daron norwood
daron norwood
~ ' ~~ _ _ ~ _ _u T~~ .50¢ AMERICAN Senior Citizen Center Plans Open House Car Stereo To Make Big Noise In City The loudest car stereo in the world is coming to Hale Center June 30, 2001, in conjunction with the aMuaI July 4th Celebration Mike Jones of Custom Sound Works in Lubbock, owns the worlds record for the loudeslcar stereo, pegging the needle at 175.1 decibels. To help people gauge to intense sound, the stereo is louder than a Boeing 747 taking off. A World Book article describes a 180 decibel jolt as .....,,,..,.~~~~~'71 presumed lethal. "It's nothing you would ever listen to," said Jones who' is immersed in the irony-free world of car audio competition. Jones is deadly serious about building stereos that no one will ever listen to,or which will never even play music-only the recordings of,fiat test tones used in contests: He's been constructing speakers since he was 10 years-old and spent months designing the schematics for his record selling system. He record selling system in- Open House is slated Sunday, June 24, 2-5 p.m. .tL. . . cludes IS" digital design , subwoofers and eighteen crossflfe 250 watt amplifiers with power supplied by 20 batteries, which his stereo will drain in about 20 seconds. Custom Sound Works will also be presenting "Thunder in Hate County" an official sound pressure levell1b Drag Competition National Event benefilling The American Heart Association. The audio competitions are based on racing events and have separate classes from amateurs all the way up to professionals. Microphones. are placed inside the cars to measure the sound levels. Custom Sound Works invites everyone to join them at the square in tlale Center June 30 to crank it up and see how loud your car stereo system is. Other events scheduled for the downtown are: 9:30 a.m. open- ' ing ceremonies for the car show; motorcycle show at 10:00 a.m., car stereo contest, Amarillo Ratcontinued to page 3 -O wlette ·Is Named Academic All State The Hale Center Senior Citizen& an'Open House, Sun9ay; june 24, to celebrate the renovations that have,been recently completed. The event will be held from 2-5 p.m. at the Center located 416 3rd Street. Funds for the $25,000 remodeling project came from tbe James and Eva Mayer. Foundation of Plainview and the : M,S. Doss Foundation of Seminol~, as well as private donatio~s. The remodeling included painting the inside and outside of the Center, new floor coverings, new light fixtures, landscaping and updatiitgthe ,facilities. ' The Center serveS 35-40 meals at the Center and delivers another 60 for Meals-On-Wheels. Entertainment 'slated for the Open House includes Center member Casey Short, Hale Center residents Harley Peoples and son BilLPeoples providing vocals.and Plainview entertainers Larry McNutt, and the Old Masters of Swing. Chamber Plans Celebration The Hale Center Chamber of Commerce has laid plans for the Annual July 4 Celebration. The annual event will be 'held Wednesday, July 4. An Independen,ce Day Parade is slated down Main Street, that will feature floats, 'antiqlle tractars and cars and the Hale Center Owl BantLThe parade will slated to begin at 11:00a,m. Following the ,parade. the Chamber will host 1I barbecue lunch at the fife .Slation. The Fi!l41ers Contest will get underway at 1:00 p.m. at ~ Cen· lennial Pavilion in the City Park. During the day people can enjoy game and food boOths at the City Park. Anyone interested in partici· pating in the parade or a booth at the park can contact Jeff Mayo, 839-2642. Local Woodmen