minyak kelapa dara
minyak kelapa dara
UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA - Ruj . Kami 2008/074 (U0060) : 9 September 2011 Tarikh Prof. Ir. Mohd. Omar Ab. Kadir Pusat Pengajian Teknologi Industri Universiti Sains Malaysia 11800 USM PULAU PINANG Pejabat Pengurusan Dan Kreativiti Penvelidil<an I Research Creativity and Management Office Canse lori, Unive rsiti Sains Malaysia Ara s 6, Bangunan Canselori 11800, USM Pu lau Pinang T : (6)04-65331 08/3178/3988/5019 F : (6)04-6566466/8470 : (6)04-653 2350 L : www.resea rch.usm.my Tuan, LAPORAN AKHIR GERAN PENYELIDIKAN UNIVERSITI PENYELIDIKAN (RU ) TAJUK PROJEK : ENHANCING OIL YIELD AND OPTIMIZATION OF OIL MEDIUM CHA IN TRIGL YCERIDES (MCTS) CONTENT IN SUPERCRITICAL CARBON DIOXIDE EXTRACTION OF COCONUT OIL FROM FRESH COCONUT (Cocos nucifera L.) NO. AKAUN 1001 1 PTEKIND 181401 3 Dengan hormatnya perkara di atas dirujuk. 2. Terlebih dahulu saya ucapkan terima kasih atas penghantaran laporan akhir Geran RU seperti tajuk di atas. Bersama-sama ini dilampirkan komen penilaian daripada Dekan Penyelidikan Pelantar Kejuruteraan & Teknologi untuk perhatian tuan. 3. Memandangkan projek ini telah selesai, Pejabat ini akan menutup projek ini dan seterusnya pihak Jabatan Bendahari diminta untuk memproses penutupan akaun projek ini selepas semua urusan tuntutan dan bayaran dalam tempoh projek dijalankan diselesaikan. 4. Selanjutnya , tuan diminta untuk mengambil tindakan seperti dinyatakan di bawah : a) b) c) d) Merakamkan penghargaan kepada Universiti Sains Malaysia. Sila pastikan nama Universiti ditulis/ditaip dengan penuh/lengkap iaitu 'Un iversiti Sains Malays ia'. Tiga salinan penerbitan berkaitan mesti dikirimkan ke Bahagian Penyelidikan dan Inovasi untuk tindakan selanjutnya. USM mempunyai opsyen pertama untuk menerbitkan bahan yang dihasilkan melalui projek ini. Ini akan dilakukan melalui Penerbit USM dan keputusan untuk menerbitkan bahan ini akan dibuat dalam tempoh en am bul an. Bahagian ini akan mengagihkan semula peralatan yang telah dibeli menggunakan peruntukan geran ini sea ndainya terdapat penyelidik lain yang memerlukan peral atan tersebut. 5. Bahagian ini mengucapkan tahniah di atas kejayaan tuan selaku Ketua Penyelidik menyelesaikan projek dengan jayanya. Tuan akan dihubungi oleh Pejabat Inovasi untuk perkembangan selanjutnya has ii/outcome daripada geran ini sekiranya terdapat harta intelek/pengkom ersialan hasil geran yang boleh diketengahkan. Sekian , terima kasih . "BERKHIDMAT UNTUK NEGARA" 'Memastikan Kelestari an Hari Esok' (H AZL ~N AB DU L HA ) Ketua Penolong Pendaftar Pejabat Pengurusan & Kreativiti Penyelidikan Bahagian Penyelidikan & Invovasi - -bAPORAN AKHIR-GERAN PENYELIDIKAN tJNIVERSITI PENYELIDIKAN (RU) TAJUK PROJEK : ENHANCING OIL YIELD AND OPTIMIZATION OF OIL MEDIUM CHAIN TRIGL YCERIDES (MCTS) CONTENT IN SUPERCRITICAL CARBON DIOXIDE EXTRACTION OF COCONUT OIL FROM FRESH COCONUT (COCONUT NUCIFERA L.) NO. AKAUN 1001 / PTEKIND 1814013 s.k. Dekan Penyelidikan Pelantar Kejuruteraan & Teknologi Pejabat Pelantar Penyelidikan USM Kampus Kejuruteraan Dekan Pusat Pengajian Teknologi Industri Universiti Sa ins Malaysia Pengarah Pejabat Inovasi Universiti Sains Malaysia Timbalan Dekan (Pengajian Siswazah & Penyelidikan) Pusat Pengajian Teknologi Industri Universiti Sa in s Malaysia Ketua Pustakawan Hamzah Sendut ~ Universiti Sains Malaysia r)"'::;;~Perpustakaan Ketua Penolong Sendahari Seksyen Kewangan Penyelidikan Jabatan Sendahari Universiti Sains Malaysia Pegawai Sains Pelantar Kejuruteraan & Teknologi Pejabat Pelantar Penyelidikan USM Kampus Kejuruteraan HAH/aihat Laporan Akhir - MohdOmarAbKadir (U0060) } Disampaikan satu salinan laporan akhir projek untuk simpanan Perpustakaan } Sila ambil tindakan menutup akaun projek dan kemukakan satu salinan penyata kewangan terakhir ke Sahag ian ini = UNIVERSITY RESEARCH G FINAL REPORT 0)Geran Penyelidikan Univ Laporan Akhir UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA A. PARTICULARS OF RESEARCH I MAKLUMAT PENYELJDIKAN: (i) Title of Research: Tajuk Penyelidikan: Enhancing Oil Yield & Optimization of Oil Medium Chain Triglycerides ( MCTs) Contents in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Coconut Oil from Fresh Coconut (Cocos nucifera L) (ii) Account Number: Nombor Akaun: 10011PTEKINDI814013 B. PERSONAL PARTICULARS OF RESEARCHER / MAKLUMA T PENYELIDIK: (i) Name of Research Leader: Nama Ketua Penyelidik:Prof Mohd Omar Ab Kadir Name of Co-Researcher Nama Penyelidik Bersama: Prof. Dr Nik Norulaini Nik Ab. Rahman En. Wahyu B. Setianto En. Abu Hanipah Nawi (ii) Schoolllnstitute/Centre/Unit Pusat Pengajian IlnstitutlPusatlUnit : Pusat Pengajian Teknologi Industri C. Research Platform (Please tick (/) the appropriate box): Pelantar Penyelidikan (Sila tanda (I) kotak berkenaan): D D A. D C. D D D D D. SQcial Transformation Life Sciences Sains Hayat B. Fundamental Fundamental Engineering & Technology Kejuruteraan & Teknologi Transformasi Sosial E. Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Teknologi Maklumat & Komunikasi F. Clinical Sciences Sains Klinikal G. Biomedical & Health Sciences Bioperubatan Sains Kesihatan © Divi sion of Research & Innovation - Unjversi'ti Sains Malaysia - Mal'eh 201 0 D. Duration of this research: Tempoh m?Isa penyelidikan ini : *DUration: =-:-:-3 tanun ..... Tempol? : Oktober 2007 E. =..... September 2010 From To Dari: Ke: ABSTRACT OF RESEARCH (An abstract of between 100 and 200 words must be prepared in Bahasa Malaysia and in English. This abstract will be included in the Annual Report of the Research and Innovation Section at a later date as a means of presenting the project findings of the researcherls to the University and the community at large) Abstrak Penyelidikan (Perlu dised iakan di ant ara 100 - 200 perkat aan di da lam Bahasa Malaysia dan juga Bahasa lnggeris . Abstrak ini akan dimuatkan dalam Laporan Tahunan Sahagian Penyelidikan & Inovasi sebagai satu cara untuk menyampaikan dapatan projek tuan/puan kepada pihak Universiti & masyarakat luar). Minyak kelapa yang disari dari isi kelapa segar dikenali sebagai minyak kelapa dara (l\I.lKD). Minyak kelapa dara adalah sumber semulajadi trigliserida rantai sederhana (IRS) yang mana telah dikenali sebagai minyak sihat. Sehingga ke hari ini, penyelidikan berkaitan penyarian l\IlI<D menggunakan karbon dioksida lampau genting (C0 2 - LG) dari segi dasar pengekstrakkan masih lagi kurang. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menentukan kesan faktor-faktor pengekstrakan l\IlI<D menggunakan (C02- LG), dan mengkaji keterlarutan minyak tersebut dalam (C02- LG) . Penilaian kesan-kesan interaksi bagi parameter pengekstrakan telah dilakukan menggunakan Kaedah Iindakbalas Permukaan (RSlVI). Kajian ini telah dijalankan berdasarkan reka bentuk Box-Behnken. Iekanan (20.7 - 34.5 MPa), suhu (313 - 353 K) dan jumlah penggunaan karbon dioksida (10 - 60 g) telah dipilih sebagai parameter. Respon yang terlibat adalah hasil pengekstrakan dan kandungan IRS dalam minyak yang diekstrak. Hasil pengekstrakan dikira melalui kaedah gravimetrik dan analisis kandungan IRS dilakukan menggunakan analisis gas kromatografi (GC). Satu hubungkait telah dibangunkan dengan p value untuk kedua-dua respon pada 95% aras keyakinan. Pengukuran keterlarutan dijalankan menggunakan kaedah dinamik pada julat tekanan dari 20.7 hingga 34.5 :NlPa dan suhu dari 313 © Di vision of Research & Innovation - Uni versiti Sains Malaysia - March 2010 hingga 353 K. Analisis keterlarutan minyak dilakukan secara gravimetrik dan analisis lengkung. Keterlarutan minyak meningkat dengan suhu pada tekanan di antara 31.0 dan 34.5 IvIPa dan berkurang dengan suhu pada tekanan di antara 20 .7 dan 24.1 MPa. Data keterlarutan yang diperolehi daripada eksperimen dikolerasikan menggunakan model Chrastil dan del valle- Aguilera iaitu berdasarkan ketumpatan karbon dioksida (C02). Keterlarutan kawasan-lintasan boleh diperhatikan dalam julat tekanan 27.5 hingga 30.5 Mpa dan pada sekitar 29 MPa, yang menunjukkan keterlarutan MKD dalam CO2- LG tidak dipengaruhi oleh suhu secara praktikalnya. Kesahihan data keterlarutan telah dilakukan melalui perbandingan dengan data keterlarutan trigliserida tulen dalam CO 2- LG yang pernah dilaporkan dan ujian ketekalan-diri dilakukan dengan kaedah lvJendez-Santiago dan Teja. *** Coconut (Cocos nucifera) oil which is extracted from fresh coconut flesh is known as virgin coconut oil (YCO). The oil is a natural source of medium chain tryglycerides (MCTs) which has been well known as healthy oil. It is remarkable that very few reports on the extraction of the YCO using SC-C02 have been published hitherto the fundamental insights on the SC-C02 extraction processes of the coconut oil are much lacking. The objectives of this work are evaluating the parameters etTects of YCO extraction using SC-C02 and examination of the oil solubility in SC-C02. The assessment of interaction effects of extraction parameters was performed using a Response surface methodology (RSM). The study was carried out according to Box-Behnken design. Pressure (20.7 - 34.5 MPa), temperature (313 - 353 K) and CO2 consumption (10 - 60 g) were chosen as the parameters. _T he responses were the extraction yield and the MGT s content of extracted oil. The yield was calculated by gravimetric and the MCTs content analysis "vas performed using GC analysis. A correlation was established with p -value for both responses at I 95% confident level. The Solubility meaS1..1rement was performed by dynamic method at the © Di vision of Research & Innovation - Uni versiti Sains Malays ia - M;u'ch 20 I 0 pressures and temperatures range of 20.7 to 34.5 NIPa and 313 to 353 K respectively. Oil solubility analysis was performed using gravimetric and curve analysis. The' oil solubility Increases with temperature at pressures between 31.0 and 34.5 MPa and decreases with temperature at pressures between 20.7 and 24.1 MPa. The solubility experimental data obtained was correlated with Chrastil and del Valle-Aguilera model, which are based on the C02 density. A solubility cross-over region was observed in the pressure range of27.5 to 30.5 MPa and at around 29 MPa, the solubility ofVCO in SC-C02 is practically independent of temperature. The validity of the solubility data was performed by its comparison with previous reported data of pure triglyceride solubility in SC-C0 2 and performing a self-consistency test with the method of Mendez-Santiago and Teja. F. SUMMARY OF RESEA RCH FINDINGS Ringkasan dapatan Projek Penyefidikan The extraction of coconut oil was performed using SC-C02 