Apr - Jaguar Car Club of Victoria


Apr - Jaguar Car Club of Victoria
The Award Winning Newsletter of
Issue #119
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
April 2014
Meet the Board
Prowl Report
Restoration Fair Report
Hospice Events
Bits & Bytes
Club Members in Phoenix
Classic Jaguar Advertisement
And More
President: Graham Walker
250-479-7364 grahambwalker@shaw.ca
Vice-President: Alan Heartfield
250-508-7277 xjstwr@me.com
Secretary: Carol McGinty
778-433-7705 carolmcginty@shaw.ca
Treasurer: Barry McCallan
250-656-6705 bmccallan@northwestel.net
Membership Secretary: John Wigmore
250-592-7885 jrwigmore@telus.net
Director at Large: Isabel Weeks-Lambert
250-383-4643 isabel@weekslambert.com
Director at Large: Gregory Andrachuk
250-595-7453 v12vdp@gmail.com
Director at Large: Peter Jeffrey
778-351-3843 peter.jeffrey@gmail.com
Director at Large: Doug Easton
250-595-2822 doug_easton@telus.net
Immed. Past President: Merritt Chisholm
250-656-0030 fmchisholm@shaw.ca
2017 Cadboro Bay Road, Box 112
Victoria BC Canada V8R 5G4
founded 2003
The Island Growler is published monthly, and is
distributed by mail and digital file to members of JCCV.
All back issues are available by digital file.
All information and advice is presented in good faith, and
no liability whatsoever will be assumed by JCCV.
Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those
of JCCV, the Directors of JCCV, or of the Editor.
Editor: Malcolm Baster
Associate Editor: Lois Smith
Technical Adviser: Angelika Ehlers
Events: Malcolm Baster
JOTI Chair: Wayne Watkins
250-652-1247 wandl-watkins@shaw.ca
JCNA Chief Judge: Gregory Andrachuk
250-595-7453 v12,vdp@gmail.com
JCNA Liaison: Gregory Andrachuk
250-595-7453 v12.vdp@gmail.com
Prowl Convener: Barbara Driver
250-743-6756 bdbe@shaw.ca
Webmaster: Lou Watkins
250-652-1247 lou.watkins@shaw.ca
Regalia Coordinators: Jennifer McCallan
& Jean Hughes
250-656-6705 jennifer.mccallan@northwestel.net
250-479-5344 b&jhughes@telus.net
Hospice Liaison: Tom Arnold
250-519-1749 Tom.Arnold@victoriahospice.org
JCCV meetings take place on the fourth Tuesday of each
month, except December, at 7:30 pm in the Chiefs &
Petty Officers Mess, CFB Esquimalt, at 1575 Lyall Street
in Victoria. Our AGM is held with the November meeting.
Display advertising of interest to Jaguar enthusiasts is
accepted. For rates and other information, please send
an email to thegrowler@shaw.ca.
Classified advertisements can be placed at no cost and
will only be placed in the upcoming issue. Please request
reprint in following issues if required. To place a classified ad please send an email to thegrowler@shaw.ca.
Membership in JCCV is open to anyone interested in and
enthusiastic about Jaguar automobiles. There is no need
to own one of these fine cars to be a member.
For information, email us at jaguarcarclub@shaw.ca or
drop us a note in the mail. We’ll send complete details.
If you believe that a Jaguar is more than just a car, you
are one of us!
Submissions are always welcome and are encouraged.
We kindly ask that all articles follow the publication
specifications provided below. To submit an
article please send it to thegrowler@shaw.ca.
We are affiliated with
The Jaguar Clubs of North America
May 2014 Issue: May 10, 2014
June 2014 Issue: June 10, 2014
Text: Font: Arial; Font Size: 10pt; Format: Word, PDF, or Text file
Photo/Image: 1000x800 pixels; max size 1MB; Format: jpeg or gif
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS ! Don’t forget to mention that you saw their ad in “The Island Growler”.
