June 2015 LINK - Moore 1st UMC
June 2015 LINK - Moore 1st UMC
In This Issue... What’s HappenVBS & Sunday ing At UMW What happened to the May General Meeting? Sadly, members of our church went home to the Lord and the meeting was cancelled in respect to the families and celebrations of their lives. Hopefully, we will be able to re-schedule hearing about our AGAPE youth. The All Daughters Banquet was again a beautiful event for women to connect with women, the speaker gave a wonderful report about the Asian branch of OU’s Wesley Foundation and how we can support a Chinese student and help bring them to Christ. Thank you Joyce and Heather, UMM, Richelle, and all that helped for making this a fun night in Christ. Who is on the cover? Those are our new Project Transformation interns for this summer! Read more about them on pages 8 & 9! Pg. 4 School News What’s for Dinner this week? Pg.5 Calendar Pgs.6& 7 Meet the PT Interns Pgs.8& 9 Church News Pg.10 Classifieds Pg.11 Memorials & Honorari- Pg.12 ums UMM Dodgers Baseball Night Out - Sunday, June 14th at 6pm. See Kevin Prescott to purchase tickets! On May 14th, we were entertained by Danny DeMoss with gospel songs. A special thank you to our hostesses; Peggy Harryman, Enda Burroughs, Mary Weaver and Nadine Johannes. A great attendance of 67 including visitors: DeMoss, his wife Julie, daughter Alise, Joyce Gunder, Lois McDowell and Lloyd Statton. Joyce Statton announced the dates for the annual garage sale and lunch fundraisers. The garage sale is August 29th with set up on the 28th. No furniture or clothing please. The lunch is September 13th. We will host an AARP Safe Driving Course on June 27th, 8am- 3pm. Cost is $15 for members, $20 for non-members. Contact Joyce Statton about this. Upcoming possible outings include: Quilt Show on July 17-18 at the Cox Center at the Fairgrounds. The Senior Follies in August at UCO. Fin and Feather Craft Show at Lake Tenkiller on Sept 26th. The Senior Cabaret at Hillsdale Bible College in November. If you are interested in any of these events contact Gerald Krows or Landon Heath. Planned trips include: June 29-July 2nd Village Tour to Kansas City & the Arabian Steamboat Museum followed by a historical estate visit in Independence. Then all aboard an Amtrak to St. Louis and Alton, IL where there’s a city tour of this historic river town. Next the group will board the steamboat Spirit of Peoria for a day cruise up the Missouris and Illinois Rivers as they enjoy food and entertainment before heading home. July 21st - Oklahoma City Museum of Art for “Faberge: Jeweler to the Tsars” Exhibit, leaving at 9am. October 20-22 will be the fun trip to Branson. This will include Presley’s Country Jubilee, the Bretts, New Jersey Nights, Statler Brothers, and Clay Cooper’s Country Express plus great food. Invite friends to join us for pot luck luncheons every second Thursday and for group travels. 2 On Fire to Serve Wow, what a church! This is such an exciting place to serve. I am blessed that I have been appointed to serve another year here. We are living in an exciting era in the Oklahoma Conference. Our Bishop is a man of God whose faith is on fire and he has called his pastors to go out into the churches we serve to burn with what John Wesley called the ‘fire in the belly.’ In the second chapter of Acts, we read about a church which was set on fire by the Holy Spirit. In that church, a deep sense of awe came over them all as they performed many miraculous things and met together to join in prayer and share what God had given them. I too am in awe of all the miraculous things our church is doing as we meet together to share the gifts that God has given us. Being a Christian is not a passive thing. It is exciting and adventurous. Everyone who calls upon the name of Christ is called to be Christ-like. God has given each of us a specific gift which can and must be used to further the Kingdom. For some it is out front, for some it is behind the scenes. Whichever it is for you, God needs all of us working together to bring about the cause of Christ. We are standing at the horizon of a new spiritual breakthrough in the lives of those in our congregation, in our church and in our community. At Annual Conference Bishop Hayes called us to be “On Fire to Serve.” This exciting call is upon us and should be central in our prayer life as each and every day we take another step closer to Christ in our journey of discipleship. Sociologists are calling this current age the Post-Christian era, because churches have lost their position as the center of American community life. For many people the church has no real place in