September 11, 2016 - Ascension Catholic Church
September 11, 2016 - Ascension Catholic Church
Twenty Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time September 10th & 11th, 2016 MAILING ADDRESS: 905 Water St. Bastrop, TX 78602 Office Phone# : (512)321-3552 Emergency: (512)549-3709 Weekend Masses: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Domingo: 12:00 p.m. (Español) Weekday Masses: Tuesday-Friday English Only in Chapel 7:30 a.m Mass Holy Hour English 7:00 p.m. Last Thursday of Month Hora Santa-Español 7:00 p.m. Primer Jueves del Mes Fall Festival Countdown Weeks Away!! SACRAMENTS Baptism & Marriage: Please call the office Reconciliation: Saturdays 3:30 –4:45 p.m. Anointing of the Sick: Upon Request SACRAMENTOS: Bautismo & Matrimonio: Favor de contactar la oficina Reconcilacion: Sabados 3:30—4:45 p.m Enfermos: Por Peticion The Five Types of Prayer By Scott P. Richert Prayer is a form of communication, a way of talking to God or to the saints. Not all prayers are the same, however. Here are brief descriptions of the five major types of prayer. 1. Adoration: In prayer of adoration worship, we praise the greatness of God, and we acknowledge our dependence on him in all things. The Mass and the other liturgies of the Church are full of prayers of this sort, such as the Gloria (or Glory to God). Among private prayers the Act of Faith is a prayer of adoration. 2. Expiation: In a prayer of expiation or contrition, we acknowledge our sinfulness and ask God for His forgiveness and mercy. The Confiteor or Penitential Rite at the beginning of Mass, and the Agnus Dei (or Lamb of God) before Communion are prayers of expiation, as is the Act of Contrition. 3. Love: Prayers of love or charity are just that-expression of our love for God, the source and object of all love. The Act of Charity is perhaps the best example of a prayer of love. 4. Petition: Prayers of petition are the type of prayer with which we are most familiar. In them, we ask God for things we need– primarily spiritual needs, but physical ones as well. Our prayers of petition should always include statement of our willingness to accept God’s Will, whether He directly answers our prayer or not. The Our Father is a good example of a prayer of petition, and the line “Thy will be done” shows that, in the end, we acknowledge the God’s plans for us are more important than what we desire. 5. Thanksgiving: Perhaps the most neglected type of prayer is prayer of thanksgiving. While Grace Before Meals is a good example of a prayer of thanksgiving, we should get into the habit of thanking God throughout the day for the good things that happen to us and to others. Week YTD Regular Collection $9,027.66 $309,519.17 Operating Expenses PARISH STAFF\EMPLEADOS Debbi Lowry Bernell Sample Byron Appelt Tomas Silva Leroy Lott Lydia Peña Irma Vazquez Silvia Trujillo Dennis Platt Sara Barkley David Falcon Elaine Weiss David Barkley Jim Peery Joann McCoy Silvia Castillo Ramon Magaña Barbara Bienfang Arlene Does Collin Camp Lia Lopez Briana Lopez Gilbert Pacheco Warren Beauclear Ron Sebert Richard Ashline Nova Leigth Nazaria Rodriguez Pete Vigil Sandra HernandezAdame James Robertson Sara Elizabeth Collins Joyce Cheyney Lupita Vigil Makenna Wilhelm Ronnie Broce Monique Hennington Charlie Pacheco Jim Pivar Deborah Reed Arthur Rivas Josh Lopez Myrtle Wilhelm William Lopez Jerry Meredith Liz Hurd Sarah Ramos Benita C. Segura Amy Buettener Susana Castillo Maria Lara Lauren Nicole Aaron Pineda † Barbara Wernette Elois Harknder Dock Jackson Rosemary Rubio Crystal Uzomba Alphonse Barbato Elizabeth Hurd Levi Broussard Rev. Ramiro Tarazona: Pastor Bill Hobby: Deacon Raymond Tatum: Bus. Admin. Deborah Esquivel: D.R.E. Robyn Carter: Youth Director Debi Goode: Director of Liturgy Kathy Venzon: Bookkeeper Steve Urrutia: Maintenance Sue Durango: Secretary MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS DIRECTORY Altar Servers: Nicole Herring - Altar Society: Dora Castañeda Baptism: Rita Dickman— English Choir: Raymond Tatum— Spanish Choir : Ismael Vences (512)850-1922 Evangelization: Tessy Dorantes—(512)848-4420 Extraordinary Ministers: Debbie Moore (225)802-4702 