The Business Reporter! - the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce
The Business Reporter! - the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce
The Business Reporter! SEPTEMBER 2015 THE 2016 DESTINATION GUIDE & BUSINESS DIRECTORY We’ve Got You Covered... AEDREORO SC A TA SC AD O R E A TAA D A AT SC Business Directory Destination Guide & ectory Bu siness Dir & e id u G n o irectory D s Destinati s e n i Bus Guide & n o i t a Destin BUSINES S, COM MUNITY, BUSINESS, CO MMUNITY, EV EVENTS & MORE ! ENTS & MORE ! BUSINESS, COMMUNITY, EVENTS & MORE! N othing is more important to the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce than promoting a strong local economy AND helping your businesses grow. In an effort to showcase your company and give buyers more reasons to prefer businesses that invest in the Chamber like yours, the Chamber has partnered with Metro Media to publish a combination Business Directory, Relocation and Destination Guide. This publication will be a high-end buyer’s guide and information resource that will be distributed for a period of one year to our Community, Chamber members, Major Employers, Consumers relocating to Atascadero and the Central Coast. Additionally we will print 10,000 copies of the visitor section that will be distributed through several events throughout 2016, placed in our local hotels, vacation rentals, bed & breakfast locations and handed out directly at the Visitor Center. As an added benefit this publication will be placed on the Chamber’s website which enjoys more that 5,000 unique visitors per month. As a benefit of your Chamber investment all members will receive a complimentary listing in the Member Business Director section. In addition to your complimentary listing you may wish to take advantage of reasonable priced advertising opportunities to help your business stand out to tens of thousands in our community as well as consumers relocating to Atascadero. Peggy Flora would be happy to discuss advertising opportunities, feel free to contact Peggy directly at 805-316-4200 or email her at: . We make every effort to ensure your business listing is correct. However, in today’s fast-paced business world, location and staff changes are almost a daily occurrence. Your business will be contacted directly to confirm the spelling of your business name, address, website and phone number along with a main contact person. Please take advantage of this opportunity to market your business and support the chamber. Remember, only members in good standing can be listed in our directory. Not a Member? Contact the Chamber now so that you don’t miss this opportunity. Karen Ellis 805-466-2044 or & Expo ATASCADERO CHAMBER BUSINESS EXPO 2015 Over 80 Participating Local Businesses Free Admission Open to Public 9315 Pismo Ave. Atascadero 805 Boardshop E ach Year the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce asks the local businesses to come together and showcase their business. This year’s fun event with over 70 businesses is ready to rock n roll and get their groove on. With our funky styled expo theme, PEACE, LOVE & Expo, on Thursday, September 17th, from 5pm to 7pm. The Pavilion on the Lake will be transformed into a colorful psychedelic, flowerchild, maze of businesses waiting for you to explore. The Atascadero Chamber of Commerce Annual Business Expo is an opportunity for members to share their business in an easy, free flowing atmosphere, for an opportunity to network, peruse and discover the bosso finds that makes our community living so neato. This business expo has so much to offer the public from caterers and wineries to numerous fun loving businesses that we encourage you to come see, what all these business have to offer. Admission is free….far out!! No excuses just come & have some fun and get your groove on! BUSINESS REPORTER 6904 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA. 93422 TO THE BIGGEST SHIN-DIG OF THE YEAR... THE BUSINESS EXPO A-Town Park A & W Restaurant A.M. Sun Solar Access Publishing All About Events Alle-Pia, Inc. Amdal In Home Care Associated Traffic Safety Atascadero Association of Realtors Atascadero Greyhound Foundation Atascadero Mutual Water Company Atascadero News Atascadero Optimist Club Brack L. Linscott, D.D.S. Inc. Bristols Cider House Castoro Cellars City of Atascadero Clever Concepts CoastHills Credit Union Coastal Communities Physician Network Coastal Copy ColorCraft Printing Cuesta Community College Debbie Arnold, 5th District Supervisor Dignity Health of the Central Coast ECHO – El Camino Homeless Organization Fig Good Food Friends of the Atascadero Lake Frolicking Frog Galaxy Theatres Haggen Food & Pharmacy Healthy Inspirations of Atascadero Jerry Craig Disc Jockey Karaoke K-Jon’s Fine Jewelers Kennedy Club Fitness Laurus College Lube-N-Go McGees Catering North County Humane Society North County Pilates North County Physical Therapy North County Young Professionals On The Wall Advertising Overland Stage Western Steakhouse (Outlaws Bar, Grill & Casino) Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Harvest Catering Pear Valley Vineyard and Winery Peoples Choice Appliance Repairs Pomar Junction Vineyard & Winery Que Pasa Mexican Cafe Rabobank Radiology Associates-Radiology Diagnostic Center Rocky Canyon Kennels Round Table Pizza Safeguard Print and Promo San Luis Sports Therapy & Orthopedic Rehab Solarponics Spectrum Business Sunset SAVOR The Central Coast The Carlton Hotel The Groves on 41 The Laundromat by Swish & Swirl The Real Estate Book The Tribune The Wellness Kitchen & Resource Center Twin Cities Community Hospital Ultrex Business Products Union & Vine by Springhill Suites Union Bank Well Seen Sign Company PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Atascadero, CA. 93422 Permit No. 68 @AtownChamber /atascaderochamberofcommerce Chamber’s Perspective BOARD OFFICERS 2015 Chairman of the Board Kelly Long- Kelly’s Casuals Chairman -Elect Joseph Modica, Jr. Modica Financial & Tax, Inc. Past Chairman - Robert “Grigger” Jones- Retired Professional Chief Financial Officer John Donovan State Farm Insurance BOARD DIRECTORS Ray BubanRay M. Buban, Financial & Tax Service Kim CroftPeabody & Plum Realtors Inc. Dr. Ryan McGaughey, D.C. , McGaughey Chiropractic John NeilAtascadero Mutual Water Co. Bill NeelyAtascadero High School Adam DanerDaner Law Firm, APLC Mike TalenHFG Coastal Insurance Jessica SohiHoliday Inn Express & Suites Julie OpheimPlacer Title Ryun McCroryCoastHills Bank Cory BlackPublic Policy Solutions CHAMBER STAFF Linda Hendy, President/CEO Vicki Lee, Director of Operations Joyce Stewart, Member & Visitor Services Karen Ellis, Membership Development Tamrah Michael, Marketing Director Gerri Shoaf, Volunteer AMBASSADORS Kim Croft, Peabody & Plum Realtors Ambassador Chair Maurica Anderson The Mortgage House Robert Borish, CPA North County Tax and Accounting Jennifer Bromby Heritage Oaks Bank Marge Castle SESLOC Federal Credit Union Angela Cisneros K-Jon’s Fine Jewelers, Inc. Uschi Fenton Keller Williams North County Realty Marge Griffin Mary Kay Cosmetics Consultant Dustie Kaczmarek Creative Alternative for Learning & Living Sean Kennedy Kennedy Club Fitness Drew Lewis California Meridian Insurance Services, Inc. Ryun McCrory CoastHills Credit Union Greg Modica Modica Financial & Tax Jesus Rubio Union Bank Jerry Craig DJ Jerry Craig Michael Barlett Atascadero News LIFETIME MEMBERS Barbie Butz Donn Clickard Jerry DeCou Maggie Vandergon Bob Wilkins Information in this newsletter regarding any business does not constitute an endorsement by the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce. 2 OUR PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE T his August I was given • Understanding who the Entrepreneurs are; Innothe opportunity to at- vators, Small Business Owners, Home Based Business tend a three day certif- Professionals, many are Boomers and Millennials. The icate program for Eco- Chamber needs to be not only assessable to this group nomic Development Essentials in of business people but connected in order to provide Sacramento. I was very impressed opportunities for community support. at the quality and quantity I was very • The five “W’s” of Business Attraction: of materials being present*Who do we want in our community? ed by two Economic Development professionals impressed *What can we do to get their attention? and truly appreciate the continued learning the *When they respond, how do we engage with the Chamber provides me. I will have to admit my *Where can we show them to locate? head was full of ideas by the time I left the conquality & *Why would they choose Atascadero ference but completely understand that all good quantity of over other cities? things take time to succeed. The conference focused on Community Readi- materials... It is important for the Chamber to be a ness/Community Assessment, Business Retenstrong partner and facilitator of ecotion & Expansion, Small Business & Entrepreneurship nomic success here in Atascadero and I am committed Development, Marketing & Business Attraction, Work- to continuing to learn from the best and help to create a force Development, Ethics in Economic Development strong business community. and Current Trends, did I mention my head was full? I did take away several action steps and reminders that our “Economic development is the sustained, concerted Chamber can continue to work on to benefit Atascadero actions of policy makers and communities that promote and our local businesses, here are a few examples: the standard of living and economic health of a specific • Engaging Leaders to Turn Information into Action area. Economic development can also be referred to as for Economic Success; stay tuned we are working the quantitative and qualitative changes in the toward a new North County Leadership program in economy.” 2016. • Local Companies Are Important – Between 70% and If you have ideas, suggestions or would like to meet 90% of new jobs come from expansion of existing please feel free to email or give me a call or email: companies within a community! Local companies (805) 466-2044 / need to know that you care this will help to ensure Sincerely, they will prosper and stay in our town. MEET YOUR Linda Hendy, President/ CEO Director! J ohn Neil is the general manager for the Atascadero Mutual Water Company (AMWC). He started with the company in 2000 as the director of operations and became the general manager in 2003. John is responsible for administering the day-to-day operations of the Company; developing and implementing operations, maintenance, and capital improvement budgets; and overseeing administration of human resource activities, including labor negotiations with the Teamsters Union. He is a registered civil engineer and holds both water treatment operator and water distribution operator certifications from the Department of Public Health. Prior to working for AMWC, John was vice president of North Coast Engineering, where one of his primary contracts was providing engineering services for the City of Atascadero for nearly 10 years. John Neil, AMWC, Atascadero Mutual Water Company General Manager John appreciates the unique history of Atascadero and is a participant in Colony Days’ Tent City every year. With his work at the water company, he has an opportunity to experience on a daily basis the legacy of E.G. Lewis. Both personally and in his role with the AMWC, John uses local businesses to the fullest extent possible. He believes that to maintain a prosperous community we need to support our local businesses. John is an active member of the Atascadero Elks Club and is president-elect for the Atascadero Rotary Club. John is also on the board of the Atascadero Economic Foundation. What’s All This K Tweeting About! eep your business in the minds of your customers or future customers! Learn how to interact with friends, colleagues, businesses and organizations online... by tweeting! Twitter is a social media platform/service in-which all users, friends, family, and coworkers use to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent messages. People post “Tweets”, which may contain photos, videos, links and up to 140 characters of text. Here’s just a handful of popular Twitter verbiage to help you make heads and tails of the Tweeting world. Twitter Mini-Glossary: Handle: Your Twitter username is referred to as your handle, and is identified with the @ symbol. The @ is used to refer to a specific person and link to that account on Twitter within a tweet. Hashtag: A hashtag is a tag used on the social network Twitter as a way to annotate a message. A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by a “#”. Example: #yourhastag. Hashtags are commonly used to show that a tweet, a Twitter message, is related to an event or conference, online or offline. Lists: A way to combine select people you follow on Twitter into a smaller feed. It lets you view a slice of your followers at a time. Live-tweeting: The practice of documenting an event through tweets that are posted while an event is in progress. RT/Retweet: The Twitter equivalent of forwarding to a friend or sharing. When someone tweets something you find interesting, you can retweet it and share it with all the people who follow you. Search: Twitter’s search feature looks for tweets containing a keyword or phrase. Timeline: The chronological listing of all tweets in a given feed, be it your own, in a list, or another user’s. Tweet: What posts are called on Twitter. Need more help with