The Jagged Edge - Jaguar Clubs of North America


The Jagged Edge - Jaguar Clubs of North America
Robert Clemons /
Fran Curran, Co-Editors
Volume 28 Issue 5-6
The Jagged Edge
May / June 2016
All Texas Clubs’ Spring Fling wine tour hosted this year by the Jaguar Club of Austin,
with Joan Straach organizing the event...great weekend, Joan! Thanks from the SAJC.
A lot has happened in the whole world since our last newsletter, and even more in my
personal world. Jaguar has two new models that are generating a lot of buzz, but I am
not yet clear on the facts on what is being offered by the Jaguar dealers in the USA. I
may have not been paying close enough attention, but if you are not fully informed,
do not feel alone. Jaguar USA website data, information from the recent Jaguar Clubs
of North America Annual General Meeting in Scottsdale, and information coming from
Jaguar Land Rover directly through media releases conflict. It may be the case in the
JLR press releases that it is not information for the USA market. Two wheel drive, versus all wheel drive, what engine/transmission combinations will be offered, all seem
to change and conflict, but with time will come clarity. After my saying last time XE’s
would be here in March, followed by F Pace in May, after hearing it from our local
dealer, Barrett Jaguar, we now hear both new models will arrive in May. Mileage figures have not been released for the USA market anywhere that I can find. Jaguar
World Monthly magazine out of the UK provides all types of information on all kinds
of drivetrain options, but what is sold in the USA is not treated thoroughly there. It
usually comes down to the terms of the ordering agreements between Jaguar Land
Rover in the UK and the dealers in the USA. Maybe we will know more by the end
(Cont’d on Page 2)
Inside this issue:
Edging It: Article by President, Brian Blackwell
Special points of interest:
AGM/IJF Report by SAJC Treasurer, Robert Clemons
Barrett’s Showroom Floor Display of ‘57 D-type & new
Calendar of Events—Other Texas Jaguar Clubs’ Concours
Regular Monthly Meeting at Victor’s Service Center in June
Centerfold—Spring Driving Tour & Spring Fling
6th Annual Memorial Day Car Show
SAJC’s Judges’ Training-May 14 @
Victor’s Service Center
Centerfold—Fun Events
Please Support our Club’s Advertisers
Note: Monthly Meeting Dates
Edging It (Cont’d)
of May. I am equally interested in an XE and an F
Pace, but I know it would have to be one or the other, not both. I think the cargo space will drive the
latter, as I will be doing some hauling and traveling
in the future.
In the last newsletter, I indicated to you that both
Robert Clemons and I would be your delegates to
the JCNA AGM, but I have to apologize as I had to
cancel in early March due to a family emergency.
My 87 year old mother was diagnosed with late
term abdominal cancer on March 11th, and at that
time, the doctors in Shreveport were saying she had
2 to 6 months to live. I wrote a letter to the SAJC
officers and directors, the JCNA Regional Directors,
and the JCNA President that I would resign in 30
days after we saw what the future brought. Doris
Blackwell lived only 8 more days after they said that,
coming home for hospice care the last five of those
days. She was always worried about losing her
mind before she died, as her mother and sister had,
but she was alert and all there until the end. I want
to thank the club for making a memorial donation in
her memory, but I truly wish we only did this for
members and their spouses. I also want to thank
everyone for doing the Wildflower Microbrewery
Tour in her honor, and I showed her the photos that
Janet Martin and others were texting me. Thanks to
Janet for doing that, and organizing the whole tour.
As it turned out, those were the last photos of Texas wildflowers that she ever saw, as it ended that
same night. She was in a room were one side was
lined with flowers, thanks to the gardens of our
friends in Shreveport, and the peak season for
spring flowers up there at the time.
We are heading into summer and are beginning to
plan the progressive dinner and our 24th Alamo City
Concours d’Elegance. I will be organizing the former, and Fran the latter. Before we can go very far
Cover Photo
Spring Fling in Fredericksburg, Texas: Large
group of beautiful Jags lined up while owners
partake in a lunch stop on Saturday at Hye
Market Restaurant located in the historical
Hye Post Office in Hye, Texas (Photo by Judy
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on the Concours, we first need to retrain and rectify all of our Concours Judges. We are two short
of the number we need, with only one in training
so far. Thanks Dennis Tumblin! We need another
volunteer here pretty soon, and I have been busy
out of town in Louisiana a lot, for what I just described. We will have the training in June, and
everyone will have to take the open book test,
including myself. All you Judges, and you know
who you are, can start reading the 2016 Judges
Manual online now, and that would be very helpful.
