Selichot - Adath Jeshurun Congregation
Selichot - Adath Jeshurun Congregation
Backyard Shabbat Saturday, September 3 Page 2 Tri-Faith Collaboration Jews, Christians & Muslims Together Page 4 CLARION THE VOICE OF ADATH JESHURUN CONGREGATION Connect. Engage. Grow. S e p t em b er, 2016 Vo l 13 2 ● Is su e 11 2 8 Av 5776 Our New Engagement Team Strengthening our community by connecting congregants to one another and the vibrancy of Adath. Selichot A Night that Ushers in the Sacred Themes of the High Holy Days This year’s community-wide service takes place at Temple Israel, 2324 Emerson Avenue South, Minneapolis, on Saturday, September 24. Casey Reiter, Engagement Coordinator, will work with young adult outreach and family engagement through B'nai Mitzvah age. Casey and her husband Adam are Adath members. Their 2-year-old son, Asher, attends Gan Shelanu Preschool. 8:30 PM Havdalah and Program I am my Brother’s Keeper! Acting in the Face of Injustice Yehudit Shendar, Retired Deputy Director and Senior Art Curator at Yad Vashem World-leading expert in Holocaust art and Nazi art plundering 10:00 PM Reception 10:30 PM Selichot Service Participating Congregations: Adath Jeshurun Congregation, Beth El Synagogue, Mayim Rabim Congregation, Sharei Chesed and Temple of Aaron. Temple Israel Meira Silverstein, Adult Learning Coordinator, has a passion for Jewish learning and is a professional violinist. She and husband, Alex Fiterstein, are Adath members along with their children, Dani, age eight and Adinah, age five. Jennifer Gray, Director of Congregational Life, is a lifelong Adath congregant. Her family includes husband, Mark Freeman; daughters Annie and Isabel and son Josh. Jennifer teaches yoga and is founder of the Yoga Center of Minneapolis. High Holy Days ● 5777 Erev Rosh Hashanah Rosh Hashanah First Day Rosh Hashanah Second Day Kol Nidre Yom Kippur Sukkot First Day Sukkot Second Day Shemini Atzeret Simchat Torah Sunday, October 2 Monday, October 3 Tuesday, October 4 Tuesday, October 11 Wednesday, October 12 Monday, October 17 Tuesday, October 18 Monday, October 24 Tuesday, October 25 For information on service times and special programming, see your High Holy Days Information Booklet or the website. All High Holy Days order forms are due by September 23. WORD FROM OUR CLERGY WHO’S WHO Cultivating Character During this election season, we are expected to judge the character of those who will serve as leaders at every level of government. So how do we determine the quality of a person's character? New York Times columnist David Brooks, in his widely acclaimed book, The Road To Character, explores this issue observing that, "we live in a culture that focuses on external success. We live in a fast, distracted culture. We’ve lost some of the vocabulary other generations had to describe the inner confrontation with weakness that produces good character." Brooks suggests a person of character "radiates an inner light." While preparing a recent sermon on leadership and character, I realized there is no direct translation into Hebrew of the English word character, referring to the possession of a high level of moral standing. Looking for a good answer, I asked some fine Hebraists how they would translate the word. Earl Schwartz suggested adam yasher. This is like the name of our synagogue Adath Jeshurun, which we translate as "gathering of the righteous," a name we strive to live up to. Jonathan Paradise, the retired professor of Hebrew at the University of Minnesota who relishes this kind of challenge, initially suggested the term baal shiur komah, which he defined as “a respected, honorable, venerable person.” Our discussion settled on the term ba'al or ba'alat middot, a person who possesses good character. Middah means a virtue or character trait. Examining our middot is central to the venerable Jewish discipline of character building known as Mussar. In modern Hebrew mussar refers to morality. The root sur is found in Psalm 34:15. The Psalmist asks, "what is the path a person should follow to live a good life/Mi ha ish hechafetz chayim?" and answers, “turn away from evil/sur me-rah and do good/va’aseh tov, seek peace/bakesh shalom, and pursue it/v’rodfei-hu." Psalm 34 reminds us that character building does not require us to be flawless, and surely we have abundant examples of Biblical characters who had their share of flaws. Rather, the work of character building requires us to acknowledge our failings and to honestly grapple with them. Israel Salanter, the 19th century Lithuania rabbi who significantly advanced the practice of Mussar, promoted it as a way of moving people from simply knowing the right thing to do, to helping them to find the psychological motivation to actually do it. That is the essence of the Jewish tradition of Mussar practice. Hineni, Adult Jewish Learning and Contemplative Practices - Talmud Torah of St Paul under the leadership of Sara Lynn Newberger, has developed Mussar classes including one at Adath this fall. I am honored to co-lead it with Sara Lynn, Cindy Reich and Jennifer Gray. We will use a curriculum created by Rabbi David Jaffe for the Institute for Jewish Spirituality called the Tikkun Middot Projectthe Repair of Character Project, based on the ground breaking work of Alan Moranis and Rabbi Ira Stone and Mussar masters of previous generations. In addition to study, mindfulness practice and group discussion, class members will meet on their own in chevruta pairs between sessions to support each other's personal growth. The class runs mid-September through mid-February. Rabbi Harold J. Kravitz Senior Rabbi, Max Newman Family Chair in Rabbinics Rabbi Aaron S. Weininger Associate Rabbi, Berman Family Chair in Jewish Learning Cantor Scott Buckner Hazzan Jim Sherman Rabbis’ Associate Rabbi Barry Cytron Senior Scholar Bernie Goldblatt Executive Director EXECUTIVE BOARD Debbie Spencer President Al Kaufmann Treasurer Barbara Fishman VP Primary Education Jeff Daniels VP Marketing/Communications Jeannie Gilfix VP Adult Learning Debbie Goldenberg Secretary Scott Gordon VP Fundraising & Development While we expect leaders of all segments of our society to aspire to the highest possible level of character, in the end the best we can do is to first hold ourselves up to that high standard. Personal character improvement work is at the heart of what is expected of each of us during the approaching High Holidays. We welcome you to join our Mussar Program to advance this worthy goal. With God's help, and each other's support in mastering our Middot, we hope that we will be