getting started? Call the Atascadero Chamber today at 805-466-2044. We are here to help you and your business! And remember... follow us on Twitter too at: @ATownChamber The Business Reporter! SEPTEMBER 2015 Members in Action 2015 CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE These Chamber members are an elite group of businesses influential to the economic vitality of Atascadero whose continued support has been instrumental in the Chamber’s growth. Spotlight Spotlight Applying for a Small-Business Loan?? Written by: Holly Mislavsky Vice President, Atascadero Branch Manager, Rabobank N.A. S ESLOC Federal Credit Union is proud to be the longest established credit union on the Central Coast. Founded in 1942, it began as desk-drawer operation run by volunteers; it has grown from its original 32 members to over 40,000 members in 2015. SESLOC provides a full range of banking, investment and estate planning services. As a result, people sometimes refer to us as a “bank.” However, a credit union is built on a different business model. A credit union is a financial co-operative; our only investors are our depositors, and they reap the rewards. This comes in the form of lower loan rates, higher savings dividends and many free and low-fee services. Credit unions nationwide have established an extensive shared ATM network, providing convenient account deposits and withdrawals without surcharges. We provide 50 local ATMs, including 8 in Atascadero, and more than 30,000 nationwide and in 10 foreign countries – more ATMs than any of the largest banks. We were pleased this year to add an online loan application with instant decision capability for both members and non-members, along with Mobile Check Deposits and Apple Pay. Financial education resources will expand this fall with the launch of “Fool Proof,” a consumer education website developed in conjunction with the Walter Cronkite Foundation to teach people of all ages to “Be a Fool Proof Consumer.” It also provides resources for educators that meet the new core curriculum financial education standards. SESLOC... longest established credit union on the Central Coast. As a credit union, our federal charter designates the people we may serve. Originally a schools-based credit union, in 2001 our charter expanded to include all who live, work, worship, or attend school in San Luis Obispo County, and their families. In 2015 we were pleased to announce that our federal regulators expanded our service area to include the people in Northern Santa Barbara County. We will open a branch in Santa Maria in early 2016. Deposited funds stay here in our communities where they enhance the local economy by supporting members’ home, vehicle, and commercial property purchases, as well as their investment and estate planning needs. But that’s only part of the picture. We provide 134 local jobs, support a myriad of local non-profit organizations and provide thousands of dollars in education grants to local schools. In addition, our staff actively volunteers in the community, supporting SESLOC’s commitment to youth, health, education, and affordable housing. SESLOC began as the vision of two local educators – Robert Byrd and Charles Teach. Today it is a wellknown and highly respected name in our County. We are proud to have been voted “Best Financial Institution” eight years in a row in the New Times Reader’s Poll. We’re committed to providing sound financial services and education. SESLOC branches are located in Atascadero, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo and Arroyo Grande, with a new branch coming to Santa Maria in early 2016. Accounts are federally insured to $250,000 by the NCUA. We are an Equal Housing Lender. Website: Credit unions are not-for-profit, so you won’t find branches on every corner. However, you will find plenty of ATMs. For more information on becoming a Chairman Circle business, contact Linda Hendy at the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce C I Destinations “The difference is in the details” L et’s go on an adventure... to the gorgeous and history-rich island of Ireland! The Atascadero Chamber of Commerce presents “The Best of Ireland”, your adventure starts March 15, 2016. For only $2,999 (when booked before September 30, 2015) enjoy 9 days filled with a balance of city , culture and romantic country-sides and dramatic cliffs and castles. Some trip highlights will include visiting such places as: Adare Village, Muckrose House, Cliffs of Moher, the St. Patricks Cathedral, Wicklow National Park, the Blarney Castle, Old James Whiskey Distillery... and much more. Create new friendships, mingle with the friendly Irish locals and escape from your day-to-day duties... come Fly Away With Us to Ireland and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day where it all started! For more details and information on this great opportunity, call to attend the oreintation meeting set for September 8th at the Atascadero Chamber office at 6904 El Camino Real. Or call the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce at: 805-466-2044. Ask to speak with Tamrah Michael, our Marketing Director who will be exploring Ireland with you in March. See You Travelers September 8th for the Ireland orientation meeting! October 21, 2015 Only $2999 Fly Away With Us when booked before September 30, 2015! To Ireland! DEPARTING MARCH 15, 2016 Your Ireland Adventure will Include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 Nights at a Four-Star hotel Round-trip Airfare 9 Meals (7B/2D) Cliffs of Moher & Galway Countryside St. Patricks Cathedral Wicklow National Park- “P.S. I Love You” Adare Village Blarney Castle- Kiss the Blarney Stone Trinity College & Book of Kells Old James Whiskey Distillery Muckross House Dublin- Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel And much more... Trip Orientation Meeting: September 8th @ 5:30pm For More Information Contact Tamrah Michael at: 805-466-2044 CST 2111772-40 Hosted by: “The Word on the Streets!” Downtown News! 4 New Businesses have opened their doors in the downtown area within the last six months. It’s time you go and check them out! Farron Elizabeth*- Farron Elizabeth began in Venice Beach, California, during the summer of 2003. Founder/designer, Farron Day, started making custom knit skirts out of her apartment, using only the softest fabrications (modal/lycra & french terry/lycra) the clothing emphasizes comfort. The focus of each design is to achieve a style, fit, & a level of comfort that allows you to move throughout your busy day - then transition into evening with ease & a pair of heels. Producing all garments domestically is a strict philosophy of this company. Every aspect from planning, designing, & the purchasing of raw materials, through