Words from the President
Cover Art Story
Meet the Board
April Prowl Report
Restoration Fair Report
Hospice Events
May Prowl Announcement
JCCV Meeting Information
CJXKR Heritage Classic
Weekend Announcement
Bits & Bytes
Members in Phoenix
For Sale
Coming Events
Classic Jaguar Ad
The Island Growler Advertisers:
Battery Direct
Diamond Detailing
Electro Shine
Hagerty Classic Car Insurance
Isabel Weeks-Lambert
Jetstream Custom Auto
Oceanside Auto Appraisers Ltd
MacDonald Realty Ltd. Eleanor V. Smith
SNG Barratt Group
Styles Upholstery
Sussex Automotive: Alan Petrie
Welsh Enterprises Inc.
XKs Unlimited
Malcolm Baster
Graham Walker
Judging by the unkempt appearance of our
lawn, Spring has at last sprung. All across the Island,
lawnmower blades are being sharpened, gardening stuff
bought, weeds sprayed, and Jaguars being polished.
I was pleased to hear of the good turn-out for
Peter and Judy’s Prowl, and I hope “good turn-out” is a
phrase that will apply to all our club events this year. We
have been forced to miss a few events recently due to
Lucille’s medical woes, but we hope to re-appear soon. In
the meantime, thanks to Wayne Watkins, Alan Heartfield,
Marke Simmons and Dorothy Moleski for sending event
pictures and write-ups for the Growler.
And thanks to Lois Smith, Peter and Judy
Jeffrey, Wayne Watkins, Marke Simmons and Dorothy
Moleski for their other contributions.
For some years it has been observed that clubs in
Texas and states elsewhere seem to have an astounding
number of cars in championship and driven division scoring 100s and 10s, clubs with multiple perfect scores. Long
before now, this seemed to require an explanation and at
last JCNA has established a Concours Committee to
work in parallel with JCRC to assess whether this is just
the product of fanatical zeal coupled with deep pockets,
or carelessness, incompetent judging or other factors leading to unfairness. While the first can be expected, the others obviously discourage competition.
Some issues may be resolved by training judges better
and by having them apply more uniform and critical
standards perhaps subject to the oversight of the director
of each region. In my view the committee will have its
work cut out.
There are complex practical and social issues that I
fear can never be resolved to the satisfaction of all. Tom
Doyle, a past president of the Vancouver club, Canadian
XK Jaguar Register, is serving as a member of that Committee. Some of us know him. He’s a retired engineer who
has rebuilt two Jaguars from the ground up and done superb work so I’m sure his appointment is an affirmative
But in all of this, I wonder whether we have lost sight
of the underlying purpose of a concours - to inspire members to maintain and present their cars in the highest degree of perfection aided by knowledgeable, informed criticism from competent judges. I know that imbues much of
the philosophy on the subject by our current but now retiring Chief Judge, Gregory Andrachuk. So in my view, abhorrent as it may seem, the only goal when judging is to
detect and note every defect and then to determine subjectively the number of points to be deducted for each
within the allowed range. That has to be done without fear
or favour. The only purpose of judging is negative. The
intention is positive: to assist the owner to bring the car
closer to perfection.
Viewed thus, are awards simply the carrot, an acceptance of that element in human nature to come out on
top? Do we do better if we compete? I suspect so. In any
event, not only does the JCNA Concours Committee have
a lot of work to do, so do we.
On a different subject, Coventry West has cancelled
its ad with The Island Growler. While the reason given
purports to be a general cutting back, I suspect it deemed
it wasn’t getting its money’s worth from us. We are in no
position to prove otherwise. I can’t emphasize enough
that members should always be careful to identify themselves to our advertisers when they make a purchase.
Impractical and cumbersome as it seems, I wonder
whether we could have members send in or deposit with
us at each meeting copies of any invoice showing a purchase from our advertisers. That might conceivably enable us to prove the benefit of advertising in our publication. Please think about it. Any ideas you have would be
Members Welcome
There are no new members this month, so Welcome
Back to all those members who have renewed!
