Taller de Redacción para Negocios
Taller de Redacción para Negocios
Taller de Redacción para Negocios COLEGIO DE BACHILLERES DEL ESTADO DE SONORA Director General Lic. Bulmaro Pacheco Moreno Director Académico Lic. Jorge Alberto Ponce Salazar Director de Administración y Finanzas Lic. Oscar Rascón Acuña Director de Planeación Dr. Jorge Ángel Gastélum Islas TALLER DE REDACCIÓN PARA NEGOCIOS Guía de Aprendizaje. Copyright ©, 2008 por Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora Todos los derechos reservados. Segunda edición 2009. Impreso en México. DIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA Departamento de Desarrollo Curricular Blvd. Agustín de Vildósola, Sector Sur Hermosillo, Sonora. México. C.P. 83280 Registro ISBN, en trámite. COMISIÓN ELABORADORA: Elaboración: Edna Elinora Soto Gracia Corrección de Estilo: Armando Zamora Supervisión Académica: Jesús Arely Meza León Diseño de Portada María Jesús Jiménez Duarte Edición: Bernardino Huerta Valdez Jesús Arely Meza León Coordinación Técnica: Martha Elizabeth García Pérez Coordinación General: Lic. Jorge Alberto Ponce Salazar Esta publicación se terminó de imprimir durante el mes de junio de 2009. Diseñada en Dirección Académica del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora Blvd. Agustín de Vildósola; Sector Sur. Hermosillo, Sonora, México La edición consta de 746 ejemplares. 2 Ubicación Curricular COMPONENTE: CAPACITACIÓN: FORMACIÓN PARA EL TRABAJO ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA BILINGÜE Esta asignatura se imparte en el V Semestre; tiene como antecedente Comunicación Formal para Relaciones Laborales, la asignatura consecuente es Herramientas para la Negociación y Solución de Problemas, y se relaciona con Taller de Comprensión de Textos I y II. HORAS SEMANALES: 04 CRÉDITOS: 08 DATOS DEL ALUMNO Nombre: ______________________________________________________ Plantel: _________________________________________________________ Grupo: ____________ Turno: _____________ Teléfono:_______________ Domicilio: _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 3 Mapa Conceptual de la Asignatura TALLER DE REDACCIÓN PARA NEGOCIOS Oficial documents Writing business letter Formal letters Making oral presentation Application Preparation Making the presentation Inquire letter Recommendation Memorandums Placing an order Transmmital Notes State a complain Informal letters Questionnaire e-forms Invoice Fax format 4 Índice Objetivo general de la asignatura......................................................................... 6 Recomendaciones para el alumno ......................................................................6 Presentación.........................................................................................................7 RIEMS...................................................................................................................8 UNIT 1. WRITING BUSINESS LETTERS ................................................... 11 1.1. Formal and informal letters... ........................................................................12 Self Check ............................................................................................................25 UNIT 2. OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS............................................................... 29 2.1. Forms, memos, applications, notes .............................................................30 Self Check ............................................................................................................41 Consolidation Exercise .........................................................................................45 UNIT 3. MAKING ORAL PRESENTATIONS............................................... 47 3.1. Preparation ..................................................................................................48 3.2. Making the presentation. ..............................................................................53 Consolidation Exercise .........................................................................................55 Bibliography..........................................................................................................59 5 Objetivo General de la Asignatura Aplicar los principios básicos de redacción y preparación de exposiciones en la elaboración de documentos y presentaciones diversas, mediante el uso de vocabulario y estructuras gramaticales para utilizarlos como medio de comunicación, tanto en su preparación académica como en su entorno laboral. Recomendaciones para el alumno La presente Guía de Aprendizaje constituye un importante apoyo para ti; en él se manejan los contenidos mínimos de la asignatura Taller de Redacción para Negocios. No debes perder de vista que el Modelo Académico del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora propone un aprendizaje activo, mediante la investigación, el análisis y la discusión, así como el aprovechamiento de materiales de lectura complementarios; de ahí la importancia de atender las siguientes recomendaciones: 6 ¾ Maneja la Guía de Aprendizaje como texto orientador de los contenidos temáticos a revisar en clase. ¾ Utiliza la Guía de Aprendizaje como lectura previa a cada sesión de clase. ¾ Al término de cada unidad, resuelve la autoevaluación, consulta la escala de medición del aprendizaje y realiza las actividades que en ésta se indican. ¾ Realiza los ejercicios de reforzamiento del aprendizaje para estimular y/o reafirmar los conocimientos sobre los temas ahí tratados. ¾ Utiliza la bibliografía recomendada para apoyar los temas desarrollados en cada unidad. ¾ Para comprender algunos términos o conceptos nuevos, consulta el glosario que aparece al final del módulo. ¾ Para el Colegio de Bachilleres es importante tu opinión sobre los módulos de aprendizaje. Si quieres hacer llegar tus comentarios, utiliza el portal del Colegio: www.cobachsonora.edu.mx Presentación La asignatura de Taller de Redacción para Negocios te proporcionará el enfoque comunicativo que te permitirá desarrollar tu capacidad para transmitir por escrito ideas y emociones de manera formal e informal, mediante el empleo de estrategias específicas en beneficio de procesos de comunicación. Abarca contenidos relacionados con el estudio de signos de puntuación, las partes de una carta y otros documentos, el manejo de vocabulario y estructuras gramaticales expresadas en el contenido, practicando: Parts of a letter, numbers (dates, quantities, prices…),addresses, salutations (Dear, Sir, …), body of the letter, complimentary close (Sincerely, Cordially, Regards...),signature and writers identification, enclosure line, notation(cc:),punctuation (Comma, period, colon, semicolon, quotation mark, apostrophe, dash, hyphen, parentheses, question and exclamation marks),expressions, abbreviations,(Sept., St, W, Co.),common expressions to begin writing (I’m so happy to hear that you…, Thank you for your letter asking for information about our…),closing sentences (As soon as we hear from you, we will…, If we can answer any questions, we shall be glad to do so, Best wishes, See you soon, Yours truly); y preparación de presentaciones orales. 