kinh do –initial coverage
kinh do –initial coverage
INITIAL N L COVE ERAGE KIINH DO CORPORA C ATION. HSSX Symbol: KDC vative conssiderationss, we value KDC at th he price With conserv of VND 30,58 88 per share, about 1 12% higherr than the market m prrice and wee give “Buy”” a recomm mendation on o this stocck. An nalyst: Tong g Van Dzun ng AC CBS Researcch Center Jan nuary 17, 2012 2 KINH DO – INITIAL COVERAGE BUY Target price: Current price: Updated as of January 17, 2012 KINH DO GROUP – INITIAL COVERAGE BUY Target price: Current price: Updated as of January 17, 2012 30,588 26,500 VND 30,588 VND 26,500 KINH DO – BAKERY MARKET LEADER In 2010, Kinh Do Corp. has been acquired North Kinh Do JSC and JSC KIDO via a share exchange. After the acquisition, the group counted 120,000 outlets with over 1,800 employees spreading nationwide. While the 2011’s target revenue increased by 117% to VND 4,200 billion (from VND 1,933 billion), the EBT declined by 18.3% to VND 550 billion compared to last year. In addition, ACNielsen ranked Kinh Do brand fourth in the top 10 famous brands in Vietnam. With this, Kinh Do is considered as the market leader in the bakery industry in Vietnam. IMPROVING GOVERNANCE Thanks to the acquisition mentioned above and a strategy to focus on the core business, the corporate governance and the earnings quality have considerably improved. In 2011, the financial revenue is expected to accounts for 22.8% of the EBT, compared to the figure of 98.5% in 2010. The acquisition also helps the shareholders to understand better the company’s actual financial position including contingent liabilities and the right to use Kinh Do related brands. Despite the recent improvements, the loan outstanding given to related parties is still quite large. As the terms of these loans are not clear, this might negatively affect minority shareholders’ interests. FAIR FINANCIAL SITUATION The ROA and ROE are not impressive as just achieving 11.34% and 15.42% in 2010. However, Kinh Do’s financials are considered as safe, especially after the successful M&A between North Kinh Do JSC and KIDO JSC. This deal caused Kinh Do’s equity to increase by VND 1,195 billion from VND 795 billion, and its liabilities decreased by over 34% compared to the previous year. As a result, debt to equity ratio decreased by 31% in 2010 instead of 71% in 2009 and the debt to total assets decreased to 23% in 2010 from 42% in 2009. Kinh Do's merger and acquisition activities are mostly done by exchanging shares. As a result, M&A activities will not affect significantly its operating cash flows. Besides, the activities will increase Kinh Do’s equity and improve its financial leverage ratios. However, we are also concerned about the possibility of diluted EPS in the future due to its continuous equity issuance. BUY RECOMMENDATION Kinh Do Corp has good business performance, stable revenue and earnings growths from its core business. However, despite the recent changes, the risks of investing in KDC are moderately high under both long-term and short-term investment strategies. After careful considerations towards the cash flows and profitability, we value KDC at the price of VND 30,588 per share, about 12% higher than the market price. With this, we give a “BUY” recommendation. CONTENTS KEY STATISTICS ....................................................................................................................... 3 COMPANY OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................. 4 PRODUCT PORTFOLIO ............................................................................................................. 5 INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................................ 6 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ..................................................................................................... 7 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................. 