Advertising Rates
Classified Ads
Ads for cars, parts, merchandise, etc. for sale will be run
free of charge for one month.
Display Ads
Full Page: $550/yr
Half Page: $375/yr
Quarter Page: $250/yr
Business Card: $125/yr
Yearly Ads are printed in 11 standard issues and in the
JOTI special issue.
Contact: thegrowler@shaw.ca
COVER ART by Graham Turner
The D-Type Jaguar burst onto the motorsport scene
60 years ago, in 1954. The car was of revolutionary design, being of monocoque construction derived from the
aviation industry. Aeronautical aerodynamics were also
applied to the design by Malcolm Sayers from the Bristol
Aeroplane Company.
The D-Type #14 driven by Duncan Hamilton and Tony
Rolt finished second to a Ferrari 375 in the 1954 24 hours
of Le Mans, despite losing considerable time in the pits
because of fuel starvation problems. Superior aerodynamics permitted the Jaguar to reach almost 173 MPH on
the Mulsanne straight, compared to 160 MPH by the
more powerful Ferrari.
The cover picture by Graham Turner shows #14 in
pursuit of the Ferrari near the end of the rain-soaked
This is your newsletter:
If you have an idea for a “latest update” or content for the newsletter,
please contact the editors @ thegrowler@shaw.ca
Graham Walker
M E E T T H E B OA R D 2 0 1 4
by Lois Smith
AL AN H E AR T F I E L D , V i c e P r e s i d e n t
than some of us.
mother and sister spent seven months in the UK, where a
friend took him to the Earl’s Court Motor Show. As it happened, it was the year Jaguar introduced the E-Type. “It
was love at first sight,” Alan remembers. And he was
hooked. In 1999, he purchased his first Jaguar - an XJS
TWR - on EBay and has it to this day. It wasn’t suitable for
Winnipeg in winter, so he also picked up an XJ40 which he
called his “winter beater.” Today in Victoria he drives an
XJ8. Some years ago, Alan did finally acquire the E-Type of
his dreams, which he says was a “basket case.” He has
documented his restoration of the E-Type in an online diary. Interested members can access it at:
Caught up with Alan on his
return from three months in
Manitoba during the coldest
winter in a century (shudder).
However, it wasn’t quite the
shock it could have been, as
Alan lived in Winnipeg for 30some years so is a little more
hardened to a prairie winter
Born in London, England, Alan was six when his family
came to Canada. Then his father joined the Air Force, and
the family moved around for the next 10 years until they
settled in North Bay, ON, where Alan completed his high
school. He went on to study electrical engineering at the
University of Waterloo, and began his career with American
Motors in Toronto before slowly working his way west to
Winnipeg. In 2007, he began his own business - consulting
in industrial power and control systems and hydro-electrical
utilities - which continues to take him for weeks at a time to
places like Manitoba in winter! Alan is one of only a few
engineers registered in every province from Ontario to BC!
When Alan moved to Victoria in 2010, the E-Type had to go
and it was replaced by two motorcycles. One of his current
interests is taking cycle trips and he is a member of both
the Vancouver Island Bikers and the Yamaha VStar 1100
club. Another interest is photography and Alan is on the
executive of the Victoria Camera Club. JCCV members are
accustomed to seeing Alan with his camera at many
events. A divorcee, Alan has a son and two daughters, plus
three grandchildren. “I’m quite happy to go back to Winnipeg, even in winter,” he says, as it gives him time with his
two granddaughters. He sees his grandson on his trips
back to Ontario.
While his father was stationed in Goose Bay, Alan, his
B AR R Y M c C AL L AN , T r e a s u r e r
When Barry and Jennifer retired to Victoria, he was looking for a project. “I’ve always enjoyed tinkering with cars,”
he says. While most members are Jaguar owners who,
sooner or later, find their way to the club, Barry started by
researching local car clubs. Deciding JCCV was the right
one dictated his decision to buy and restore a 1952
XK120. They also now have a 1994 XJ40 which has become the daily driver. Spending two years restoring a car
can hardly be daunting to a man who has previously built
his own airplane – and Barry has done that too! But we’ll
get to the flying.
