May - Jaguar Car Club of Victoria


May - Jaguar Car Club of Victoria
The Award Winning Newsletter of
Issue #120
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
May 2014
Words from the President: Victoria Hospice
Meet the Board
May Prowl Report
Two Coffee Klatch Reports
CDN XK Jaguar Register Invitation
Beacon Hill Father’s Day Picnic Notice
Bits & Bytes
Barn Find E-Types
Hospice Events
JOTI Update
President: Graham Walker
Vice-President: Alan Heartfield
Secretary: Carol McGinty
Treasurer: Barry McCallan
Membership Secretary: John Wigmore
Director at Large: Isabel Weeks-Lambert
Director at Large: Gregory Andrachuk
Director at Large: Peter Jeffrey
Director at Large: Doug Easton
Immed. Past President: Merritt Chisholm
2017 Cadboro Bay Road, Box 112
Victoria BC Canada V8R 5G4
founded 2003
The Island Growler is published monthly, and is
distributed by mail and digital file to members of JCCV.
All back issues are available by digital file.
All information and advice is presented in good faith, and
no liability whatsoever will be assumed by JCCV.
Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those
of JCCV, the Directors of JCCV, or of the Editor.
Editor: Malcolm Baster
Associate Editor: Lois Smith
Technical Adviser: Angelika Ehlers
Events: Malcolm Baster
JOTI Chair: Wayne Watkins
JCNA Chief Judge: Gregory Andrachuk
250-595-7453 v12,
JCNA Liaison: Gregory Andrachuk
Prowl Convener: Barbara Driver
Webmaster: Lou Watkins
Regalia Coordinators: Jennifer McCallan
& Jean Hughes
250-479-5344 b&
Hospice Liaison: Tom Arnold
JCCV meetings take place on the fourth Tuesday of each
month, except December, at 7:30 pm in the Chiefs &
Petty Officers Mess, CFB Esquimalt, at 1575 Lyall Street
in Victoria. Our AGM is held with the November meeting.
Display advertising of interest to Jaguar enthusiasts is
accepted. For rates and other information, please send
an email to
Classified advertisements can be placed at no cost and
will only be placed in the upcoming issue. Please request
reprint in following issues if required. To place a classified ad please send an email to
Membership in JCCV is open to anyone interested in and
enthusiastic about Jaguar automobiles. There is no need
to own one of these fine cars to be a member.
For information, email us at or
drop us a note in the mail. We’ll send complete details.
If you believe that a Jaguar is more than just a car, you
are one of us!
Submissions are always welcome and are encouraged.
We kindly ask that all articles follow the publication
specifications provided below. To submit an
article please send it to
We are affiliated with
The Jaguar Clubs of North America
June 2014 Issue: June10, 2014
August 2014 Issue: Aug 10, 2014
Text: Font: Arial; Font Size: 10pt; Format: Word, PDF, or Text file
Photo/Image: 1000x800 pixels; max size 1MB; Format: jpeg or gif
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS ! Don’t forget to mention that you saw their ad in “The Island Growler”.
Words from the President
Cover Photo Story
Meet the Board
May Prowl Report
Coffee Klatch Report
Slalom Info
CDN XK Jaguar Invitation
Father’s Day Picnic Notice
Another Coffee Klatch Report
E-Type and Mille Miglia News
Bits & Bytes
Barn Find E-Types
Hospice Events
Wants and For Sale
JOTI Update
Events Calendar
Another Bit & Byte
Classic Jaguar Ad
The Island Growler Advertisers:
Battery Direct
Diamond Detailing
Electro Shine
Hagerty Classic Car Insurance
Isabel Weeks-Lambert
Jetstream Custom Auto
Oceanside Auto Appraisers Ltd
MacDonald Realty Ltd. Eleanor V. Smith
SNG Barratt Group
Styles Upholstery
Sussex Automotive: Alan Petrie
Welsh Enterprises Inc.
XKs Unlimited
die at home, and the hospice’s services seek to provide
support for this through community care programmes.
Community doctors, counsellors, and volunteers as well
as a 24-hour on-call service, the Palliative Response
Team, assist patients to stay in their own homes and enjoy the best possible quality of life until the end.
It is remarkable that the work of the hospice is supported by more than three hundred active clinical volunteers,
most of whom first undertook a six week training course to
support patients at the in-patient unit. Tom advised us that
many have served for 10, 20, even 30 years!
Here are a few figures from last year:
Graham Walker
The charitable purpose of at least one Jaguar club in
North America is to support the preservation and breeding of our favourite cat. Our charitable purpose is pedestrian by comparison, hospice care for those at the end of
life. Each year the club is pleased to support the Victoria
Hospice, located on the campus of the Royal Jubilee
Hospital. For the last several years, we have donated
$4000 annually, most of that being raised by our Jaguars
on the Island event. It may surprise some of you that donations constitute nearly 50% of the budget of the Hospice. Years ago, the building housed the maternity section of the Jubilee (where Anne was born), but now, instead of serving those at the beginning of life, it serves
those at the end without regard to age or social status.
I thought it worthwhile to go there with Anne to obtain
some insight into the virtue of our choice of charity. Tom
Arnold, senior development officer, was our guide and he
was kind enough to spend an hour or so touring the facility with us. It is not possible to canvass here all I learned,
but I will try to compress as much as I can within the
space our learned editor allows.
Victoria Hospice is best known for its in-patient unit but
it also operates a considerable out-patient programme.
The in-patient unit has 17 beds divided into acute care for
patients with complex medical issues or symptoms to
manage, extended care for patients in their last weeks
who are unable to die at home, and respite care where
patients can come for a week to provide a break both to
them and their caregivers.
Patients there are treated with the particular concern
and respect due those at the end of life and so, in addition to necessary medical attention, they have:
417 was the average number of people registered
with hospice on any given day;
884 was the number of end of life patients cared for
during the year;
Over 1,600 was the number of Palliative Response
Team visits to area homes;
4,854 is the number of patients and family members
$7,402,699 was the combined annual operating expenditures for the Society and the Foundation of
which $3,126,440 was donated.
