NEWSLETTER - Friends of the Atascadero Library


NEWSLETTER - Friends of the Atascadero Library
Friends of the Atascadero-Martin Polin
June/July 2010
The annual membership meeting was held May 13 and
officers were elected for the 2010 – 2011 year:
Grenda Ernst, President; Eileen O’Grady, VicePresident; Susie Blackwell, Recording Secretary;
Darlene Brainard, Treasurer. The position for the
Corresponding Secretary is vacant and if you have a
talent for writing, we have thank you notes waiting to
be composed and would like to talk to you about this
Since Supervisor Jim Patterson had a prior
commitment and was unable to attend the membership
meeting, his legislative assistant, Amy Gilman,
discussed the county’s efforts to clear the title on the
library property. As many of you know, the county
made a request to the city to sign a quit claim deed on
the property, since the original gift was made by
Martin Polin to the city of Atascadero, which then
gave the property to the county. At the April 13, 2010
City Council meeting, the city council voted
unanimously to authorize the City Manager to execute
the quit claim deed. The county is continuing its
dialogue with Martin Polin’s heirs and with Stanford
University and we hope to have a conclusion to these
discussions soon.
The two substantial fund-raisers that occurred this
month, the plant sale and the donation from the High
School Interact Club, (a club associated with the
Atascadero Rotary Club), were fund-raisers that came
to us, so to speak, from the community, and we want
to express our deepest thanks in appreciation. The
plants for the plant sale were an anonymous donation
by an Atascaderan who likes the library and who
believes that the community has a responsibility to
support non-profit organizations. The Interact Club
chose the library capital campaign as its project earlier
in the school year and the students have raised the
money that they donated to the campaign. In addition
to the donation, they spent a Saturday morning
weeding the library walk ways, an especially welcome
activity in this rainy, weed-filled year.
The meeting time of the Friends of the Library board
has been changed to the first Wednesday of the month,
at 5 PM at the Library.
Grenda Ernst, President
Members of the AHS Interact Club present a check for
$ 900 to Grenda Ernst (on left) and Eileen O’Grady.
Fundraising Campaign News
We reached a milestone this spring--$100,000 has
been raised since the Read-Seek-Grow campaign was
announced a year ago. We still have a long way to go,
but we appreciate the many people who have invested
in our effort to expand the library.
Check this out: there is now a framed poster in the
library that recognizes individuals and groups who
have donated at the Founder’s level and above. It is
located across from the checkout desk, on top of the
shelf with the express books. We are happy to update
the poster with additional names—so please encourage
any local organization you participate in to say “yes”
to our campaign.
Thanks to the donations of a retired local nurseryman,
who wishes to be anonymous, the plant sale raised
over $1300 for the expansion campaign in May. A
team of workers helped sell the plants, including
Grenda Ernst, Georgie Arnold, Kathy McCarey,
Lorene Cabrera, Rose Marie Zurkan, Murfee Von
Bargen, Betty Wood, Nancy Casey, Mary Shaw,
Nancy Green, Sue Sly, and Martha Pedersen.
Also in May, the Atascadero High School Interact
Club donated $900 to the expansion campaign. This
dynamic group, sponsored by Atascadero Rotary, used
a variety of fundraisers to help the library. We salute
the students, their Rotary sponsor, Chris Molina, and
their AHS faculty sponsor, Mary Corey.
Upcoming benefit events:
Tuesday, August 24: Tuesday Evenings at the Lake
Barbecue—tickets are now available at the circulation
desk (Adults: $12; Seniors: $10; Children 11 and
under: $6).
Thursday, September 23: Brickyard Theatre
performance of “Quilters.” Tickets are $35 each and
include wine and finger foods. This event, featuring
the talents of local director Anet Carlin, always sells
out. You can reserve a ticket by calling Leigh Livick at
466-7935; after July 1, tickets will be available at the
circulation desk. In conjunction with the play, a local
quilting group has donated a quilt that will be raffled
off. The quilt will be on display at the library this
Eileen O’Grady, Vice President
New Members
We welcome the following new members:
Julie West
Diane Curtis
SLO Co Artist Trading Cards
Direct from Deborah
Some customers have “expressed” confusion about our
“Express Book Program”.