8 Bloomberg: ACBS <GO> Tong Van Dzung, Financial Analyst +84 8 5 404 3054 (692) | ACBS Research Center +84 8 5 404 3257 | Contact Center +84 8 39 107 107 | Website: Bloomberg: ACBS <GO> 2 KINH H DO – INITIAL N COVERAGE BUY Tarrget price: Currrent price: Upda ated as of Ja anuary 17, 2012 2 30,588 26,500 KEY STATISSTICS '0 000 units 11//10 VND '000 Price - Volume 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 13 55 45 35 25 15 5 01/11 03/11 05/1 11 07/11 0 09/11 Performancce Cu urrent price (VN ND) M Market cap (VND Bil) 52 2 week high (VN ND) 52 2 week low (VND D) Av verage volume in i 100 days (shaare) Sh hare outstandingg (share) 1 month return 3 month return 6 month return 12 2 month return Sh hareholder stru ucture Major shareholdeers (%) M Sttate ownership (%) ( 11 4.2 9 3.2 7 2.2 5 1.2 P/E E P/B 3 08 8/10 11/11 1 5.2 P/E - P/B P Chart 65 0.2 10/10 26,500 3,570 55,500 29,700 121,057 118,026,000 -8.01 -13.41 -8.98 -34.61 Official name Abb breviation Sym mbol Chartered Capital Heaadquarter Tel. Secttor Subsector 49.2 - Ex-d dividend date 08/24/2011 10/04/2010 12/10 02//11 04/11 06/11 08/11 Comp pany brief Kinh Do C Corporation Kinh Do KDC (HOSSE) VND 1,195 5,178,810,000 141 Nguyeen Du St, Ben Th hanh Ward, Dist 1, HCM. + 84 8 38 270 838 Comsumm mer Good Bakery Record date 08/26/2011 10/06/2010 Gross amount 12% 12% Payment Type T Cash Cash IS S (VND Bil) Revenue Co ost of goods sold d Grross profit Fiinancial Income Fiinancial Expensees Seelling Expenses G& &A Expenses Op perating profit Otther profit EA AT Net profit EP PS (VND) 2008 1,456 1,086 370 119 313 133 122 (80) 20 (61) (85) (1,494) 2 2009 1,529 1 1 1,024 505 64 9 164 112 284 258 505 463 5 5,820 2010 0 1,934 4 1,248 8 685 4 664 242 348 142 618 21 579 9 523 4,372 2011F 4,714 2,915 1,799 118 223 864 349 481 3 385 374 3,128 2012F 5,767 3,669 2,098 199 143 1,046 437 671 9 534 518 3,715 20 013F 6 6,943 4 4,418 2 2,525 254 94 1 1,248 524 912 6 716 694 4 4,976 2014F F 8,224 4 5,241 1 2,983 3 275 5 67 7 1,468 8 629 9 1,093 3 7 855 5 830 0 5,947 7 2015F 9,772 6,225 3,547 277 74 1,732 755 1,264 7 986 956 6,856 2016F 11,648 7,417 4,231 293 84 2,048 906 1,487 7 1,156 1,122 8,040 BS S (VND Bil) Cu urrent Assets Caash and cash equ uivalents Sh hort-term investtments Acccounts receivab ble In nventories Non-current Asssets Lo ong-term investm ments To otal Assets Cu urrent Liabilitiess Non-current liabillities Owners’ Equity Reetained Earnings To otal Funds BV VPS (VND) 2008 1,474 207 584 489 182 1,509 673 2,983 664 172 2,076 (147) 2,983 36,346 2 2009 2,532 2 985 518 847 162 1 1,716 995 4 4,248 1 1,633 135 2 2,413 291 4 4,248 30 0,336 2010 0 2,330 0 672 2 162 2 1,018 8 434 4 2,710 0 1,210 0 5,040 0 1,004 4 151 3,738 8 661 5,040 0 31,277 7 2011F 2,641 836 394 730 609 2,753 1,138 5,394 1,336 193 3,806 730 5,394 31,846 2012F 3,545 1,438 219 998 766 2,975 1,138 6,520 1,880 46 4,520 803 6,520 32,397 20 013F 3 3,745 1 1,497 111 1 1,061 923 3 3,470 1 1,178 7 7,215 2 2,314 46 4 4,761 1 1,045 7 7,215 34 4,125 2014F F 3,882 2 1,291 1 127 7 1,185 5 1,095 5 4,163 3 1,221 1 8,044 4 2,754 4 46 6 5,131 1 1,414 4 8,044 4 36,774 4 2015F 4,405 1,339 145 1,404 1,301 4,574 1,265 8,979 3,248 46 5,551 1,834 8,979 39,787 2016F 5,083 1,442 164 1,668 1,550 5,083 1,311 10,167 3,832 46 6,128 2,412 10,167 43,925 2008 2 2009 2010 0 2011F 2012F 20 013F 2014F F 2015F 2016F 2.22 1.93 1.55 1.44 2.32 2 1.84 4 1.98 1.47 1.89 1.41 1.62 1.15 1.41 1 0.95 5 1.36 0.89 1.33 0.85 25.40 (5.50) (5.86) (1.68) (2.70) 33.05 3 1 18.58 3 30.27 1 10.88 1 16.43 35.45 5 31.94 4 27.03 3 11.34 4 15.42 2 38.16 10.20 7.93 7.39 10.22 36 12 9 9 13 36 13 10 10 15 36 6 13 3 10 0 11 1 17 7 36 13 10 12 18 36 13 10 12 20 28 40 1.44 (0.18) 42 73 1.76 13 23 3 31 1.34 4 16 6 28 40 1.41 4 30 42 1.43 8 33 49 1.50 20 35 5 54 4 1.56 6 84 4 37 59 1.60 121 38 63 1.64 172 3 (14) (21) 14 80 0 (13 3) (5) 24 (10) 5 9 (15) 16 6 (12)) 9 14 10 9 Fiinancial Ratios Liiquidity ratios Cu urrent ratio (Tim mes) Qu uick ratio (Timees) Prrofitability ratiios Grross profit marggin (%) Op perating profit margin m (%) Net profit margin (%) OA (%) RO RO OE (%) So olvency ratios To otal debt ratio (% %) Debt to equity (% %) Fiinancial Leveragge (Times) In nterest coverage (Times) Acccruals ratios Acccruals ratio BS (%) Acccruals ratio CF (%) Bloomberg: ACBS <GO O> 3 KINH DO – INITIAL COVERAGE Updated as of January 17, 2012 BUY Target price: Current price: 30,588 26,500 COMPANY OVERVIEW COMPANY BRIEF Kinh Do Corp. was formerly known as Kinh Do Co., Ltd, which was established in 1993, carrying the core business of manufactory bakery. In 2002, Kinh Do joined Moon Cake market and was transferred the "Kinh Do" trademark from Kinh Do Construction and Food Processing Co., Ltd. In 2010, ACNielsen ranked the Kinh Do trademark as the ACNielsen ranked Kinh Do fourth out of 10 recognized brands in Viet Nam. This is a great advantage of Kinh Do to trademark as the fourth recognized brands in Vietnam. promote its business in the future. Formerly known as Kinh Do Company Limited. Successfully complete the merger between KIDO JSC and NKD in 2010. Kinh Do Group owns four subsidiaries and three jointly controlled ventures. 