aquetaciÛn 1 - Rally Argentina
aquetaciÛn 1 - Rally Argentina
00 Table of Contents 1. Introduction and welcome ..........................................................................5 2. Contact details..........................................................................................6 3. Programme ..............................................................................................8 4. Entry package for non FIA registered teams ................................................9 5. Service park............................................................................................10 6. Two-way radios ........................................................................................11 7. FIA fuel schedule ....................................................................................12 8. Import of vehicles and spares parts ........................................................12 9. Helicopters ............................................................................................13 10. Hospitality arrangements ........................................................................14 11. Hotels ....................................................................................................15 12. Reconnaissance ......................................................................................17 13. Scrutineering, sealing and marking ..........................................................17 14. Shakedown ............................................................................................18 15. Finish procedure......................................................................................19 16. PR activities ............................................................................................19 17. On board cameras ..................................................................................19 18. Media ....................................................................................................20 19. FIA CODASUR – South American Rally Championship & National Argentine Championship ............................................................32 20. Medical and safety service ......................................................................32 21. List of useful facts ..................................................................................33 APPENDICES A. Itineraries ..............................................................................................37 A1. Thursday, April 23 and Friday, April 24 ............................................................39 A2. Saturday, April 25 ..........................................................................................40 A3. Sunday, April 26 ............................................................................................41 A4. Itinerary compared with previous years............................................................42 A5. Reconnaissance schelude ..............................................................................43 3 B. Maps......................................................................................................45 B1. Rally Map ......................................................................................................47 B2. Thursday, April 23 ..........................................................................................48 B3. Friday, April 24 ..............................................................................................49 B4. Saturday, April 25 ..........................................................................................50 B5. Sunday, April 26 ............................................................................................51 B6. SSS 1 Map....................................................................................................52 B7. SSS 6 Map....................................................................................................53 B8. Special stage maps ......................................................................................54 B9. Reconnaissance Schedule diagram - P 1 & 2 ..................................................57 B10. Reconnaissance Schedule diagram - P 3 & no P ............................................58 B11. Shakedown Maps ........................................................................................59 B12. Refuelling Maps ..........................................................................................60 B13. Villa of Merlo – Map ....................................................................................61 B14. Villa Carlos Paz – Map..................................................................................62 B15. Mina Clavero – Map ....................................................................................63 B16. La Cumbre – Map ........................................................................................64 B17. Hospitals map ............................................................................................65 C. Road books ..........................................................................................67 C1. From Airport to SP/HQ ..................................................................................69 C2. From SP/HQ to Airport ..................................................................................72 C3. From SP to Shakedown - P1, P2 & P3 drivers ..................................................75 C4. From Shakedown to SP - P1, P2 & P3 drivers ..................................................76 C5. From SP to Shakedown – Non P drivers ..........................................................79 C6. From Shakedown to SP - Non P drivers............................................................81 C7. From SP to pre event scrutineering ................................................................84 C8. From pre event scrutineering to SP ................................................................85 C9. From SP to final scrutineering ........................................................................87 C10. From final scrutineering to SP ......................................................................88 D. Drawings and layouts ..............................................................................89 D1. Rally HQ ........................................................................................................91 D2. Media centre ................................................................................................92 D3. Pre event scrutineering ..................................................................................93 D4. Finish area ....................................................................................................94 D5. Media zone layout..........................................................................................95 D6. Service Park layout ........................................................................................96 E. SIT Tracker installation instructions WRC ..................................................99 E1. SIT Sports Safety Tracking System ..............................................................101 F. 4 Useful numbers and addresses ..............................................................107 01 Introduction and welcome The Healthy Habit of Reinventing the Passion Year after Year Rally Argentina is celebrating 35 editions the best way