Inside This Issue - Azle Christian Church
Inside This Issue - Azle Christian Church
Volume 38, Issue 2 January 9, 2013 Words Inside This Issue Membership News all Statistics & Serving Lists Youth News 2 4&5 Ministry News all Committee news Notices 3-6 4,5,6 Prayer Concerns 7 The Advance is the official publication of Azle Christian Church 117 Church Street Azle, Texas 76020-3107 Ph 817.444.3527Fax 817.444.4537 Office Mon-Thurs 8:00 am—3:30 pm Website Senior Minister Rev. Dr. Alan Lobaugh C: 817-781-2346 Youth Minister Will Ryan 515-326-1255 Church Secretary Susan Hoffman 817.444.3527 Music Director Holly Davis Organist Gini Chesney 817.597.7185 Kids Hope USA Director Diane Weger Parents Day Out Director Jana Howell Board Officers: Jan Flavin, Matthew Hudman Heidi Hudman, Jennifer Ipser Elder Chair Lisa Lingo Nancy Robbins, Dannie Davis Mark Hiles, Sondra Williams, George Addington Chris Piercy, Rick Seeds Elder Emeritus Wendal Hoover, Paul Reed When I shared with friends that I had marched in a Presidential Inaugural parade, the quick and clever response was: “Which one, … Lincoln’s? You could probably do the math and make an educated guess about the year and the President. Maybe there’s a free lunch for the first one to get it right. In any case, I remember it was an extremely cold day. We had to grease the slides of our trombones with a sort of “anti-freeze.” Our lips sometimes froze to the mouthpieces, and we arrived at the staging area for the parade before sunrise for a parade that started around noon. But I have the memories, and my folks had the joy/ pride of watching (on TV) the Edison High School Marching Band pass before the review stand. This week, we, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the US and Canada, were represented by our General Minister and President, Sharon Watkins, who gave the opening acclamation for the Presidential Prayer Service before the inauguration. She preached at that same service four years ago. She did an excellent job. In our sermon series (the most important phrases ever spoken), we didn’t choose any phrases from inauguration speeches, but there are several worthy of note: “With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.” Abraham Lincoln, 1865, second inaugural address (and no, I was not there!) “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1933, first inaugural address “We are provincials no longer. The tragic events of the thirty months of vital turmoil through which we have just passed have made us citizens of the world. There can be no turning back. Our own fortunes as a nation are involved whether we would have it so or not.” Woodrow Wilson, 1917, second inaugural address, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1961 Of course, we also mark this week the holiday honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. and his famous words: “I have a dream …” Inspired by these phrases, let our words spoken to loved ones and others whom we meet, be filled with compassion and courage, be sprinkled with kindness and love, be rooted in our faith in Jesus Christ and our hope for peace with justice for all of the citizens of this world. Grace and Peace, Alan Page 2 Volume 3 8, Issue 2 January 27, 2013 Budget Needs Per Week $4,065.00 Received January 13, 2013 $2,384.00 Received January 20, 2013 $3,422.10 Received Year to Date (2012) $11,475.35 Actual Expenses Year to Date $10,795.82 (2012) Income Over (Under) Expenses $679.53 Attendance Report Sunday, January 13, 2013 Sunday School Worship Sunday, January 20, 2013 Average Year to Date 38 111 Worship Leader James Cudd Table James Cudd Bread Elder Lisa Lingo Wine Elder Mark Hiles First Greeter Eddie Weger Second Greeter Jennifer Pastre Deacon Harry Dekin Deacon Sandra Gallatin Jr. Deacon Tricia Lingo Acolyte Kaidyn Henderson Children’s Moment Alan Lobaugh Children’s Church NONE Visitation Serving Deacons Home Communion Rick Seeds/Harry Dekin Sunday School 38 Worship 96 February 3, 2013 Sunday School 39 Worship Leader Anne Cummings Worship 95 Table Alan Lobaugh Bread Elder Rick Seeds Wine Elder Dannie Davis First Greeter Leah Saurenmann Second Greeter Linda Gardom Deacon Cat Schlueter Deacon Linda Clark Jr. Deacon Brandon Piercy Acolyte Blake Saurenmann Children’s Moment Matthew Hudman Children’s Church Matthew Hudman Visitation Serving Deacons Home Communion Sondra Williams/Cat Schlueter Recycle Reminder Cans—Aluminum ONLY & rinsed No Styrofoam containers Thanks! Page 3 Azle CC is the most loving, caring church family of which we have ever been a part. What a blessing it was for us when we became a part of this community of faith in 2006! Please forgive my tardiness in expressing my gratitude-some letters have been harder for me to write than others. As many of you are aware, the last year has been a very difficult one for my family and me. We have been uplifted by your calls, concern and especially, you prayers. Thanks so much for those who helped with transportation for Marcus so that I would continue to work. I run the risk of leaving out someone, but will try to acknowledge all who helped: Sondra and John Williams, Susie Hiles, Rick Seeds and Linda Clark. Ken was with us when Marcus had