Weekly Calendar/ Calendario Semanal


Weekly Calendar/ Calendario Semanal
Weekly Calendar/ Calendario Semanal
Sunday September 11th
Friday September 16th
 CCD Classes K-4 10:30am 1 Session, 11:45 2
 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after 8:30
 Grupo de Oración San Miguel Arcángel 7:00 pm
session in the parish life center
RCIA Topic: Introduction 10:30 am mass in the
church Four Evangelists Hall
Sunday Morning Bible Study 10:00 am in the
church room 23
Confirmation Class 3:30 pm in the youth room
YSN 7:00 pm in the youth room
Sunday Night Bible Study 7:00 pm in the church
am mass until 2:00 pm
en el templo salón Cuatro Evangelistas
Saturday September 17th
 Saturday morning Bible Study 9:00 am in the
parish life center room 12
 ACTS Third Saturday 9:00 am in the parish life
center rooms 1 & 3
Monday September 12
 Ballet Folclórico 6:00 pm en el salón parroquial
 Coro del Grupo de Oración 7:00 pm en el
centro parroquial salones 1 y 3
Ultreya 7:00 pm en el templo salón Cuatro
Catechism Bible Study 7:00 pm in the parish life
center room 2 led by John Tharp
Padres Orantes 7:00 pm en la capilla del
Talleres de Oración y Vida 7:00 pm en el
centro parroquial salón 4
Tuesday September 13th
 Sew Blessed Ministry 11:00 am in the church
Four Evangelists Hall
 Ensayo del coro de misa de las 3 pm 7:00 pm
en el templo
 SVdP business meeting 6:30 pm in the church
room 23
Wednesday September 14th
 Men’s morning prayer group 6:00 am in the
church, doors open at 5:30 am
 Women’s Bible Study 9:00 am in the church
Four Evangelists Hall
Discovery 6:45 pm in the Youth Room
CCD Classes 5th and 6th grade 7:00 pm in the
parish life center
Coro del Grupo de Oración 7:00 pm en el
templo salón 23
Music Rehearsal 7:15 pm in the church
Thursday September 15th
 Talleres de Oración y Vida 10:00 am en el
centro parroquial salón 7
 Knights of Columbus meeting 6:00 pm in the
parish life center room 3
 Clase pre bautismal 7:00 pm en el templo salón
cuatro evangelistas
 Ensayo del coro de español 7:00 pm en el
 ACTS de mujeres en español 9:00 am en el
centro parroquial salones 11, 13, 15 y 17
 ACTS Team Meeting Women 9:00 am in the
church Four Evangelists Hall & rooms 21 & 23
Stewardship Reflections
24 Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Everything I have is yours.” Luke 15:31
Our Heavenly Father gives us everything,
including the chance to share in His eternal
kingdom. Yet, like the Prodigal Son we are often
lured away by the materialism of our society. Do
we really want to turn our backs on all that God
offers in exchange for a material wealth that has
no lasting value?
Reflexiones de la Corresponsabilidad
240 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
"Todo lo que tengo es tuyo." Lucas 15:31
Nuestro Padre Celestial nos lo da todo,
incluyendo la oportunidad de compartir su reino
eterno. Sin embargo, somos como el hijo pródigo
que a menudo somos atraídos por el materialismo
de nuestra sociedad. ¿Realmente queremos dar la
espalda a todo lo que Dios nos ofrece a cambio del
bienestar material que no tiene valor duradero?
Pro-Life Quote of the Week
“I’ve noticed that everyone who is for
abortion has already been born.”
~Ronald Reagan~
Reflections by Father Karl
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In the first reading today from Exodus we witness an interchange between God and Moses. The Israelites in Moses’ absence
have fashioned for themselves a golden calf and have begun worshiping it. They have abandoned their faith in the Living God for
something they themselves have made. Moses is able to thwart the anger of God and later returns to his people with the
commandments of God.
