File - Rural Hill Church of Christ


File - Rural Hill Church of Christ
SCHEDULED TO SERVE – April 19, 2015
If you can’t be here, please swap your time with
someone else on the schedule.
10:30 a.m.
Dave Forster
Bob Neely
Jerry Blythe, Jr.
Dave Forster
William Gilbert
Mason Jenkins
Richard Moore
Brian Schafer
Glen Smith
Bryson Thompson
Jerome Thompson
Kyle Warner
Tweedy Crowe
Stephen DeLay
Byron Hicks
Edwin Moyo
Zavier Osborne
Bryan Schow
Dan Dozier
Dan Dozier
Gary Hale
Gary Hale
Lena Hampton
Denise London
Robert London
Latrecia Osborne
Robert Ford
Lisa Forster
Kim Florence
Wanda Jennings
Donna Blythe
Jerry Blythe, Sr.
4 yr olds thru 12 yr olds
During 1st & 2nd service
Room 209 in educational wing
Count Offering
Scott Roberts
Jamie Walters
Tom Goetz
Charles Waters, Sr.
Sound & PowerPoint
Dale Petersen
Noah Wilmore
Randy Jones
Roger Roberts
Song Leaders
Opening Prayer
Closing Prayer
Communion Prayers
Serving Communion
6:00 p.m. Service
Speaker: Randall Tidwell – Book of Job
Coordinator of Prayers:
7:00 p.m.
Ricky Formosa
Pantry Team
Mike and Denni Green
Cards in Pew Racks
Ava Wilson
Sunday Bible Study 9:30 a.m.
(upstairs foyer)
Diane Griffin
Sunday 10:30 a.m. Worship
Babies (upstairs foyer)
Deonesha Waters
Toddlers thru age 3 (upstairs room 201-202)
Kendra Cheek & Brenda Jones
(April 12, 2015)
Sunday A.M. ............................................596
Bible Study..............................................337
Sunday P.M. ...........................................230
Offering (includes$570.80 on-line)......14,693.58
Weekly Budget..............................14,000.00
Year-to-date .................................. 5,839.49
Baptisms YTD.............................................7
Placing Membership.................................27
564 Bell Road ♦ Antioch, TN 37013
(615) 361-1908
Web Site:
Follow us on Facebook
♦ Spring Youth Retreat
♦ Open House Reception...
April 17-19
... For new Worship Area
♦ M & M’s
♦ Wednesday Dinners
♦ Men’s Breakfast
♦ Senior Recognition/Family Day May
April 19, 2015
Sunday 8:15 a.m. Worship
(upstairs foyer)
Felica Highers
8:15 a.m.
Gary Hale
Bob Jennings
Chris Jenkins
Larry Wilkinson
Many will be reading this electronically on
Friday. For those people, I encourage you
to lift up the youth retreat in your prayers
today. Please pray for safety and the
development and growth of relationships
both physically and spiritually. Pray that
every single person on the retreat leaves
closer to each other and even more
Life Minister
importantly closer to God and Jesus
Christ! For those reading this on Sunday, please pray for a strong finish to the retreat and a safe
trip home later today.
Just the words “Youth Retreat” brings back more memories
than my small brain can process. Youth retreats are a short
version of camp and crucial to the physical and spiritual
growth of a youth group. I hold in high honor, not only Jon
and Kristi, but all the adults who will make the retreat not
only successful but even possible!
* * * * *
I know we were all blessed by Dan’s series on the Ten
Commandments. I heard so many positive comments. Dan
did a tremendous job of going beyond the obvious to
challenge us on what it really means to keep the Ten
Commandments. Can you even imagine a world where
everyone was trying their very best to keep the Ten
Commandments? The changes in our world would be
beyond our imagination!
I can already tell from this week’s lesson guide that the new
study from Colossians is going to be both inspiring and
challenging. I pray we will all listen with open hearts and
minds and apply the great truths of God’s word!
Awesome God #908
Create In Me
Make Me a Servant
Jesus Is Lord (vs 1,2,4)
Lord’s Supper
Jesus Is Lord (vs 3)
Special Announcements
You Are The Song That I Sing #990
Closing Prayer
If you are new to Rural Hill, you may not realize that the
downstairs space was the auditorium for the church for many
years until the current auditorium was built on top of it. The
way the downstairs space is now configured is very similar to
what it was many years ago.
If not for the language barrier, we would all meet together for
worship every week instead of quarterly. But as long as the
language is a barrier this is a good arrangement. I’m thankful
that the Rural Hill church is made up of different races, cultures and ethnic groups. It reminds me of Paul’s words that
there is neither male nor female, neither Jew nor Greek,
neither bond or free, but we are all one in Christ. It also
reminds me of the song, “Jesus Loves the Little Children,”
which says, “Red and yellow, black, brown, white, they are
precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the
From Wilfredo: Three of us adults took 11 Hispanic Church Youth to a bi-lingual meeting in
Collinsville, Alabama April 11. Attendance was about 110 teens who came from Chattanooga and
around Alabama. It was a great blessing!