The benefit this institution provides the general public
would be impossible without the generosity of many individuals, clubs and institutions and the remarkable number
of dedicated, kind and public spirited volunteers.
In my opinion, the wisdom of those early members of
our club in choosing this as our charity is obvious; and so,
while I do commend those who would preserve our favourite cat, this charity is immensely worthy.
Advertising Rates
Classified Ads
Ads for cars, parts, merchandise, etc. for sale will be run
free of charge for one month.
Display Ads
Full Page: $550/yr
Half Page: $375/yr
Quarter Page: $250/yr
Business Card: $125/yr
In so far as possible, a non hospital like environment with pleasant and casual visiting rooms,
wall hung pictures and other decorations, including homemade quilts for the beds;
No set visiting hours and even facilities for family
members to stay overnight;
Counsellors and a spiritual care co-ordinator, to
help both patients and families with the emotional
needs of facing the end of life;
A large rooftop flower garden (which I noticed
had a clear view of the Olympic Mountains) with
several seating areas;
A pet therapy programme, using specially trained
dogs who visit with the patients. In fact, patients
can even bring in their own pets (dogs, cats, etc)
for visits;
The only designated smoking area in the hospital
and even permission to drink alcohol in their
rooms if they choose (and their doctor allows.)
Yearly Ads are printed in 11 standard issues and in the
JOTI special issue.
The XJ220 was produced by Jaguar in collaboration with
Tom Walkinshaw Racing from 1992 to 1994. The car initially had no official support, and was designed by a
group of employees, known as “the Saturday club,” working in their spare time. The intent was to produce a car to
race in the FIA Group B competitions. It was powered by
a turbocharged V6 engine, and was for a time the fastest
production car in the world, topping out at 217 mph.
Our overriding impression on entering the place and
throughout our visit was of serenity, respectfulness,
warmth and welcome: qualities essential to the purpose.
The less widely known operation of the
hospice is that its care extends well beyond
its walls. More and more people prefer to
This is your newsletter:
If you have an idea for a “latest update” or content for the newsletter,
please contact the editors @
die at home, and the hospice’s services seek to provide support for this through community care programmes. Community doctors, counsellors, and volunteers as well as a 24-hour on-call service, the Palliative Response Team, assist patients to
stay in their own homes and enjoy the best possible quality of life until the end.
It is remarkable that the work of the hospice is supported by more than three hundred active clinical volunteers, most of whom
first undertook a six week training course to support patients at the in-patient unit. Tom advised us that many have served for 10,
20, even 30 years!
Here are a few figures from last year:
 417 was the average number of people registered with hospice on any given day;
 884 was the number of end of life patients cared for during the year;
 Over 1,600 was the number of Palliative Response Team visits to area homes;
 4,854 is the number of patients and family members helped;
 $7,402,699 was the combined annual operating expenditures for the Society and the Foundation of which $3,126,440 was
The benefit this institution provides the general public would be impossible without the generosity of many individuals, clubs and
institutions and the remarkable number of dedicated, kind and public spirited volunteers.
In my opinion, the wisdom of those early members of our club in choosing this as our charity is obvious And so, while I do commend those who would preserve our favourite cat, this charity is immensely worthy.
M E E T T H E B OA R D 2 0 1 4
by Lois Smith
I S AB E L W E E K S - L AM B E R T , M E M B E R - AT - L AR G E
a practising member there, specializing in franchise law
and working with referral clients, including some she has
never met. “It’s all document-driven,” she says, “and with
email, phones and fax, there’s no need to travel down
there.” She does, however, travel to Tucson, AZ, four
times a year for meetings as a member of the Board of a
restaurant chain belonging to her favourite California client.
Isabel and Ken arrived in Victoria in 2000, and Isabel is
also a member of the Law Society of BC. Although she
claims to be “officially semi-retired,” she is still actively
engaged in her practice as a general solicitor. When not
lawyering or JCCVing, Isabel loves to cook and entertain
and is also a keen photographer. In fact, she has won
several awards for her photography. But photography is
taking a back seat to a new interest: jewellery-making.
Isabel sold her VDP in 2012 and purchased a 2006 SType in Los Angeles. “When Julie Bailey and I went to
Los Angeles to pick up the S-Type, Marke Simmons and
Carol Bird came to meet us and drove back with us,” she
explains. “We stopped at several bead shops on the way
back, and I was hooked.” Isabel says she likes to be
busy; she is certainly that! Next on her agenda: the annual Father’s Day Car Picnic in Beacon Hill Park. It marks
the 11th Anniversary of JCCV and, as always, Isabel will
be “in charge of food.”
Having served on the JCCV
Board as a general member
in 2007, Vice-President
2008/09, President 2011/12,
and Past President 2013,
Isabel has returned to the
Board this year as Memberat-Large, “in charge of everything to do with food,” she
Isabel and husband, Ken, are
Charter Members of the
JCCV, with Isabel having
traded in her TR6 for a VDP (joining Ken’s ‘96 XJS) just
months before the club was formed. Since she first joined
the Board, she has made it her mission to engage the
women, believing that a variety of social activities are as
important to the club’s success as the restoration and
preservation of the marque.
Originally from Ontario, Isabel took her law degree at the
University of Western Ontario, and her instructor in corporate law is now Governor General of Canada. Widowed by
cancer at a young age, she was eventually, through the
instigation of Ken’s youngest son, “set up on a blind date.”
And the rest, as they say, is history!
Isabel and Ken moved to San Diego in 1983 and Isabel
became a member of the State Bar of California. She is still
P E T E R J E F F R E Y , M E M B E R - A T - L AR G E
After about two words from Peter, you wonder, “where is
he from?” Well, wonder no more. Aberdeen, on the east
coast of Scotland, is where both Peter and his wife Judy
were born and raised. Although they knew each other in
Scotland, it was in Cape Town that they met again and
this time, it led to marriage. Returning to Scotland, Peter
took his Master’s in electrical engineering. He began work
with Ferranti Defense Systems in Edinburgh where he
became a Program Manager, and went on to spend his
entire career in the aerospace and defense industry.
