Bakersfield, CA Winter Rally


Bakersfield, CA Winter Rally
Monaco Romers e-Newsletter
P re s i d e n t : Jo h n R o a n E d i t o r: B o b T h o m p s o n Volume 2010, Issue 1
February 2010
Bakersfield Rally
The “Prez” came to Bakersfield and
the Ho-Down began. The Bakersfield
RV Resort, including the clubhouse,
Crest bar and Restaurant more than
made up for the rain we had, unless
you were a Golfer.
There were 40 confirmed couches,
but after 4 cancellations due to illness or accidents, 36 continued to
enjoy the Rally. We sincerely hope
that all who cancelled are doing
much better.
We had two 1ST timers
• George & Barbara Stieb mentored
by Glenn & Laverne Herman.
George & Barbara donated all of
the floral arrangements for the tables.
• Tony & Monica Schotanus were
mentored by Al & Rose McDonald.
Thanks to the generosity of Bakers-
field RV Resort, Redlands Truck & Pop Corn.
RV, and Paul Evert’s RV Country, a
Thursday morning breakfast was in
good time was had by all.
the Crest Bar & Grill at your leisure.
We started with a Poker Walk., D.J. Next came our regular Romer BusiCarroll Dunn won with 4 kings. Ba- ness meeting.
kersfield RV Resort donated a gift
The Pledge of Allegiance was lead
pack, with wine glasses, wine and a
by three gentlemen from the Sons of
free night at the Resort. Country
the American Revolution, all dressed
singer Jim Robinson (Guitarist, Voin the colorful costumes of the Revocalist & Songwriter) provided backlutionary War period. Gary Quilla led
ground music during the cocktail &
a “Teck Talk” session with Redlands
Hors D’oeuvres hour on Tuesday
Truck & RV and Mike’s Mobile pronight.
viding answers to some of the quesAfter the rain came on Wednesday tions. The card gang was back playwe took to the Club House for Crafts ing card, but took a break when it
wit h Di an ne Wilso n, Na nc y was Ice Cream Social time, provided
Baumgart, and Ellen Johnson. They by “Gus” of Gus-RV-Washing (he
did some kind of fancy dessert didn’t get much business because of
spoon wrap. Another group played the weather)
cards. After cocktails, we had Tri-Tip
Our Romers #1 bartender, Dale
and Chicken BBQ, followed by the
Stucker, with his talented team of
Movie “RV” (Robin Williams) and
mixologists did an outstanding Job.
After 5pm “Happy Hour”, dinner
was served. Each table was set
with fancy centerpieces and several bottles of wine. Once again
Jim Robinson entertained us.
After dinner the bar was reopened and Susan Lewis lead
some of the more energetic, line
dancing, and fun was had by all.
We ended the evening with Gary
Quilla auctioning off our remaining bar supplies for a total of
$142.00. Tom Peel donated the
proceeds to Sal & Marianne
Rosenmann for the October Rally
in Solvang.
We had a continental breakfast
Friday morning which was hosted
by Bakersfield RV Resort. Thanks
to all for making our 1ST time
Rally a success.
Tom & Diana Peel
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Monaco Romers e-Newsletter
Diana Peel, one of the Rally Hostesses requested the floor to forFebruary 25, 2010
mally introduce the two couples that
are attending their 1st Monaco RoBakersfield RV Resort,
mers rally. Monica and Tony SchoHe pointed out that nominations for tanus and Barbara and George
Bakersfield, CA
the Vice President of the Western Stieb.
President John Roan called the Area are being accepted until April
15, 2010.
Old Business:
meeting to order at 10:02 a.m.
Business Meeting
In the absence of our FMCA National Director John Rahkola, Alternate FMCA National Director Larry
Johnson filled in.
Tom Peel introduced a unique Color Dues have increased $5.00.