Make Plans For Centennial Celebration The Woodmen of the World 1959, and in 1965 built anew organization will be celebrating building at its present location on it's centennial year,July 14. Rep- West S~venson. For many years resentatives from the slate and continued'to page 2 nlltiOnal offi~is expeCted to at- r--------~ tend the special event. , . The local organization waS chartered in 1901 aDd was domi· I\lUlt in the life of the community for many years. It was revived in Recording Star Daron Norwood To Bring Special Music Gommunity Worship Service Is Slated Amber Hickman, a star performer on the hard coun for the Owlettes, was recently named to the Texas Association of Basketball Coaches AU-State Academic Team. An all region jierformer for the Owlettes, she has ~n instrumental in ~he success of the .. Owiettes program the past two years. Asa siarter at the forwar.d position, sbe helped pace the owlettes to the Area round of playoffs last season and to the regional finals this year. A long range threat to .the Owlettes opponents, Hickman was often called on to handle the post position. The hard playing Hickman was also named to the Texas Bas· ketball Magazine AU-State Team. . To go along with her efforts on the court, Miss Hic1cnian was valedictorian of the 2001 ~du. ating class, posting a GPA of 4.419. Shewill be attending West Texas A&M University in Canyon this fall. \ J 2 Dr. Ray Freeman is working~on~thihc"ciruc~fui(inuiltii:io;m~n~~::="..!...J murals-"Faces Of War" painted on the American Legion Building. FNB WEST TEXAS HALE CENTER OFFICE Monday, June 25 BREAKFAST-Juice, 'cereal, Muffin, Milk LUNCH-Pizza. Tossed Salad, . Com , Cookies, Milk . Tuesday, June 26 BREAKFAST-Fruit, Sausage, Gravy, Biscuit, Milk LUNCH-Soft Tacos, Leuuce, TomalOes, Spanish Rice, Beans, Fruit, Milk Wednesday, June 27 BREAKFAST-Juice. French Toast, Syrup. Cereal. Milk LUNCH-Steak Fi~gers, Gravy. Carrots. Green Beans. Rolls. Cookies, Milk Thursday, June 28 BREAKFAST-Fruit. Cereal, Pop Tans. Milk LUNCH -Nachos Grande. Refried Beans, Lettuce. Tomatoes. Fruit. Pudding. Milk Friday, June 29 BREAKFAST-Juice. Cereal, Graham Crackers. Milk LUNCH-Sandwiches. Carrot Sticks. Fruit, Chips . Dessert. Milk Classmates needed for the Class of '71 30 Year Reunion . Saturday, July 7th - 7:00 p.m. 3321 - 154th Street Lubbock, Texas Very Casual. . Bring the Family. For more information and/or to RSVP contact Jana Beth (Cannon) Johnston, Lubbock at 806-863-3512 or Rick Tiffin, Slaton at 806-828-3397 • Computerized Prescription IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE NEW 2001 Top Graduate Receives Plainview Tech Scholarship DRIVE-IN BANKING HOURS Melanie Hanby, daughtcr of Ronald and Cindy .Hanby, rccen~y received a $250 scholarship from the Plainview Area Texas Tech Ex Student Association. She was one of four area studenlS 10 receive the scholarship. The Plainview Chapter was rcorganized in 1996 and continues today with one of ilS main Cocus points being scholarships and infonnalion for new students lit Texas Tech University. The Plainview Area Chapter includes the communities of Cotton Center, Hale center, Kress, MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.** **TRANSACTIONS MADE AFTER 3:00 P.M. WILL BE POSTED NEXT BUSINESS DAY FNB West Texas 701 Main Street H~le C~nter, Texas 79041 MEMBER FDIC • • • •• • • •• • • • • • • • •• •• • • • • • ~ We're Read;·Wh~~·y~~·A;;·l ~~~::'f::~:': • • •• Cotton Seed. '.