7 RIEMS Introducción El Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora, en atención a los programas de estudio emitidos por la Dirección General de Bachillerato (DGB), ha venido realizando la elaboración del material didáctico de apoyo para nuestros estudiantes, con el fin de establecer en ellos los contenidos académicos a desarrollar día a día en aula, así como el enfoque educativo de nuestra Institución. Es por ello, que actualmente, se cuenta con los módulos y guías de aprendizaje para todos los semestres, basados en los contenidos establecidos en la Reforma Curricular 2005. Sin embargo, de acuerdo a la reciente Reforma Integral de Educación Media Superior, la cual establece un enfoque educativo basado en competencias, es necesario conocer los fines de esta reforma, la cual se dirige a la totalidad del sistema educativo, pero orienta sus esfuerzos a los perfiles del alumno y profesor, siendo entonces el camino a seguir el desarrollo de las competencias listadas a continuación y aunque éstas deberán promoverse en todos los semestres, de manera más precisa entrará a partir de Agosto 2009, en el primer semestre. Competencias Genéricas CATEGORIAS I. Se autodetermina y cuida de sí. II. Se expresa y comunica III. Piensa crítica y reflexivamente IV. Aprende de forma autónoma V. Trabaja en forma colaborativa VI. Participa con responsabilidad en la sociedad 8 COMPETENCIAS GENÉRICAS 1. Se conoce y valora a sí mismo y aborda problemas y retos teniendo en cuenta los objetivos que persigue. 2. Es sensible al arte y participa en la apreciación e interpretación de sus expresiones en distintos géneros. 3. Elige y practica estilos de vida saludables. 4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados. 5. Desarrolla innovaciones y propone soluciones a problemas a partir de métodos establecidos. 6. Sustenta una postura personal sobre temas de interés y relevancia general, considerando otros puntos de vista de manera crítica y reflexiva. 7. Aprende por iniciativa e interés propio a lo largo de la vida. 8. Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos. 9. Participa con una conciencia cívica y ética en la vida de su comunidad, región, México y el mundo. 10. Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y la diversidad de creencias, valores, ideas y prácticas sociales. 11. Contribuye al desarrollo sustentable de manera crítica, con acciones responsables. Competencias docentes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Organiza su formación continua a lo largo de su trayectoria profesional. Domina y estructura los saberes para facilitar experiencias de aprendizaje significativo. Planifica los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje atendiendo al enfoque por competencias, y los ubica en contextos disciplinares, curriculares y sociales amplios. Lleva a la práctica procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje de manera efectiva, creativa e innovadora a su contexto institucional. Evalúa los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje con un enfoque formativo. Construye ambientes para el aprendizaje autónomo y colaborativo. Contribuye a la generación de un ambiente que facilite el desarrollo sano e integral de los estudiantes. Participa en los proyectos de mejora continua de su escuela y apoya la gestión institucional. 9 10 Unit 1 , ? “” ABC _ ( ) , . ¡ Writing business letters OBJETIVOS DE UNIDAD El alumno: ¾ Escribirá cartas de negocios, empleando vocabulario y estructuras Ingles. Temario: Formal and informal letters gramaticales en Taller de Redacción para Negocios 1.1 FORMAL AND INFORMAL LETTERS Skills ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ To learn and use appropriate punctuation marks. To recognize the parts of a letter. To identify and write different types of letter. To use grammar, vocabulary, common expressions when writing a letter. Warm Up Refresh your memory. Match the words in the left column with their meaning or examples from the right column. Write the letter in the parenthesis. 1. Reference 2. Job Title 3. Interview 4. Application 5. Resume 6. Long Distance call 7. Memorandum 8. Slogans ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) a) A short memorable phrase b) A format applying for a job c) A conversation city to city d) a note send in an organization e) a session of formal questioning f) Recommendation g) Also known as Curriculum Vitae h) Engineer, Accountant, etc. . Punctuation Punctuation is used to help understand the meaning of a sentence. Punctuation is very important, especially when writing formal or business letters. Here is a checklist of punctuation marks and uses. . , ¾ Period (.) also known as end mark, is a punctuation mark that show where a sentence ends. It could be a declarative or imperative sentence. Hermosillo is an interesting city. Declarative sentence Send me a return letter. Imperative sentence Use a period after abbreviations and initials. Chomsky N. is a famous Linguist. Ford Co. ¾ Comma (,) separates items in a series also it separates compound sentences. Do not use commas to separate items in series when they are connected by and or or. Use comma after an introductory Use comma to separate adjectives that come before a noun. The students received books, notebooks, pens, and CDs. Do you prefer chicken or meat sandwich? He reads books about art and history and music. When the evening came, we set the table for dinner. 12 Writing Business Letters My friend is a tall, slim, and blond girl. Use comma after yes, no, well, when they introduce a sentence. Yes, I understand the meaning. No, I won’t accept the offer. Well, let’s go to the movies, the movie starts at 7 p.m. Use comma after using transition or interrupting or transition words (you will find a list of transition words in the following pages). I’m going to run in the N.Y. marathon, by the way, are you going with me? I, however, admit my errors. Use comma when a name of a person or direct address is used in a sentence. Excuse me, Sir, may I come in? Did you call me, Adrian? Use comma in business letters, when writing the dates, in the closing, between cities and states, and in addresses. May 24, 2005 Yours truly, Detroit, MI “” ¾ Quotation Marks (“…”) are used to enclose a person’s exact word, use a comma after the quotation. If periods, question, and exclamation marks, are part of a quotation, they are place inside the quotation marks, if they are not place them outside the quotation marks. I am asking you “Are you ready?” “Come with me,” said my mother. Don’t use quotation marks with an indirect quotation. My father whishes that he could go to Cancun. Use quotations when using titles. Song: “Yesterday” Poem: “Hope” Novels: “1oo years of solitude” ; ¾ Semicolons(;) are used to connect sentences related in thought, they indicate a pause and an idea, the pause is long but not as long as the pause indicated by a period. My vacation was fun; I needed a vacation very much. Use semicolon to join statements when the second word begins with a transitions word (see chart of transitions words below). You didn’t come; therefore, we didn’t watch the movies. 13 Taller de Redacción para Negocios Colons (:) are used after a salutation in business letters, between hours and minutes in time. See you at 8:00 P.M. Dear Sir: ¾ ¾ Capital letters must be used when writing proper nouns, like a particular person, place, or thing, also names of days, months, holidays, languages, nationalities, must be capitalized. : ABC The Kenyan, Martin Lel, won the 2007 New York City Marathon on Sunday November 4, 2007. The Mexican Adrian Corrales ran in the New York City Marathon with an official time of 3:48 hrs. Capitalize names of streets, boulevards, highways, clubs, companies, organizations, business, and institutions. She lives on Fifth Street. We drove all the way Rosales Boulevard. He works at Ford Company. One must never forget to capitalize the first word in a sentence and the first word of a direct quotation. The Marathon began at 10:10 A.M. He replied “It is not true”. Capitalize the first word in a letter salutation, the names or titles of a person addressed and the fist word in a letter closing. Dear Sir: Sincerely your, ¾ Hyphens (-) are used to divide a word at the end of a line, they are used at the end of a line, with compound numbers, and fractions. Nogales is located at the north of the State of Sonora in the CounMexico. There is a custom office at kilometer twenty – one. ¾ Apostrophe (‘) is used to form the possessive of noun, it also indicates the omission of a letter in contractions. That is Albert’s i-pod. We’ll graduate in two more years. ¾ Dash (__) is used instead of a colon (:) before a list of people or things, when you want to emphasis the information. Is used to conclude a list of elements. All the high schools were at the conference____ Cobach, Cetis, Cecites, UVM, and all private high school. Gelatin, cream, cream cheese ______ all go in this rich dessert. 