September 2014 LINK
September 2014 LINK
September 9 Why Are We Here? We live in a world with huge threats to the existence of our Christian brothers and sisters here in this great nation and in most countries across the globe. Yet, in the midst of all these threats we - as followers of the Christ - shout to the world a simple ancient creed: - “Jesus Saves.” We do so believing in a 2000 year old story of a Jewish carpenter from halfway around the world. And we hold our faith up as a solution to all the world’s problems. And those who know not the power of our Christ say - "Give me a break!" Too many think the gospel is too small for the task at hand. In the face of millions of starving people, we offer five loaves and two fish. In the face of a trillion-dollar debt we celebrate the widow's pennies. In the face of terrorist bombs we offer the Lamb of God. To those who have never witnessed the love of God, the grace of Christ and the encompassing glory of the Holy Spirit; none of this Jesus stuff seems equal to the task of changing, this troubled old world we live in. And yet, in Christ, we find a peace that surpasses understanding. The application of faith to those of us who love the Lord is clear. What He loved and desired, we must love and desire. Jesus’ work is to see lost people saved. So is ours. His work is to see this world redeemed. So is ours. We who follow Christ are called to complete His task. In 2 Timothy 4:2 Paul urges Timothy to “Proclaim the message; be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable.” The words were a charge to Timothy and they are a charge to us also. It has been easy to forget that there are people all over the world who are being martyred because they stand boldly for their faith in Christ. However with the onset of global technology, we have been starkly reminded that in much of the world it is a capitol offence to be a Christian. We can not take our faith not our position here on Main Street in Moore lightly. We must proclaim the Gospel courageously and boldly. This plot of land was entrusted to us so that we can continuously rise up and shout the same ancient creed in which they believed; “Jesus Saves!” Hellen Keller said, "The world is moved not only by the mighty shove of its heroes, but also by the collective tiny pushes of each honest worker." That is who we are and that is what we are called to do. It is the duty of every follower of Christ to push forth the Kingdom of God. Fall is around the corner. During this exciting time the children and Youth are coming back, the choirs will begin practicing, the Scouts are returning and the halls will resound with joy. Nothing in our personal lives nor this facility should have more of our attention, time, finances or energy than sharing the Word of God. “Jesus Saves,” is the only reason we exist Pastor Rob Table of Contents UMW & Seniors On The Go Pg. 3 A Message From Rev. Shahan Pg. 4 Christian Education Pg. 5 Youth Ministries Pg. 6 Welcome & Outreach Ministries Pg. 7 Calendar Pgs. 8-9 Fit Ministries Pg. 10 Classifieds Pg. 11 Church News Pgs. 1214 Boys Ranch Mission Pg. 15 Memorials and Honorariums Pg. 16 Exaltation Ringers and Singing Seniors Exaltation will resume rehearsals on Sept. 3 and Singing Seniors on the 7th. New members to Singing Srs. are most welcome. No previous musical experience necessary. Former members of both groups are welcome back also. Board Games Needed Throughout the months of September & October, LEAP participants will be playing board games and discovering how they apply to life. If you have any of the following board games that you are willing to loan us for the corresponding week, please let Amy know so we can ensure we have enough games, then write your name on the box and bring to the Education Office (you are also welcome to stay and play with us!). Thanks for your support of our LEAP program. 9/10 – Battleship 9/17 – Chutes & Ladders 9/24 – Connect Four 10/1 – Sorry 10/8 – Candy Land 10/22 - Jenga PLEASE NOTIFY Elaine Prior (your Member Care Director) of any illness, hospitalization, surgery, or other needs (such as meals, repairs, etc) whenever you hear of them. We want to be a family that cares for each other. You can reach me at anytime or Monday through Thursday from 2-5pm at 794-6671. The United Methodist Women is starting a busy fall. The first General Meeting of the fall is an evening meeting September 4th at 6:00pm. It is our annual salad supper. Bring a friend and a salad. Our guest speaker that night is Judith Cope from the Infant Crisis Center. The theme for the evening will be a baby shower. Please bring items to donate to the Center. September 7th is the date for