October 2011
The Bastrop Chamber of Commerce Newsletter
Volume 12, Issue 10
The Bastrop Chamber of Commerce Mission Statement
The mission of the Bastrop Chamber of Commerce is to improve the economy of Bastrop and thereby,
the quality of life for all its citizens through economic, community, and leadership development.
n If you are a homeowner
or renter, FEMA may refer
you to SBA. SBA disaster loans are the primary
source of money to pay
for repair or replacement
costs not fully covered by
insurance or other compensation.
n SBA offers low-interest
disaster loans to homeowners, renters, businesses of
all sizes and private, nonprofit organizations.
n Homeowners may borrow up to $200,000 to
repair or replace their primary residence.
n Homeowners and renters may borrow up to
$40,000 to replace personal
n Businesses may borrow up to $2 million for
any combination of property damage or economic
n SBA offers low-interest working capital loans
(called Economic Injury
Disaster Loans) to small
businesses and most private, non-profit organizations of all sizes having difficulty meeting obligations
as a result of the disaster.
with FEMA, if you haven’t
already done so, call (800)
n Homeowners and renters should submit their
SBA disaster loan application, even if they are not
sure if they will need or
want a loan. If SBA cannot approve your application, in most cases they
refer you to FEMA’s Other
Needs Assistance (ONA)
program for possible additional assistance.
After you
register with FEMA
n Apply online using the
Electronic LoanApplication
(ELA) via SBA’s secure
Web site at:
n Apply in person at any
Disaster Recovery Center
and receive personal, oneon-one help from an SBA
representative. For additional information or to find
a location near you visit our
web site at: http://www. or call
SBA at (800) 659-2955.
Individuals who are deaf
or hard-of-hearing may call
(800) 877-8339.
n Apply by mail: complete a paper application
and mail it to SBA at:
14925 Kingsport Rd., Ft.
n Begin by registering Worth, TX 76155-2243.
Loans for Homeowners,
Renters and Businesses of All Sizes
Release Date: September 10, 2011
Release Number: TX - 01
Contact: Richard Jenkins
Phone: (916) 735-1500
SBA Stands Ready to Assist Texas
Residents and Businesses Affected by Wildfires
SACRAMENTO, CA – Low-interest federal disaster loans are now available to
Texas residents and business owners as a result of President Obama’s major disaster
declaration, U. S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Administrator Karen G. Mills
announced today.
The declaration covers Bastrop County Texas for damages caused by wildfires that
began August 30.
“The U. S. Small Business Administration is strongly committed to providing Texans
with the most effective and customer-focused response possible, and we will be there to
provide access to federal disaster loans to help finance recovery for residents and businesses affected by the disaster,” said Mills. “Getting our businesses and communities up
and running after a disaster is our highest priority at SBA.”
Disaster loans up to $200,000 are available to homeowners to repair or replace damaged or destroyed real estate. Homeowners and renters are eligible for up to $40,000 to
repair or replace damaged or destroyed personal property.
Businesses of any size and private, nonprofit organizations may borrow up to $2 million to repair or replace damaged or destroyed real estate, machinery and equipment,
inventory, and other business assets. SBA can also lend additional funds to homeowners
and business owners to help with the cost of making improvements that protect, prevent
or minimize the same type of disaster damage from occurring in the future.
For small businesses and most private, nonprofit organizations of any size, SBA offers
Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs) to help meet working capital needs caused by
the disaster. EIDL assistance is available regardless of whether the business or nonprofit
suffered any property damage.
Interest rates can be as low as 2.5 percent for homeowners and renters, 4 percent for
businesses, and 3 percent for private, nonprofit organizations, with terms up to 30 years.
Loan amounts and terms are set by SBA and are based on each applicant’s financial
To be considered for all forms of disaster assistance, victims must first call the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) at (800) 621-FEMA (3362). As soon as
Federal–State Disaster Recovery Centers are opened throughout the affected area, SBA
will provide one-on-one assistance to disaster loan applicants. Additional information
and details on the location of disaster recovery centers is available by calling the SBA
Customer Service Center at (800) 659-2955. Individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing
may call (800) 877-8339.
For more information, visit SBA’s Web site at
SBA Field Operations Center - West, P.O. Box 419004, Sacramento, CA 95841
Page 2
October 2011
Bastrop Area Community Calendar
All events are subject to change
of date or location to accommodate
holidays & meeting facility requirements. Some organizations do not
meet each month due to seasonal
concerns. Please call the contact
number to confirm before attending
any meeting.
All phone numbers are Area Code
512 unless otherwise noted.
The Healing River Alliance
meets every Monday at noon, at
1202 Pecan St. (corner of Farm) in
Bastrop. For more info, Cy Labat
at 970-3705 or http://health.groups.
Education the 1st Monday of the
month provided by Dr. Gupta,
12:30-1 pm at the main office of
First National Bank, 489 Hwy 71
W. on the 2nd floor. bastropcma.
com or 321-9091 with questions or
more info.
Bastrop Public Library Board
Meeting. 1st Monday of each month,
6 – 7 PM. The public is invited come and get involved with your
Public Library! 1100 Church Street,
Bastrop, TX 78602. For more info,
Mickey Duvall,, 512-321-5441.
The Bastrop High School
Baseball Booster Club meets the
3rd Monday of the month at 6:30
pm at BHS athletic dome classroom.
Everyone invited. For more info
contact Dee Underwood at 512-8485691.
Mina Masonic Lodge meets the
4th Monday of the month at 7:30
PM. Visiting Masonic members are
welcome. 601 Main St in Bastrop,
call 303-0191.
The Bastrop County Republican
Party meets the 4th Monday of the
month at 7 PM. Locations vary so
call Albert Ellison at 796-4560.
The American Legion Post No.
533 has Texas Hold ‘Em Poker every
Monday evening. 3003 loop 150 E,
Bastrop, 321-5555.
The American Legion Post
No. 533 has Pool Tables Open
11 AM-7:45 PM, @ 8 PM Pool
Tournament. every Monday evening. 3003 Loop 150 E, Bastrop,
The Texas State Small Business
Development Center has a satellite
office in the First National Bank
building. To make an appointment
with an adviser, call 512-610-0996
Bastrop Networking Group
meets every Tuesday at 7:30 AM at
the Texas Grill, 101 Hwy 71 W. For
more info, Mark Nix at 923-4760.
Yarnorama! Morning Fiber
Group meets Tuesday mornings
from 9 AM – noonish. Bring a knitting or crochet project and spend the
morning with friends. This group
often works on Knit-Alongs (KAL's)
where everyone in the group who
wishes to participate works on the
same project to learn new techniques. 130 Gonzales St, Paige, 512253-0100. Please see their website
at for a comprehensive listing of classes, rental
equipment (looms, spinning wheels,
etc.), events, community projects &
Susan’s blog!