his biopsy and led us in such a moving prayer. Alan was there throughout the last part of our journey with telephone calls, house calls, and, always with prayers. The food provided for us was both plentiful and delicious. Thanks to Anne Cummings for the delivery and the thoughtfulness to bring the food in disposable containers. She also made sure that the ham had been removed from the bone, which made serving so much easier. We didn’t need to worry about meals for the next several days. I don’t know all who contributed but thanks to Dollene Price, Rick and Trelle Seeds, Barb Upchurch, Linda Clark, Linda Gardom, James and Carole Cudd and all the others whose names I don’t have. It was such a relief not to worry about meals. There are so many wonderful cooks at ACC. Please continue to pray for me as I transition into a different way of living. Grace and peace, Peggy Grogan PARTNERS IN HEALING THE WHOLE PERSON LiveSTRONG at the YMCA Cancer is a life-changing disease that takes a tremendous physical and emotional toll on those affected. The Y and LiveSTRONG have joined together to create LiveSTRONG at the YMCA, a research-based physical activity and well-being Program designed to help cancer survivors achieve their Holistic health goals. Participants work with Y staff trained in supportive cancer care to safely achieve their goals such as building muscle mass and strength; increasing flexibility and endurance; and improving confidence and self-esteem. By focusing on the whole person and not the disease, LiveStrong at the YMCA is helping people move beyond cancer in spirit, mind and body. LIVESTRONG at the YMCA Is offered at: Northwest YMCA 5315 Boat Club Road Fort Worth, TX The next 12 week session begins — February 5, 2013 Tuesday & Thursday 1-2:30 PM Registration required Contact: Amanda Tucker 817-237-7237 The LIVESTRONG at the YMCA program is a free program for Cancer Survivors. Medical release is required. MEMO: To all those with keys to the church building(s) You need to turn in your key(s) if you rotated off of a committee for which you were issued one. Page 4 The Youth are well on their way to planning, prepping, and practicing for what will in all likely be a wonderful Youth Sunday on February 10th. Coinciding with Youth Sunday will be a lock-in on the previous night, February 9th. We will have our final practice that night, but we will also have time for fun and games (some of which are created by our very own Autumn Jacobs!) We will also be watching the movie “The Avengers” which is PG-13, so I will need parental consent for those youth who are under 13 in order for those youth to view the movie. I am truly looking forward to this event. I will be gone the next couple of weekends, Jan. 25-27 and Feb. 1-3 for both the JYF and Chi-Rho Mid-Winter retreats, so I will be praying for you all those weekends from Athens. These will be my first retreats and I’m sure that I will need some prayers too! We will still be having Youth Group meet on Jan. 30th even though there is no meal planned as well. I am still in the works of finding a way to find the kids nourishment for that night, so be sure to look at the Advance Alert about that. God Bless, Will The Choir Needs New Robes! The musicians of ACC (Chancel Choir and Hand Bell Choir) need your help. We want to purchase new choir robes. There are several ways you can help us. The easiest way is to come have supper with us on Wednesday, February 6 at 6:30. The choir will be serving and you can purchase a tasty meal, fellowship with your friends, and help out the choir all in one evening! We hope to see you there. In addition, if you would like to give a special offering for the purpose of buying robes, just put “Choir Robes” on the memo line of your check to the church. We need just under $2,000.00 to purchase enough robes for all the choir members, the acolytes, worship leaders, and a few extra for special occasions and growth! The choir gives a special “thank you” to the Board for allowing us to make this purchase. We are very excited and are quite sure that the new robes will help us sing and ring even better! Open Membership Sunday, February 3 Each Sunday, you are invited to become a Disciple at Azle Christian Church by coming forward during worship. Realizing that this is a little uncomfortable for some, we offer this alternative: please consider making this decision with Alan in our Fellowship Hall, after worship on February 3. Membership with the church is a way of making a formal commitment to be active with this congregation and join in ministry with your brothers and sisters in Christ who worship God here. Page 5 Wednesday Night Suppers in January, 2013 Serving at 6:30 pm January 23 Sponsored and prepared by Relay for Life. Dave, Nate, and I would like to thank the wonderful congregation of Azle Christian Church for their support during this time of grief at the loss of Dave’s mom, Dee Montgomery. The plant you sent was lovely and is still gracing our dining room. But even more lovely was all your thoughts, prayers and cards. We love our new church family. COATS AND BLANKETS Cold weather coming, cool nights already here. There are folk who can use your old coats