14 - ’ _ Writing Business Letters ( ) ¾ Parentheses (….) Parenthesis in singular, are used in pairs to separate text from other text without destroying the meaning of a sentence. The song “Yesterday” was composed by Paul McCarthy (one of the Beatles). Alamos (located in Sonora) is very famous for its festivals. TRANSITION OR INTERRUPTING WORDS after all however for instance for example by the way furthermore besides in fact to tell the truth in my opinion on the other hand in addition Practice, Play, and Learn 1. Find out more about “Punctuation” in the following Internet Web sites: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punctuation http://www.englishchick.com/grammar/grpunc.htm 2. Practice and learn, you’ll find exercises in the following Internet web site: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/grammar/ 3. Play and learn, find interactive games in the following Internet web sites: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/english/activities/punctuation.shtml http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/language_arts/goforgold/content_builder/dswmedia/g1c26/nadia. htm http://eatsshootsandleaves.com/ESLquiz.html 1. Add periods and commas to the sentences where necessary, and circle them. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2. Please bring me a menu I thing I’ll have a hamburger yogurt and coffee Yes buy the ingredients Buy cake mix frosting and chocolate chips No I don’t think Pele was his real name There are business letter friendly letters formal and informal letter J F Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas Monday May 24 2005 was a great day in my life Add colons and semicolons to the sentences, and circle them. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. At the library, I went to the History section Mary went to the fiction section. Use the following ingredients tomatoes, onion, and potatoes. The baseball game begins at 3 00 this Sunday the football game begins at 2 Empalme is located at the south of Sonora Nogales is located at the north. We use the following source or energy in Mexico gas, oil, and electricity. 3. Add quotation marks, and change to capital letters where necessary, and circle them. 1. frank said, I have read a biography of the painter diego rivera. 2. john lennon said, I used comparisons to express sadness in my song, Imagine. 15 Taller de Redacción para Negocios 3. no, the poems are ours! exclaimed my friend Camille. 4. yes, the poem is mine! exclaimed sofia. 5. the newspaper read, mexico is a democratic country. 4. Punctuate the following sentences correctly, circle the punctuation you write. 1. The club makes its own rules but it doesnt always enforce them 2. Also you will be able to take part in such activities as walking golfing and swimming 3. The novel Gone with the Wind was written by Margaret Mitchell 4. No said Dad were not going to Laredo Texas this summer 5. Mr. Sanchez the new high school principal asked the Student Council to publish its rules and regulations 6. The city of Hermosillo has its hottest day on july 14 1942 when the temperature rose above one hundred degrees. 7. Helen are you planning to attend the lecture in the University of Sonora tonight 8. It’s a long time since weve visited San Carlos however we wont for Thanksgiving 9. Adrian said I am too busy to go to the Naranjeros baseball game tonight 10. Wow how well you look in your new suit 5. The following paragraph has no punctuation, write it and use the punctuation needed. Use periods, commas, colons, quotations, and Capital letters. (There are 31punctuation marks missing). DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS a man buys four handsome donkeys in a fair he mounts one of them and returns to his house on the way he counts his donkeys one two and three he forgets to count the one he is riding he arrives at his house and tells his wife i have just bought four handsome donkeys in the market place this morning and now i discovered only three his wife stares at him amazed and replies how strange! you see only three while i see five _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 16 Writing Business Letters Angel Flores A Beginner’s Dual-Language book Bantam Books, Inc. Writing a letter A FRIENDLY LETTER or personal letter is a way to communicate with a friend or relative. A friendly letter is similar to a conversation. Friendly letters have five parts: Heading, Salutation, Body, Closing, Signature, (a postscript is optional). A BUSINESS LETTER is more formal than a friendly letter. Business letters have eight parts: Return address or Letterhead, Date, Address of recipient or Inside address, Salutation, Body, Complimentary close, Signature, Name typed. Letters play an important part in the business world, often through letters decisions are made that may be favorable or unfavorable. Source: www.enchantedlearning.com/.../answers.GIF schools.tdsb.on.ca/.../images/FriendLetter1.jp 17 Taller de Redacción para Negocios 6. Write the letterhead, inside address, andutation, the following business letter. From: Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora, school address, city and state To: The National Education Association, 1201 16th Street, N.W., Washington D.C. 200036. 7. Write the letterhead, inside address, salutation, closing and signature, for the following business letter. From: your name, home address To: The American Basic Science Club, Inc., 501 East Crockett Street, San Antonio TX 78202 Types of Letters In a letter we should write as much as we talk. We have to consider what is involved in a good letter: ¾ A good letter is one that is carefully planned. ¾ A good letter is brief and to the point. ¾ A good letter is one that is accurate in every detail. ¾ A good letter is attractive in appearance and in proper form. There are different purposes for writing a business letter. These are types of letters: Transmittal letter are used when a secretary sends certain documents such as: contracts, deeds, legal documents, speeches, etc. Place an order letter is used to order merchandise, it should be clear and brief. State a complain letter should be brief and polite but you should state clearly the reason for the complain. Recommendation letter or reference letter recommends someone for employment. You must be familiar with the applicant’s abilities to offer an evaluation. Inquiry letters seek for information, assistance, or merchandise, in this letter you must give the subject and reason for your inquire. 18 Writing Business Letters 1- State a complain letter. 2- Inquire letters 1 3- Transmittal letter. 