Meet ‘n’ Greet Bastrop (formerly Bastrop County Referral
Network – BCRN) meets every
Tuesday morning, 7:45-8:45 AM at
Maxine’s on Main, 905 Main St, call
772-4236 or 303-5762.
The American Legion Post No.
533 On Tuesday evenings they have
an Open Mic from 7 – 10 PM.
Featured Artist 10 – 11 PM. Jam
Session 11 – 12 PM. 3003 Loop
150 E, Bastrop, 321-5555 or Joe at
The Rotary Club of Bastrop
County meets for lunch every Tuesday
at noon at Cedar’s Mediterranean
Grill, 904 College. No reservation
required, call 332-2159.
The Bastrop Fine Arts Guild
meets the 1st Tuesday of every month
except December at 7 PM at the Aqua
Water Building, 415 Old Austin Hwy,
call Jeanette Condray 576-1100.
The Downtown Business Alliance
meets the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of every
month at 6:15 PM at The Bastrop
Opera House. For more information
call Drusilla Rogers at the Sugar
Shack 321-3777.
The Lost Pines Garden Club
meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month
at 6:30 PM at the Bastrop Public
Library, 1100 Church St. Light
refreshments, open to the public.
No meeting in June, July or August.
For more info, Norman Jones at
985-5741 or
Diabetes Support Group meets
the 2nd Tuesday of every month,
5 PM at the Fellowship Hall next
door to the Bastrop First United
Methodist Church, 1201 Main
Street. For additional information,
please call Wesley Nurse Charlotte
Johnson at 332-2752 or Cyndi
Watson, RN, at 360-2002.
Bastrop Public Library, Adult
Specialized Computer Class for
Beginners. The 3rd Tuesday of
each month, 10:30 – 11:30 AM, join
Sheilah Kosco for a free hour long
class geared to get you up to speed
on computer basics. Registration is
required. Call 512-321-5441 to register. 1100 Church Street, Bastrop,
TX 78602. For more info, Sheilah
Academy Alumni Association
meets the 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 PM,
open to all graduates of the Citizens
Police Academy. Warren Petersen
The Bastrop AARP Chapter
meets every 3rd Tuesday at 9:30
AM at the Bastrop Senior Center,
1008 Water St. Social begins at
9:30 & the general meeting starts at
10. For more info Willie 303-4136.
Bastrop County Audubon
Society meets every 3rd Tuesday
(Sept - June) at 7:30 PM in the community room of the First National
Bank, 489 Hwy 71 W. Go to www. or call 2812762.
The Lost Pines Artisans
Alliance meets every 3rd Tuesday
at 6:30 PM in the Mary Nichols Art
Gallery, 301 Burleson in Smithville.
Call 304-8129.
The Boys & Girls Clubs of
Bastrop County’s Board of
Directors meets the last Tuesday
of the month at 7 PM at the AQUA
Water Conference Room. Guests
are welcome. For more information check out the website at http:// or contact the
Administrative Offices of the Boys
& Girls Clubs at 512-321-6676.
The Bastrop Chamber of
Commerce monthly luncheon is the
1st Wednesday of each month, except
July & December, at 11:45 AM with
networking available at 11:15. RSVP
required, $12 for reservations before
noon on Monday of luncheon week,
$15 for late reservations. Locations
vary, check
website Events Calendar for details.
The Edward Jones Coffee Club
meets at Charles Mazac’s office the
1st Wednesday of each month, 8 – 9
AM, 3851 Hwy 71 E (near former
Lakeside Hospital) in Bastrop. RSVP
to Stephanie at 321-5525, drop-ins
Preschool Story Time.
Wednesday & Friday, 10:30 – 11:00
AM. Short program for preschool
children including stories, songs,
rhymes and finger plays. Come and
join us! 1100 Church St, Bastrop,
TX 78602. For more info, Bonnie
The Friends of the Bastrop
County Animal Shelter Meeting
is held the 2nd Wednesday of each
month at The First National Bank,
Main Branch, 2nd floor at 6:30 PM.
Call 321-1415.
The Bastrop Chamber of
Commerce Board meeting is held
the 3rd Wednesday of each month,
except November & December, at 8
AM. Meetings are in the Chamber
Board Room at 927 Main St, call
The Bastrop Philosophical
Society meets the last Wednesday of
each month at 7 PM at the UMAC,
1800 Linda St. Free refreshments,
call 303-1531.
The American Legion Post No.
533 has Karaoke every Wed. evening. 3003 Loop 150 E, Bastrop,
The Boys & Girls Clubs of
Bastrop County hosts a volunteer orientation and training each
Thursday at 5:30 PM at the Youth
House of the 1st United Methodist
Church on Main Street in Bastrop,
1201 Main Street. Everyone invited. For more information please
check out the website at http:// or contact the
Administrative Offices at 512-3216676.
Thursday evenings from 5 – 8
PM at Yarnorama! Help form a
new evening knitting and crochet
group for those who work during
the day. These groups are a fun way
to wind down after a tough day and
get into the unstress zone with others
who share your passion for fiber and
yarn. 130 Gonzales St, Paige, 512253-0100. Please see their website
at for a comprehensive listing of classes, rental
equipment (looms, spinning wheels,
etc.), events, community projects &
Susan’s blog !
Bastrop Area Cruisers Car Club
meets the 1st Thursday of the month
at 7 PM at the Hyatt Regency Lost
Pines Resort, buffet dinner served at
6 PM for $10/person, meeting open
to members or any car enthusiasts,
call 321-4151.
Keep Bastrop County Beautiful
holds their community meeting the
1st Thursday of FEB, APRIL, JUNE,
AUGUST and OCTOBER. Locations
will alternate between Bastrop, Elgin
and Smithville. Please contact us for
the specific location. Useful information & resources are presented
at each meeting and you may win
a door prize. For more info, www. or
org or 512 537 0068.
City of Bastrop Parks Board
meets the 1st Thursday of the month
at 6:30 PM in the City Council
Chamber, 904 Main St. The public
is welcome, call 321-0329.
Bastrop Public Library, Home
School Class. 1st Thursday of the
month, 2 – 3:30 PM. A monthly
class for 7-12 yr olds using a variety
of topics to improve students' knowl-
edge of the library and how it works.
Come and join us! 1100 Church St,
Bastrop, TX 78602. For more info,
Bonnie Ueckert,, 512-321-5441.
The Cedar Creek Rotary Club
meets each Thursday at noon at the
Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort
& Spa. Call Steve Dewire at 3081234.