We are also headed toward our 25th Concours
next year, and there is talk of trying to return to
Club Giraud for it, site of the original SAJC Alamo
City Concours. There is also talk coming from our
Regional Directors and maybe some others, about
SAJC being the host club for the Annual General
Meeting in 2017. I have not been very high on
the AGM, after a near unanimous selection AGM
vote to have one in Mexico City got pulled, after a
lot of work by the Mexico club was done, based
only on an email poll sent out over a 4th of July
weekend. One of the Dallas clubs was drafted,
and the late Tom McGrath had a heart attack that
eventually killed him pulling it off. Even one of
the early JCNA Presidents, the late Bill Streitenberger of the Los Angeles club, was asking us to
do the AGM before Mexico emerged, and we
backed away gracefully. SAJC has hosted two
North American events in the 19 years I have
been in this club, the Annual General Meeting in
1997, and the Challenge Championship in 2009.
It has even been suggested to me that we forego
a Concours in 2017 and have this AGM instead,
but skip Alamo City Concours Number 25? Say it
ain’t so.
Brian G. Blackwell
Th e Ja g ge d Ed ge
6th Annual Memorial Day Open Car Show—Monday, May 30, 2016
At our last SAJC meeting at TGIF, we had three invited guests (Theodore [Ted] Resnick,
John Fosdick & Adam Wosneski, who came on behalf of the upcoming 6th Annual Memorial Day Car Show (open to all types of vehicles). This show is very worthwhile as it is
in support those who have worn the boots of war (& other Rotary charities). For additional information on the show, please go to All Jaguars are
welcome and there is a special category for foreign cars so please make a concerted
effort to addend. Entrance fee: $25
Th e Ja g ge d Ed ge
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2016 AGM/IJF—hosted by the Jaguar Club of AZ—Apr. 1-5, 2016
Another AGM has come and gone, but the information given was very informative.
One major topic was CLEAR BRAS: Lots of Jaguar owners are going to the Invisible Bras on
their cars. Members who already have clear bras on their Jags are complaining about competition points. The board discussed that if your car is being judged in either champion or
driven division, points will be taken off for this item. The board will discuss and make a decision on the number of points to be taken off for this non-authentic item. Also, the amount of
clear bra on the car will be discussed. Some members wanted clear bras on the entire car,
but the majority wanted the A-frame to the front only. MORE TO COME on this issue.
Jaguar Club of North America reveled the new Jaguars. XE and F-PACE. XE is a smaller
version of the XF, but with more technology added. The F-PACE is Jaguar’s first SUV. See
pictures below:
Also, combined with the AGM was the International Jaguar Festival with over 300 cars covering 4 acres. Starting from the first Jaguar ever built, that. was a motorcycle and sidecar to
last Jaguar, which is the F-Type Series 7.
The next International Jaguar Festival will be in Lanier Islands, Georgia on October 13-15,
2017. I had an excellent time in Scottsdale. It was a very relaxing place to visit.
Th e Ja g ge d Ed ge
(Article & Photos by Robert Clemons)
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A Legend of old meets a legend of Barrett Jaguar—Mar. 26, 2016
There was an open house at Barrett Jaguar on Saturday, March 26th to
view a 1957 D-type along with a 2016 Project 7 Jaguar where the two
Jags were on display on Barrett’s Showroom floor. I stopped by later in
the day to check out the D-type only to discover that the Jaguar D-Type
Replica had been entered in our Concours events in the past and belonged originally to Senior Manual Corte of the Jaguar Club of Mexico as
well as the San Antonio Jaguar Club. A few years later, the D-type was
purchased by Tito Gallegos also of the San Antonio Jaguar Club. Unfortunately a couple of years ago, Tito had a tragic accident and passed
away. That’s where Robert Ober comes into the picture. He is the current owner of all of Tito’s automotive collection including the Jaguar Dtype that was on display at Barrett Jaguar. Following is a history lesson
on the D-type’s original restoration and continued care.
Beginning with the Restoration...