Finance Council Chair: Reid Sharp Hispanic Ministry: Robert & Aida Casillas (512)581-7336 Knights of Columbus: Mike D’Antonio— KOCA: Mary Szelag— Lectors (English): Debi Lectors (Spanish): Oswaldo Toj— Men’s Fellowship: Virgil Almogabar— Nursing Homes (weekdays) Dan Krischke— Pastoral Council Chair: Robert Casillas (512)581-7336 Prison Ministry: Dan Krischke- Sacristans: Generosa Lowden (512)321-3552 Sandwich Ministry: Steve Venzon (512)629-7833 Legion of Mary English: Ginger Morris Legion of Maria Español: Leticia Vasquez (512)284-2674 Ushers: Jose Gonzalez—(512)633-0162 Pro Life: Charles Elliott— Funeral Food Coordinator: Putzie Martin CRSP Hombres: Edwin Montenegro (512)748-8003 CRSP Mujeres: Veronica Sanchez (512)466-1580 Movimiento Conyugal: Fransisca Ramirez (512)844-2340 $10,626.52 $283,649.43 Children’s Collection $162.65 $3,806.66 Youth Mass Building Fund $0.00 $469.00 $3,991.91 $12,815.55 Sept. 17th & 18: Second Collection for Louisiana Floods Thank you for your faithful Stewardship of our Parish and for your generous donations MEETINGS AND GATHERINGS FOR THE WEEK Mon. September 12th: 10:30 a.m.: 4H-Hall 6:00 p.m.: CRSP Men Spanish-Hall 6:30 p.m.: Altar Society-RE Meeting Room Tuesday. September 13th: 6:00 p.m.: CRSP Women-Hall, RE204 6:30 p.m.: Legion of Mary English-Old Parish Ofc 7:00 p.m.: Men’s Group-RE103 7:00 p.m.: Rey Jesus-RE Meeting Room 7:00 p.m.: Carismaticos-RE102 Wednesday, September 14th: 4:30 p.m.: CCD: K-7th grade 6:00 p.m. CCD: K-7th grade Thursday, September 15th: 9:00 a.m.: Devocion de la Sangre Preciosa-Chapel 10:00 a.m.: Rosary Maker-RE 102 6:30 p.m.: CCD: SAC\RCIA\RCIC Friday, September 16th: 8:00 a.m.: Eucharistic Adoration 6:30 p.m.: Movimiento Conyugal-RE Mtg Room 7:00 p.m.: Carismaticos-Hall Saturday, September 17th: 6:00 a.m.: Sandwich Ministry—Parish Hall 10:00 a.m.: Acts Women’s Team –RE206 3:30 p.m.: Confessions Altar Flowers for this weekend: In Memory of †Ann Pease Honor someone special by offering altar flowers $45.00 call parish office to reserve your weekend Mass Intentions and Daily Readings Mon. Sept 12th 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33\Lk 7:1-10(443) Communion Service Tues. Sept 13th 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a\Lk 7:11-17(444) †Onilda Kam Wed. Sept 14th Nm 21:4b-9\Phil 2:6-11\Jn 3:13-17(638) †Joan Foytik Thur Sept 15th 1 Cor 15:1-11(446)\ Jn 19:25-27(639) †Shirley “Grammie” Duggan Fri. Sept 16th 1 Cor 15:12-20\Lk 8:1-3(447) †Olga Yap Sat. Sept 17th 1 Cor 15:35-37,42-49\Lk 8:4-15(448) †Shirley “Grammie” Duggan Sun. Sept 18th Am 8:4-7\1 Tm 2:1-8\Lk 16:1-13(135) 8: For the people 10: †John Weiss 12: Porfiria Valadez Rev. Ramiro Tarazona Jerez Sept. 20, 2008 GOSPEL MEDITATION Today’s parables sounded absurd to the listeners in Jesus’ day. Each highlights the intense boundless love with which God searches for the lost, as well as the irrationally exuberant joy when the lost are found. The final parable paints a scene of a father who has nothing but total love for his children. One has completely rejected and insulted his family and his faith. The other is a self-righteous child who has never done wrong. How do we act in the role of the father toward others who meet these descriptions? Whom do we fail to love or forgive? What sin do we believe is too big for God’s love, mercy and forgiveness? Does self-righteousness prevent us from being in loving relationships with others? La parábola de hoy sonaba absurda para quienes la escuchaban en el tiempo de Jesús. Ella resalta el intenso amor con el que Dios busca a quienes se han perdido, y el irracionalmente exuberante gozo experimentado cuando lo perdido se ha encontrado. La parábola final pinta una escena de un padre que no tiene más que un amor total por sus hijos. Uno ha rechazado completamente e insultado a su familia y su fe. El otro es un hijo engreído que nunca ha cometido ningún mal ¿Cómo actuamos en el papel del padre hacia otros a quienes conocemos con esas descripciones? ¿A quien fallamos al no amar o perdonar? ¿Qué pecado creemos que es demasiado grande para el amor de Dios, la misericordia y el perdón? ¿El creernos muy buenos nos impide tener relaciones