2010 is considered as a transitional year of Kinh Do Corp. during 19-year development in term of both corporate governance and business development. In 2010, Kinh Do Corp. successfully merged with North Kinh Do and Ki Do to increase the bakery market share to 28% and expand its business to ice cream and yoghurt markets. The company expects the merger to facilitate superior growth of revenue and market share to the group in the coming years. After the deal, Kinh Do Corp. owns 4 subsidiaries and 3 affiliates. Producing and selling bakery and dairy products are still the core. Particularly, North Kinh Do and KIDO contributed about 30% and 14% of the group’s revenue respectively, the remaining 56% came from the parent company. REVENUE STRUCTURE Major product lines are bakery Kinh Do major product lines include bakery products (cookies, crackers, cakes and moon cakes) and dairy products (ice cream and yogurts). Bakery product line is the products. most important one, contributing 86% and 91.2% to the total revenue and EBT. Gross profit margin of this line remains stable at 30-35%; the remaining come from dairy products, which had high gross margin of 59-60% in 2010. Therefore, the dairy products are expected to still deliver constructive changes to the group. Achieve impressive growth rate in 2010 and H1/2011. In 2010, Kinh Do’s business grew remarkably, as its revenue increased by 39% from 2009. In addition, all of its products recorded the considerable growths. In the first half of 2011, the core business of Kinh Do continued achieving impressive growth, which is 45% nominally and 22% in real term. As a result, it appears that the group’s business has improved extremely in the recent period. Together with other positive outlooks on bakery industry, we expect that the revenue of Kinh Do will increase by 34% in 2011 and 18-22% in the period of 2012-2016. COMPETITIVE EDGE In our view, the admirable growth of Kinh Do since 2010 primarily resulted from the group’s strengths, including advantages of distribution channel, wide recognized brand and power of marketing. Largest distribution channel in At the present, Kinh Do possesses the largest distribution channel in Viet Nam. After the acquisition, the group counted 120,000 outlets with over 1,800 employees Viet Nam bakery industry. spreading nationwide. With this advantage, Kinh Do will strengthen its competitive edge and be easier to launch new products. Successful in marketing itself and building the trademark. Bloomberg: ACBS <GO> Besides, with strong financial potential and professional sales team, Kinh Do has relatively succeeded in marketing itself and building the trademark. According to ACNielsen, Kinh Do trademark was ranked as the fourth out of 10 most recognized brands in Viet Nam. 4 KINH DO – INITIAL COVERAGE BUY Target price: Current price: Updated as of January 17, 2012 30,588 26,500 PRODUCT PORTFOLIO BAKERY PRODUCTS Leader of bakery industry. The bakery products are Kinh Do Corp’s most important product line, which accounts for 89% of the total revenue. As a market leader, Kinh Do Corp is holding significant market share for all of its bakery product lines. Specifically, the company is holding 27%, 30%, 80% and 30% shares of cookie, cracker, moon cake and bread markets respectively. 2010 Revenue Sales Growth Cakes 276 11% Bread 145 11% Cookies 534 18% Cracker 407 10% Moon Cake 89 30% Snack 68 -30% Bun & cake 587 5% Candy 29 -36% Total 2,139 5% Sources: KDC and ACBS Research (2011). Impressive growth rate in revenue. Cracker is the highest growth rate. Moon Cake accounted for 80%of market share. Bakery products’ gross profit margin was relatively stable. 