possible: through innovations. The competition, which is organized by the Argentine Automobile Club, will present a completely renewed itinerary. It will include a visit to the city of Merlo in the province of San Luis. The fourth round of the FIA World Rally Championship will take place during the last weekend of April and once again will have Villa Carlos Paz as the epicenter, in the heart of the Province of Córdoba. Rally Argentina will present this year the great Super Special Stage in Merlo by being true to its habits of proposing new choices. There will be 3000 timed meters in Merlo to be run on April, Thursday 23rd for the debut of the World Rally competition in San Luis, a province that has become an icon of the Argentine motor sport. News does not end there. The 35th edition of the southernmost event of the WRC calendar will have an itinerary with two practically new sections and a third one, the long Agua de Oro-Ascochinga of 52 kilometers, which will have the opposite way to the regular one. This one will be run two times, on Friday 24th together with a double passage in Villa Bustos-Tanti, unknown for young drivers. The day will finish in the Theme Park track of Villa Carlos Paz with World Live TV broadcast. On Saturday 25th the activity will be centered on the fast roads of the Punilla Valley. Capilla del MonteSan Marcos Sierras and San Marcos Sierras-Characato will be the stages were the World Rally Cars will flat out in two opportunities during the longest day of the Rally Argentina. Same as in 2014, the competition will finish in the Traslasierra Valley and its moon-like landscapes. This time it will have a double passage in the famous “Cóndor-Copina”, where there will be extra points for the Power Stage. With a renewed proposal, Rally Argentina is expecting to host hundreds of thousands of fans once again, who turn this event into one of the most popular ones of the season. This document has no regulatory power. For information only. 5 02 Contact details 2.1 Permanent organization contact details In Córdoba: Rally Argentina Secretariat Mons. Pablo Cabrera 2256 – Barrio Altos de San Martín X5008HHJ – Córdoba - Argentina Tel/Fax: ++ 54 351 4872727 / 4872010 / 4877653. Keys Contacts: General Co-ordinator Mr. David Eli Sport Department Mr. Juan Oller Service Park Manager Mr. Guillermo Eli General Secretariat Mrs. Carla Fiore Rally Secretariat Ms. Verónica Amaya In Buenos Aires Automóvil Club Argentino Av. del Libertador 1850. 1425. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Contact: Eng. Carlos Garcia Remohi Tel: ++ 54 11 4808 4389. Fax: ++ 54 11 4808 4620 Online Official Web Site: Email: Twitter: @rallyargentina Facebook: rallyargentina 2.2 Rally HQ contact details From Monday April 13 Rally Argentina Secretariat moves to Headquarters at: Hotel Portal del Lago Jerónimo Luis de Cabrera y Gobernador Álvarez 5152 Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina Tel/Fax: + 54 3541 484995 / 484996/ 484836 Opening Hours: From 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. During the Rally week: Monday, April Tuesday, April Wednesday, April Thursday, April Friday, April Saturday, April Sunday, April 6 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 8:00 8:00 7:00 7:00 6:00 6:30 8:00 to to to to to to to 20:00 20:00 20:00 21:30 00:00 21:00 20:00 2.3 Officials Please send you queries to and they will be forwarded to the appropriate official. Clerk of the Course Assistant Clerks of the Course Mr. Andrés Castelo Mr. Juan Oller Safety Officer Mr. Carlos Borrione Scrutineers Eng. Daniel Rial Eng. Angel Portella Mr. Justo Barbosa Medical Officer Mr. Javier Ocanto Press Officers Mr. Augusto Lobo Competitors’ Relations Officers Chief Results Officer Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge Canaves Santiago García Remohí Christian D’Elía Juan Martín Celesia Mr. Hugo Gavilán Administative Secretary Mr. Ricardo Caballero Public Relations’ Officer Mr. Maximiliano Montarcé General Coordinator 2.4 Mr. Alfredo Menendez Mr. David Eli Media contact details Media Delegate: Lic. Augusto Lobo Tel/Fax: ++ 54 351 4872727 / 4872010 / 4877653 Email:, 2.5 Useful on-event numbers Rally Secretariat: + 54 3541 484995 / 484996/ 484836 Medical Delegate: + 54 3541 484999 Rally 2 / CRO: + 54 3541 433258 Media Center: + 54 3541 429799 / 420841 7 03 Programme 3.1 Before the Rally week Activity Entries close (including co-drivers data) Road Books, Rally Guide 2 and Maps issued and available Closing date for National Accreditation Application Tuesday, March 31 The original entry form must reach the organizers Wednesday, April 1 Closing date for International Accreditation Application Tuesday, April 7 Media Safety Book issued Monday, April 13 Rally Secretariat moves to HQ From Saturday, April 18 Administrative Checks to Wednesday, April 22 Reconnaissance Registration Between 10:00 – 18:00 Collection of material and documents Saturday, April 18 Opening of service Park Date Wednesday, March 25 Location Portal del Lago Sports Hall Villa Carlos Paz 3.2 During the rally week Monday, April 20 18:00-20:00 Tuesday, April 21 08:00 - 18:00 14:00 16:00 - 18:00 18:00-22:00 Wednesday, April 22 08:00–13:30 08:00-11:30 10:30-12:00 08:00 09:00 15:00-16:30 16:30-18:30 14:00-17:00 18:00 18:40 19:00 19:00 19:00 8 Official Notice Board Available Distribution of tracking systems for reconnaissance (FIA Priority and Nominated drivers) Recce starts Media Accreditation starts Distribution of FIA safety tracking rally system Scrutineering and component sealing and marking for P2, P3 and non Priority drivers HQ HQ See recce schedule MC Sports Hall Cordoba Recce continues See recce schedule Administrative checks finish Part’s sealing and certification for SP and WRC Team cars Checking of weight for Manufacturer SP Manufacturer and MT cars Media Center opens MC Team Managers’ Meeting (WRC HQ registered teams) Shakedown (P1 + P2 drivers) Va Garcia-Cabalango Shakedown (P1, P2 + P3) Va Garcia-Cabalango Shakedown (Non P) VCP - Cabalango Doctors’ Briefing HQ Meet the crew SP FIA pre event press conference MC Publication of the list of crews eligible HQ to take the start Publication of start list for Day 1 (Section 1 and 3) Helicopter Pilot Briefing HQ Thursday, April 23 8:00-9:00 13:45 17:00–18:00 18:00 19:00 Friday, April 24 21:30 Saturday, April 25 21:30 Sunday, April 26 14:40 15:00 15:30 16:00 Monday, April 27 12:00 12:00 Recce finishes (except for SSS 1) TC0 – Service Park Out SSS1 Recce TC0A – Regrouping IN SSS1 – Merlo - San Luis See recce schedule Villa Carlos Paz San Luis San Luis San Luis Publication of start list for Section 6 HQ Publication of start list for Section 8 HQ Prize giving Final checks Post-event FIA Press Conference Publication of Final Provisional Results Media Center closes Rally Secretariat closes Villa Carlos Paz Villa Carlos Paz MC HQ MC HQ Locations HQ (Headquarters): Hotel Portal del Lago; Jerónimo Luis de Cabrera and Gobernador Álvarez, 5152 Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina. SP (Service Park): Avenida Presidente Arturo U. Illia and Gobernador Álvarez, Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina. MC (Media Center): Auditórium of Portal del Lago Hotel, Jerónimo Luis de Cabrera and Gobernador Ortiz y Herrera, 5152 Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina. Pre Event Scrutineering: Walmart supermarket - Av. Colón 6051 - Cordoba Sports Hall: Avenida Arturo U. Illia y Gobernador Álvarez, Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina Prize Giving: Av. Pte. U. Illia between Medrano and Nahuel Huapi, Villa Carlos Paz Final Scrutineering: Honda Rosso – Av. San Martin 1687, Villa Carlos Paz Merlo – San Luis 04 Entry package for non FIA registered teams Administrative package for Private Entrants Privateers Service Park Area • Privateers area Vehicle Plates • VIP (or guest) plates • Service Plates • Auxiliary plates Administration • Regulations • Rally Guide 1 & 2 • Road book sets • Route maps • Programme • Results Passes • Mechanics 10x10m 1 1 1 website website 2 3 3 website 4 9 05 Service Park 5.1 Location The Service Park will be located across from the Rally Headquarters, on Avenida Presidente Arturo U. Illia and Gobernador Álvarez, Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina. GPS Reference: Lat. 31° 23’ 56’’ – Long. 64° 28’ 41’’ – Alt. 649mts. 5.2 Type of Surface Tarmac. 