Divorce Care. The Pentecostals
of Bastrop host a weekly seminar &
support group with a focus on the
work of healing the pain that comes
with any kind of breakup for people
who are separated or divorced. Each
Thursday at 7 PM at 261 FM 20
(about .8 mi off Hwy 71, 1st church
on the left) Bastrop, TX 78602
Lost Pines High Tech Consortium
meets every 2nd Thursday of the
month, 7PM at the Bastrop Chamber
of Commerce, 927 Main St to network and discuss building High Tech
in Bastrop. Those who work in the
High Tech sector are encouraged to
attend. Then move next door to
Cindy’s for Happy Hour specials,
free chips & salsa. More info call
The Bastrop County Board of
Realtors meets every 2nd Thursday of
the month at Cedar’s Mediterranean
Grill, networking at 11:30 AM, lunch
at noon. Lunch is $10 with a reservation and $12 without. Reservations to
Becky McGinnis at beckymcginnis@ .
Bastrop Public Library BASIC
Computer Class for Beginners. The
2nd Thursday of each Month, 10:2011:30 AM. Join Bonnie Ueckert for
a free hour long class geared to get
you up to speed on computer basics,
this class is for adults wanting to learn
how to use a computer. Registration
is required. Call 512-321-5441 to
register. 1100 Church St, Bastrop,
TX 78602 . For more info, contact
Bonnie Ueckert.
The Smithville Unit Advisory
Council of the Boys & Girls Clubs
of Bastrop County meets the 2nd
Thursday of the month at noon at La
Cabana in Smithville. Guests are welcome. For more information check
out the website at or contact the Administrative
Offices at the Boys & Girls Clubs at
The Bastrop County Democratic
Party meets the 2nd Thursday of the
month at 7 PM in the Aqua Water
Bldg., 415 Old Austin Hwy. Call
Democrat Headquarters at 985-6591.
The American Cancer Society
conducts a “Look Good…Feel
Better” program the 3rd Thursday of
the month that provides information
& complimentary make-up to women
See CALENDER, page 3
Continued from page 2
undergoing cancer treatment to help
them look and feel more comfortable with changes in their appearance. Licensed cosmetologists, 11
AM – 1 PM at the Bastrop Chamber
of Commerce, 927 Main St, RSVP
required at 1-877-227-1618.
The Bastrop County Republican
Women meet the 3rd Thursday of
March, May, July & October at 7
PM, call for locations, Marilyn Etzel
at 772-1975.
Bastrop Ministerial Alliance
meets the 3rd Thursday of every
month in the First National Bank
Conference room (2nd floor) at noon.
Contact Pastor Bernie Jackson,
President, at 332-1467.
Friends of the Lost Pines State
Parks meet the 3rd Thursday of
the month at 7 PM, except Nov. &
Dec. Meetings vary between the
Bastrop State Park Refectory and
Buescher State Park in Smithville.
Call 321-3740 or visit
Disorders Outreach group meets at
2 PM the 4th Thursday of the month
at the Argent Court Assisted Living
facility, 508 Old Austin Hwy in
Bastrop. Will meet the 3rd Thursday
in Nov & Dec due to the holidays.
Call Shasta Martini at 321-9500 or
Jenny Bankston at 512-252-1512.
Bastrop Public Library, Brown
Bag Movie. 4th Thursday of each
month, 6:30 – 9:00 PM. Bring
your brown bag meal and enjoy
a free feature film appropriate for
the whole family.1100 Church St,
Bastrop, TX 78602. For more info,
Bonnie Ueckert,, 512-321-5441.
First Friday Art Reception,
6 – 8 PM, See the artwork and
meet the featured artists at the Main
Street galleries,
Artist paint-outs at the 9E
Ranch first Friday of each month
- 8:30 - 12:00. Paintings and photography will be juried for a show
at Chel Art Gallery on January 14,
October 2011
2012. Call Joan Bohls for information 512-497-9502.
Camp Wilderness Ridge needs
volunteers to serve with us for
weekend campouts & retreats, email or call
River Valley Farmers Market
is open the following times/locations until sold out:
Elgin - Saturdays, 10 am - 2 pm
at Veterans Park (109 Depot Street)
in downtown Elgin.
Smithville - Thursday at 1 PM
@ Main & 1st Street Gazebo.
WIC approved, or call 817929-2789.
Lost Pines Artisans Alliance
Mary Nichols Art Center Gallery
is open Fri 1 – 4, Sat 11 – 4, Sun
1 - 4. 301 Burleson at Loop 230, in
Smithville. For information contact
Cammy Snyder at 304-8129.
Bastrop 1832 Farmers Market
is open every Tuesday 2:30 – 6 and
Saturday from 10 AM – 2 PM. 1302
Chestnut St, loaded with everything
from produce to jewelry. Seasonal
cooking classes & lectures on
Saturdays, live music on the 2nd
Saturday of each month. or call
The American Legion Post No.
533 has live music every Friday &
Saturday nights at 7:30 PM. 3003
Loop 150 E, Bastrop, 512-3215555.
The Bastrop Touchdown Club
meets on Saturday following the
Football Game film review, in the
BHS athletic dome classroom. Film
Review begins at 9:30AM and all
TD Club members are invited to
review the film. Refreshments will
be provided, call Karissa Sullivan
629-5709 or Hershel Becker 5171959.
Pine St Market Days, on Pine
St between Main & Water Streets,
is the 2nd Saturday of each month
in Bastrop, from April - December
& on Yesterfest Saturday in April.
Vendors sell arts & crafts, handmade items, jewelry, etc. Call Pearl
Page 3
303-6233. Applications available at
Second Saturday Salebration
in Bastrop, 900 block of Main St,
9 AM - 5 PM. YesterFest (April
30, 2011), Veterans Day Celebration
and Car Show (Nov 12, 2011) & the
Christmas Holiday Event (Dec 10,
2011). Vendors, arts & crafts, demonstrations, food. Call 321-6600.
Sunday Afternoons from 1 – 4
at Yarnorama! join the Paige Purls
and spend the afternoon knitting
or crocheting with friends or make
new ones. Just bring a project to
work on and plan on socializing
with others who share your passion. 130 Gonzales St, Paige, 512253-0100. Please see their website
at for a comprehensive listing of classes, rental
equipment (looms, spinning wheels,
etc.), events, community projects &
Susan’s blog !
The American Legion Post No.
533 has a Dart Tournament every
Sunday. 3003 Loop 150 E, Bastrop,
Welcome New Members…
The Board of Directors approved the following new members at its monthly meeting. We appreciate the investment
these new members have made in the chamber and we ask that you give them your support.
A reminder to all chamber members…Please let us know if you
have a change in address, phone number, fax number, website or email
address. We want to ensure that we have the correct information on
our website and to give out when people call for referrals. Phone 3030558 with update information.