• A sgrow & DeK alb : . Sorghurn Seed . I All F ·""""'"'""''''a s f., .: I Ex Student Pany by the Pool in August of each year along with annual Texas Tech Football ticket sales «> a selected game for Plainview night are the source of funds thatare cndowed each year that provide the earnings 10 grant the scholarships. Crane is pictured hoiding steel for the new water storage facility at .the City Park. . A1QnzQ's Cafe & Pit B-B.-Q NOW OPEN Hours Tuesday & Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Call ins welcome 292-5843 Open Monday - Saturday Serving Breakfast 8 to 10 a.m. 608 Main (next to the Plaza) 292-5843 r--------.....---------...-... t])o ~ou 9t./jetf tJJia6eticSupp{{es? We can have your strips or lancets to you in 12 days. If you have Medicare Part A & B, we will bill Medicare for your strips and lancets at no cost to you. BEST DISCOUNT PHARMACY Jana 'linerSneffirro, 1{,PIi. .91o{[y 'Brown 'Tunur, 'Bus. Mgr. 2816-84tb St. Lubbock 795-4353 Get more'foryour irri on lei ·us fe-nozzle your sprink~er • .=. . . . thel~!S:~:~~~ thecel- • ~:~':~s~~~:::~:~~a: • HaleCenterC.oop Supp·.ly ~ asked to send photos or anything ~~::e;:t:r~;~:;4~'Op~~!~ identify photos and return ad- • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . dresses. Full Service • Watches tf Pharmacy Jewelry And Morel eGreeting cards e Toys tf Qifts ePhoto I"\nIshing 'rown Pharmac' Bob & Tany Brown 601Ave.G * 839-2466 ~ C@en1e~ (();en/ ~ ~{/~ tIw d !yfin/3 from page I !' • Perfume tf r;/enil;vlt '~~M the Hale Center Camp included Women of Woodcraft Court, the Boys of-Woodcraft Rangers and = YOur Cosmetics WOODMEN.. _ ......... •. Service • Medical Supplies Buy your Crop Insuravce from Jo Beth Shackelford II . play Monday evening there were three teams tied with die same score. These teams were Bill McMickings. Dale Ebling and Ice Team To Conduct Hockey Classes 101 The ArnarillQ Rattlers will be autographs. hosting a Hockey 101 School for This is a good time for children all ages in Hale Center on June of all ages. Other events sched30,2001. uled for downlOwn Hale Center The school is free to all. Par- will include opening ceremonies, ticipates are to bring their roller car show, motorcycle show at blades or tennis shoes to the City 9:30 a,m., "Thunder in Hale Park on Saturday, the 30th. The County" car stereo contest, and hockey school will be from 10:00 the Amarillo RaUlers Hockey 10 I a.m. until noon. School at 10:00 a.m. The RaUlers will have players For more infonnation or entry and coaches present to help teach basic skills. They will be avail- fonn s please contact Phillip Law able 10 visit, talk.hockey and sign at 792-4710. Juile 20-26 Hillside Acres will be conducling its annual Club Championship this weekend. June 23-24. . Winning last years title was Chris Gregg. Tee off time for golfers is 1:00 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday. Sharllnl _ 1I11,~d (':1"'1 C e1 ill · l ell ,-1-1 -,,'; I "h.ll kl 1(lld -.:::J " l ~ l l::l_ B••f Briskat HambulIar DUI.Piclll SU•• ShurBn. fallltO ·lauea J1i@?~.~ - "Mad Dog" to an "Old Dog" Happy _ __ 2 2 40th Birthday! 2.'-00 -&.OOI.m. 416 West 2"d : . Hale Center Texas Refreshments and Entertainment ,Only our locatiQn .. ,has changed'- VacalionBible School will begiil aldie local First Methodist · Church on Monday, June 25. The Bible School will be held from 9 to 11: 30 a.m. Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. AU ,Hale Center youth, grades K-6, are invited 10 attend. same GREAT FOO~ we now can offer you -a private banquet or meeting room Open everyday for lunch*Tuesday & Thursday STEREO •••;......... ,ACKER tRIM Chicken · Breast. -lb. , LAWYERS 600 ASH Entry fee for the tournament is $50 plus cart fees. Belly Black will be hosting a INDOOR WEATHER meal for golfers Saturday evening . 