February 2016 - Congregation Adath Israel


February 2016 - Congregation Adath Israel
Adath Israel Tradition
Serving the Adath Israel Chavurah since 1904
Newtown, Monroe, Bethel, Brookfield, Southbury, Trumbull, Oxford, Danbury
(The Little Synagogue that Could: First building: 1919, First rabbi: 1923)
Ritual: Conservative Social: Progressive Oneg Shabbats: Priceless
22 Shevat - 20 Adar 1
Check out what’s happening in and
around the Adath Israel Community in
February & March.
See pages 7, 8 & 9 for more information.
Family friendly
Passover Haggadahs
for sale
See page 2 for more information.
Support Adath Israel
Sponsor an Oneg; Purchase a Bronze
Memorial Nameplate or a leaf on our
Tree of Life; Shop through Amazon
Smile; Attend Events; Tell your Friends
about us; Volunteer.
For forms and additional information contact Susan at office@congadathisrael.org
In This Issue
Just For the Record
President’s Message
Community Care Committee
The Nezvesky School
Haggadahs for Sale
Meet our Educators
Pre-School Playgroup
Upcoming Activities and Events
Community Programs & Events
In Memoriam
Contact Information
Hosting an Oneg / Kiddush
February Calendar
8, 9
Dear Congregants,
I returned from my very pleasant holiday looking forward to finalizing our quest for bringing on a new Rabbi.
However, today’s message is one of sadness as well as hope and encouragement for David & Lynn Wiener. For
those who may not know, David had a very serious accident on the ski slope. I am told that the road to recovery will be long and arduous. I am also told that although his body at this time has been weakened, his mind is
strong and alert. He has shown a strong desire to overcome this very serious setback. I know that deep down
in my heart, with David’s strength and resilience, with his family’s and our congregation’s outpouring of love
and encouragement David will be back to help make our Jewish community strong and vibrant.
I want to thank our Caring Committee for their devotion and commitment to the job they undertook.
Please continue to let us know what we can do as a congregation and as individuals to let David know we care.
May God bless congregation Adath Israel of Newtown and keep us safe throughout the year.
With blessings of Shalom,
Bob Rubinstein
Community Care & Share
Passover Haggadahs for Sale
During the month of January the Community Care and
Share Committee has been very busy. We’ve sent cards,
flowers, meals, and a gift basket to several families in need.
We’ve been in touch with Lynn and have reached out to the
Wiener’s to support them in any way. So far our congregation has sent gift cards to the family to local restaurants to
help them during the early days. Lynn is traveling to northern NJ almost daily, so right now the best way we can help
would be gift cards for gas. We are asking that before you
mail any cards to them, please check with Rosalie Newman
at 203 426-6679 or rosalie@mediatavern.com. as she is
keeping this effort organized to be sure that the family’s
immediate needs are met. As we get word of David’s progress and evolving needs, we will let the many of you who
have asked, know in what ways you can help and support
the family. As always, the effectiveness of our committee
depends on us knowing who needs our help and support. If
anyone knows of any person or family in need, please contact Susan Morse at suemorse50@gmail.com.
We would like to welcome our new member Diane Gamse.
If anyone would like to make a donation to our committee it
can be made to the Congregation Adath Israel Community
Care and Share Committee.
Susan Littlefield
Believe it or not, it’s
time to think about
Passover which begins
April 22, 2016!
This year, order a personalized Haggadah for
everyone attending your
Seder. Each Haggadah is
customized with a first or
family name.
Simply order at www.PersonalizedHaggadah.com
and select “Connecticut – Newtown - Congregation
Adath Israel” during online check-out. You will receive your beautiful family keepsake Haggadahs,
and we receive 20% of your Haggadah sale!
The Haggadah features appealing illustrations, it’s
easy to understand, and it is concise, yet traditional. You can view the entire Haggadah online. They
are just $11.50!
