November 2, 2014 - Church of the Nazarene


November 2, 2014 - Church of the Nazarene
Christmas Dessert Theater
Yes, it’s time to begin preparing for our annual Christmas Dessert Theatre scheduled for Friday, Dec. 12th and Sunday morning Dec. 14th. This year we will be presenting a variety package
of sacred Christmas music involving the participation of our
whole church family.
The children will present a 1/2 hour
Christmas musical entitled The Christmas Cross. It’s a enjoyable musical that
reminds us that we can’t have Christmas
without the cross. Our children will help
us all to remember that Christmas & the
cross are incredible indicators of the love
of God. Rehearsal’s have started and
will be held on Wednesday evenings
during the discovery part of Dinner &
Discovery (7:00 - 8:00 p.m.) and Thursdays right after school.
We are also giving our adults the opportunity to minister to our community at the
Dessert Theatre by presenting a Christmas Festival of Praise entitled What a
Glorious Night. This beautiful composition of blended musical arrangements
explores the miraculous setting surrounding that first long ago Christmas…
a wonder-filled, starlit night, when angels
ushered in the arrival of our promised
Redeemer, Saviour and King. Rehearsals will be held on Sunday afternoons
from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. beginning tonight! When the What
Happens When God’s People Pray Bible study concludes,
rehearsal times will be adjusted. If you like to sing, please join
our Christmas Choir!
Church of the Nazarene
5340 59th Avenue
Rocky Mountain House
Alberta T4T 1J4
Ph. 845-3215 Fax. 845-3031
For More Information:
Facebook Group:
Twitter: RMH Nazarene Church @RockyNazChurch
November 2, 2014
Dale Hansen
Senior Pastor
Mitch Brower
Youth Pastor
Sheri Lynne Martin
Associate Pastor
Keely Brower
Welcome To Our
Worship Celebration!
November 2, 2014
Discovering the Joy of Knowing Jesus
And the Beauty of Holy Living
“Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the
Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new
life begins! Look at it! All this comes from the God who settled the
relationship between us and him… by offering forgiveness of sins.”
II Corinthians 5:17-19 (The Message)
Welcome to the Rocky Mountain House Church of the Nazarene! We
are so glad you have chosen to worship with us! Today, our Worship
Celebration centers around the observance of the Lord’s Supper.
Communion, as this Christian Sacrament is often called is a symbolic
rite that helps us to remember our Lord’s sacrifice on the Cross. It is a
special observance that, when properly understood fills our being with a
sense of astonishment.
Worship Celebration
Opening Chorus
“The name of the Lord”
Call to Worship # 750
Preparation For Communion
“Blessed Be The Name”
Friendship in Worship
“Great & Mighty”
“He Is Exalted”
The Persecuted Church
Children Dismissed for
Sunday School
Prayer Chorus
“Holy Ground”
Worship in Giving
Hymn # 268
“Our God Reigns”
Special Music
Message by Pastor Dale
“The Wine of Astonishment”
Psalm 60
Closing Hymn # 255
“There Is A Fountain”
Visiting Missionary
We are very excited to announce that This Thursday, Nov 6th at
7:00 p.m. Rev. Cosmos Mutowa will be with us for a Missions
Home Assignment service! Rev. Mutowa leads Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Africa and Helping Hands Africa with responsibilities for sub-Saharan Africa. Rev. Mutowa, who was ordained in
1990 has pastored several churches in Zimbabwe. He has also
taught and served as Vice Principal of the Zimbabwe Nazarene Bible College and was instrumental in the establishment of the Nazarene Theological College for Central Africa, which serves the countries of Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Zambia. He was appointed as Mission Coordinator for Malawi in 2006 where he served as the Interim
Principal of the Nazarene Theological College.
Come prepared to be inspired, and to learn how to pray for the ongoing work of missions in Central Africa.
Nazarene compassionate Ministries
Gift Catalogue
The 2014-2015 edition of the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries,
Canada Gift Catalogue has arrived! Pick up a catalogue from one
of the tables in the foyer to see how you can give in a creative and
fun way to Nazarene Missions.
Last year, NCM Canada was able to send $6,500 for goats for pastors in Bangladesh. $26,600 was sent to Sri Lanka to supply wells
for displaced families in the war torn areas in the north. $18,596
was sent to purchase livestock for pastors and poor
families in
Nepal, and $19,000 was sent to Malawi (Africa) to supply wells
and a roof for a Child Development Centre.