the Charla Circle annual Indian Taco dinner. There will be an 11:00am and noon serving. Mark your calendar for this enjoyable meal. All Circles will meet this month. Please check the church calendar, the bulletin board or the Date Book for dates and time The Annual South OKC District Meeting is September 20 th at McFarlin UMC. Final plans are being completed for the Fall Festival October 25 th. This activity is a venue for individuals to show and sell their crafts, food, or small business items. There will be vendors with crafts, decorations, food and jewelry for sale just to name a few booths. A booth will show for sale the UMW craft items made though out the year. The UMW will also have a casserole and bake sale. There will also be a café that will offer lunch and breakfast items. All profits from this activity will sponsor the local UMW missions. There are still booth spaces available for the Festival. If you are interested in a booth, please contact Heather Kalkbrenner at 760-9985. Our August meeting was well attended to hear one of our very own, Robbie Greenlee, bring his music magic. We had 6 (count ‘em) guests which included our very own Jack Dreesen back among us. Also Doris Penton, Denise Mellonbrink, Mary Ann Vance, Bill and Annette Rickard, 176 regulars and 5 staff. Glad to see some of our members who have been unable to attend for some time. Maybe more, but for sure Mary Greenlee and Dean & Neva Ford. Our very capable hostesses included Joyce Peters, Nan Lacy, Helen Copp and Shirley Horst. Jerry White is so faithful in whatever capacity is needed. Let’s let him know how much he is appreciated. Here is a list of our faithful members who could use our prayers, cards, and visits: Keith Teasley, Roger Schoonover, Argus Hamilton, Roy and Lois Wiggins, and Don Ledbetter. If you plan a visit, always call first. The Sandi Patty concert is set for Tuesday, September 16th. We will depart from the church at 5:30pm. The cost is $32, lunch on own. The Branson trip in October is sold out!! Some of our future trips to be finalized later are Poteet Theatre’s “Thoroughly Modern Millie” in November. Kathy Mattea Christmas Concert in December, and the Glenn Miller Orchestra in February. Nan Lacy, our venerable leader opened the meeting with a prayer by Joyce Statton and closed with a prayer from Reverend Adam Shahan. Our garage sale fundraiser is approaching quickly, on September 6th. Please bring your marked items on September 5th, by 3pm. Then come back the next day and shop! The next meeting will be on September 11th, with entertainment by the Elderly Brothers, who sing and play instruments. The brothers are sponsored by Physician’s Choice Hospice, who will be represented by Corey Watson. Y’all behave now! See you in September! Message from Rev. Shahan “Taking responsibility for what you believe” It was not too long ago that my wife and I sat down for dinner with Don Soderquist, former COO of Wal-Mart and founder of the Soderquist Center, a center for leadership development for businesses and non-profits. Soderquist is well known for encouraging ethical business practices, and was so inspired by encouraging business ethics that he founded this leadership center after leaving Wal-Mart. As we chatted over diner outside of Little Rock, AR at his retreat home utilized by the Soderquist Center, he shared a story about starting a Bible study at the corporate office. It started with a handful of people, but has now grown into a weekly event that includes everyone from custodial staff to executives. It is easy for me to describe how I utilize my position to take responsibility for what I believe. I embody it in the way I spend my work weeks in service to Christ here at Moore 1 st UMC. However, it is a little more challenging for me to express plainly what taking responsibility for what you believe in looks like for you. I hope, at the most basic level, it involves these three things: 1) faithful attendance in worship; 2) faithfulness in giving financially to the church; and 3) involvement in at least one faith-building activity outside of weekly worship. However, I also pray that you find ways in your own vocations to take responsibility for what you believe in outside of the church walls. For Soderquist, the answer was training business and non-profit leaders in leadership development and establishing sound ethics in business practices, as well as providing a time for Bible study. For you, it may not mean starting a Bible study at your business. However, it may mean starting a HomeGroup in your retirement community, your apartment complex, or your neighborhood. It may mean deepening your understanding of forgiveness