Originally from Sherbrooke, PQ, Barry first met Jennifer
while he was taking his BA in Business at Bishop’s University and they married a few years later in Montreal. With
an MBA from what is now Concordia, Barry then fulfilled
his ROTC obligations with a stint in the military. The
McCallans decided to leave Quebec in 1971 after the
“October Crisis” and settled in Toronto, where Barry spent
several years in advertising and marketing with Proctor
and Gamble and later with a packaged goods company
handling such national brands as Vaseline.
In 1979, Barry struck out on his own when they bought a
small furniture manufacturing company, which eventually
developed into the Gendron line of baby goods and made
them a buyout target. By 1992, after some years as a
Manufacturer’s Agent, Barry and Jennifer were looking to
get out of Toronto. The opportunity came with Beaver
Lumber, where they became store owners in Halifax and
Barry also became District Manager.
two-store operation. “We
loved the Yukon,” Barry
says. “It’s so expansive
and gives you such a
sense of personal freedom.
The people are great and
the outdoor activities are
fantastic.” Barry and Jennifer still have a house
there as well as keeping a
plane in both Whitehorse
and Victoria. It was in the
Yukon that Barry took up
flying as a means of quick
and easy access to their
business operations which
had expanded as far afield
as Calgary, Trail and the Island. In fact, it was the amount
of time they spent overseeing their Island businesses that
convinced them to relocate once again, this time to Victoria,
where they custom-built their “final” home in Ardmore.
When he’s not keeping busy with his cars and club business, Barry and Jennifer spend time on their 52-foot power
boat, escape to sunny Scottsdale, or visit their son in Alberta or daughter and two grandchildren in Ottawa. Barry has
also recently taken up watercolour painting. “I’m terribly
unaccomplished, “ he laughs, “but I really enjoy it.”
Once again, looking for new opportunities, they relocated
to Whitehorse with the same company and took over a
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS ! Don’t forget to mention that you saw their ad in “The Island Growler”.
JCCV Sunday Prowl
April 6, 2014
Story by Peter and Judy Jeffrey
Photos by Wayne Watkins and Alan Heartfield
On Sunday April 4th thirty Jaguars and their owners gathered at Tillicum Mall, and after coffee and chat in the
spring sunshine, everyone set off on their way up the
Saanich Peninsula. The route took them on a leisurely
tour along West Saanich Road, with an interesting detour
using some less-known roads.
Everyone found their way successfully to the Roost, a
farm centre owned by the Crawford family, and it was
quite a sight to see all the Jaguars parked along the farm
road. Hamish Crawford was waiting to introduce us to his
classic cars: his interesting collection consisted of two
Jaguars (E-type and XKE), two MG TCs, two Model A
Fords, a Mini and a Land Rover – something for everyone! Hamish invited everyone to wander round the
Roost, and everyone enjoyed seeing the farm with its winery, bakery, bistro – and chickens, of course.
Julie and Anne explain why The Roost is called The Roost
Our home is near the Roost, so we thought it would be
fun to have lunch here. There was a wonderful turnout
and we were thankful for good weather as almost sixty
people chatted and socialized inside and spilled out onto
the deck and into the garden. After lunch, everyone was
encouraged to take part in the “Crawford Car Collection
quiz”, with Terry Sturgeon and Jeremy Why sharing 1st
Thank you to Hamish Crawford for a relaxed, interesting
tour, and to everyone who took part in the April Prowl and
made it such a friendly outing.
We hope there is a drip tray!
Peter and Judy Jeffrey
Prowlers prepare for the “off” at Tillicum Mall.
Mechanical perfection
Prowlers arrive at The Roost. Lots of Prowlers!