producing, manufacturing & fulfillment of my apparel, is done right here - proudly in the USA. The Book Odyssey -5975 Traffic Way Socrates Coffee House - 5985 Traffic Way Bipi Gi’s Boutique - 5985 Entrada Ave *Chamber Member 3 @AtownChamber /atascaderochamberofcommerce Members in Action RIBBON CUTTINGS! Welcome Alle- Pia, Fine Cured Meats W hat a great turn-out at NCYP’s first-ever Business Bingo networking mixer! A huge “Thank You!” goes out to The Mortgage House Atascadero on Morro Road, for hosting the event and for providing the yummy food and drinks as well! What do you think? Should the North County Young Professionals make this event an annual one?! We will see... much THEY BRING YOU THE NEWS.... SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO GET IT YOURSELF! like our Speed Networking and Ugly Sweater Mixers, this Business Bingo mixer was a smashing hit and tons of great networking to be had-as usual! Leave it to the NCYP’ers to throw a fresh & trendy event while still managing to keep it classy! Alle-Pia celebrates the opening or their new Emporio with a Ribbon Cutting. CEO Alex Pellini and Owner Antonio Varia are joined by Atascadero Chamber CEO Linda Hendy, Vicki Janssen representing Assemblyman Katcho Achadjian, Chamber Ambassadors & guests. Welcome Grape Encounters Empourium Celebrating the opening of their new outdoor patio are owners David & Annie Wilson who are joined by Mayor Tom O’Malley, Council members Heather Moreno and Bob Kelley, 5th District Supervisor Debbie Arnold, Vicki Janssen representing Assemblyman Katcho Achadjian, and our Chamber Ambassadors. The Beautification Award Goes To... Grape Encounters Empourium! Speaking of classy... mark your calendars for the next upcoming NCYP shin-dig, September 17th, Thursday, from 5-7pm at the 2015 Peace, Love & Expo. The NCYP will have their very own event booth again: “Keep It Classy Atascadero!” Donning all sorts of fabulous Anchorman-inspired paraphernalia... be prepared for some fun. We will be looking for some great, groovy professionals, such as yourself- yes you- to converse with... so get your game face on and come on down to the NCYP Business Expo booth on How social are you? September 17th. “Don’t act like you’re not impressed.” (Anchorman— Ron Bur- Connect with us! gundy) and get out of your glass caase of emotions and run over to the NCYP booth- located in the “Party Zone” - of course. And remember Atascadero... Keep it Classy! 2016 CHAMBER BOARD of Directors Are You Interested in Becoming a Part of the Group? • T he Nominating Committee will be • reviewing applications the first of October, please take a look at the • Director agreement and if interest contact Linda Hendy, President/CEO Lin• . Kelly Long, Chairman of the Board presents Beautification Award to David & Annie Wilson, owners of Grape Encounters EM-POUR-IUM, located at 5816 Traffic Way. Congratulations to Grape Encounters Empourium, located on Traffic Way in Atascadero. It’s like no other wine tasting room or wine bar. It begins with a very eclectic selection of hard to find wines from around the globe. It’s unlikely you’ll find our wines in other restaurants, wine bars or retail shops. But that’s just the beginning. At the Grape Encounters Empourium, we’ve reimagine wine tasting. At the Empourium, you can experience remarkable blends made from single-varietal wines produced around the world and meticulously blended before your eyes. It’s wine tasting on steroids! Grape Encounters EM-POUR-IUM is a wine accessory and gift store, a natural venue extending our nationally syndicated Grape Encounters Radio show, hosted by David Wilson. LABOR Law Previously Worked Overtime Can’t Be Counted as Makeup Time Can an employee use makeup time if he or she misses a day of work and submits a written request to use overtime previously worked in that workweek to pay for the missed day? No! Section 513 was added to the California Labor Code in 1999. That code section provides: “If an employer approves a written request of an employee to make up work time that is or would be lost as a result of a personal obligation of the employee, the hours of that makeup work time, if performed in the same workweek in which the work time was lost, may not be counted towards computing the total number of hours worked in a day for purposes of the overtime requirements….” 4 Our Board Members represent a broad cross-section of the business and professional leadership of the community. Each Director is very important to the Board, so an understanding is in order about each Board Members responsibility upon election. The Board of Directors is the policy making body of Atascadero Chamber of Commerce and as such we are the major work force of Atascadero Chamber of Commerce. • Enter into full discussion and participation in policy decisions affecting the Chamber and business community. Maintain the confidentiality of all Board meetings. Accept the responsibility of any assignments, payment of board fees, and payment membership dues during my term. Offer suggestions which may improve chamber programs and internal operations. Avail myself for greater responsibilities in the program and structure of the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce. Approximate costs - $210.00 up to $550 for membership dues, $150.00 Annual Dinner, $100 Tuesday in the Park BBQ Tickets I will become familiar with Atascadero Chamber of Commerce policies, procedures and positions so that I can become an informed representative of the Chamber Board, and support the organization, its programs As a Board Member I agree to do the following: and policies and do all that I can to develop and • Attend all possible regular Board Meeting the maintain high standards set by previous Board of 2nd Thursday of the month as scheduled and Directors. special meetings as they may be required. The Atascadero Chamber would like to encourage • Attend the Annual Planning Retreat you to become a volunteer as a Board of Director November 2015. • Attend all possible Chamber monthly mixers. or a Committee Member. • Support special events. Request in Writing The section requires that an employee shall provide a signed written request for each occasion that the employee asks to make up work pursuant to this section. Finally, it should be noted that an employer is prohibited from encouraging or otherwise soliciting an employee to request makeup time. Although an employer is not obligated to grant the written request, the granted written request precludes the employer from overtime liability for up to 11 hours in a day and 40 hours in the workweek. Ask in Advance Even though the statute does not specifically require the request in advance, that appears to be the clear intention of the law. Indeed, the Labor Commissioner’s