2011F Sales Growth 386 40% 189 30% 668 25% 564 39% 116 30% 88 30% 705 20% 35 20% 2,756 29% 2012F Sales 561 265 875 1,016 152 120 775 40 3,808 Growth 45% 40% 31% 80% 31% 35% 10% 15% 38% In 2010, Kinh Do also witnessed the fast growths of bakery product lines as the average growth rate reaching 26-33% from 2009. This is relatively an outstanding growth amid the numerous difficulties remaining on the whole economy. Supported by the merge activities, the growth was even more impressive in H1/2011 as the reported revenue increased as much as 43% nominally. Particularly, the revenue of cracker, cookie, bread and moon-cake product increased by 97%, 44%, 36% and 30%. Remarkably, Moon Cake products have grown rapidly compared to other lines. After 8 years joining the market since 2002 with over 30,000 outlets, currently Kinh Do’s Moon Cakes have accounted for up to 80% market share with the annual growth is as fast as 20-30%. As such, Moon Cakes contribute about 8-10% into North Kinh Do’s total revenue. The bakery products’ gross profit margin was relatively stable and had trend of widening in the period of 2008-2010 despite to strong fluctuations in raw material price. Especially, in 2010, sugar and flour’s prices, which accounts for 65-75% of the total production costs, increased steeply by over 50% but Kinh Do Corp. still can maintain and widened its gross margin to 30-35%. This implies the company’s strong capability to shift the input cost increases to consumers given the strong brand name. Even though Kinh Do Corp. is having quite strong brand, we still expect the gross margin of this product line to be slightly narrowed in the coming years. This is mostly because of the low brand loyalty in the confectionary sectors. Exporting accounts for 8% of the bakery products’ revenue. Beside the domestic market, the exporting activities accounts for 8% of the bakery products’ revenue. The major exporting markets are Japan and Cambodia. For the coming years, Kinh Do Corp. has plan to join the Middle East and Myanmar markets. Revenue growth rate at 39% in 2011 and 19-26% in 20122016. Given that, we suppose that the growth rate of bakery products will be 39% in 2011 and 19-26% in the period of 2012-2016. The gross profit margin is expected at 38% in 2011 and about 36% in 2012-2016. Bloomberg: ACBS <GO> 5 KINH DO – INITIAL COVERAGE BUY Target price: Current price: Updated as of January 17, 2012 30,588 26,500 DAIRY PRODUCTS Account for 14% of total revenue. High growth rate in revenue. Yogurts are not the main product line of Kinh Do. We expect growth rate of product line at 30% in 2011 and 20% in 2012-2016. Even though the dairy products accounts for only 14% of the total revenue, this product line is extremely potential with gross profit margins of 59-60% and accounts for as much as 8.72% of EBT. Currently, Kinh Do is also producing and distributing dairy products, including ice creams and yogurts under several well-known brands such as Merino, Celano and Yogurt Wel Yo. Kinh Do Corp is the leader in Vietnam ice cream market after purchasing the Unilever Group’s Wall ice cream factory. The ice cream’s revenue increased steeply by 50-60% in 2010 and 51% in H1/2011. Currently, Kinh Do Corp accounts for 29% ice cream box, 39% ice cream cone and 55% of ice cream bar market shares. We expect Kinh Do Corp to maintain its current market leading positions in the coming years as there is no big investments carrying on Vietnam ice cream industry. The yogurt product line recorded impressive growth rate of 100% in 2010 and 51% in H1/2011 . However, this does not significantly contribute to the overall growth as this product line accounts for only 20% of Kido’s revenue and 3% of the group’s revenue. For the future, it is very hard for Kinh Do to gain remarkable market share in Vietnam’s yogurt market, as Vinamilk is the current dominate player with over 90% market share. Generally, we expect lower growth rates for dairy products in H2/2011 given the current weak consumption. Specifically, the ice cream and yogurt revenues are expected to increase by 40% for the whole year 2011, comparing to 51% in H1/2011. For the forecasted period of 2012-2016, we expect the dairy product revenue growth at 20%. INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES REAL ESTATE Entities Lavenue JSC Tan An Phuoc Co,. Ltd Thanh Thai Real Estate JSC Sources: KDC and ACBS Research (2011). Real estate activities are not effective. Chartered Capital 1,200 billion 409 billion 6 billion KDC's stake 50% 49% 30% Kinh Do Corp. indirectly invested in real estate via its affiliates. As of the end of H1/2011, amount of Kinh Do’s investment in its affiliates was VND 802 billion. Currently, projects of these affiliates have been delayed as the real estate market has frozen since 