1823 Aldine Mail Rou ldine Mail Route ldine Mail Route
1823 Aldine Mail Rou ldine Mail Route ldine Mail Route
January 11, 2015 1823 Aldine Mail Route The church of Christ meeting at To Our Visitors: We have been waiting for you! God always has room for one more. If you have any questions, or need assistance of any kind, please see one of the ushers or greeters. Let us offer up a worship service that will bring glory and honor to our great God. Thank you for coming and we look forward to shaking your hand in the lobby after worship. A nuestros visitantes: Estamos esperando por ti! Dios siempre tiene espacio para uno más. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, o necesita ayuda de cualquier tipo, por favor, ver a uno de los ujieres o recibidores. Ofrezcamos un servicio de adoración que traerá gloria y honor a nuestro gran Dios. Gracias por venir y esperamos darse la mano en el vestíbulo después de la adoración. Visit us @ aldinemailroutecoc.org or bordersvillecoc.org Vamos a crecer con nosotros! Come grow with us! Services & Classes: Sunday Morning Worship/ Servicio domingo por la mañana ………....9:00 … A.M. Sunday Bible Classes/ Clases Domingo de la Biblia ………..…….……....10:45 ………..… A.M. Sunday Evening Worship/ Domingo Servicio por la tarde..………..……5:00 tarde..… P.M. Wednesday Bible Classes/ Clases Miércoles Biblia ……………………...…7:30 ………… P.M. Thursday Open Conference Call Bible Study Jueves Conferencia Convocatoria Estudio Bíblico …………………..………7:30 ………… P.M. (Call 661-673-8600, Access Code 217591#) 1 Sunday of the Month Ladiess Bible Class/ Señoras Clase Bíblica……………………………..………….4:00 Bíblica…………………… P.M. Men’s Business Meeting/ Hombres Encuentro Empresarial………….…4:00 P.M. st Preacher’s Class……….….…Last Sunday of the Month….…………..4:00-5:00 Month….…………..4:00 P.M. Radio Program/ Programa de Radio (KCOH 1230 AM)…..……… AM)….. 1:30-2:30 P.M. Leadership: Servant Leaders Roy Beck Vincent Easter Ministers John Bell Craig Randall Thomas Foster Rigoberto Arguera Order of Worship Call to Worship Earl Dirden Song Leader Orden de Adoración TBA ` Anthony Green Scripture/Escritura Ephesians 3:3-9 Scripture Reading Stephen Easter Prayer/Oración Song/Canción Speaker/Predicador Today’s SermonLesson/Lección Altar Call/Confessions TBA - Roy Salley TBA Thomas Foster Brian Franklin “The Mystery of Christ” Thomas Foster Brian Franklin Glenn Cebrun Rod Johnson Sr Offering/Ofrenda Vincent Easter Rod Johnson Sr Derrick Randle Anthony Green Remarks/Closing Prayer Roy Beck Minister’s Corner: . (Oir) the gospel, (Rom 10:17; Acts 18:8) Believe the gospel ( Acts 18:8; I Cor. 1:2) Repent Lord’s Supper Recognition of Visitors What must I do to be saved? Hear Song/Canción Song/Canción The Bible Answers TBA Motivation/Motivació Songs/Canción 5:00 pm 9:00 am Roy Beck Upcoming Events There will be a very important meeting today immediately following evening worship to finish wor work on our calendar. We desire everyone’s input. Since the calendar will be our guide for 2015, you should at least vote on the approval of the calendar. The meeting should last about 30 minutes. Please be present. (arrepentirse) of sins (Acts2:38,47) Confess (confesion) Christ (Acts 8:37; Rom 10:10) Be Baptized (ser bautizado) to wash away sins (Acts 22:16) to be saved, ( I Peter 3:21) Live (Vivir) according to God’s word, (James 1:22) GRADUATION FELLOWSHIP AFTER MORNING WORSHIP ON JANUARY 18TH . Remember, for your convenience, you may choose online giving to contribute to God’s work. You may give a specific dollar amount as a one-time time gift or a recurring gift at intervals you specify. (Recuerde, para su comodidad, puede optar por dar en línea para contribuir a la obra de Dios. Usted puede dar una cantidad específica de dólares como regalo de una sola vez o un regalo recurrente a intervalos especificados.) If you have any questions about online giving, be sure to check out our Online Giving Frequently Asked sked Questions (FAQs) @aldinemailroutecoc.org,