Acadian Homes has over 10 years
of custom, affordable, home building
experience. Brandon Badeaux, owner
of Acadian Homes, has strong connections to Bastrop with extensive
knowledge of building homes in the
area. They take pride in creating quality, affordable, energy-efficient homes
in Bastrop and Cedar Creek. Acadian
Homes has prebuilt homes immediately available, lots for building your
home, or can build a custom home on
your current lot. Brandon acknowledges the huge losses suffered by
people in the Bastrop community in
the recent tragic wildfires, and wants
to help. Acadian Homes has secured
lots in the unaffected areas in Tahitian
Village and has already started building new homes. Brandon is already
meeting with people about getting
Acadian Homes has many happy
customers in the Bastrop area, and
will gladly provide referrals and customer comments. They have worked
with Bastrop real estate professionals
for years and uses many local suppliers such as Gene Rampy with Centex
Mechanical, Tommy at Sears, Frank
Rainosek with ReMax, and Jason
Rowe with Lone Star Waste, to name
just a few. For more information,
go to,
or contact Brandon directly at 512589-3523 or
A C Scott Construction is a
Bastrop grown construction company
that specializes in energy efficient, fire
resistant, eco-friendly homes. Owner
Scott Eastty was born and raised in
Bastrop, went to school here and
is currently raising his family here.
Scott has been in construction since
leaving the Navy in 1997, and started
his own company in 2005. Scott &
his family lost their home to fire in
2010 and decided to build a new and
better home.
Scott’s home or “Barndominium”,
started as a free standing steel building that he built a fire resistant home
inside. Using double pane vinyl windows, R28 spray foam insulation,
electrical wiring to commercial code
(fully shielded and grounded in steel
conduit), their homes are built with
battery back up emergency lighting,
P.E.A.R.L. escape systems (permanent
escape and rescue ladder) and high
efficiency HVAC systems. Because
these homes start as free standing
steel buildings, there are no load bearing interior walls. This means they
are completely customizable with
no added cost for re-engineering. A
“Barndominium” costs less to build
than conventional homes, has lower
utility bills, and lower property taxes.
Scott will never go back to a conventional home again.
Please contact Scott at 512-8450187 or or see his
website at
Aesthetic Design Construction,
Inc, Smithville, 512-917-2322,,
Ashdon Homes, LLC 512- 7188115,,
Bailey Allen Interests, LLC,
Austin, 512- 775-1098,,
Enterprises L.L.C. is owned by
Melvin & Denise Johnson, right here
in Lake Bastrop Acres. They are a
multi-faceted company that can provide services from ground up to turn
key or pick up at any phase of the construction and carry it through completion, new construction, home repairs
and remodels. Their goal is to have
satisfied clients and earn your trust
by building a quality product. They
have 50+ combined years experience
in the construction industry. Owners
Melvin & Denise Johnson would
love the opportunity to supply you
with references and then meet with
you. Please call 830-822-0446 or see
Bastrop County Republican
Women, 805- 236-5029,,
Stephenson Construction Co, 512755-9895,,
Best Austin Handyman, Austin,
512- 653-3945,,
Billy Does Floors offers personalized service which includes free
consultation at your home or business. Billy will share his knowledge and experience of over 25 years.
After listening to you, he will recommend flooring products that will
perform best in your home or business. He can install it all, Hardwood,
Laminate, Carpet, Ceramic as well
as Commercial Carpet and VCT. To
make it easier and convenient for
the customer Billy brings samples to
your home. Purchasing and replacing your flooring could not be easier!
Billy does floors and a lot more! He
also does remodels such as enclose
carports, remodels bathrooms, additions and decks to your home, etc…
with many local references and great
testimonies. Billy believes you the
customer, should know who is coming to your home, his crew consist
of men he has worked with for years,
some since 1984. He really separates
himself from the pack with his belief
that every customer should receive
a crew with experience, skill and
integrity. Billy has built his business
on referrals. He strives to leave every
customer completely satisfied and has
turned many customers into friends.
Visit his website at billydoesfloors.
com view the photos and you will see
some beautiful flooring installations,
decks etc… He and his crew have a
combined 75 years of experience in
flooring and building industry, and it
shows. Please call Billy at 512-7971803.
Bratton Construction, Inc, 512284-3499,, www.brattonconstruction.
Christopher David Homes has
been building custom homes in the
Bastrop, Austin and Lake Travis areas
for the past 9 years. They are customer driven, providing high quality
workmanship and the best materials
available. Their experienced team is
dedicated to working closely with
See NEW MEMBER, page 4
Page 4
Continued from page 3
customers from plan conception to
the full and satisfactory completion of
your new home. Christopher David
Homes will build your dream home
based on your architectural plans.
You can have one of their nationally known, architectural firms assist
you with the design of your new
home. Their office is located in historic downtown Bastrop, Texas at 706
Walnut St. or you can contact them at
512-296-3589 or see their website at
Clark Wilson Builder, Inc. is
a homebuilding company headquartered in Austin, Texas. Founded and
owned by Clark Wilson, the company
brings its experience in building over
7000 homes and developing more
than 10,000 lots in the central Texas
area. The company prides itself on
creating delighted customers that
are happy not only with their finished home but the entire process of
having a new home built for them.
This hands-on approach has resulted in 100% referral rates time and
time again. The process of building
involves many different aspects that
Clark Wilson Builder excels in. From
site evaluation to value engineering
to quality construction and accurate
scheduling, Clark Wilson's customers can count on having a friend and
advocate working for them. You can
contact Clark at 512-423-6262 or visit
their website at
Construction, Ltd, Houston, 713984-9444,, www.
Since 1997 Design Tech Homes
has been one of the largest, privately-owned full-service custom home
builders in Texas. Defined by exquisite design and exceptional craftsmanship, Design Tech Homes has
remained financially strong and committed to building only to the highest standards of construction today.
As a family-owned business, they
stand behind each and every home
they build. Design Tech has over 70
talented, experienced team members
Ocotber 2011
who are dedicated to creating a home
that’s just right for you. Each day you
can find them analyzing, planning,
testing, and evaluating every aspect
of their business. True team effort is
what comprises the real framework
of their company. Their commitment
to you is to continually rise above
and beyond the basic standards and
deliver superior quality. Please contact Brad Morris at 830-980-1134 or or see their website at
Hicks Construction a small
company from Caldwell, Burleson
County, Texas. They have a combined
experience of 47 years in all types of
residential construction, including but
not limited to new homes, remodeling and renovations, additions, gazebos, pergolas, decks and other outdoor living spaces. Hicks runs only
one crew at time, giving each project
their full attention. They are insured
and can provide plenty of references.