able to cultivate the kind of radiating inner light that David Brooks urges us to look for in our fellows. Jodi Rubin VP Secondary Education Registration Information: Free introductory session: Monday, September 19 at 7:30 PM Monday nights, 7:30-9:30 at Adath. Oct. 31, Nov. 14 and 28, Dec. 12 and 19, Jan. 9 and 23, Feb. 6, 13 and 27, March 13 Cost: $180 payable to the Adath. Sign up at If you cannot pay the whole fee, pay what you can. Contact Jennifer Gray at Lee Prohofsky VP Property & Catering Rabbi Harold Kravitz MAX NEWMAN FAMILY CHAIR IN RABBINICS 2 | CLARION Please Note: The dates of the program have changed slightly since it was first publicized. Ann Miller VP Membership Mark Freeman VP Human Resources Julie Ziessman VP Jewish Life & Learning Adath Jeshurun Foundation President Judy Gaviser WORD FROM OUR BOARD As we approach the High Holidays, it is a time for reflecting on the past year. During last year’s Rosh Hashanah SPA service, we were handed cards with important questions on the back of the card. I have kept that card in my tallis bag and I look at it all the time. The questions are: How and whom is your connection to Judaism developing? What direction do you want to take it in the New Year to enrich your life? What tools to you need? What help do you need on this journey? I would like to share my own journey this past year. While I haven’t mastered my way around the Shabbat morning service, I am getting better thanks to the class: Finding Your Way into the Shabbat Morning Service. I am going to sign up again, and this time I will purchase my own Siddur so I can take notes and insert page markers. Please consider joining me for the next class. I don’t know all of the words or tunes to some of the prayers, but I am learning more each time I attend services. I encourage you to come to any morning or afternoon minyan, Shabbat morning service or SPA service. Don’t feel bad if you don’t know all the words. You can simply come with intention and sing “LAI, LAI, LAI” In my effort to understand more about the weekly parshat and learn about the great Jewish thinkers, I have joined the Downtown study group. I have become more familiar with Jewish scholars and specifically about why good people suffer and why evil persists. Feel free to join any of our study groups, even if you have never attended one before. It has been years since my last Torah Reading, and I have taken Beginner and Intermediate Torah Reading classes more than once. Adath is filled with accomplished Torah readers who will help you out literally anywhere and any time no matter where you are in your Torah reading journey. Whoever you are and however your respond to those questions, Adath has something for you! It is an honor and a privilege to help lead our congregation. I am grateful and humbled by this opportunity. The people I will meet, the relationships I will build, and the stories I will hear inspire me. I look forward to getting to know all of you better. Debbie Spencer, President High Holy Days Ticket Orders Due September 23 In order to receive your tickets by mail, all order forms need to be returned to the synagogue office by Friday, September 23. Ticket orders received after that date may be picked up in the office or at Will Call. AVINU MALKEINU (Our Father, Our King) NAMING GOD A Pre-High Holy Day Conversation Rabbi Barry Cytron, Adath Senior Scholar September 17, 24 and October 1 9:15-10:15 AM Barbra Streisand, at the request of Israel’s illustrious Shimon Peres, sang this famous prayer at his retirement celebration. Every Rosh Hashanah, we joyously stand and sing its mighty refrain. But most of us no longer relate positively to images of royalty; victims of parental abuse note the problem of assuming a benevolent father; and feminists have long objected to masculine language for God. Join us for three Shabbat morning discussions as we explore the questions raised by this powerful and central theme of our Machzor. Rabbi Lawrence Hoffman’s latest volume in the Prayers of Awe series will serve as our main resource. There is no charge and everyone is welcome. Get ready for Gimel services by attending Gimel Open Jam! 4:30 PM, September 22 and September 27 Join Rabbi Weininger, Laurie Herstig and Michael Raymond in the Social Hall for one or both open jam sessions as we get ready for Gimel! Brush up on your favorite holiday tunes and grab a light bite. “Gimel service is fantastic! And that's not only because our kiddos are engaged and learning, but also because as adults, we too are engaged! There are instruments, props, colors and sounds (so great for fidgety fingers)! It’s truly amazing how music and storytelling can pull children, parents and grandparents together (really, whole families can connect around the holiday simultaneously). The pull is so strong that I have seen many attendees of the other services who just cannot help but peek in on what Gimel is up to!” Congregant Janessa Berkowitz Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner Don’t be without a welcoming table of friends or family this High Holy Day season. If you can offer space at your family’s table, or you would like to be invited for a High Holy Day meal, please contact Susie Held at 763.557.1502 or e-mail SEPTEMBER, 2016 | 3 Tri-Faith Collaboration Intro to Judaism/Conversion Over the past year, Christian, Jewish and Muslim congregations in our Northwest suburban area have expressed interest in connecting and better understanding each other's faiths. In this spirit, we are planning a series of visits to each other's congregations in the weeks ahead as part of a Tri-faith Collaboration. Adath Jeshurun, Beth El and Sharei Chesed synagogues offer a joint Introduction to Judaism course on Tuesday evenings, beginning September13 and taught by rabbis of these congregations, Rabbis Harold Kravitz, Alexander Davis and Avram Ettedgui. The class will challenge and inspire participants both intellectually and spiritually, as they go on a fascinating journey together, exploring Jewish values and sacred texts, approaches to God, prayer, holidays, life cycle observances, and more. The class concludes in May, 2017. Wayzata Community Church Sunday, September 11 at 10:45 AM The series will begin with a Service of Remembrance and Hope at Wayzata Community Church. We will all join together to observe the 15th anniversary of this devastating day. Adath Jeshurun Congregation Saturday, September 17 at 6 PM Adath Jeshurun will host visitors from the participating congregations on Saturday evening with an introduction to our afternoon