and/ or blankets. We are still collecting coats and blankets for the Union Gospel Mission. Jerry Miller picks them up and delivers them for the glory of God. You may leave your donations on the PB&J table at the back of the sanctuary on Sunday or bring them by the office Mondays through Thursdays. Thank you. PS: Don’t forget your PB & J foodstuffs. Need some chores done in and around Your home? Let our youth help! Contact Will for scheduling: 515-326-1255 When they help you, you help their mission projects. Page 6 Ready to Volunteer? SOMEONE SAID THEY NEEDED A LIST OF ALL THE PLACES THAT WE COULD VOLUNTEER IN AZLE– Well, here it is: Azle Christian Church 817-444-3527 Good News 817-444-2300 Inasmuch Food Pantry 817-444-2303 Azle Memorial Library 817-444-7216 Texas Health Harris Hospital Auxiliary Cindy Bierbrauer 817-444-8662 Meals on Wheels 817-336-0912 Community Caring Center 817-270-2962 Kids Hope Diane Weger 817-677-2430 Azle Animal Shelter 817-444-8215 Relay for Life Heidi Hudman 817-237-4104 Collect door prizes for ACC golf tournament And my favorite—-pick up litter off streets and parks. You know what they say about idle hands...thanks, Scottie Life Screening on February 23 Azle Christian Church members get a $10.00 discount on the life screening process being held in our Fellowship Hall on Saturday, February 23. They will also make a $10.00 donation to ACC for everyone who pre-registers for a screening. Registration forms and fliers are in the church office and near the sanctuary doors. Dear Friends, On behalf of our Mission we want to thank you and every member of your wonderful church this past year. The funds we received from the golf tournament, sponsored by your church, really helped us help 500 children and their families at Christmas with food and Christmas. Also it will help us during the next few months with food. Thanks gain, Wanda Grayson And all the Mission Volunteers Castle Hills Mission House The Adva nce Page 7 New Prayer Requests Friends and family of Al Sears Matthew Grogan, surgery Leila Grace, infant Family and friends of Maurice Howard Bill & Janie Green Family and friends of Gay Bogy Chad Laisure Leslie Bales Mary Lu Rundell Marilyn Botts Dickie Glaze On-going Prayers Requested Family and friends of Bob Hayes Efren Caban David Araujo Family and friends of Frank Kouns Kowanda, Judy, Nila and Oleta Dollene Price Family and friends of Dee Montgomery Marilyn Daniels Nick Zenk Family and friends of Mike Darby Myliegh Moore June Earp Family and friends of Ida Knight Amy Upchurch John Harkins Reese Andrews, Gini’s brother Mike and Larry Kelley Larry Nunn Kevin and Sheila Foster Victor Bell Emilie Lofgren Jane Hargrove Sharon Hicks Dick Stults Doug Ransom Bob Myers Dannie & Jimmy Davis Sally & Bob Montgomery *Gay & Harry Dekin *Bob & Barb Upchurch *Julia Gardom *Lodema Botts *James Daughtrey *Raymond Smith *George Morrow *Don Fowler *Vancil Trammell *Sandra Bishnoi *Leah Vann *Russell Eagleton *Georgia Lamb *Ricky Stults *Jack Cowan *Pauline Cowan *Patsy Clay Homeless Persons Victims of Natural Disasters Parents Day Out Program Debt Reduction Campaign Serving in the military: Ryan Stults’ friend, Sam Hollis, Afghanistan; Chad Tidwell, Colorado; Spruill’s grandson, David Collins, San Diego; Brandon Carroll, Persian Gulf Iraq; Matt Huddleston, Korea; Jonathan Hendricks, Afghanistan; Jared Curry, Notice: We will list family and friends for one month, unless notified otherwise. If you feel they should be listed longer than that, please let us know. Afghanistan; Shirley Brown and Lita Tidwell Roby serving with military contractor in Afghanistan; Brandon Franklin, Japan; Jonathan Davis, Afghanistan; Nick Schultz, Afghanistan; Justin Clubb, Afghanistan. Azle Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 117 Church Street Azle, TX 76020-3107 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION PERMIT #12 U.S. POSTAGE PAID AZLE, TEXAS 76020 Return service Requested Sharing our Christian Community “We are a Christian community that loves God and our neighbor, where everyone is welcome at Christ’s table. God accepts you just as you are and so do we.” Lectionary 01.27.2013 Nehemiah 8:1-3,5-6,8-10 Psalm 19 ! Corinthians 12:12-31a Luke 4:14-21 Lectionary 02.03.2013 Jeremiah 1:4-10 Psalm 71:1-6 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Luke 4:21-30 Pray for our Youth and Sponsors Headed for JYF Mid winter Retreat January 25-27, 2013 Super Bowl Party February 3, 2013 4 PM At the home of James and Carole Cudd 11274 Stanfield Drive, Azle Save these dates during LENT: February 13—Ash Wednesday, pancake supper and worship February 20, 27, March 6, 13 and 20 6:00 PM Meditative worship in Heritage Chapel March 28—Maundy Thursday worship service March 29—Good Friday worship service, Elders lead a 24 hour prayer vigil March 31—Easter services at 8 am and 11 am Everyone invited Bring food to share and a lawn chair Tea and Coffee provided There will be a pot to benefit The adult mission trip
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Azle Christian Church
117 Church Street
Azle, Texas 76020-3107
Ph 817.444.3527Fax 817.444.4537
Office Mon-Thurs 8:00 am—3:30 pm
Senior Minister
Rev. Dr. Alan Lob...