A sample book will be available for viewing at
Adath Israel or view it here:
From The Ritual Committee
Shabbat Services in January
On January 23rd, we were scheduled to have a beautiful
service and luncheon celebrating our congregation’s
senior members. We held out hope that we would be
able to fend off the nor’easter for just long enough.
But the storm started early on Shabbat morning and so
we were forced to postpone our celebration. We will
try again on Saturday morning February 6 th. Please
join us then.
We thank those congregants who have led
our Shabbat services in the month of January: Bonnie Goldstein, Katherine Kohrman and Mark Rebb. And we thank those
who delivered a D’var Torah: Katherine
Kohrman, Mark Rebb, David Smith, and
Steve Tenenbaum. There is so much talent and intellect amongst our congregants.
Our current Adult B’nai Mitzvah class has been meeting
for just about one full year. Our three students have
gained Hebrew literacy skills and have begun to study
the prayer service and ritual practices. In one more
year’s time they will be ready to be on the Bimah for a
group B’nai Mitzvah ceremony. If you already have
some Hebrew reading skills and you would like to join
the class, you would be most welcome. Contact:
ritual@congadathisrael.org. Adult Education is a perk
of membership and is offered at no additional cost beyond membership dues. Non-members pay a class fee
and are welcome as well. If you know of anyone outside of our congregation who might be interested in the
class, please encourage that person to contact us.
Adath Israel Cemetery
(a division of B’nai Israel Cemetery)
472 Moose Hill Road, Monroe, CT
Information packets are available.
Please contact Susan Rubin at office@congadathisrael.org
or call 203-426-5188 and leave her a message.
TEENS J ulia Bogdanoff and Rachel
Goldman each served as Cantor for an
evening service. Their mastery of the liturgy complemented their strong musicality. Thanks to you both and also to your
families for supporting your efforts.
Any other teens that are interested in assisting with a service are invited to email
the Ritual Committee at:
We welcome your offer.
During this interim period when we are
without a Rabbi… If you have a loss in
your family, please contact Susan Rubin
our synagogue administrator or board
member Amy Greenfield. We want to
support all the families in our congregation. We will share the information you
give us within our community in any way
that you request. We will help you organize any Shiva’s that you plan to hold.
There are several lay leaders who can
lead a Shiva Minyan Service for you at
your home. Let us be there with you.
Amy can be reached at 203-610-0293 or
Susan can be reached at
singer Gloria Jones in the
early 1970's and they had
one son together who was
born in September 1975.
He was given the name of
Rolan Seymour Feld, also
known as Rolan Bolan!
Lesser Known Jewish
Recording Artists
~ Contributed by Charles Berger
About 66 million years ago, the creature
known as Tyrannosaurus Rex lived in
the area of western North America. It's
probably the best known dinosaur because of its size (42 feet long) and
weight (seven tons). Two men, born in
England, used the "T. Rex" name as the
name for its band in the late 1960's to
early 1970's.
Marc was trying to make
a comeback in the mid1970's. Gloria Jones was
driving their car (Marc
supposedly never learned
to drive) on September
16, 1977 when she
crashed into a tree. She
was seriously injured, but
Marc was killed instantly. His father wanted him to be buried in a Jewish cemetery but there was concern that his avid fans would dig up
the body. Thus, he was cremated. One of his aunts insisted on having a rabbi present.
The leader of the duo (along with Steve
Took) was born as Mark Feld on September 30, 1947 in London. His father
was Jewish Simeon Feld and his mother Phyllis was a
member of the Church of England. Brother Harry Feld
was born in 1945. The brothers had no formal Jewish
education and the family did not celebrate Jewish holidays. The boys learned about Judaism from going to
bar mitzvahs, weddings, and funerals. Thus, Mark did
identify himself as Jewish.