Thanks to the Friends of the Library, we have a great
way of getting the most popular items out to our own
Atascadero patrons in a quick way.
The Friends have put funds from the book sale
proceeds on deposit with Union Bank. Every week I
use a debit card to order a few books from and they are shipped directly here. Our
staff does rudimentary cataloging and processing and
puts them on the Express shelf at the end of the “new
fiction”. They have green stickers on them reminding
everyone that they only get checked out for 7 days and
we remind everyone at the checkout desk to read these
first. These books are not "holdable" which means that
they don't go into the hopper with other copies of that
title, so they don't go all over the 3 counties to fill
holds by just anybody. They can only be checked out
by Atascadero customers, even if they are returned to
the book drop in Morro Bay. Also they may not be
renewed. So there is a good chance that the new Jack
Reacher thriller, 61 Hours by Lee Child, might
actually be on the Express just waiting to be checked
out by you! I bought 2 copies of it. Still it's a good
idea to put you on the regular waiting list, just in case.
The number of Express books varies at any given time.
We check them out about 400 times per month, more
than any other SLO library that offers an Express
program. Several of the other libraries rent these same
books for $2.00 per week, as a fundraiser, but our
generous Friends make them available to our
customers for free! After they are no longer in high
demand (no holds on the regular copies) they are fully
processed, the green stickers removed, and they go
into the regular collection. These then become "
holdable" by anyone with a Black Gold Library card.
I choose the books based on several criteria. If they
are on the "Top 50 Holds" list, which is on the far left
side of the online catalog page, it's automatic. If it has
a huge number of holds, such as The Help by Kathryn
Stockett, I order multiple copies. They must be books
that have already been selected for the regular
collection by the adult book selection committee, so
we know they are of good quality with lasting value. I
check People magazine, USA Today, as well as New
York Times Best Seller lists, so we have something for
everybody. Occasionally I'll get a children's or teen
book, especially if it has a movie based on it, such as
the Twilight series or Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It's so
nice to be able to hand it to a youngster right then,
instead of saying, "I'll be glad to put you on the
waiting list." I don't mind providing a little instant
gratification when it comes to a book!
Some of our newest acquisitions are:
Spoken From the Heart by Laura Bush
Caught by Harlan Coban
Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
Cutting for Stone by AbrahamVerghese
Game Change--Obama and the Clintons,
McCain and Palin,
Three Weissmanns of Westport by Cathleen Schine
The Race of a Lifetime by Jonathan Heilemand &
Mark Halperin
Enjoy an Express book today!
Deborah Schlanser, Branch Librarian
Reference Notes
by Brian Coburn
Adult Reading Programs
Our Winter Reading Program was very successful.
There were some 50 people who participated in the
program and 33 who finished with a small pizza
celebration for the finishers.
This resulted in the
planning of a Wednesday evening library book
discussion group being formed coordinated by our
own Colette Bates and facilitated by Chuck Youmans,
our recently retired Bookmobile Driver. The first
meeting is Wednesday, June 2nd, 6:30 P M in the
Library’s Community Room. Call 461-6162 for more
In addition, this summer the San Luis Obispo County
Library is introducing the First Annual Adult Summer
Reading Program. The theme of this Reading Program
is “Water Your Mind @ the Library – Read.” Library
patrons aged eighteen and older who sign up for the
program will be asked to read 10 items in suggested
categories between June 19th and August 21st. Like the
Winter Reading Program, prizes and surprises will be
awarded to those who successfully complete the
program. In addition to the Atascadero Library, other
participating branch libraries include Arroyo Grande,
Creston, Los Osos, Morro Bay, Nipomo, San Luis
Obispo, and Santa Margarita. Call the Information
Desk at 461-6162 for more information.
Tattoo Removal Program at the Library
On June 30 from 6:30-7:30 PM in the library’s
community room, the library is hosting an adult
program for people who wish to remove tattoos, the
speaker Janet Allenspach, coordinator of The Tattoo
Removal Program will talk about this no cost tattoo
removal program. In addition, Ms Allenspach will also
discuss some of the social and health issues attached to
tattoos. Space is limited. For more information, please
call Brian at 461-6162.