and grace and trying to put that understanding into practice in a relationship of which you are a part. It may involve seeing a need in North Norman, Moore, or South OKC that our church can help address and seeking to take the lead in helping change lives. We all know that Wal-Mart has been in the news for mistreating employees, scrutinized for their compensation and benefits packages, and chastised for the ways in which some of their products are made. As COO for the whole company, Don – within that system – sought to take responsibility for what he believed in. My prayer for us all is that we might be able to do the same thing in our vocations with our words and with our behavior – to turn people’s eyes upon Jesus, to show them his love, and to demonstrate what we believe through word and deed, taking responsibility for what we believe. Rev. Adam Shahan The ChristCentered Woman: Finding Balance in a World of Extremes As women, we often find ourselves facing competing demands as we juggle responsibilities and interests related to family, work, home, church, and community. The commitments and pace of daily life can make us feel as if we’re on a whirling merry-goround and dangerously close to losing our sense of balance—or being flung off altogether. We need to discover a calm center from which to handle the distracting forces of life that seek to move us away from what is truly important. In this 6-week Bible study, Kimberly Dunnam Reisman provides an in-depth guide to finding balance at every age and stage of life. Rather than the typical “self-help” solutions that they world offers—solutions that often leave us frustrated when they don’t “work” as expected—she leads us to the biblical answer to stress and imbalance, which is leaving a Spirit-filled, Christ-centered life. Using Ephesians 3 as a biblical foundation, the study identifies barriers to balanced living and explores what the Bible teaches about Christ-centered living—showing us in practical terms how placing Christ at the center of our lives impacts every aspect of our daily lives. Discover how being centered in Christ can help you to experience the wholeness and balance that God desires for your life. The Christ-Centered Woman will be facilitated by Amy Graves & Richelle Leibold on Tuesday mornings, 10-11:30 am, September 9-October 14. Participant workbooks are $10 each & are available in the Education office. Daily readings are strongly suggested; participants need to read Week 1 readings prior to class on Sept. 2nd. Rotation Sunday School News Why Rotation Sunday School? Repetition is key for children. We want children to learn the stories, inside & out— learning about the people, the places, the details. Benefits for Participants: Children learn in different ways, so through RSS participants experience the story through drama, science, games, video, cooking & art. The last week of each month is a review week where we either watch a movie or play a large group game such as jeopardy—as well as celebrate the birthdays for that month. Benefits for Volunteers: Volunteers are able to choose which room/style they would like to teach. Do you enjoy cooking? Share that joy with children. Our kids LOVE to cook! It’s one of their favorite rooms! Whether your style is: drama, music, science, games, video, cooking, or art—we have a room for you! Volunteers can commit for as little as 3 weeks...or up to a whole year. Volunteers can still be active in an adult SS class and choose a rotation that fits their schedule. Moore 1st works off of a 5 year scope & sequence. If you would like a copy of this, please contact Our fall & winter topics are as follows: September—David October— King Solomon November—Esther December— Advent & Christmas January— Widow’s Offering February—Anointing of Jesus If you are interested in sharing your time and talents with our Rotation Sunday School ministry, please contact Amy Graves in the church office. More information on Rotation Sunday School can also be found at Agape Youth Information We are staying active as we are getting back into our normal routine. You can view our new times and activities in the picture on this page. On August 23rd we had a group travel back to Dallas, TX to attend a Back to School Carnival for the children we met and served on our Mission Trip this summer at Urban Action. We plan to continue our partnership with this wonderful ministry! Be on the lookout for how you can help us continue to love on these children. An enormous THANK YOU to Priscilla Peer for opening her home to us for our Back to School Bash. This woman's hospitality and genuine interest in creating relationships with our group