Peter has always been very interested in cars and motor
sports. In fact, he remembers as a young boy sitting on
his father’s knee, steering the family’s 1946 Jaguar 3.5
litre saloon, one of the first made after the war. Peter acquired his first car - a 1934 Morris Minor - at university,
then graduated up through a Mini to a Cooper S and by
this time, he had discovered special stage rallying. Rallying, off-road racing and restoring classic British cars became part of Peter’s lifelong passions for cars. In fact, on
his very first weekend after their move to Canada, Peter
met a fellow Scot who had just built a rally car, and ended
up co-driving with him for three years.
Returning to Canada once
more, Peter’s work took the
Jeffreys to Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Ottawa.
Throughout their many
moves, Peter kept up his
involvement with motor
sport and car clubs. Retirement finally brought them to
Vancouver Island. They settled first in Qualicum Beach, and just relocated to Victoria
about a year ago.
Once retired, Peter turned to historic car racing. With Judy as “crew,” he raced his 1961 Triumph TR3B at tracks
in Mission, Seattle and Portland until, in his own words, “I
tell people the car was getting too old to be doing this sort
of thing any more.”
Although Peter had always thought of Jaguars as lovely
cars, it wasn’t until just four years ago he acquired his first
Jaguar - a 1967 2+2 that was badly in need of love and
attention. He is still in the middle of restoring it, so acquired a 1990 XJS convertible to take them out and
about. They joined JCCV in order to meet people in Victoria and both say that has worked out very well for them.
As well as restoring his Jaguar, Peter is a dedicated
DIYer with renovations ongoing at their lovely Dean Park
home. He is also researching the family history to pass
along to their three sons and two grandsons.
In 1976, Peter and Judy, their two-year-old son and ninemonth-old baby boy immigrated to Canada where Peter
began with Litton Systems. After a few years in Toronto,
they were transferred to California, where their third son
was born. “We absolutely loved California,” Peter says
simply of their four years in the U.S.
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS ! Don’t forget to mention that you saw their ad in “The Island Growler”.
JCCV Sunday Prowl, May 4, 2014
Story by Wayne Watkins. Photos by Wayne Watkins and Lois Smith
May Prowl to Jaguar Victoria: a full house
The May Prowl organized by Barb Driver and Brian Evers
was a great success. Sixteen Jaguars crowded in to the
underground Service Parking area at Jaguar Victoria on
Sunday, May 4th. An overflow group of another dozen
Jaguars and daily drivers (it was raining, after all) parked
nearby. Jaguar Victoria service staff were on hand to activate the garage door, which of course is normally locked
on Sundays. Parts Manager and club member Peter Mercanti enthusiastically greeted over 40 club members with
flowers for the ladies and a gift for everyone. We started
off with a tour of the parts department and learned about
their very quick parts delivery process. We then worked
our way in to the service bays. We had a great view of
state-of-the-art lubricants delivery system, four wheel
alignment apparatus and hoists designed for both Land
Rovers and Jaguars. Peter described the company’s association with tire companies and the exclusive tire warranty program they offer. Peter explained the workings of
the new tire changing machine and the electronic wheel
balancing machine. Then it was upstairs to the showroom. We were greeted by sales staff, including Ruben
Little, Sales and Leasing Consultant. Some models on
display in the showroom were a Land Rover, Jaguar XF,
F-Type convertibles and a non-Jaguar – an Aston Martin.
We were hoping to be able to sit in a new Jaguar F-Type
coupe but alas, the shipper did not get it to Victoria in time
for our visit. Any day now! We did have a close- up look
under the bonnet of one of the F-Types to check out the
finer points of the engine. Noted that the optional 550 hp
5.0 litre Supercharged V8 has a top speed of 300 km/h.
We were treated to a nice lunch of sandwiches, rolled
sandwiches, veggies, pickles and olives. Well received ice
cold bottled water added to the enjoyment. Some headed
over to the counter for a coffee or tea.
As the visit to Jaguar Land Rover Victoria came to an end
President Graham and Prowl organizer Brian Evers
thanked Peter Mercanti and his associates for being such
welcoming and enthusiastic hosts. Graham presented a
model of a classic E-Type mounted on a wood base to
Peter on behalf of the Jaguar Car Club of Victoria.
Jaguar Club members listen to a presentation by Peter
Mercanti in the service area of Jaguar Victoria.
Jaguar Club members discuss the finer points of new
Jaguar models in the Jaguar Victoria showroom.
Jaguar Victoria Sales Consultant Ruben Little poses beside the Jaguar F-Type Coupe poster, while assuring us
that the real thing will be here in just days.
Our host, Peter Mercanti, addresses his visitors
Custom Auto
Jason Stoch
Paint & body
Specializing in:
Sheet metal
From minor repairs to full ground-up restoration, let Jetstream take your Jaguar to new heights.
Unit B, 2072 Henry Ave. West, Sidney, BC V8L 5Y1
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS ! Don’t forget to mention that you saw their ad in “The Island Growler”.
Coffee Klatch at the
Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club
April 27, 2014
By Wayne Watkins.
Where to go for the April Coffee Klatch? The Times Colonist Half Marathon was pounding down Beach Drive right
past our two favourite Coffee Klatch haunts - the Oak Bay
Beach Hotel and the Oak Bay Marina Coffee Shop at Turkey Head. And right at the time we would be trying to navigate the same road. Today Nike shoes trumped Coventry Cats. Ahh, but what a great way to stretch the collective legs of a number of club members' Jaguars and head
out the Pat Bay Highway to the Sidney North Saanich
Yacht Club. Upon arrival, the parking lot revealed over a
dozen Jaguars and a half dozen non-Jaguars. Inside the
yacht club the money basket soon filled up with toonies
for those bottomless cups of coffee. While some members settled in to the comfortable chairs, others walked
around cocktail party style. Some of us went out to the
patio. While it wasn't exactly warm outside a couple of
yacht club regulars turned on the gas fired patio heaters.