4434b~on Ad Plainview following tournament play. L::::::::::::::::::~::::=======~ For more infonnation contact r Belly Black. 839-2188. The Hale Cenler High School Band will be marching in the 4th of July Parade in downtown Hale Center. Everyone loves a parade and the Hale Center community will enjoy the Owl Band·s partiCipation. The HCHS Band will be planning a trip this year and ('aI/87l)-471lJ to SiJ.:/l Lp Tot/m'; ( )I, !',',I I IlI" Il l! 1,111L J Chilton Heating &; Air Conditioning Sh~ckelford Agency, fonner . Fe Ie Claims Trainer with 21· years hands ori experience in the crop · . insurance business. Stevens. She was born in Abilene. She attended school in Abilene and Plainview. She graduated from South Plains College and allcnded Wayland Baptist University. She and R.C. have fourchildren and 13 grandchildren. She worked for Southwestern Bell Telephone for many years and also Pioneer Hi-Bred Internationa!. She has been retired for several years. She enjoys read. ing, the grandchildren and helping at Senior Citizens. Faye and R.C. are both members we have come to rely on. Faye is serving as vice president of the organization_ Until next week, enjoy each day and come visit with us. ~or ~a.s' ~feSnfliu. Band To March In Parade CRY-O·VAC BAG SpOt We had a marvelous week at die Center. It is a place where you gelawellbalanccdmealplusyour choice of tea. coffee, water or milk for $3 and you also get to visit with friends every day. So why don't you join us. Our visitors this week were T.C . and Vynoma Clark, and Sylvia Shackleford I'm sure you already know that we are having our open house this weekend on the 24th. This is just a rem inder for you 10 take some time Sunday afternoon 10 come andseehowwe'vefixedtheplace up. There will be entertainment and refreshments from 2-5 p.m. OuiSeniorCitizenofdleweek is Faye Stevens. wife of R.C . Club Championship To Be Decided PRICE~GOOD BONE-IN Bob Stroud; Murvin Johnson. Dick Lemond and EI Wanda Borchardt; Ion Walker, Tommie Rogers and Kenneth Gill. Afler a one-hole playoff, the team of McMickings. Ebling and Stroud won rIrst place. Monda" June 25 Ham, Rice, Chinese Vegetables, Frosted Cake, Wheal Roll Tuesday, June 26 BBQ Chicken. Lima Beans. Yellow Squash, Coleslaw. Lemon Pudding. Hot Roll Wednesday, June 7.7 Chicken A-La-King. Mashed PotalOeS. Broccoli & Cheese. Pears. Wheat Roll Thursday, June 7.8 Enchiladas. Spanish Rice. Pinto Beans. Tossed Salad. Dry lello · Salad, Crackers friday, June 7.9 Chicken Strips. White Gravy. Mashed Potatoes, Turnip Greens. Apricot Cobbler, HOI Roll Letus take care of y~u r ins,urarice needs .. MPCI & ,9rop ·Hail from page I tiers Hockey 101 school. and . other fun events_ For more infQrmation' or entry forms for "Thunder in Hale Comity" cOillactPhillip Law m4710 or you may sign up June 30 at the everits: evenings 5:00-9:00 ' «f If ., The Owls .C afe 601 Main Street la llie triyliUaa af SUch cruciql «me Ceater eveals q.s. .; the Joini~g of Epwonhand Hale CitY \0 ~orm Hale Center in 1893: " • early 20th century enticement of the AT & SF Railroad to pass through Hale Center • and the fierce resUienceHaie Centel1PJotidly demonstrated when five people died and real estate was flatteni:dby a tornado June 2, 1965 •. .Hale'cealet is pght4 ta Muad qnC; qUin uadeethe ellOnamic l,tUkabIR·(l,f ."". ' . . -. , . - .'. " :. . - " -" ' . . ' - "." ': ( ., -.' .:., 2 o \- '~'.