means so much to each youth. They NOTICE when our church members reach out. THANK YOU! If you are interested in creating relationships or serving our Agape Youth Group here are some opportunities: -We need adult volunteers to join us on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00pm. You will have no direct responsibilities other than joining in fellowship and devotion with us. -Wednesdays from 4:00-5:30 we hang out and work on homework. We are always looking for snack donations -Sundays we eat dinner at 5:30pm. If you or your Sunday School class would like to provide dinner or make a donation to help, please let Aly know -We will be hosting a District Youth event on September 21st. We are estimating around 75-100 youth will attend. We will need donations of drinks (water bottles or soda in cans) or desserts of any kind. This party will be 90's Theme - if you have any fun decorations, games, or would like to join us, we would LOVE that! For updates and information on what Agape is up to, please check out our NEW Agape website - Weekly Activities Sundays: 9:30am– Sunday School 10:45am– Worship 5:30-7pm– Agape– Dinner, Games, and Devotion Wednesdays: 4pm– Homework & Hangout 5:30pm– Soul Food 6-7pm—Games & Devotional Check us out online for updates and special events! agapeyouthmfumc 5 Loaves Lunch Fast, fresh lunch served with smiles with time to laugh and relax with friends before heading back to class. Free Transportation is available. Meet a van in the Moore High School north auditorium parking lot. Sept 8 Spaghetti Sept 15 Chicken & Stuffing Sept 22 Hot Dogs, Mac & Cheese Sept 29 French Bread Pizza Suggested donation $2 All high school students, and teachers are welcome to join us. Dear Family and Friends, This has been the best August for me. I was able to take vacation with dear friends and family on my very first cruise. The cruise was wonderful but being with these people whom I love was the best part! I was able to celebrate 50 years of blessings in my life with again dear friends and family. I was able to reconnect with an ol’ friend whom I haven’t spoken with in a few years. And, I was reminded about what life is all about. It’s about the relationships we build with others. Alone we are nothing. Together we are everything. God created us to be in relationship with Him. It is a lesson that He wants us to be in relationship with others. It is when we care for one another, share with one another and love one another that we feel God’s presence in our lives. I am looking forward to the best September as I build more relationships and cherish the relationships I have! I pray you have the best September as well and find new friends, care for people and share with people God’s awesomeness! Serving with friends and family, Richelle Leibold Director of Outreach and Welcome Ministries “Is it a phase?” “Should I be concerned?” “What am I doing wrong?” ”What am I doing right?” ”How can I do it all?” ”Why don’t they listen?” ”How can I get them to do homework without hassle?” Most of us are great moms but that doesn’t mean we don’t struggle at times. Sometimes we need a listening ear to bounce things off, sometimes we need a shoulder to cry on, sometimes we need a breather, and sometimes we want to share the joy of motherhood and our children. Building Better Moms is just that! A group of moms who have been there, will be there or are there, along with you. Join this group of moms and get that breather and feel excited about motherhood! Wednesday evenings 5:30 to 7:30 pm Dinner at Soul Food Childcare is provided. September 3 – DIY Night September 17 – Painting October 8 – Women’s Health October 29 – Natural Recipes and Juicing November 12 – CPR December 3 – Holiday Party January 14 – Financial Peace January 28 – Yoga February 11 – Positive Parenting February 25 – Positive Tomorrow March 4 – Cake Decorating April 8 – Sex Ed April 22 – End of Year Bash Annual dues are $40, which helps pay for childcare, craft supplies, etc. For more information, or to register, please contact Brooke Perez at 7600331 or or Jana Douglas at 365-3777. BLOCK PARTY! Old Town Night Out Block Party September 9th 6 pm Out front on Main St! Food trucks will be here and entertainment by the classic rock band, “Bad Monkey featuring our own, Bruce Leibold, Mark Manning and Dave Chissoe. Come out, enjoy the fun and meet the neighbors! 