Hicks Construction can be contacted
by calling Matthew Hicks at 979218-0025, or Jim Wiederhold at 979492-9188. You can e-mail them at or
Highsmith Builders, Inc, 29
years experience owners Steve &
Joy Highsmith have many excellent
references 979-968-9000, steve@,
Howard Custom Homes specializes in new home construction,
renovations and concrete, in both residential and commercial applications.
They’ve been in business for over 10
years and are fully insured. Howard
Custom Homes has family roots
extending throughout the area including Smithville, Cistern and Round
Top. You can rest assured knowing
that your construction project will be
completed with a personal dedication
to satisfaction. You can email contact
them at 512-563-5730,, or
follow us on Facebook.
Humpback Junk Removal, 512637-7779,,
Ideal Custom Homes, owned by
Archie Cheatham, has been building
quality homes in central Texas for
over 30 years; experience, knowledge
and thorough supervision are the keys
to your new home.
true or important while selecting
your “Builder” so please check our
references; client, realtor and trades
then make that critical decision.
Please check us out at see our testimonial
page and then request contact numbers at, Archie
will be happy to send phone numbers
and answer your questions.
We never forget that your referral
is our best complement and reference!
Please contact Archie at 512-8295112 or see his website at www.
Restoration is a full service construction company specializing in new
construction, remodeling and insurance restoration projects. With over
30 years experience, their project
managers strive to complete every job
– no matter how large, complicated
or fast track – on time and within
budget to the highest standards of
excellence. They may be reached at
Latigo Building & Restoration,
830-997-1800,, www.latigotx.
Like Father Like Son
Construction LLC, Kyle, 512-7482421,,
Communication, 105 Comanche Dr,
Paige, 855- 673-3133, arlyons2001@, www.lonestar.getdish.
Middleton & Sons Construction,
Inc, 903-723-1195, bcmidletonjr@
Morrison & Morrison, Inc,
Insurance Services, 866-723-5787,,
Pease Custom Floors LP, 512360-5553,, www.
Purestyle Builders, is a locally
owned and operated residential home
building and remodeling company.
Purestyle has been building in the
Bastrop area for over 5 years, specializing in new construction, kitchen
remodels, room additions, decks,
metal roofs, landscaping and more.
For all of your construction needs,
please call owner, Joe Luke, at 512417-2020 or email maryluluke@
Rostrata Builders Inc, 512-2517722,,
Sellers Country Homes, 512332-1148, cpratt@rostratabuilders.
TSO – Bastrop, Dr. Pam Solly,
Conditioning & Heating, Paige,
Sundance Canyon Construction,
Austin, 512-250-5888,,
T and G Dirt Work has been
owned and operated by family for
more than 30 years. Terry, his Dad
and “a few cousins” were born and
raised here in Bastrop. Because they
are small and local, they can get to
you within a reasonable time frame,
and get the job done in a timely manner. They will get the job done right
the first time. They can do everything
including driveways, roads, installation of culvert pipes, demolition
work, property clearing, underbrush
removal, stock tanks, fence building,
shredding, water lines, mobile home
pads, house pads, landscaping, dozer
work, skid loader work, backhoe and
tractor work. Please call T and G Dirt
Work at 512-304-8508 anytime.
TNT Techs and Temps,
Temporary Employment Services,
512- 629-5208, tandgdirtwork@,
Voelker Custom Homes is a
licensed, insured, full service NAHB
certified custom home building and
remodeling company. Owner Stan
Voelker has received four certifications from the National Association
of Home Builders and the business is
a member of numerous associations.
Serving the entire central Texas community, Voelker has received numerous awards and recognitions within
the industry. Please see their website
for the impressive list. In the Design
Center, conveniently located just east
of Austin, Stan and Ralph walk each
family through the building process
step by step. Clients will receive a list
of references and are encouraged to
contact their customers. Please contact Stan Voelker or Ralph Reinhardt
at 512-272-5458 for an appointment
at the Voelker Custom Homes Design
Center or other convenient location.
Wilcox Elite Electrical Services,
LLC was incepted in 2009 to provide quality, full service electrical
contracting. We can do it all; everything from installing ceiling fans
and plugs, to completely wiring new
homes and commercial buildings.
Locally owned and family operated
in Bastrop, the company has 16 years
of experience and strives to keep up
with ever changing codes & trends in
the industry.
Robert Wilcox, President/
Owner, and his team, believe that
Customer Service is as important as
the work. They pride themselves on
professionalism and courtesy, as well
as use only top quality products from
trusted brands. They provide personalized service with cost effective
solutions to fit individual needs.
The company is licensed and
insured in the State of Texas and
is a member of the Better Business
Bureau. Wilcox Elite Electrical
Services, LLC looks forward to
being a larger part of the community and providing jobs for local
citizens. Please contact Bob or
Sophia at 512-985-5888 or email or see their website
Renewing Members
Thanks to the following renewing members for continuing your investment in the Chamber.
We appreciate your confidence in our ability to promote Bastrop and your business.
Advanced Home Health Services
American Constructors, Inc.
The Arbors of Bastrop
Bastrop Association for the Arts
Bastrop County Networking
Bastrop County Republican Party
Bastrop Economic Development
Bastrop Networking Group
Bennett LLP
Cook Custom Pools
Carson Stephens, New York Life
William R. Cline, CPA
Cook Custom Pools
Dale Cook Backhoe Service, Inc.
Fireside Gallery
Garner & Riley Physical Therapy
Halff Associates, Inc.
Hampton Inn & Suites of Bastrop
Kibby Photography
Kiddie Express Train
MaxEar Hearing Center
Parliament Group, Inc.
Yvonne Phelps
Pro-Cut Lawn Service
Johnny Sanders
Sonic Drive-In
Tribe Consolidated Athletic Ministry
Robert Wendel
October 2011
Page 5
“All Event listings are taken from the Bastrop Chamber of Commerce website’s “Events” calendar.
Please visit for the most up-to-date information.”
Saturday, September 24, 8 AM
Last Chance Chili/BBQ Cookoff, Leon's Country Store,
4033 FM 535
Proceeds will benefit the Bastrop County Area GoTexan Scholarship Fund. Categories are Bloody
Marys, Margaritas, Secret Ingredient, Open Meat,
Bean, Tolbert Chili, Pork Ribs and Brisket. There will be
a silent auction all day that ends at 4:30 pm, a small
live auction at 5 PM and the Awards presented at 6
PM. (Any Bastrop County cooking team that would like
to compete to cook for Bastrop County in the World’s
Largest BBQ Cook Off in Houston, Texas in February
are invited to sign up for that in the brisket entry as
well.) We are also currently looking for sponsors for
this event so if you are interested in that call me at
512-284-4097 and I will get that information to you
as well.