- . bPAiR~~~~;:C:·">~· NORWOOD.:.;._..~;.: ' Are you liaving Iiouble with asthma. hay fever, dUSl or pollen? Did you forgel lO change your . heater/air conditioner filter?? Let DUB WEST FlLTER SERVICE help you. We install and replace your filrer on schedule. Many times more efficient Call 839-2056 HELP WANTED Friends Convenience Store il looking for full-time associates. Shifts are 2-10, 10-6. Apply within. We train for 5 daYl, no experience necessary. Call Harley at 83'-200210 have small engines repaired. such as lawn mowers, edgers, · weedealers, chemical transfer pump engines, etc. If no answer, leave message, call will be returned. Pick up and delivery available or they can be dropped off at Waller's Garage, 512 S. Main in Hale Center, leaving name, phone number and nature of problem. Harley Peoples 839-1001 One of Norwoods recordings, "If Il Wasn'l For Her I Wouldn't Have You" madC Billboard Magazines lOp lwenlY Most Requested and Replayed Song of the Year. Another song, "Cowboy's Don't Cry", was anotheflOp twenty hit Recording star, Lorrie Morgan selecled Norwood lO write and record "Little Boy Lost" that was featured on the Keith Whitley Tribute album. Norwood was presented a Gold Record for this HOMETOWN achievement. HANDYMAN Throughout the past two years, No Job Tho Small .Evaporated CooIetS, Repairing Norwood's schedule ha~ been Fences, 1iee Trimming and Re- filed with performances al fairs. festivals, and casino shows. moval. When he is not on tour he enjoys Call 296-6475 or 781-4387 spending his down time with his GREG PILLOW wife, Kim and daughter, Krista. Free Estimates During hisrtime off, he and Kim devote much of their time to BOXER PUPPIES school assemblies. His prognun . call "Keep It Straight" was deFOR SALE Adorable AKC Registered velop by Norwood lO warn children of the dangers of drug and Fawn Boxer Puppies for sale. alcohol abuse. He has ~poken lO Ready June 29. over 200,000 kids of all ages in Call 879-4681 after 5 p.m. the past three years. He believes ror more Inrormation and if you can help one child make reserve one nowl the right decision in life another HELP WANTED .Hale Center ISD is liking applications for a Middle School aide posilion. Bilingual preferred. MUST have compuler knowledge. Contacl Mr. Norwood 839-2141 Nurses Unlimited, Inc. needs alleridarlls lO assist with personal care, meal preperation and lighl house keeping. Part time basis. Please Call 1-888-891-8512 Mon-Fri8-5 £.0.£ LOST DOG 3 lO 4 monlh old male ROlWeiller. REWARD if found and relurned. Call 839-2034 FOR RENT 3 bedroom. I 1/2 bath. Only $375 month. $200 deposil. Available soon. 839-1103 ELECTRIC CONTRACTING & REPAIRING CITY ELECTRIC OF PLAINVIEW, INC. HEALTH the ENTIRE FAMILY 4428 O"on RoecI Plainview Ricky Mason 296-5111 from page 1 Sue Looney only PUBLIC NOTICE The Hale Center Independent School District will be accepting bids for the 2001-2002 school year in the following caregorires: $ 70 per month! FLAT RATE • GUARANTEED ACCEPTANCE SELF·EMPLOYED OR NOT!- NO INCREASE! ~!=~~It~~ DEEP MEDICAL DISCOUNTS ON DOCTOR, DENTAL. CHIROPRACTIC. EMERGENCY ROOM. HOSPITAL CONFINEMENT. VISION. RJ( '" MOREl 1. Thaching/insbUctional and office supplies 2.Athletic, rust aid, and training supplies 3.Mainrenance supplies 4. Paper products 5. Fuel products . 