service, Mincha, which includes the reading of the Torah. After the service we will meet for light refreshments at 7:15-8:15 PM. Members of the Adath community will answer questions and engage in conversations, followed by a brief Havdalah ceremony, marking the conclusion of the Jewish Sabbath. North West Islamic Community Center Sunday, September 29 at 4 PM The North West Islamic Community Center will host a prayer service on Sunday evening September 29 from 4-6 PM. We will be welcomed, observe their brief service, then have time for conversation and questions. St. Edward the Confessor Episcopal Church Sunday, October 9 at 10 AM The community of St. Edward the Confessor Episcopal Church in Wayzata will host us at their Sunday morning service. After, we are all invited to break bread and socialize. Bet Shalom Congregation Sunday, October 16 at 7 PM Bet Shalom will host a service celebrating the first night of the Festival of Sukkot. Recalling the Sukkot harvest festival offering in the Torah, they encourage all in attendance to come with a "Gaily Decorated Basket of Fruit and Vegetables," which will be ceremonially offered and placed on the pulpit during the service and then delivered to the ICA Food Shelf. The service will last approximately 45 minutes and will be followed by refreshments and an opportunity to visit their Sukkah. These gatherings will be an opportunity to observe each other in prayer, to learn about each other's faiths and to deepen our relationships. We hope members of Adath will take this opportunity to visit these congregations and join us as we host on the evening of Sept 17. Harriet Kohen is serving as our congregational chairperson. Please reply to the Adath office 952.545.2424 if you plan to attend. Watch for updates in our weekly Chadashot email announcements and on the Adath website. Introduction to Judaism is open to Jews, non-Jews, people who have grown up in interfaith families, and those considering conversion. The class enables people who are considering conversion, and their partners, to study Judaism seriously and grapple with the religious and personal questions that are raised in this soulsearching process. A Hebrew reading course is also built into the program. Anyone interested in enrolling in the Intro to Judaism program through Adath, please contact Rabbi Kravitz at 952.545.2424. One of the many decisions made at the end of life is where to be buried. Will you leave that decision to your family at a time of sorrow or will you preplan? We encourage you to make this important decision now. Adath Jeshurun Congregation owns and maintains the Adath Chesed Shel Emes Cemetery in Crystal. Backyard Shabbat Saturday, September 3 from 4:30-6:30 PM You're invited! Casual, summer community gatherings to relax, nosh and learn as kids and adults enjoy Shabbat. All are welcome. We’ll provide childcare for kids ages 2 and up so adults can socialize. The Backyard Shabbat will be at the home of Kara and Uri Rosenwald in Plymouth. RSVP to 4 | CLARION To help you get your plan in place, now through Simchat Torah, all plots—up to four—are 25% off for Adath Jeshurun members. For you, or for a loved one, plan on Adath Chesed Shel Emes. Call the Adath Chesed Shel Emes Cemetery superintendent, Michael Morris at 612.998.0077 or Friday Evening SPA and Congregational Dinner Friday, September 23 Join us to unplug from the week and plug into something special that will inspire you for the upcoming holidays. A space we create together. Our soulful, musical davening (prayer) begins at 6 PM in the Chapel followed by a congregational dinner. Join us as we build a lively Shabbat energy where it's comfortable to connect with new and old friends and experience the authenticity and warmth of community. Come create kavanah, a real intention around special ritual items that represent Jewish pride and heritage, as we discuss how ritual enhances our connection to spirituality. Come as you are—leave somehow changed. Take a break and join us for Adath’s 2016 Senior Adult Getaway Inspiration, Relaxation and Exploration (at a beautiful location) On October 31, spend a wonderful day at Mount Olivet Retreat Center with guest speakers, delicious food, nature walks, gentle yoga and more. Bus leaves Adath at 9 AM and returns at 5:30 PM for dinner, ending by 7:15 PM. Join us for a traditional chicken Shabbat dinner. A vegetarian option is available. Cost is $18 for adults; $9 for ages 12 and under. Cost: $50 Let us know you’re coming to dinner by September 19. RSVP at or send payment to Adath Jeshurun, attn: SPA Shabbat Dinner, including ages of children. E-mail Jennifer Gray at to receive your registration form and more information. Send Holiday Packages to your kids ages 18-24! Know kids living away from home? Children? Grandchildren? Help them stay connected to Adath with holiday packages at Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah, Purim and Passover. Each package comes with holiday themed items plus a note from the rabbis. The cost for all four packages is just $36! The fee offsets package costs but additional contributions are always appreciated. Enroll by September 9 to ensure your child receives the package going for Rosh Hashanah at The boxes are packaged by parent volunteers. It only takes about an hour and it’s a great way to meet other parents. Join us on Tuesday, September 27, at 7 PM, at Adath to help. Questions? Contact: Sue Freeman,, Wendy Johnson, or Amy Klaiman, Finding your way into the Shabbat Morning Service Join Adath congregant, SMP teacher Lon Rosenfield, for a Tuesday evening class for adults on understanding the Shabbat morning service. It’s like a book club, only you talk about the prayers! This is what you’ll cover: How is the service put together, and why? Basic vocabulary of the service Where did the prayers come from? What can we learn from their sources? Different ways to understand the prayers, and their meaning, power, and (sometimes) difficulties for us today Themes of the various parts of the service Choreography of davening Hands on “Torah Labs” including a close encounter with a Sefer Torah and Tefillin, and side trips to B’raishit and Mt. Sinai via a close reading of Torah. Beyond Baubies—Secrets of the Jewish Holiday Kitchen Monday, September 19, 7 PM in the Adath Kitchen. Food has always played a primary role in the celebration of Jewish holidays. Come cook with us as three of Adath’s “balabustas” (Yiddish for “perfect, gracious hostess”) Reva Kibort, Raleigh Kaminsky and Susie Kane will teach you how to make two traditional favorites, apple