Enforcement Policy and Interpretations Manual specifies that the written request by the employee is to make up time that “would be” lost by the employee due to a personal obligation. The Labor Law Helpline is a service to California Chamber of Commerce preferred and executive members. For expert explanations of labor laws and Cal/OSHA regulations, not legal counsel for specific situations, call (800) 348-2262 or submit your question at The Business Reporter! SEPTEMBER 2015 WOMEN IN BUSINESS September Luncheon “Keeping up with the Changes” Guest Speaker Leo Cravens August “Need versus Want.” How social should I be? Google, Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook J Looking for some great information on What, Why, How and When? Join us at the Atascadero Chamber Women in Business Luncheon on Friday, September 11, 2015 at The Galaxy Theatre. Wrap-Up Janice Felde, Chair of Atascadero Women in Business welcomed WIB Attendees to the beautiful Portola Inn where we were excited to award our 2015 Scholarship Recipients. Janice read with enthusiasm and passion our Women in Business Mission. Trying to Figure Out Just How ‘Social’ You & Your Business Should Be?! MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Friday, September 11, 2015 11:30a-1:00p Galaxy Theatres, 6917 El Camino Real, Atascadero Women in Business is a Women’s Network dedicated to helping women achieve, Interested in Attending Women in Business? succeed and prosper by connecting and pro$20 for Members, $25 for Non-Members moting women and their business. Reservations, Payment or Cancellations, required by noon, Tuesday, September 8, 2015. Sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, Please call Joyce at 466-2044 to make your resWomen in Business provides resources and serervations or visit: www.atascaderochamber. vices to empower its members to achieve career org. success and financial security. Register Today: hosted by: ATASCADERO Laurus College’s Leo Craven, VP of Strategic Planning. Leo has been managing teams, coordinating marketing campaigns & overseeing business development for the last 15 years in the higher education, health & fitness and non-profit industries! Register Online at: or call: 805-466-2044 The committee provides scholarships to all women affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce planning to continue their education related to current or future employment or transitioning into a new career. 2015 Scholarship Winners The Atascadero Women in Business is proud to present our 2015 Scholarship Awards to 2015 three remarkable women. Joanne Peters – Public Speaking – Dale Carnegie Training Samantha Schmidt – Kinesiology at CSU Monterey Bay Tricia Williams – Nutritional Psychology at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating Each of our 2015 Scholarship participants were presented with a certificate, check and a bouquet of flowers congratulating them and wishing the best in their future endeavors. We are extremely proud of Joanne, Samantha and Tricia for being the dynamic women they are and continuing to prosper in their chosen professions. Scholarship Winner Tricia Williams, Janice Felde, Chair of Women in Business and owner of Atascadero Children’s Center, Scholarship Winner Joanne Peters and Scholarship Winner Samantha Schmidt Francine Castanon, District Liaison and Veterans Coordinator, State Board of Equalization and 2015 Scholarship Winners Joanne Peters, Tricia Williams and Samantha Schmidt Mayor Tom O’Malley, Janice Felde, Chair of Women in Business and owner of Janice Felde, Chair of Women in Business and owner of Atascadero Atascadero Children’s Center, Peggy O’Malley, Tom & Peggy O’Malley owner Children’s Center with Business Spotlight, Terrie Banish, Deputy City of The Portola Inn were the hosts for our WIB Scholarship Meeting Manager, City of Atascadero Francine Castanon, District Liaison and Veterans Coordinator for the State Board of Equalization attended our luncheon and presented the 2015 Scholarship Winners with a Certificate. Enjoy the inspirational testimonials from past Scholarship Winners! Just read these beautiful testimonials below: It’s has been seven years since I received great and encouraging words from you and others at the Women in Business luncheon. We were in the Carlton at the time and I hesitated about attending as the previous day I had lost my job. As we went around the room introducing ourselves I was not sure what I was going to say. More than what I said was what I heard. Supportive, hopeful and good suggestions about what to do next. As a result I found my way to Laurus College & studied medical billing. I also received a scholarship from Women in Business that helped me buy textbooks. I did not know it at the time but Kelly Sanders who was on the scholarship committee would become my boss at San Luis Sports Therapy. WIB is such a great networking opportunity. Many thanks for helping me find success. ls Scho of usines r B e n y i an a en a Wom o my freshm r I am now d e v i e t te r I rec 2, prio our years la nd am on in 201 F a arship t UC Davis. r of college iving the a a e ce e y e g r R e 16. coll enio lot to g my s te in June 20 ip meant a dies n i r e t en tu rsh ua schola n my s I was o grad track t in Business ocus more o w o h f on n Wome owed me to ent and less the generte all m a e i t I c lv . e e o r m tion in s inv I app u . p e g ganiza end m e r a ll o o s c s r e and c o n f i I comm in Bus to pay going the Women larship, and ard so many f ho to aw osity o g me that sc s able n each year. i p n u i o d r tant awar his g wome impor t that t rving the fac hips to dese wed me how ed me to o rs ag schola enerosity sh hat encour t I have in a g w r s i u s o d Y an ion th ack is, he organizat b g n i v t gi in olved get inv e. imonia2l012 Colleg avis Test Dustie Schola Kaczmarek rship R ecipien t 2010 ent -Ellen ship Recipi r Schola -Mary Rush Testimonial Scholarship Recipient 2008 Greetings from Catoosa County, n in I have be almost en with the W sin I scholar ce the begin B group ning, a ship pr nd the ogram parts a is o bo ion. Ev ut what we d ne of the bes o er t that is y month we c in my opindistrib o ll e c t uted an money scholar nua sh women ips, thus emp lly through o b educat y helping the wering ion and m furt her to in their chosen be more succ their essful profess ions. D Wome Georgia! The Atascadero in offering us ero gen so e wer ess sin Bu isted me ass t tha ip me the scholarsh cation at edu my of ng nci with the fina than re Cal Poly University. But mo ance ort imp the that, they taught me com and n me wo g pin of women hel t tha ry car munity support. I hope to eer car my r tradition on as I furthe ladies and bring a bit of what you I go. ce pla ry eve me ght have tau -Courtney Sturtevant Scholarship Recipient 2008 n In ome when I anW e h Fr 10 t of t San n 20 ipien p back i oved to helpful c e r m hi as sa I wa scholars ool and rship w tudying a h s l c s o s e m h n h a s y. Busi ated hig e. This sc my dre niversit e e U u g u grad for colle to purs co State t resourc t s e n i a o e c c h l m el g an cis nt ablin at San Fr is an exc anizatio reach n e n s i d y rg sines ls an olog ng o 14 Soci en in Bu poweri eate goa all of 20 ly f r m nt c e m e e o o h r n t t r W ll as a cu in en e m m g ia l e o a e l as w rages w ted col e and I m in Soc d e a u a ce enco I gradu ogy degr r’s Progr influen at. l y r e l o t them y Soci eir Mas ss great ng but g l m i e u h h n t h i t r t s r de f wi fo Bu l no ying men in e. I fee this won l p p g a o ward colle k. W Wor ccess in ration to i u my s and insp itude ization. 