The car was very detailed and involved securing XJ6 suspension components
to complete. I remember the body also included a dent that was in the original D-type the mold was taken from which had to be repaired to complete
the build. I also made a number of additional pieces from aluminum to replace fiberglass components and add some more authentic items. I lined the
cockpit and firewall with aluminum which made a better presentation. I had several hundred photos of the car but lost
them all which I had a computer crash otherwise I would have included some of the detail for the newsletter. Toward the
end of the build I heard a rumor that a friend of mine found a d-type front end in San Antonio. Mike said it was advertised
as an e-type nose but was D-type instead. It had been a spares for an original Dtype that used to be based in San Antonio. That original car is now in Mexico City
and I had the distinct please to drive it a few years ago from the annual Mexico
Concourse back into Mexico City. What a thrill. Anyway we bought the D-type
aluminum front end and I adapted it to Senior Corte’s car. The car was very light
weighing only about 1400 lbs and with a 4.2 engine, was really quick. Sometime
later, it was sold to Tito who visited my shop often on runs through the hill country and I maintained it when he wanted something done. The photos attached is
it sitting in my shop, peacefully waiting to make another run through the hillside.
It gives me great please to see that it is still making a showing and in the area. So
many cars I’ve built have disappeared from San Antonio to never be seen again.
Kenneth P. James (Ken)
(830 229-5004
...and Continuing with the Enjoyment.
The car now has a name: Delilah
She rests in San Antonio at Vault Automotive Services, where she is
given continued care and additional authentic D-type parts and pieces
between her frequent drives around town and through the Hill Country!
Delilah has received a number of awards along the way for
“continuation” of a D-Type. She has been raced on several tracks by her
former owner, Tito Gallegos and present owner as a classic. Her present owner purchased all of Tito’s automotive collection in 2014.
Robert Ober
(210) 859-8723 cell
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(Photos by )
Th e Ja g ge d Ed ge
SAJC’s Calendar of Events—and Various Events—2016
SAJC Calendar of Events
Tuesday, May 3, 2016—SAJC’s Regular Monthly Meeting at TGIFriday’s on
McCullough & 410 East. Meeting begins at 6:30 pm for dinner; 7:30 pm for
Saturday, May 14, 2016—Brian, our Chief Judge for our Club’s Concours event is
having an early Concours Judging Training at Victor’s Service Center beginning at
9:00 am. Two more SAJC judges are needed before we can request a JCNA sanctioned Concours event.
Monday, May 30, 2016—6th Annual Memorial Day Open Car Show—8am4pm—at the Helotes AG Building, 12132 Leslie Rd., Helotes, TX. Additional info
on pages 3&4 of this publication. It’s a very worthy cause as it’s in support of
those who have work the boots of war and other rotary charities. Web site: Rain Date: 6/4/16. Contact: Dave @ (210) 588-6298
Tuesday, June 7, 2016—SAJC’s Regular Monthly Meeting at Victor’s Service Center at 413 West Olmos Dr., 78212 with a complimentary Indian-style buffet courtesy of Victor. This is our Annual Membership Meeting so if you know someone
interested in joining the SAJC, please bring them along with you. Meeting begins
at 5:45 pm for dinner; 6:30 pm for meeting.
Friday, June 24—Sunday, June 26, 2016—The Rocky Mountain Jaguar Club is
holding its Concours d’Elegance in Breckenridge, Colorado. Please contact Steve
Kennedy at for details.
Saturday, July 23, 2016—SAJC’s Annual Progressive Dinner—More info to
Other Texas Jaguar Councours Dates—
September 24—Dallas
October 22—Austin
November 12—Houston
I wanted to let everyone know
that our dear friend and longtime member of the SAJC, Jim
Hockstadt, is currently experiencing a medical challenge.
We want to wish him a very
speedy recovery. Our thoughts
and prayers are with Jim, Billie
& his family.
Th e Ja g ge d Ed ge
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Regular Monthly
Meeting at Victor’s
Come out and join us for the evening and bring along a
potential member or two. Meeting will be held on Tuesday,
June 7, 2016 at 5:45 p.m. for dinner; 6:30 p.m. for meeting
at Victor’s Service Center.
Victor, our very gracious host, is once again providing a
complimentary Indian cuisine dinner buffet from India
Palace Restaurant. If you’ve attended in the past, you know
you won’t want to miss this special meeting.