Now that's more like it! The always interesting chit chat
ensued - what Jaguars have been bought and sold, discussion about refinishing leather upholstery and discussion about the upcoming Prowl to Jaguar Victoria with the
hopes that the new Jaguar Racing Green F-Type coupe
will be there to greet us. As they say, a good time was
had by all.
With comfy chairs at a premium, some members headed
out onto the patio - with the comfort of the gas-fired patio
With sailboat models overhead and two hours of coffee
consumed, Isabel and Ken wave farewell to the group.
An aerial shot of the Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club
A nervous Jaguar Club member was boarding a yacht at
the Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club.
“ yachts like this sink very often?” he anxiously
asked the captain.
“No, usually just once,” replied the captain cheerfully.
Prowl Announcement,
June, 2014
Our Pender Island Jaunt
will be considered our June Prowl.
There will be no other Prowl in June.
The next meeting of the
is on Tuesday, May 27, 2014
at 7:30 pm
at the Chief & Petty Officers’ Mess CFB
Esquimalt, 1575 Lyall Street, Victoria
Victoria MG Club Slalom Calendar
Presentation by:
Club members Graham and Linda Darby
went to the Goodwood Revival in 2013.
The Revival is the most popular historic race
meeting in the world, and is devoted entirely
to the racing scene of the 1940’s, 50’s and
60’s. Many of motor racing’s elite from that
era may be seen there, perhaps even met!
Graham and Linda will present both commentary and pictures of this marvellous
The Victoria MG Club has generously assisted our club
with all of our previous JOTI slaloms by lending timing
equipment and operators, cones, helmets, radios as well
as helping to set up the course. We could not offer a slalom without their help.
They hold their own slaloms each month during the season and I would encourage all JCCV members who are
interested to support their events. The dates for 2014 are:
May 24; June 1; July 12 and Sept 6. All events will be
run at the Speedway, which enables longer and more frequent runs than a parking lot can provide. If you have not
yet tried slaloming this would be an ideal and friendly introduction.
I hope to see you there.
An Invitiation from
The Canadian
XK Jaguar
have long been uncertain about the accuracy of all this
talk about Climate Change, Global Warming and so on
and so forth. It is difficult to weed out all the political posturing, special interest bumpf, etc from the actual scientific evidence.
We would like to extend the invitation for your club
members to join us in August for our 45th Annual Heritage Classic; attached is the fillable entry and information brochure to share with your group. The all new
location in Langley City is close to border crossings and
Tsawwassen ferry terminal and designed to be a userfriendly weekend. A new feature also is the ability to
enter and pay online through our website,
However, once I viewed the picture below, with its clear
message of changing clothing requirements, I became
convinced that the world must, in fact, actually be in the
process of becoming steadily warmer!
Many of us will be seeing you at JOTI in July, and look
forward to your always impeccable hospitality and organization.
Thanks and best regards,
Carole Borgens
Please see the registration forms on pages 23 and 24
Coffee Klatch (Impromptu)
May 11, Turkey Head
Story & photos by Wayne Watkins
MOTHERS DAY! And a good day for an IMPROMPTU
Father’s Day is Sunday June 15th and British Car Enthusiasts will again be gathering for a picnic in Beacon Hill
Park. This Father’s Day will mark our ELEVENTH anniversary as a club.
You are all cordially invited to join what we hope will be a
great turnout of members of the Jaguar Car Club of Victoria.
As in past years, a catered picnic brunch will be served at
11 AM. Food will be supplied by Thrifty Foods, including a
variety of sandwiches, pastries, fruit and of course an
anniversary cake.
So please plan to attend and join in the celebrations.
Here is what you need to bring: Your Jaguar to display, a
chair for each of you to sit on, beverages, hot or cold, a
contribution of $10 per person to contribute to the cost of
the food.
There is no entry fee and there will be no judging.
Even if you don’t bring your Jaguar or cannot stay for the
picnic, please feel free to drop by to share in the club’s
anniversary celebration.
We hope you will include this fun event in your Father’s
Day plans.
Please RSVP no later than June 8th by e-mail
to: or call 250-383-4643 and
leave a message.
What a great day, and what a great idea for an impromptu
Coffee Klatch. Nine Jaguars and five non-Jaguars rolled
into the parking area at Turkey Head. Lattes and coffees
and scones were gathered up from the Oak Bay Marina
Coffee House, and club members and some guests gathered in the bright sunshine to talk Jaguars and garages.
Phil and Lois Smith were the happy campers of the group
and looked a little more relaxed than usual because their
search for a house with a good sized garage is finally
over. They will be moved in before the end of May. Merritt
and Bennie motored in with their classic Austin Mini. Roland Beaulieu arrived in his bright red 1960 XK150 DHC.
Coffee Klatches for Roland are easier to get to now as he
and Mimi have moved from Saltspring to Cadboro Bay.
He spent some time talking to Bob Hughes about the
classic overheating problem with the XK150. The final
resolve will most likely be a new efficient aluminum radiator specifically made for that model. Happy cooler motoring! Tim Leslie-Spinks arrived in his truck and with his
friendly dog, who was the hit of the gathering. Dorothy
Moleski did a few demonstration manoeuvres on her special Knee Scooter after foot surgery. While she hopefully
will not need it by July we did wonder how fast she could
go in the slalom at Jaguars on the Island! We noticed 2
XK8s, an S-Type, Jeremy and Barb's E-Type, XJS, Marke
and Carole's Porsche and others. The one thing we noticed is that few of us remembered to load up the trunk
with our lawn chairs now the nice weather is finally here.