their lives, and faith is something they never consider. Half of those who you pass have no church affiliation and little if anything on which to base a faith commitment. Yet when it comes to weddings, baptisms, funerals or crisis, most people still believe the church is suppose to be involved. They just do not know how or why. It is sad, but there are times when I speak to a family after the death of a loved one, that the room becomes uncomfortably silent when I ask about the faith of the deceased. Many of us leave this world having never shared their faith with anyone, not even with those whom they love the most. This is why it is so important that we as a community church in the “Heart of Moore” make a difference and be at the “Heart of Ministry.’ Luke 10:27 tells us to “Love God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself. ”Jesus says “Do this and you will live!” May the Holy Spirit set us on fire as we share our stories of faith and make a difference for our neighbors here in Moore and around the world. Blessings, Pastor Rob 3 Guide children as they embark on an icy expedition where kids overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power. Anchor kids in rock-solid Bible truths that will guide them through life’s challenges by joining our team! Mark your calendars for our VBS meeting—Wednesday, June 3 @ 6 pm! Come learn all of the details about VBS and meet other team members. Our Vacation Bible School outreach ministry will take place June 22-25 during the evening hours. Each year we offer VBS to children ages 3 through youth and approximately 60% of participants are community members who are NOT a part of our church. This is a great outreach ministry! Please be in prayerful consideration about taking part in Vacation Bible School! We have leadership opportunities available as well as behind-the-scenes and prep work opportunities. Bible Story Tellers for Elementary or Pre-School Crew leaders for Elementary or Pre-School Running Video equipment Music Leader Game leader for Elementary Decorators Video station leaders for elementary or pre-school Join our team! Our VBS planning meeting is Wednesday, June 3 @ 6. We hope to see you there! What’s Going on In Sunday School This Month… VBS Menu Monday Night : Toddler & 2’s— will be exploring the stories of the New Testament and discussing the importance of dads. Himalayan Hamburger Stacks, Tots, 3 & 4 year olds & Kindergarten class— are exploring what it means to be caretakers...of God’s creation, of our resources, of our selves, and of others. The memory verse for this month is “You’ve let them rule over your handiwork, putting everything under their feet.” Psalm 8:6 Tuesday Night: 1st—6th Graders will be learning about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego through cooking, video, and more! June 7 will be our water play day for Rotation Sunday School participants. Dress in play clothes. 4 Green Beans Summit Sandwiches, Chips and Coleslaw Wednesday Night: Mountainous Mounds of Nachos Thursday Night: Peak Potato Bake Dear Family and Friends, This month marks 17 years on staff at Moore First. I am so blessed to be called by God to serve here. When young adults finish high school/college we often expect them to know what they are going to do for the rest of their lives. I like to tell them, to pray on it and listen. Try what you think you are most interested in but be open to the Holy Spirit guiding you. When I graduated high school, I wanted to go into the medical field (or so my hs counselor said). After a few years of college and a tour of the anatomy lab, I discovered I wasn’t so fond of blood. I took several electives and discovered I was interested in nutrition. I changed majors, colleges and graduated with a degree from Immaculata College (go Mighty Macs!) I completed an internship in Dietetics in Baltimore, MD. After taking my boards, I became a Registered Dietitian. I worked in Neonatal Intensive Care Units with premature infants, Pediatrics, Oncology, and Intensive care units. My jobs were great but something was missing. I moved to working more closely with people, teaching them about nutrition in college and as an outpatient dietitian, eventually led grocery store tours. I was getting closer but still wasn’t where I was supposed to be. Many years later, I began volunteering here at church. I LOVED it! The position of Youth Director opened and I was asked to consider it. I fought it for several months thinking that I went to school to be a dietitian, that is what I was supposed to do with the rest of my life . Eventually, I began listening to the nagging voice inside my heart (sorry God, but You did nag!) I accepted the job and had a peace unlike I ever felt before. After 14 years as the youth director which I loved, the change to Director of Welcome and Outreach was at first difficult for me. We sometimes get stuck in what we think we are supposed to be doing and block out God’s voice. Eventually, I opened up and listened to God! Wow! When we listen, the most amazing things happen! I love serving God’s people! I love serving on staff! I LOVE my job! I still do dietitian work as that is what I studied so hard to do but I am so happy that what I studied overlaps with how I serve here! When you meet someone who is moving onto a new chapter in their lives, rather than ask ‘What are you going to do now/for the rest of your life?” consider asking them, “What new chapter is God leading you towards?” Richelle Leibold Director of Outreach and Welcome Ministries 7 SOUL FOOD Feeding your appetite physically, mentally and spiritually. First Course : Wednesdays 5:30—6:30 pm June 3rd Spaghetti & Meatballs We offer a healthy option for those who are following the Daniel Plan, a gluten free diet, or heart healthy diet. Please let us know if you would rather have the healthier option than the house option and we will make sure there is enough each week for you. Healthy Option: Pasta Primavera June 10th (in Fellowship Hall) Subs, Chips Healthy Option: Cobb Salad June 17th Chili Dogs, Mac & Cheese, Corn Healthy Option: Chipotle Black Bean Burger, Quinoa & Cheese, Corn June 24th (VBS WEEK) Mountainous Mounds of Nachos Healthy Choice: Slightly less mountainous nachos! Second Course: Wednesdays after dinner. Dry & Cool Indoor Walk with Friends or Walk around the block! 6 - 6:45 pm Musical Practices: Moment Band PT Family Fun Night: June 17th Stick around and see all the fun things the kids do during the day! June 24th VBS Week Cancer Support Group Did you know that we have many cancer survivors within our church? They are waiting to help those who have been recently diagnosed, move through the treatment process and support them. They are available to meet when you need them. Rogene Miller heads up our group and can be reached at 794-4892 or contact Richelle or Elaine 794-6671 to let us know how we can be apart of your recovery. Youth Force 8:15 am 9:30 am 10:45 am 10:45 am Heritage Worship Church School Heritage Worship The Moment Worship 11:00 am Tadpole Time 5:30 pm Agape Youth 6:00 pm Connect Class 7 Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Youth Force 1:00 pm Bridge Anyone?? 7:00 pm Cub Scouts 7:00 pm Girl Scouts Youth Force 9:00 am UMW Quilters 5:30 pm Community Meal 6:30 pm Charla Circle 7:00 pm HomeGroup Young Adult 7:00 pm HomeGroupEdmond 7:00 pm Intercessory Prayer 7:00 pm Praise Band Rehearsal 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Youth Force Youth Force 9:30 am Retiree Homegroup 9:00 am UMW General 10:00 am Seniors on the Go Meeting Setup 3:30 pm Acts 6 7:00 pm Home Group YA 6:00 pm Basketball 6:00 pm Boy Scouts Sooner District Meeting 6:00 pm Scouts Meeting 6:00 pm Stewardship Committee 6:30 pm Boy Scout Leader Roundtable 6:30 pm Youth Force Design Team 7:00 pm Home Group Growing in Grace 8:00 am UMM Prayer Breakfast 6 Camp Joy Camp Sonshine Camp Tween Camp 9:00 am UMW General Meeting 9:30 am Retiree Homegroup 1:00 pm Care Givers Support Group 1:00 pm Horizon Class 3:30 pm Acts 6 6:00 pm Basketball 6:00 pm Stephen Ministry 6:00 pm Stephen Ministry 7:00 pm Home Group 7:00 pm Wesley Circle Youth Force 1:00 pm Staff Meeting 6:30 pm Home Group 7:00 pm Boy Scouts 11:30 am UMW General Meeting 5:30 pm Community Meal 7:00 pm HomeGroup Young Adult 7:00 pm HomeGroupEdmond 7:00 pm Intercessory Prayer 7:00 pm Praise Band Rehearsal 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Saturday 13 Bridge Anyone?? Missions Cub Scouts Girl Scouts Friday June 2015 8Project Transformation 9Project Transformation 10Project Transformation 11Project Transformation 12Joy Camp 11:30 am Agape - Cleaning 1:00 pm Day 6:00 pm 12:00 pm Agape - OKC Dodg- 7:00 pm ers game (info 7:00 pm pending) 1:00 pm Staff Meeting 6:30 pm Home Group 7:00 pm Boy Scouts 7:00 pm Cub Scout Committee Mtg. 1Project Transformation 2Project Transformation 3Project Transformation 4Project Transformation 5 Monday Moore First UMC 29Project Transformation 30Project Transformation 11:00 am 12:15 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 8:15 am 9:30 am 10:45 am 10:45 am Heritage Worship 1:00 pm Staff Meeting Church School 6:30 pm Home Group Heritage Worship 7:00 pm Boy Scouts The Moment Worship Tadpole Time UMW Team Mtg. Agape Youth Connect Class 28 1:00 pm Bridge Anyone?? 