at various pressures, temperatures and CO 2 consumption levels. This process can successfully be performed, and extracting about 99% ofthe total oil. The extraction yield and the MCTs content of the extracted oil varied with the extraction conditions. A mathematical model based on statistical analysis was established. The correlation between the extraction conditions and the extraction yield as well as the MCTs content applied in this study may be remarkable and should be considered for scalingup the VCO extraction process. Solubility of virgin coconut oil (VCO) in supercritical carbon dioxide was examined with a dynamic method. The solubility data could be well-correlated with a density based model. The oilCO2 system exhibited a cross-over region that could be described by the density based model. The solubility data validation confirms its reliability. The comparison of the solubility of pure triglycerides in SC-C02 with the measured VCO solubilities shows that the latest value are intermediate to lighter and heavier triglycerides solubility in SC-C02 that was reported in the literatures. The data examination using the self-consistency test proposed by Mendez-Santiago and Teja resulted that the data was consistent. (9 .oi vi sion of R ~searcb & Innovation - U ni versiti Sains Mala ys ia - March 20 to 1- - - -1 G. COMPREHENSIVE TECHNICAL REPORT Laporan TeknikaJ Lengk8(J Applicants are required to prepare a comj:lrehensive technical report explainingJhe project. (This report must be attached separately) Siia secjiakan laporan teknika! lengkap yan~l rnenerangkan keseluf'u!wfl projek inL [laporan ini mesH dikepilkanj Please see attachment. List the key words that reflectour research: Senarai/(an kata kunci yang mencerminkan penyelicfikan andcl. English Bahasa Malaysia Virgin coconut oil Minyak kelapa muda Medium chain triglycerides Rantai trigliserida sederhana Supercritical CO2 Takat genting CO 2 © Division of RcS"IU'C iJ & innovation - Un iversiti Sa ins Malaysia - March 20 10 - H a) Results/Benefits of this research Hasil Penyelidikan - No. Bil: Category/Number: Kqtegoril Bilangan: Research Publications (Specify target journals) Penerbitan Penyelidikan (Nyatakan sasaran jurnal) Human Capital Development a. Ph. D Students b. Masters Students c. Undergraduates (Final Year Project) d . Research Officers e. Research Assisstants f. Other: Please specify 1. 2. Achieved - 3 , 1 1 2 2 Patents Paten 3. • --- Promised - 4. Specific / Potential Applications SpesifiklPotensi aplikasin 5. Networking & Linkages Jaringan & Jalinan 6. Possible External Research Grants to be Acquired Jangkaan Geran Penyelidikan Luar Diperoleh Developing of new extractor system using a new view ce ll and repa iring of the old others system part (High pressure pump and ch iller) . The system also suitable for clinica l waste sterilizati on. Japan counterpart (Toyo Koatsu) and loca l cou nterpart (Sime Darby) Sime Darby gro up (RM 3.9 Million) - (potentia l) Kindly provide copies/evidence for Category 1 to 6 . b) Equipment used for this research. Perala tan yang telah digunakan dalam penye/idikan ini. Items Perkara Specialized Equipment Peralatan khusus Approved Equipment Approved Requested Equipment Location Lab 131, Tingkat 1, Bangunan G07, Pusat Pengajian Tek. Ind. , USM Penang. Extractor with view window Gas flow meter High pressure valve modification Facility Kemudahan - Infrastructure Infrastruktur ~ Please attach append ix if necessa ry . :\) Division of Research & [nl1ovatiol1 - Uni versiti Sains Malaysia - March 20 10 . - I. BUDGET f BAJET Total Approved Budget Additionai Budget- - - - : RM 257,450 .00 :RM - Grand Total of Approved Budget : RM 257, 450.00 --I--~I --rotal Yearly Budget Distributed Year 1 :RM122,100.00 Year 2 Year 3 : RM 91,350.00 : RM 44,000.00 Additional Budget Approved Year 1 : RM Year 2 Year 3 : RM : RM Total Expenditure : RM 259,912.77 Balance : RM -3 ,107.21 (deficit) • Please attach final account statement from Treasury 5-4-2011 Signature of Researcher Penyelidik ~~-~:randatan§an Date Tarikh Professor Ir. Moh. Omar Ab. Kadlr, Ph I) $chooloftndustriaJTechn~y Universiti Sains Malaysia 11800 Penanq (9 Div.is.ion ofR~search & lnnovation - Uni versiti Sains Ma laysia - March 2010 H. COMM ENTS OF PTJ'S RESEARCH COMMITTEE KOMEN JAWATANKUASA PENYELIDIKAN PERINGKAT PTJ General Comments : Ulasan Umum: ········e·' ...........- ............;. ............................... ·· ·· ···········:·· :······ ··················n·········· ... ....;.- .. ... ..: ......... ..... . e~ Csz-OC/L ~ ~ "" tVO ~__ _ ~...,J2--( ( cL k... . •••••• • •••••••••••----:•••••• •••• ••• ••••• •• •••••• •••••• •• •• ••• ••• ••••• •••••• •• ••••• ••• •• •••• •••••••• ••. ••••• •••••••••• ••0:..:.1 ••••••• ••• •••••• ••• ••• •••• •••••••• • ~ ~ ....... ..~j. ~~'3 ..... . . .~.~4:\\.~. ~~J~......... ~.~ .......... ?l::)~~{!.f- ......r~\i"l; \:P.~ ..........~~ ... . ..~"'?. 3 .... .. ~"""jJ.:..:+.:±:::f.' h ?'l\13r " a t F~' ~'a Tim b[1 1an lJekan Pe n gaj ian S is wa'lah & : (, ~yelid.ika~ P u sat Pe n gaj ian Tekn"lcg 1 In,ci ustIl Prc fes"T Universiti Sains Ma l aYSia 11800 Pulau Pinang Signatu d Sta Chairperson of PTJ's Evaluation Committee Tandatangan dan Cop Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penilaian PTJ t.~. . /t..