A great fun sun morning.
Please note: There is a new way we must use to enter
the field. Turn off Cook Street into the Beacon Hill Park
area on Park Boulevard, then turn left onto Nursery Road,
which leads to the show field. (See map below.)
Distracted driving is a problem.
A highway patrol officer noticed a woman knitting while
she zipped along in her Jaguar. She seemed oblivious to
his siren and flashing lights, so he moved along side.
“Pull over!” he yelled to the lady.
“No, it’s a scarf!” she shouted back.
If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is probably not for
aguar Racing Heritage entered ten classic Jaguar
sports cars in this year’s Mille Miglia, the famous
1,000 mile Rome-Brescia-Rome road race (May
15-18). These include, among others, the ex-Sir James
Scott-Douglas 1951 XK 120, the ex-Douglas Hamilton XK
120 and the ex-Stirling Moss Monthlery record breaking
XK. There were three C-Types, and the “long-nose” DType.
You may have heard of some of the drivers: Jay Leno,
Jeremy Irons, AC/DC lead singer Brian Johnson, Martin
Brundle, Bruno Senna and other luminaries.
his from CarsUK:
Jaguar is to build six lightweight aluminium ETypes this year to complete a run of 18 planned for construction in 1963, of which only 12 were built. The cars
will be built in the Brown’s Lane factory in Coventry,
where a small area of the buildings has been retained by
Jaguar. The serial numbers will continue on from those of
the original 12.
The cost will be something above one million pounds, a
good deal cheaper than the five million or so an original
would cost. Jaguar will select exactly who gets to buy
them, the idea is to see that they are kept in the UK and
used at appropriate race meetings.
An original Lightweight E-Type
The Long Nose D-Type during an earlier race
A Foray into Fashion
Cowichan Valley Car Picnic Info:
On Thursday April 17th, the Sidney Pier Hotel staged a
Gala Fashion Show in support of ORCCA – Oral Care
For Children And Adolescents. Many local shops and
businesses donated their specialties, and the hundred
and fifty plus guests, including our members Carol B.,
Benni C. and Barbara W., enjoyed a wonderful evening of gowns, shoes, cosmetics, jewelry, modeling,
music and hors d’oeuvres.
Dear Car Enthusiasts:
We are writing to you to announce that the twenty-ninth
annual Cowichan Valley Car Picnic will be held on Sunday, August 10th this year. The location has changed. As
a result of Brentwood College denying us the use of their
fields, we will be holding the event at Frances Kelsey
School. Directions and a map are below. We are excited
about the new venue, there is plenty of parking for exhibitors and the public as well. There is some shady parking
and lots of grass for picnics. The school is located on a
busy road and near the local recreation centre so there
should be good exposure. As well, we will be increasing
our advertising this year in the local community. Car
plaques and prizes will be available as usual. New for this
year will be a car calendar, blankets and T - shirts. Watch
for details on our web site.
by Carol Bird
This year we will incorporate a display of local artisans
such as potters, woodworkers, spinners, cheese makers,
wineries, and the like. And of course, the Rotary Club will
have its food cart on site. If you would like to bring someone along with you to participate in the artisan show, or
for more information, please contact David Knott
( ) 250-743-9114 or David Crowe
( 250-743-2776.
Fashionable Jaguar ladies
Our web site will be updated as plans develop. Please
check us out at:
(Photo by Carol Bird)
An Art Show
JCCV members Graham and Linda Darby invite you
to “Good Vibrations,” a show of Linda’s work at the
Martin Batchelor Gallery, 712 Cormorant Street, Victoria. The show continues until Thursday, May 29th.
Check out Linda’s website, and
read a review at and more artist info at:
Focus_2014-05_May.pdf It starts on page 32.
Hope to see you on August 10th.
South Cowichan Rotary
The McNabb Report
Paul McNabb, the author of two detective novels involving
a classic Jaguar (see the Feb, 2014 Island Growler) publishes The McNabb Report on the XKs Unlimited website.
The direct link is
or go to and look under “community.”
Some interesting California Jaguar stuff there.
“Boogie Town” by Linda Darby
30 X 40 inches. Acrylic on canvas
Barn Finds
in veritate
“Cogito, ergo sum”
Marvin the Robot contemplates this pronouncement in the
Jaguar Victoria showroom.
Malcolm Baster
We are still not getting out much, but I am pleased to
say that Lucille continues to improve, though slowly. We
did get to Victoria last week, though, to join Ken and Denise Cantor for a scotch at the Empress. Ken and Denise
are from Edmonton, and were in Victoria to pick up Jim
Provan’s XJ12, which they recently purchased.
When we return to the Club scene, you may notice
that I appear slightly thinner. This is probably because I
have been doing much of the cooking here of late. People attempting to lose weight would no doubt benefit
greatly from my cooking.
Lucille would like to thank the Club for the magnificent
bouquet of flowers she received. Those flowers worked
wonders for her morale at a very bad time. She is also
very grateful for the cards, phone calls and good wishes
she received from Club members.
I am also grateful to have received articles and pictures from events we have missed, so these events could
be reported on in The Growler.
And special thanks to this month’s contributors: Lois
Smith, Wayne Watkins, John Braybrooks, Isabel WeeksLambert, Marke Simmons & Carol Bird and Terry Sturgeon.
Our “Words from the President” is very informative
this month. We all know that we support Victoria Hospice,
but we probably don’t know much about that institution.
Graham and Anne paid a visit there, and Graham’s article
gives us much useful and interesting information.
Terry Sturgeon has sent us these two “barn find” pictures, which he found on the Bonhams auction house
website. It seems that they were in fact found in an English barn, having been in “dry storage” there since the mid
The accompanying blurb says they “…..are ripe for sympathetic restoration.” One might be tempted to feel sympathy for those tasked with restoring them. Further, number 2 “….retains its original yellow colour scheme”. At
least, where there is metal left which is capable of retaining anything.