2010. Kinh Do Corp does not disclose any details regarding these projects. Therefore, we cannot fully estimate financial affects of these companies in Kinh Do Corp’s performance in the coming years. EQUITY INVESTMENT Tend to withdraw capital and concentrate to the core business. The equity investments used to accounted for as much as 10.5-8.6% of the total assets, equivalent to VND 449 billion and VND 438 billion as of the end of 2009 and 2010. The investment was not very effective while the company have to make VND 57 billion and VND 142 billion provisions in 2009 and 2010 respectively. Currently, Kinh Do Corp. has strategy to withdraw capital to focus on the core business. As of the end of H1/2011, the equity investment was only VND 343 billion, equivalent to 6.6% of the total assets. This will help Kinh Do Corp. to improve capital efficiency in the coming years. Hence, the investment outstanding might gradually reduce in the coming years. Bloomberg: ACBS <GO> 6 KINH DO – INITIAL COVERAGE BUY Target price: Current price: Updated as of January 17, 2012 30,588 26,500 OTHER INVESTMENTS This item is mainly comprised of loans to its related parties. At the end of H1/2011, other investment was worth VND 620 billion, accounting for 51.8% of total equity. This item is mainly comprised of loans to its related parties, of which loan to Kinh Do Co,. Ltd made up VND 527 billion. At present, information concerning on these loans is not clearly explained in Kinh Do financial statements. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CORPORATE STRUCTURE Increase more advantage after To concentrate in core business, Kinh Do has succeeded in M&A of North Kinh Do JSC and KIDO JSC, and started to operate as a Group at the end of 2010. As such, the acquisition. current Kinh Do Corporation structure is as follow: Subsidiaries North Kinh Do JSC Kinh Do Binh Duong JSC Vinabico JSC KIDO JSC Source: KDC 2011 Capital % Ownership Major business 69 billion 100 Bakery 100 billion 80 Bakery 90 billion 51 Bakery 151 billion 100 Dairy products We appreciated this M&A as follows: (1) Increasing the size of market cap, revenue and profit, hence raising the ability of fund mobilization by attracting more strategic investors. (2) Raising Kinh Do’s market share and the number of retail outlets, which enhance the group’s competitive advantages. (3) Centralizing management of sales, distribution and marketing of the products, which will enable consistency in planning and execution, and enhance efficiency in the Group’s operations. BOARD OF DIRECTORS No independent member in BOD. Board of Directors Tran Kinh Thanh Tran Le Nguyen Ma Thanh Danh Vuong Buu Linh Tran Quoc Nguyen Wang Chinh Hua Vuong Ngoc Xiem Co Gia Tho Sources: KDC and ACBS Research (2011) Position Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Shares 6,475,000 833 652,176 3,297,441 515,076 Stake (%) 5.64 0.64 2.78 0.51 Kinh Do has the BOD of eight members with family relationship. Noticeably, there is no representative of foreign shareholders and independent member in the current presence of the Board. Nevertheless, with all members of the Board experienced in consumer and food industry, we appreciate the ability of the Kinh Do’s BOM and BOD in taking good business decision. Mr. Nguyen Khac Huy, the CEO of Kinh Do Group with over 22 years working for multinational companies, has applied Strategic and Business Unit (SBU) in the operation of the Group and has gained initial achievements. Bloomberg: ACBS <GO> 7 KINH DO – INITIAL COVERAGE Updated as of January 17, 2012 BUY Target price: Current price: 30,588 26,500 SHAREHOLDER STRUCTURE Entity members relating to Chairman of the BOD make up 32% of equity capital. Shareholders PPK Co,. Ltd Kinh Do Investment Co,. Ltd Tran Le Nguyen Deutsche Bank AG London Kinh Do Constructing and Food processing Co,. Ltd Vietnam Ventures Limited Vuong Ngoc Xiem VOF Investment Limited Sources: KDC and ACBS Research (2011). Shares 14,507,302 13,313,512 6,475,000 6,351,507 % Ownership 12.24 11.24 5.64 5.36 5,000,000 4.22 4,703,655 3,297,441 1,800,000 3.97 2.78 1.52 The total share of companies and entity members relating to The Chairman of The Board of Director (BOD) make up to 32% of equity capital. Some shareholders hold above 5% stake such as PPK Co,. Ltd (12.24%), Kinh Do Investment Co,. Ltd (11.24%), Mr. Tran Le Nguyen, Vice President of the BOD (5.65%) and