4- Recommendation letter. July 15, 2007 2 November 24, 2007 Mr. Albert Fence 43 Grand Avenue Nogales, Arizona Mr. Mark A. Smith 239 Obregon Avenue Nogales, Sonora Gentleman: Dear Sir: If you have driven past my home, you have noticed, I am sure, the large hols in the middle of the road near my gate. I wrote three letters to Mr. Rogers, who is in charge of the roads, advising him that the road is in bad shape; but I have not had an answer to any of my letters. I believe that some time ago you published a booklet, “An Office Manager’s Guide for the Selection of New Office equipment.” This booklet should be helpful in selecting equipment for our new branch office in Ford Co. If it is still available, will you please send me a copy. May I solicit your help as Mayor to get our road paved or at least patched. Sincerely yours, Sincerely yours, Charlie Brown Edna Yards 4 3 January 6, 2007 April 7, 2007 Mr. Adrian Field 45 Second Street Detroit, Michigan Mr. Jack Green 568 San Carlos Avenue Hermosillo, Sonora Dear Professor Fields: Dear Mr. Green: Two copies of the talk Mr. Preston delivered to the company for the Advancement of Management are enclosed. This letter will introduce to you my colleague and neighbour, Henry Nelson. Henry is interested in going into sales work, a field in which he majored in college. We are happy to fill this request. If you should desire additional copies for classroom use in the course you are giving for the company employees, please do not hesitate to let us hear from you. I seem to remember that you were looking for someone to take over your Sonora territory. I believe he would be able to handle the job nicely. I shall appreciate anything you can do for Henry. I hope that everything is going well with you. Sincerely yours, Sincerely yours Fatima Grace Secretary for Mr. Preston Thomas Burton 19 Taller de Redacción para Negocios 8. Punctuate the following letter for placing an order, also write the Letterhead giving your name, address, city and state. Close the letter with your Signature. ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Radio Shack Company 42 West Mariposa Road Nogales Arizona Gentlemen Please send me the following batteries advertised in the New Day newspaper of November 18 2007 1 government surplus brand new nickel-cadmium cell 1 government surplus nickel-cadmium motor-starting cell A money order for $8000 (eighty dollars) is enclosed The amount includes 300 (three dollars) for handling Sincerely yours _____________________________ (your name) Read the following charts carefully, they will help you when you write letters. Salutations and Closings of a letter SALUTATION CLOSING 20 Very Formal Sir: Madam: My dear Madam: My dear Sir. Respectfully your, Yours respectfully, Formal Dear Sir: Dear Madam: Gentlemen: Less formal Dear Mr. George Dear Mrs. George Friendly Dear Friend, Dear Sofi, Yours truly, Very truly yours, Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely, Cordially, Warm regards, Your Friend, Best luck, All the best, Best wishes, Writing Business Letters Expressions used in a letter To begin the letter Closing Sentences - I am so happy to hear that you… - Thank you for your letter asking for information… - It is a pleasure to welcome you as one of our customers… -I look forward to… - As soon as we hear from you - If we can answer any question - We shall we glad to do so - We shall appreciate any assistance you give us - Any assistance will be appreciated a 9. Match the columns. Choose the correct information, and write the number in the parenthesis. Transmittal letter ( ) 1. Inside address Friendly letter ( ) 2. Recommends someone Placing an order letter ( ) 3. States a complain Business letter ( ) 4. Asks for documents Inquire letter ( ) 5. Personal letter Reference letter ( ) 6. Orders merchandise Complain letter ( ) 7. Asks for information Address of recipient ( ) 8. Formal letter 21 Taller de Redacción para Negocios 10. Read and get familiar with the vocabulary in the table. Business Letter Vocabulary attachment extra document or image that is added to an email Block format most common business letter format, single spaced, all paragraphs begin at the left margin Body the content of the letter; between the salutation and signature Bullets small dark dots used to set off items in an unnumbered list certified mail important letters that sender pays extra postage for in order to receive a notice of receipt Concise gets to the point quickly confidential, personal Private Direct mail, junk mail marketing letters addressed to a large audience enclosure extra document or image included with a letter Formal uses set formatting and business language, opposite of casual Format the set up or organization of a document Indent extra spaces (usually 5) at the beginning of a paragraph Informal Casual justified margins straight and even text, always begins at the same place memorandum (memo) document sent within a company (internal), presented in short form Modified block format left justified as block format, but date and closing are centered Postage the cost of sending a letter through the Post Office Recipient the person who receives the letter semi-block format paragraphs are indented, not left-justified Single spaced format where no blanks lines are left in-between lines of text Spacing blank area between words or lines of text Source: Englishclub.com 22 Writing Business Letters 11. Write a friendly letter, write to your friend about your last summer vacation. 23 Taller de Redacción para Negocios 11. Now that you have studied the parts of the letter, and after reading the charts, write the following types of letters in separate papers and hand them over to your teacher. (The information is optional you may use other information). a. Letter of Transmittal; ask for legal documents (deeds, contracts, etc) to a lawyer, needed at the company you work for. b. Letter of Inquiry; ask for the new catalogue to c. Reference letter; recommend a friend for a job in an Italian restaurant. d. Place an order letter; Order a lap-tap or a computer to Office Depot or to other office equipment store. e. State a complain letter; write a letter stating a reason for your complain to any government office or department. 12. In the web site giving below you can create your own letter, print it and hand it over to your teacher. http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/letter_generator/ The Envelope An envelope is addressed to mail the letter. The envelope must have a mailing address and return address. The mailing address includes the recipient name, address, city, state, and zip code, or inside address; the return address includes your name and complete address as the return address written in the letter. 13. Write an envelope for each of the letters from exercise 11, and present them to your teacher. 24 Writing Business Letters Nombre _________________________________________________________ SELF - CHECK Núm. de lista ____________ Grupo ________________ Turno __________ Núm. de Expediente ___________________ Fecha ____________________ CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER. 1. The “Period Mark” is also known as: Punctuation mark End mark Point Comma 2. The punctuation mark that separates ideas, items in a series, and compound sentences, is: the period the comma the colon end mark 3. What punctuation is used in the closing of a letter? the period the comma the colon Quotation 4. ___________ are used when using titles, and to enclose a person’s extract word. periods colons quotations a dash 5. Expressions such as: for example, however, in edition, are: quotations interrupting words punctuation dash. 6. Friendly letters have _______ parts. five eight six ten 25 Taller de Redacción para Negocios 7. Business letters have _________parts. five eight six ten 8. In what part of a letter are the expressions: yours truly, sincerely yours, cordially, written? heading salutation closing dancing 9. Other name for the letterhead is……… address of recipient salutation body return address 10. In what part of a letter are the expressions: dear sir, dear friend, gentlemen, written? Heading Salutation Closing Inside address 11. What type of letter asks for documents? Transmittal Reference Place an order Inquiry 12. What type of letter asks for information? Transmittal letter Inquiry letter Complain letter Reference letter 13. What type of letter states a recommendation? Transmittal letter Inquiry letter Complain letter Reference letter 14. Expression use to begin writing a letter: Dear friend: Sincerely yours Dear sir: Thank you for your letter… 26 Writing Business Letters 15. Another expression to begin writing a letter: Dear friend: Sincerely Yours , We shall be glad… I am so happy to… 16. Closing sentence expression: Dear friend: Sincerely yours, I am so happy to… If we can answer any question 17. Another closing sentence expression: Dear friend Sincerely Yours I’m so happy to… If we can answer any question. 