Prowlers arrive at Peter and Judy’s
Custom Auto
Jason Stoch
Paint & body
Specializing in:
Sheet metal
From minor repairs to full ground-up restoration, let Jetstream take your Jaguar to new heights.
Unit B, 2072 Henry Ave. West, Sidney, BC V8L 5Y1
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS ! Don’t forget to mention that you saw their ad in “The Island Growler”.
Hospice Events
OECC Restoration Fair
And Swap Meet
April 13, 2014
Third Annual Hike for Hospice
Join us on Sunday, May 4th at Fisherman's Wharf Park
for the 3rd Annual Hike for Hospice! Gather a team of
friends and family, challenge your co-workers or join as
an individual to help support end-of-life care in your community. A scenic 3.5km loop will take us from Inner Harbour to ocean and back again as we raise
critical funds and awareness for Victoria
Hospice. The route is accessible for all
ages and abilities. Participants are also
invited to honour the memory of a loved
one at this meaningful community event.
Register today at VictoriaHospice.org
By Wayne Watkins.
Photos by Wayne Watkins,
Marke Simmons and Dorothy Moleski
The Old English Car Club's Restoration Fair and Swap
Meet, held in conjunction with the Saanich Historical Artifacts Society, was well attended, with hundreds
of enthusiasts through the gate. The weather was perfect
and local British Car Clubs were well represented, including the Jaguar Car Club of Victoria. Twenty British car
owners signed up for the British Cars For Sale section.
The choices included an Alvis, TVR, Lotus 7, Vanguard,
Mini, MGF, MG Magnette, Morgan, TR8, 2 MGB roadsters, MGB GT, Austin Healey, Triumph Herald project
car, Jaguar E-Type Coupe and three Jaguar XJS models.
A total of five cars sold with discussions ongoing on three
more. The swap meet vendors did a brisk business with
lots of parts and accessories being sold. Our Jaguar Car
Club of Victoria was well represented with Merritt
Chisholm having arranged for more than a dozen Jaguars
on display. To sum it up - a good time was had by all.
Teeing It Up for Victoria Hospice
Don’t miss the 18th Annual Teeing It Up for Victoria Hospice Mixed Golf Extravaganza. This much-loved event
happening on May 25th at Olympic View Golf includes a
4-person Texas scramble, buffet dinner and tons of great
prizes. For more information and registration visit
Our Jeremy Why always has lots of good stuff for sale.
Jaguars at the Restoration Fair
Someone said that the gears in the foreground are from
a Jaguar’s Moss box. But I really don’t think so.
Lunch Time!
Prowl Announcement
Sunday, May 4, 2014
The May 4th Prowl will be to Jaguar Victoria at
3351 Douglas Street.
The next meeting of the
is on Tuesday, April 22, 2014
at 7:30 pm
Members are requested to arrive at the
SERVICE department at the rear lower level at
11:00 AM for a tour of the facility. It is hoped to
have a guest speaker (yet to be announced)
and then to go upstairs to the showroom to meet
the sales staff, and with luck see the new
F TYPE coupe.
at the Chief & Petty Officers’ Mess CFB
Esquimalt, 1575 Lyall Street, Victoria
Our Speaker:
A light lunch will be provided by Jaguar Victoria.
An indication of how many people will attend is
required for catering.
Eleanor Smith is a Realtor with MacDonald
Realty and has been a Jaguar Car Club of
Victoria member since 2005.
She will speak about buying and selling real
estate in this area and the options we have
in Greater Victoria.
She will certainly address the issue of Jaguar enthusiasts having adequate space in the
'motor house' portion of the home, be it a detached home, townhome or condominium
building. Being a club member Eleanor is
very familiar with that requirement. She has
a 25 year interior design background and
will touch on the latest trends for today's
homeowners - (including choices like storage cabinets for the garage I am sure).
Please phone Barbara Driver at 250 743-6756
or e-mail bdbe@shaw,ca
Heritage Classic - 2014
The 45th. Heritage Classic Weekend will take place August 15 to17, 2014. For this special anniversary year we
have a new location in Langley, BC, which is east of Vancouver and straddles the Trans-Canada Highway.