9 10:00 am 1:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm Work Activity Home- 10:00 am Group 1:00 pm 5 Loaves Lunch 6:30 pm Staff Meeting Breathe 7:00 pm Home Group 7:00 pm Boy Scouts Troop 291 Cmte. Meeting 7:15 pm Zumba OCTOBER LINK ARTICLES DUE Heritage Worship 11:30 am Church School Heritage Worship 12:30 pm The Moment Wor- 1:00 pm ship 4:30 pm 11:00 am Tadpole Time 6:30 pm 12:00 pm Worship Committee 7:00 pm 5:30 pm Agape Youth 7:00 pm 15 16 11:30 am Work Activity Home- 10:00 am Group 1:00 pm 12:30 pm 5 Loaves Lunch 6:00 pm 1:00 pm Staff Meeting 7:00 pm 4:30 pm Breathe 7:00 pm 6:30 pm Home Group 7:00 pm Boy Scouts 7:15 pm Zumba 8 Tuesday Retiree Homegroup Bridge Anyone?? Cancer Support Group Cub Scouts Girl Scouts Retiree Homegroup Bridge Anyone?? Old Town Night Out Cub Scouts Girl Scouts Retiree Homegroup Bridge Anyone?? Missions Cancer Support Group 7:00 pm Girl Scouts 2 8:15 am 9:30 am 10:45 am 10:45 am Heritage Worship Church School Heritage Worship The Moment Worship Tadpole Time UMW Indian Taco Lunch UMW Indian Taco Lunch Bad Monkey Band Practice Agape Youth Labor Day 6:30 pm Home Group 7:00 pm Boy Scouts 7:00 pm Cub Scout Committee Mtg. 7:15 pm Zumba 1 Monday 14 5:30 pm 12:30 pm 12:00 pm 11:00 am 11:00 am 8:15 am 9:30 am 10:45 am 10:45 am 7 Sunday 5:30 pm 5:45 pm 6:15 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 9:45 am 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 5:30 pm 17 Mary/Tener Circle Agape Youth LEAP Program Building Better Moms Community Meal Christian Ed Family Life Praise Band HomeGroup YA Intercessory Prayer Chancel Choir UMW Quilters Agape Youth LEAP Program Community Meal Charla Circle Praise Band HomeGroup Young Adult 7:00 pm Intercessory Prayer 7:30 pm Chancel Choir 9:00 am 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 10 4:00 pm Agape Youth 4:00 pm LEAP Program 5:30 pm Building Better Moms 5:30 pm Community Meal 6:15 pm Higher Ed 6:30 pm Praise Band 7:00 pm HomeGroup YA 7:00 pm Intercessory Prayer 7:30 pm Chancel Choir 3 Wednesday 5 Garage Sale setup Friday 12 9:00 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 18 UMW Crafters 7:00 pm HomeGroup Stephen Ministry @Chili's Finance Committee Stephen Ministry Home Group 19 10:00 am Seniors on the Go 7:00 pm Home Group YA 11:00 am Stephen Ministry 7:00 pm HomeGroup 6:00 pm Boy Scouts Sooner @Chili's District Meeting 6:00 pm Scouts Meeting 6:00 pm Stewardship Committee 6:30 pm Boy Scout Leader Roundtable 7:00 pm Home Group 11 11:00 am Stephen Ministry 7:00 pm HomeGroup 1:00 pm Care Givers Sup@Chili's port Group 1:00 pm Horizon Class (tentative) 6:00 pm Stephen Ministry 6:00 pm UMW General Mtg 7:00 pm Home Group 7:00 pm Wesley Circle 4 Thursday Garage Sale Big Wheel Nationals 8:00 am UMM Prayer Breakfast 10:00 am Healthy Boundaries 5:00 pm Family Fun Night 20 13 10:00 am Ministerial Recruitment Meeting 6 Saturday 23 30 11:30 am Work Activity Home- 10:00 am Group 1:00 pm 12:30 pm 5 Loaves Lunch 7:00 pm 1:00 pm Staff Meeting 7:00 pm 4:30 pm Breathe 6:30 pm Home Group 7:00 pm Boy Scouts 7:00 pm Scouts Court of Honor 7:15 pm Zumba 8:15 am 9:30 am 10:45 am 10:45 am 29 11:30 am Work Activity Home- 10:00 am Group 1:00 pm 12:30 pm 5 Loaves Lunch 6:00 pm 1:00 pm Staff Meeting 4:30 pm Breathe 6:00 pm 6:30 pm Home Group 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Boy Scouts 7:00 pm 7:15 pm Zumba 22 Heritage Worship Church School Heritage Worship The Moment Worship 11:00 am Tadpole Time 12:00 pm UMW Team Mtg. 5:30 pm Agape Youth Sunday Heritage Worship Church School Heritage Worship The Moment Worship Potato & Pie Lunch Tadpole Time Potato & Pie Lunch Agape Youth Back to Church 28 11:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 5:30 pm 8:15 am 9:30 am 10:45 am 10:45 am 21 Retiree Homegroup Bridge Anyone?? Cub Scouts Girl Scouts Retiree Homegroup 8:00 am Bridge Anyone?? 4:00 pm Old Town Associa- 4:00 pm tion 5:30 pm Trustees Committee 6:30 pm Cub Scouts Girl Scouts 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 24 26 27 Activities as of 8/20/14. Please check for an up-to-date calendar of events. Leadership Institute 8:00 am Leadership Institute 8:00 am Leadership Institute 12:00 pm Ramos Birthday Agape Youth 11:00 am Stephen Ministry 7:00 pm HomeGroup Event LEAP Program 7:00 pm Home Group @Chili's Community Meal Praise Band Rehearsal HomeGroup YA Intercessory Prayer Chancel Choir Rehearsal 25 FIT MINISTRIES Fast forward to a healthy lifestyle! Walking Track Open Monday—Thursday 8 am—4 pm Fit Hosts will be present from 8 am-10 am each morning to help you get started! Pause Mondays from 4:30—5:15 pm SOUL FOOD Feeding your appetite physically, mentally and spiritually. First Course Menu : Wednesdays 5:30—6:30 pm Sept 3 Grilled Cheese, Apple Salad Sept 10 Chicken and Stuffing Sept 17 Chili Dogs & Tator Tots Sept 24th Ham Hashbrown Casserole Second Course Menu: Wednesdays after dinner. After a long Monday, pause to relax and refresh so you can get through the week. Building Better