ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Conference Goal Who Should Attend


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Conference Goal Who Should Attend
(continue on other side)
Enclose a check, PO, or money order made payable to:
Switzerland County Education Fund
Please check the box(es) next to the meals you
will attend:
q Buffet Luncheon, Thursday, February 21, 2013
at 12:15 p.m.
q International Dinner Buffet, Thursday,
February 21, 2013 at 6 p.m.
q Breakfast Buffet, Friday, February 22, 2013 at
7:30 a.m.
q Luncheon Friday, February 22, 2013 at 11:30 a.m.
The conference will be held at the Marriott, Cincinnati
Airport, located just 15 minutes from downtown
Cincinnati, Ohio, at 2395 Progress Drive,
Hebron, Kentucky 41048
Reservations should be made by calling 1-800-6960165 (859-586-0166 locally) by January 23, 2013 to
ensure accommodations for February 20-22 as
needed. You can also register online at using group
Mention the Cooperative Extension Rate by name
and you will receive the conference rate of $94 per
night. The $94 room rate is available February 20-22
for conference participants.
Special Dietary needs or other Accommodations:
please specify:
Pictures of people will be taken during this
conference. Unless specified that you do not want
your photograph used, your photograph may be
used for educational purposes.
Photographs: Do NOT want photo taken:
I give permission to include my contact information
on a master list to be given to all 2013 conference
participants: q Yes q No
Mail to: Tri-State Diversity Conference
c/o Ginger Furnish
P.O. Box 175
Vevay, IN 47043
Please duplicate this form for additional
If you have questions or would like more detailed
information, please visit or call
Peggy Ehlers at 1-812-926-1189 (
Conference Goal
To network and link resources to help integrate
diversity into programs, policies, and practices for
creating community well-being.
Who Should Attend
The Tri-State Diversity Conference is designed
• Extension Personnel
• Educators, Administrators, Faculty and staff
from private and public colleges, universities
and schools
• PreK-12 Educators, Administrators and
• Community Outreach Leaders
• Social Marketers
• Health and Social Services Professionals
• Employers and Supervisors
• Human Resource Staff
• And all others wanting to empower greater
diversity and cultural understanding within their
Comments From Past Conferences:
To Register:
• Complete and mail the attached form (one per
registrant) with check, purchase order (PO), or
money order ONLY. Sorry, credit cards are not
• Check availability after January 30, 2013 by calling
• Fax number: 1-812-427-2818
• Students welcome, call or email for registration
“I got information from this conference that I would
not get anywhere else – there was something about
all aspects of diversity.”
Save with Advance Registration
The fee for those participants who register for the
conference postmarked by January 23, is $195. The fee
for registration postmarked by January 30 is $250. You
must call 1-812-427-3152 after January 30 to
determine remaining availability. If space is available,
the registration fee after January 30 is $275. Notice
that there is a minimum attendance required for the
Cancellation Policy:
Registration fee is non-refundable. However, registrant
substitutions may be made at any time.
“This conference helps keep me aware of our current
“This was the most in-depth conference yet ... it keeps
getting better each year.”
“It gave me strength and comfort knowing I have a
list of resources that I can call upon for help and
assistance as I do programming in topical areas that
are sensitive.”
The Cooperative Extension Service embraces human diversity
and is committed to ensuring that all educational programs
conducted by Extension are available to and serve all people on
a nondiscriminatory basis, regardless of race, color, age, sex,
gender, identity or expresion, religion, disability,
sexual orientation, veteran status, or national origin.
Disabilities accomodated with prior notification.
