CONNECTIONS - Northeastern Michigan Board of REALTORS
CONNECTIONS - Northeastern Michigan Board of REALTORS
Northeastern Michigan Board of REALTORS® AUGUST 2006 CONNECTIONS WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS Kelly Tomko C.A. Hanes Christine Thibault and David Sonnenberg DeRoso & Associates Katrina Walker Town & Country Website: Road to $ucce$$ Meeting September 14, 2006 MDEQ.....Issues pertaining to Arenac, Iosco & Ogemaw Counties 2006 DATES TO REMEMBER Speaker: September 14 Robin Owming, MDEQ 6:30 Cocktails 7:00 Dinner Tawas Moose Lodge 1123 W. Lake St., Tawas City $5.00 for Board Members - Includes Dinner RSVP: Board Office no later than Thursday, September 7th!! u UPCOMING EVENTS August 24, 2006 Broker’s Meeting September 29, 2006 Con-Ed Class October 24, 2006 New Member Orientation November 6-7, 2006 CRS Class We will be collecting school supplies/cash for area elementary schools Northeastern Michigan Board of REALTORS® 106 E Main Street Phone (989) 728-5165 PO Box 332 Fax (989) 728-5873 Hale, MI 48739 E-mail: AUGUST 2006 AUGUST 10TH GOLF OUTING A big thank you to the following businesses that donated cash or prizes for the outing: Ogemaw County Abstract Company Chemical Bank Firstbank-Hale Apple Valley Golf Course Iosco Community Credit Union Wicker Hills Golf Club Northland Area Federal Credit Union 2006 Board Officers & Directors President Elaine Schraudt C.A. Hanes Realty, Inc. President-Elect Yvonne DeRoso DeRoso & Associates GMAC Secretary/Treasurer Jennifer Yealey Olsen Independent Real Estate Vice-Presidents: Arenac County Barb Hilborn Coldwell Banker Pete Stanley & Assoc. Iosco County Anne Giori Perfect Landing Vacation Rentals & RE Ogemaw County Ryan Munson DeRoso & Associates GMAC We had some very nice prizes donated and were able to purchase additional door prizes with cash donations so that every golfer received a prize. Thank You! We also collected $360 in RPAC contributions from those that contributed at holes #12 and #16. Each golfer was given a chance to double their money by hitting their ball within a circle around the flag at holes #12 & #16. We didn’t pay out any money but thank you to those that tried!!!Thank you Ric for helping run hole #12. Our 50/50 winner was Jenny P. From Northland Area Federal CU with $91 going to Habitat for Humanity. The team of Barb Hilborn, Harry Pijut, Sky Weaver and Ken McCluskey was our 1st place winners with a score of 32--way to go! The following people also won prizes for their expertise: Chris Neubecker-longest drive (men), Bud Bannister-closest to line (men), Sky Weaver-closest to pin (men), Cyndi Blust-closest to pin (women), Jen Barber-longest drive (women), and Nicole Beirmann-closest to line (women). Thank you again to all who contributed to our golf outing, all Past President Greg Morris Morris Richardson Real Estate Directors Ric Braun, Scofield Real Estate Nina Jordan, Harry Pijut Real Estate Karen Myers - American Eagle Appraisals Mary Rockwell - C.A. Hanes Realty, Inc. Northeastern Board CONNECTIONS who attended and made it a fun day, and to Wicker Hills Golf Club forhosting us. BROKER’S MEETING!! There will be a broker’s meeting on Thursday, August 24, 2006 at the Willow Tree Restaurant in West Branch. The meeting will start at 8:30 and the breakfast buffet will be available for you to purchase if you would like to eat breakfast. Invitations were sent out last week. This is open to brokers and office managers. Please make every effort to attend. 