10 n nt 20 e i orga p i c As the moth er of four D aughters an a business w d oman I am grateful to Atascadero the WIB Schola rship progr in so many am way Courtney gr s. aduated fro m Cal Poly with a Mas ter’s degree, Becca is grad uating this Dec Pomona wit ember from Cal Poly h a degree in H Taylor, will be graduatin ospitality, g from Cal Poly in Jun e with a deg ree in Busin Our family ess. is grateful fo r the financi assistance o al ffered by W IB. But even more, I am grateful for the example of commun ity encoura gement and support sho wn to our gi rls! - Ka s hillip P e l l che ship Re -Mi lar Scho men in ur Wo vided her o d e d o a atten ciand pr Katrin Luncheon d her appre s e s hip w e s Busin ial and sho the scholar n o d a n m n a i i IB test Katr o the W 2014. n ation t received in er educatio h e e that sh to continue quired by th e le r r b y la a p o era sch was sage Th nia with the as very s a M in w or atrina f Calif State o received. K luded in the c e o ship sh tive being in s very nice t a ia c w e r it p g p a tin on sta lunche yone. er s ee e v na Pobst 14 ent 20 -Katri ship Recipi r Schola ryn Sturtevant Mother of 3 Scholarship Recipients (2008, 2009 & 2013) 5 @AtownChamber /atascaderochamberofcommerce Building a Strong Business Community The following members renewed their commitment to the Chamber and local business community during the period of July 20, 2015 thru August 18, 2015. Business Name Member Since Cuesta Community College..........................1989 Community Action Partnership of SLO County ...........................................................................2011 Crossroads.......................................................2012 Olivas de Oro Olive Company......................2012 SLO County Farm Bureau.............................1999 Atascadero Pet Hospital & Emergency Center ...........................................................................2003 The Carlton Hotel...........................................2001 John Whitford Communications.................2011 AAUW..............................................................2014 The Groves on 41............................................2013 Los Padres Council Boy Scouts of America ...........................................................................2001 American General Media..............................1992 Rocky Canyon Kennels..................................2013 The Salvation Army........................................2014 Energies Rising Rand Gholson PO Box 1017 Atascadero CA 93423 Phone: (805)709-4263 Email: Fond Farewells Louise Hough 139 Whiteley Street Arroyo Grande CA 93420 Phone: (877)600-3303 Email: Web: Freestyle Event Services, Inc. Mark Perry T Sign-up online at: or call Karen at: 805-466-2044! Steven Herring All About Events 1228 11th St, Suite 102 Paso Robles, CA (805) 239-7777 What are some features that make your business unique? For additional information please contact Gail Cayetano at: 6 955 El Camino Real, Suite 1-A Atascadero CA 93422 Phone: (805)464-4500 Email: Web: he mission of Atascadero Chamber of Commerce is to “Promote Business” and enhance the economic and civic welfare of Atascadero. Allow us to support and promote your business! Join the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce today and become a member of a winning team! All About Events provides high quality event rentals, ranging from fine linen, chairs, tables, glassware, catering equipment to large size tents. C Mattress Land Sleep Fit Lonnie Winter JOIN TODAY! In a nutshell, what does your business provide its customers and how would you describe your business to a potential client? hamber members will receive a 15% discount on any SAVOR activities. Simply visit their website at: and enter the special Atascadero Chamber code: ATASCADERO to receive your SAVOR ticket Chamber discount! 228 West Carrillo Street, Suite A Santa Barbara CA 93101 Phone: (805)782-9000 Email: Web: 3474 Empresa Drive, Suite 110 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Phone: (805)613-7339 Email: Web: 110% Club Charles Chalekson, MD..................................2012 Glenn’s Repair & Rental, Inc...........................1997 Scott O’Brien Fire & Safety Co.......................2004 Farm Credit West.............................................2013 The Chemlogics Group, LLC..........................2015 Rancho Tee Motel.............................................1993 Friends of the Atascadero Library..................2003 Professional Inspection Services....................2012 Atascadero Children’s Center..........................2000 A & W Restaurant............................................1991 Phone & Wireless: Verizon Wireless, Panasonic...........................................................2011 Swish & Swirl....................................................2014 Janet Kershaw-McLennan, M.D.....................1993 Netsmith............................................................2002 Recognition Works..........................................2000 Central Coast Specialty Care Templeton .....2012 Hertz Car Rental..............................................2014 Operation COY - Coaching Our Youth........2014 Brack L. Linscott, D.D.S..................................1986 Ravatt Albrecht & Associates, Inc..................2008 Filipponi & Thompson Drilling, Inc. ...........1982 California Meridian Insurance Services, Inc. ............................................................................1987 Grape Encounters EM-POUR-IUM .............2014 Atascadero Bible Church.................................1982 Lee & Associates Marty Indvik Our custom-built furniture which is called our “Farm House Collection” we build, sand and stain all of this furniture right here in Atascadero. All About Events is setting the new standard for high quality event rentals on the central coast. What’s the most important thing you want readers