The conference includes 16 concurrent sessions.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Bridging the Language Gap
Nancy Cálix, MPA, Kentucky State University Extension
New Ohio 4-H Diversity Curriculum for Teens
Kim Catchpole, MS, Brian Raison, MA, Ohio State
University Extension
Dr. Lorna Gonsalves
Coming to Terms with Racism (CTR)-A Prerequisite to Personal and Professional
Dr. Lorna Gonsalves works to bring the values of
justice and democracy to life by engaging a wide
range of constituencies in the United States and
abroad. To this end, she develops innovative
strategies for enhancing social awareness, promoting
civic engagement, and prompting positive social
Thursday, February 21, 2013
7:30 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am
What the World Eats
Peggy A. Ehlers, Ed.D. Purdue University Extension
Preaching the Education Gospel: KCTCS Super
Natalie Gibson, MPA, Terri Giltner, Kentucky Community
and Technical College System
“White Men are Diverse Too”
Jimmy Cabrera
I Want Some “Pie” Too
Henry Snorton, III, CEcD, Mission Vision Partner
Inclusion is Mission Critical
Teresa Curtis, MPH, JoAnn Hinz, University of WisconsinExtension
Reframing the Conversation to Reach Change
Alejandra Gudiño, MS, MBA; Candance Gabe, MS, RD,LD
University of Missouri, Extension-Columbia
9:15 am - 12:45 pm
Keynote and Awards Luncheon
Jimmy Cabrera
Turning Barriers into Bridges
Jimmy Cabrera is a professional speaker, leader,
motivator, encourager and author for business and
educational communities. His presentations are
captivating, high energy and full of passion.
“He entertains and interacts with the audience while
teaching the important message of inclusiveness,
acceptance and understanding. Mr. Cabrera said,
‘Educating the mind without educating the heart is not
education at all.’ He touches your heart to care and
inspires you to apply what you know.”
Charles Comer, Ky 4-H Youth Development Agent
A Baseline Community Health Outreach Strategy
Toolkit for Multicultural Audiences
Margaret M. Collins, Ph.D., Santa Fe Cooperative
Body Image Among Minorities and its Association
with Obesity, Health, and Disease
Ingrid Adams, PhD RD LD, University of Kentucky
Equipping Students for Working in a Multicultural
Ronnie G. Elmore, DVM, MS, Kansas State University
The Map to Social Justice: How Do I Become an
Effective Agent for Change?
Stephanie J. Cunningham, Ph.D., University of Southern
Indiana Counseling Center
Friday, February 22, 2013
To register: Complete this form (one per registrant)
and return it to the address below by January 23 for
early bird discount. You may also pre-register by
calling 812-427-3152 and then sending a check,
purchase order (PO), or money order. Credit cards are
not accepted. Registration is limited and will be
accepted on a first-paid basis. All registrations are
confirmed by e-mail, time permitting.
Extending our Cultural “Bridge to Somewhere”
Steve Brady, M. Div., Ohio State University Extension
Bridging the Gap: How to Diversify Your Teen Base
Quentin R. Tyler, Ph.D., Whitney McCoy, Ashley Holt,
University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service;
Chaquenta L. Smith, Antomia Farrell, MANRRS
Diversity, Unity, Community: A Journey toward
Organizational Change
Kathy Lechman, MA, Ohio State University Extension;
Subbu Kumarappan, Ph.D., Agricultural Technical
Mailing Address
Helping Hispanic Families with School Readiness:
A Study of Cross-Cultural Practices
Teresa J. Witkoske, MS; Carmen DeRusha, MS; Janice M.
Dougan, MS; Claudia B.E. Guerin, Ph.D., Purdue University
Office Phone
Cell Phone
Email Address
Please fill in appropriate spaces and amounts below:
Racial Diversity, Diversion, and DoubleConsciousness: Internalized Racial Oppressions as
a Prohibiting Factor Toward the Achievement of
Racial Equity
Michael Washington, PhD.,Northern Kentucky University
Pre-Conference Registration
Minimum Attendance Required
(postmarked by Jan. 23, 2013)
Pre-Conference Registration
Minimum Attendance Required
(postmarked by Jan. 30, 2013)
Conference Registration
(postmarked by Jan. 23, 2013)
$195.00 _______
Conference Registration
(postmarked by Jan. 30, 2013)
$250.00 _______
One-Day Registration
(postmarked by Jan. 23, 2013)
$100.00 _______
Tough Work – Understanding and Serving People
in Poverty While Caring for Yourself
Kathy Michelich, Ohio State University Extension; Sue
Miller,Warren County Community Services, Inc.
One-Day Registration
(postmarked by Jan. 30, 2013)
$150.00 _______
Indicate which day for One Day Registration
q February 21, 2013 OR q February 22, 2013
Building Better Bridges: Inclusion and Opportunity
for All
Marie Barni, MPA, The Ohio State University; Richard
Hoban, Solutions at Work, Inc.
The Role of Extension Service in Providing Public
Space for Inter-Ethnic Networking in “New”
Immigrant Destinations
Susan Tharp; Melinda Grismer, Purdue University