Veritas Summer Term 2014 Part 1
Veritas Summer Term 2014 Part 1
Summer Term 2014 Part 1 DIARY DATES IN THIS ISSUE Canzonetta Events Ten Tors Normandy Open Morning Grandparents Tea Party Friends Summer Ball 3 6-7 8-9 25 24 26 SPORT Early Years Sports Day Prep Sports Day Aquathon ISA Athletics 10 11 12-13 14-15 PGL Years 3 & 4 16-17 Around the School Bridge Prep School Science Senior School Science Theatre Visit 4-5 18 19 20 PEOPLE Liam Carmichael Millie Boardman Sam Conway 21 22 23 16th June 18th June 19th June 20th June 24th June 27th June 30th June 1st July 3rd July 5th July 8th July 9th July 24th July 28th August ISA National Athletics in Birmingham Prep School games after noon v St Christopher’s School Tennis finals at Newquay Senior inter house rounder's and cricket Year 7 Welcome Evening Inter primary schools swimming gala Golf tournament at Truro ISA SW Surfing at Sennen Senior prize giving Friends summer Ball Junior Prize giving Summer Term Ends Launceston Show Holsworthy & Stratton Show …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… If you have any news stories relating to St Joseph’s School please email ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. St Joseph’s School, St Stephens Hill, Launceston, Cornwall, PL15 8HN 01566 772580 /StJosephsSchoolLaunceston @StJosephsSch Cover image: Ten Tors Team CANZONETTA 3 Canzone a has again been selected for Music for Youth’s (MFY) Na#onal Fes#val [Na#onal Choral Fes#val sec#on], to be held in Birmingham in July. The 26 girls aged between 11 and 16, fought off massive compe##on to be selected for this pres#gious event. Over 50 regional fes#vals were held across the UK with over 100,000 young people taking part. Only 23 choirs were selected in Canzone7a’s category: the 21 years and under age group. MFY’s adjudica#on in the regional heats decsribed Canzone7a as a “wonderful choir with a very mature and musical approach to their singing”. This is the 12th #me that choirs from St Joseph’s Senior School have been selected to take part in the Na#onal Fes#val – the largest Youth Music Fes#val in Europe. This year they will be performing in Birmingham’s Town Hall, a pres#gious concert venue in the city. Canzone7a will be singing a programme of five contras#ng songs and will show off their talent singing in a variety of different styles including music as diverse as folksongs, spirituals, a modern se@ng of Full fathom five (words from Shakespeare’s The Tempest’) and Cha anooga choo choo! Canzone7a; Back row: Grace Felstead, Coco Bailey, Flo Losasso, Tanna Rundle, Riah Hutchins, Sophie Short, Zola Courtney-Bridgey, Phoebe Stoper-Walker, Laura Sant, Emma Gillard. Middle row: Izzy Stacey, Tessa Hansford, Imy Loe, Daisy Cooper, Frankie Gilbert, Josie Whale, Millie Boardman. Front row: Ha@e Loe, Cathryn Nuta, Tillie Cartwright, Charlo7e Nuta, Maia Hanbury-Tenison, Elsysia Endaco7, Ruby Clare. St Joseph’s School Summer Term Part 1 BRIDGE 4 St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 BRIDGE 5 AKer years in the planning our new bridge has arrived connec#ng the new field to the main school. It is the first footbridge to cross the river Kensey since medieval #mes. On Wednesday 21st May the field was opened by Paralympian David Hill and the Prep School Sports Day was the first spor#ng ac#vity to take place on it. St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 TEN TORS TEAM 6 St Joseph’s School Ten Tors team completed the 35mile gruelling challenge. The wet weather hadn’t dampened their spirits as they crossed the finish line. This was the first #me a team from St Joseph’s entered and with any luck it’s the first of many more to come. A huge thank you to Mr Ma7hews for organising it all and making it possible and Mr Hind for helping out and being there on those cold, wet and windy prac#ce walks. Mr Bolton for kindly sponsoring the hoodies and to Gavin and his team at Kene#c Clothing . Route planning Parents and families your support as ever never fails and to Oscar Ma7hews for being our official mascot . Wai#ng to have their bags checked Is is too late to change are minds? And there off! St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 TEN TORS Passing the finish line Mr Hind and Mr Ma7hews LeK to right: Henry Flower, Emily Farrington, JJ Young, Thomas James, Tom Bolton and Johannis Clifford-Flower. Well done! St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 7 They did it Daddy! Oscar Ma7hews our official mascot NORMANDY 8 During the Easter holidays 23 students from St. Joseph’s School took part in an exci#ng trip to the Château de la Baudonnière in Normandy. The students stayed for a week, and followed a full programme of ac#vi#es such as fencing, archery, assault course, raK building climbing, bread making, orienteering, feeding the animals and aeroball. All the ac#vi#es were led by French instructors with instruc#ons given in French. Their learning was supported by workbook exercises and lessons. Although they were kept busy with morning, aKernoon and evening ac#vi#es, students did have some #me to relax in the grounds or play football, volleyball and table tennis. Students sampled great French cooking at meal #mes and were able to taste the local cider and snails! A one day excursion took them to visit Arromanches, one of the sites of the WW2 D-day landing beaches. Whilst there they visited the ‘Musée du Débarquement’ and watched a moving and thought-provoking film of the events of the D-day landings in the 360⁰ cinema. The excursion was rounded off with a visit to the American Cemetery, which s#rred emo#ons of sadness and respect. All students had a great #me on the trip, par#cipa#ng enthusias#cally