The fun will begin with a Cars and Stars boot party reception on Friday night under a marquee tent at the host hotel, the Coast Hotel and Convention Centre in Langley,
BC. On Saturday, the JCNA-sanctioned Concours and
Field Event will take place at nearby Douglas Park located just minutes for the hotel and Old Town Langley. The
Canadian Museum of Flight is the venue for Saturday
evening’s Awards Banquet, with participants being driven
from the host hotel to the Museum and back on one of
the Newby double-decker London buses. Included will
be an airshow – weather permitting. Sunday morning
will include a country drive and/or a sanctioned JCNA
Slalom, followed by a Farewell Brunch at the Hazelmere
Golf and Tennis Club in south Surrey.
Contacts are: Bev Kolosoff at spottycat@telus.net or 604
466-1867; Steve Collins at steve.collins@shaw.ca or 604
465-6618; Carole Borgens at caroleborgens@shaw.ca or
604 857-1837. For the Concours event contact Tom
Doyle at tomdoyle@telus.net and for the Slalom event
contact John Morse at jmcmorse@dccnet.com
The complete notice and registration details will be posted on our website (www.jaguarmg.com) in May.
At the Restoration Fair
Some Prowlers
A Cancellation:
Due to the recent closure of the Comox Valley Branch of
the Old English Car Club, there will be no Filberg car
show this year.
Several streaks of Dove crawled toward the horizon on
Friday morning, April 11, revealing an empty expanse
of soft azure. We departed Julie B’s home in Dean Park
at 8:39 - destination Sussex Automotive, Parksville.
Merritt and Benni’s immaculate 1965 S type had been
at Alan Petrie’s for the annual service, and was eagerly
awaiting the Friday afternoon southbound blast to the
coast. A quick stop for morsel intake at Tigh-Na-Mara in
Parksville, and we were on the road again. It was our
first day-trip of the cruising season, and the two classic
Jaguars performed superbly.
here is probably not much point in JCCV members
applying for jobs at Bletchley Park. It seems that no one
was able to decipher the coded message in last month’s
The lead-in paragraph mentioned the message was of
interest to Jaguar owners. So perhaps “Jaguar” is a coded word here. Let’s see. Jaguar. Six letters, and the second and second last are the same, namely A’s.
Hmm. There is a six letter word here, the first word in
fact. And the second and second last letters are the
same! We will assume the first word is “Jaguar.”
So we write down our “clear” alphabet. (Blue ink.)
Under it we write down our “code” alphabet. (Red ink,)
lining up the “Q’s in the first word of the message with the
“A”s of the clear alphabet:
For Sale
Then we simply read up from the letters of the coded
words to the letters of the clear alphabet.
JXU becomes THE
EV becomes OF
FQSU becomes PACE
1991 Jaguar Sovereign, 6 cylinder
225,000 kilometres
Colour is black over ivory
Good condition
Offered at $2,900
Contact K. Bea Richmond,
305 1959 Polo Park Court, Saanichton, BC, V8M 2K1
Telephone 250 656-2471
Nothing to do with Jaguars,
but it certainly is a strange
space filler!
to mention that you saw their ad in “The Island Growler”.
erry and Dorothy have recently returned from the
sunny south, Arizona in this case.
While in Phoenix, they met up with club members David
and Evie Frisby, and took in the Jaguar Club of Central
Arizona’s Concours and Slalom.
David and Terry at the slalom
Nice spot for a concours
At the Awards Banquet
Important Announcement
Please be advised that Jaguar no longer recommends
the Rustoleum rustproofing system!
And nice cars!