7:00 pm Cub Scouts 7:00 pm Girl Scouts Vacation Bible School 7:00 pm Homegroup at Women of Faith Conference IHOP 9:30 am Retiree Homegroup 3:30 pm Acts 6 7:00 pm Home Group 9:00 am AARP Safe Driving Class (tentative) Vacation Bible School Vacation Bible School 1:00 pm Bridge Anyone?? 7:00 pm Women of Faith 6:00 pm Trustees Committee Conference 6:15 pm Vacation Bible 5:30 pm Community Meal School 6:15 pm Vacation Bible 7:00 pm Cub Scouts School 7:00 pm Girl Scouts 7:00 pm HomeGroup Young Adult 7:00 pm HomeGroupEdmond 7:00 pm Intercessory Prayer 7:00 pm Praise Band Rehearsal 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Vacation Bible School 1:00 pm Staff Meeting 5:30 pm VBS Dinner 6:15 pm Vacation Bible School 6:30 pm Home Group 7:00 pm Boy Scouts Heritage Worship Church School Heritage Worship The Moment Worship 11:00 am Tadpole Time 5:30 pm Agape Youth 6:00 pm Connect Class 8:15 am 9:30 am 10:45 am 10:45 am 27 UMW Crafters 12:00 pm Krows Rehearsal Retiree Homegroup 7:00 pm Homegroup at Acts 6 IHOP Basketball Finance Committee Stephen Ministry Stephen Ministry Home Group 22Project Transformation 23Project Transformation 24Project Transformation 25Project Transformation 26 9:00 am 9:30 am 3:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 21 Tween Camp 9:45 am Mary/Tener Circle 5:30 pm Community Meal 5:45 pm Education Committee 7:00 pm HomeGroup Young Adult 7:00 pm HomeGroupEdmond 7:00 pm Intercessory Prayer 7:00 pm Praise Band Rehearsal 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal 8:00 am UMM Prayer Breakfast Tween Camp 1:00 pm Bridge Anyone?? 6:00 pm Communications Meeting 7:00 pm Cub Scouts 7:00 pm Girl Scouts Joy Camp Project Transformation Sonshine Camp Tween Camp Tween Camp 1:00 pm Staff Meeting 8:15 am Heritage Worship 6:30 pm Home Group 9:30 am Church School 7:00 pm Boy Scouts 10:45 am Heritage Worship 7:00 pm Troop 291 Cmte. 10:45 am The Moment WorMeeting ship 11:00 am Tadpole Time 12:00 pm Worship Committee 6:00 pm Connect Class 6:00 pm UMM Night at the Dodgers Krows Wedding 20 14Growing in Grace Camp 15Growing in Grace Camp 16Project Transformation 17Project Transformation 18Project Transformation 19 Project Transformation: meet our interns. Matt August: team coordinator. College: Oklahoma State Major: Psychology Hobbies: Sports (Basketball, lacrosse, golf, tennis,) Videography, Mountain biking Hometown: Tulsa, OK Why pt?: I plan to attend graduate school for School Counseling and eventually work with middle school and high school students. I think PT will give me a great experience with educating kids and will help prepare me for my career. Plus, I believe serving kids is a calling all of us have! It's our duty to help teach Kat Evans: reading coordinator. School: OCU Major: Elementary Education, going to be a junior this fall PT: 2nd year! Position: reading coordinator Hobbies: alpha phi sorority, photography, cheerleading @ OCU Hometown: Yukon Oklahoma Myriah Hadnot: recreation coordinator. I Graduated from Bacone college with BA in business administration with a focus in management. I am from Austin, Texas. My hobbies are playing basketball, working out and talking to family as much as possible since I'm always away. PT was a leap of faith and opportunity for me to grow as a leader, a person and as someone who plan on having their own recreation center in the future. Manu Medina: math & science coordinator. I grew up in Purcell Oklahoma. I attend the University of Central Oklahoma and major in Psychology. I will be attending Graduate School and focusing on Child Psychology and Behavioral Analysis. 10 Project Transformation: meet our interns. Jordan Thomas: arts coordinator. My name is Jordan Thomas and I am from Yukon, Oklahoma. I go to school at a private Christian college in Missouri called College of the Ozarks where I major in psychology. The cool thing about my school is we work jobs on campus to pay for our tuition. I currently have the blessing of working as a Resident Assistant on campus and I love it! My hobbies are reading, catching up on my favorite tv shows, hiking, hanging with my friends and family, being in the Word and going to church! I originally heard about PT from a friend, but the more I learned about the program the more excited I got about getting to work with the kids and for the opportunity to grow in my faith! I am pumped to be the arts coordinator and to get to make all kinds of cool crafts this summer! Karen Salgado: afternoon activities coordinator. I am a 22 year old senior at the University of Central Oklahoma. GO BRONCHOS! I am currently pursuing a degree in Spanish Education with a minor in English. I