in every ac#vity. They enjoyed staying in the beau#ful grounds of the château, they loved the friendliness and energy of their instructors and they especially enjoyed improving and using their French in everyday situa#ons. Bravo St. Josephs Cider tas#ng Mr Sco7 having too much fun! St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 NORMANDY Some very muddy girls French evening Snail ea#ng St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 9 Muddy Assault Course Bread making Climbing instruc#ons EARLY YEARS SPORTS DAY 10 St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 PREP SCHOOL SPORTS DAY 11 Paralympian David Hill opened St Joseph's School new games field before the start of the Junior sports day. David mo#vated and enthused the pupils who took part in many different events including: high jump, hurdles, long jump, throwing, middle distance and sprint events. This was the first opportunity for parents to view the new facility which will greatly enhance the sports provision at St Joseph's by providing an athle#cs track in the summer and rugby and football pitches during the winter season. All the pupils from St Joseph's “Sky living for sport” group, pictured with David Hill, were on hand to officiate throughout the aKernoon and David was very impressed by their ability to support and help the younger pupils. The annual sports day BBQ arranged by the “Friends of St Joseph’s” followed with pupils entertained by a magician and the very popular soak the teacher! A profit of £150.00 was made. St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 ISA SOUTH WEST AQUATHON 12 Lots of fun was had by all who took part in the Aquathon held in Burnham on Sea with pupils from Years 3-10 taking part in the Swimming and running compe##on. Y 7 pupils, Molly Barton, Isobel Russell and Ava McDiarmid-Hall came in 1st, 2nd & 3rd place in their age group as did Johannis Clifford-Flower Y10 and Y 9’s Connor Sleeman and Celyn Ensel-Bowen, Jake Winmill, Y9 came 1st and 3rd place was awarded to Y5 William Heard and Y 10 Florence Losasso for their age group. St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 ISA SOUTH WEST AQUATHON St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 13 ISA ATHLETICS 14 Another great year at the ISA Athle#cs South West regionals with numerous pupils winning their events meaning a trip to Birmingham Alexander Stadium for the ISA Na#onal Finals on 16th June 2014. A massive well done to all the pupils who took part and good luck to our 18 pupils who made it through to the finals. We will all be there cheering you on. William Heard Y5 600m Runner up Zoe Woods Y7, 100m and high jump winner Isabella Russell Y7 1500m winner Molly Barton Y7 800m winner Michael Barton Y8 1500m Winner Johannis Clifford-Flower Y10 1500m winner St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 ISA ATHLETICS Daniella Stevens Y4 600m winner Persephone Sparrow Y5 200m & 75m Winner Alice Amankwah Y4 throwing winner Alina Nuta Y9 100m and Long jump winner St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 15 YEAR 3&4 PGL TRIP 16 PGL IS AWESOME! A marvellous bunch of ac#vi#es including canoeing, raK-building, Jacob’s ladder, problem solving, zip wire, challenge course, low ropes and abseiling. In total we did seven ac#vi#es . My favourite ac#vity at PGL was abseiling because I love heights. My worst thing was Jacob’s ladder because it was all twisty and the poles were all so far apart. I can’t wait for next year! By Niamh Winmill St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 YEARS 3&4 PGL TRIP Just a few photos of the pupils (and Mr Ma7hews) enjoying their trip. St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 17 PREP SCHOOL SCIENCE 18 Summer of Science at St Joseph’s Junior School Since Easter, Year 5 have been working with Ma7 and Neil from The Big Bang Music Company on designing and construc#ng ‘Giant Outdoor Musical Instruments’ for an interac#ve learning installa#on to be constructed in our school orchard. The science and design technology project has been able to go ahead due to our successful bid to the Primary Science Teaching Trust who agreed to fully fund the programme. All the materials being used are from sustainable sources and our pupils will be learning about sound, proper#es and uses of materials, design strategies and techniques and sustainable resources during the project. The installa#on is expected to be in place by the end of the summer term when pupils and teachers will then be able to use the resource to enhance many cross curricular areas of learning. On Wednesday 21st May the Planetarium Dome visited St Joseph’s School Hall bringing with it the wonders of the Earth and Beyond. Pupils were transported to outer space and were shown the wonders of the universe in a way they could never have imagined without the unique perspec#ve the dome provides. Further visits are an#cipated in the future as the dome also has a biological applica#on and can offer its visitors the opportunity to view living cells in a most memorable and spectacular fashion. Watch this space! On Friday 25th May we were delighted to welcome Mr Mike Groco7, Principle Designate of the Studio Space School in Banbury, when he visited St Joseph’s Junior School. He toured the school and met with Mrs Marks to discuss how science, and in par#cular the theme of Space, was used across the curriculum to capture pupils interests and offer high quality opportuni#es for learning. He was very impressed with our primary science provision and in par#cular with our Junior Science Laboratory, which is considered a very high level of provision in a Junior School. Mr Groco7 will be visi#ng