cake and knishes, for the High Holy Days. This will be a hands-on class and you will participate, taste and bring home samples to share with your family. Jewish cooking is food with a story. Circle the date to hear the poignant and savory tales of how food has played an important role in the lives of these women with such diverse backgrounds. Watch the website and Chadashot for more details and sign up forms. These classes are meant to enhance your experience in the Shabbat Morning Service, and to enrich your Jewish life. No Hebrew knowledge is required. Come with questions and curiosities. There is no charge for this program. Monday evenings 7:30-9 PM. Class begins Nov. 7 and runs 25 weeks (come as you can). Contact Jennifer Gray at to be included in the updates and mailing list for this class. Please sign up soon so we can better plan for the class. SEPTEMBER, 2016 | 5 HAPPENINGS SPA: Soulful Prayer at Adath Join Rabbi Weininger, with Jennifer Gray, Nancy Krawetz on guitar and Elizabeth “EB” Barnard on drums, at 9:45 AM for a contemplative service. Backyard Shabbat 4:30-6:30 PM Casual, summer community gatherings to relax, nosh and learn as kids and adults enjoy Shabbat. See page 4. Kadima/USY Kick-Off BBQ (rain or shine) Contact Sue at 952.215.3910 or for details. Newborn-Pre K children and their parents 10 AM - noon. See page 7 Carlebach Service The soul stirring melodies of the late Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach help us begin Shabbat. 6 PM. SERVICES Beyond Baubies— Secrets of the Jewish Holiday Kitchen, 7 PM See page 5. SHABBAT RE-EH September 2-3 7:30 PM Candle lighting 6:00 PM Friday Evening Service 9:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service 6:30 PM Shabbat Mincha Mussar class begins & continues through February. See page 2. SHABBAT SHOFTIM September 9-10 7:17 PM Candle lighting 6:00 PM Friday Evening Service 9:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service Emily Rotenberg Bat Mitzvah 6:30 PM Shabbat Mincha High Holy Days Forms Due Today All ticket orders, Memorial Book entries, knish and kugel orders, program sign-ups and any payment due for them is due today. Friday Evening SPA & Congregational Dinner Join the SPA davening team for SPA (Soulful Prayer at Adath) Friday evening Kabbalat Shabbat service followed by dinner. See page 5. Community Selichot Service at Temple Israel See page 1 or service schedule to the right 9:30 AMNoon See page 10. Sweet, Spice & Everything Nice Shabbat 5:30-7 PM. See page 7. Avinu Malkeinu Naming God First of 3 sessions led by Rabbi Barry Cytron. Series continues 9/24 and 10/1. See page 3. 6 | CLARION Sunday Minyan Breakfast This program builds friendships and supports our Minyan. Join us at 9:30 AM minyan, followed by breakfast. Each month a congregant shares a few words in memory of a loved one. SHABBAT KI TEITZEI September 16-17 7:04 PM Candle lighting 6:00 PM Friday Evening Service 9:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service 6:30 PM Shabbat Mincha SHABBAT KI TAVO September 23-24 6:51 PM Candle lighting 6:00 PM Friday Evening Service 9:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service 6:30 PM Shabbat Mincha COMMUNITY SELICHOT SERVICE AT TEMPLE ISRAEL September 24 8:30 PM Havdalah & Program 10:00 PM Reception 10:30 PM Selichot Service SHABBAT NITZAVIM September 30-October 1 6:38 PM Candle lighting 6:00 PM Friday Evening Service 9:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service 6:30 PM Shabbat Mincha ROSH HASHANAH October 2-October 4 See your High Holy Days information booklet or for service times and special program details. DAILY MINYAN Mornings 7:20 AM Monday-Friday 9:30 AM Sunday Mornings & Legal Holidays Evenings 5:45 PM Sunday - Thursday Evenings B’NAI MITZVAH YOUTH NEWS SMP Registration EMILY ROTENBERG SEPTEMBER 10, 2016 Emily is the daughter of Lisa and Richard Rotenberg. She is the sister of Jordan and Jason and granddaughter of Lynn and Buddy Abramson and Jean and David Rotenberg. Emily enjoys dance, playing piano and golf. As her Hesed project, she is making tie blankets to donate to Minneapolis Children’s Hospital. Through her Bat Mitzvah training, Emily has learned “that hard work and lots of practice helped me reach this special day.” SMP Registration has been sent to all SMP aged-families. Please return your registration forms by Thursday, September 8. We need your registration to ensure accuracy in our records. The first day of SMP is Saturday, September 17 – Shabbat Ki Tetze. For questions or additional information, please contact Risa Kessler at 952.215.3925 or e-mail at We look forward to seeing you on September 17. SMP Welcome/Parents Meeting September 10, 10–11:30 AM in the Large Muscle Room SMP begins on Saturday morning, September 17. There will be an SMP Orientation for 5th and 6th grade parents in the Chapel so you can learn what is in store for your child at SMP. Following SMP classes, all of SMP will go to the Sanctuary and join the congregation to begin the new school year. For questions or additional information, please contact Risa Kessler at 952.215.3925 or e-mail Shabbat spirit in song, treats, crafts and free play in the Gan preschool’s great ‘indoor playground’. K-4 Grade Junior Congregation CHILDREN & YOUTH NEWS Tumbling Tot Shabbat! World Birthday Celebration Free & open to all young families. Questions: Family Fridays September 16, 5:30-7 PM Sweet, Spice & Everything Nice Hosted by Tammi & Elliot Lazarus Make Shabbat come alive and celebrate with families of young children! Delicious dinners, friendly music & fun. Everyone is welcome so bring your friends, neighbors and extended family members as guests. Calling all K-4th graders! Be part of Adath’s Junior Congregation! We meet in the Chapel from 10 AM-Noon on Shabbat mornings on SMP weeks. Participants are included in leading parts of the service, t’fillot (prayers) and reading Torah! As our K-4th graders get involved with Jr. Congregation, parents are welcome to join or stay in the building and enjoy all that Adath has to offer on Shabbat mornings. Register by September 9 at: Questions? Contact Annette Rose, Family Life Educator, at B’Yachad Starts September 11 Register Today Kindergarten and first graders come learn and have fun at Adath Jeshurun Congregation’s B’Yachad Sunday School. B’Yachad is a great way to begin or continue your child’s Jewish education. Torah for Tots Childcare on Shabbat mornings at Adath for children 2 years-PreK 10 AM - Noon Fun, interactive play time, includes Shabbat stories from the Torah, Shabbat appropriate activities and