18. A very formal salutation: Dear sir: My dear sir: Dear friend: Gentleman: 19. A friendly closing: Your friend, Respeatfully Yours, Yours truly, Sincerely yours, l 20. ____________ are parts of the envelope. Salutation and closing Signature Return address and mailing address Closing SCORE: ¾ If all of your answers are right, you are ready to go on to the next unit. Great job!. ¾ If you have 17 to 20 correct answers, your learning skills are satisfactory, but is important that you review the vocabulary and structures in the unit and do only those exercise which need practice in the consolidation section. ¾ If you responded correctly to 16 answers or less, your learning skills are unsatisfactory. You need to review all the structures and vocabulary in the unit. Do all of the consolidation exercises and attend tutoring sessions. See Answer Key on page 59 27 Taller de Redacción para Negocios 28 Unidad 2 Official Documents OBJETIVOS DE UNIDAD El alumno: ¾ Redactará documentos de comunicación formal en una organización, utilizando correctamente estructuras gramaticales y vocabulario. Temario: ¾ Forms, memos, applications, notes… Taller de Redacción para Negocios 2.1 FORMS, MEMOS, APPLICATIONS, NOTES… Skills ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ To distinguish different types of business documents. To review the verb tenses. To examine business documents from different sources of information. To answer questionnaires, applications, etc. To write different type of notes and memorandums. Warm Up . Read the dialogue and answer the questions. Manager: Pat: Manager: Pat: Manager: Pat: Manager: Pat: Manager: Pat: Manager: Pat: Manager: Pat: Good afternoon! Sit down; I’ll be with you in a moment. Good afternoon! Ok I’ll be waiting. For what position are you applying? For the bilingual secretary position. Well, do you have any experience in writing business documents? Yes Sir, I know how to write memorandums, I know how to write and answer questionnaires, and I also know how to write notes. What kind of notes? You see… people from the company where I worked is very sociable So I used to write thank you notes, congratulation notes, sympathy notes, or any kind of sociable note… That’s interesting, what about business letters? Since I was the secretary for the Engineering Department, besides writing notes I wrote letters for placing orders, I used to order power supplies, fixtures and computer equipment to Assemble Co. Have you written other type of letters? Yes, I have written inquiry letter, transmittal letter, letters of complain, recommendation letters… That’s ok, I see you have some experience in writing documents. We’ll call you in a week. Thank you Sir. 1. What position is Pat applying for? _______________________________________________________________________ 2. What experience does Pat have in writing documents? _______________________________________________________________________ 3. What kind of notes did Pat use to write in her job? _______________________________________________________________________ 4. What department did Pat worked for? _______________________________________________________________________ 5. Do you think that Pat will get the job? _______________________________________________________________________ To write documents it is very important to use the right tense of the verbs. In this table you can review the principal parts. 30 Official Documents Tenses of Verbs The tenses of the verbs are formed from the principal parts of the verbs: Present Tense expresses an action taking place now, or a daily activity. Students from Cobach study English from 1st to 4th Sem. Ana Guevara runs 400m in every International race. Past Tense expresses an action that took place in the past. We ate turkey in Thanksgiving day. Albert was born on November 26th, 2007. Future Tense expresses an action that will occur in the future. We will graduate next year. You won’t graduate if you don’t study. Present Perfect Tense expresses an action that occurred at an indefinite time in the past and may still be going on. We have studied in Cobach for 2 years. Remember that there are Regular and Irregular verbs. Regular verbs form their past and past participle by adding ED. Irregular verbs form their past and past participle by changing their base form. DOCUMENTS You have already studied different kinds of documents used in an organization or in an office, you are familiar with application, resumes, cover letters, memorandums, e-mails, and some types of business letters. The following are other formal documents used in an office that we are going to study. QUESTIONNAIRE Questionnaires are a good source to gain information from a large number of people in a structured way according to specific questions. Questionnaires can be very simple or very complex. There are two types of questionnaires: Close format questionnaires, people answer yes or no which give little useful information. Example: Do you like action movies? ___YES ___NO Open format questionnaires, People answer a series of questions that provide more useful Information. Example: What is the purpose of the visit to this country? __________ Applications are filled out the same way questionnaires are filled out. People write their personal information for specific purpose, they may be Rental, employment, membership, business or credit application. 31 Taller de Redacción para Negocios eFORM An eForm is a form where people participate in business or service processes in which the information can be recorded and calculated on the computer, stored electronically, then send and e-mailed or printed easily. They are typically used to place orders or provide feedback, an eform eliminates the cost or printing, storing, and distributing. To use eForms the company must have a digital certificate and an internet explorer 5.5 is required. Here is an example of an eForm Contract. www.imagesoftcorp.com/ NOTES A note is a short letters such as: thank you note, invitation note, congratulation note, sympathy note, social note. A note follows a friendly letter format; it has a heading containing only the date, salutation, body, closing, and signature. An invitation note should tell all the information of the event, where, and when the event will take place, this notes contain these initials at the bottom: R.S.V.P. this is an abbreviation for the French phrase meaning “please respond”. An invitation has to be answered telling why the invitation is accepted or rejected. A social note is called bread and butter note when it is used to thank a host or hostess after staying at their home. Other kinds of notes are important reminders taken in an office in handwriting, therefore it is important to have a notepad on the desk. 32 Official Documents INVOICE An invoice or bill is a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer, indicating the product, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services with which the seller has already provided the buyer. The term invoice indicates money owed or money owing. FAX FORMAT Fax, short name for facsimile is a telecommunication technology use to transfer copies of documents to people at large distance over the telephone network. A fax machine consists of three parts, a scanner, a modem, and a telephone. A Fax format must be fill out to send with the documents, giving the name of the recipient, the sender, and a message with information of the documents being sent. MEMORANDUM Business people frequently must communicate in writing with employees of their own company. The primary purpose of in-house correspondence is to share information, the form commonly used to short, relatively informal messages is the Memorandum or memos, we have already studied them in previous lessons so we know that the uses of memos include announcements, instructions, statements, and informal reports. Memorandums could be typed or written, even though it is an informal way to communicate, the content should be polite, brief and with no spelling errors. The message begins with the same information used for emails. TO: (name of recipient) FROM: (name of sender) DATE: SUBJECT: Memos are not usually signed. The writer’s initials are typed below the message. 