5.3 Areas a) Available Areas For Priority drivers, as per 2015 FIA World Rally Championship sporting Regulations Appendix VI. For Non priority drivers: 10x10mts. b) Allocation of spaces Competitors who wish to use a joint area with other competitors must request it to the organizers by Monday, March 30. 5.4 Media Facilities The Service Area is adjacent to the Media Centre. 5.5 Access Plates Service and Auxiliary plates will be issued pursuant to WRC Regulations and Supplementary Regulations of the event. The number of auxiliary and service plates allowed is included in the entry fee. Service vehicles are allowed to enter the Service Park only if they are identified with Service Plates affixed on the vehicle as instructed by the Organizer. For access to the Auxiliary Parking, vehicles must carry an Auxiliary plate. 5.6 Access Times for Set-up Saturday, April 18 Sunday, April 19 Monday, April 20 Tuesday, April 21 Wednesday, April 22 5.7 Opening Hours Service Park Thursday, April 23 Friday, April 24 Saturday, April 25 Sunday, April 26 10 8:00am to 7:00pm 8:00am to 7:00pm 6:00am to 8:00pm 6:00am to 8:00pm 6:00am to 8:00pm 6:00am to 00:00 midnight 6:00am to 00:00 midnight 6:00am to 9:00pm 7:00am to 8:00pm 5.8 Facilities Organisers have foreseen the following facilities at the Service Area for competitors: - General security - General lighting - Power Supply (1 and 3-phase) - Toilets - Non-drinkable water - Garbage and oil collection service - Car wash - Medical room For extra facilities, please see application form in Rally Guide I. 5.9 Environmental procedures In order to protect the environment, Organizers have implemented special procedures for the correct treatment of the different types of waste. Team members must place: - Regular waste (current domiciliary litter: food, paper, bottles, etc.) To be placed in green plastic bags to be provided by organizers - Contaminated/dangerous waste o Solid (cloths or covers dirty with oil, parts such as brake pads, nuts, screws, etc.) To be placed in black plastic bags to be provided by organizers o Liquid (oils, fuel, brake liquid, etc.) To be placed in identified jerry cans to be provided by organizers. These will be collected and treated by a specialized company. All garbage will be collected from the Service Park at the end of each day - Wash of parts There will be a dedicated area within the Service Park to wash parts. Washing of parts in other locations is not permitted. All infringements to the above mentioned procedures will be punished according to the penalty set in the Supplementary Regulations. Please see Service Park layout in the Appendix section of this guide. 06 TWO-WAY Radios The Comisión Nacional de Comunicaciones (CNC) is responsible for the management of the radio spectrum. The CNC shall be notified of the frequencies in the equipment in question, upon which it decides on assignment a suitable frequency to the customer and issues a license for the radio transmitter. Any unlicensed use, or equipment operated outside the terms of a license is a major concern for the CNC. Competitors wishing to use 2-way radio communication during the event must be authorized to do so (see application form for authorization in Rally Guide I). 11 07 Fuel 7.1 Environmental procedures Day / Date Sunday Times 16:00 Rally Argentina 2015 - Refuel Schedule Location Information Carlos Paz Service Park 25ltr cans available for collection by prior 19/04 arrangement. Please email to pre-order your fuel for collection. Wednesday 22/04 9:00 – 11:00 12:00 – 18:30 Carlos Paz Service Park 25ltr cans available for collection. Dispensed fuel available. Shakedown Thursday 23/04 13:15 – 15:00 15:45 – 18:30 Carlos Paz Service Park Remote before TC0A RZ1 RZ2 Friday 24/04 6:15 – 08:15 11:45 – 13:45 8:30 – 10:30 13:45 – 15:45 Carlos Paz Service Park RZ3 RZ5 RZ4 RZ6 6:45 – 08:45 12:30 – 14:30 9:00 – 11:00 14:30 – 16:30 Carlos Paz Service Park 8:15 – 10:15 10:30 – 12:30 Carlos Paz Service Park Remote after SS11 & 13 Saturday 25/04 Sunday 26/04 Remote after SS2 & 4 Remote after SS7 & 9 RZ7 RZ9 RZ8 RZ10 RZ11 RZ12 Contact Details: WRC Refuel Manager: WRC Refuel Team Contact No’: Post Event Can Collection: Issue 1: 7.2 Alistair Roberts To Be Advised Would teams requiring 25ltr cans please collect these by 12:00 on the Sunday (26/04) 16.03.2015 Non FIA Fuel Schedule Check with the Rally Secretariat. 08 Import of vehicles and spare parts Rally vehicles, support vehicles, parts, tyres and components can be temporarily imported to Argentina. For further details please contact the Rally Secretariat. 12 09 Helicopters HELICOPTER USE In compliance with FIA safety regulations and the local Air Traffic Authority, every helicopter flying in support of the rally must be registered with the organizers. REGISTRATION FORM Helicopter Helicopter’s registration: ............................................................................................ Type and make: .......................................................................................................... Colours: .................................................................................................................... Number allocated: ...................................................................................................... Owner Company/Name: ........................................................................................................ Address: .................................................................................................................... Phone: ...................................................................................................................... Operation What will be the use of the helicopter during the Rally: ................................................ Jet A1 at Service Park required quantity: ...................................................................... Overnight parking location: .......................................................................................... Pilot Name: ...................................................................................................................... Address and phone:.................................................................................................... E-mail address (all info will be by e-mail): .................................................................... Address and mobile phone during the event: ................................................................ Flying under contract from Name: ...................................................................................................................... Address: .................................................................................................................... Phone: ...................................................................................................................... Possibility for patient transport: Yes No I, the pilot of the helicopter above, agree to follow the rules notified to me during the rally. Date: .................................... Signature: .............................................................. Contact details for helicopter companies: For helicopter rental, please contact Rally Argentina Secretariat. 13 10 Hospitality Arrangements 10.1 Hospitality Arrangements - VIP The Organizers of Rally Argentina have entrusted EN VIVO PRODUCCIONES with the task of providing quality hospitality services. These are real thematic parks with capacity for 2000 people located at strategic stages of the rally. Those who access this area experience the excitement of the event at the best jumps and turns during a day full of entertainment and all inclusive facilities and services. The FANATIC VIP hospitalities will be distributed as follows: Friday, April 24 Super Special Stage 6 Fernet Branca, Thematic Park, Villa Carlos Paz Saturday, April 25 Special Stage 7/9 Fernet Branca Capilla del Monte – San Marcos. Sunday, April 26 Special Stage 11 Volkwagen El Condor – Copina / SS 12 Power Stage El Condor (subject to confirmation) For information and tickets: Tel.: (0351) 153 722 382 / 152 705 288 E-mail: - Website: 10.2 Tourist Services To fully enjoy Rally Argentina, we recommend you to contact "ALTAMARCA VIAJES (EVT 14.595)"; a company with over 20 years of experience offering reliable services understanding and satisfying all the client's needs. Exclusive packages including: - Accommodation Transportation to the stages Exclusive hospitality spaces Preferential location in the Super Special Stages Official Rally Kit Optional services: flight tickets, shuttles from and to the airport, rent-a-car, special services for guests (promenades, outings, etc) Furthermore, we offer you distinctive and unique services that you won´t find anywhere else: - Helicopter and rally car rides, exclusive locations at the shakedown and Service Park, autographs T-shirts, met & greet, etc. Contact us today: Tel: +54 11 4733 3322 E-mail: Web: 14 11 Hotels 11.1 CONTACT DETAILS FOR BOOKING The Province of Cordoba has a wide range of hotels to offer you, especially in the main cities of Córdoba and Villa Carlos Paz. For accommodation in any of either one of these cities, please contact the hotels directly, but do not hesitate to ask for our assistance at Rally Argentina Secretariat. Please find below a non-exhaustive list of hotels in Córdoba and Villa Carlos Paz. 11.2 LIST OF HOTELS IN CORDOBA Holiday Inn Córdoba Fray Luis Beltrán y Cardeñosa +54 351 4779199 Panorama NH M. T. de Alvear 251 (La Cañada) +54 351 4103900 Sheraton Córdoba Duarte Quirós 1300 +54 351 5269000 Windsor Buenos Aires 214 +54 351 4224012 Córdoba Plaza San Jerónimo 137 +54 351 4268900 Hotel de la Cañada M. T. de Alvear 580 (La Cañada) +54 351 4231227 Quorum Hotel & Spa Av. La Voz del Interior 7000 +54 351 5542400 Azur - Real Hotel Boutique San Jerónimo 243/257 +54 351 4247133 - 4210797 – 4215878 King David Av. Gral. Paz 386 +54 351 5703528 Orfeo Suites Hotel Complejo Dinosaurio R. del Busto 4086 +54 351 5261555 Amerian Córdoba Park Bv. San Juan 165 +54 351 4207000 15 11.3 LIST OF HOTELS IN VILLA CARLOS PAZ Portal del Lago 4* J. L. Cabrera & Gob. Álvarez +54 3541 424931 Altos del Valle 3* Sarmiento 590 +54 3541 486347 Amerian 4* Alvear 50 +54 3541421446 MonPetit 3* Libertad 285 +54 3541 423022 La Posada del Qenti 4* Ruta 14 km 14 ½ Icho Cruz +54 3541 495715 DaysInn Jardín 3* Libertad 600 +54 3541 424032 Hipocampus 4* Brown 240 +54 3541 421653 Costa Azul 3* J. S. Bach 293 +54 3541 427087 Las Lajas 4* San Martín y España +54 3541 422134 Costanera 3* Av. Illia 713 +54 3541 427061 Libertador 4* San Martín 1001 +54 3541 420170 Uruguay 3* Uruguay 730 +54 3541 422335 Pinares del Cerro 4* Roque Saenz Peña y Paraná +54 3541 433369 16 Mesón de la Montaña 3* R. Sáenz Peña & D. de Velázquez +54 3541 421797 Estilo MB 4* Almafuerte 40 +54 3541 43 8000 Interlac 3* Maipú 130 +54 3541426089 Casablanca 3* Sarmiento 1002 +54 3541 423924 El Portico 3* Leandro N. Alem 309 +54 3541 421969 Sierrasol 3* José Ingenieros 353 +54 3541 427357 Florida 3* Belgrano 45 +54 3541 421905 Riviera 3* San Martín & Lincoln +54 3541 432300 El Cid 3* H. Irigoyen 250 +54 3541 421358 Monaco 3* San Martín & Zubiría +54 3541 421242 Capvio 3* Curro Enriquez 15 +54 3541 423595 12 Reconnaissance Please see schedule on the Appendix section of this Guide. See specifications in Supplementary Regulations Art. 9. 12.1 Special features SSS1 in Merlo, San Luis, will be recce on rally cars on Thursday April 23 from 17:00 to 18:00hrs, upon arrival of the crews in road section to San Luis, and before entering the Regrouping. 13 Scrutineering, sealing and marking 13.1 Pre-event Scrutineering Location: Service Park –Villa Carlos Paz. Date: Wednesday, April 22 Time: 08:00 to 11:30hrs. 13.1.1 Manufacturer and WRC Team cars Checking of the weight for Manufacturers & WRC Team: 10h30 to 12h00 / Service park. 13.1.2 Priority 1 (not entered by a Manufacturer or WRC Team) Priority 2, Priority 3 and Non Priority Drivers Location: Walmart Supermarket - Av. Colon 6051, Córdoba. Date: Tuesday, April 21 Time: 18:00 - 22:00hrs A detailed time schedule with individual times will be issued in a bulletin. See details in Supplementary Regulations Art. 11 (Regulations, preparation, tracking system). 17 13.2 Final Scrutineering The final scrutineering will take place in Honda Rosso workshop – Av. San Martin 1687, Villa Carlos Paz.Cars subject to final scrutineering (at Stewards’ discretion) must have one representative of the entrant as well as mechanics (in case of dismantling) present at the final check. See Road book to pre event and final scrutineering in the Appendix section of this Guide. 14 Shakedown 14.1 SHAKEDOWN for PRIORITY drivers ONLY The Shakedown will take place along the Villa García - Cabalango stage. Location GPS Reference: Start: Lat 31 22 04 Finish: Lat 31 23 44 Long 64 32 33 Long 64 33 43 Altitude 806mts Altitude 772mts The stage is 4.59km long and it is located 14.48km away from the Service Park. The loop from the finish point to the start point is 8.36km. The surface is mixed, with hard sectors and jumps, and a water splash. There are fast and twisty sectors and therefore it is representative of the rally route Stage Length and general characteristics Times Wednesday, April 22 15:00 – 16:30 16:30 – 18:30 Shakedown (P1 + P2 drivers) Shakedown (P1, P2 + P3 drivers) 14.2 SHAKEDOWN for P3 and NON PRIORITY drivers ONLY The Shakedown will take place along the Villa Carlos Paz - Cabalango stage. Location GPS Reference: Start: Lat 31 25 36 Finish: Lat 31 23 88 Long 64 32 97 Long 64 33 80 Altitude 766mts Altitude 738mts The stage is 6.23km long and it is located 11.08km away from the Service Park. The loop from the finish point to the start point is 7.71km. The surface is mixed, with hard sectors and jumps, and a water splash. There are fast and twisty sectors and therefore it is representative of the rally route Stage Length and general characteristics Times Wednesday, April 22 14:00 – 17:00 18 Shakedown (Non-P drivers) 