Admission Details: Entry Fees for Categories: Bloody
Marys $5, Margaritas $5, Secret Ingredient $5, Open
Meat $15, Beans $10, Tolber Chili $15, Pork Ribs $15,
Brisket $15
Saturday, September 24, 9 AM
"Men With Purpose", The Pentecostals of Bastrop
Church, 261 FM 20
Men's sectional meeting and fellowship with BBQ
Lunch. Special Guest Speaker: Rev. Roger Blackburn
Admission Details: $10 registration for meal. Send
email to register your name-pay at the door admin@
Saturday, September 24, 10 AM 9/25/2011 8 PM
Sherwood Forest Celtic Festival and Highland Games,
Sherwood Forest Faire, 1883 Old Hwy 20
The Sherwood Forest Celtic Festival and Highland
Games is a gathering to celebrate the music, sports
and culture of ancient Celtic times. Open until Dusk.
Camp grounds will be open to clans and to the general
For more info & directions www.sherwoodforestfaire.
Admission Details: Adult $13, Youth 6-12 $7.50
Weekend Pass $23.
Saturday, September 24, 12 PM
Free Shaved Ice, Bastrop's Finest CarWash , 496
Agnes St.
Get your FREE Snow Cone from Snowball Express
at Bastrop's Finest CarWash by Wal-Mart in Bastrop.
Bring your family and friends.
Admission Details: FREE to all comers
Saturday, September 24, 6 PM
CANCELLED - CASA’s Annual 'Justice is Served' fund
raiser., Bastrop Convention Center, 1408 Chestnut St.
Wednesday, September 28, 6 PM - 9/28/2011 8:30
B.E.S.T. College Night, Bastrop High School Cafeteria,
1614 Chambers St
The B.E.S.T. College Night presented by Greater TEXAS
Federal Credit Union is set for Wednesday, September
28, 2011. Bastrop, Cedar Creek, Elgin and Smithville
High School Juniors, Seniors and their parents are
invited to attend this free college night to be held at the
Bastrop High School Cafeteria. Universities, Colleges,
Career and Technical Schools will be onsite to meet
with students and answer questions. TG will present
Financial Aid Sessions at 6pm & 7pm. Seniors from
Bastrop, Elgin and Smithville High Schools are eligible
for the scholarship and have to submit the application
at College Night. Applications are available in any of
the counselors main offices and online http://www.
Saturday, October 01, 7 AM
Boot Stampede for a Cure, Texas Boot Company, 733
Old Austin Hwy
Bastrop County - which makes up Bastrop, Elgin and
Smithville.....will be having it's first Race for breast
cancer, October 1, 2011. All of the money raised
will stay right here to provide services to women in
treatment and their families. Please join us in the first
ever Boot Stampede for a Cure and let's stomp out
breast cancer in our community. The race will start at
Bob Bryant Park and go down to Old Austin Hwy, then
head west to end at Texas Boot Company for a big
party with music, food and fun! Anyone in the Boot
Stampede 100 yard dash will be entered to win a new
pair of boots from Texas Boot Company.
Check-in time is 7 AM at the Texas Boot Company,
then the stampede starts in Bob Bryant Park at 8
AM. There will be a "Pre-Race Bag Pick-up Party"
on Friday, Sept. 30 from 5-7:30 PM at the Texas Boot
Company, 733 Old Austin Hwy.
Outstanding Agents — Outstanding Results
Bastrop Area
Entrance fee for participants is ($20) adults, ($10)
children 12 and under. Early registration fees can be
mailed with applications to P.O. Box 864, Cedar Creek,
TX 78612. This will include: goodie bag, race shirt
and educational information. Late registration after
September 1, 2011 is ($25) adults, ($15) children 12
and under.
Any questions please email Ommaney Smith, The race will kick off Breast
Cancer Awareness Month and take us into our very
own Pink Day for Bastrop County. Feel free to form a
team or join Ommaney's - it will be called "Pink for
Saturday, October 01, 7:30 AM
Cedar Creek High School 5K Run, Hyatt Regency Lost
Pines Resort and Spa, 575 Hyatt Lost Pines
The race was supposed to raise money for sweat suits
for the kids but they are going to donate the money to
kids and teachers that have lost their homes in the
fires. The race is listed on the Run-Tex website with
all of the info at http://stephenmorales.webstarts.
com/geometry_pap.html . Pre-register online or
registration begins at the Hyatt Lost Pines Resort at
7:30 AM, race will start at 8 AM.
Saturday, October 01, 10 AM
Walk on the Wild Side, McKinney Roughs Nature Park,
1884 St Hwy 71 W
Enjoy an interpretive hike as a park naturalist brings
together a unique blend of human and natural history
to tell the story of the Colorado River. Discover how
the river influences animal, plant and human life along
its banks. After your hike, visit McKinney Roughs’
Visitor’s Center gift shop with live native animals and
interactive exhibits. Bring a picnic lunch and make it a
nature day! Hike is limited to the first 20 participants.
Clubs or groups of more than five people should
schedule a private hike. Pre-registration is required.
Register online at .
Admission Details: First Saturday of each month
through February FREE, adults and children ages 8
and up
Saturday, October 01, 10 AM - 10/1/2011
5 PM
10th Annual Art on the Green, Bastrop County
87 Loop 150 West, Bastrop, TX 78602
Each RE/MAX ofce is independently owned and operated.
Residential • Commercial • Farm and Ranch • Homesites
Saturday, October 01, 10 AM - 10/1/2011
12 PM
Early Childhood Vision Screening, Mina Masonic
Lodge No. 1456, 601 Main St
For ages 6 months, 1, 2, 3 & 4 year old children
The Eye Screening is FREE and is a community
service brought to you by:
Mina Masonic Lodge No. 1456 of Bastrop, in
collaboration with the Registered Opticians
Association of Texas
Saturday, October 01, 7 PM
Johnny Burke's 70th, Watterson Hall, 1179 Watterson
Featuring "Still Rockin' Band"
Saturday, October 01, 7 PM
Upstart International, Annabelle Resource Center
ARC, 1508 Cypress St.
Come see German director Wolfgang Becker's
wonderful comedy about a boy protecting his beloved
mother from the knowledge that East Germany is no
more. And learn a little about that period in history
and how comedy can spring from unlikely source
Admission Details: Donation $5
Sunday, October 02, 11 AM - 10/2/2011
5 PM
Ascension Catholic Church, Ascension Catholic
Church, 905 Water St. (across from Courthouse)
featuring: BBQ Lunch, Food Booths, Game Booths,
Bingo, Live Entertainment, Live and Silent Auction and
See HAPPENING, page 4
Complete • Professional • Guaranteed
Tune Ups • Brakes • All Maintenance Services
Complete A/C Services • Computer Diagnostics
Transmission Overhauls (Automatics & Standards)
Custom Exhaust Systems Life Time Warranty
Electrical Repairs
We honor most extended warranties
(512) 303-4441
Courthouse, 804 Pecan St.