33 Taller de Redacción para Negocios -Applications: Retrieved November 5, 2007 from: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/CT101445751033.aspx -To learn more on questionnaires. Retrieved November 5, 2007 from: student.bmj.com/.../06/education/images - Other examples of eForms. Retrieved November 5, 2007 from: www.imagesoftcorp.com/ 1. Fill out the table with the correct conjugation of the verb BUY. Present tense Singular I______________ You____________ He/She/it_______ Plural We__________________ You__________________ They_________________ Past Tense I______________ You____________ He/She/it_______ We__________________ You__________________ They_________________ Future Tense I______________ You____________ He/She/it_______ We__________________ You__________________ They_________________ Present Perfect Tense I______________ You____________ He/She/it_______ We__________________ You__________________ They_________________ 2. Write a statement with the Tenses. Present: _________________________________________________________ Past: ____________________________________________________________ Future: _____________________________________________________________ Present Perfect: _________________________________________________________ 34 Official Documents 3. Fill out the following credit application with your personal information. CREDIT APPLICATION Initial First Name Last Name Address (street name & number required) City State Home Phone - - Business Phone - - Cell / Other Phone - - Zip You authorize us to contact you at any number you provide. Email Address Yes! I want to receive email updates from you and authorize you to provide my email address to your store so that I can receive special offers and updates. Annual Income From All Sources $ .00 *Alimony, child support or separate maintenance income need not be disclosed unless relied upon for credit. Length of Time at Current Address (in years) Residence Complete if at current residence for less than 2 years: Previous Address Previous City Previous State Previous Zip 35 Taller de Redacción para Negocios 4. Answer the open format questionnaire. Students interest Inventory Name_____________________________________________________________________ Adults that live with me are: Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Brothers and Sisters: Name: ________________________________________________ Age: _______________ Name: ________________________________________________ Age: _______________ Name: ________________________________________________ Age: _______________ Special Friends: _____________________________ ___________________________________ _____________________________ ___________________________________ What I like to do most at home: ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ These are my favorite hobbies: __________________________________________________________________________ This is my favorite book: _____________________________________________________ This is my favorite TV show: __________________________________________________ If I had one wish, I would want to _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ School would be better if ____________________________________________________ This is what my teacher did last year that I liked most: ___________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ This is what my teacher did last year that I liked least: ___________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ This questionnaire is answered at the beginning of a school semester so your teacher will get to know you better. 36 Official Documents 5. Write a NOTE to a manager of a company inviting him/her to a conference about “Development in office machines”. Remember that the NOTE must follow a friendly letter format. 6. Your company is having an annual banquet, on December 15, at 7p.m. Write an Invitation note to all the executives. The banquet will be held at the “Holiday Restaurant”. Include a request for response (R.S.V.P.) by November 24th. 37 Taller de Redacción para Negocios 7. Fill out the invoice; indicate a service or product you’ve already provided to a client. 38 Official Documents 8. Fill out a fax format. Imagine that you are sending your documents to a university and write the message telling them that is very important that they receive your documents before the registration date. - 39 Taller de Redacción para Negocios 9. Write a Memorandum: as a secretary to the administrative department of North-West Company, you are asking the employees to let you know by this week if they will attend the anniversary dinner on September 6, so you can make the reservations at a local restaurant. Evaluation of the unit. An exam containing a well written formal and informal letter using the correct punctuation. 40 Official Documents Nombre _________________________________________________________ SELF CHECK Núm. de lista ____________ Grupo ________________ Turno __________ Núm. de Expediente ___________________ Fecha ____________________ CHOOSE AND UNDERLINE THE CORRECT ANSWER. 1. Questionnaires, notes, invoices, eForm are: Tests in school Documents used in an office Papers for file Formats to fill out in a store 2. This document is to gain information according to specific questions. Questionnaire Invoice Memorandum Notes 3. This formant gives little useful information in a questionnaire. complex format open question format close question format simple 4. They are short letters to invite, give thanks, congratulate, or greet people. Questionnaire Invoice Memorandum Notes 5. What does the initials R.SV.P. mean in an invitation? please come please call please respond please don’t go 6. The “bread and butter note” is to: give thanks to a teacher give thanks for an invitation give thanks to a host or hostess give thanks in a social note 7. This document is recorded and calculated on the computer. questionnaire invoice memorandum eForm 41 Taller de Redacción para Negocios 8. Where is the eForm mostly used? in stores in schools in institutions in business 9. To use eForms______ are required. a computer and internet a computer and a printer a secretary and typing machine a digital certification and Internet explorer 5.5 10. Why are NOTES important when taken in an office? because they help because they remind because they give thanks because they congratulate 11. This is a commercial document: questionnaire invoice memorandum eForm 12. Who provides an INVOICE? the seller the buyer the product the service 13. What does the term invoice indicates? commercial document quantity prices for products money owed or money owing 14. Forms used when copies are being