(?C!..f ( Date : ..... Tarikh :.. .... ... ..................... ... .... .. ......... .. Signature and Stamp of Dean! Director of PTJ ;;;;:taT:;!y7(Deka~/~engarah PTJ P rcSOR ROZM/~N HJ. DIN DEKAN PUSAT PENGAJI AN TEKNOLOG I INDUSTRI 11 800, USM. PENANG (9 Division ofRl!search & Innovation - ti ll iversiti Sains Ma lays ia - M;u'ch 20 10 G. COMPREHENSIVE TECHNICAL REPORT Laporan TekniJ<al LengJ<.ap Effects of Extraction ParametersonYield and Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) Content Qualitative analysis of the sample was performed using GC-MS. The sequence of the peak for all fatty acids which existed in the extracted oil was confirmed by performing GC-MS analysis. Peak scan analysis using MS was performed to indentify the peah. The analysis showed that fatty acid elution depended on the fatty acids molecular weight. Lighter fatty acids (lower molecular weights) were eluted first, followed by the heavier fatty acids . Spectrophotometric analysis gave the following identification: time (minutes) 1.02; 147; 2. 31 ; 4.38; 7.69; 1147; 15 .61 ; 1599; 16.85 are n-Hexane (solvent for analysis); caprylic acid methyl ester; capric acid methyl ester; lauric acid methyl ester; myristic acid methyl ester; palmitic acid methyl ester; linoleic acid methyl ester; oleic acid methyl ester; stearic acid methyl ester respectively. As discussed previously, fatty acids that were obtained in the extracted oil were caprylic (C8 :0), capric (CI0 :0), lauric (C1 2:0), myristic (C14:0), palmitic (C16:0), linoleic (C18 :2), oleic acid (C18: 1) and stearic acid (CI8 :0). The target compounds of the extraction were the MCTs. MCTs content ofthe extracted oil were defined as the medium fatty acid (C 8 :0 - C 12 :0 ) present in the oil. To determine the effects of interactions between the parameters (pressure, temperature and CO2 consumption) to the extraction yield and the MCTs content of the extracted oil, the response surface methodology (RSM), a statistical analysis was applied (Palma and Taylor, 1999, Myers and lVIontgomery, 2002) . The experimental data were obtained, according to the response surface methodology RSM experiment design as given in Table 1.1. The design of experiment (DOE) was performed according to Box-Behnken design. Throughout the RSM analysis the unit of temperature was expressed in degree celcius CC). Table 1.1 : Experimental Program and Results of The Box-Behnken Design of Extraction Yield and Extracted Oil MCTs Content in The Extraction Using SC-C02 . (Weight %) MCTs content (weight %) 35 94. 56 5947 40 35 96.25 57.99 80 35 40 .29 67 27 Pressure Temperature (MPa) (0C) CO2 consumption (g) ( Xl) ( x2 ) (X3 ) 1 20.7 40 2 34.5 20.7 Standard order .., j © Di vision of Research & [llnovatioll - Uni vers iti Sains Malays ia - March 20 10 Yield 4 34.5 80 35 99.4-1 59.07 5 20.7 60 10 30.2 1 65.49 34.5 60 10 93.37 62.00 7 20.7 60 60 92.37 60.39 8 34.5 60 60 99.08 56.71 9 27.6 40 10 73.69 62.40 10 27.6 80 10 63 .30 64.27 11 27.6 40 60 95.64 58.94 12 27.6 80 60 99.32 58 .07 13 27.6 60 35 98.28 59.12 14 27.6 60 35 97.30 59.49 15 27.6 60 35 97.08 56.76 16 27.6 60 35 97.64 56.35 17 27.6 60 35 96.55 56.35 6 A second-order polynomial model was applied to express the responses as a function of the chosen variables. y, represents the dependent variables (extracted yield and the IvICTs content), Xs represents the independent variables (pressure, temperature and CO2 consumption) and bs represents the coefficients. Multiple regression analysis was performed to determine the regression coefficients of the model (Table 1.2). Table 1.2 : Estimated Coefficients of Second-Order Response Models for SC-C02 Extraction ofVCO. intercept ~_ Extraction yield Extracted oil MCTs content (%) (%) -77.2497 88.4694 9.9870 -1.6310 Di vision of R esearch &. [nnovation - Ulliversiti SaiJ]s \lIaJa ysia - NJaJ'ch 20 J0 -~--..........-~-. ~'fmi<: _ x1 -1.9022 -0.0206 x_ 3.4872 -0 .2067 XI XI -0 .1993 0.0374 .1: 2 .1: 2 -0.0131 0.0039 X3X3 -0.0146 0.0028 X1X2 0.1040 -0.0122 X1X3 -0 .0818 -0.0003 X2X3 0.0070 -0.0014 J The effects of pressure, temperature and CO2 consumption on extraction yield and MCTs content can be seen in the sample graph (Figure 1.6). In Figure 1.6a, it was observed that at pressures lower than 28.3 "NIPa, the extraction yield decreased with increase in temperature, while at higher pressures (greater than 28.3 l\1Pa), the yield increased with temperature. This was most likely due to the solubility cross-over phenomenon, which often occurs in solute-C02 systems. The phenomenon is discussed in the section of solubility examination. Figure 1.6b shows a contour plot of the interaction of the pressure and the CO 2 consumption. It is clear that the increase in CO2 consumption resulted in an increase in the yield. At a constant temperature (60 QC) and certain CO2 consumption level, increasing pressure provided higher extraction yields (Fig. 1.6a. The MCTs content increased with increasing temperature, while it decreased with increasing pressure (Fig. 1.6c). The increase in CO2 consumption reduced the MCTs content of the extracted oil (Fig. 1.6d) . The trend of the MCTs content was contrary to that of the yield. This might be due to the shorter chain triglycerides that were extracted more easily than the longer chain triglycerides; consequently, the oil extracted earlier in the process has a higher MCTs content than the fractions extracted later. (9 Division of R.:search & Inn ovat ion - Universiti Sains Malaysia - M:u'ch 20 10 '"" Yield (%) 80.