the school again on the 6th of June when he will be interviewed by one of our Year 5 students and will be leading a ‘Build a Comet’ workshop for Years 5 & 6. Mrs Sue Marks– Junior Head St Joseph’s School Autumn Term 2013 SENIOR SCHOOL SCIENCE 19 On Wednesday 21st May the Space Odyssey Dome visited St Joseph's School. Years 5 to 10 had a one hour session in the dome which was an exci#ng and informa#ve experience. The Space Odyssey mobile planetarium gave the students a spectacular 360 degree 3D digital experience. Years 9 and 10 learnt about the Secret lives of stars while the younger students delved into poten#al life forms in our solar system. It was an interac#ve and engaging experience for the students and many thanks to the Friends of St Joseph's for the funding. Angela Godwin - Science Department. St Joseph’s School Autumn Term 2013 THEATRE VISIT 20 The M & M Theatre Produc#on. By Cordelia Wood. Every year, we are fortunate enough to receive a performance from the M & M theatre company and this year, we were delighted to know that they would be coming back. This year’s performance was ‘Tom’s Midnight Garden’ and the whole of the prep and pre-prep school really enjoyed it. The cast was funny and entertaining and the set was spectacular and it changed really quickly. There was excitement in the air as every child from Nursery, all the way up to Year 6 crowded into the hall to enjoy a fun filled, magical aKernoon with Tom, Ha@e and many more funny and fabulous characters, played by a range of brilliant actors. The whole of the cast from the M & M theatre company were great entertainment for all of the children and we all enjoyed it hugely. We all hope that they will join us next year for another stunning performance. Pictured are Cordelia Wood and Liberty Sco7 with “Tom’s Midnight Garden” St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 People 21 Year 3 pupil, Liam Carmichael has won himself a £20 high street voucher and £500 towards an environment project for the school with the “Giving Nature a Home” Crea#ve Challenge. The compe##on set up by JDP was open to pupils aged 7 and 8 and the task was to produce their dream design for an insect hotel that could be used for ladybirds, lacewings, earwigs or mason bees. Liam competed against other children within the South West of England and Wales region. Well done Liam St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 PEOPLE Millie Boardman 22 This year over 4,800 young people aged 14-21 audi#oned for the pres#gious Na#onal Youth Theatre at v19 venues venue’s around the UK in their annual search for the best of Bri#sh talent. From the thousands that applied only 568 young people have been offered a place on a two weeks NYT summer intake course, and one of them is me! I cant believe it. AKer months of preparing my monologue , making my mum watch it through thousands of #mes (she my personal director), performing it to whoever I could find, Im pre7y sure my class know it off by heart. All that work finally paid off when I received an email saying I had been accepted. AKer the course I will become an official NYT member with the opportunity to star in the company’s cri#cally acclaimed produc#ons, which this year will include the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Ceremonies and a season of shows in London’s West End (you are all I nvited). I will be following in the footsteps of their stars incrusted alumni who include: Helen Mirren, Daniel Craig, Daniel Day-Lewis, Colin Firth, Rosamund Pike, Orlando Bloom, Catherine Tate and Ma7 Smith. NYT insists that everyone who is accepted is to raise money to fund their summer intake course whatever the persons background, unprivileged or privileged they want everyone to be in the same boat. I have raised £840.00 to fund the course fee and accommoda#on . I'm planning to organise events such as bake sales, pop up restaurants, raffles anything that will help towards going on this experience of a life#me. You can follow my journey at So I would like to thanks St Joseph’s for the wonderful roles you’ve given me throughout my #me here, Throne, Dodger, Danny hopefully NYT will give me a few more feminine ones. St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 PEOPLE 23 My First Jumping Compe##on by Sam Conway I took part in my first jumping compe##on during the Easter holidays. First I entered the Clear Round compe##on, you had to jump a clear round to win a rose7e, as I did this easily I decided to go on to a jumping class against other people. The jumps were 1K 9ins, again I jumped a clear round and got through to the jump off, I jumped a third clear round and my #me put me in 6th place overall so I won a 6th place rose7e. St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 GRANDPARENTS TEA PARTY 24 St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 OPEN MORNING St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 25 FRIENDS 26 St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014 FRIENDS 27 Summer Ball 2014 Menu Canapés on arrival Slow roasted cherry tomato on a tapenade crus#ni. Smoked salmon new potato with crème fraiche and caviar. Chicken liver pate encroute. Baked crisp bread with roasted vegetables and goats’ cheese. Main course Slow cooked beef steak with colcannon mash, a light thyme scented red wine sauce and vegetable bundle. Tinker bell peppers stuffed with ratatouille and topped with a Provençal herb breadcrumb and served with aubergine caviar and basil oil. (v) Dessert Strawberry mousse with black pepper tuile and Strawberry and basil coulis. (V) Selec#on of Cheese and biscuits with red onion chutney. St Joseph’s School Summer Term 2014