Deutsche Bank AG London (5.36%). Foreign investors hold over 25% stake, far lower compared to other leading industry companies such as Vinamilk and FPT. As such, the floating share outstanding of Kinh Do is estimated at 47%, relatively high comparing to other listed companies. FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY Some important items are represented briefly, causing several difficulties in collecting information for analysis purpose. The consolidated financial statements of Kinh Do are audited by Ernst & Young Vietnam Limited, a leading auditing firm in the world. The auditor‘s opinion was qualified with respect to VND 50 billion of Goodwill account, relating to the value of the brand name “Kinh Do”. However, the value of this account is not essential compared to the total assets value. Except for this matter, the consolidated financial statements gave a true and fair view on the Group‘s financial situation. Nevertheless, some important items are presented briefly in the financial statement, causing several difficulties in collecting information for analysis purpose. MINORITY SHAREHOLDER RIGHT PROTECTION Rights of the minority are hard As mentioned above, the members of BOD included all the family members and there is no independent member on Kinh Do’s BOD. In addition, some relative transactions did to be protected. not announce clearly. Therefore, we believe that the rights of the minority might not be fully protected. Noticeably, in August, State Securities Commission of Vietnam (SSC) decided to impose administrative punishment on Kinh Do as the company gave loans to its chairman and other BOD members without presenting this to the general meeting of shareholders. It was not a big fine, though this shows the loose in Kinh Do’s internal controlling procedure and it may be affect to minority shareholders. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS EXTRAORDINARY FINANCIAL ITEMS Lending to relate parties account for 62.8% of total equity. Bloomberg: ACBS <GO> Lending to related parties At the end of H1/2011, Kinh Do has given a loan of VND 527 billion and an investment trust of VND 50 billion to their parents’ company, Kinh Do Co,. Ltd. Moreover, there is another interest receivable account worth of VND 174 billion that needs to be collected 8 KINH DO – INITIAL COVERAGE BUY Target price: Current price: Updated as of January 17, 2012 30,588 26,500 from the Kinh Do Co,. Ltd. Thus, the Kinh Do’s total account receivable related to its parents’ company is worth up to VND 751 billion, accounting for 62.8% of the equity. As such, this is a material item on the balance sheet and has great impact on Kinh Do’s business. However, we cannot find any clear information related to the loans. Therefore, we can estimate the effect to the result of business and interest of minority shareholder. Goodwill Kinh Do’s goodwill emanates from the successful merger with its offshoots North Kinh Do (NKD) and Ki Do JSC, worth VND 361 billion and VND 36 billion respectively. As such, total Kinh Do’ goodwill reached VND 396 billion, making up 33% of equity as of the end of 2010. Goodwill is amortized using straight-line method over 10 years. SOLVENCY & LIQUIDITY Low leverage ratios Kinh Do’s financial structure is valuated at a suitable and safe level. Solvency ratios Total debt ratio (%) Debt to equity (%) Financial Leverage (Times) Interest coverage (Times) Sources: KDC and ACBS Research (2011). 2008 28 40 1.44 (0.18) 2009 42 73 1.76 13.68 2010 23 31 1.34 16.87 2011F 28 39 1.40 4.25 Kinh Do’ leverage ratio was improved significantly after successful merged two subsidiaries into Kinh Do Corporation at the end 2010. This deal caused Kinh Do’s equity to increase by VND 1,195 billion from VND 795 billion, and its liabilities decreased by over 34% compared to the previous year. As a result, debt/equity ratio decreased to 31% in 2010 instead of 71% in 2009 and debt/total assets decreased to 23% in 2010 from 42% in 2009. Therefore, Kinh Do’s financial structure is considered as stable and relatively safe. Fair liquidity We appreciate the solvency of Kinh Do for debts to maturity. Liquidity ratios Current ratio (Times) Quick ratio (Times) Sources: KDC and ACBS Research (2011) 2008 2.22 1.93 2009 1.55 1.44 2010 2.32 1.84 2011F 2.02 1.50 Given abundant cash, Kinh Do’ solvency ratios are quite high and settle at suitable levels. With this, it is very unlikely for Kinh Do to have any problem with meeting its short-term financial obligation. Affects of future M&A activities KDC stock face with dilution risk. Bloomberg: ACBS <GO> Kinh Do mainly does M&A activities by issuing share exchanging. As a result, M&A activities will not affect significantly to its operating cash flows. Besides, this aquisition activities will increase Kinh Do’s equity and improve its leverage ratios. However, we also concern about the ability of EPS dilution in the future because of the acceleration of issuing its equity. 