Moms 9/3 & 9/17 Pause allows you to stretch, breathe and meditate. Bring your yoga mat or borrow one. Wear what you have on or slip into something more stretchy. Musical Practices: Choirs, Kids Chimes, Bells, Moment Band Parents– Please enjoy this family time around the table. Children running through the CLC area distraction to others and create potential hazards for our mature adults. Activity boxes are available. Zumba with Lisa D! Mondays 7:15 pm—8:15 pm UMNOW begins 9/10 Walk with Friends 6—6:45 pm $3 per class Adopt A College Student Sunday Dance your way into shape! We raised them thus far and now they are on their next journey. Some will live at home, some will move away but all their lives will change. They need our prayers, our witness and our love to help them continue their faith journey as well. Would you adopt a college student? You don’t have to do their laundry… but you could. You don’t have to invite them to Sunday dinner…. But you could. You do need to prayer for them daily. You will want to send them letters of encouragement. You may want to send them care packages. You may want to text them, call them and tell them you are thinking of them. You may want to invite them to sit with you in church when they are home. Cancer Support Group If you have cancer, have recently been diagnosed or are caring for someone with cancer, this group is for YOU! Cancer Support Group will meet the first and third Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm in room 102. On Sunday, September 7th, information will be available for you to select your college student. Classifieds Big Wheel Nationals Pit Crew Desserts Needed We’ve decided our theme but don’t want to publish it or our competitors might see! Join us Wednesday, Sept 3 & 10 from 6 to 8 pm upstairs in the CLC to help make it happen! Our Big Wheel needs creative minds, handy men and crafty women to make it AWESOME. Join us and make Moore First take first in the Big Wheel Nationals! Contact Richelle at 794-6671 to say you want to be a part. The Nationals will be held at the Moore Community Center on September 20th. Sponsors for Youth Group Big Wheel Nationals Invitational Crew Each year we host a tent with information and a free snack or beverage to give to those who stop by to learn more. Big Wheel nationals is attended by 3000 individuals from the community! What a great way for us to share how awesome Moore First UMC is! Contact Richelle at to say you want to be a part! We will meet at the church at 2 to gather our things and then head over to the community center to set up. OR you can come over to help between 4—6 pm. OR come by to help clean up at 6 pm. Catering Help We are ahead of our usual catering schedule and already have four events scheduled! Two of which are in September. If you would like to help make and serve lunch on Sept 6th or Sept 20th, let Richelle know. It’ll only take a few hours 10 am—12:30 pm. Catering raises funds for various ministries in the church. Mother Hubbard isn’t the only one with empty cupboards. As we begin 5 Loaves Lunch this year our supply of desserts is gone! Please bring your homemade desserts (or purchased) to the CLC or front office marked 5 Loaves each Sunday or by Monday at 10 am. We serve lunch to both the Work Activity Center and high school students each Monday. Your desserts are the perfect finishing touch. Enjoy feeling young? Join our youth group and you’ll feel younger! We are in need of another adult to join Aly in the Youth Room each Wednesday. Get to know our awesome youth! You may choose 4 to 5:30 pm or 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Contact Aly at to say you are ‘young at heart’ and want to help! Wednesday Night Table Parents Family dinner time is an important time in the raising of children. During Building Better Moms nights, moms will be engaged with other moms, might you be able to enjoy dinner with their children around a table from 5:30—6:00 and then direct them to their next activity? Our Children’s Chime Choir would also like to sit together every Wednesday, might you join them from 5:30 to 6 then lead them to chimes? Contact Richelle to say you will help us continue this important time in our childrens lives. There are many opportunities in the church to use your God given gifts to serve in ministry and be blessed. If you are looking to share your gifts and aren’t sure where to start, contact any of the staff at 794-6671 or email Announcement! I am requiring all staff members to read a chapter a day in this book (Start This Stop That / Do the Things That Grow Your Church) during the month of September. I encourage all Committee Chairs and any others - who want to keep up with where we as your staff are headed - to read along with us. The books are available at the church. -Pastor Rob "Churches, like people and organizations, move in cycles. When we get stuck, it is probably time to start doing some new things or stop doing some old things - maybe both. The skills, programs, and systems that take a church to one level will also keep it there and prevent forward movement. Many churches are stuck in cycles that worked for past generations but are not proving effective now." What is Back to Church Sunday? It is the single largest annual community outreach in the nation, sharing the simple message and mission of inviting everyone in America Back To Church. The campaign empowers churches and church members with the tools they need to welcome their neighbors, friends and loved ones back to church, while providing the unchurched with an easy way to find a welcoming church in their community. SO far this year 22,115 churches have signed up to participate. Last year there was an average of a 25% increase in church attendance on that day! "82% of the unchurched are at least somewhat likely to attend church if invited" –Dr. Thom Rainer. Advent Devotion Booklet Yes, we are rushing the holiday season since it is only September. To have a quality product, we are starting early. The Worship Committee would like to assemble an Advent devotion booklet to be available for Advent 2014. I know there are some great writers in our congregation. This can reflect any experience or situation you may have had during the Advent season of a year. You can submit one, two or three articles. Since we need one for each day of Advent, we are giving you plenty of notice so you can begin to think and assimilate your ideas. Be creative, we can make this a reality. Your article(s) should be submitted by Oct. 15, 2014. Please submit your article(s) to I am hoping for a great response. Annual Indian Taco Dinner Attention ladies ages 18-39!! Restore is a young adult women's group that will meet one Thursday night per month and we would love for you to join us! Each month we will participate in a different activity. We could go to a movie, out to coffee, attend a painting class, bowling, or even have a night to stay in and veg out. So! If you need to get out of the house, need to be YOU and not 'Mom' or 'student,' need some time to have no responsibilities, need a great support group, need to surround yourself with encouraging, courageous, and compassionate women- join us! TBT) and we're asking everyone come in their PJ's and bring their favorite comfort food to share! Come share in a time to RESTORE your soul! Hosted by the Charla Circle Sunday, September 7, 2014 In the Fellowship Hall Two Servings - 11 & 12 noon Home-made to order Indian Tacos, Scrumptious Dessert & a beverage! Donations accepted in support of UWM sanctioned missions Keep in Touch! Please keep in touch with Mary Greenlee. She is moving to Maine until Christmas to live with her son Robbie. Mary Greenlee 9 Hemlock Lane Brunswick, ME 04011 Phone number: 207-729-8837 It Can’t Be That Bad But it is. And no one seems to understand what you’re going through. At times like this, you need a concerned Christian friend who will listen while you work through your feelings. A Stephen Minister can be that friend Contact the Stephen Ministry Program Coordinator Ken Quenzer at 640-3453 Or a Stephen Leader: Irene Strole, Sharon Brennan Thank You! Our sincere thanks to everyone who called, visited, or sent flowers, food, or cards during our recent loss. Your kindness is deeply appreciated. The Inman Family Join us at UM Now—a non-committal Bible study, on current events! Sign up is NOT required, Children care is provided. Class is free of charge! Sept 3— Freedom, Disagreement & Faith— Freedom in our country means that many people will express ideas and positions that are very different from ours, especially in the political arena. How does Christian faith guide us through our differences? How do we pray for leaders when we disagree with them? Facilitated by Adam Shahan Sept 10—Border Crisis—The border crisis includes thousands of children who have entered the US, many unaccompanied by their parents. Who are these children, and what issues and concerns are raised by their presence? How does Christian faith guide us as we seek appropriate actions for the care of these children? Facilitated by Rick Green Sept 17— Ongoing Conflict in Israel & Gaza – Violence has escalated between Israel and Gaza. What are the roots of and the issues involved in this violence? How can people of faith be peacemakers in the face of such prolonged conflict? Facilitated