-~~--~~,-~--,---~ Yie ld (%)~~ ~~- 60,---~--------~====--~ 70 48 0 ~ .!:!! ~ "'0 (J) :J +' ~ CfJ 60 :J (1) 35 N 0 0. E (1) 0 I- 50 23 40 10 21 24 28 31 21 35 24 Pressure (MPa) 31 35 (b) (a) 80 28 Pressure (MPa) MCTs content (%) 60 70 MCTs content (%) 48 0 ~ 2.? ~ :J "0 (1) ::l 0. 0 '" (1) (/) "§ 60 E 35 0 (1) I- 50 23 40~----,L----.-----,-L-~ 21 24 28 31 35 21 24 28 Pressure (MPa) Pressure (MPa) (c) (d) 31 35 Figure L 6 :~ftects of parameters on yield and NIGT-s content of extracted oil. (a) Effects of pressure and temperature on extraction yield using 35 g CO2 . (b) Effects of pressure and CO 2 consumption on extraction yield at 60°C. ( c) Effects of pressure and temperature on extracted oil MCTs content using 35 g CO 2 . (d) Effects of pressure and CO2 consumption on oil MCTs content at 60 0c. © Division of R ~searcb & InlJova tion - U lli versili Sains Malaysia - Mru'e h 2010 The analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the extraction yield and the extracted oil MCTs content is shown in Table 4.3. The calculated values of F were compared to the tal51e vruue of 0. p- l. n-p .a) . The ANOVA shows that the calculated value of F for the yield response (20.52) and that of the MCTs content response (6.44) were greater than the table (experimental) value of F (09,7,005) = 3.68). If the calculated value of F exceeds the table value of F , the null hypothesis is rejected at the level of significance, and it is inferred that the coefficient estimates are not all zero (that is, one or more coefficients convey information about the model) and the variation verified that the model is significantly greater than the unexplained variation (noise) (Wonnacott and Wonnacot, 1990). Therefore, the p -value for the yield and the MCTs content responses is below 0.05 . Accordingly, it could be constmed that, at the 95% contldence level, the models were significant for both of the responses. The value of R2 measures the total variation of the observed values about the mean determined by the fitted model. The values of R2 for the yield and the MCTs content responses were 0.96 and 0.90, respectively; hence, the R2 value in this study signifies a good correlation between the experimental data and the predicted values. Therefore, the fitted model obtained can be used to describe the effects of the factors within the experimental ranges. Table 1.3 : Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for Extraction Yield and Extracted Oil MCTs Content. Extraction Yield Source Degrees of freedom Regression Residual Total 7 9 16 Extracted Oil .MCTs Content Source Degrees of freedom Regression 9 Residual 7 Total 16 Sum of squares Mean Square 7140.38 270.59 7410.98 793.38 38.66 Sum of squares Mean Square 151.84 18.33 170.17 © Di vision of R esearch & Innovation - Univcrsiti Sains Malavsia - Mm'ch 2010 16.87 2. 62 0.0.05) 20. 52 0.96 3.68 R2 0.0.05) 0.90 3.68 F 6.44 JABATAN BEND.AHA.1.. .J i : ---1 :) j SUB KUMP WANG UNIV PENYELIDIKAN (1001) PENYATA PERBELANJAAN PADA 30 SEPTEMBER 2010 NAMA PRO..EK : I;;J~!:i~CI ~§...9H-. YtEbQ.6NQ9E1JMJ~~DQi'f.QE_QL~M EQl!,I~tQ:!A!N..1B!\,'>!_'!':.C~R.iQ.Ei? (MCTS) CONTENT iN SUPERCRiTiCAL CAR80N DiOXIDE EXiRACTiON OF COCONuT OiL FROM FR ES TEMPOH : ' . KETUA PRO.EK : PROFESOR MOHO OMAR AS KADIR PUSAT PENGAJAN TEKNOLOGI INOUSTRI _ ____ ---L _ _------- - - -- - ------ --------- - - - . - _._--- -_."--- r J - .. . . __.- --- . - - - - - I -- - -_.- --_._---._---- --~--' PTJ Al<AUN PROJEK 111 114 PTEKIND PTEKIND 22·1 -. Pl'EKIN[} ~~J~.Q ~14On 814013 PTEKIND PTEKIND PTEKIND PTEKIND PTEKIND PTEK1ND 814013 814013 814013 814013 814013 814013 226 227 228 229 335 441 DONOR Pl:RUNTIJkAN Pl:R8ElANJAAN TERKUMPUL PROJEK SEHINGGA THN lALU 814013 814013 814013 223 PTEKIND - 224·- P-rEOND ~2 .., 814~--·- PERUNTIJKAN 5EMASA TANGUNGAN 5EMASA HAYARAN 5EMASA HELANJA 5EMASA HAKI PROJEK 0.00 73,375.7-1 5,815.00 9;125 .43 24,950.00 800.00 61,389_10 0.00 -69,'119+11,000.00 1,000_09 -5,666_62 4,000.00 -28;3-75:11 -1,815.00 874.51 35,050.00 -800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 644.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 644.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61 ,339 .10 -644.44 -69;1'19.11 1,000_00 1,000.00 -5,666.62 4,000 .00 -28,375.71 -1,815.£10 259,912.71 -2,462.71 0.00 644.44 644.44 -3;107.21 125,200.00 0.00 6;0£IIHIO _. 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,251100 4,000:00 45,000.00 4,000.00 10,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 63,810_90 0.00 - 15-,-1-19:1-1 0.00 0.00 - - ----- 6,916.62- 257,450.00 374.57 35,050.00 -300.00 SENARAI JUMlAH-JUMLAH KECll : 110 EMOlUMEN 220 330 PERfHI DMA TAN DAN BEKALAI ASET 440 PEMBERIAN DAN KENAAN BA't 125,200.00 12,250.00 60,000.00 0.00 63,810.90 61,389.10 -98,101.87 35,050.