weathervane - The Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce
Wyoming County Chamber & Tourism WEATHERVANE 6470 Rt. 20A, Suite 6 Perry, NY 14530 A Quarterly Publication of the Wyoming County Chamber & Tourism S P R I N G 2 0 1 4 New Tourism Website Launched The Wyoming County Chamber & Tourism was pleased to announce on Thursday, April 17th, the launch of the new Wyoming County Tourism website m. The announcement took place at a press conference held at the Wyoming County Business Center conference room. Welcome New Members Upcoming Events The Chamber would like to extend a hearty welcome to the following businesses and individuals that have become members since the last newsletter. Annual Awards Celebration ATTICA Village of Attica SILVER SPRINGS Village of Silver Springs BLISS M&M Aggregates LLC WARSAW Barb’s Barbershop Catholic Charities Jacked 24/7 Fitness Club Montgomery’s Building Supply Reward Cleaning Service Spotlight Theater Warsaw Ace Hardware JAVA CENTER The Workshop PERRY Elm Street Technologies Lila Pilates, LLC PORTAGEVILLE J.M. Kramer Nurseries, Inc. WILLIAMSBURG White Deer Run Integrys Energy Services of New York is the preferred electric provider of the Wyoming County Chamber. To find out how members can enjoy discounts on our competitive electric supply programs, contact Beth Roberts-Russell at 716.885.1068. Wednesday May 7, 2014 5:30-8pm Glen Iris Inn, Letchworth State Park $25/person Join us in celebrating our annual award winning businesses! Wyoming County Community Hospital—Large Business Amber Lantern, LLC—Small Business Farm Credit East, ACA—Agri-Business Hidden Valley Animal Adventure—Tourism Business Fairview Paper Box Company—Manufacturing Business RISING COSTS … VOLATILE MARKETS … PRICE SPIKES … TAKE CONTROL! Call the Chamber office at 237-0230 to learn more about the National Fuel Resources Program for Chamber members. Call Tim Garlock at 1.800.365.3237 for your FREE quote and information on how you can save up to 25 % on your office and janitorial supplies. The presentation included a live demonstration of the website and its options for multiple viewing formats, new sections highlighting Wyoming County's tourism assets, social media feeds, and interactive features. "The new website will showcase the benefits of Wyoming County's tourism assets to both in county residents and travelers from around the country and beyond," said Meghan Nulty, Vice-President of Tourism and Marketing. The new website offers a great deal to the traveling public as a fully interactive resource for discovering all of Wyoming County's destinations." "This website has been a top priority for the Chamber and Tourism office and after several months of hard work, we are very pleased to offer it to the public today," said Scott Gardner, Chamber President and CEO. "This new website will bring the Chamber and Tourism operation fully into the 21st century and will provide both a benefit to tourists and the tourism business industry. It is a win-win for Wyoming County" The new website has been a priority of the Chamber & Tourism office since Meghan joined the staff in 2011. Last year it became a reality when the Chamber sent out requests for proposals and Corporate Communications was selected as the design company. The Chamber and Tourism was pleased to select this award winning company out of Rochester which specializes in Tourism based websites. Work on the design of the site began in September 2013, and was finalized at the end of March 2014. A major benefit of this new website is that the tourism staff has direct access to back-end content management, allowing for immediate updates. The website went live on April 1, 2014 with a soft launch designed to make adjustments and let the public discover it. Since coming online, the Tourism staff has received over 100 requests for travel guides and 50 new email newsletter sign-ups. Wyoming County Chamber & Tourism 6470 Rt. 20A, Suite 6, Perry, NY 14530 • 585.237.0230 • • BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIRMAN Marty Griffith Five Star Bank VICE CHAIRMAN Lisa Schwartz Pioneer Credit Recovery SECRETARY Lindsay Eddy Byrncliff Resort & Conf. Ctr. TREASURER Tim Moag Freed Maxick CPA’s DIRECTORS Brock Beckstrand Upstate Door, Inc. Pamela Bliss Elitsac Lumber Tom Carpenter Clark Patterson Lee Assoc. Patty Chaya Genesee Community College Peter Dueppengiesser Dueppengiesser Dairy Co. Daniel Egan Beaver Hollow Conf. Ctr. Austin Fish Complete Payroll Processing Norb Fuest Morton Salt Jackie Hoyt Arts Council for Wyoming Cty. Chris Kennedy Warsaw PennySaver Hans Kunze Steuben Trust Company Darren Long Prestolite Electric Joe Rivellino Rivellino Realty From the President For this quarter, I thought it would be a good idea to recap some items of interest that occurred since the last news letter. The Board of Directors met in January, February, and March to review the Chamber’s financial position and get updates from the staff of activities we are currently engaged in. Lisa Schwartz from Pioneer Credit Recovery was elected to fill the Vice Chair vacancy and we all look forward to working with her and welcome her to this new role. We reported that together with our other business partners, the Chamber co-hosted a manufacturing roundtable at Drasgow Inc. to discuss manufacturing needs for workforce training and development. It was also decided that we would meet on a quarterly basis as a manufacturer advisory group. The next meeting will be May 17th and will be hosted by Prestolite, Inc. in Arcade. Also, the “Target: Tomorrow” update is on-going, and your Chamber has been an active voice at the table. This is the county strategic plan