14.3 Shakedown General Features •Unlimited runs. •Shakedown will be serviced from the sole Service Park for the entire rally. •Shakedown circuit can be recced (two runs) according to the schedule on Appendix section. •The Shakedown will be run as an ordinary stage, with start lights, time keeping, etc. •All safety measures, ambulances, fire trucks, etc, will be available. •Shakedown times will be posted at the Rally HQ and the Media Room. •All drivers must wear homologated helmets and overalls. Competition number and plates must be affixed to the cars. •According to 2015 WRC regulations, P1 and P2 drivers shall complete a minimum of 3 passages of the shakedown stage. And for P3 and non-priority drivers, participation is optional. Please find the Shakedown road book in the Appendix section of this Guide Anybody who gets onboard a competing car and is not a crew member must previously sign a waiver of responsibility indemnifying the Organizers. This waiver will be available at the start of the Shakedown and at the Rally HQ. 15 Finish procedure Please see Supplementary Regulations Art 12.2 Please see diagram in the Appendix section of this guide. 16 PR activities Please see Art. 18.6 below the Media section. 17 ON-BOARD cameras As per article 65.1 of the WRC Regulations the entrant of any car which carries an on-board camera must have the prior agreement of the Promoter. Authorised cameras will be identified by an adhesive decal and must be mounted in the car at the time of Scrutineering. Competitors wishing to use a camera must supply the following information to the Promoter ( at least one week before the start of reconnaissance: entrant name, car number, entrant address and use of footage. 19 18 Media 18.1 Permanent contact details In Córdoba: Rally Argentina Secretariat Mons. Pablo Cabrera 2256 – Barrio Altos de San Martín X5008HHJ – Córdoba - Argentina Tel/Fax: ++ 54 351 4872727 / 4872010 / 4877653. In Buenos Aires Automóvil Club Argentino Av. del Libertador 1850. 1425. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Contact: Eng. Carlos Garcia Remohi Tel: ++ 54 11 4808 4389. Fax: ++ 54 11 4808 4620 Online Official Web Site: Email: Twitter: @rallyargentina Facebook: rallyargentina 18.2 On event media contact details Event Press Officer Lic. Augusto Lobo Tel/Fax: + 54 3541 429799 / 420841 Mobile from abroad: + 54 9 351 3994080 National calls: (0351) 153 994080 Email: / 18.3 Accreditation desk Location: Entrance hall to Auditorium of Hotel Portal del Lago, Gob. Ortiz y Herrera (in the corner of Jerónimo Luis de Cabrera), (5152) Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina. Telephone: + 54 3541 429799 / 420841 Opening hours: Tuesday, April 21th Wednesday, April 22th Thursday, April 23th Friday, April 24th 20 14:00 a 20:00 08:00 a 20:00 08:00 a 20:00 08:00 a 12:00 18.4 Press Room Location: The Press Room will be located at the Auditorium of Hotel Portal del Lago, Gob. Ortiz y Herrera (in the corner of Jerónimo Luis de Cabrera), (5152) Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina. Telephone: + 54 3541 429799 / 420841 / 484804 / 484818 / 422937 Opening times: Tuesday, April 21th 14:00 a 20:00 Wednesday, April 22th 08:00 a 22:00 Thursday, April 23th 08:00 a 22:00 Friday, April 24th 06:00 a 22:00 Saturday, April 25th 06:30 a 22:00 Sunday, April 26th 08:00 a 22:00 Monday, April 27th 09:00 a 12:00 NB: Should journalists need an extension of this schedule to meet their deadlines, please, inform the Press Officer in advance or upon collecting the Press Kit, to make the necessary arrangements. 18.5 Media Facilities As usual, the Main Press Room will be equipped as per the Media Facilities and Operation Guide, with good supply of DDI and ADSL lines free of charge for accredited journalists and photographers. Info Press A number of Media Staff will be present at the Stop control of each special stage, Service Park or regroups, wearing clearly identifiable orange tabards with the legend “INFO PRESS”. Competitors and team members are kindly requested to cooperate and inform them about any worthy news concerning their performance and comments on the course of the rally. All relevant press info will be released at the Media Centre. Media Staff on the stages In photo areas and in Media parking along the rally, accredited journalists will be assisted by media staff translators who will wear orange tabards with the legend “TRADUCTOR / TRANSLATOR”. Weather Forecast Weather forecasts will be posted on the Notice Board at the Media Centre day by day. Official Notice Board There will be a secondary notice board for Media, established in the Media Centre with all relevant rally communications of Rally Argentina 2015. Photographers' Tower Organizers will provide a Photographers' tower for tabard holders in the following location: -In front of the Finish Ramp on Sunday April 26th near the Service Park in Villa Carlos Paz. See layout on concerning appendix. E6 and C41 Film Developing Service There will NOT be a special E6 developing service in this edition. If needed, please contact the Media Center Staff in advance. C41 films can be developed at Casa Dicky, a photo lab located in Av. General Paz 60 - 99 - 250 and 9 de Julio 36, in Villa Carlos Paz downtown. Opening hours: from 08:00am to 12:00am daily. Cleaning camera service Rally Argentina Press Services will be offering at the Media Centre a basic cleaning camera service for photo cameras and lenses. This service will be free of charge for all the accredited photographers and will be open on the following time Schedule: Friday, April 24th 17:00 to 22:00hs Saturday, April 25th 17:00 to 22:00hs Sunday, April 26th 16:00 to 20:00hs 21 Lockers A good number of lockers will be available at the Press Room. A deposit fee of US$10 or $100 Argentine pesos will be asked to temporarily hire each locker; this sum will be reimbursed at the end of the race upon returning the locker key. Paper Recycling Into the Press Room will be special baskets for papers into disuse. These papers will then send for reuse and recycling in the context of the paper recycling campaign carried out by the Association of the Children's Hospital of Córdoba. We ask all about collaboration, throwing papers in these special baskets. Security system Security will be prevalent in the Media Centre. A closed security camera system will be installed and recording 24hs from Monday, April 20th to Sunday, April 26th. 18.6 Media Activities and Press Conferences Wednesday, April 22th 15:00 to 16:30 16:30 to 18:30 14:00 to 17:00 18:40 19:00 Shakedown (P1 + P2) Shakedown (P1 + P2 + P3) Shakedown (non-priority) Meet the crews Pre-event FIA Press Conference * Villa García – Cabalango Villa García – Cabalango VCP – Cabalango Service Park Media Centre – Va. Carlos Paz *A maximum of six people involved in the rally (drivers, co-drivers, team managers, engineers, etc) will be invited to attend the FIA Pre-event Press Conference. They will be selected by the FIA Media Delegate after consultation with the relevant team principals and/or Organizers. Thursday, April 23th 19:00 19:05 Super Special Stage 1 1st car arrival – Interview Area Merlo – San Luis Media Zone (at the end of the circuit) 1st car arrival – Interview Area 1st car arrival – Interview Area End of Day 1 Press Conference* Media Zone (Service Park IN) Media Zone (Service Park IN) Service Park Friday, April 24th 11:10 approx. 17:20 approx. 