to know about All About Events? All About Events is truly locally owned and operated and was started in 2007 because we saw a need for a rental company whose mission is to supply quality equipment and customer service. Jill Sturtevant The Atascadero Chamber has once again scored another great temporary addition to our Atascadero Chamber team. We are very excited to have our newest intern Jill working with us. Jill has been assisting the Chamber with various duties including calling all Chamber members about their listing in the new 2016 Directory. Jill is also helping us with computer work, telephones, etc. Jill Sturtevant is the youngest daughter of Karyn and Brian Sturtevant. Jill is a Senior at Atascadero High School and enrolled in four AP classes and she is a member of the Show Choir, Key Club, and National Honor Society. Jill plans on majoring in Neuroscience and hopes to attend Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio. The Business Reporter! SEPTEMBER 2015 Voice of Business News From The City Rachelle Rickard By City Manager Atascadero High School: Get Out Your Calendar for an Action-Packed Event Season! by City Manager Rachelle Rickard I t is hard to believe that summer has gone and we are already talking about September! With the ever-popular Hot El Camino Cruise Night behind us now and the summer calendar winding down, there is quite a bit ahead as the fall calendar ramps up in Atascadero! Our fall season of activities starts on Labor Day Weekend - be sure to come out to the Charles Paddock Zoo to celebrate the Zoo’s 60th Birthday! Saturday September 5th starts off with cake & ice cream and continues throughout the afternoon with fun-filled action as the animals open their birthday presents. There will be something for everyone to enjoy! The following weekend, Main Street’s Art & Wine Tour takes place downtown, on Friday, September 11th. These events give you two great reasons to get out and enjoy Atascadero’s beautiful weather, see the new babies at the Zoo and stroll around our beautiful downtown area. There will be just enough time to take a breath before the holiday season begins. The City’s annual Holiday Boutique will be held at the Pavilion on the Lake on November 14th. This is the spot to begin your holiday shopping, with numerous local vendors setting up shop with their very best products on display. The annual holiday tree-lighting event takes place in the Sunken Gardens on Friday, December 4th and a week later it’s that big snow day, Winter Wonderland, in the downtown on Friday, December 11th from 5-9 pm. And one more event to make sure to have on your list is Zoo Holiday Magic at the Charles Paddock Zoo on Saturday, December 19th! Whew! I’d suggest everyone open up their calendars and block out these dates now so that there’s no chance of missing out on any of these exciting and unique fall and holiday festivities. It’s a busy time in Atascadero and this season is going to zip by. Before you know it, we’ll need to get ready for a whole new year of The month of October brings our annual Colony events and fun in 2016! Days event on October 17th starting at 10 am with the parade and carrying throughout the day with For comments or questions, please contact me Tent City, great food, entertainment, the Atascadero at Atascadero City Hall at 470-3400 or visit www. Colony Band Competition and Wiener Dog Races! And it doesn’t stop there! This year there is a new and exciting event from 6 – 10pm, Tent City After Dark, featuring music, dancing, craft breweries and more. October of course brings Halloween. The animals at the Charles Paddock Zoo, with the assistance of their zookeepers, will once again host the very popular “Zoo Boo” event on October 24th. Then on October 31st, the downtown merchants will offer safe and free trick-or-treating throughout the downtown area, complete with a bounce house, music and a haunted house from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. From The Office of Supervisor Debbie Arnold 5th District Supervisor The New Terminal Building at San Luis Obispo Airport I am happy to report that the Board of Supervisors has come to a unanimous decision to move forward with the construction of a new terminal building at the San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport. The need for a new terminal was identified in the 1998 Master Plan: • to bring the terminal and aircraft parking apron into compliance with Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) commercial safety and design standards; • modifying the size of the terminal and aircraft parking apron for current and projected future demands; • promote tourism; and • to stimulate the local economy. Several business and community leaders expressed their support of the project, including an endorsement by the Economic Vitality Corporation, a nonprofit economic development organization, and Visit San Luis Obispo County, a nonprofit that promotes tourism for the county. After putting the project on hold in 2008 due to the recession, one significant reason the BOS chose to move forward with this project at this time is in part due to the recent $15.6 million grant award from the FAA’s capital improvement plan for the 2015/2016 Federal Fiscal Year. Approximately 90% of funding for the new terminal will come from various sources including FAA Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Grant, Passenger Facility Charges (PFC’s), and Customer Facility Charges (CFC’s). It is also anticipated that the FAA will provide an additional grant in 2016 for approximately $8.5 million toward this project. The project will take approximately 18 months to complete. Please visit for updates on the project. Activity on The Hill T he school year has started with lots of activity on the hill. The counselors are busy completing the registration process systematically and methodically. I have been impressed with amount of consideration and time that goes into each student’s schedule. More than 1,300 schedules will be printed and distributed this week. This would not have been possible without the help of our amazing secretarial staff. The teachers who moved out of the A- building are busily moving back into their classrooms which have made the transition to the 21st century. The rooms have now been modernized with new technology, as well as having been freshly painted and carpeted. Our custodians have been busy putting the final touches on all the classrooms in preparation for students. This summer the Mid-state Fair was a great success for our AHS students. They manufactured and sold many outstanding industrial arts projects, many of which took first place. We had championship animals and first place winners in showmanship. Atascadero High School was once again well