Annual celebration of Bastrop's art community, held
on the Bastrop County Courthouse lawn. Watch
artists create their masterpeices in various media,
and your favorite items can be purchased on the
spot to taken home!
For details & application form, http://www.
Certified Technicians
321-6958 • 888-321-6959
Hwy 21 - 1 Block East of Hwy 95
Page 6
Continued from page 5
a Raffle Drawing including a $4,000 VGC and many
other wonderful prizes.
Admission Details: Free
Monday, October 03, 8 AM
Take the Time, Beat Breast Cancer, Bastrop Chamber
of Commerce, 927 Main St
Seton's mobile breast screening program reaches
out to underserved women who would otherwise
not have access to mammography services. Funding
from the Austin Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the
Cure enables Seton to offer free mammograms for
eligible low-income women. The mammography
services will be available on October 3rd, 4th & 5th
from 8 am to 2:40 pm Call 512-505-5528 for an
Eligibility requirements:
At least 40 yrs old.
No breast implants, not pregnant or breast feeding, no
current breast problems.
No insurance, Medicaid, Medicare.
Must be low income
No previous mammograms within the past year.
Ho history of breast cancer.
Tuesday, October 04, 6 PM
National Night Out Potluck Party, Back Forty Outdoor
Studio & Event Facility, 551 Herron Trail is having a Potluck Neighborhood
Meet n'' Greet in McDade in the Oak Hill Cemetery
neighborhood. For more info go to www.basconet.
com event calendar & directory.
Admission Details: BYOB, potluck dish, chair,
instruments, family and friends.
Wed, Oct 5, 11:15 AM – 1 PM
Bastrop Chamber of Commerce Monthly Luncheon,
Bastrop Opera House, 711 Spring St, Bastrop
Saturday, October 08, 9 AM
Pine Street Market Days, Pine Street
Second Saturday From April through December, on
Pine Street between Main & Water Streets in Bastrop,
Antiques - Handcraft - Pottery - Woodcraft - Plants
- Food
Carnival & Depression Glass -- Tupperware - Jewelry
- And More
More information & the application are available
Saturday, October 08, 9 AM
Free Health Screenings & Service Discounts, Bastrop
October 2011
H-E-B, 104 Hasler Blvd.
The Bastrop H-E-B pharmacy is currently offering
health screenings the second Saturday of each month
throughDecember. The dates are Aug. 13, Sept. 10,
Oct. 8, Nov. 12, and Dec. 10th. FREE blood pressure
and blood glucose screenings, and further diabetes
and cholesterol checks at a set fee.
Saturday, October 08, 10 AM
Oh, Horrors! A special Halloween writing course,
UMAC, 1800 Linda Street
Using a published scary story, Carolyn Banks will
guide up to 8 students through a visual adaptation
for the screen. Students may use cameras afterward
to try to capture some of their ugy, the hideous and
horrible scenes they've envisioned.
Admission Details: $60 register online at www. under "Classes and Events"
Saturday, October 08, 12 PM
Lost Pines State Parks Annual Picnic, Buescher State
The Friends of the Lost Pines State Parks will host the
annual “Picnic in the Park” event at Buescher State
Park’s Picnic Pavilion. This is an excellent way to see
how our Parks are doing, meet the Staff, and the
members of the Friends Group. There is no charge, but
we will accept donations. We will take membership
registrations at that time. There will be Lost Pines Tee
Shirts available. Everyone is welcome!
Saturday, October 08, 7 PM
Light o' the Moon Float Trip , McKinney Roughs Nature
Park, 1884 State Hwy 71 W
Beat the heat and enjoy the river in a whole new way!
Floating by the light of the moon, you''ll be serenaded
under the stars by the nocturnal creatures of the
river corridor. Take in the beauty of the sun setting
on the Colorado and the cool comfort of the night
air as your raft is gently guided down a stretch of
tranquil river.Participants must be able to swim. Preregistration is required. Register online at www.lcra.
org/outdoorprograms .
Admission Details: $50 per person , ages 7 and up
Friday, October 14, 7:30 PM
Nighttime Nature Walk, McKinney Roughs Nature
Park , 1884 State Hwy 71 W
Did you know that scorpions glow under a black light?
Join us for a starlit hike and experience McKinney
Roughs like never before. Listen for eastern screech
owls and look for the eye shine of spiders and the
glow of scorpions. Our naturalist will reveal how
nocturnal animals see in the dark and point out
their calls. Redlens flashlights will be provided. Pre-
registration is required. Register online at www.lcra.
org/outdoorprograms .
Admission Details: FREE, all ages
Saturday, October 15, 9:30 AM
August Friends & Family Sales Event, Sears-Bastrop,
735 Old Austin Hwy
Come join us for our August Friends and Family
Sales Event. Our Kenmore appliances will be priced
up to 20% off regular price, Plus take an additional
15% off Kenmore Appliance. That's nearly 35%
off Kenmore Appliances. On this date, you can also
take an additional 10% off all Lawn & Garden, Patio
Sets, Grills, 3D and Smart TVS, Tools and Floor Care.
Refreshments will be served.
Saturday, October 15, 10 AM
Cruising to Rosanky Car Show , Rosanky Baptist
Church Parking Lot, 2160 FM 535
Classic car show hosted by the Rosanky Baptist
Church as a benifit for the Youth Ministry and Outreach
Programs. You and your family are sure to enjoy a day
of cool cars, good music, and good food all provided to
you on the church grounds. We ask all participants in
the Car Show to arrive and register between 8:30 a.m.
and 10:30 a.m. on Saturday morning. Late arrivals are
okay! Judging will begin at 1 p.m. and trophies will be
awarded at 4 p.m.
Admission Details: *Free Event for all spectators Car
Show Registration for Judging $15.00 All Donations
and purchases for food will benefit the Youth Ministry
at Rosanky Baptist Church.
Thursday, October 20, 7 PM
Ranger in the Roughs, McKinney Roughs Nature Park,
1884 State Hwy 71 W
Bring the family, sit at our amphitheater under the
night sky and learn about the wildlife of the Colorado
River. The Ranger presentations will show the habits
and life histories of three major groups of animals
along the Colorado River – mammals, fish and birds.
Discover how these creatures depend on the habitat
and resources of the Colorado River for daily survival.