games for all ages! A dynamic curriculum engages young students and helps them make friends and build community. Classes are taught by experienced Jewish educators. We meet 9:30 – 11:30 AM Sunday mornings from September-May. Lisa Bennett, Gan Teacher and Shabbat Morning Childcare teacher, will staff the new, welcoming Torah for Tots class! Join us to enjoy Shabbat together! Register today at Questions: or 952.215.3910 SEPTEMBER, 2016 | 7 CHILDREN & YOUTH NEWS We aspire to have mensches. “A mensch?” you ask. Yes! As quoted in Leo Rosten’s book The Joy of Yiddish, a mensch is “someone to admire and emulate….who has a sense of what is right, responsible..” This term is used as a high compliment. Within our youth programming we actively evoke a pride of being Jewish, a responsibility towards our communities and instill various social, religious and leadership levels for our youth to aspire towards, spreading mensch-like behavior everyday! We have a powerful potential in our youth that we continuously encourage. We desire to direct them to a good end. Join us in the various Adath youth-related opportunities for your child, tween and teen! Go to Adath’s website to get an overview of each of these programs (and grade level) listed. Encourage them to give it a try and bring a friend. All are welcome! Discover the program or programs that works for you! USY (9-12), Kadima (7-8), Maccabee (4-6), Mulan Play (7-12), Purim Carnival Booths (7-12), SMP Teen staff (8-12), Junior Congregation (K-4), Rosh Hodesh/Shevat Achim (8), Heschel Study Society (9-12), Talmud Torah (3-8), Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School (K-8), Yachad (9-12), Confirmation (10), Teen Israel Programs (10-12), Jewish Summer & Family Camps (4-11 & young families), and teen volunteer opportunities in the larger community (contact Sue), as well as Adath events including assisting on Sundays at B”Yachad, weekdays at Gan Shelanu and some Shabbatot for our Tumbling Tot Shabbat, Torah for Tots and Backyard Shabbat. Take the next steps along your Jewish journey with Yachad 25 varied course offerings Courses that work for busy schedules: Weekly, Monthly, Online Outstanding & diverse faculty & staff I am looking forward to seeing you! Sue Shrell Leon, Director of Youth Engagement September Highlights: Tuesday, September 6 - USY & Kadima BBQ Kick-off event, 6 - 8 PM Wednesday, September 7 - Yachad Open House, 6 - 7:30 PM Tuesday, September 13 - SMP Staff Orientation, 6 - 7:45 PM Saturday, September 17 - First day for SMP, Tumbling Tot Shabbat, Junior Congregation Sunday, September 18 - Maccabee & Kadima event Tuesday, September 20 - Adath Teen “WE DAY” event, 7 AM - 3:30 PM Saturday, September 24 - Heschel Study Society, 11:45 AM - 1 PM USY event at Adath WE Day is an inspirational event. It connects and empowers a new generation to shift the world from ME to WE. WE Day is an unparalleled stadium-sized experience, WE Day brings together world renowned speakers and performers with stands packed with young social innovators to honor their contributions and kick-start another year of change. Volunteer and witness the power of WE Day MN first-hand! Maccabee chapter goes rollerblading Tuesday, September 20, 2016, 7 AM - 3:30 PM Open to teens in 7-12 grade Must be an Adath family or Youth member Bus transportation provided by Adath Supervised by Sue Shrell Leon, Director of Youth Engagement Tickets are limited….On a ‘First Come, First-Served’ basis. Contact Sue Shrell Leon at or 952.215.3910 immediately and no later than Tuesday, September 6. 2015 Teen WE Day participants 8 | CLARION OMEN’S LEAGUE WORLD Member Appreciation Brunch Leadership Advancement Opportunity Sunday, September 18, 10:30 AM at Adath A Leadership Institute will be held in Des Moines, Iowa on October 30-31. Under the auspices of the IntraContinental Region for Women's League for Conservative Judaism, this program is open to all women in the region who want to advance their leadership skills within a Jewish context. For information contact Region President Ardis Wexler at 952.210.7497. If you have paid your membership for 2016-17 just come and enjoy a delicious brunch and great program about “Happy Feet” from Schuler Shoes. If you want to bring a guest that is not a member, the cost is $12. Call Helen Vinisky at 952.544.3947 to make a reservation. There will be a drawing for a $50 gift card to Schuler’s. So put your favorite shoes on and come to the Member Appreciation Brunch. For more information about membership call Lorene Lampert 763.593.5808 or Harriet Amdur at 612.209.1777. Racial Justice and Mass Incarceration A very happy and healthy birthday… ... to our members born in September. May you celebrate your birthday with fun and with love and may the years that follow bring you all that you desire. Robin Altman, Judith Elias, Paula Fox, Sheila Goldstein, Rose Goodman, Marlene Rutman, Estie Sherman On September 6, Women’s League, together with the Tuesday Torah Study at 12 noon, will be discussing the problems of mass incarceration across the U.S. with a focus on the intersection of race, poverty, and the criminal justice and penal systems. It will be illustrated how the emerging organizing efforts can offer hope for change. Save the Dates With all the shootings around the country, we need to look into this problem and find solutions. “When you have confidence you can have fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things!” Joe Namath On December 4, a panel will be featured which will include Legislators. Final arrangements are being made and we will let everyone know when all the details are finalized. Everyone is invited to participate. Call Bobby Nemer with any questions at 952.938.8941 Book Club Thursday, September 8 Our book club meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 9:30 AM at Perkins on 394 and Louisiana, St. Louis Park. The following are the books we are reading: September 8, Nerve Damage by Tom Coombs October there will be not be a get together due to all of the holidays. November 10, The Nest by Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney We enjoy our time together talking, eating and discussing the book of choice. This is open to all. Please phone Laureen Phillips 763.545.4236 for further details or questions. Note Date Change Sunday, October 30 at 10:30 AM. Women's League is proud to host Hamline University Professor David Schultz who is recognized nationwide as an expert on the American Political Process and the ethics of politics. Professor Schultz has also recently returned from Jerusalem where