New Reference Titles
A sampling of the recent reference and nonfiction
adult titles we acquired for the library, with funds
provided by the local Marcled Foundation, include:
(NF 745.40904) 20th Century Design: the Definitive
Illustrated Sourcebook
(REF 973.73022)
Atlas of the Civil War: A
Comprehensive Guide to the Tactics and Terrain of
(REF 614. 4003) Encyclopedia
Pandemics, and Plagues, 2 vols.
of Pestilence,
(NF 778.35) Far Out: A Space Time Chronicle
(Ref 611.0076) The Handy Anatomy Answer Book
(REF 636.10021) The Official Horse Breeds Standards
(NF 622.938) Oil and Gas Production in Nontechnical
(NF 782.10922) Opera: the Great Composers and
Their Masterworks
(Ref 909.09767) Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic
World, 5 vols.
(NF 16.92) Real Lives Revealed: a Guide to Reading
Interests in Biography
Something for all interests, peruse them the next time
you’re in YOUR library!
Support for the Library
We have received the following letter from the White
Heron Sangha we would like to share with our
We would like to thank the White Heron Sangha for
their support and generous donations.
Dear Friends of the Library,
Our North County Branch of the White Heron Sangha,
a Buddhist meditation group, meets every Sunday at
the Atascadero Community Room. This free meeting
room has made it possible for our group to expand its
membership and have a comfortable, quiet place to
meet, with the requisite bathroom and parking. We are
all truly appreciative of this venue.
Each month, our group chooses a group whose
activities are consistent with Buddhist principles to
receive our dana, or freely given contributions.
Because of the great service the library has provided
us (and the entire Atascadero community for that
matter), we set aside two months, July and August,
to collect dana for the Friends of the Library so we
could be part of the ambitious fund-raising your
group is undertaking to expand the Atascadero
Library. Enclosed is our donation for the fundraising
campaign – although the check is mine, the
contribution came from the entire group.
Tina Salter
Member North County White Heron Sangha
Children’s Department
The National Library Week events were a big hit in
April. During a preschool storytime, several celebrity
readers shared their childhood favorites with an
audience of 65 children and adults. It was a treat
having Roberta Fonzi, Atascadero Mayor; Jim Lewis,
Assistant City Manager; Steve Martin, Atascadero
Main Street Executive Director and Heather Young,
Atascadero News Editor. During this week, we also
had the Sidewalk Chalk Drawing in front of the
Participants designed their favorite
bookcover, characters, etc. Teen volunteers Kathrine,
Danyele and Rebecca did a great job of running this
event. A special thank you to FOL board member
Georgie Arnold for working with me and organizing
most of this week’s activities for kids. On May 12th,
the AHS Robotics Team returned to do another
program and this year showed a wonderful slide
presentation and did a demonstration with their latest
robot “The Boss (not Bruce Springsteen).” They held
a “Design Your Own Robot” contest and it was
amazing to see so many creative drawings. Our
youngest designer was about 7 years old.
The 2010 Summer Reading Program begins Saturday,
June 19th and ends Saturday, August 21st. Children
and Young Adults are invited to read and keep track of
the titles read on a reading log. Upon completion,
each youngster will receive a book bag, popular
paperback book and other special rewards. The theme
for preschool (starts at age 2) –5th grade is
“Make a Splash @ Your Library,” and the Young
Adult theme for anyone entering 6th grade-high school
is “Make Waves @ Your Library.”
Playstation Rock Band
Saturday, June 19th
Time: 11:00-12:30
Ages 10-18
Atascadero Martin-Polin Community Room
Space is limited.
Sign up at the Main Desk after May 28th.
Banana Slug String BandFrie
Wednesday, June 23rd
6:30-7:30 pm Ages 4+
Colony Park Community Center
5599 Traffic Way
Join the Banana Slugs as they travel upstream and
downstream with science, song and sillybration.
Thursdays - Colony Park Community Center 5599
Traffic Way 11:00 am
Recommended for ages 4+Sponsored by Atascadero
Friends of the Library and the City of Atascadero,
Department of Community Services
June 24th
Diana Carter—singer/songwriter
Integrates music, dance, storytelling and theater.
Gerald Joseph—magician
July 1st
Experience amazing sleight of hand magic, funny sight
gags, illusions and more.