6. Computer/tec~olo$y equipment and supplies l~e~Ybes;l~ed... Ina about foot·and·mouth dlseue. and It'l cratlna a mlllor Itir In the United States as countries overseas conllnue to srapple with the effectl of FMD. Not one Incident of fMD hal occurred In the United St.tes .Ince 1929. and Iivellock producen along with So.. emment entities are tirelessly working to educate the public. secure our borders. describe symptoms and m.ke .ure we continuo to have no ca.es here. fMD II • ~Iahly Infectlou.. fOI'Ipreading viral disease of cloven·hoofOti anlm.ls. like swine. cattle. sheep. aoats. bison. llamas. deer and elk. F.nners and ranchen acron ,he a,al"", on Ihe look· out for fMD Iymptoml. and everyone h.. been Inatructed to ~port any lu.pl· clonllmmedl.'ely '0 their Vel and 10 lhe 'JU.I Animal He.lth COnlmiulon (I. 800-"0·8242). If herdl must be destroyed due to FMD. producers would 1 6/22/29 Preheat oven to 400 F. Dip chicken in egg. then bread crumbs. Arrange chicken in 13- by 9-inch baking dish. Bake uncovered 20 minutes. Pour sauce over chicken; top with cheese. Bake 10 more minutes or until chicken is no longer pink. Serve, if desired, With hot cooked pasta. Prep Time: 10 minutes. Cook Time: 30 minutes. Monthly & annual rates Small & large garage size Bargains! Bargains! In The Contact Rick Black Ti83~98\; L'~~ leas 1 cups (about 8 ouncc;s) . sbredded mozzareUa cbeese l/~ cup grated Parmesan . cheese 1 Jars (16 ounces each) Rap Robusto Pasta Sauce (reserve 1 cup sauce) 11 uncooked lasagna noodles 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves I egg, slightly beaten 3/4 cup Italian seasoned dry bread crumbs 1 jar (16 oz.) Ragu Old World Style Pasta Sauce I cup (about 4 oz.) sbredded mozzarella cbeese Cleveland Street Self.Storage 3333 One HOUlton Center TexI177010 BOARD CERTIFIED p~~:~:~~~ :I~~~~~jr.:~:~~ LAWYER Contact Mr. Kelly Priest, Director of Business 1 containers (15 OUDCH each) ricotta cbeese NO FRYING CHICKEN PARMESAN (4 servings) ~r~~~re~~~~~c ~~ t~~r ~'::I~.of the FMD II characCcrized by a sucklen rise In temperature In the animal. followed by on eruption of blll,e,. III the and on ...... of tender lkin. The moat obvioullymptoml are not eating. severe Ilobbertns. rapid weight loss and lome· ness. Others Include Ihlvering. reduced milk yield. aore teDt •• a Illff·legged aoit and Increased time Iylna down. While' humans are unlikely to contract fMD and there ore no reDI health risks to UI from the diseose. FMD is a mojor threat to aaricuUure and our live· stock industry. An outbreak of fMD in Tc_as could honn our economy - just one con finned case would stop all U.S. livCSlock and livestock product e.ponl. Let's work together to be on the lookout for symptoms of FMD Dlld preserve the leading segment of our economy. DAVID P. WILLIS - WILLIS LAW FIRM (I2se~ngs) Preheat oven to 375 F. Combine ricolla. eggs. I cup mozzarella and 1/4 cup Pannesan. In a 13-inch by 9-inch baking dish, spread I cup of sauce. Layer 4 uncooked noodles, I cup of sauce and 1/2 ricolla mixture; repeal. Top with 4 uncooked noodles and sauce. Cover with foil; bake one hour. Remove foil; sprinkle with remaining cheeses. Bake uncovered 10 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes. Serve with reserved sauce. heated. For a twist, add 2 cups of cooked ground beef to the sauce. Prep Time: 10 minutes. Cook Time: 70 minutes. We don't have It In the United States. and we pl.n to keep It thlt way.l·m t.lk- you took Pondlmln,·Phentennlne Reduxand you have heart problems, valve murmurs, regurgitation, or PPH, then call us to your legal rights for damages against the manufacturers and your,ellglblllty for echocardlogrsphlc teatlng. The distriCl reserves the right lO accept or reject any or all bids. Sealed bids will be accepted through August 17,2001, 2:00 