This reading brings to mind some serious issues facing Catholics today. We believe that we are part of the Church that Christ
himself founded when he imposed upon Peter leadership of all the followers and still we hear of many people walking away from
the Catholic Church. Sometimes they simply abandon the practice of their faith or perhaps they go to another Christian
denomination because it better suits their “needs.” In any case, it is disturbing that so many people walk away from the Church.
Most people abandon the Church not out of ill will or malice but due to simple ignorance. Most people who leave the Catholic
Church know very little about it. I have often had people say that they have left because they “were not being fed.” How can this
be? We have the opportunity to come to Mass and receive the true Body and Blood of the Lord each week, even every day.
Sometimes people don’t like the sermons they hear or perhaps they don’t like the accent of the priest. What are people looking
for in a sermon; entertainment or the truth? Also, did Jesus have a different accent from some of the people privileged to hear
him? Most probably! When St. Paul was on his apostolic journeys was he easily understood by all? Most likely not!
The challenge for all Catholics, especially adults, is to learn more about the Catholic Faith and to better understand what the
Church teaches. Guided by the Holy Spirit, as Christ promised, the Church continues to teach with authority in the name of
Christ. Individual men and women can formulate independent opinions on theological subjects; but, these opinions are fallible.
The Church teaches the truth because it is guided by Christ himself. Sometimes theologians, priests and even bishops begin to
teach their own personal opinion rather than the true teaching of the Church. To do so is a grave matter and possibly gravely
sinful for the one teaching. Christ warns those charged with teaching in the Church to avoid misleading the flock.
If you want to learn more about the Catholic Church look for good Catholic books to read and good Catholic teachers on the
internet. I suggest several sources of material: EWTN; Franciscan Press; Ignatius Press; or the website of the United States
Council of Catholic Bishops. Also the Diocese of Fort Worth website contains numerous links to good information.
Let us pray for the grace to learn more about our precious Catholic Faith.
23° domingo del tiempo ordinario
Hoy en la primera lectura de Éxodo, somos testigos de un intercambio de palabras entre Dios y Moisés. Los israelitas en la
ausencia de Moisés han formado un becerro de oro y han comenzado a adorarlo. Han abandonado su fe en el Dios vivo por algo
que ellos mismos han hecho. Moisés es capaz de evitar la ira de Dios y más tarde regresa a su pueblo con los mandamientos de
Esta lectura trae a la mente algunos problemas graves que enfrentan hoy en día los católicos. Creemos que somos parte de la
Iglesia que Cristo mismo fundó cuando impuso a Pedro el liderazgo de todos los seguidores y aun así sabemos de muchas
personas que se alejan de la Iglesia Católica. A veces simplemente abandonan la práctica de su fe o tal vez van a otra
denominación cristiana porque se adapta mejor a sus “necesidades.” En cualquier caso, es preocupante que tanta gente se valla
de la Iglesia.
La mayoría de la gente que abandona la Iglesia no lo hace por mala voluntad o malicia, pero debido a simple ignorancia. La
mayoría de las personas que abandonan la Iglesia Católica saben muy poco sobre ella. A menudo he tenido que escuchar a
gente decir que ellos se han alejado porque "no estaban siendo alimentados." ¿Cómo puede ser esto? Tenemos la oportunidad
de venir a misa y recibir el verdadero Cuerpo y la Sangre del Señor cada semana, incluso todos los días. A veces a las personas
no les gustan los sermones que oyen o tal vez no les gusta el acento del cura. ¿Qué es lo que las personas buscan en un
sermón; entretenimiento o la verdad? Además, ¿Tuvo Jesús un acento diferente de algunas de las personas que tuvieron el
privilegio de oírlo? ¡Probablemente sí! Cuando San Pablo estaba en sus viajes apostólicos, ¿Todos le entendían fácilmente?
¡Probablemente no!