For Sale or Wanted
Advertisements run for one issue at no charge. Place your ad with
the editor at thegrowler@shaw.ca
For Sale
For Sale
Set of five 17” factory wheels to fit 1995-1997 Jaguar
XJR. Wheels are in good condition. Located in Brentwood Bay. The tires that are mounted on these wheels
are “Quantum Elite Fulda,” made in the US in 2006. Size
is 255/40ZR17. One of the five tires is a Pirelli.
Entire set of five is offered for quick sale at $495.
Contact Lara or Ed at 250 507-7143.
1992 XJ6, repair project or parts.
Body excellent, but is in need of steering ram, tie rods
and a few other repairs. Comes with two good mounted
snow tires. Asking $2,000 and open to offers.
Phone Steve Roe in Sooke at 250 642-1021,
or e-mail steveroe52@gmail.com
For Sale
For Sale
1981 TVR Tasmin convertible
Hand-made in Blackpool, England. Tubular chassis and
fibreglass, designed by ex-Lotus engineers.
Euro-spec German Ford 2.8 litre V6, Bosch fuel injection,
160 HP. A very usable exotic, and a joy to drive.
Glove-soft leather, mahogany trim. Excellent Michelin
tires on special rims. The original rims come with it.
Comes with lots of information, service books, new parts,
car cover, even a TVR clock.
Phone Raymond Nichols at 250 390-1134,
Or e-mail rendun2@shaw.ca
For Sale
1999 Jaguar XK8 convertible.
Stephen Robards, stephenjag51@gmail.com
For Sale
1991 Jaguar Sovereign
Please see page 12 for details and a photo.
Guide to advertising terms:
NEW-Different colour from previous design
ALL NEW-Parts are not interchangeable with previous unit
FOOLPROOF OPERATION– No provision for adjustments
ADVANCED DESIGN-The ad agency doesn’t understand it
REDESIGNED-Previous flaws fixed, we hope
YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT-We finally got one to work
MAINTENANCE-FREE- Impossible to repair
SOLID STATE-Really heavy
E-Type Jag Series 1 3.8 FHC.
Full restoration completed in 2007, and only13,000 miles
since. Upgraded to make good touring car. 5 speed
Getrag, alternator, Coopercraft brakes, veneered dash.
Very good looking and fast car. Beautiful dark opalescent
paint and chrome wires. Car in Edmonton, but planning
on coming to Van Dusen show in May.
Phone Chris at 780 974-5137,
or e-mail chrisandjulie@shaw.ca
Jaguar Events, 2014
JCCV Events are printed in bold
April 2014
July 20
Turkey Head Coffee Klatch, 9 am to noon
Apr 22
JCCV Regular Meeting, Details Page 11
July 20
Classic Car Field Meet, Elk/Beaver Lake Park, Saanich
Victoria MG Club. Info: 250 598-1670
Apr 27
Turkey Head Coffee Klatch
(Oak Bay Beach Hotel if the weather is inclement)
July 20
Fraser Valley Classic Car Show, Chilliwack
Info: www,britishcarclub.ca
Apr 27
St George’s Day Motoring Show, Fort Langley
Info: Langley Area Mostly British Motoring Club,
July 22
JCCV Regular Meeting, details TBA
July 25-27
Jaguars on the Island.
Info: www.jaguarcarclub.ca
July 26
Western Washington All British Field Meet.
Info: www.seattlejagclub.org
May 2014
May 4
Sunday Prowl - A Visit to Jaguar Victoria.
Details page 11
Vancouver All British Field Meet, Van Dusen Gardens
Info: www.westerndriver.com
Vancouver All British Whistler Run
Info: www.westerndriver.com
May 18
Turkey Head Coffee Klatch, 9am to noon.
(Oak Bay Beach Hotel if the weather is inclement)
May 31 June 1
Pender Island Jaunt
Still time to sign up!
August 2014
June 2014
Aug 3
Sunday Prowl. Details TBA.
Aug 8 - 9
Jaguars on the Green, Tacoma, WA
Jaguar Drivers and Restorers Club of NWA
Info: www.seattlejagclub.org
Aug 10
Cowichan Valley Car Picnic, Mill Bay
Info: www.cvcp.ca
Aug 10
Oak Bay Collector Car Festival, Oak Bay.