Before he was even ten years old, he knew he wanted to
be in the rock music field. He taught himself to play the
guitar and at 14, he would play his guitar and sing outside of coffee shops. He signed a recording contract in
1965 but had no early success. At this time he changed
his professional name to Marc Bolan. Several reasons
are given for the name "Bolan", but the most common
one is in tribute to Bob Dylan. He used the first two
letters of "Bob" ("BO") and the last three letters of
"Dylan" ("LAN").
Even today, his music can still be heard in various places. The film "Billy Elliot" used several of his compositions in the background. He may not have become a superstar such as the late David Bowie (a friend and rival),
but Marc has been credited for leading the "glam-rock"
movement in which Bowie tremendously succeeded.
Please note that the subject of the November 2015 "For
The Record" Kitty Kallen died in early January at the age
of 94. She will be missed.
Marc's looks enabled him to work as a model as a teenager and he was one of the first performers to have the
"glam-rock" title. He would dress in outlandish clothes
with a top hat, wore eyeliner and would put glitter on
his cheeks.
Have an opinion? Like to write?
Newsletter contributions are always welcome…
T-Rex had great success in the UK and Europe. The
duo (with backup musicians) had 14 Top 20's
there. However, as much as T-Rex tried, only four singles made the Top 100 in the United States. "Bang A
Gong, Get It On" in 1972 did reach the Top 10
here. (Robert Palmer's "Power Station" also made
the Top 10 in its version in 1985).
Have family or student news you would like
to share?
Contact: newsletter@congadathisrael.org
Please note that current and past copies of the
newsletter can be found on the synagogue website,
In January 1970, Marc married June Child. Their relationship was a stormy one, as Marc developed alcohol
and drug addictions. He started a relationship with soul
As you have heard from our announcements, our Seventh Grade teacher, David Wiener, had an accident while skiing over the winter break. He is in a rehab center now, and we don’t know how long it
will be before he is able to return to teaching Sunday School. Our Community Caring Committee
has been working with the Wieners to make sure that we can help them out and if you want to know
what you can do, please contact Sue Morse of the committee. We do expect to see Lynn Wiener
back teaching First Grade now that David is staying at a more nearby facility.
Our Tu B’Shevat Seder was postponed to January 31 due to our first snow storm of the season.
Please see next month’s March newsletter where we will highlight the Seder.
In two months we celebrate Purim and we expect to hold our traditional Purim Carnival right after
Sunday School on March 20. We will be sending further information about the games, food and
sponsorship needed in the next two weeks. Please help your children have a wonderful time.
On the first Friday of every month we hold a special Family Service. This is a short Kabbalat Shabbat service designed for children and runs from 7:00 to 8:00 PM. It’s a really enjoyable time for the
children as they get to join in the celebration of Shabbat with their families. This coming service on
Friday, February 5, promises to be special as the 5th Grade students will present a class project and
discuss it with their fellow students. Please mark it on your calendar and join the other Religious
School families for a special occasion. The oneg will be provided by the parents of the 5th Grade
Also in February we will be having a Learning Service on February 20, followed by a School Lunch.
You will be getting a call from your room parents to provide for a pot luck luncheon. Please mark your
calendars—this service will be structured to help all students understand and participate in one of
the main features of Judaism and is especially important for the older students as they prepare for
their Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
David Smith, Education Chair
Stuffed Animal Collection
We will be continuing our stuffed animal collection for several different organizations. Your stuffed animal donations (in any condition) will bring smiles to many children.
Just drop your plastic bags of stuffed animals in the designated box in the lobby of Adath Israel.
Bud & Bernice Ullmann
Getting to know our educators…
Each month, a brief biography of one of our school educators will be featured. This month
we feature Meyer Glaser.
Meyer Glaser teaches Conversational Hebrew and Fourth Grade on Sundays.
He also leads the upper grades in learning to sing the Shabbat prayers.
Meyer likes to take a quiz show approach to learning. During the week, Meyer is a school psychologist in Brookfield, working with children ages three
to seven. Meyer's father was a rabbi and his brother is currently a rabbi in
Minneapolis. Meyer and his wife, Katherine Kohrman have three children.