El reto para todos los católicos, especialmente los adultos, es aprender más sobre la fe católica y comprender mejor lo que la
Iglesia enseña. Guiada por el Espíritu Santo, como Cristo lo prometió, la Iglesia continúa enseñando con autoridad en nombre de
Cristo. Los hombres y las mujeres se pueden formular opiniones independientes sobre temas teológicos individuales; pero, estas
opiniones son dudosas. La Iglesia enseña la verdad porque es guiada por el mismo Cristo. A veces los teólogos, sacerdotes y
hasta obispos comienzan a enseñar su propia opinión personal en lugar de la verdadera enseñanza de la Iglesia. Hacer esto es
algo grave y posiblemente un pecado grave de quien da esta enseñanza. Cristo les advierte a los encargados de la enseñanza
en la Iglesia para evitar que guíen mal al rebaño.
Si desea obtener más información sobre el las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica, busque buenos libros católicos para leer, y
buenos maestros católicos en el Internet. Les sugiero varias fuentes de información: EWTN; Prensa Franciscana; Ignatius
Press; o la página de internet del Consejo de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos, USCCB. También la página de internet
de la Diócesis de Fort Worth contiene numerosos enlaces a información buena.
Oremos por la gracia de aprender más acerca de nuestra preciosa Fe Católica.
In and around our parish...
Bible Studies/ Estudio de Biblia
Martes 6 de septiembre de 7 a 8:30 pm comienza el
estudio bíblico dirigido por John Contreras. En el salón
Cuatro Evangelistas.
Saturday morning bible study led by Jerry Brannon,
9:00 am on Saturdays will study Early Church Fathers
and St. Ignatius's letters
Sunday morning bible study starts Sunday September
11th after 9:00 am mass. Led by Luis Sanchez. Will
study the book of Genesis.
Sunday Night Bible Study starts Sunday,
September 11, 7:00 PM in the Church. Letter of
James. Study led by Joe Winterling.
Women's Bible Study starts Wednesday, Sept 14 9:30
a.m. Book of the Prophet Isaiah. Call Ginny Warburton
817-205-2716 for information and to order a book
(approximately $25).
RCIA - Calling All Par ishioner s – as Christians, we are
called to evangelize. Many of you know of someone who is
open to accepting growth in their faith walk - a spouse, a
relative, a friend, or an acquaintance. Please invite them to
investigate our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
program. We welcome Non-Christians, Non-Catholics, and
anyone desiring to learn more about Catholic Christian
beliefs. Sessions start September 11, 10:30AM - Noon, in
the church Four Evangelists Hall. Nursery is available. For
information, call Paul Park at 817-980-6292. Help bring
Jesus more deeply into someone’s life!
The Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth will be
hosting a Discernment Weekend for women 18+ and a
Come & See day for young women 14-18 the weekend
of September 23-25. Call 682-203-9675 for info.
Gabriel Project
On Wednesday September 19th, join the Gabriel Project. we
will meet in the parish life center room 13 at 7:00 pm. Father
Karl, will join us for this meeting.
Gabriel Project is a parish-based ministry, reaching out to
women experiencing a crisis pregnancy.
Gabriel Project Volunteers help women in their time of need,
proclaiming the Angel Gabriel's message of goodness that
God is with You.
If you are interested in helping this mission then; Father Karl,
Angela Walters, and I Nancy Garza GPPC St. Bartholomew
Coordinator, along with Other Angels and Auxiliary Members
will be more than happy to see you there.
May GOD Always BLESS and keep Us all safely in HIS
Youth Ministry News
If anyone missed the open registration dates for all youth
ministry programs for the 2016-17 school year of religious
education classes, you can register on the first day of
classes. This is for new and returning students wishing to
register for Discovery (7th-8th), YSN (9th-12th) and Youth
RCIA & 1st Communion. *Special Note - for the Sacrament
of Confirmation. Those wishing to prepare for this
Sacrament must be in 11th grade and are expected to be in
religious education for one year before registering for
Confirmation. Registration packets were given out for this
Sacrament class to those who were eligible this past April. If
there are any questions, please contact Eric Hernandez
(Youth Minister) or Eben Fernandez (Assistant Youth
Minister) at (817) 292-7703.
Begins today, Sunday, September 11th from 3:30 pm to 5:30
High school 9th-12th grade religious education program
begins today, Sunday, September 11th from 7pm to 9pm.