Now for the good bit: The red one sold for 29,900
pounds, or approx. Cdn $53,700; and the yellow-ish one
for 32,487 pounds, or Cdn $59,300.
But I suppose you can’t really put a price on the preservation of such important examples of national heritage.
New Members Welcome
So if you do have a rusting E-Type in your barn, talk to
the Bonhams guy.
to mention that you saw their ad in “The Island Growler”.
John Wilson
Bob Taverner
Brenda Jaques
Ray Murray
Monika Modrovic
Hospice Events
eeing It Up for Victoria Hospice.
Don’t miss the 18th Annual Teeing It Up for Victoria Hospice Mixed Golf Extravaganza. This
much loved event happening on May 25th at
Olympic View Golf includes a 4-person Texas scramble,
buffet dinner and tons of great prizes. For more information and registration visit
th Annual Teeny Tiny Garden Tour - Sunday June
Don’t miss your chance for a rare glimpse into
some of Victoria’s smallest backyard gems when
a dozen garden owners generously open their gates in
support of Victoria Hospice. Also included in this year’s
tour is Abkhazi Garden which at only one-acre is a truly
hidden treasure. Tickets $25, are on sale now at Thrifty
Foods, Dig This, Capital Iron - Downtown, Mayfair Shopping Centre Concierge Desk and Victoria Hospice.
“People want to know that their money will be used carefully and that it will go to the cause. That is the case with
Tom Arnold, Senior Development Officer at Hospice,
agrees: “People are surprised to learn that approximately
one half of Hospice's annual operating costs are funded
by donations. It is thanks to the generosity of people like
Steve and Betsyn—and all Hospice donors—that Hospice
can provide palliative and end-of-life care for people in
Victoria who need it.”
Thank you to Steve and Betsyn for putting together this
special challenge appeal, to Marymax fund and the anonymous donors for creating the match, and to everyone
who took the time to respond and make a contribution.
(This article first appeared in the March, 2014 edition of
Focus magazine. It was written by Marilyn McCrimmon.)
teve and Betsyn Clark Matching Gift
Challenges Raises More Than $200,000!
Indianapolis 500 tickets!
In the Fall of 2013, Steve and Betsyn Clark sent
a letter to their close friends. It read:
“Dear Friend - This time of year, when leaves are turning
and falling, and we’re looking to spend the coming holidays with family and friends, it’s important to remember
that for some, the passing of time means something very
different. For people living with life-limiting illness and for
the people who love them, each moment becomes a
season to be savoured as much as possible, as long as
possible. This is one of the many reasons why Betsyn
and I support Victoria Hospice, and why we are asking
that you help support it, too. Whatever you may think
Victoria Hospice is, trust me, it is so much more than you
could ever have imagined.”
Two of our members, Dr. Wayne and Mary Mulcahy, have
been kind enough to donate tickets to the 2014 Indianapolis 500 on 25 May. Our plan was to offer the tickets at a
discount to our members with proceeds going to JCOF
and also to the Michael J. Fox Foundation. However, we
had no takers Dr. Mulcahy is now willing to donate them
to JCNA. We have up to 8 tickets available that are in a
premier location in Stand A, on the straight away just past
the starting line and across from pit row. If you want to
look their location up online they are in Box 36, row SS,
seats 9-16 ( Face value is $103 but equivalent seats are selling online for $150 and more. Please
let me know if JCNA would like the tickets to either sell at
a discount or give out. The terms of Wayne’s and Mary’s
donation is that the tickets will be used by JCNA members
only. Contact Me: Jay Hixson These are on a first come
basis as available.
(Received by e-mail from JCNA)
The letter issued a friendly challenge: The Clarks, along
with two anonymous donors and the Marymax fund,
would match donations up to $100,000. When the Clarks’
friends opened their envelopes, they also opened their
wallets. In total, more than $200,000 was raised to support Hospice’s end-of-life and bereavement programs.
When asked why Steve and Betsyn chose to support
Hospice, Steve replied:
“Betsyn and I had a tour of Hospice and we were so impressed by the people that go to work there every day.
They don’t treat their work as another day at the office.
These people are defining their lives by the care and
compassion they give to patients and their loved ones as
life draws to a close.”
The Clarks’ friends—many of whom are business people—knew that the Clarks would only ask for support for
a charity they had researched and one where they had
reviewed the financial statements. Steve confirms:
For Sale or Wanted
Advertisements run for one issue at no charge. Place your ad with
the editor at
For Sale
1992 Jaguar XJS coupe, 4.0 litre 6-cylinder. Jaguar racing green. Victoria car, very clean, winter stored and regularly serviced at mechanic shop. Beautiful car, runs
great! 170,000km. Asking $8,500 obo. 250-741-0584.
For Sale
1962 Jaguar Mark II ........I have a fully original restored
Green 1962 Jaguar Mark II touring saloon, completely new
Connolly leather, Wilson carpet, new headline and inside
door panels with only 33,500 miles.
The car comes with original Bill of Sale as it was purchased
by my Grandfather and has been owned by the same family since purchased. Never has been in snow and never
been in an accident.
This car has a number of awards and a feature article was
just recently published in Old Autos Canada’s Antique Vehicle Newspaper last year.
If there is any interest please contact for details
Steve Armstrong
Home..... 905-937- 0512
cell.......... 905-931- 0512
For Sale
1990 Jaguar XJ-S V12
Federal Jaguar XJ-S V12 delivered new in Portland,
King-of-the-Road V12 Jaguar.
Artic Blue over Savile Grey Leather Interior.
Completely original and presented in concours condition.
Exceptionally clean inside and out.
Federal-spec 5.3L V12 HE:
Fully functional, licensed and registered in Victoria, BC.
Sold as is, with all defects and no warranties.
Price is $13,000 CAD
Contact Richard Owen at 250 891 7475 anytime.
Going thru another mid-life crisis. Need a convertible, not
too old. Willing to go up to $40,000.