Save the date
and invite your friends
to our annual
Ima Abba v’Ani
(Pre-School Playgroup)
P u ri m C ar ni val
For children ages 2 to 5 (children not yet enrolled in Kindergarten) and their parent or
caregiver. Children learn about the Jewish holidays in an age-appropriate way, make crafts,
sing and dance, and have a GREAT time. This
program is led by Jodi Markowsky and meets
once a month from 9:30 to 10:30 on Sunday
mornings during the school year. And it is FREE
to attend.
Sunday, March 20th
right after Sunday school
Food, fun and games
Watch your email
for more information
We ask that a parent or caregiver remain with
the child during the class and that you bring a
small snack and drink. It is strongly encouraged
that the snack be nut-free (i.e. no peanut butter products).
Playgroup dates: October 4 • November 1 • December 6 • January 10 • February 7 • March 6 •
April 5 • May 1
Your Ad Here
Please email Susan at
to find out how to advertise your business
in our newsletters
Call or email the office to reserve your spot!
203-426-5188 or office@congadathisrael.org
7:00 PM at
Adath Israel
For both experienced and beginner players
Coming soon…
Purim Carnival
Sunday March 20
Megillah Reading and
Pot Luck Dinner
Wednesday March 23
"Igniting the Fires for Inclusion"
Presented by Scholar in Residence
Matan A. Koch
Sat, February 6 --- 11:00am
at Congregation B'nai Israel
(193 Clapboard Ridge Rd, Danbury)
Emphasis is on eliminating physical, spiritual,
and attitudinal barriers to truly promote the
inclusion of people with disabilities
in all aspects of society
For further info: 203-792-6161 or
All are welcome!
444 Main Street North | Southbury | CT | 06488
Pajama Drive to benefit local children!*
Extended to February 29
We are collecting NEW pajamas in various sizes ranging from infant to youth size
18 for one month! Drop off locations will include: Jewish Federation of Western CT
in Southbury and various spots in Southbury, Waterbury and Danbury.
*Donations will be distributed by Dept of Children and Families.
Call TODAY!!!! 203-267-3177!!!!
Sunday, February 21 at 9:30 AM
at the Jewish Federation
Join us for a light breakfast as we launch into a New and Healthy Year!
We will host a panel of subject matter experts who will discuss: Podiatry, Nutrition,
Chiropractic, Overall Health Coaching and MORE!
Breakfast cost: $12 paid in advance, $15 at the door
February 17
Book Talks are underwritten by Marcie Schoenfeld in memory of her beloved parents Abraham and Rose
The usual location for the JHSFC Book
Talks is the Stamford JCC located at
1035 Newfield Avenue, but other local venues have been used.
Programs are free and open to the
public. Refreshments are served.
See website:
Presenter: Joan Krantz
A tale of one beguiling woman, three men who love her
and one son, whose lives come together and come apart,
set in a small village in pre-Israel Palestine of the 1930’s.
March 16
ONCE MY NAME WAS SARA by I. Betty Grebenschikoff
Presenter: Dr. Judith Katz
The story of a family that fled Nazi Germany to the only
place that would take them: Shanghai, China.