update headed by a subcommittee of the Board of Supervisors tasked with developing a new and forward looking plan. Currently, the committee is meeting with various agencies and organizations from around the county to ascertain their status and what they see as needs for development. Our ‘Leadership Wyoming’ program is off to a great start this year with 18 individuals participating. They represent a good cross section of Wyoming County and will be in for some new and very interesting opportunities this year. I attended a Congressional Field Hearing with Congressman Collins on the need for Rural Broadband and its importance to Wyoming County’s success. Supervisor Dan Leuer (Middlebury) and I were afforded an opportunity to offer remarks and learned a great deal about the FCC, rural broadband in surrounding counties, and the impact of everything from education to industry. As I finish my first year, as of April 1, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the Chamber and my overall thoughts. I believed and continue to see that this is an outstanding organization that is dedicated, from the staff to the membership, in looking forward to a brighter, stronger economy in Wyoming County. Yes, there are challenges ahead, however, with steely determination and sincere optimism we can move in the right direction and be successful. Spring is coming and that always brings with it a renewed optimism and fresher perspective. Scott A. Gardner President & CEO Becky Ryan Supervisor, Town of Warsaw Jeremy Satchell 2014 Chamber BOD Meeting Dates M&T Bank Frank Vitagliano, Jr. Tompkins Insurance Agencies John Wheeler Chamber Members are welcome to attend any open BOD Meeting. Meetings begin at 8:00AM and are located at the Wyoming County Business Services Center Conference Room unless otherwise indicated. The Bank of Castile STAFF Scott Gardner President & CEO Meghan Nulty VP, Tourism & Marketing Kelly Ashcraft Director of Member Services Carla Chamberlain Fiscal Manager May 7: Annual Meeting & Awards Celebration, 5:30pm, Glen Iris Inn, Letchworth State Park June 11: New Board Member Orientation/Executive Committee (Closed to Public) July: No Meeting August 13: Executive Committee (Closed to Public) September 10: BOD Meeting October 8: Executive Committee / Finance Committee (Closed to Public) November 12: BOD Meeting December 10: Executive Committee (Closed to Public) Bush Hill Florist Celebrates 30th Anniversary Bank of Castile Changes Name Ed Hulme General Contracting Expands Tom Bush, and Bush Hill Florist is celebrating its 30th year of operation at its location in Perry, NY with celebrations taking place the month of April. Bush opened his shop at the age of 18 on the corner of Main St. and Borden Ave in Perry and has been serving the people of Wyoming County and beyond since with beautiful floral arrangements, fine gifts, jewelry, scarves, balloons and more. Congratulations Tom! It’s still the same financial institution, its will just be called by a slightly different name across its 16 branches in five counties. The Bank of Castile is now Tompkins Bank of Castile. Operating under its parent company, Tompkins Financial Corporation, Tompkins Bank of Castile is backed by the strength of the $5 billion in assets and is still focused on its high standards of professional expertise and personal service. It was recently announced that Warsaw based business, “Ed Hulme General Contractors” will now be offering black top services after acquiring that portion of Butler Construction’s business. They have also renovated their main office on East Buffalo Street in Warsaw and look forward to welcoming visitors and customers alike. 2014 Community Investors Koike Aronson Has Biggest Single Order Ever Congratulations to Wyoming County’s own Koike Aronson Inc./Ransome on receiving its biggest single order in its almost 100 year history. It was announced this month that they received a $14 million order for welders which will be used to make storage tanks. They plan to add up to 4-5 jobs to their existing 148 employee workforce. Koike Aronson has experienced steady growth over the past few years due to quality products, an excellent workforce and outstanding management. The Chamber congratulates this company on this success and wishes them continued prosperity. Want to see your good news featured here in our newsletter? We are creating a new “Member News” segment for our quarterly publication. Hire a new employee? Have a record setting sales day? Expanding your business? Adding a new product line? Recently recognized for an award? Share it with us and we will feature it here. Send your news announcements to Arts Council for Wyoming County Presents Two Events in May Celebrate Older Americans Month in May with an exhibition of work at the YMCA Walking Track. 115 Linwood Ave, Warsaw. Show Opens May 5 Closing Reception: 2pm, Sat. May 31 Show presented by the ACWC in conjunction with the Office for the Aging and the YMCA. Ellen Sinopoli Dance Company Master Classes Ages 50 & Over: Fri., May 16 11 AM YMCA 115 Linwood Ave Warsaw Ages 11-16: Sat.., May 17 9AM Images in Dance Studio 12 North Main St. Perry Classes are FREE but registration is required. Register by calling the ACWC at 237-3517. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what your believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” —Steve Jobs, Apple Inc. Community Investors are business leaders willing to step forward and serve as advocates for the Chamber’s membership. We encourage you to join our growing list of Community Investors, and thank our 2014 Community Investors for their support.
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