz on engagement of Molly & David from Mr. &
Mrs. Herb Moss
Thank You
• Erin Katz Ford for a great Hanakkah party from Mr. & Mrs. Herb Moss
Congrats to
• Dr. Gregg Rickman on your new position from Mr. & Mrs. Herb Moss
• Lila Marks’ Special Birthday from Stan & Rhoda Migdal
In Memory of
• The Birth of Rivi Zimmerman’s Great Grandson from Marj & David Recht
In Memory of
• Ruth Ungar from Marj & David Recht; Scott & Paula Gross; Lauren & Jay
Weinstein; Marj & David Recht
• Manuel Nackes from Marj & David Recht
Ronald Penner JCC Memorial Fund for
Israel-centric BBYO Programming
In Memory of
• Ron Penner from Barbara Penner Beckert
• Manuel Nackes from Harriet & Jack Neiman
• Francine Freedman from Harriet & Jack Neiman
Speedy Recovery of
• Refuah Shlema for Max Penner Beckert from Barbara Penner Beckert
In Honor of
• The recovery of Mark Penner from Barbara Penner Beckert
• Richard Penner’s Special Birthday from Barbara Penner Beckert
• Arlene Penner from Barbara Penner Beckert
• Jake Penner Beckert’s job in Israel from Barbara Penner Beckert
• Max Penner Beckert’s Special Birthday from Barbara Penner Beckert
• Wendy Penner’s Special Birthday from Barbara Penner Beckert
• The recovery of Dona Gerson from Barbara Penner Beckert
• The birth of Mr. & Mrs. Larry Levine’s grandchild from Harriet & Jack
Special Children’s Fund
Lila Marks
Music Performance & Education Fund
In Memory of
• Lila Marks’ Special Birthday from Gloria & Tom Treiber; Patti & Shana
Margolis; Terry & Mike Segal; Stan & Zippy Silverman; Susan & Gary Lichten;
Shelley & David Koch
• Shelley and Larry Kaye’s 40th Anniversary from Shelley and David Koch
• Lila Marks from Mimi Surloff & Family
In Memory of
In Honor of
Randy Recht Sports Camp Fund
In Honor of
• Becky Weissfield’s Special Birthday from Marj & David Recht
• David Recht’s Special Birthday from Mr. & Mrs. Jack Weissberg; Mr. & Mrs.
Joel Fealk & Family
• Marjorie & Dave Recht’s Anniversary from Mr. & Mrs. Joel Fealk & Family;
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Weissberg
• Manuel Nackes from Sedell & Bernard Kamenir
Stanley M. Bober Memorial Fund
• Bob Davis from Dr. & Mrs. Robert Cohen
• Bob Davis from Ester Bober
• Jeff Sprechman from Dr. & Mrs. Robert Cohen
Stewart Surloff Memorial Fund
Speedy Recovery of
• David Lockshin from Mimi Surloff & Family
• David Lockshin from Irene Kellerman
In Memory of
• Francine Freedman from Irene Kellerman
About People
– Jakicic
Gottlieb announce thee
engagement of their
daughter Francine to
Brian Jakicic, son of
Jerry and Jean Jakicic
of Pittsburgh. A spring
wedding in Richmond,
Virginia is planned.
Ruth Recht Ungar
Ruth Recht Ungar, 99 of White Oak, PA,
died peacefully in her sleep on Thursday
December 11, 2014. She was the beloved wife of the late Joseph
Ungar, partner of Ungar’s Hardware;
loving mother of Harriet and Dr. Lawrence
Richman and Marian and Stanford Davis;
devoted grandmother of Robert and Emily
Richman, Katherine and Aaron Salkin,
Deborah and Laurence Sheftel, Molly and
Justin Braver, Leonard and Amanda Davis;
adoring great-grandmother of Addison
and Reagan Richman, Brayden and Carson
Salkin, Max, Joseph and Noah Sheftel and
Dahlia and Simon Braver and Jean and
Virginia Davis.
Ruth Ungar grew up in Clairton, PA,
daughter of the late Bessie and Samuel
Recht and sister of the late Rose Alpern,
Carrie Recht, Herman Recht and Edward
Recht. Mrs. Ungar attended the University
of Pittsburgh. After graduating with a
Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1937, she taught
Ancient History at Clairton Junior High
School. Ruth was a dedicated volunteer in
numerous community organizations and
had a long history of service to the Jewish
community. A life member of Gemilas Chesed
Congregation, Ruth served as Sisterhood
President and chaired innumerable events
and committees. For nearly three decades,
Ruth chaired the Israel Bonds Women’s
Campaign in McKeesport. For her
distinguished lifetime of service, Bonds’
Tri-State Board of Governors presented her
with the “Israel Leadership Award.” She
was recognized as a “Woman of the Year”
in 1972 and was the 2006 recipient of Israel
Bonds Women’s Division “Anne Copeland
Remembrance Award.” Contributions may be made to the Ruth
and Joseph Ungar Memorial Fund, Gemilas
Chesed Congregation, 1400 Summit St.
White Oak, PA 15131. Condolences may be
made atwww.jenniferjordanfuneralhome.
16 § february 2015
Akron Jewish News
life where
it was
In places where Jews haven’t shared a
Sabbath in decades, Federation is reviving
the Jewish soul. Supporting Jewish cultural
festivals in Bulgaria. School programs in
Ukraine. And thousands of our elderly in
the former Soviet Union.
At home, in Israel and around the globe we’re
strengthening Jewish life. Seeking innovative
approaches to nurturing and rescuing our
people wherever they’re in need.
gift enables
us to
to the Annual
us to accomplish
and more.
all this and
You're an integral part of all we do.
an integral part of all we do. Give to
Give today. Visit www.jewishakron.org
Campaign today. Visit us at
website.org or call (xxx) xxx-xxxx.