2 Page [ 2 ] AUGUST 2006 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Elaine Schraudt For those of you that don’t know... Your Board has voted to pay 25% of your attendance fee to the MAR Convention. The Board will need proof of your registration and your attendance. This is a one time offer to try to improve our member attendance to this special event. The September 29th Co-Ed class will be Tawas. Jody Patrick will be teaching. I hope to see many of you in attendance. Mark you calendar. Visit the following websites for important information and services provided by the National Association of REALTORS® and the Michigan Association of REALTORS®: The CRS class scheduled for November will be offered at a reduced rate for members. $175.00 for a two day class is a real bargin. It is a good opportunity for new as well as long time agents to renew your listing skills. The class will count toward the designation of Certified Residential Specialist. (MAR) (NAR) I am running for the MAR District 1 Director. I would ask for your support. You can vote online starting August 28, 2006. MAR has given the general membership the “one Realtor one vote” opportunity several years ago. While I am presently running unopposed a show of support would be greatly appreciated. Other Real Estate information sites: National Do Not Call Registry Real Estate news items Info on the e-PRO certification Toolbase Services - The Home Building Industry’s Technical Information Resource legal.html Information about MAR legal affairs Factory-built homes: Building Systems Council Manufactured Housing Institute Sorry I did not see some of the regulars at the golf outing. What a fun time for networking with your fellow Realtors and Associate members. Try to save time next year for this annual event. The next opportunity to meet is at the “Road to $ucce$$ Meeting” in September. I would like to see a large turn out for this important membership meeting Board Officer Positions Once again, the annual election of board officers will be held Thursday, October 5 aboard the AuSable River Queen. The following positions are open: Vice Presidents--Arenac, Iosco, Ogemaw counties, President Elect, Secretary/Treasurer (all are one-year positions) and 2 Director positions. Director positions are for 3 years. If you are interested in serving in one of the positions, please contact the Board Office. Northeastern Board CONNECTIONS 3 Page [ 3 ] AUGUST 2006 “Managing For Peak Performance” September 13-14, 2006 Burnham Brook, 200 W Michigan Ave., Battle Creek 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Presented by the Battle Creek Association of REALTORS® Your results as a manager depend on other people! Successful real estate managers understand the value of their role as coach and mentor. In addition to technique and soft skills, managers need to have systems in place to ensure goal attainment in recruiting, interviewing, coaching, and development. This course will help you model the behavior of a coach who triggers outstanding results. (This course generates 3 (three) credits toward the CRB--Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager--designation.) Contact the Board Office for a registration form. Con-Ed Class, September 29, 2006 Joedy Patrick of The Institute, The Source for Continuing Education, LLC, will be instructing a coned class for the Northeastern Michigan Board of REALTORS® on Friday, September 29, 2006 at the Big Boy Restaurant in East Tawas. Joedy is a licensed Michigan real estate broker and member of MAR’s Public Policy Committee. Class will run from 8:00 a.m. until 2:45 p.m. Cost of the class will be $35 for REALTOR® members and $45 for non-REALTORS® for those that register prior to 9/13/ 06. Registrations received after 9/13/06 will be $45 for REALTORS® and $55 for non-REALTORS®. To register, please send copy of license ID card and check (payable to Northeastern Board) to PO Box 332, Hale, MI 48739. YEAR-TO-DATE MLS STATISTICS YTD 2006 VS YTD 2005 MONTHLY MLS STATISTICS JULY 2006 RESIDENTIAL UNITS AVAILABLE 2006 - #1509 2005 - #1400 RESIDENTIAL UNITS AVAILABLE 2006 - #1509 2005 - #1400 AVERAGE RESIDENTIAL SELLING PRICE 2006 - $95,487 2005 - $96,333 AVERAGE RESIDENTIAL SELLING PRICE 2006 - $79,997 2005 - $99,355 VOLUME RESIDENTIAL SALES 2006 - $41,346,043 2005 - $49,322,383 VOLUME RESIDENTIAL SALES 2006 - $6,239,750 2005 - $9,637,453 RESIDENTIAL SOLDS 2006 - #433 2005 - #512 Northeastern Board CONNECTIONS RESIDENTIAL SOLDS 2006 - #78 2005 - #97 4 Page [ 4 ] AUGUST 2006 REAL ESTATE CONDEMNATION A foster care home was destroyed by fire and the city condemned the