If anyone is thinking of selling, give me a call:
Bruce MacLeod, Mortgage consultant, Branch manager.
Tel. 250 483-1380
Cell 250 514-7007
Fax 250 483-1377
Club will be on site with their Food/Lunch mobile unit.
Registering your Jaguar for the show - All Jaguars are
welcome from rolling restorations to daily drivers - whatever Jaguar you have. The Registration form outlines the
entry fees - $50 for Concours Judged category (both
Championship or Driven) and $15 for the Enthusiast nonjudged category. (Do note that entries for any of the
JUDGED categories must be received by July 11th. All
entries received after July 11 will be entered in the Enthusiast Category.)
 Saturday Awards Dinner - Served in the David Foster Theatre Room in the new Oak Bay Beach Hotel. A
wonderful dinner plus awards and trophies. $50 pp
 Sunday - Scenic Country Prowl – and then
BRUNCH. A great no charge country tour through scenic
Greater Victoria ending at the Royal Colwood Golf Club
for Brunch. Farewell socializing and prizes galore!
Brunch is $25 pp.
Sunday JCNA Slalom - After the farewell Brunch head
out to Western Speedway and join us for a few runs in the
JCNA Slalom on the parking lot. Novice or experienced all are welcome. $30 per vehicle per driver. Preregistration (included on the Registration Form) for
the Slalom is strongly encouraged.
Have you registered for Jaguars on
the Island yet?
Jaguars on the Island 2014 is fast approaching. July 25,
26 and 27 to be precise.
We are receiving registrations daily, but we do still have
room available at this time.
Featured Jaguar models this year are: Saloons through
to the 1961 Mark IX. ALL Jaguars of any model are welcome from daily drivers to weekend cruisers to restoration
in progress to newly restored. Some members are entering
their Jaguars in the JUDGED (Concours) category which
will be judged by the Concours d’Elegance judging team.
We are receiving registrations for the Concours Championship classes and also the Concours Driven classes. In
the Championship classes the entire car including the boot
(trunk) area and the engine compartment are judged. In the
Driven classes the interior and exterior are judged but the
boot (trunk) and engine compartment are not judged. The
foremost purpose of the JCNA Concours is to encourage
the owners of Jaguars to preserve, maintain and present
their Jaguars in as clean and authentic condition as possible.
Many entries being received are registering in the Enthusiast category. The Enthusiast Jaguars are not formally
judged but are all entered in the “Participants’ Choice
Awards” where fellow Jaguar participants vote for their
favourite Jaguar in different categories. Every Jaguar will
be a star!
Full Schedule of Events and Registration Forms for
Jaguars On The Island 2014 are listed on the Jaguar Car
Club of Victoria website Once
on our web site click on "JAGUARS ON THE ISLAND
(JOTI)" in the Table of Contents on the left side of the web
page. There you will see all the links to Registration options
(both Online and Mail-In) and the weekend's Schedule
of Events. Please note that registering Online is the simplest method. You will see on the bottom of the Online
Registration Form the phone numbers of two of our committee members who will be pleased to help you navigate
the registration process if you need assistance. They
are: Peter Jeffery 778-351-3843 or Merritt Chisholm 250
-656-0030. Do not hesitate to call them – they will be
pleased to help.
The direct link to the Register Online site is:
THANKS! If you have any questions about the Jaguars
on the Island 2014 weekend by all means give me a call.
Our committee is here to help.
Wayne Watkins
Chair, Jaguars on the Island 2014 Committee,
Jaguar Car Club of Victoria
Telephone: 250-652-1247
Our host hotel is the new Oak Bay Beach Hotel – Great
response from Jaguar enthusiasts registering for Jaguars
on the Island and booking at the Oak Bay Beach Hotel. The
rooms at the special group rate of $207 have now been
taken. As of May 16th there were 3 rooms left at the next
step up at $239. For other rooms at their summer rate go
Tel: (250) 940-0317
Toll Free: 1.800.668.7758
Please refer to our web site for the
Schedule of Events which are:
 Friday Welcome Reception - Oak Bay Marina Cof
fee House. $20 pp
 Saturday Concours d'Elegance - Windsor Park in
Oak Bay. A tasty Box Lunch can be pre-ordered ($10)
when you register. Alternatively, Central Saanich Lions
Breaking news! XKs unlimited has just signed on as a
Major Sponsor of JOTI!
Jaguar Events, 2014
JCCV Events are printed in bold
May 2014
Vancouver All British Field Meet, Van Dusen Gardens
Vancouver All British Whistler Run
May 18
Turkey Head Coffee Klatch, 9am to noon
May 27
JCCV Regular meeting. Details page 11
May 31 June 1
Pender Island Jaunt.
There may still be room!
August 2014
Aug 3
Sunday Prowl. Details TBA.
Aug 8 - 9
Jaguars on the Green, Tacoma, WA
Jaguar Drivers and Restorers Club of NWA
Aug 10
Cowichan Valley Car Picnic, Mill Bay
Aug 10
Oak Bay Collector Car Festival, Oak Bay.
Info pending
Aug 14-17
Monterey Motorsports Reunion , Laguna Seca, CA
Aug 15-17
Canadian XK Jaguar Register Heritage Classic Weekend,
Langley. Info:
See additional info and registration forms elsewhere
in this issue.
Aug 17
Turkey Head Coffee Klatch, 9am to noon.
Aug 23
Rally in the Valley. Peachland
Aug 24
QA Motorcar Gathering, Queen Alexandra Hospital grounds
June 2014
June 6 - 8
Brits Best Classics, Radium Hot Springs.
June 7 - 8
Jags on Parade and On Show on the Meadow.
Info: Pacific Jaguar Enthusiasts Group.
Info: Art Dickenson, 604 465-7244
June 15
Fathers’ Day British Car Picnic, Beacon Hill Park.
See notice this issue page 12
June 15
Seaside Cruizers Show & Shine, Qualicum Beach.