Info pending
June 6 -8
Brits Best Classics, Radium Hot Springs
Info: www.calgarymgclub.org
Aug 14-17
June 7-8
Jags on Parade and On Show on the Meadow,
Pitt Meadows.
Pacific Jaguar Enthusiasts Group.
Info: Art Dickenson, 604 465-7244.
Monterey Motorsports Reunion , Laguna Seca, CA
Info: http://www.mazdaraceway.com/rolex-montereymotorsports-reunion
Aug 15-17
Canadian XK Jaguar Register Heritage Classic Weekend,
Langley. Info: Tom Doyle 604 896-0159
June 8
Sunday Prowl. Details TBA.
Aug 17
June 8
PJEG Slalom, Jags & Friends All Out.
Scott Road Skytrain Station, Surrey.
Info: Art Dickenson, 604 465-7244
Heritage Classic Slalom, Scott Road Skytrain Station,
Surrey. Canadian XK Jaguar Register.
Info: John Morse, 604 594-8992
Aug 17
Turkey Head Coffee Klatch, 9 AM to noon.
Aug 23
Rally in the Valley, Peachland.
Info: www.obcc.ca
Aug 24
QA Motorcar Gathering, Queen Alexandra Hospital grounds
Info: www.gain-vi.ca
Aug 24
Concours d’Elegance of the San Juan Islands,
Friday Harbor, WA. Info: www.sanjuanconcours.org
Aug 26
JCCV Regular Meeting. Details TBA.
Aug 30
Jaguar Owners Club of Oregon Concours,
Portland International Raceway, Portland, OR
Info: Bill Loppnow 360-253-9144
Aug 29-31
Portland All British Field Meet and Historic Auto Races,
Portland International Raceway, Portland, OR.
Info: www.abfm-pdx.com
June 15
Fathers’ Day British Car Picnic, Beacon Hill Park.
Info: Best info so far is at www.usednanaimo.com
and www.jaguarcarclubofvictoria,wildapricot.org/Events
June 15
Seaside Cruizers Show & Shine, Qualicum Beach.
Info: www.seasidecruizers.com
June 21-22
Vancouver Collector Car Show and Auction, PNE Grounds
Info: www.vancouvercollectorcars.com
Jason Heard @ 604 220-2725 or
June 22
CXKJR Summer Slalom, Scott Road Skytrain Station,
Info: Canadian XK Jaguar Registry,
John Morse 604-594-8992
June 22
Turkey Head Coffee Klatch, 9am to noon
June 24
JCCV Regular Meeting. Details TBA.
June 29
Shawnigan Lake Show ‘n’ Shine, Shawnigan Lake School
Info: 250 516-8533
September 2014
July 2014
July 1
Gorge Road Canada Day Picnic.
Info: http://gorgecanadaday.ca/
July 1
Saltspring Canada Day Show & Shine
Info: 250 931-6766 or 250 537-9749
July 6
Sunday Prowl, details TBA.
July 13
Brits on the Beach, Ladysmith
Info: Old English Car Club Central Island Branch, www.oecc.ca
July 19
European Classic car Meet, in Calgary
Vintage Sports Car Club of Calgary
Info: www.vsccc.ca
Sep 6 - 7
Langley Good Times Cruise-In, Langley
Info: www.langleycruise-in.com
Sep 7
Sunday Prowl, details TBA.
Sep 14
An English Car Affair in the Park, Fort Rodd Hill.
Old English Car Club, South Island Branch
Info: www.oecc.ca/sib
Sep 19-21
Sun Peaks Run to the Sun, Sun Peaks Resort.
Info: www.sunpeaksresort.com
Sep 21
Turkey Head Coffee Klatch, 9 AM to noon.
Sep 21
Toy Run, Vancouver Island Mustang Association
Info pending
Sep 23
JCCV Regular Meeting, details TBA

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