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 644.44 110,351.87 24,950.00 aoo.oo -800.00 0.00 251,450.00 259,9'12.77 -2,462.77 0.00 60,744.66 -98,101.87 35,050.00 0.00 644.440.00 0.00 000 644.44 644.44 -3,1 07.21 0.00 0.00 -800.00 ~I 1l ~ ~: r J • 1 Doi<lJmen In( a<iarall cetakan komputer c1an tfada tanc1atangan c1iperJukan No._ Authors, Year, Title of paper, Name of journal or proceeding, Volume, Page Number 1. SETIANTO, W. B" NAWI, A. H. & MOHD. OMAR, A. 1<. (2008) Applicati on of Chrastil Model to The Virgin Coconut and Palm Kernel Oil Solub ility in Supercritica l Carbon Dioxide. International conference on environmental research and technology. {pp. 921-925}, P. Pinang, Malaysia. 2. Setianto, W.B" Nik Norulaini, N.A., Abu Hanipah, N" Mohd Zu lhilmi, M . & Mohd Omar, A. 1<' (2008). Solubi lity examination of virgin coconut oi l in supercritica l carbon dioxide and its corre lation with existing model. In Proceedings of the 2 nd In ternational conference on science and technology (pp. 2187-2193), P. Pinang, Malaysia. 3. NIK NORULAINI, N. A., SETIANTO, W. B" ZAIDUL, I. S. M. , NAWI, A. H" AZIZI, C. Y. M . & OMAR, A. 1<. M. (2009) Effects of supercritica l carbon dioxide extractio n parameters on virgin coconut oil yield and medium -cha in triglyceride content. Food Chemistry, 116, 193-19. (impact facto r : 2.698) International Conj'erence on Environmental Research and Technology (ICERT 2008) Application of Chrastil Model to The Virgin Cocoout and Palm Kernel Oil Solubility in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide WahyuB. Setianto*, Abu H. Nawi, Mohd. Omar Ab. Kadir School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Minden, Penang, Malaysia *Corresponding author. Phone: +604 653 2110, Fax: +604 6585435 ___~ __ .__ ·___ ~!pil-it~\fahyu~c.f.@yah.Q<2.~~m ABSTRACT Supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO z) extraction has been introduced as a clean technology for extraction process since it is exclusive of chemical utilization. Application of the SC-COz to vegetable oil extraction became an attractive technique due to its high solublbty, short extraciton hme, sImple punfiCafiOflanaa osence' of chemical residue in the oil. The application of SC-C0 2 to virgin coconut oil (VCO) and palm kernel oil (PKO) extraction has been performed. The equilibrium solubility ofVCO and PKO in supercritical carbon dioxide have been measured by means of extraction curve' analysis. The measurements were performed in the temperature range from 323 .1 5 K to 353. 15 K and pressures 20. 7 to 34.5 :MPa for VCO and 27.5 to 48.3 "NfPa for PKO. The solubility experimental data were correlated with Chrastil model, a density solvent base model. The experimental data were well fitted to the model by average absolute Jlercent deviation 2.20 and 3.84 for VCO and PKO respectively. Keywords·:-Ghrastil-modeI-,-palIn-kerneLo.il,...solubilit¥,_sup.ercritical _carbon dioxide, virgin coconut oiL ---------1. INTR,Op'UCTlo~-~·· ...· ~--. _ Supercritical .carbon dioxide (SC-C02) extraction is an attractive technology due to its relatively low critical temperature (31.1 0c) and critical pressure (7.38 :MPa) (McHugh and Krukonis, 1994). In the supercritical state, liquid-like density is approached, while viscosity is near that of normal gases, and diffusivity is about two order of magnitude higher than in typical liquid (Brunner, 1994). It makes the fluid become an excellent solvent. As the solvent is non-polar, the application for triglyceride extraction gives a pramising result. Using SC-CO z sa lvent allaws extractian pracesses to aperate near ambient temperature. Furthermare, SC-COz is nan-taxic, can be used in food-grade fann for faad pracessing, and is cansidered to be an environmentally friendly solvent. It shauld be noted that we are using CO 2 rather than dispasing it. Separation af extracts fram SC-CO z is relatively simple, since the salute extract can be separated fram the SC-COz solvent by reducing the pressure af the flawing mixture thraugh an expansian valve. In this study, the SC-C02 extraction technalogy was applied far the extract ian afvirgin cacanut oil (VCO). and palm kernel ail (PKO). In the extractian pracess, a single step extraction can be applied, in which the ails can be extracted directly fram the matrices without further purificatian ar separatian. A report af using af SC-CO z extraction on caconut ail has been published (Celestino et aI., 2006). The author suggested an ail cantent analysis of capra using SC-COz. It is reported that within less than ane our, 100% of caconut ail, as referred to. saxhlet extraction, cauld be extracted from the tissue using the pracess. However, further studies an the extractian, such as the ail solub ility and mass transfer analysis have not been reported yet. The applicatian af SC-COz an PKO extraction has been reported in several publicatians (Hassan et aI. , 2000, Nik Namlaini et aI., 2004, Zaidul et ai. , 2007).The pracess has been described as a clean technalagy due to. the absent af chemical far sa lvent and refining far the pracess .. Several vegetab le (such as sunflawer, com, uCJ,mba and babassu) ail salubility in SC-COz have been carrelated ..Eith the madel (Soares et aL, 2007).J{awever, analysis afthe VCO and PKO solubility inSC-C0 2 using the sa lvent density base madel has nat been reported yet. The abjectives afthe study were to. examine the twa ail so lubility in SC-C0 2 and to. apply the Chrastil made I (Chrastil, 1982) an the so lubility. 