Junior high 7th-8th grade religious education program
begins Wednesday September 14th from 6:45p to 8:30p.
We are in need of Adult volunteers for Discovery (junior high
7th-8th religious education program). Please contact Eric
Hernandez or Eben Fernandez (817-292-7703) if you would
like to help.
Youth Ministry could use snack donations for the YSN
high school religious ed program. For more info or if you
would like to donate, contact Eric Hernandez (817-2927703)
The Daniel Jones Retreat-Assistance Memorial Fund is
open for donations. The money in this fund will be used to
help pay for youth who cannot afford to pay for retreats and/
or various other youth events. Donations are taken throughout the year. Anyone may donate to this fund.
CCD Information
Elementary CCD grades K-4th will begin on
September 11th for both the 10:30 and 11:45 a.m. Sunday sessions.
5th and 6th grades will begin on Wednesday,
September 14th at 7:00 p.m.
Información sobre el Catecismo
Catecismo para niños de kínder al 4o grado
empieza el domingo 11 de septiembre con las dos sesiones 10:30 am y 11:45 am.
Grados 5o y 6o empieza el miércoles, 14 de
septiembre a las 7:00 pm
NORTH TEXAS GIVING DAY---Thursday, September 22
North Texas Giving Day is an online giving event for
people across North Texas to support all of their favorite
nonprofit organizations on one day. The Society of St.
Vincent de Paul Fort Worth District Council (of which St.
Bart’s is a member) is again participating in this year’s
event. Funds raised will directly support the Society of St.
Vincent de Paul Fort Worth District Council with their Mini
Loan Conversion Program, a poverty intervention
initiative launched this year to combat predatory loan
To donate - on Thursday, September 22 between 6 AM
Central and 12 Midnight go to
www.NorthTexasGivingDay.org and select Society of St.
Vincent de Paul Fort Worth Council. Every gift of $25 or
more allows us to tap the bonus funds that Communities
Foundation gives for each unique donor. Your
consideration and help is greatly appreciated.
ACTS de Mujeres
Aparte la Fecha para el próximo retiro de ACTS
de mujeres
Si a usted le gustaría tener una relación con Dios
y con la iglesia considere este retiro de
renovación de fe. La información de ACTS y las
registraciones serán a la entrada del templo
antes de misa. Busque a un miembro de la
comunidad de ACTS para que le ayude con sus
Retiro en español de mujeres, jueves 29 de
septiembre a domingo, 2 de octubre
Lugar: Camp Crusis, Grandbury
Costo: $190, incluye transportación, comida y
Contacto: Olga Ruiz, 817-759-9842,
SVdP 2016 Friends of the Poor
This annual walk happens next
weekend, Saturday, September 17th.
Pack up the family and join us at
Wimbledon Park in Arlington, TX.
Registration and parking are at St. Joseph’s Catholic
Church. Registration begins at 8:00 AM, Holy Mass
follows at 8:30 AM, and walkers step off
immediately after Mass. If you made a donation
pledge to one of our walkers, please contact them
during this week. For information, contact Linda
Niedbalski at (817) 253-5115 or Tilie Kitowski at (817)
¿Ha cambiado su domicilio? O ¿ha
cambiado su número de teléfono?
Si la respuesta es SI, llame, envié
un correo electrónico, o pase a la
oficina para actualizar sus datos.
Have you moved? Have you changed your phone
number? If so call, email or come by the parish
office to give us your updated information.
stbarts@stbartsfw.org 817-292-7703
Sacrament Information
Sacrament of Baptism (newborns - age 6): Come by the office to sign up for the class and obtain a list of
requirements. The next class will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, October 13 th in the church Four Evangelists Hall. All
requirements must be met at least 30 days prior to date of baptism. Once everything has been reviewed will receive a
confirmation from the office.
Sacramento del Bautismo (Recién nacidos hasta 6 años): Pase a la oficina parroquial para obtener la información y
formas necesarias. La próxima clase de bautismo será en el salón 4 evangelistas, el jueves 15 de septiembre a las 7 p.m.