Guard, the “Sons Of The American Upcoming Rallies:
Revolution”. They formally presented the Colors and the Pledge of March 15 – 18, 2010 Monaco International hosts a Pre-Rally, at
Allegiance was given.
Beaudry RV Resort & Rally Park in
Secretary’s Report:
Tucson, to the FMCA rally schedSecretary Townsend read the min- uled for March 22 – 25, 2010 in
utes of the Monaco Romers Busi- Albuquerque, NM.
ness Meeting held on September
10, 2009 at Encore Tahoe Village,
South Lake Tahoe, NV that were
prepared by outgoing Secretary
Gladyce Ehrlich.
Then August 3 – 7, 2010 Monaco
International hosts a Pre-Rally, at
the Oregon State Fair in Salem, to
the FMCA rally scheduled for August 11 – 14, 2010 at Deschutes
The minutes were approved as County Fair in Redmond, OR.
March 14 – 17, 2011 FMCA will
Tom Peel spoke to the members
about his experiences hosting a
President John Roan called for any rally and encouraged people to get
old business.
involved and participate as a rally
host or co-host.
There being none –
Diana Peel has two XXL Monaco
jackets to be raffled off. Those interPresident Roan called for any new ested should complete a raffle
business and introduced Vice- ticket.
President Curt Curtis to discuss the
rallies in place and the status of Jo Ann Curtis thanked Tom and
Diana Peel and Glenn & Laverne
rallies for 2011.
Herman for a rally well done. The
Curt reported that our next rally is membership agreed with a strong
scheduled October 6 – 10, 2010 at round of applause.
Flying Flags in Buellton, CA. Sal
and Marianne Rosenmann and Gary Quilla reminded the gathering
Lawrence & Phyllis San Filippo are that the Tech Meeting would take
rally masters and co-rally masters place immediately following the
close of this general meeting.
New Business:
Treasurer’s Report:
host one of its rallies in Georgia.
Nancy Baumgart sitting in for Treasurer Karenann Evans read the
Treasurer’s Report as of February
24, 2010.
Sunshine Lady / Romers Sup- Curt encouraged all to attend the
Monaco International pre-rally in
plies Report:
Tucson this March.
Sunshine Lady Nancy Baumgart
He also encouraged Monaco Rogave her report:
mers to meet at River Run in HarrisKarenanne Evans will have mitral burg – come in Friday or Saturday,
valve repair surgery soon at Cedar July 30th or 31st then caravan on
Sunday to the MI Salem, OR preKen and Romi Stender who were rally August 3 – 7, 2010.
The Beginning balance of the Savings & Checking accounts as of
September 9, 2009 was
$11,480.02. Income and expenses
were detailed. The ending balance
for both Checking & Savings ac- scheduled to attend this rally had
counts as of February 24, 2010 is their problems. Ken had knee replacement surgery and is doing
well, but Romie fell and broke sevA copy of the Treasurer’s Report is eral ribs. She is on the mend too.
attached hereto.
Ken Harms is undergoing tests for a
Membership Chairman’s Report: tumor on his spine.
Membership Chairman Rob Crow Cheryl Pope is recovering from gall
reported 136 paid-up members. 17 bladder surgery.
less than our last rally.
Dale Bergquist is awaiting knee
Our new members since the last replacement surgery.
rally are:
Stan Jones had knee surgery reTony & Monica Schotanus from cently and is recuperating. Stan and
Visalia, CA.
Barbara were registered for this
Norm & Beth Cannon from Lake rally and he was going to drive over
because his right side was perfectly
Havasu City, AZ.
all right. However, he was perD. J. Carroll and Bill Dunn have re- suaded not to make the trip.
joined the Romers after an absence
We wish all our Romer friends a
from the club.
very speedy recovery.