Thank you for you support of NCM Canada projects! You are making a difference!
Jean Beaverbones, who brings her grandchildren to our Sunday
School is trying to help her daughter with some household needs.
She is especially interested in locating either a double or a queen
sized bed as well as bedding to fit. If you can help with this need
please call the church office.
Each week we have about 50-60 children and our Leadership team is needing
to grow! We have been in prayer about
asking God to provide some more leadership positions.
Kidztown is looking for 3 specific positions to come on Mondays from
330-5PM and here is what we currently need:
1. Administrator Assistant - Help sign in children, greet children and
help monitor the door.
2. Craft Assistant - help monitor the craft station, help the children
with their craft if need be, clean up the craft station (the craft is
already provided)
3. Prayer Support - this individual would sit at the prayer station and
the children have the opportunity to come, sit and pray with this
person. There are many prayer requests that are arising from this
amazing group of children and it would be so awesome to have
someone that they know they can go and pray with each week!
Events of the week
9:45 AM
10:45 AM
5:00 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
Adult Sunday School
Worship Celebration
Christmas Dessert Theatre Practice
When God’s People Pray Bible study
Kidztown Leadership Team Practice
After School Kidztown
7:00 PM Prayer Group
Dinner and Discovery
6:00 PM Supper
7:00 PM Alpha Group, Follow Me and Sr.
Youth Bible Study
9:30 AM Spice Ladies Bible Study
8:00 PM Worship Team Practice
9:45 AM
10:45 AM
5:00 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
Kidztown is tomorrow
right after school!
We will be learning about how
God is Holy!
Adult Sunday School
Worship Celebration
Christmas Dessert Theatre Practice
When God’s People Pray Bible study
Kidztown Leadership Team Practice
Sunday Morning Ministries
Next Sunday
Julie and Blair
Ella Butler and
Dorothy Nelson
Coffee Clean Up
Diane Flinn
Coffee Clean Up
Carol Lundstrom
Piano Schedule
Pat and Greta
Piano Schedule
Sharon and
Sarah Robertson
Leigh Overgaard
Youth info.
Sr. Youth Events (Grade 7-12)
Nov. 14 - Movie Night
Nov. 30 - Grey Cup Party
Jr. Youth Events (ages 10 & Up)
Nov. 21 - Event at 630PM
Sr. Youth Bible Study happens at 7pm on
Baskets and Blankets
On Tuesday November 11 at 7PM we will
be coming together for our Monthly Ladies
Night and making blankets to give away to
families within our community. In each of the
baskets there will be a blanket, snacks and a
few other goodies for a family to enjoy! If you are unable to attend or
love to support families within the community, the ladies group is also
looking for donations for New or Homemade blankets for extra baskets
as well. The hope is have about 20 baskets made before Christmas.
For Tuesday we will be having a delicious fondue so feel free to bring
some fruit and items to help make the blankets.
Ladies Cookbook has a few recipes donated that didn’t have names
attached. If your recipe is one of the following, please let Keely know
 Chocolate chip cheese balls
 Tuna Chow Mein casserole
 Perogie Casserole
 Chicken Breast Diane
 Chocolate chippers
 Chocolate crinkles
 Chocolate drops
 Gingersnaps
 Peanut Butter cups
 Chocolate mint patties
 Fudge bar cake
Facility Upgrades
Your church board has been talking about several
facility upgrades which you should know about.
First, you’ve probably noticed that the carpet in the
foyer & Fellowship Hall tends to bubble during the
warm days of summer so we are looking at replacement. We are in the process of receiving quotes and nothing has been finalized, but it looks like this upgrade may cost in
the neighborhood of $25,000.
Secondly, there has been some discussion about building a
garage to the North of our building. This facility would house the
church van, the Kidztown trailer and our ground’s keeping equipment. Preliminary estimates are that this facility could be built for
approximately $30,000.
The church board has prioritized these two projects with the first
being the upgrade to our flooring. Both the flooring and the
garage will be built on a cash basis meaning that the work will not
begin until the funds have been raised. If you wish to contribute
toward these upgrades, please indicate your contribution on your
tithe envelope as building fund.
Sunday School
November 2: World Missions
November 9: Theme Day
November 16: What’s in the bible?
November 23: Pizza Box Sunday
At approximately 11:15 the children will be dismissed for Sunday School. The children will
then go downstairs and have
their lesson in the Sunday
School room. Feel free to join
your children for their lesson!