2. lVlATERlALS AND METHODS 2.1 Material The sa lubility af cacanut ail in supercritical CO 2 was measured in this wark, whereas the palm kernel oil so lubility data was acquired from previaus repart perfarmed by the same research group (Hassan et aI. , 2000). C leaner cech, concro t, treatment & remediacion cechnique 92 1 SOLUBILITY EXAMINATION OF VIRGIN COCONUT OIL IN SUPER CRITICAL CARBON DIOXIDE AND ITS CORRELATION WITH EXISTING MODEL Wahyu Bahari Setianto U, Nik Norulaini Nik Ab.Rahmanb, Abu Hanipah Nawi a, Mohd Zulhilmi Mokhtal'U, Mohd Omar Ab. Kadir u "School at' Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Minden, Pulau Pi nang, Malaysia "School of Distant Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11 800 Minden, Pulau Pinang. Malaysia Emai l: wahyuscl@yuhoo.com ABSTRACT. Coconut (Cocos nucijera L.) oil is a source of natural medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) with approximately 60% of Ihe oil cOn/en/ is ,."JCTs. The MCTs have been reported to have benefiCial eifeci on health Extraction of the oil has been performed using supercrilical carbon dioxide (SC-CO~. The extraclion technology has been introduced as a clean lechnology since it is exclusive of chemical utilization. Applicalion of Ihe SC-CO, to vegelable 011 extraction became an allraClive technique due 10 ils high soll/bilily. shOl'l extraction lime. simple purification and absence of chemical residue in the oil. In the present work. solubility of virgin coconut oil (VCO) in SC-CO, was examined. The Solubility examination was performed with dynamic method using a SC-CO, labora/ory scale extractor and phase behaVIOr examination using a view high-pressure vessel. The measZlremen/s were pe/formed al temperatures Fom 313.15 10 353./5 K and pressures Fom 20.7 10 34.5 MPa. The solZlbilily experimental data obtained/i'om dynamIC me/hod examination was correlaled with Chrastil and del Valle-AgUIlera model which are based on the CO} denSity. while the data Fom phase behavior examination was correlated with Peng-Robmson equation of state (£OS). The experlmen/al data was well fitted /0 the models by average ab~olllle percent devialion (AAPD) 0.95 ond 4.02for Ihe Chras/i/ and del Valle-Aguilera model respectively and 2.62/01' Ihe Peng-Robinson EOS. 1. Introduction Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) oil that is extracted from fresh coconut flesh is known as virgin coconut oil (YCO). The extraction involves a process without employing thermal treatment or food preservatives. Coconut oil obtained from copra, dried coconut has no taste or fragrance due to the refining process, whereas YCO has a fragrance and taste of coconut. The absence of heating and chemical usage in the oil makes it tasty and healthy. The antioxidant activity of YCO is superior to that of regular coconut oil, which is extracted from copra and of groundnut oil [ I]. Separation of the oil from the water oi l emulsion also can be accomplished by breaking the emulsion and creating an oil-oil emulsion [2], in which pure coconut oil is needed to be added to the coconut milk to extract the oil from the emulsion, and then the oil has to be separated from the water and protein with decantation. The existing mentioned process requires 24 to 48h and gives an oil yield of about 40% oil available in the coconut. The oil is a natural so urce of medium chain tryglycerides (MCTs) in terms of fatty acids constituents with approximately 60% of the total oil content which are regarded as C6 to C12 fatty acids constituents. The MCTs constituents have been reported to have beneficial for the human health. The MCTs constituents are mainly utilized as a nutritional supplement for patient suffering from mal absorption caused by intestinal resection and also as a component of infant feeding tormulation [3] . It is also reported that MCTs constituents have beneficial effect on weight control and g lucose as well as lipid metabolism [4]. The technology of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-C0 2) was proposed to enhance the existing production process of virgin coconut o.il. Supercriti cal fluids are substances at pressure and temperature above their critical value. [n the supel'cl'itical region of a fluid, the phase state resembles one of the dense gases with properties that are generally intermediate to those of a gas and liquid. In tbe supercritical state liquid like density--.is approaclLed, while viscosity is near that of normal gases, and diffusivity is about two order of magnitude higher than in typical liquid [5]. A specific feature of the supercritical state of a fluid is its dense and highly compressible nature. This means that properties can be changed greatly with small changes in temperature or pressure. The tremendous variation in characteristics due to various conditions is causing differences in effects on solutes within the state conditions [6). The techno logy of SC-C0 2 is an attractive technology applied in many research activities around the globe due to its relatively low critical temperature (31.1 0c) and critical pressure (7.38 MPa) [7]. Using SC-C0 2 solvent allows extraction processes to operate near ambient temperature. 2 187 Food Chemistry 116 (2009 ) 193-197 _Co ntents~ lists .: \ availab le at ScienGeDireGt Food Chemist ry ----. ~ . j ourna I h·o m e·p.age.: www.els.evi.er ..co·m / I.ocat.e/fooctche,m Effects of supercritical carbon dioxide extraction parameters on virgin coconut oil yield and medium-chain triglyceride content N.A. Nik Norulaini a .