Aug 24
June 21-22
Vancouver Collector Car Show and Auction, PNE Grounds
Jason Heard @ 604 220-2725 or
Concours d’Elegance of the San Juan Islands,
Friday Harbor, WA. Info:
Aug 26
JCCV Regular Meeting. Details TBA.
Aug 30
CXKJR Summer Slalom, Scott Road Skytrain Station,
Info: Canadian XK Jaguar Registry,
John Morse 604-594-8992
Jaguar Owners Club of Oregon Concours,
Portland International Raceway, Portland, OR
Info: Bill Loppnow 360 253-9144
Aug 29-31
Portland All British Field Meet and Historic Auto Races,
Portland International Raceway, Portland, OR. Info: Pending
June 22
June 22
Turkey Head Coffee Klatch, 9am to noon
June 24
JCCV Regular Meeting. Details TBA.
June 29
Shawnigan Lake Show ‘n’ Shine, Shawnigan Lake School
Info: 250 516-8533
Jun 29Jul 11
Brits Round BC, Old English Car Club.
September 2014
Sep 6 - 7
Langley Good Times Cruise-In, Langley
Sep 7
Sunday Prowl, details TBA
Sep 14
An English Car Affair in the Park, Fort Rodd Hill.
Old English Car Club, South Island Branch.
July 2014
July 1
Gorge Road Canada Day Picnic.
Sep 19-21
Sun Peaks Runt o the Sun, Sun Peaks Resort.
July 1
Saltspring Canada Day Show & Shine
Sep 21
Turkey Head Coffee Klatch, 9am to noon.
Sep 21
July 6
Sunday Prowl. Details TBA.
Toy Run, Vancouver Island Mustang Association.
Info pending
July 13
Brits on the Beach, Ladysmith
Info: Old English Car Club Central Island Branch,
Sep 23
JCCV Regular meeting, details TBA
July 19
European Classic car Meet, in Calgary
Vintage Sports Car Club of Calgary
July 20
Turkey Head Coffee Klatch, 9am to noon
July 20
Classic Car Field Meet, Elk/Beaver Lake Park, Saanich
Victoria MG Club. Info: 250 598-1670
July 20
Fraser Valley Classic Car Show, Chilliiwack.
July 22
JCCV regular meeting, Details TBA
July 25-27
Jaguars on the Island
July 26
Western Washington All British Field Meet. Info:
October 2014
Oct 5
Sunday Prowl, details TBA
Oct 19
Turkey Head Coffee Klatch, 9am to noon
Oct 28
JCCV Regular meeting, details TBA
Ah, Spring……
A gardening tip:
When weeding your garden, the best way to be sure if
you are removing a weed or a valuable plant is to pull on
it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable
Another Bit & Byte
Mother’s Day…………
May is the month in which we celebrate not only our
mother’s special day, but also the role women play in our
Just the other day I was reading of an archaeological
discovery at an undisclosed Middle East location. Apparently a number of clay tablets had been found which,
when translated, shed a bit more light on the creation of
According to the writings on these tablets, it seems
that Adam was toiling away in the Garden of Eden one
day, when God suddenly appeared before him.
“Adam,” said God, “ this garden is an absolute wonder.
The fruit trees are straight and tall, the shrubbery so neatly trimmed and the grass so evenly cut. The flower beds
are beautiful, the way you have matched and contrasted
the colours is amazing. And those little fishponds with the
connecting waterfalls are an absolute master stroke.”
“Thank you,” replied Adam modestly. “I have tried my
best to please you.”
“You have certainly succeeded there,” said God. “I am
very pleased indeed. So pleased, in fact, that I am going
to reward you for your efforts. I am going to give you a
companion. Her name is ‘woman’, and she is beautiful.
Her face is a delight to behold, and her body is slim and
graceful. Her long, soft hair cascades over slender shoulders, and her voice is as the happy bubbling of water in a
little brook as it flows over stones. She will always try to
make you happy, but if you are ever sad she will take
your sadness to herself and make it vanish as the desert
mist vanishes before the morning sun. She will cook you
delicious meals, wash your clothes and clean your house,
never complaining at all. And she will never protest your
little idiosyncrasies and simple pleasures. She will make a
warm bed with scented sheets for you, and in that bed
she will raise you to heights of ecstasy that you never
dreamed could exist. She will make your life complete.”
“Thank you very much,” said Adam enthusiastically.
Then a thought struck him. “But what will this cost me?”
God calculated briefly, then replied “I will have to take
your left arm and right leg.”
Adam thought about this for a minute, then asked
“What would I get for a rib?”
Alzheimer Foundation Poker Rally
Sunshine greeted the dozen cars on Saturday morning
April 26th, for the start of the 3rd annual Alzheimer Foundation Poker Rally to Tofino. Drivers selected playing cards
at several stops along the route to the Middle Beach
Lodge on the oceanfront near Tofino. Traffic was light on
Hwy 4, and even though the heavens let loose for part of
the run, it was a very enjoyable drive. Five of our
JCCV members participated; Julie B. and her friend Sheila W. in JB’s award winning E-Type coupe, Sherry & Nigel
O. driving their immaculate M/B SL600 roadster, and Carol & Marke S. following the group in their Monte Carlo SS.
Nigel & Sherry won the second best poker hand and
the 250$ prize, while Carol won the third best hand and
the 100$ prize. The “Hard Luck” award went to a XK8
driver who drove through the deluge over the Pass to the
lodge – with the convertible top retracted ! The windshield
wipers were screaming at full speed to deflect the torrent,
but he was dry when stepping from his XK8 at the Lodge
[at least that’s what he claimed !] It was a fun friendship
weekend, with much beachcombing, photography, shopping in town and lots’a good food and wine - as evidenced
by the photo of Julie, Nigel and Dr. Marjorie Moulton,
Director of the Alzheimer Foundation.
Story and photo by Marke Simmons
Roland Beaulieu’s XK150 at the April 11 coffee klatch