he was invited to speak on the current American political scene, and will be including a little of that experience in his presentation. For further details, please watch for the October Clarion or contact Freddie Pink, 763.374.4050. Tuesday, December 6, Hanukkah Luncheon & Game Day Sunday, January 15, Challah Baking (Mother and Daughter) February 18, Women’s League Shabbat Notes from the President What makes September such an interesting month? The kids return to school; we begin to have warm days and wonderfully cool nights; we begin to see the start of the beautiful fall colors; and best of all, Adath Women’s League holds its annual Member Appreciation Brunch. This event is free for all who have paid their 2016/17 membership dues. You will have an opportunity to discover what Adath Women’s League has in store for the coming year. The brunch will also feature a “Happy Feet” presentation from Schuler Shoes and a gift certificate will be presented. Confidence –another word that describes our Women’s League members. They show their confidence in their commitment to the goals of Women’s League by attending conferences and workshops that broaden their knowledge and experience. However, they also get together to relax and have fun. It might be as simple as helping with a mailing or as complex as preparing an upcoming program. One of the best things about belonging to Women’s League is understanding that we don’t all have the same skill sets - we bring our personalities and ideas to the group and combine our talents to provide diversified programs throughout the year. We are blessed to have talented, educated and committed women in our synagogue community and are thankful for their participation in the various Women’s League activities. I look forward to seeing you at the Member Appreciation Brunch on September 18. Shalom, Ruth Harris, President Adath Jeshurun Women’s League SEPTEMBER, 2016 | 9 MAKING A DIFFERENCE ADATH 30 Extraordinary IRA Opportunity is Now Permanent “I always like going to synagogue, but the high holidays are something special. When the Cantor chants Kol Nidre, there’s nothing like it,” said one member of Adath Foundation’s Legacy Society. A few years ago, this donor put Adath in her estate plans, making a promise to future generations that our synagogue will be here on the holiest days of the year and every day in-between. But this donor wanted to do more. She wanted to make an immediate impact, and the opportunity came in the form of giving from her IRA: “Now that I am over 70½ I can make a donation directly from my IRA to the Adath Foundation to fulfill my mandatory minimum distribution.” “I simply had my IRA plan administrator designate the Adath Jeshurun Foundation for a qualified charitable distribution and then send the money.” Because the money goes directly to the Adath Foundation from the donor’s IRA, it is not considered taxable income to the donor. This extraordinary giving opportunity has only recently been made permanent by an act of Congress. There used to be annual questions whether Congress would renew this option, but donors can now rely on it. In the words of this donor, “I am delighted it is now permanent and I can make the contribution without any year-end rush!” This generous donation to the Adath Jeshurun Foundation is unrestricted, making the high holidays just one of Adath’s many services and programs supported by her permanent fund. Instead of paying taxes on her required minimum contribution, this donor looks forward to growing her impact each year with another gift from her IRA. Please consult with your tax professional if you are contemplating a charitable gift from your IRA. Please feel free to contact Development Director Evan Stern at 952.215.3916 or with any questions you may have. CONGREGATIONAL NURSE NEWS From Nurse Elaine Savick Summer is winding down, and we are in a period of change—new school year, cooler weather, more indoor activities, and our fall holidays with all of their traditions. One important tradition at Adath Jeshurun is the fall flu shot clinic. Flu (influenza), while often no worse than a bad cold, can be a serious, even fatal disease for people who are very young, very old, or have chronic health conditions including heart and lung problems, as well as immune disorders. Our annual flu shot clinic, staffed by the Minneapolis Visiting Nurses Association, will take place Sunday, September 25, 2016 from 9:30 AM to noon in the Kitsis foyer. The MVNA will be providing the quadrivalent vaccine for people age 3 and up, and the high dose vaccine for adults age 65 and older. MVNA has decided not to provide the flu mist this year. Most insurance covers the cost of your annual flu shot. If you do not have insurance, MVNA accepts cash, but not credit card payment. Contact Janice Schachtman at or 952.545.8694 to reserve your flu shot. Walk-ins will be welcome as long as supplies last. Remember, flu shots work best when everyone gets one! 10 | CLARION from the shelf of our ADATH LIBRARIAN Cathi Orkin Oskow Many new books, fiction and nonfiction, have been added to the Adath library recently for both children and adults. Some are brand new and some came from the Talmud Torah of Minneapolis, which downsized the adult portion of its collection. Look for some of the new adult books on the display shelf right in front of you when you walk into the library, and children’s books on the display shelf on the other side of the library steps. These displays are changed frequently to reflect current holidays, Adath programs, and other events. Enjoy them in the library or check them out. During the week, check out a book by writing the date and your name on the card in the pocket in the back of the book. Leave the card in the marked wooden box on the librarian's desk. On Shabbat, look for the card with your name on it in the long boxes right next to that. Paperclip your name card to the card from the book's pocket and leave it in the wooden box. Bring books back within in two weeks or renew them by leaving a message for librarian at 952.215.3928. To leave a private, confidential message for Elaine Savick, Adath Jeshurun Congregational Nurse, call 952.215.3936 or send an e-mail to The Congregational Nurse program is generously sponsored by Julie and Marc Kozberg. Yad Sima Tova, Adath's Caring Community, has a limited number of volunteers available to provide transportation to Adath members to services, minyan or Adath functions. To make arrangements at least five (5) days in advance, call the Yad Sima Tova Transportation Hotline at 