transfer by telecommunication? application formats fax formats rental formats credit card format 15. The parts of a fax machine are? scanner, modem, and telephone recipient, sender, and message telephone and answering machine telephone, and modem 16. The parts of a Fax formats are: Recipient, sender, and message Recorder and telephone Copier machine and telephone Telephone and modem 42 Official Documents 17. Where are Memorandums sent? from company to company from city to city inside the company incide the office 18. The Memorandum is ___________ message. a short formal a short informal a long formal a long informal 19. Memorandums can be: only typed only handwritten copied typed or hand griten 20. The difference between a Memorandum and a Business letter is that: They don’t have a recipient’s name They don’t have a sender’s name They don’t have a signature They don’t have a message SCORE: ¾ If all of your answers are right, you are ready to go on to the next unit. Great job!. ¾ If you have 17 to 20 correct answers, your learning skills are satisfactory, but is important that you review the vocabulary and structures in the unit and do only those exercise which need practice in the consolidation section. ¾ If you responded correctly to 16 answers or less, your learning skills are unsatisfactory. You need to review all the structures and vocabulary in the unit. Do all of the consolidation exercises and attend tutoring sessions. See Answer Key on page 59 43 Taller de Redacción para Negocios 44 Official Documents CONSOLIDATION EXERCISES Nombre _________________________________________________________ Núm. de lista ____________ Grupo ________________ Turno __________ Núm. de Expediente ___________________ Fecha ____________________ I. Match the columns. Write the letter in the corresponding parenthesis. 1. QUESTIONNAIRE ( ) 2. NOTES ( ) 3. eFORM ( ) 4. INVOICE ( ) 5. FAX FORMAT ( ) 6. MEMORANDUM ( ) a) A form that is fill out when sending documents over the telephone. b) A commercial document used by a seller to a buyer. c) This document follows a friendly letter form. d) This document eliminates the cost of printing, storing and distributing. e) This document can have open or close questions. f) This document is to send announcements, instructions, statements and informal reports. : II. Write the correct verb tense of each statement. 1. We were the 2007 basketball champions for the Cobach tournament. ______________ 2. They have run in the New York City Marathon. _________________________ 3. Will Mexico participate in the basketball Olympic Games? ______________________ 4. We are in fifth semester. ____________________________ 5. Almost all Mexicans like soccer very much. __________________________ 6. If we don’t practice, we won’t win. __________________________ 7. Have you ever ice-skated? __________________________________ 8. We thought we were the best players. ________________________ 45 Taller de Redacción para Negocios 46 Unidad 3 Making Oral Presentations OBJETIVOS DE UNIDAD El alumno: ¾ Desarrollará las habilidades requeridas para presentar un informe de manera oral. Temario: ¾ Preparation ¾ Making the presentation Taller de Redacción para Negocios 3. 1 PREPARATION Skills ¾ To identify objectives to make a presentation. ¾ To investigate recommendations for a good presentation. ¾ To prepare the recommended visual aids and equipment for an effective presentation. ¾ To write note cards to support the presentation. ¾ To practice the presentation to avoid problems with visual aids, equipment and timing. Warm up Mark yes or no with an X. YES NO Have you ever made a presentation in preparatory school? Do you like to make presentations? Would you like to be the speaker in a presentation? Would you like to be the audience in a presentation? Do you like to make questions in a presentation? Have you ever made a presentation in English? Read carefully and try to understand what a presentation is. ORAL PRESENTATIONS You have been giving presentations since first semester in preparatory or secondary school about ecological, social or cultural subjects, so you know that: “A Presentation is a formal talk to one or more people that “presents” ideas or information in a clear structured way”. Making a presentation becomes very easy when you follow a few simple rules. The presentations that you have been giving were to inform but there are other objectives besides to inform, those are to train, persuade, or sell. These objectives become very useful in the working field and in the area that you have chosen. We are going to study some techniques and vocabulary used in the English language presentation that will be of a lot of help. A good speaker has to prepare and organize ideas so that the presentation is well structured and help the audience listen and understand the message given. These WH points must be considered: Who is going to listen to the presentation. Where the presentation is going to take please, and consider the seating arrangements. 48 Making Oral Presentation When the presentation is going to take place, and how long will it be. How the presentation is going to be given, it could be formal or Informal, with a lot or few visual aids, or in power point. What are you going to say, and what title are you going to give to the presentation. ¾ Most presentations are organized in three parts: a short introduction, body of presentation, short conclusion, and leave the questions at the end. Notes Presentations are not usually read because the presentation will become boring and your audience will go to sleep, therefore it is very important to make notes on cards, you can number the cards, give a title or keyword for each section to remind them, example: Card 1 Global warming a. Problem (the cause…) b. Point of view (They consider…) c. Possible personal solutions (in my opinion…) d. Practical solutions ( finally, let me…) Visual aids Visual aids are effective in an oral presentation; they will gain your audience attention. Aids such as posters, models, slides, and videos, also charts and graphs are very useful visual aids. When using these aids you have to coordinate them to your message. Equipment Remember that the equipment is just to help you make a presentation and you have to check it carefully before you start. Here we have some of the most used equipment: Screen Projector Lap tap Flip chart Overhead Slide Projector 49 Taller de Redacción para Negocios Power Point PowerPoint is very used in school, business, and marketing presentations. Due to the use of Power Point the Slide projector has become obsolete. Power Point is complete presentation graphics software. It gives you everything you need to produce a professional-looking presentation. PowerPoint offers word processing, outlining, drawing, graphing, and presentation management documents. The following gives you a quick overview of what you can do in PowerPoint: ¾ When you create a presentation using PowerPoint, the presentation is made up of a series of slides. The slides that you create using PowerPoint can also be presented as overhead transparencies or 35mm slides. ¾ You can print audience handouts, outlines, and speaker's notes. ¾ You can format all the slides in a presentation using the powerful Slide Master. ¾ You can keep your entire presentation in a single file- all your slides, speaker's notes, and audience handouts. ¾ You can move what you have created in other Microsoft products, such as Word and Excel into any of your slides. Preparation You have to practice your presentation so you can be more familiar with what you are going to present, you can practice pronunciation, and you will be able to check the time that you will take making your presentation. You have to prepare everything: visual aids, equipment, and timing. Practice two or three times, remember that if you practice and prepare everything, and most of all RELAX, and BE POSSITIVE your presentation will be a success. Remember that presentations are divided in three parts: Beginning Short introduction welcome your audience introduce your subject explain the structure of your presentation explain rules for questions Middle Body of presentation End Short conclution present the subject itself summarise your presentation thank your audience invite questions Questions and Answers www.englishclub.com/business-english/presentation-lang.htm Learn more about Power Point. Retrieved on December 5, 2007 50 Making Oral Presentation - www.icycolors.com/images/powerpoint.gif -www.iasted.org/conferences/formatting/Presentations-Tips.ppt -http://einstein.cs.uri.edu/tutorials/csc101/powerpoint/ppt.html To learn more about Presentations. Retrieved on December 5, 2007 -http://www.academic-skills.soton.ac.uk/studytips/presentations.htm -http://www.bolton.ac.uk/Students/StudyResources/Library/HelpGuides/StudySkills/pre.pdf 1. Match the vocabulary with the meanings, writing the number in the parenthesis. 