represented. The Leadership students and the Peer class have both had their summer retreats, in which they prepared and planned for the upcoming year. I was able to share dinner with them, and I am impressed with their courage and love for their school and one another. Marching Band camp and Color Guard are all over campus practicing and preparing for their upcoming season. Girl’s golf, volleyball, girl’s tennis, cross country, football and boy’s water polo are fully immersed in their pre-seasons. This year we have eight new teachers, two new counselors, a new day custodian, a new assistant principal, and a new principal at the high school. Along with the returning teachers and staff, we are looking forward to supporting our students as they work to meet the challenges before them. We begin the 2015-16 school year with much enthusiasm and anticipation. Go Hounds! - Bill Neely Atascadero High School Principal It’s an honor to represent the 5th District. Debbie Arnold 7 The Business Reporter! SEPTEMBER 2015 @AtownChamber /atascaderochamberofcommerce EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT... here! 2015 Atascadero’s Tuesdays In The Park & Community BBQ! Celebrating 20 years the “Tuesday in the Park” BBQ’s were a huge success serving over 5,479 dinners benefiting 16 local non-profits. It’s a long day for the Elks as they start their day early meeting at the lodge and preparing the chicken and beef. Once they get set up at the park, they keep a close eye on the food they will be serving to make sure it is just right. And it always is! The Atascadero Chamber of Commerce plays host for 11 weeks each summer, helping the fundraising efforts of local non-profits. Each BBQ was successfully ran with the help of Vicki Lee, her flair for fun and organization helped to make each group reach their full fundraising potential while enjoying our community. Entertainment during the meals was provided by DJ Jerry Craig. Thanks Jerry This year’s Elk’s Chairman was Rolfe Nelson he worked extra hard to ensure everything went well each week and was spot on. Thanks Rolfe! In addition to a fantastic meal and great entertainment, there is the wonderful music of the Community Band that so many enjoyed when the dining was over. THANK YOU to the generous community of Atascadero and those of you who have supported this summer’s BBQs. Because of you, all of these charities will be able to do more in our community: ACCESS PUBLISHING IS CHANGING THEIR NAME of its popular online newspaper Atascadero MARK YOUR CALENDARS! 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY 1 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Small Business Consult 9am-12pm 2 FRIDAY 3 4 SATURDAY 5 ~Ambassador Mtg.- 12noon 6 13 20 7 LABOR DAY! (Closed) 14 WIB Comm. Mtg- 12:00p NCYP Mtg. 1:30pm 8 Exec. Comm. Mtg. 8:30am 9 Ireland Trip Mtg. @ 5:30pm 15 Small Business Consult 9am-12pm 21 22 16 10 11 12 18 19 25 26 WIB Luncheon 11:30a-1p Board of Directors Mtg. 12noon 17 Peace, Love & Expo 5p-7p 23 24 Sunset SAVOR The Central Coast 27 28 29 See you next summer at our Tuesday’s in the Park! and training resource for those aspiring to start small businesses, as well as for existing small businesses. SpeGrant will help support small business entrepreneurs cial focus is directed to underserved low and moderate in San Luis Obispo County San Luis Obispo, CA – income markets including minorities, disabled persons, Mission Community Services Corporation (MCSC) has veterans and women. Although operated as the Women’s received a $6,500 grant from the Community Founda- Business Center, approximately one-third of MCSC’s clition San Luis Obispo County (CFSLOCO). MCSC will ents are men. MCSC was established in 1998 and is in its use the grant money for Small Business and Financial 9th continuous year of qualifying for the SBA Women’s Literacy Training and business consulting. Business Center grant for this region. For more information on Mission Community Ser“We are grateful to the Community Foundation for vices Corp. and the Women’s Business Center, contact their leadership and support in helping improve the Chuck Jehle at 805-595-1357, 71 Zaca Lane #130, San lives of entrepreneurs in our area.” MCSC’s Program Luis Obispo, CA 93401, and visit their website at www. Director, Chuck Jehle, said. “This grant will go a long way towards helping us better serve small local busiMonthly Consulting Services are held at the Atascadero nesses through our consulting services and training Chamber of Commerce (First & Third Tuesday) programs.” Mission Community Services Corporation Women’s Business Center is a full-service, technical assistance SEPTEMBER SUNDAY • • • • • • • • • • • Atascadero Veteran’s Memorial Friends of the Library ECHO PEO Community Church of Atascadero Quota Atascadero Elks Lodge Atascadero Christian Community Kiwanis Club of Atascadero Rotary Club of Atascadero Boy Scouts of America Atascadero Chamber of Commerce RISE North County Christian School St Luke’s Episcopal Church CAPSLO Adult Day Center MISSION COMMUNITY SERVICES CORP. RECIEVES GRANT FROM THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF SLO COUNTY Daily News to A-Town Daily News. “A-Town is an endearing local nickname for Atascadero that residents have been using for decades,” says Scott Brennan, owner of Access Publishing with his wife, Beth Brennan. “It’s also a great fit with our website address I’m excited to move forward and provide the people of Atascadero news the way they want it: timely, online, on Facebook, and for free.” Access Publishing is an advertising and marketing company for local businesses. It offers online marketing, Internet advertising, website design, and graphic design. It creates magazines, guides and directories in San Luis Obispo County, including the Paso Robles Daily News, Atascadero Daily News, San Luis Obispo County Visitors Guide, North County Access, Cambria Phone Book, Heritage Ranch Directory and Oak Shores Directory. • • • • 30 Other Special Dates: Planning Comm Mtg7pm Sept 01 Sept 15 City Council Mtg- 6pm Sept 08 Sept 22 SEPTEMBER: Meeting & Event Dates! 01 Tue 01 Tue 07 Mon 08 Tue 08 Tue 10 Thu 11 Fri 14 Mon 14 Mon 15 Tue 17 Thu 24,25,26 Ambassadors Committee Meeting Small Business Consulting OFFICE CLOSED (Labor Day) Executive Committee Meeting Ireland Trip Orientation 5:30pm Board of Directors Meeting Women In Business Lunch WIB Committee Meeting NCYP Committee Mtg. Small Business Consulting Business Expo Sunset SAVOR The Central Coast City Council: 6pm September 08 September 22 Planning Commission: 7pm September 01 September 15 For Event Details Visit the Atascadero Chamber website: Connect with Us! @AtownChamber WWW /atascaderochamberofcommerce Premium Quality!
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