will plan to start my career as a spanish teacher and then as soon as I aquire my masters in ESL Education, I hope and pray to God, to be able to work as ESL professor. As a Latina, My main goal is to give back to my community, to show them that we are able to accomplish a higher education. Which is why I want to serve low income inner city schools... if I can at least inspire, teach, or influence at least one kid... that is my mission in life. I am in love with running. I've done 3 half marathons. I decided to participate in Project Transformation mainly because this program is known for serving kids who were like my younger self... Who came from schools that maybe weren't the best or are barely acquiring the english language or simple just struggle with school or even maybe their homes are not good environments. Those kids just need that extra push, a little more faith... and a little more love. Which is exactly why I am part of this project and pursuing an education degree. I want to be a teacher that does more than teaching because thats what made the difference in me and I am beyond excited to start my mission! Adopt an Intern This summer, two young men and four young ladies will serve as our Project Transformation interns. Some of them are local but some are not and they are all living away from home for this summer. We need church families to ‘adopt’ them. This would mean you pray for them daily, check on them by calling them or stopping by weekly, inviting them to dinner twice this summer or gifting them with dinner out. They provide an awesome opportunity for us and the kids of our community. Lets help them be as awesome as they can possibly be by showering them with Christ’s love! Contact Amy or Richelle to let them know if you want to adopt one of our interns. 11 Calling All Van Keys If anyone happens to have a church van key, please return it to the church office ASAP! Thank you! The Link Church Council would like to stream line the way the Link is delivered to you via email or US mail. On June 7th & 14th, you will have an opportunity to make your selection in the Welcome Center or CLC Lobby. Thank you AARP Safe Driving Class Saturday, June 27, 2015 9am-3pm Fellowship Hall All ages welcome. $15 for AARP members, $20 for non-members. Sign up by calling the church office or email jjstatton@att.net. UMW Save the Date: General Meeting, Saturday June 13 , 9 am. Mary/Tener Circle is providing brunch. Mission U, OCU, July 17-19 or 19-20 FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT RECEIVE E-MAILS about events, deaths and other important church information and would like to have a call, please notify the church office with your name and number. We have a volunteer who has offered to call when these e-mails go out. You are cordially invited To the marriage of Ms. Wendy Austin To Mr. Robert Krows Saturday, the twentieth of June Two thousand and fifteen At six in the evening First United Methodist Church of Moore Reception immediately following ceremony in the Fellowship Hall UMW Summer Break July and August, UMW will be observing a summer break with no General Meeting and no Team Meeting. This is a good time to stock up on your sanitizers and tissues for a big beginning when school goes into session again and we will start back up for the new year. Thank You! Thank you so much for my finals care package that I received in the mail! I really appreciate all of your encouragement throughout the past few years. Although I did not graduate this year, I will be working full time until I decide how I want to further my education. Love, Mercedes Manning Thank You! Appreciation to both musical groups, Exaltation and Singing Seniors, for your fine offerings on May 3 by way of your enthusiastic and sincere dedication to music in our church. It was a proud Sunday for me and I hope a rewarding day for each of you members. Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers and gift cards. I am grateful to be your director. Best wishes to all for a healthy and happy summer vacation. See you in September. -Phyllis 12 Classifieds Join the Project Transformation Team Cereal—its what’s for breakfast! Bring a box of kid friendly cereal to donate. It’s a great excuse to check out the new Sam’s! Juices—100% fruit juice is always a kids favorite. Bring bottles to donate. Prepackaged Snacks—Once a week, our kids will be at the library and enjoy their snack as they walk back. Donate prepackaged snack items. Stickers and Stars—Kids will use stickers to chart their book reading and stars to review the books they read and gift away. Bring fun small stickers or stars to donate. Rainy