9 KINH DO – INITIAL COVERAGE BUY Target price: Current price: Updated as of January 17, 2012 30,588 26,500 PROFITABILITY & EARNINGS QUALITY Low profitability ratios Profitability ratios Gross profit margin (%) Operating profit margin (%) Net profit margin (%) ROA (%) ROE (%) Sources: KDC and ACBS Research (2011). Gross margin achieve at high levels. Its net profit margin in the period of 2009-2010 was equivalent to 31% on average. ROA, ROE still low. 2008 25.40 (5.50) (5.86) (1.68) (2.70) 2009 33.05 18.58 30.27 10.88 16.43 2010 35.45 31.94 27.03 11.34 15.42 2011F 37.97 11.05 8.55 7.89 10.88 Kinh Do’s gross profit margins in the period of 2009-2010 were around 33-35%, higher than 2005-2008 periods (25-29%). This shows that Kinh Do has managed its production cost efficiently. Its net profit margin in the period of 2009-2010 was equivalent to 31% on average, increasing steeply from the average level of 11% in the period of 2005-2008. The optimistic result in 2009–2010 is caused by significant contributions of financial and other income. If we eliminate those abnormal incomes, 2009’s net profit margin was 16%, equivalent to the previous year, while 2010’s net profit margin was only 8%, far lower than the previous years. In addition, Kinh Do’s ROA and ROE was 11% and 16% in 2010 respectively, equaling the average levels of firms in the industry. Therefore, Kinh Do does not impress to investors because its efficient profitability is not commensurate with the economics’ scale and advantages. We believe the major reason is Kinh Do did not use assets effectively. Improving earning quality Earning quality of Kinh Do will improve considerably. Kinh Do had achieving good business results in 2009-2010, but we do not apreciated the earnings quality since the net profit is contributed by large of profit from investment activities and other activities. However, with the first six months of 2011 earning results, we expect that the earning quality of Kinh Do will be improved considerably since Kinh Do planned to invest heavily to develop its core business. VALUATION Assumptions We forecast Kinh Do revenue We expect the company’s revenue growth rate based on both the industry’s growth base on its products lines. and the careful adjustments on each particular product lines: For bakery, within a significant improvement in the first six months 2011, we also expect the bakery product lines to grow at around 39% in 2011. In term of ice cream and yogurt product line, we believe that it is hard for them to maintain the high growths as much as the previous year. Furthermore, based on the latest industry report of General Statistics Office, we estimate the growth of these product lines at around 30% in 2011. During the period of 2012-2016, we appraise the company’s growth rate may Be able to catch up with the general industry growth rate successfully catch up with the general industry growth rate. Particularly, the growth of of 19-23%. bakery products will reach 19%-23% while the growth of ice cream and yogurt lines will be 20%. The overall gross margin of bakery, ice cream and yogurt categories in the next period of 2012-2016 is expected to be stable at 33% and 58% respectively. Bloomberg: ACBS <GO> 10 KINH DO – INITIAL COVERAGE BUY Target price: Current price: Updated as of January 17, 2012 Issuing 20 million additional shares in 2012. 