18:00 approx. *The End-of-day Press Conference will take place during the 45 minutes of the final service. Duration: 10'. The three leading drivers of the day and team personnel will be invited to attend. Saturday, April 25th 12:15 approx. 17:45 approx. 18:30 approx. 1st car arrival – Interview Area 1st car arrival – Interview Area End of Day 2 Press Conference* Media Zone (Service Park IN) Media Zone (Service Park IN) Service Park *The End-of-day Press Conference will take place during the 45 minutes of the final service. Duration: 10'. The three leading drivers of the day and team personnel will be invited to attend. Sunday, April 26th 12:06 13:05 aprox. 14:40 15:30 Power Stage: SS14 El Cóndor 1st car arrival – Interview Area Prize giving ceremony Post-event FIA Press Conference * El Cóndor Media Zone (Service Park IN) Next to Service Park Media Centre – Villa Carlos Paz *The FIA final Press Conference will take place at the Media Room after the podium ceremony. The first three overall winning crews and a representative of the winning manufacturer will attend the Press Conference. Also the winning crew/s WRC 2 and/or WRC 3. 22 18.7 Mandatory Photo briefing On Wednesday, April 22th at 11:00hs in the Photographers Room, will hold a mandatory safety briefing for all accredited national and rally by rally photographers to cover Rally Argentina 2015. This briefing will last no more than 10 minutes and will be useful to all photographers to gain access to important information for their safety work during the Rally. It’s recommended that FIA tabard holders’ photographers also attend to this briefing. IMPORTANT NOTE: Photo tabards will only be distributed at this time. 18.8 Interview Area Place Interview Area, at Media Zone, will be placed at the same place than 2014 edition, although it will be adapted in size for a better working comfort of the journalists, photographers and cameramen in place. See Appendix section on this guide for further information. 18.9 Media Parking Media Parking, reserved only to accredited press cars, will be placed all around Media Center with one in and out door over Gobernador Ortíz y Herrera street. GPS: 31 23 982 S / 64 28 735 W See Appendix section on this guide for further information. 18.10 Team´s Media Contacts NAME TELEPHONE E-MAIL CITROËN TOTAL ABU DHABI WORLD RALLY TEAM Marie-Pierre ROSSI(*) +33 1 3084 0307 (MPR office) +33 6 76 87 02 12 (MPR mobile) Adrien DA CUNHA BELVES(*) +33 685 262 791 (ADBC Mobile) Clemence BERNARD +33 685264915(CB mobile) • (press) FWRT Luciano FINZI (*) +39 342 5402277 HYUNDAI MOTORSPORT Thomas VILLETTE (*) +49 6023 9929 410 (TV Office) +49 151 1135 4339 (TV Mobile) Nicoletta RUSSO(*) +49 6023 9929 454 (NR Office) +49 151 1135 4362 (NR mobile) (press login) JIPOCAR CZECH NATIONAL TEAM Quirin MÜLLER (*) +420 724 645 082 M-SPORT WORLD RALLY TEAM Anna RUDD (*) +44 1900 828888 (AR office) +44 7803 660786 (AR mobile) • VOLKSWAGEN MOTORSPORT Andre DIETZEL(*) +49 511 67494 829 (AD office) +49 175 7234689 (AD mobile) Ingo ROERSCH(*) +49 511 67494 833 (IR office) +49 172 1499 157 (IR mobile) 23 DMACK TYRES Glenn PATTERSON(*) HANKOOK TYRE Mike PATTERSON(*) +44 7872 470115 (GP mobile) +44 1228 819954 (general office) +44 1327 304100 (office) +44 7803 241284 (mobile) MICHELIN GROUP Alessandro BARLOZZI(*) +33 1 78 76 45 20 (AB office) +33 6 42 23 55 93 (AB mobile) PIRELLI TYRE S.P.A. Francescopaolo TARALLO(*) +39 02 644245407 (FT office) +39 334 6844307 (FT mobile) Anthony PEACOCK +44 7765 896 930 (AP mobile) FIA JUNIOR WRC CHAMPIONSHIP Marie-Pierre ROSSI (*) +33676870212 (MPR mobile) (*) Main Contact for press conferences and PR activities 18.11 Media Coverage Radio Two radio stations with national coverage, CADENA 3 and CADENA ECO, will be in charge of broadcasting live Rally Argentina 2015. Cadena Eco (Buenos Aires) will have a dedicated live transmission during the days of the race. Cadena 3 (AM 700 – Córdoba) will also broadcast special programs with live transmission from all the stages from Thursday 8th to Sunday 11th, including the podium and prize giving ceremony. Other national and local radios will also cover this competition. Television Coverage National Local Channel FOX SPORTS Thu 23 Sat 25 Sun 26 Live Transmission Power Stage 12:00 to 13:00hs On Fox Sports (TBC) & Fox Sports 3 Daily Highlight 22:00 to 23:00hs On Fox Sports 2 & Fox Sports 3 Daily Highlight 22:00 to 23:00hs On Fox Sports 2 & Fox Sports 3 Daily Highlight 22:00 to 23:00hs On Fox Sports 2 & Fox Sports 3 Motta Producciones (Channel 12 Córdoba) SS 11 Live Transmission from 10:00 to 11:00hs. Live Transmission from Service Park 00:00 to 1:00hs 24 Fri 24 Live Transmission SSS 6 from 17:00 to 18:00hs On Fox Sports 2 & Fox Sports 3 Live Transmission SSS 6 from 17:00 to 18:00hs Live Transmission from Service Park 18:00 to 19:00hs Power Stage and Arrival from 12:00 to 14:00hs. Daily Summary 00:00 to 1:00hs Daily Summary 00:00 to 1:00hs Daily Summary 20:00 to 21:30hs 18.12 FIA World Rally Championship Standings KEY: 25+1: 1: M: A: X: W: D: Points Scored in Rally + Additional 'Power Stage' Points Position in Rally Retired - Mechanical Retired - Accident Retired - Excluded Retired - Withdrawn Entered - Did not start 2015 FIA WRC Drivers' Championship Standings – Provisional Classification Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Driver Sebastien OGIER FRA Andreas MIKKELSEN NOR Thierry NEUVILLE BEL Mads OSTBERG NOR Elfyn EVANS GBR Jari-Matti LATVALA FIN Dani SORDO ESP Martin PROKOP CZE Ott TANAK EST Hayden PADDON NZL Kris MEEKE GBR Nasser AL-ATTIYAH QAT Sebastien LOEB FRA Yurii PROTASOV UKR Nicolas FUCHS PER Jari KETOMAA FIN Monte-Carlo Sweden México 25 1 15 3 10 5 12 4 6 7 18+1 2 8 6 2 9 0 18 25+3 1 15 3 18+2 2 1+1 10 8 6 0 A 25+3 1 15+2 3 4+1 8 18 2 12 4 0 15 10 5 8 6 0 22 0 17 0 16 6 7 1+3 10 4+2 8 0 16 4 8 12 4 10 5 6 7 Argentina Total 81 47 35 32 26 19 18 14 12 10 10 6 6 2 9 0 13 0 13 2 9 1 10 2 2 1 NOTE: The Sporting Regulations provide that if two or more drivers have the same number of points (including 0 points), their positions in the Championship are fixed according to the quality of their places. Under this system one first place is better than any number of second places, one second place is better than any number of third places, and so on. For the World Rally Championships for Drivers and for Co-Drivers, additional points will be awarded according to the classification of the 'Power Stage'. 25 2015 FIA WRC Co-Drivers' Championship Standings – Provisional Classification Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Co-Driver Julien INGRASSIA FRA Ola FLOENE NOR Nicolas GILSOUL BEL Jonas ANDERSSON SWE Daniel BARRITT GBR Miikka ANTTILA FIN Marc MARTI ESP Jan TOMANEK CZE Raigo MOLDER EST John KENNARD NZL Paul NAGLE IRL Matthieu BAUMEL FRA Daniel ELENA MCO Pavlo CHEREPIN UKR Fernando MUSANO ARG Kaj LINDSTROM FIN Monte-Carlo Sweden México 25 1 15 3 10 5 12 4 6 7 18+1 2 8 6 2 9 0 18 25+3 1 15 3 18+2 2 1+1 10 8 6 0 A 25+3 1 15+2 3 4+1 8 18 2 12 4 0 15 10 5 8 6 0 22 0 17 0 16 6 7 1+3 10 4+2 8 0 16 4 8 12 4 10 5 6 7 Argentina Total 81 47 35 32 26 19 18 14 12 10 10 6 6 2 9 0 13 0 13 2 9 1 10 2 2 1 NOTE: The Sporting Regulations provide that if two or more co-drivers have the same number of points (including 0 points), their positions in the Championship are fixed according to the quality of their places. Under this system one first place is better than any number of second places, one second place is better than any number of third places, and so on. For the World Rally Championships for Drivers and for Co-Drivers, additional points will be awarded according to the classification of the 'Power Stage'. 