building. The city valued the property for condemnation purposes in its destroyed state. The owner believed that the compensation should have included the value of the foster care business. It was held that a trial court is not required to value property in its fire damaged, vacant and vandalized condition without regard to its potential for restoration. It was also held that the property value must be measured by its restoration value as an ongoing foster care operation, less the cost of restoration. Adding the value of an ongoing business is justified when the business operation on the condemned property is nontransferable. JUNE 8TH ROAD TO $UCCE$$ MEETING “We wish to thank you so very much for your recent donation. We truly appreciate your interest and support. Our plans to break ground in the spring of 2007 and working with the Ogemaw Heights High School Building Trades class are progressing nicely and look very favorable. We have come a long way in these past seven years and are fully aware our progress is in large by community involvement and the support of organizations like yours. Thanks again so much.” Sincerely, Ogemaw County Humane Society 2006 MAR Convention For any board member (you must be a member in good standing) that is interested in attending the 2006 MAR convention (September 25-27, 2006) in Grand Rapids at the Amway Grand Plaza, the Board will pay 25% of the registration fee. For those attending for the first time, the registration fee is $119 (if paid by 9/8/ 06). Full registration for others is $179 (if paid by 9/8/06). A registration form is included with this newsletter. You can visit to register online or to see what will be offered at the convention. The Northeastern Board of REALTORS would like to extend its heartfelt sympathies to the family and friends of Judy Thibault who passed away unexpectedly Wednesday, July 19, 2006. She was a long-time member of the Board and broker/owner of Century 21 Tawas Realty until the past few years. Northeastern Board CONNECTIONS 5 Page [ 5 ] AUGUST 2006 Northeastern Board CONNECTIONS 6 Page [ 6 ] AUGUST 2006 AS OF OCTOBER 10, 2006 MICROSOFT WILL DISCONTINUE THEIR SUPPORT OF WINDOWS XP SERVICE PACK 1 (SP1) AND (SP1A). THIS INCLUDES RETIRING PUBLIC AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND SECURITY UPDATES FOR THESE PRODUCTS. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED BELOW WILL OUTLINE HOW THIS CHANGE WILL AFFECT THE MLS. Northeastern Board CONNECTIONS 7 Page [ 7 ] AUGUST 2006 Certified Residential Specialist (CRS ) Class The Northeastern Board will be sponsoring a CRS class on November 6 & 7, 2006. The CRS designation is the highest awarded to sales associates in the residential sales field. It recognizes professional accomplishments in both experience and education. CRS training gives you in-depth knowledge about business planning, making listing presentations, negotiating and closing smoother transactions, working in the buyers’ and seller’s best interest and building a referral business. The class being offered at this time is CRS 201, Listing Strategies for the Residential Specialist. The cost is $175 for Northeastern Board Members and $325 for REALTOR® members. It will be located at the Quality Inn, West Branch. Registration will begin at 7:30 a.m. on Nov. 6, class begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m. for both days. See registration form in newsletter. CONTINUING EDUCATION TIME FRAMES Licensees must complete their annual 2006 requirement from January 1-October 31, 2006 to be able to renew their licenses for the licensure period beginning November 1, 2006 and ending October 31, 2009. VERIFY YOUR CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS ONLINE You can look up the hours the state has recorded for you by visiting: Bookmark this site on your computer for future reference! Northeastern Board CONNECTIONS 8 Page [ 8 ] AUGUST 2006 Northeastern Board CONNECTIONS 9 Page [ 9 ] Northeastern Board CONNECTIONS 10 Page [ 10 ]
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