Father, God
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus #983
I Stand In Awe Of You #937
My Hope Is Built #438
This is another historic day in the life of
the Rural Hill church. Today we officially
celebrate with our Hispanic brothers and
sisters the opening of their new worship
space. For years they met in a classroom.
When they outgrew that, they began
meeting in one side of the fellowship hall.
Even with the moveable partitions to
create a sense of space, it was a less than
ideal situation. With continued growth, it
was obvious they needed a better solution. Now that the
downstairs has been completely renovated to accommodate
their worship needs, they have a space that is theirs—and it’s
beautiful. Today we get to see it and share their joy.
Que duermas bien. Por eso me acuesto y duermo en paz, porque sólo tú, Señor, me haces vivir confiado. Salmo 4:8
¿Logras dormir bien? Esperemos que sí, pues cuando no tenemos una buena noche de sueño todo nuestro día
queda comprometido. Sin embargo, muchas son las personas que pierden el sueño por causa de las
preocupaciones, problemas fisicos y emocionales. No logran liberarse de los problemas que tienen, y así no
logran conciliar el sueño.Y si no nos damos cuenta pasamos la cuenta de los problemas a nuestro cuerpo afecta
nuestra vida espiritual. ¿Qué hacer? Una solución es hablar de tus problemas, compartirlos con alguien que te ayude y te escuche
con palabras de bendición conforme la escritura. Dios está siempre dispuesto a oírte. Ábrele tu corazón.
Él se preocupa por ti. Acuérdate de Jesucristo. Él fue enviado por Dios para solucionar un gran problema: la muerte eterna.
Jesús dio su vida para que tú puedas tener vida eterna. Dios te ama. Por lo tanto, confía en él y tendrás una paz y una seguridad
que te ayudarán a vivir más tranquilo y a poder descansar y necesitas confiar en Dios. Ora y dejale a el todas tus cargas. Ora a Dios
y espera en El.
Welcome New Member
Senior Recognition & Family Day
Sunday, May 3
One Morning worship 9:00 a.m.
Followed by Bible Class
Fellowship meal - -Meat will be provided.
(Please bring lots of side dishes, desserts, & drinks.)
Family Activities & Outdoor Bounce House
No evening service due to extended day.
Mattie Nowlin
3621 Huntingboro Trail
Antioch TN 37013
We Rejoice in the Baptism of
Seka Webb
(picture and information to follow)
Responses Last Week
Shauna Cartwright – Tanya Coleman – Vanessa Coleman William Darnell – Donna Gunn – Lissa Hale Brandi Moultry – Lynnese Philalom – Linda Robinson Ivette Santiago-Smith – Charles & Madlyon Waters, Sr.
Open House/Reception Today
Today, we will be celebrating the completion of our new
worship area downstairs. All adults in both the English and
Hispanic ministries are invited to a reception in the fellowship
hall during the Bible Class hour. Many weeks of planning,
budgeting, purchasing materials, and working long hours has
gone into the renovation of this area. Refreshments will be
served and you will have the opportunity for a “walk through.”
There will also be a scrolling power point describing the work
and acknowledging those who helped. (Adult classes will not
meet. Children will be in their regular classes.
M & M’s (mature members 55+)
Will meet for a potluck dinner and fellowship this
Tuesday, April 21, at 6:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall.
Men’s Breakfast
Saturday, April 25 – Fellowship Hall
8:00 a.m. to 11:30
Cost is $10.
Guest speaker: Brother Anthony Booker
A New Wednesday Night Ladies Class
Wednesday, April 29, we will be combining our ladies classes
for a new series called “Heart to Home.” This is based on
“The Heart to Home” Women’s Conference that encourages a
closer relationship with God and strengthening our bond with
each other. Some panel discussions will set the stage for
various topics. The Wednesday class series will conclude the
week before Summer Series begins on June 3.
Please let us know about any Rural Hill members who
will be graduating from High School May 2015.
A form is available at the welcome center for seniors
to fill out. See youth column.
Family Campout at Cedars of Lebanon
May 22-24 (Memorial Day Weekend)
Please contact Gary Hale if you are interested in participating
or need more information. Ph.615-720-9937
Haywood Elementary School... requesting our support for the following things:
Rewards for children and teachers such as... cards, fun things, gently used or new toys
Monetary donations to purchase such items.
See Norma Chadwell with questions.
Sermon Sheets
Rather than inserting sermon guideline sheets into the
bulletins, they are available for you to pick up as you go
into the auditorium. For those of you who are tech savy,
here is an even better option.