amorosas con otros? WORD OF LIFE “Heal… the pain of still-grieving families and all who lost loved ones in this tragedy. Give them strength to continue their lives with courage and hope.” — Pope Francis, “Prayer of Remembrance” “Alivia... el dolor de las familias que todavía sufren y de todos los que han perdido a sus seres queridos en esta tragedia. Dales fortaleza para seguir viviendo con valentía y esperanza”. Papa Francisco, “Oración conmemorativa” Next Pre Baptismal Class\Proxima clase pre bautismal October 8th @ 4:00-6:00 p.m. Must be enrolled at least a week in advance Necesario anotarse con una semana de anticipacion 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time In today’s Gospel Jesus proclaims God’s prodigal love for sinners. God is like a parent watching for the lost son to return; like a shepherd willing to leave the 99 to seek the one; like the woman, unsatisfied with the nine coins, who scours the house to find the lost coin. We can turn from God, but God never turns from us. God in turn invites us to be in community with one another even other sinners? Will we join in God’s community or reject it like the older brother? 24to Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario En el Evangelio de hoy Jesús proclama su amor pródigo por los pecadores. Dios es como un padre que espera el regreso del hijo perdido; como un pastor dispuesto a dejar a 99 ovejas para buscar una; como la mujer, insatisfecha con las nueve monedas que revuelve la casa para encontrar la moneda perdida. Podemos alejarnos de Dios, pero Dios nunca se alejará de nosotros. Dios, a cambio, nos invita a estar en comunidad con los otros, incluso con otros pecadores ¿Nos uniremos a la comunidad de Dios o la rechazaremos como el hermano mayor? With only 3 weeks away from our annual fall festival, we are still in need of bingo prizes, live silent auction items. Please drop off any items that you would like to donate by the parish office. Would like to also ask our families to bring two cakes for the festival on Saturday, Oct. 1st. If you would like to sign up for a specific booth or time frame during the festival sign up sheets are available by the entrance of the Church. Thank you again for all your help in making this a successful fundraiser for our Church. Clases de Ingles inician el Lunes 19 de Septiembre 6:30 p.m. 2016-2017 CCD Students Parents and Students will meet in the main Church on the first day. K-7th: Wednesday Session: 4:30 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. starts September 14th SAC\RCIA: Thursday Session: 6:30 p.m. starts September 15th 8th—12th grade: Sunday 5:00 p.m. starts September 18th REGISTRATION CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE INSCRIPCIONES ESTAN CERRADAS HASTA NUEVO AVISO Get 20% Cash Back On gas, diesel, groceries, hardware, restaurants, clothes, etc. No products to buy, sell, no recruiting. Legal, moral, ethical. Proven system, it works. William M. “Willie” Piña BASTROP COUNTY COMMISSIONER PRECINCT 1 804 PECAN STREET BASTROP, TX 78602 Rent The Mansion at OFFICE: 512-581-4001 DIRECT: 512-332-7295 Frontier Bank of Texas “Know You By Your First Name Banking” Member FDIC For details call Pat or Jim Peiffer (512)549-3140 for details. Quincaneras & Parties Ascension parishioner Martha Granger 512 944-2112 Wedding Receptions Wanda Rucker, Mgr. 1500 Chestnut St. Bastrop, TX 78602 512/303-6000 New CASA Volunteer Join us for a casual discussion and find out if helping kids the CASA way is right for you! Please RSVP by email: or call: Kristi Glasper 512-303-2272 STATE FARM 815 HWY 71 WEST LORI TUGGLE, AGENT 512-581-3939 JAMES ALLEN, AGENT 512-581-3535 BASTROP THRIFT STORE 1202 Pine St. 512-321-9819 Monday 9-12:30 Wednesday 9-5 Friday 9-12:30 Saturday 9-12:30 Women Working Together Against Poverty Call the store to volunteer or become a member DONATIONS NEEDED Find us on Facebook/ LOCThriftStoreBastrop Serving Texas Families for over 20 years! 1109 Church St Bastrop, TX 7862 (512)321-3311 Accepting same day appointments Discount for uninsured. PARISHIONER Please patronize our advertisers and let them know you found them through our Sunday bulletin.