p.m. al 103 West Cleveland, P.O. box 1210, Hale Center, Thxas79041 NO BmYNG LASAGNA sPa- NorWood will be singing ·cial gospel songs during the worship service. Following the services ham~ burgers and homemade ice cream will be served. COSl will be $5 for adults and $3 for children 10 and under. All proceeds from the . meal will be used lO benefit Mission Hale Center: 839·2069 8061774·7935 Want Ads Imnmved Cell.ONE Phones' SEEDS FROM THE SOWER Higher Tech CDMADigital Service Free Month & Free Accessories ,48 State Toll-Free & Free Caller ID!! CaUDON HENDERSON Your Cell-TONE, authorized Cell-ONE Professiona Michael A. 'GuidO Cotton Center Churches . Pint Baptist Cburch Randy Land, Pastor 879-230.1 Sunday SOOooI9:4S a.m. Morning Worship 10:5S a.m. Evening Worsh,ip 6:00 p.m. WedncsdI!y ~uxiliaries 3:30 p.m. T Hale Center 'Churches FIrat BaptistChurcb Dr. Glenn Saul,lnterimPastor 30S W. 6th 839-2405 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:S5 am. Evening Worship 7:oop.in. Wednesday Services 7:00 p.m. First United Metbodlst Cburch Ken Rowland, Pastor 202 W. Stevenson.839-2480 Sunday School 9:45 a.in. . Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m• . Church 01 Cbrlst Mall Swanson, Preacher 201 W.41b 839~2404 S\IIIday School9:4S a..m•. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship 5:00pm. Wedncsd8y SCrvices 7:30 p.m, Lope Star Baptist Cburcb Ira Owlcs Boones, Pastor Sunday S.chooI9:45 a.in: . Morning W~ip 11:00 a~m, Mission~ My lawn mower had broken down and I had been working on it f9r ~outs. but all in vain; Just then Roy came along with a kit of tools. "May Ihelp you?" he asked. And he fixed it in 20mlnutes. "Thanks a million. What do you make with your kit of tools?" · , , "Mostly friends," he answered. . The Living Bible says, "A bUe friend is always loyal, and a brother is bOrn to help in time of need." If you'd have friends, be friendly. Share burdens, don't shun them. Think of something to give, not to get. ' ArC you making friendswi.th your. kit oftools? Churcb 01 the Living God Elias Moraiez, Pastor Ave. E 839-2243 Daily Prayer Meeting 9:00 a.m. SundaySchool .IO;oo a.m. Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. Evening Wonhip6:30 p.m. WedneSday Services 7:30 p.m. ms St. TheresaCathoUc Cburcb Rev. DavidR. Cruz, PaslOr· 1308 Ave: C 839-2310 Mass 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Services 7:00 pm. Christian .Education 6:00 p.m. C.bureb of (;Ocsof tb. i1nt Bol'D Sergio BemaI. Pastor . . ~22E. $teVenS9l1839-2276 ·· . .. Sunda1·S(lbo011O:ooLin. KISS YOUR CABLE GOODBYE! . . tI~ tFR8BlsiMon,h iro,rGmmin, "DI,i"IH,.IP/'UI35.9tl... ~ ~~ . 'FRBB Pro/ltsianal/nstll/ation "JO·pAY Sat;l/att;o~ Gwnt,i '. .._~ ...... • Top IOOChannl/s intiude.d 'TW.O:ReceIver System · ~'"IHoI""tIlOI;9 "H'BO, SAorli.t. Cifttlu ad PPV,o. en db, ,,4trl . . $49 ~l:':j · .Alltr;CI.,ToPSOCAmtiw/1$l/.'9JiO .. OlftrislllilrbU · •• ~~~\',Y~ilhaow.com . .........,w: 1-888-292-4836 - - - CIIcIIJ ....I.~X 'V.ldcfld.c..d••dI2.on~co•• iIa"'"quiJd on....dlll3OlOl. AI mkll. P"~'III .ad pIOI'..... "'~cllo clull. lic.'tnd IIIIIU~11U1I .II.~' ::~~:::'~I"~~I~,~:p~c~ro~'!.~~d'lIl.nd Plot"••InI.,.Ia'lIjaid 10111 oltt". Alu"kl ••rlllM ••• Is Your $5K Oil & Gas Royalty Check Worth $2OO,000? Wen cash foryotl' Royalties? Established Car4B1Y puchIJses quality CM!niding Royalty Interest . {ORR~ and Royalty Interest (RI) properties fran ildiviclJaIs 1Ildestates. H.& a.-., USPS 233-14.0 .AMERICAN . . ~ DIRECT SALES ,- . . ' " .. ' , • "
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