by Pastor Rob Sept 24—The Ebola Crisis—News reports say that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa is the worst in history. What is Ebola? What are the effects of the outbreak? How can churches reach out to help those who are suffering because of this deadly disease? Facilitated by Rick Green Oct 1— Juvenile Detention— Author Nell Bernstein states that the greatest predictor of whether someone will commit criminal activity as an adult is whether the person spent time in juvenile detention. How can juvenile justice better serve our young people and our culture? What can Christians do to make a difference in the lives of young people who might otherwise be drawn into a life of crime. Facilitated by Adam Shahan Deepen your relationship with Christ and the Church through A Disciple’s Path This study combines a Wesleyan understanding of our growth in God’s love and grace with the time-tested practices of spiritual discipline expressed in the membership vows to uphold the church with our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Participants will develop spiritual practices, discover their unique gifts, and become engaged in ministry that brings transformation in their own lives, the lives of others, and the world. This class will be held Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30 am, September 21—Oct 26, and will be facilitated by Pastor Rob Harris & Rev. Adam Shahan. Cost for the course is $19/household which includes 1 companion reader and 1 daily workbook. Class materials are available in the Education Office. Contact Amy Graves in the church office with any questions, or to sign up. Mission Opportunity Annual Boy’s Ranch Rodeo Gore, OK October 17-19 Members needed…..Room & Board Fee $50.00 Or Come for the day on Saturday, support the Boy’s, help us out and see the Rodeo….NO Charge! Or Make a basket or quilt donation and drop it by the Seeker’s Classroom. Make a monetary donation to help us purchase food supplies. In past years, our efforts have provided over $1000 directly to this very worthy UM Circle of Care Mission. If you are interested in serving, please contact Tina Genow… or 760-2343. Baskets Needed Create you own Basket & Put in Seeker’s Classroom by October 1 OR donate to a special collection and have the Class Treasurer let Martha Davis know the total amount by September 1st. Martha will create baskets and trade the Receipt for $$’s Questions? Please contact Marth Davis at: 793-8562 Ideas for Baskets Everyday items Keep small •A container to use as the basket – colander, baby bath, tool belt, minnow bucket, large bowl, flower pot •Add items – example – colander – spaghetti , sauce , pot holders, spices •Baby bath – soap, shampoo, powder, towel, wash cloth •Laundry basket – towels – wash clothes - soap MEMORIALS THROUGH AUGUST 10, 2014 In Memory of Bob Jones From: Don and Nancy Isaacs “The Link” is published the 1st Monday of each month by the First United Methodist Church, 201 West Main, Moore, Oklahoma 73160. Periodical Postage paid at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Periodical (USPS 587-440) THE LINK-POSTMASTER, PLEASE SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 201 West Main Moore Oklahoma 73160 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Gerald and Jean Krows Seekers Class Doral Hopper In Memory of Lin Heath From: Gerald and Jean Krows Hugh and Marilyn Gouldy Doral Hopper In Memory of Roberta “Jodi” Stephens From: Doral Hopper Joe and Rella Helms In Memory of Rollo Davis From: Jess McCloud In Memory of Ruth Kitts From: R and H Kitts Please email October Link Your Staff in Ministry submissions to Senior Pastor: Pastor Rob Harris Associate Pastor: Rev. Adam Shahan by Monday, September 15th. Please call the church office at (405) 794-6671 if you would like to be taken off The Link mailing list. If you would like to receive The Link by email, please send your address to CrossTimbers Pastor: Rev. James Hunt Stephen Ministry Coordinator: Kenny Quenzer Director of Christian Education: Amy Graves Director of Welcoming and Outreach Ministry: Richelle Leibold Director of Accounting and Human Resource: Sherry Eggleston Director of Facilities: Tim Adair Pastors’ Administrative Assistant: Stacey Sprayberry Director of Member Care: Elaine Prior Print & Digital Media: Hayley Leibold Youth Director: Aly Shahan Director of Music: Mindy Dennison Accompanist: Eddie West Director of the Singing Seniors and Exaltation Ringers: Phyllis Nichols Childcare: Roma Lassiter, Krystal Parmar, Valerie Means, Judy Rogers, Christie Akers, Norma Rowland, Becky Lawton, and Joey Jackson
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