Yahrzeits: February 2016
Administrative Assistant: Susan Rubin
2 Feb
2 Feb
4 Feb
7 Feb
11 Feb
12 Feb
15 Feb
16 Feb
20 Feb
21 Feb
23 Feb
23 Shevat
23 Shevat
25 Shevat
28 Shevat
2 Adar
3 Adar
6 Adar
7 Adar
11 Adar
12 Adar
14 Adar
Morris Gertner, Father of Michael Gertner
Paul Tenenbaum, Father of Steven Tenenbaum
Anne Goldstein, Mother of Robert Goldstein
Donald Hoffman, Father of Cara Tingley
Estelle Weinrib, Mother of Amy Greenfield
Morton C. Hillman, Father of Bill Hillman
Hariette Wishko, Mother of David Wishko
Beatrice Getman, Grandmother of Jodi Bialik
Miriam Spigel, Mother of Ruth Theaman
Marie Glantz, Mother of Sylvia Nahoum
Benjamin Finkelstein, Father of Mardi Smith
… and let us not forget
2 Feb
10 Feb
11 Feb
23 Shevat
1 Adar
2 Adar
Dina Stoller Smolen
Isaac Stoller
Paul Mapen
14 Feb
17 Feb
5 Adar
8 Adar
Aaron Leon Bernstein
Ann Torow
21 Feb
22 Feb
12 Adar
13 Adar
Syd Steinfeld
Stanley Norman Koffman
26 Feb
27 Feb
17 Adar
18 Adar
Marilyn Snow
Eliah Goosman
2015 – 2016 Officers of the Board
President: Bob Rubinstein
Vice - President: Amy Greenfield
Vice - President: Rosalie Newman
Vice - President: Susan Wilson
Treasurer: Lauren DiMartino
Secretary: Mark Silverman
Member at Large: Jim Arena
Member at Large: Steven Bamberg
2015 – 2016 Committee Chairpersons
Birthday Books: Mardi Smith
Education Chairperson: David Smith
School Parent Coordinator: Cara Tingley
Teen Volunteer Coordinator: Stacey Schumer
Federation Rep: (position available)
Fundraising: (position available)
Honorarium: Susan Rubin
If you wish to install a memorial nameplate in the sanctuary,
please contact Susan Rubin at 203-426-5188 or
by email office@congadathisrael.org
House: Mark Silverman
Membership: Jodi Markowsky
Men’s Club: Tod Bogdanoff
Newsletter: Susan Rubin
Programs: (position available)
Publicity: Karen Klein
Ritual: Katherine Kohrman
Business card size:
$10 monthly / $90 yearly
1/4 page: $15 mo. / $135 yr.
1/2 page: $25 mo. / $225 yr.
Full page: $45 mo. / $405 yr.
Safety: David Wiener
Sisterhood: Bonnie Goldstein
Email: newsletter@congadathisrael.org
We gratefully acknowledge the following contributions to temple funds:
General Fund
Gilda & Jay Slomka in memory of Jay’s mother, Esther Slomka
The Gilman Family
Darryl & Leah Newman
Katherine Kohrman & Meyer Glaser in memory of Katherine's mother,
Margery Kohrman
Caring Community Fund
Robert & Bonnie Goldstein in memory of Bob's mother, Anne Goldstein
Shop at
and Amazon will make a donation to:
Congregation Adath Israel
AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know.
Same products, same prices, same service.
Support Congregation Adath Israel by starting your
shopping at:
Hosting a Friday Oneg or Saturday Kiddush is performing a Mitzvah for our
community. After services is a time
when we have a chance to slow down
and catch up on the weekly events
with our fellow congregants.
It’s not only a Mitzvah, but a way for
you to celebrate an event in your family and share the good news with our
congregation. Many people host to
commemorate birthdays, anniversaries, engagements, awards, graduations, victories and other happy occasions. You may also host in memory of
a loved one. Of course, you don’t
need a reason to host and you may
also buddy up and host with a friend.
If you wish to participate in this Mitzvah or for more information, please
e-mail the office at
Friday Oneg Dates Available
February 12, 19
March 11, 18
April 15, 29
May 6, 13, 20, 27
June 17, 24
August 12, 26
Saturday Kiddush Dates Available
May 21
A great way to honor past and present
family members and friends
Large Leaf—$1800. each;
Small Leaf—$180. each
Order forms available at the synagogue
or by emailing office@congadathisrael.org
Celebrate a special day with us!
Honor an achievement, birthday or
anniversary. Do a mitzvah. Sponsor an
Oneg or Kiddush this year.
Reserve your date now!