Newsletter Editor’s Report:
Romers Supplies lady Nancy
Newsletter Editor Bob Thompson Baumgart then pointed out that she
emphasized that he needs to re- had some Monaco Romers jackets,
ceive all reports due him from the shirts and other items with the
respective reporters just as soon as Monaco Romers logo for sale. They
are set-up at her table at the front of
the room. The new jackets are blue
He would like to get the Newsletter and very attractive. They are $40.00
out in two weeks.
and can be ordered to size and the
FMCA National Director’s Report: shirts are $35.00.
Steve Nelson, salesman for Paul
Evert, talked about Monaco RV.
Apparently they are building 1
coach a day. Paul Evert RV will
continue to support the Monaco
Romers and values their association with our club.
Vice-President Curtis called for
volunteers to host rallies in February, May and October 2011.
Being no further business, President Roan called for a motion to
adjourn the meeting. A motion was
made and seconded.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:56
Respectfully submitted,
Tom Townsend, Secretary
President Roan advised that it looks
like FMCA will only give out freebies
for our rallies if we can sign up 12
new FMCA members.
Sal Rosenmann, Rally Master for
the Buellton, CA Flying Flags rally
starting October 6th with a departure
on October 10tth gave his report:
There will be a tour of Vandenberg
Air Force Base.
There are plenty of other things to
do in the area.
Sal also pointed out that the Western Executives are having a rally in
Valencia, CA this May 12th departing May 16th and all Monaco Romers are invited to become members of that club and attend.
Susan Lewis spoke to the Spring
Time In The Oaks 2010 RV Rally
April 22 – 25, 2010. She has registration forms for those interested.
Immediate Past President Marty
Ehrlich, on Vice-President Curt
Curtis’ behalf, spoke about Rally
Hosts, Co-Hosts and rally teams.
Don’ Forget—We’re on the Web
Monaco Romers e-Newsletter
Tech Stuff
By Gary Quilla
Who would have thought we would
have such a good time in Bakersfield! I have lived most of my life in
the valley just north of Bakersfield,
and never explored the town. My
thanks to our hosts.
Our Tech Session was quite an
interesting get together. I don’t think
we have ever had visiting experts
before. We were joined by Keith
from Redlands Truck and RV, and
Mike from Mike’s Mobile RV. They
offered to help answer any questions that we got stumped on.
Before we got into Q & A, we talked
a bit about Truck Stop Etiquette,
and getting along with our truck
driving “Buddies”. The main thing
here, I think, is to remember that in
a Truck Stop, we are in Their World,
and should live with their rules.
We also talked some about using
the Internet on the road. I was
somewhat surprised to see that
about half of the attendees were
using telephone “air cards”. I have
been using one for about two years
now; in fact that is my only access
to the Internet, both at home and on
the road. With cell service pretty
much covering the country, and the
speed of air cards improving, they
have proven to be a viable alternative to Satellite service.
Our Q & A session pretty much
centered around batteries. Both
Mike and Keith were very familiar
with the subject, and gave us some
good insight on the care and feeding of our Coach and House batteries. I would like to thank Keith and
Mike for spending some time with
us. It was interesting having some
real “experts” available.
I don’t know how many of you plan
to attend the Monaco International
pre rally in Tucson, but I recently
got an E-mail from the President of
MI stating that Cummins would be
at the rally. Evidently there is a new
update to some Cummins engine’s
software that can be done at the
rally. I was asked to send information on my engine to Cummins
Northwest and they would check the
Serial Number to see if my engine
was on the update list. I will let you
know more next time.
I hope to see all of you at the next
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I would like to start my first message
by thanking Marty and Gladyce
Ehrlich for there help and time spent
volunteering for various positions in
the Monaco Romers.