Day Drivers—offer to drive vehicles to Central Jr. High and back so the kids don’t have to walk in the rain. Let Amy or Richelle know that you are the one to call. Character Book Readers—If you would like to dress up and read to our kids OR just read to our kids and make the books come alive, contact us. We hope to share stories with the kids in the afternoon as well. Trip Sponsors—A field trip to the Oklahoma Children’s Theater at OCU costs approximately $5 per child. Swimming at Earlywine Pool costs approximately $7 per child and we hope to take them twice during the summer. Volunteer Reading Partners needed for June 1—4th. From 9:30 am —12:00 pm. We will also need partners the last week of PT (July 20—23) and those who can be on call in case we are ‘short’ on volunteers from other churches. Lunch Helpers on June 29—July 2nd— Central Junior High is our typical site for lunch but they will be closed this week. Might you be available to help us make lunch for the kids each day from 10—12/ Donations of items may be placed in the brown hampers identified as PT collection sites in the Welcome Center and CLC foyer or the front office. Funding may be made to FUMC memo line: D—Project Transformation. Questions or to volunteer to help, call Richelle or Amy at 794-6671. Adopt an Intern This summer, two young men and four young ladies will serve as our Project Transformation interns. Some of them are local but some are not and they are all living away from home for this summer. We need church families to ‘adopt’ them. This would mean you pray for them daily, check on them by calling them or stopping by weekly, inviting them to dinner twice this summer or gifting them with dinner out. They provide an awesome opportunity for us and the kids of our community. Lets help them be as awesome as they can possibly be by showering them with Christ’s love! Contact Amy or Richelle to let them know if you want to adopt a male or female. See their bios on page 8. VBS Kitchen Helpers Each night of VBS we will offer dinner to our guests and volunteers. Might you help us to make and serve these dinners. A food handlers card and a willing spirit is all that is needed. Contact Richelle, we will prep each day beginning at 2 pm and finish by 6 pm. Worship Assistants Join the team of people who help to make Sundays a wonderful worshipful day for God! We are very much in need of training some more people to run the videos during worship for the summer months, especially in the 10:45 Heritage service. If you are able to push ‘Enter’ on a computer, and be present in worship, you are needed! Contact Hayley at 7946671. God and we need you! 15 MEMORIALS AND HONORARIUMS AS OF MAY 18, 2015 In Honor of Doral Hopper From: Bob and Margaret McClain “The Link” is published the 1st Monday of each month by the First United Methodist Church, 201 West Main, Moore, Oklahoma 73160. Periodical Postage paid at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Periodical (USPS 587-440) THE LINK-POSTMASTER, PLEASE SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 201 West Main Moore Oklahoma 73160 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED In Memory Shirley Milligan From: Betty Ruth White Julie Julius Shirley Brooks Jess McCloud M.M. Periard Lawrence and Daisy Dickens Bob and Margaret McClain Linda and Danny Starling In Memory of Argus Hamilton From: Brick and Pam Briggs In Memory of Alan Cooper From: Betty Ruth White Julie Julius Shirley Brooks Lawrence and Daisy Dickens Bob and Margaret McClain Linda and Danny Starling Brick and Pam Briggs Jess McCloud Please email May Link submissions to hayley.leibold@moorechurch.com Senior Pastor: Pastor Rob Harris Associate Pastor: Rev. Adam Shahan by Monday, June 15th. Your Staff in Ministry CrossTimbers Pastor: Rev. James Hunt Stephen Ministry Coordinator: Kenny Quenzer Please call the church office at Director of Christian Education: Amy Graves (405) 794-6671 if you would like to Director of Welcoming and Outreach Ministry: be taken off The Link mailing list. Richelle Leibold Director of Facilities: Tim Adair If you would like to receive The Accountant and Business Manager: Link by email, please send your Renee Alton Director of Member Care: Elaine Prior Email address to hayley.leibold@moorechurch.com. Print & Digital Media: Hayley Leibold Youth Director: Aly Shahan Office Assistant: Sharla Payne Director of Music: Bobbie Pierro Accompanist: Eddie West Director of the Singing Seniors and Exaltation Ringers: Phyllis Nichols Childcare: Judy Rogers, Christie Akers, Becky Lawton, Belen Mancilla, and Ashley DeBois
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