• , W.B. Setianto b, I.S.M. Zaidul c, A.H. Nawi b, C.Y.M. Azizi d, A.K. Mohd Omar b 'Scl1ool oj' Discance Education. Universiti Sains Malaysia. 11800 Minden. 1'. I'inang. Malaysia b Scl100l oj' Indusnial Technology. UniversiLi Sains Maiaysicl. 11800 Minden. P. Pinang. Malaysia 'DeparoJ1 ent oJ Food Science. Faadey oj' Fo od Science anci Tecl1nology. Universiti Put/'a Malaysia. 43400 UPM. Serdang. Selangor DE. Malaysia dCl1emical Engineering DeparoJ1ent. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 813 10 Skudai.jollOr. Malaysia ARTICLE [NfO Artide history: Received 9 Decem ber 2008 Received in revised form 7 Jan uary 2009 Accepted 12 February 2009 Keywords: Virgin coconut oil Medi um chain lriglyceri des Supercritica l CO, Extraction Response s urface methodology ABSTRACT The extraction of coconut oil has been perfo rmed us ing supercritical carbo n dioxide (5C-C0 2 ). The ext ractio ns were performed at pressure and temperature r<l nges of 20.7-34.5 MPa and 40-80 0( . respect ive ly. It was observed that almost all (mo re tha n 99%) of the total oil could be extracted. Response surface methodo logy (RSM ) was applied to eva lua te the effects of the parameters (pressure. temperature and CO 2 consumpt ion) on the extracti on yie ld and med iu m-cha in trig lyce ri des (MCTs ), in terms of the fa tty acid content in the ex tracted oil. A corre latio n was established with p-va lues fOT both responses sign ificant at the 95%co nfide nce level. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Coco nut (Cocos n ll cilera L ) oil is a na tura l source of med iu mcha in t rig lyce rid es (MCTs ) with a pprox imate ly 60% of the total oi l co nte nt be in g MCfs. The term MCT refers to t riglyceride wh ich is com posed of a glycero l backbone a nd three satu rated fatty acid s with cha in length of 6-12 carbons. MCTs have been repotted to be be neficia l to hum a n hea lt h. MCTs a re m a inl y utili se d as a nut ritional s upplement for patients suffering from ma labsorp tion caused by in testi na l resect ion a nd a lso as a com po ne n t of infa nt feedi ng for m ulas (Nandi, Gangop adh yay , & Ghos h. 2005). rVlarten. Pfeuffer. and Schrezenmei r (2006) reported t hat MCTs have beneficial effects o n weight co n trol and g lucose, as we ll as li pid metabo lis m. Compa red wit h other triglycer ides that ma in ly co nta in sa tu rate d long cha in fatty acids . MCTs have a lower me ltin g poin t. s ma ll er mo lecular size, lower sol id ificat ion temperature and lower e nergy density. These ciistillct chemical properties affect the way s in which MCTs are abso rbed and metabo li zed. MCfs have a lso bee n reported as tumoUl' inh ibitors wbe n consumed in a_diet (Cohe n & Thomson, [987). and. if t hey a re mi xed wit h p hytos te ro l and high-o leic canola oil. t hey can deCl~ease plasma lipid co ntent in overweig ht men (Ru dkow ska, Roynelle, Naki1as i, & Jones . 2(06). Coco nu t oil that is ex tracted from fres h cocon u t fle s h is known as virgin cocon u t oil (VCO). The extraction invol ves a • Corresponding author. Tel./ fa x: +6046585435. F.- mail address: nor1.!i.1in@u~~m.my (N.A. Nik NOfulain i). 0308~81461$ ~ see fro nt matter '9 2009 Elsevier Ltd . /\ 11 righ ts reserved. doi : 10.1 01 6/j.lclOdch e m. 2009.02.030 process t hat d oes not use the rma l t rea tment or food p rese r vatives. Coconut o il obta ined from copra, dried cocon u t, has no taste o r fragra nce, due t o the refin ing process. w hereas vco has the fragra nce a nd taste of coco nu t. The a bse nce of hea lin g and c hem ical treatm ent in the oil makes it tasty a nd hea lt hy. The a nti ox id ant activ ity o f VCO is s up eri o r to t ha t of regul ar coco n ut oil, which is ext racted fro m copra, an d a lso of groundnut oi l (Nevin & Rajamoilan. 2005). The existin g p rocess productio n of VCO bas ically is con ducted thro ugh o il se pa rat io n from coco nu t m il k (S u kartin & Sitan gga ng, 2005). Coco nu t m ilk can be obta ine d by e ithe r press ing fres h coco nu t fles h w it ho u t additional water or grat ing the coconut flesh followed by extracting the water-o il e mul s io n with wate r. The oil can be se parated fro m the e m ulsi on by means of bo ili ng, fe rm enta tio n. re fr ige ration or m ec han ica l cent rifuge. Separation of the oil from the water-o il em ul sio n can a lso be acco mpl ished by break ing th e emulsion and creating an oi l-o il em ul sion . in which pure coconut o il must be adde d to the coco n ut m ilk to extract th e oil from the emulsion . and the n the oil m usc--be sepaTated from the wa ter a nd protei n w ith deca n tatio n. The exis ti ng process requ ires 24-48 h and produces an oil yie ld of about 40% of t he oil ava il ab le in the coco n ut. Althoug h extractio n of nat ural compounds us ing SC- C0 2 has been reported as a promising techn ique by ma ny researche rs it is re marka ble that very few repo rts on the extraction of coco nu t oil fro m co p ra using SC-C0 2 have bee n publ is hed. Ad d iti o na ll y . tllere is a lack of fu ndamenta l ins igh ts in to the SC-C0 2 extractio n process