2015 FIA WRC Manufacturers' Championship Standings – Provisional Classification Pos. Manufacturers 1 Volkswagen Motorsport 2 Hyundai Motorsport 3 M-Sport World Rally Team 4 Citroën Total Abu Dhabi WRT 5 Jipocar Czech National Team 6 Volkswagen Motorsport II 7 Hyundai Motorsport N 8 FWRT Srl Monte-Carlo Sweden México 25+18 1+2 15+12 5+6 10+2 7+18 8+4 8+10 6 9 25+0 1+A 18+10 2+5 12+8 4+6 6+2 7+10 4 8 15 3 1 11 0 A 25+6 1+15 12+8 5+8 15+1 4+22 18+4 2+16 10 6 1 68 Argentina Total 99 75 48 42 20 15 2 17 0 A 3 1 NOTE: The Sporting Regulations provide that if two or more manufacturers have the same number of points (including 0 points), their positions in the Championship are fixed according to the quality of their places. Under this system one first place is better than any number of second places, one second place is better than any number of third places, and so on. 26 2015 FIA WRC 2 Drivers' Standings – Provisional Classification Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Driver Jari KETOMAA FIN Nasser AL-ATTIYAH QAT Stephane LEFEBVRE FRA Nicolas FUCHS PER Craig BREEN IRL Eyvind BRYNILDSEN NOR Armin KREMER DEU Valeriy GORBAN UKR Abdulaziz AL-KUWARI QAT Eric CAMILLI FRA Yazeed AL RAJH SAU Yurii PROTASOV UKR Pontus TIDEMAND SWE Jonathan HIRSCHI CHE Max RENDINA ITA Fredrik AHLIN SWE Quentin GIORDANO FRA Jourdan SERDERIDIS BEL Jaroslaw KOLTUN POL Alain FOULON FRA Oleksii KIKIRESHKO UKR Marco VALLARIO ITA Simone TEMPESTINI ITA Anders GRONDAL NOR Radik SHAYMIEV RUS Monte-Carlo Sweden México 25 13 15 10 25 7 0 A 18 9 25 12 18 13 Argentina Total 40 25 25 18 18 18 14 18 15 14 15 15 15 0 A 12 11 12 15 15 12 12 12 16 12 10 13 10 17 10 10 10 19 10 0 35 8 18 8 21 0 A 8 14 8 8 8 6 19 6 23 6 6 6 66 6 4 24 4 4 75 4 2 25 1 26 0 30 0 A 2 1 0 A 0 NOTE: The WRC 2 Champion titles for Teams, Drivers and Co-Drivers will be awarded to the team, driver and co-driver who have scored the highest number of points from 6 of the first 7 rallies which they have entered to score points. On the remaining rallies they may neither score nor detract points from other registered drivers. 27 2015 FIA WRC 2 Co-Drivers' Standings – Provisional Classification Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Co-Driver Kaj LINDSTROM FIN Matthieu BAUMEL FRA Stephane PREVOT BEL Fernando MUSANO ARG Scott MARTIN GBR Anders FREDRIKSSON SWE Klaus WICHA DEU Volodymyr KORSIA UKR Marshall CLARKE GBR Benjamin VEILLAS FRA Michael ORR GBR Pavlo CHEREPIN UKR Emil AXELSSON SWE Vincent LANDAIS FRA Mario PIZZUTI ITA Morten Erik ABRAHAMSEN NOR Valentin SARREAUD FRA Frederic MICLOTTE BEL Ireneusz PLESKOT POL Gilles DELARCHE FRA Kuldar SIKK EST Manuela DI LORENZO ITA Matteo CHIARCOSSI ITA Roger EILERTSEN NOR Maxim TSVETKOV RUS Monte-Carlo Sweden México 25 13 15 10 25 7 0 A 18 9 25 12 18 13 Argentina Total 40 25 25 18 18 18 14 18 15 14 15 15 15 0 A 12 11 12 15 15 12 12 12 16 12 10 13 10 17 10 10 10 19 10 0 35 8 18 8 21 0 A 8 14 8 8 8 6 19 6 23 6 6 6 66 6 4 24 4 4 75 4 2 25 1 26 0 30 0 A 2 1 0 A 0 NOTE: The WRC 2 Champion titles for Teams, Drivers and Co-Drivers will be awarded to the team, driver and co-driver who have scored the highest number of points from 6 of the first 7 rallies which they have entered to score points. On the remaining rallies they may neither score nor detract points from other registered co-drivers. 28 2015 FIA WRC 2 Team´s Standings – Provisional Classification Pos. Teams 1 Drive DMACK 2 PH Sport 3 Motorsport Italia Srl 4 Eurolamp World Rally Team 5 Sainteloc Junior Team 6 Youth & Sports Qatar Rally Team 7 BRR Baumschlager Rally & Racing Team 8 Yazeed Racing 9 C-Rally 10 Napoca Rally Team 11 TAIF Rally Team 12 E2-Tre Colli World Rally Team 13 Styllex Slovak National Team Monte-Carlo Sweden México 25 13 25 10 0 A 15 14 0 A 25 12 6 35 18 15 Argentina Total 50 25 21 18 18 13 18 18 11 18 15 14 15 15 16 12 23 10 25 8 30 0 D 15 12 0 A 0 A 10 8 0 0 A 0 NOTE: The WRC 2 Champion titles for Teams, Drivers and Co-Drivers will be awarded to the team, driver and co-driver who have scored the highest number of points from 6 of the first 7 rallies which they have entered to score points. On the remaining rallies they may neither score nor detract points from other registered teams. 2015 FIA WRC 2 Production Drivers' Standings – Provisional Classification Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Driver Max RENDINA ITA Simone TEMPESTINI ITA Alain FOULON FRA Marco VALLARIO ITA Gianluca LINARI ITA Eamonn BOLAND GBR Monte-Carlo Sweden México 12 35 25 25 25 14 0 A 25 66 18 75 0 A Argentina Total 37 25 25 18 18 31 15 33 18 15 NOTE: A separate classification for the drivers with Group N Cars eligible in Class RC2 entered in the WRC 2 will be drawn from the general classification and points will be awarded for the FIA Production Car Cup according to the same scale as for the Championship. 29 2015 FIA WRC 2 Production Cup Co-Drivers' Standings – Provisional Classification Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Co-Driver Mario PIZZUTI ITA Matteo CHIARCOSSI ITA Gilles DELARCHE FRA Manuela DI LORENZO ITA Nicola ARENA ITA Michael MORRISSEY IRL Monte-Carlo Sweden México 12 35 25 25 25 14 0 A Argentina 37 25 25 66 18 75 0 A Total 25 18 18 31 15 33 18 15 NOTE: A separate classification for the co-drivers with Group N Cars eligible in Class RC2 entered in the WRC 2 will be drawn from the general classification and points will be awarded for the FIA Production Car Cup according to the same scale as for the Championship. 2015 FIA WRC 3 Drivers' Standings – Provisional Classification Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Driver Ole Christian VEIBY NOR Quentin GILBERT FRA Christian RIEDEMANN DEU Simone TEMPESTINI ITA Stephane CONSANI FRA Yohan ROSSEL FRA Alessandro RE ITA Kornel LUKACS HUN Charlotte DALMASSO FRA Daniel MC KENNA IRL Terry FOLB FRA John WARTIQUE DEU Monte-Carlo Sweden 15 25 25 22 18 24 12 27 10 31 8 33 6 35 4 43 2 61 0 A 0 A 0 D 25 21 México Argentina Total 40 25 18 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 0 NOTE: The WRC 3 Champion titles for Teams, Drivers and Co-Drivers will be awarded to the team, driver and co-driver who have scored the highest number of points from the 5 of the first 6 rallies which they have entered to score points. On the remaining rallies they may neither score nor detract points from other registered drivers. 30 2015 FIA WRC 3 Co-Drivers' Standings – Provisional Classification Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Co-Driver Anders JAEGER NOR Renaud JAMOUL BEL Michael WENZEL DEU Matteo CHIARCOSSI ITA Maxime VILMOT FRA Benoit FULCRAND FRA Giacomo CIUCCI ITA Mark MESTERHAZI HUN Marine DELON FRA Andrew GRENNAN IRL Franck LE FLOCH FRA Gabin MOREAU FRA Monte-Carlo Sweden 15 25 25 22 18 24 12 27 10 31 8 33 6 35 4 43 2 61 0 A 0 A 0 D 25 21 México Argentina Total 40 25 18 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 0 NOTE: The WRC 3 Champion titles for Teams, Drivers and Co-Drivers will be awarded to the team, driver and co-driver who have scored the highest number of points from the 5 of the first 6 rallies which they have entered to score points. On the remaining rallies they may neither score nor detract points from other registered co-drivers. 