Todos los requisitos deben ser entregados a la oficina 30 días antes de apartar la fecha del bautismo.
Sacrament of Confirmation: For students, contact Eric Hernandez for more information. Students wishing to
prepare for this Sacrament must be in 11th grade and are required to be in religious education (i.e. YSN, bible study or
religion class at school) for one year before registering for Confirmation. For adults, contact the parish office for more
information. Para jóvenes comuníquese con Eric Hernandez, los estudiantes deben asistir a la educación religiosa por un
año antes de inscribirse para el programa de confirmación. Para adultos llame a la oficina parroquial.
Sacrament of Matrimony: Please call Julissa Chubbs at the office, 817-292-7703 at least 9-12 months before you wish
to marry.
Sacramento de Matrimonio: Favor de comunicarse con Julissa Chubbs en la oficina al 817-292-7703 de 9 a 12 meses
antes de la fecha que desea casarse. O por coreo electrónico Julissa@stbartsfw.org
Readings for the Week of September 11, 2016
Sunday Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19;
1 Tm 1:12-17; Lk 15:1-32 or 15:1-10
Monday The Most Holy Name of Mary
1 Cor 11:17-26, 33; Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 17;
Lk 7:1-10
Tuesday Saint John Chrysostom, Bishop and
Doctor of the Church 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a;
Ps 100:1b-2, 3, 4, 5; Lk 7:11-17
Wednesday The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1bc-2, 34-35, 36-37, 38;
Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17
Thursday Our Lady of Sorrows
1 Cor 15:1-11; Ps 118:1b-2, 16ab-17, 28;
Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35
Friday Saints Cornelius, Pope, and Cyprian,
Bishop, Martyrs 1 Cor 15:12-20; Ps 17:1bcd, 6-7,
8b, and 15; Lk 8:1-3
Saturday Saint Robert Bellarmine, Bishop and
Doctor of the Church 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49;
Ps 56:10c-12, 13-14; Lk 8:4-15
Sunday Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Am 8:4-7; Ps 113:1-2, 4-6, 7-8; 1 Tm 2:1-8;
Lk 16:1-13 or 16:10-13
August Baptisms
Elyse Chenael Browning
Denixza Analy Carrillo
Fernando Carrillo Jr
Daniel Delgadillo
Netzeli Rubí Gallo,
Mateo Isaac Martínez
Jacob Alexander Olivas
Haylie Lacie Rodríguez
Leah Rojas
Alexa Nicole Silva
Axel Enrique Silva
Juliette Rose Solís
Fr. Karl Schilken, JCL, Pastor
Reyes Tello Jr, Deacon
Sister Rafaela Landeros, MCSH
Parish Office: 817-292-7703
FAX Number: 817-292-2568
Office Staff:
Olivia DeLeon, Business Manager
Lenora Thompson, Administrative Assistant
Bertha Olmos, Secretary (Bilingual)
Angela Carrillo, Receptionist (Bilingual)
Delisa Rosborough, Safe Environment Coordinator
Liturgical Coordinator & Bulletin Editor
Julissa Chubbs 817-292-7703
Email: julissa@stbartsfw.org
Director of Religious Education
Charlie Gappa: 817-966-2378
CCD Office: 817-288-4005
CCD E-mail: ccd@stbartsfw.org
Maintenance Management &
Facilities Coordinator
Dan Patterson: 817-292-7703
Minister of Music
Michael Sawey: 817-292-7703
e-mail: msawey@stbartsfw.org
Nursery Director
Teri Kolodechik: 817-292-8748
Youth Minister
Eric Hernandez: 817-480-5471
e-mail: eric@stbartsfw.org
Other Ministries
Prison Ministry
Julissa Chubbs
Ed Brady
Ministerio Hispano Sacramental
Abel & Bertha Olmos
Bulletin deadline for September 25th is Friday
September 16th at 2:00 pm
St. Augustine Men’s Purity Group

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