The membership voted in a new set
of officers at the Tahoe rally to
guide the club, some rookies and
some veterans, President John
Roan, Vice President Curt Curtis,
Secretary Tom Townsend. The
returning officers; Treasurer
Karenann Evans, FMCA National
Director John Rahkola, FMCA Alternate Director Larry Johnson, Past
President Marty Ehrlich and returning Activity Managers; Membership
Rob Crow, Newsletter Editor/
Webmaster Bob Thompson, Sunshine Lady Nancy Baumgart. I am
looking forward to working with
these officers during my term as
Our first official meeting was held at
Bakersfield RV Resort, and I would
like to thank the co-hosts Tom and
Diana Peel, Glenn and Laverne
Herman for a great rally. The
weather did not cooperate but the
parks amenities made up for it.
The next two years should be interesting because of the present economy. As a group of RVers we still
enjoy our lifestyle and I hope we will
continue to do our thing.
John Roan
Monaco Romers e-Newsletter
Membership Report
Page 4
As of the current rally we now have
136 paid-up members. 17 less than
our last rally.
Our new members since the last rally
are: Tony & Monica Schotanus from
Visalia, CA. and Norm & Beth Cannon
from Lake Havasu City, AZ.
Rob Crow, Membership
What’s Coming up
March 14 – 17, 2011 FMCA will host
one of its rallies in Georgia.
Then August 3 – 7, 2010 Monaco
International hosts a Pre-Rally, at the
Oregon State Fair in Salem, to the
FMCA rally scheduled for August 11
– 14, 2010 at Deschutes County Fair
in Redmond, OR.
October 6th—10th, 2010 will be the
Romers Pumpkin & Rocket Rally at
Flying Flags RV Resort in Buellton,
Curt Curtis, Vice President
Feburary 24, 2010
$ 1 1 ,4 8 0 .0 2
Balance Savings & Checking as of 9/9/2009
Bank of America Savings Account
Interest earned
Checking Account Balance as of 9/9/2009
6 ,0 3 4 .1 3
Tom Townsend (760) 749-5285
Merchandise Sales
Rally Income (Paul Evertt for Bakersfield)
Karenann Evans (858) 273-8818
Sub Total Income:
Curt Curtis (805) 343-9117
Rally Return from Lake Tahoe
John Roan (805) 680-9696
Vice President:
Total Savings Account
Dues & Initiation
March 15 – 18, 2010 Monaco International hosts a Pre-Rally, at Beaudry
RV Resort & Rally Park in Tucson, to
the FMCA rally scheduled for March
22 – 25, 2010 in Albuquerque, NM.
Romer Officers
Rob Crow (928) 453-1462
Editor/Web Master:
Diana Peel (Everett Check)
Bob Thompson (310) 377-3813
Sub Total Expense:
Checking Account Balance as of 2/24/2010
Total Checking & Savings as of 2/24/2010
$ 1 3 ,9 4 2 .5 4
Respectfully Submitted
Karenann Evans, Treasurer
7 ,9 0 8 .4 1
Past President:
Marty Ehrlich (702) 656-3657
Anyone wishing to volunteer to be an occasional bar tender at our Romer rally's, please contact Dale Stucker (310) 200-8946 or This is a great way to get to know your fellow Romers.
Rob Wilson is in charge of the four night bar at the Monaco International Pre Rally “Back to the 50s”. It will be held at the Oregon State Fair
& Expo Center in Salem, OR. The dates are Tuesday, August 3rd thru Saturday the 7th. If you going and wish to help out as a bartender,
please contact Rob by phone (310) 376-6402 or E-mail Additionally, we thought it would be fun for all of us to get
together the weekend before at the Riverbend Resort in Harrisburg for general hobnobbing. The resort is reported as a “first class” R V park
on the Willamette River-just west of the old Monaco factory. If you would like to join us, please call the park at 541 995 9995. Tell them you
are with the Romers group. We must be in Salem on Sunday noon for priority parking.
Monaco Romers e-Newsletter
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Monaco Romers e-Newsletter
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Why the Drivers Lic. And Birthdate? For
those of you planning to join us on the
Vandenberg AFB tour, it’s a Government
Requirement that we give them a list of
the names, DL# and DOB.