1. PRESENTATION ( ) inform, train, persuade, sell 2. VISUAL AIDS ( ) a formal talk 3. POWER POINT ( ) posters, models, slides, videos 4. NOTES ( ) slides projector, screen, flipchart 5. EQUIPMENT ( ) you number and write on them 6. PREPARATION ( ) it is a graphic software presentation 7. PRESENTATION OBJECTIVE ( ) here you practice pronunciation 2. Suppose that you have a presentation to make in any topic you like, write note cards giving number, title and keywords. 51 Taller de Redacción para Negocios 3. Answer the questions according to your experience in making ORAL PRESENTATIONS. 1. In what semester were you when you made your last oral presentation? ___________ 2. Did you make your presentation by yourself or with of classmates? __________________________________________________________________________ 3. What was the title of the presentation? ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. How many times did you practice or rehearse the oral presentation? ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Did you organize your presentation by introduction, presentation, and conclusion? _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Were you nervous when you made your oral presentation? __________________________________________________________________________ 7. What visual aids did you use? _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. What is a Power Point Presentation? _____________________________________________________________________________ 9. Did you use note cards to organize your presentation? ______________________________________________________________________________ 10. What did you learn from your last presentation? ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What topic would you choose to make your Oral Presentation? Underline it. 1. Global warming 6. The new era of Communication 2.. Iraq War 7. Child labor 3. AIDS 8. E-mail privacy 4. Novel Peace Price 9. Drugs 5. Capital punishment 10. Democracy Why would you make an oral presentation in this topic. Because _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________. 52 Making Oral Presentation 3. 2 MAKING THE PRESENTATION Skills ¾ To search in the Web for examples of presentations. ¾ To make a presentation. 2. To find out if you are afraid or nervous when making an oral presentation, take this quiz from Hampton University VA. Mark Yes or No with an X. When you have to speak in public: Your hands or legs shake Yes No Your knees give way You feel sick You experience a rapid heart beat Your stomach hurts You have a hard time breathing Your voice cracks or shakes Your mouth becomes dry You begin to sweat You become dizzy You experience chest pains You begin to stutter You start to twitch You wish you were dead You forget what you wanted to say You freeze up If you answered “yes” to: 10 or more You really need to read the information and practice more. 8-9 Sit back and have a snack while you read more information. 5-7 This will not hurt a bit. 1-4 Start booking those speaking engagements! Reference: Dr. Welch—Oral Communication, Hampton University, VA After you have read all about “Oral Presentations” -Examples of power point presentations: www.pppst.com/banner2.gif www.bettendorf.k12.ia.us/.../power%20point.gif -How to make a presentation: Retrieved on December 10 2007http://www.une.edu.au/tlc/aso/students/programs/tuneup/oral.php 53 Taller de Redacción para Negocios 1. Search in the web for “Oral Presentations”, choose one and evaluate it using the following chart. Aspects to evaluate Give a number from 0 to 10 (consider 10 as the best) Organization of Subject Makes eye contact Uses Body Language Uses Gestures Good Attitude Visual Aids Timing Variation of the Voice Intonation, Speed, and Volume Appearance (first impression) 2. Write your presentation choosing a topic from this unit, or a topic that you prefer. Let your classmates read and make the recommended changes. Ask your teacher for opinions and corrections, finally prepare your material (visual aids, laptop, etc.) and MAKE YOUR ORAL PRESENTATION. Evaluation of the unit. 54 An exam containing the aspects for a good presentation. A Portfolio of evidence A format to evaluate the oral presentations and its elements. Making Oral Presentation Consolidation Exercise 1 Nombre _________________________________________________________ Núm. de lista ____________ Grupo ________________ Turno __________ Núm. de Expediente ___________________ Fecha ____________________ 1. Listen carefully to an Oral Presentation of a classmates and answer the quiz. Aspects to evaluate Give a number from 0 to 10 (consider 10 as the best) Organization of Subject Makes eye contact Uses Body Language Uses Gestures Good Attitude Visual Aids Timing Variation of the Voice Intonation, Speed, and Volume Appearance (first impression) 2. Count and give the grade to your classmate as a feedback so H?she can make the necessary changes. 55 Taller de Redacción para Negocios 56 Making Oral Presentation Consolidation Exercise 2 Nombre _________________________________________________________ Núm. de lista ____________ Grupo ________________ Turno __________ Núm. de Expediente ___________________ Fecha ____________________ 1. Fill in the chart with expressions used for each part of a presentation. Function Language Introducing the subject Finishing one subject... Analyzing a point and giving recommendations Giving an example Dealing with questions Summarizing and concluding Ordering 57 Taller de Redacción para Negocios 58 Making Oral Presentation Clave de Respuesta UNIDAD 1 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. D 14. D 15. D 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. A 20. C UNIDAD 2 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. D 10. B 11. B 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. A 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. C UNIDAD 3 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. C 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. C 59 Taller de Redacción para Negocios Bibliografía General 60 BOLANDER, Donald O., Litt D. The new Webster’s Fingertip Factfinder. USA Lexicon Publications, Inc. 1987 GRAY BETTY, Toth Marian, Nickel Rango Nancy. World of Language. USA, Silver Burdett Ginn Inc. HAMP-LYONS, Liz Heasly, Ben. Study writing, a course in written English for academic and professional purposes. MURPHY, Raymond. English Grammar in use, self study reference and practice book for intermediate students (with answers). UK, Cambridge University Press, 1995. Links: http://orien.ncl.ac.uk/ming/Dept/Tips/present/comms.htm#Preparation