Program will be held indoors during inclement
weather. Registration is not required. October – Fast
& the “Fur”-ious- Swimmers of the River: River otters,
nutria, muskrat and beaver. McKinney Roughs Nature
Admission Details: FREE, all ages
Friday, October 21, 9 PM
Stargazing at the Roughs, McKinney Roughs Nature
Park, 18884 State Hwy 71 W
Don’t miss this opportunity for the whole family to
explore the galaxy together as our astronomer takes
Kathy Bayes
1108 Main Street,
Bastrop, TX 78602
Sunday, October 23, 1 PM
Official Bastrop County Fire Relief Aid Concert ,
Riverbend Park, 107 Highway 71 W
The Bastrop County Fire Aid (BCFA) concert will be
held to benefit victims of the ongoing Bastrop County
fires. This event has been approved by Bastrop
County Judge Ronnie McDonald, Mayor Terry Orr of
Bastrop, Mayor Marc Holm of Elgin, and Mayor Mark
Bunte of Smithville as the official concert fundraiser
for this relief effort.
Thursday, October 27, 7 PM
INVICTA for Halloween, Annabelle Resource Center
ARC, 1508 Cypress St.
Come see the Bastrop comedy-horror movie INVICTA
in a special Halloween presentation. Meet the director
and one of the actresses!!
Admission Details: $5
Shop Local
The Chamber Coupon Page makes it
easier than ever! Check out the latest
deals at
Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am - 7:30 pm
Sun. 11 am - 7 pm
(512) 303-3008
(888) 303-3009
Saturday, October 22, 2 PM
RESCHEDULED TO SPRING - 2011 Medical Olympics
Sales Hours:
The Only Independent Agency Home Based in Bastrop!
Saturday, October 22, 9 AM
Water-Wise Wildscaping , McKinney Roughs Nature
Park, 1884 State Hwy71 W
Save natural resources and money using water-wise
landscaping plants suitable for the Central Texas
climate. Learn how to select and place native plants
for a water-conserving landscape. Focus on plant
choices right for your site, attracting wildlife, harvesting
rainwater and the use of dry creeks for slowing down
water runoff and erosion. Pre-registration is required.
Register online at .
Admission Details: Free, adults
1115 HWY. 71
Insurance Agency
you on a tour of the MilkyWay that’s truly out of this
world! Behold the wonder of the cosmos through
our Dobsonian telescopes and venture beyond the
boundaries of our planet Earth. Learn about the
constellations and marvel at the beauty and mystery
of the universe in this spectacular free program for
the whole family. Bring lawn chairs, refreshments
and blankets for comfort and enjoy this family event.
Program will be canceled in the event of inclement
weather. Registration is not required.
Admission Details: FREE , all ages
Service Hours:
Mon. - Fri. 7:30 am - 6:00 pm
Sat. 8 am - 4:30 pm
October 2011
Page 7
Celebrations and Events
The Bastrop Chamber of Commerce hosted ribbon cuttings and celebrations for new chamber members and current members who moved to new locations.
Businesses and
community members
Businesses and community
members alike are thankful
and banding together to
help each other through
the difficult times that we
all face. If there was ever
any doubt that Bastrop,
Texas is the best place
on earth to call home, the
overwhelming support and
love that is displayed all
over the area should dispel
those doubts! “Bastrop –
We’re Coming Back.”
Bastrop Gardens
Bastrop Gardens held a ribbon cutting for their “Heirloom Tea Room”.
Owners Deena Spellman & Jeff Long and Richard’s Bakery served up
delightful refreshments for the event. Tea Parties are a great way to have fun
at parties for all ages, from Birthdays to showers or just a “girl’s day off”.
Chef Mike will be on hand to cater your special Tea Parties at the Heirloom
Tea Room, so call Deena or Jeff at 303-5672 to schedule your next event.
Deena and Jeff also want to thank Gordon Dietz for building the beautiful
gazebo at Bastrop Gardens.
To advertise in the
Bastrop Chamber of
Commerce Newsletter
Call The Bastrop Advertiser
at (512) 321-2557!
Page 8
October 2011
Your Chamber Board of Directors for 2011
Drusilla Rogers, Chairman ......................................................... Sugar Shack
Debbie Denny, Chair Elect ............................................... Bastrop Advertiser
Larry Lynn, Past Chair ............................................... Centex Image Designs
Jim Attra ......................................................................... B & B Auto Supply
Amy Bruder ........................................................................... The Roadhouse
Dr. Jeffrey Chen ...................................... Lost Pines Center for Cancer Care
Tommy Frizell ................................................................. Individual Member
Mark Garrison ............................................................. TrustTexas Bank, SSP
Mark Gray ..................................................................... Goin’ Postal Bastrop
Jana Hellbusch ................................................................. Individual Member
Greg Johnson ................................................................ Agilent Technologies
Matthew Mix ........................................................................................ Adjust
Steve Murray ........................................ Bastrop Independent School District
William “Willie” Piña .............................. Bastrop Co. Commissioner, Pct. 1
Tom Scott ........................................................................ Individual Member
Reid Sharp ...................................................................... First National Bank
Steven Sonday ................................................................................. Best Buy
Mike Talbot ............................................................................ City of Bastrop
Bastrop Chamber of Commerce
927 Main St.
Bastrop, TX 78602 (512) 303-0558
Bastrop Chamber of Commerce Membership Application
Name of Business
Billing Address
Physical Address
Billing Contact
Customer Contact
Type of Business
Number of Employees
Annual Dues Structure:
One time Administration Fee……$20
Charitable/Civic Organizations…$75
Small Businesses: 1-5 employees……$150
6-10 employees……$200
over 10 employees……$300
Senior Citizens…….$35
Monthly Luncheon
Please see the Chamber website events
calendar for updates and to register.
Susan Weems Wendel, IOM ................................................... President/CEO
Troyanne Bush, IOM ............................................................ Office Manager
Vickie Vincent ......................................................... Administrative Assistant
Map Requests
Relocation Info
Visitor Guides
Business Referrals
Website Visits:
Major brand tires
for Auto, Truck and Agricultural.
Complete automobile repair
and service.
October 5, 2011
Program: Family Crisis Center & Character Education
Bastrop Chamber Official Activity Report
August 2011
Bastrop Opera House
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Classic Bank
Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad with pine nuts, Tomato
Basil Soup, dessert, tea and water.
The Grace Miller
$12 if RSVP by 5:00 PM Monday Oct. 3rd
$15 if RSVP after Mon. Oct 3rd
Call 512-303-0558 or email to RSVP.
Please note that any RSVP’s not cancelled 24 hrs prior to the
luncheon will be billed as no-shows.
Bastrop County’s Bank…Since 1889
Voted Best Tire Dealer
in Bastrop County
8 Years Running
We now have Road Service for tire troubles!
1501 Chestnut
Open: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm
512-321-2561 or 512-303-1003

Similar documents The Bastrop Chamber of Commerce The Bastrop Chamber of Commerce reservations before noon on Monday of luncheon week, $15 for late reservations. Locations vary, check website Events Calendar for details. The Edward Jones Coffee Club meets at C...

More information