413 W. Olmos Dr.,
San Antonio, TX 78212
(210) 737-1778
Brian & Victor
Please RSVP to Brian Blackwell @ or
call (210) 255-0361 cell or (210) 695-8504 evenings
Th e Ja g ge d Ed ge
See you at Victor’s!
P a ge 7
Spring Driving Microbrewery Tour—Mar. 19, 2016 (Small group; huge fun!)
Janet Martin, organizer of the Tour of beautiful bluebonnets, standing next to her XJS conv.
Fran Curran next to her XK8 conv. with bluebonnets in foreground.
l to r: Janet, Ginette & Steve, Ron & Katt Murdoch & their
grandson, Ethan.
Beautiful Jaguars lined up next to the bluebonnets on a stop
during the Spring Driving Microbrewery Tour.
*Lunch stop at Granny D’s in Canyon Lake, Texas.
l to r: Janet, Fran, Ron, grandson, Ethan, Katt and Ginette
w/Steve taking the photo w/Janet’s camera.
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*Middleton Brewery stop w/many selections of cold beer.
Janet on far left taking “selfie” w/Steve & Ginette, & Fran.
(Photos by Janet Martin & Fran Curran)
Th e Ja g ge d Ed ge
All Texas Jaguar Spring Fling—hosted by the Austin Club—Apr. 22-24, 2016
The Annual Spring Fling was held in Fredericksburg & Hye,Texas. On Saturday we caravanned to Wlm Chris Winery, Pedernales
Cellars and then to Hye Market Restaurant and Tasting Room for lunch. Hye Market is located in an historic post office featuring
a selection of hand craft beer & Texas only wine. After lunch, we made a stop at Garrison Bros. Distillery. For dinner, we walked
to Andy’s Steak and Seafood Grill. A great thank you goes to Joan Straach of the Jaguar Club of Austin (host club) for setting up
such as wonderful event.
Th e Ja g ge d Ed ge
(Photos by Judy Mitchell & Joe Romo)
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Th e Ja g ge d Ed ge
SAJC Membership Application Form
Current address:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
ZIP Code:
Occupation (yours):
Occupation (theirs):
information for joint membership
Name of person who participates in events with you under your JCNA number:
vehicle Information (attach additional sheets as necessary)
Body Style:
Body Style:
Body Style:
optional information
Activities you would like the club to include:
Best Day of the Week for Activities for you:
application submittal information
Note: Dues for new members and renewals for 2016 are $55.00 per year. Memberships run by calendar year and must
be renewed effective January 1st. Membership includes affiliation with the Jaguar Clubs of North America, Inc., a subscription to the bi-monthly Jaguar Journal published and mailed by that organization as well as featured online at,
assistance from the JCNA Tech Line, and a bi-monthly issue of The Jagged Edge, the San Antonio Jaguar Club newsletter.
Please mail this member application or renewal, or update form with the applicable payment to the SAJC Treasurer,
Robert Clemons, 10323 Margarita Hill, Converse, TX 78109.
Signature of applicant:
Th e Ja g ge d Ed ge
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SAJC Monthly Meeting Minutes—April 5, 2016
by Joe Romo III, Secretary
Attendance: 13 members attended (see below for meeting attendees).
Secretary’s Report: Meeting was called to order at approx. 7:15 pm at TGIFriday’s (Loop 410 E
& McCullough). Joe Romo gave the report for March 2016. Meeting Minutes read & accepted
by vote.
Treasurer’s Report: Rober t Clemens was not pr esent at the meeting as he was attending the
AGM IJF in Scottsdale, AZ as the SAJC’s proxy. Brian Blackwell gave current balance on
SAJC account as $2,160.12.
Discussion Topics:
Lisa Musial: One of the or iginal founding member s & Tr easur er for many year s
passed away in February. Club was in favor of donating $100 to Brighter Days Horse
Refuge that Lisa supported.
Microbrewery Tour: Event or ganized by J anet Mar tin held on Satur day, Mar ch 19;
only a small group attended but all said they enjoyed.
JCNA International Jaguar Festival: Brian discussed changes & updates, which follows
the AGM at the same venue. Robert Clemons attended & served as our Club’s Proxy.
Texas Jaguar Spring Fling: Austin J aguar Club hosted in Fr eder icksbur g on Apr il
22nd & 23rd. Fran & Joe, Don & Rose, Pat & Judy Mitchel attended the full weekend.