30,588 26,500 We also assume that Kinh Do will issue 20 million additional shares to strategic shareholders in 2012 at the price equivalent to the book value per share (VND 32,000). The required rate of return is estimated at 17.5% for both models. Valuation Result Given these assumptions and other careful adjustments in our valuation models, the valuation result is as follows: Valuation method FCFE (r = 17.5%, g = 7%) DDM (r = 17.5%, g = 7%) Average Source: ACBS Research (2011). Result Weight 27,574 33,602 30,588 50% 50% 100% Risk Assessment Even though we expect KDC not to complete this year’s earning target, we are quite confident about our earnings forecast for 2011. For longer term perspective, risks relating to operating results fluctuation are relatively high due to the exposures link to real-estate and equity investments as well as loans given to the related parties are quite high. Risks of price volatility are quite low as its 6M adjusted beta is 0.71. However, KDC’s price movements involves with remarkable speculations and swing trading activities, which might cause extreme price volatilities. The liquidity risk of investing in KDC’s share is relative low for normal investors as this is one of the most liquid stock in the listed markets. With these, the risks of investing in KDC share are moderately high for both long-term and short-term investment strategies. RECOMMENDATION Kinh Do Corp has good business performance, stable revenue and earnings growths from its core business. However, despite the recent changes, the risks of investing in KDC are moderately high for both long-term and short-term investment strategies. After careful considerations towards the cash flows and profitability, we value KDC at the price of VND 30,588 per share, about 12% higher than the market price. With this, we give a “BUY” recommendation. Bloomberg: ACBS <GO> 11 KINH DO – INITIAL COVERAGE Updated as of January 17, 2012 BUY Target price: Current price: 30,588 26,500 ANALYST CERTIFICATION The analysts named in the first page of this report, who are primarily responsible for the preparation of this report, certify that the opinion(s) on the subject company and any other views or forecast expressed herein accurately reflect their personal view(s) and that no part of their compensation was, is or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendation(s) or view(s) contained in this report. REPORT DISTRIBUTION This report is restricted to and intended only for the clients of ACBS in Vietnam. If the client receives and/or uses this report outside Vietnam, it is the client’s sole responsibility to ensure that it is legally permitted in client’s jurisdiction. Otherwise the client should disregard this report in its entirety and let ACBS know that it does not longer wish to receive such reports. DISCLOSURE & DISCLAIMER As at the issue date of this report, the analyst(s) and ACBS have no interest in Kinh Do Joint Stock Company. This report is provided for information purposes only. It is aimed to aid the client in the investment progress. It is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase of the share of the subject company. The opinions and recommendations herein (if any) do not take into account individual client circumstances, objectives, or needs and are not intended as recommendations of particular share, investment tactic or strategy to a particular client. The information in this report is obtained from sources believed by ACBS to be reliable. However ACBS makes no warranty or representation as to their accuracy or completeness as well as this report is free from human’s or device function’s error(s). The information is subject to change without prior notice. The Client shall be liable for any risk or loss (if any) as the client makes the investment based on this report. ACBS accepts no liability and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the client’s use of this report, including any loss, damage or expense arising from, but not limited to, any defect, error, imperfection, fault, mistake or inaccuracy with its contents. Some parts of the report reflect the assumptions, views and analytical methods of the analysts who prepared them, and ACBS is not responsible for any error of their works and assumptions. ACBS may have issued, and may in the future, issue other reports that are inconsistent with, and reach different conclusions from, the information presented in this report. Although at the present, ACBS and the analysts do not have any interest in the subject company as disclosed above, in the future, ACBS and the analysts may have positions in and may from time to time purchase or sell its shares. © Copyright. ACB Securities Company Limited 2012, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of ACB Securities Company Limited. Bloomberg: ACBS <GO> 12