2015 FIA WRC 3 Teams´ Standings – Provisional Classification Pos. Teams 1 Printsport 2 ADAC Team Weser Ems 3 Equipe De France FFSA 4 J-Motorsport Monte-Carlo Sweden 18 25 25 24 15 33 0 D 25 21 México Argentina Total 43 25 15 0 NOTE: The WRC 3 Champion titles for Teams, Drivers and Co-Drivers will be awarded to the team, driver and co-driver who have scored the highest number of points from the 5 of the first 6 rallies which they have entered to score points. On the remaining rallies they may neither score nor detract points from other registered co-drivers. 31 19 FIA CODASUR – South American Rally Championship & National Argentine Championship Competing vehicles must comply with the stipulations of the CODASUR and the national technical regulations of the category, including the National rules regarding the use of authorized tyres. The Supplementary Regulations of the event and the FIA WRC Regulations will be applied. As mentioned in the Supplementary Regulations: Non Priority driver must use the fuel provided by the organizers. Classification Competitors of the CODASUR and the National Championship will be classified separately. And will not be awarded points for the WRC championships, they will be awarded points for each of their championship, respectively. They will start as a group after the last WRC competitor. 20 Medical and safety service The Organizers of Rally Argentina have foreseen a Medical Service based on a hospital network that will be on the alert all throughout the rally, plus the co-ordination of emergency vehicles. The medical assistance of the event comprehends two aspects: assistance for both competing crews and for attending spectators. The medical plan for competitors includes the participation of a total of 71 vehicles; distributed in 26 ambulances (AMB), 32 fast intervention vehicles (FIV) and 13 heavy-duty cutting gears (RESCUE), distributed in such a way that there will be a high complexity ambulance, a fast intervention vehicle and a heavy-duty cutting gear, at the start of each special stage. Within the special stages, medical assistance will be distributed in order to answer with a maximum delay of ten minutes, and it will be provided – depending on the terrain – by a FIV, an Ambulance and a heavy-duty cutting gears. The strategic location of back-up ambulances and a shock room installed in the Service Park in Villa Carlos Paz, complete the above mentioned plan. A medical helicopter will fly over the special stages during the three competition days, optimizing the referral of patients and the arrival to difficult-to-reach spots. All vehicles count upon specially trained doctors and operators. As regards spectators, the medical assistance will be provided by the ambulances belonging to the Province of Córdoba. Besides, every provincial and municipal hospital on the area of the rally will be on permanent alert. During the rally, in case of an accident, competitors will be transferred to the Hospital de Urgencias (in Córdoba), Hospital Córdoba, Hospital San Roque, Hospital Domingo Funes (in Villa Caeiro), Hospital Zonal Villa Dolores or Hospital Central de San Luis. These will be in permanent alert during the whole event. Please see map in Appendix section. 32 Useful Numbers: Organizers number for emergencies: 03541 484872 – 0351 156 20 70 42 Hospital Municipal de Urgencias, Córdoba Capital (Emergencies): (0351) 434 1201 Hospital Córdoba (Córdoba Capital): (0351) 433 9002/3/4/5/6 Hospital Domingo Funes (Villa Caeiro): (03541) 489672/6 Hospital San Roque (Córdoba Capital): (0351) 4348774 Hospital de San Luis (San Luis): (0266) 4425025/5000 Hospital de Villa Dolores (Villa Dolores, San Javier, Córdoba): (03544) 426437 Police Department: 101 Automovil Club Argentino towing service: 0800 777 2894 *222 (dialing from a local mobile phone) Pharmacies See list below. 21 List of Useful Facts and Services CLIMATE The rally will be run in autumn. This season, in Córdoba, usually offers pleasant temperatures at midday and early in the afternoon and rather cool temperatures during the rest of the day, and cold nights. Average temperatures at the end of April: Minimum 13ºC Average 18ºC Maximum 24ºC SUNRISE AND SUNSET IN CÓRDOBA DATE Thursday, April 23rd Friday, April 24th Saturday, April 25th Sunday, April 26th SUNRISE 07:44 07:45 07:46 07:46 SUNSET 18:50 18:49 18:48 18:47 TIME ZONE Argentina is located three hours to the West of the Greenwich. GMT – 3 hours. 33 CURRENCY Argentina has a decimal currency system, with 100 cents equaling one Argentine peso ($1). The notes are: $100, $50, $20, $10, $5 and $2. The coins are: $1; 50 cents; 25 cents; 10 cents and 5 cents. Exchange rate*: The government of Argentina has put in place restrictions/controls in the purchase of foreign currency by Argentine inhabitants. This has led to a parallel market of currencies. For information and recommendations on money exchange, please contact the Event´s Secretariat. Please take into account that many shops in Villa Carlos Paz only accept cash payments (no credit cards). VISA Not required for most nationalities, but there are exceptions. For more information, please check: , or contact Rally Argentina Secretariat. AIRPORTS • Ministro Pistarini – Ezeiza- Buenos Aires. International flights to most cities of the world. • Aeroparque Jorge Newbery. Buenos Aires. Domestic flights. • IngenieroTaravella – Córdoba. International and domestic flights. TELEPHONES PLEASE NOTE THAT GSM MOBILE PHONES CAN ONLY OPERATE WITH A FREQUENCY DIFFERENT FROM THE EUROPEAN ONE. WE RECOMMEND YOU TO CONTACT YOUR PROVIDER DIRECTLY ON THIS MATTER. All those interested in renting local mobile phones are recommended to contact Rally Secretariat. How to dial • For International calls, dial 00 – country code – area code – number • Country Code for Argentina: 54 • Area Code: - Córdoba (0) 351 – Villa Carlos Paz (0) 3541 – La Cumbre (0) 3548, Merlo (0) 2656 and Mina Clavero (0) 3544 • National Operator: 19 • International Operator: 000 To dial an Argentinean mobile phone number from abroad, you should add a 9 after the country code. E.g.: Mobile number within Argentina: 15 – 6 – 333 – 333 Calling from abroad: (++ country code – 9 – area code – mobile phone number without the number 15) ++ - 54 – 9 – 351 – 6 333 333 WEATHER FORECAST We recommend you to visit the following websites:; 34 POWER 220 volts HEALTH The tap water in the city of Córdoba is safe for drinking. No vaccinations are needed. TRAFFIC The Police Department of the Province of Córdoba has implemented traffic control points that can apply fines. For example, there are speed radars installed on the motorway connecting Córdoba to Villa Carlos Paz, apart from control posts that check safety measures such as use of safety belts, lights, etc) Some restrictions: Maximum speed in motorways: 130 km/h Maximum speed in routes: 110 km/h Headlights: it is compulsory to have the dipped headlights on when driving in motorways and routes. Blood alcohol level: the maximum level permitted is 0.0 grs TOLLS* (at the time of publishing RG2) Tolls must be paid in cash, no credit cards are accepted. Only the local currency “Pesos” is accepted. Motorway Córdoba-Villa Carlos Paz: $ 15 (Argentine pesos) Route 38 Villa Carlos Paz – La Cumbre: $ 6 (Argentine pesos). Distance from Villa Carlos Paz city to Merlo (San Luis): 220 kms Time: 2h45m There are no tolls on the way to Merlo. There are Petrol stations all over the route: YPF – ACA – Villa Carlos Paz YPF – Nono KM 141 YPF – Villa de las Rosas KM 166 OIL – Villa Dolores KM 181 YPF /ESSO – Merlo 35
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