Brian & Paula, John & Carol showed up for Saturday’s dinner event. Overall; we had
great weather, scenery, cars, food, wine, beer, whiskey & company.
Concours d’Elegance Update: Br ian Blackwell r epor ted on other Texas Concour s
dates. SAJC still needs place & date. We also need 2 more judges or we could be denied a sanction. Brian proposed Judges’ Meeting & Training for May 7th @ Victor’s
(believe this date has changed).
Progressive Dinner (2016): After some discussion, all agr eed to hold event on Sat., J uly 23rd.
Next Meeting: Or iginally set for Victor ’s Service Center but this will be rescheduled. Next meeting to be held at TGIFriday’s on May 5, 2016. Meeting begins at 6:30 pm for dinner; 7:30 pm
for meeting.
Motion to Adjourn: Meeting adjour ned at appr oximately 7:36 pm.
Meeting Attendees: Br ian Blackwell, Fr an Cur r an, J oe Romo, Dor a & Eddie Gar cia, Mar ilyn &
Tony Oliva, Bill Davis, Fred Harvey, Judy & Pat Mitchell, and Sharon & J.P. Green.
Great group
members of Texas Jaguar Clubs
at the Spring
Fling’s enjoying
wine tasting at
Pedernales Cellars in Hye, TX.
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(Panoramic Photo by Joe Romo)
Th e Ja g ge d Ed ge
Victor’s Service Center, Inc.
And Mercedes Benz
- Repairs for all years and models
- Upgrades of components for modern technology/performance
- Extended Warranty Service for most providers
413 West Olmos Dr., San Antonio, Texas
(210) 737-1778 or E-Mail: is the new SAJC WEBSITE!!!
If you have a story or you have some photos that you would like to add to
an existing event shown on the Club Photo Gallery, please contact or
email Brian Blackwell with that information and he will get it uploaded.
Th e Ja g ge d Ed ge
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Th e Ja g ge d Ed ge
Business Card
Quarter Page
Half Page
Full Page
$ 55.00
$ 110.00
$ 175.00
$ 300.00
Classified ads in the monthly newsletter are
free to San Antonio Jaguar Club members.
Yearly Membership fees for new members
and renewals for 2016 are $55.00! Membership includes a copy of the SAJC’s bi-monthly
newsletter, The Jagged Edge, and affiliation
with the Jaguar Clubs of North America,
which includes a bi-monthly subscription to
the Jaguar Journal.
Newsletter Contact and General Information
REMEMBER…your Co-Editors need your
articles and tech tips. If you are buying or
selling a Jaguar, please let us know. We
can be reached at the following phone #’s
The officers, directors, and members of the
San Antonio Jaguar Club would like to introduce and welcome our newest members to
the club:
*If you name was not included as being a new member, please
let the newsletter editors know.
Fran Curran, Co-Editor of the Jagged Edge
(210) 508-5572;
Robert Clemons, Co-Editor of the Jagged Edge
(210) 872-9846;
The Jagged Edge Advertisers
Barrett Jaguar
SNG Barratt Group
Classic Showcase
Victor’s Service Center
Welsh Enterprises
XK’s Unlimited
Opinions expressed in this publication are
those of the co-editors and correspondents
and do not necessarily reflect the views or
policies of the San Antonio Jaguar Club, Inc.
Neither The Jagged Edge nor the SAJC is
responsible for statements or claims made
by advertisers.
The goal of The Jagged Edge is to help keep local
members of the San Antonio Jaguar Club, Inc. (SAJC)
and national members of the Jaguar Cars of North
America (JCNA) informed on current events relating
to Jaguars (the automobile with the finest and most
distinguished background in automotive history).
Th e Ja g ge d Ed ge
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13510 Maple Brook Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78232
Conformity may give you a quiet life; it
may even bring you to a University
Chair. But all change in history, all advance, comes from the nonconformists.
If there had been no troublemakers, no
dissenters, we should still be living in
caves.-A.J. Taylor, historian (1906-1990)
Upcoming SAJC Meeting Dates:
Tues, May 3, 2016—TGIFriday’s, at corner of McCullough &
NE Loop 410, 78216 across from North Star Mall
(210) 377-3333
Dinner 6:30 pm; Meeting 7:30 pm
Tues, June 7, 2016—Victor’s Service Center,
413 West Olmos Drive, 78212
(210) 737-1778
Dinner 5:45 pm; Meeting 6:30 pm