July 8th
Tom Knight—singer, songwriter and
puppeteer—Puppet show includes a vibrant collection
of original songs and skits.
July 15th
Craig Newton—singer/songwriter—
A journey in story and song with a variety of musical
SONando—This trio will perform
July 22nd
traditional music and dance from various regions of
Mexico and Latin America. Sabra Weber and
Jorge Mijangos provide an engaging bilingual
educational experience filled with stories, music and
hands-on learning.
Dean Giles—professional
July 29th
drummer/studio musician—Experience the roots of
rhythm thru today’s popular music. Learn about
African rhythms, techniques to play the Djembe
drum and recreate a traditional drum circle.
Wednesdays,07/07-07/28 - 6:30-7:00 pm
Ages 3-100
Martin Polin Community Room
This summer, why not sit back and relax for 30
minutes and listen to a variety of old and new stories.
Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles are invited to
bring their youngsters to a fun-filled evening.
Each session will feature a special guest appearance.
All are welcome to come in P.J.’s and to bring a
stuffed cuddly toy or “blankee.” Story fest is
free to the public. Signups are not required. For
information call Joan at 461-6163.
Manga Drawing Workshop with artist Irene Flores
Wednesday, August 4th 6:00-8:00 pm Ages 11-19
Atascadero Martin-Polin Community Room
Space is limited.
Sign up at the Main Desk after July 10th.
Irene Flores, illustrator of the “Mark of the Succubus”
and “Shojo Fashion Manga at School,” will share ideas
on setting up and drawing comics as a sequential art--telling a story. Sketchbooks, pen/pencil and portfolios
are recommended to bring. Books will be available
for sale after the program.
We thank the following people for their generous
Undesignated: Carla Wingenbach
Expansion: Julie West, Diana Curtis, Tina & Jay Salter
(White Heron Sangha), Thomas & Elke Almeida
(White Heron Sangha), Donn, Christine & Julie
Clickard, Robert & Viginia Powers, John & Diane
Lehman, Central Coast Tastee Freez, North County
Tax (David & Janice Graham)
Statement of Income and Expense
Expansion Drive
January 2009 to March 31, 2010
$ 56,495
$ 47,865
$ 3,113
Total Revenues
$ 107,473
Fundraising expenses
Event expenses a.o.
Total Expenses
$ 7,750
$ 11,038
$ 2,539
$ 21,327
Revenues in excess
of Expenses
$ 86,146
Financial Statement - Rabo Bank Account
March 1st – April 30th
Machines, magazines
Lobby book sales
Book Sales
Undesignated donations
Children’s programs
Adult Programs
Darlene Brainard, Treasurer
Online Resources
Available in the Library and by Remote
General Reference Center Gold
Articles from magazines, newspapers,
Reference books, including national
newsmagazines and business journals.
Health and Wellness
Locate health information in periodicals and
reference sources with emphasis on professional,
academic and peer reviewed writing and research,
and clinical trials.
Online Automotive Repair Database
Heritage Quest Online
Genealogical Database
For Students and Youth
Student Edition
For students in High School
Junior Edition
For students in Junior High and Middle School
Kids Info Bits
For students in Kindergarten through Grade 5
Social Study Fact Cards
California, USA and world fact cards, includes
information on Native Americans, the States,
Religion, early civilization and more.
Tumble Book Library
An exceptional collection of educational programs
emphasizing reading and spelling.
The Kiosk
We have not only books and magazines for sale in our
lobby kiosk, but also CDs, DVDs and some video
The kiosk is open whenever the library is. All you
have to do is select the items you want and pay for it at
the circulation desk right around the corner.
Friday. June 11, 2010
From 6 to 8 PM
For Members only
Saturday, June 12, 2010
From 9 AM to 2 PM
At the Book House
6907 Atascadero Avenue
(behind the Library)
Great Selection of Novels – Romance
Mystery, Science Fiction, Biographies
And Adventures
Friends of the Atascadero Library
P.O.Box 561, Atascadero CA 93423
Vice Pres.
Grenda Ernst
Eileen O’Grady
Christina Lefevre
Susie Blackwell
Darleen Brainard Henry Ridder
Children’s Books
Video and Audio Cassettes
Books on Tape or CD
CDs and DVDs
Hundreds of Pocketbooks

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