Follow along with Dan’s Sermons using the
Bible App and YouVersion Live or go to:
Teacher Needed
A teacher is needed for the 4 yr old class on Sunday
mornings. Please see Ray Edmundson to help.
Sunday school picture for the
new children's curriculum. We'll
have skits every week during
PromiseLand and the candyman
will come deliver the candy of the
week. Ron says, " cuz Gods word
is sweeter than candy."
Pantry Needs:
We are out of: potatoes (canned or boxed), canned fruit, crackers,
brownie or dessert mixes, cornbread mix
We are also low on chili, beef stew, peanut butter & jelly
Prayers for Members & Their Families
Rex Barker’s father, Max Barker, is undergoing radiation.
Rosalee Carter is home making progress.
Javier Cruz who worships with our Hispanic ministry is
home with good test results. Surgery will be in May.
Joeleen Davis’ sister, Misty Bates, is in ICU in a Michigan
hospital recovering from surgery for an aneurysm. She
is 14 weeks pregnant and has other small children.
Adam Donnell’s father, Billy Donnell, continues to
struggle with health issues.
Faye Ford’s brother, Bud Leonard, is recovering from
cancer surgery at home.
Ricky Formosa’s mom, Jane Formosa, is home but
requires 24 hour care.
Gardner Jeffery is dealing with kidney stones.
Lissa Hale is having vision problems. She and her doctors
are hopeful that this is a “temporary MS flare.”
Carol Hamer is recovering from foot surgery.
Aaron & Reta Herren’s son, Dale Herren, has taken a turn
for the worse in his battle with cancer. They have gone
to Texas to be with him. Becky Holland also went
with them.
Anita Lewis’ father, Lee McClaran is at Adam’s Place in
Murfreesboro for rehab. Her son, Ben, is recovering
from cancer surgery.
Edna Mullins is undergoing chemo and therapy. She
needs volunteers to get her to therapy three days per
week, M-W-F. If you can help on any of those days,
contact Billie Jean Tidwell or Tammy Dunn.
Bea Neely is at Christian Care Center in Smyrna.
Lynnese Philalom is recovering from surgery.
Nancy Pope was hospitalized for tests not related to her
recent heart procedure at the time of this printing.
Claude Robinson is recovering from hip surgery.
Sharon Vaughn’s recent scans showed improvement.
Charles Waters, Sr.’s sister, Mary Mobley, is in a New
Jersey hospital with a blood clot in her lung.
Madlyon Waters’ sister, Paula Pope and her husband,
are both seriously ill in Philadelphia.
We were saddened by the loss of
our sister, Dee Denton this past week. Cards of sympathy
may be sent to her son, Steve Denton at:
1924 Rollingwoods Way
Marietta, Georgia 30064
Wednesday Night Meals continue April 22
Barbeque Chicken, Corn-on-the-Cob, Roasted Red Potatoes,
Broccoli Salad, Dessert, and Tea
Please RSVP by Monday at 10:00 a.m.
Volunteers are needed for clean-up!
“EasyTithe” Options On Giving
You can now give to Rural Hill online. In today's world it is
nice to have options. For your convenience you can now
give to the church from our Website or go
This Friday’s (April 24)HDN (House Devo Night) is at the
Church from 6:30 – 9 pm. We will meet in the Fellowship hall.
*Graduating Seniors – If you are participating in
Senior Recognition Day please submit a senior form along with
your Senior picture by April 26. Each Senior must be a member or
the child of a member at Rural Hill to participate. Each Senior will
be given a table where he or she can display pictures and trophies.
They will also be recognized on May 3 at our one Worship. All
Seniors participating must have their tables ready to display by
8:40 am on May 3.
Teens going on the Guatemala Mission Trip:
*Bryan Alvarado
*Cristian Alvarado
Vanessa Alvarez
*Payton Argo
Wade Barker
Shelby Lash
Lindsey Reynolds
*Bryson Thompson
*Kailey Thompson
*Indicates that they have paid in full.
Please keep these young people in your prayers. Also, please
consider sponsoring some of these teens to offset their costs and
travel expenses. If you can help in anyway please give
generously. You can now donate from our Website: or you can give a check to Jon or Rex.
Remember, you can still donate to help curb the costs of those
going on the trip.
May 31 – June 5 is Community
Service Week. We are partnering with
Nashville Work Camp and several area churches
to paint houses for those who need our help. Teens will stay
over night at the Church during this week. The cost of the
week is $120 which includes all meals and supplies for the
houses we will service. Please submit the Parental Consent
forms and payment by April 26. Activities include painting,
scraping, and hard work. Evenings of area-wide praise and
worship and nights filled with games and fun. If you would
like to help chaperone please see Jon. There are also
opportunities to provide meals for the workers from Rural
Hill this week if you can’t stay the whole time.
Happy Birthday
Tarra Walker