952.215.3937. Adath youth enjoyed the summer at Herzl Camp and Camp Ramah! f u n friends SEPTEMBER, 2016 | PASSINGS We note with sorrow the passings of... JEANNE BEARMON mother of Hilary Bearmon mother of Janet Cleary mother of Maggie (Paul) Pistner BONNIE BUSH TERRY SUE FREEDMAN sister of Marilyn (Jerry) Richter ESTA GOLD mother of Sharyn (Alan) Grone mother of Julie (Scott) London CAROLE SUE GREENE DAVID HERSK husband of Nancy Hersk CAROLE JACOBSON mother of Robin (Larry Yogel) Engelson MIKHAIL LEYDERMAN father of Inna (Cary) Geller NORMA SHAPIRO sister of Robert (Roberta) Levy MAURICE SHAW RACHEL SHMIDOV mother of Natalie (David) Thaler EILEEN SIEGEL BEVERLY SIMON mother of Mark (Ricki Roberts) Simon DOROTHY WITTCOFF mother of Ted (Cindy) Wittcoff …our condolences to their families Permanent funds of the Adath Jeshurun Foundation are listed in purple. Congregation Funds are listed in orange. Yahrzeit Donations Memory of Donor Ecaterina Adler Joseph Adler Elisabeth Hubert Michael Aleynikov Rimma Aleynikova Helen Ansel Darrell Ansel Anne Baines Barry Baines Eva Balto Robin & Yefet Zadaka Ronald Bear Ruth Bear 12 | CLARION Jim, Esther, Steven & Lauren Paletz Jacob Bearman Deborah Bearman Jewett Oscar Berg Jeannie & Howard Schwartz Maida Bernstein Doris Ginsberg Rose Biber Terry Biber Richard, Lee-Ann & Joseph Rubenstein Nathan Blindman Faye Kraft Helena Borkon Edward Borkon Anna Brodyanskaya Nina Brodyanskaya Henry Coddon Marjorie Shark Arnold A. Cohen Melissa Cohen SIlberman CONTRIBUTIONS Annette Cooperman-Cohen Judy & Rodney Cooperman Abraham Davis David Davis Harold Davis Kate Davis Barb & Earl Hoffman & Family Henry Davis Cynthia Goldfine Maurice Dechter Joyce & Martin Orbuch Dwayne Edelstein Harlowe Edelstein Gus Edelstein Audrey J. Efron Jean Efron Gerald Ellis Judy Goldstein David Liss Jacob Estrin Paul Estrin S. Lipa Feygin Ida Shteyman Cecile Fine Rich & Judy Fine Daniel Fischman Ken Fischman Samuel S. Fox Paula & Norm Fox Dorothy Franzman Faye & Ralph Stillman Evelyn Friedman Barbara Friedman & Lon Rosenfield Joseph Joel Friedman Carol & Michael Bromer Bess Frisch Leonard Frisch Charles Frisch Herman Fudenberg Betty Kohn Sadie Gavren Renee Kurnow Azriel Gershenovich Semen Gershenovich Raquel Gesundheit Esther & Gerardo Neuwirth Leon Getzkin Leonard Getzkin Annetta Gilberstadt Stephen GIlberstadt Vicki Gillman Susie Held Rose Goldish Lorraine Astren Maynard Goldstein Riva Goldstein Roslyn Goldstein Gail Goldstein & Family Elizabeth Gray Ruth Hollischer Michael Grobovsky Elaine Gingold Howard Gross Betty Jonas Joel Grossman Brad Grossman Ira Heilicher Jacqueline Heilicher Louis Hubert Gabriella & Jay Eisenberg Elisabeth Hubert Manuel Jaffe Shirley Jaffe Herbert Jonas Debbie & Howard Toberman Mildred Kaplan Suzanne & Harvey Kaplan Harry Karasov Jack Karasov Marilyn Karasov Bernard Kegan Paul Estrin Paul Kenis Charlotte & Irving Nudell Morris Kieffer Miriam & Leroy Kieffer Ronald King-Smith Roxie & Eric King-Smith Elaine Kirshbaum Irene Kirshbaum Ralph Kirshbaum Louis Kitsis Arlen & Tybe Kitsis Hyman Kleinbaum Rae Cooper Robert & Miriam Kleinbaum Bessie Kohn Stanley Kohn Marshall Kopman Michael & Eileen Kopman Rhea Krane Bernard Krane Seymour Krantz Susan Lazar Albert Kravitz Harold Kravitz & Cindy Reich Hessie Lazar Raymond Lazar Lillian Leafman Milton Leafman Marilyn Fischbein Joseph Saul Lerner Elaine & Leon Lerner Anita Levenburg Carole Harris Robert Levitov Sylvia Levitov Linda Gilfix Hy Liss Lois Liss Clara Margolis Linda Brody Ettedgui Marcia May Richard & Donna Wolfson William Metchnek Rose Metchnek Jacob Moses Margo Berdass Sarah Nemer Roxie King-Smith Bruce Nemer Judith Neuman Richard Neuman Max Newman Charles & Phyllis Newman George Nudell Harry Nudell Joseph Nudell Irving & Charlotte Nudell Mary Orliss Irving & Charlotte Nudell Leonard Parker Jonathan & Ellen Sue Parker Robert Puklin Margaret Wolfson Gertrude Ravitz Judy Serrell David Reich Harold Kravitz & Cindy Reich Pearl Richter Beverly & Lewis Seltz Henry Rose Mark & Lucy Rose Fischer Frances Rosenfeld William Rosenfeld David Rosenthal Richard, Lee-Ann & Joseph Rubenstein Nathan Rosenzweig Merle Shapiro Bernard Rush Doris Rush Steven Rush Pauline Salloway Jack & Nancy Held Anna Schept Howard Schept Bob & Edith Schept Sylvia H. Schwartz Barbara Taragan Lenore Sedransky Nathan Sedransky Sue & Bruce Kane & Family Harold Segall Julia Segall Lauren Yehuda Segall Miriam Segall Susan Himmelman Shapiro Beverly Wexler Fink Betty Jonas Bette & Lou Kotlarz Peter Shapiro Esther Shear Gabrielle Parish Lorraine Shrell Etta Barry Karen Siegel-Jacobs Shirley Ungar George Sigel Melvin & Delores Sigel CONTRIBUTIONS THANK YOU Edward Silberman Sheldon Silberman Isabel Sklamberg Joyce Rosenbaum Frances Stesin Mark & Heather Stesin Eva Taran Barry & Susan Taran David Trach Mulvien Trach Elisabeth Trach Ellen Trach Laurie Trach Ronald Trach Ellen Appelbaum Trauben Marilyn Fischbein Joseph Trister Hillary Feder Harry Udell Audrey Resig Max Wallack Paul Estrin Harry Weiss Jack & Nancy Held Isadore Wexler Beverly Wexler Fink Jack Winston Randi Wolfish Nathan Wolkoff Marilyn Karasov Avraham Zadaka Yefet & Robin Zadaka Louis Zamkoff Rich & Judy Fine Adath Women’s League Memory of Terry Freedman Gary & Sandy Baron Sharon Begam-Goldschmidt Bonnie & Bruce Berezovsky Pam Feldman Carole & Max Harris Tova & Mike Koren Lisa & Erv London Phyllis Marell Memory of Norma Shapiro Marcia, Mark & Sam Niedorf Adult Learning Special Projects Fund Honor of Nina Samuels’ retirement Neal Gendler & Margie Wasserman Paul & Debra Greenblatt Nancy Harold Debby & Ted Jewett Larry & Barbara Parks Nancy Robinow Lorraine & Alex Astren Family Jewish Studies Scholarship Fund Memory of Sheldon Masnek Lorraine Astren Honor of the marriage of Lindy Horwitz & Stuart Smith Lorraine Astren Honor of Sybil Rubin’s special birthday Lorraine Astren Sam Bearmon Memorial Fund Memory of Jeanne Bearmon Susan & Vincent Barton Bob Edelstein Barbara Eiger Bob & Selma Goldish Dorothy Goldstein Susie Hammer Judy Karon Mary Korman Susan Lewis Helen Lipets Sign Zone Inc. Estelle & Bobby Stillman Steve & Harriet Swartz Mary Kay Zagaria Sammond Beverly Weinberg Marilyn Karasov Susie & Hart Kuller Jan & Bill Kuretsky David & Betty Sue Lipschultz Dorothy Lipschultz Charlotte & Irving Nudell Renee & Michael Popkin Hy Sandler Elaine & Stuart Steinman Howard, Janet, Lynn & Mara Tarkow Bruce & Judith Tennebaum Carole & Michael Wons Cantor’s Discretionary Fund Honor of the marriage of Noam Zadaka & Alex Scheepens David & Elaine Liss Appreciation of Cantor Buckner Dan & Barbara Frank Jack Horowitz Ella & Alexander Chester Fund Memory of Gary Turkel Lili & Sheldon Chester Marty Chester & Haley Schaffer & Family Chevra Fund Honor of Cindy Dubansky receiving the Shem Tov award Evan Stern Grace & Morris Besner Gan Shelanu Beatrice & Morris Fund Davis Fund Memory of Helen & Robert Levine Sheila & Chuck Davis Memory of Beatrice Davis Janet & Jim Doudier Honor of Judi & Buddy Tennebaum’s special anniversary Sheila & Chuck Davis Leah & Harold Davis Family Fund for Education of Children & Youth Bnai Emet Legacy Fund Memory of Terry Freedman Joy & Richard Field Martin & Bonnie Bush Family Fund Memory of Bonnie Bush Perci Chester & Mitch Bender Marilyn Engle Mike & Linda Fiterman Sandy & Howard Friedman Neal Gendler & Margie Wasserman Richard & Marsha Gould Ann Ginsburgh Hofkin & Michael Hofkin Memory of Jean Feran Barb & Earl Hoffman Honor of Linda & David Estrin’s special anniversary Barb & Earl Hoffman Geraldine & Herbert Fineberg Family Fund Sharon Garber Fish Arenson Fund Memory of Mikhail Leyderman The Arensons Memory of Jeanne Bearmon Diane & Ivan Arenson Gan Shelanu Fund Memory of Michael Califf Janice & Jeffrey Schachtman Memory of Bonnie Bush Janice & Jeffrey Schachtman Memory of Beverly Simon Peni & Steve Gensler Memory of Rachel Shmidov Janice & Jeffrey Schachtman Honor of Elena Iliarsky’s 20 years at the Gan Sarah & Ira Moscovice Honor of Vicki Londer’s 15 years at the Gan Sarah & Ira Moscovice Honor of Lynn Margolies’ 20 years at the Gan Sarah & Ira Moscovice Honor of Janice Schachtman’s 30 years at the Gan Paula & Don Bernstein Sally Masnek Sarah & Ira Moscovice Nancy & Steve Schachtman Evan Stern Honor of Renee Schwach’s 25 years at the Gan Sarah & Ira Moscovice Honor of Susie Chalom’s Retirement Paula & Don Bernstein Honor of Debbie Spencer becoming Adath’s president Vicki & Howie Londer Honor of Randi & Barry Wolfish on their special birthdays Vicki & Howie Londer Appreciation of Lynn & Ron Zamansky Janice & Jeffrey Schachtman General Fund Memory of Jeanne Bearmon Nancy Harold Memory of Betty Greenstein Mark & Lucy Rose Fischer Memory of Peter Jonas Gary & Sandy Baron Edward Marks Honor of the birth of Barbara Friedman & Lon Rosenfield’s grandson, Elliott Cheryl & Jack Perecman Honor of Chris Kellogg’s completion of a successful Adath presidency Susie & Bruce Hammer Honor of Debbie Spencer becoming Adath’s president Susie & Bruce Hammer Gregg & Deb Savitt Stacy, David, Carly & Braden Spencer Honor of the birth of Helen & Harvey Vinitsky’s great granddaughter Marsha Wolk & Frank Freedman Sheryl Wolk Goldie & Meyer Gilbert Fund Memory of Jeanne Bearmon Bev & Bill Fishman Memory of Carole Sue Greene Mona & Aaron Crohn Bev & Bill Fishman Alvin & Judy Goldstein Israel Scholarship Fund Memory of Robert Aske Judy Goldstein Memory of Joanne Glotter Judy Goldstein Memory of Carole Sue Greene Judy Goldstein Memory of Eileen Siegel Judy Goldstein Gail & Harvey Goldstein Gan Book Fund Memory of Milton Broude Gail Goldstein & Dr. Ron Zimmerman Yale Greenfield Memorial Garden Fund Honor of Ida Greenfield’s birthday David Iverson Ellen Joseph & Dennis Ready SEPTEMBER, 2016 | CONTRIBUTIONS THANK YOU Teri & Mike Greenstein Jewish Education Fund Memory of Betty Greenstein Marge & Lloyd Sussman Ed & Jane Zeman Honor of Susie Kane’s special birthday Teri, Mike, Allie & Matthew Greenstein Hesed Fund Kellogg Family Fund Honor of Chris Kellogg’s completion of her term as Adath Orbuch Family president Tikkun Olam Fund Gregg & Deb Savitt Memory of Carole Jacobson Jill & David Orbuch Ben & Reva Kibort Scholarship Fund Memory of Peter Jonas Reva Kibort Memory of Carole Sue Greene The Mogilevsky Family Honor of the birth of Rose & Jules Levin’s great grandchild Reva Kibort Honor of Irving Nudell’s birthday Carol & Michael Bromer Honor of Janice Schachtman’s 30 years at the Gan Reva Kibort Honor of Barbara RubinGreenberg’s birthday Carol & Michael Bromer Appreciation of Jim Sherman Reva Kibort Honor of Judi & Buddy Tennebaum’s special anniversary Ann Ginsburgh Hofkin & Michael Hofkin Appreciation of Don Masler’s Talmud teaching Carol Bromer Appreciation of Nina Samuels’ Adult Programs, leadership & friendship Carol Bromer Harry & Marilyn Karasov Family Fund Memory of Jeanne Bearmon Marilyn Karasov Memory of Carole Sue Greene Marilyn Karasov Mel & Beatsy Orenstein Teachers’ Education Fund Memory of Joanne Glotter Mel Orenstein The Michael Paul Family Fund Honor of Al Tyszelman’s Family The Masorti Fund Memory of Betty Greenstein Dorothy & Norman Pink Memory of Joanne Glotter Heidi Schneider & Joel Mintzer Memory of Peter Jonas Dorothy & Norman Pink Morning Minyan Fund Memory of Ben Pilcher Dorothy & Norman Pink Memory of Terry Freedman Craig & Debbie Spencer Memory of Mikhail Leyderman Craig & Debbie Spencer Honor of the birth of Al & Sharon Kaufmann’s grandson Craig & Debbie Spencer Honor of the marriage of Reva & Ross Berman Marilyn Karasov Honor of Nina Samuels’ retirement Marilyn Karasov Honor of the engagement of Ian Sherman & Michelle Budaj Craig & Debbie Spencer Leon, Naomi & Phyllis Kaplan Gan Scholarship Fund Honor of Randi & Barry Wolfish’s special birthdays Craig & Debbie Spencer 14 | CLARION Honor of Mel Orenstein’s special birthday Debra & Scott Grayson Kuperman-Aronauer special birthday -Sondell Family The Spiller Family Scholarship Fund Honor of Carol & Barry Blazer’s Norman & Dorothy special anniversary Pink Family Lisa & Glenn Aronauer & Leadership Fund Honor of the birth of Chris Kellogg & Jack Leveille’s grandson Craig & Debbie Spencer Honor of Janice Schachtman’s 30 years at the Gan Chris Kellogg Appreciation of Janice & Jeff Schachtman Charlotte & Irving Nudell Appreciation of Marc & Julie Kozberg Charlotte & Irving Nudell Honor of Lois & Marty Kozberg’s special anniversary Dorothy & Norman Pink Rabbis’ Discretionary Fund Honor of Cindy Dubansky receiving the Shem Tov award Shellie Specter & Bob Davidson Honor of Debbie Spencer becoming president of Adath Shellie Specter & Bob Davidson Appreciation of Rabbi Kravitz Family of George Kleineman Appreciation of Rabbi Weininger Carolyn Abramson & Manny Kaplan Dan & Barbara Frank Harold & Elaine Rubin Gan Shelanu Endowment Fund Honor of Shelly Reichert’s special birthday Elaine & Harold Rubin Honor of Harold Rubin’s birthday Estelle & Robert Stillman Honor of Ivan Schwartzman’s special birthday Elaine & Harold Rubin Honor of Estelle & Bobby Stillman’s special anniversary Elaine & Harold Rubin The Scholarship Fund Memory of Jeanne Bearmon Jan Frisch Memory of Carole Sue Greene Jan Frisch Sherman Family Tzedakah Fund Appreciation of Jim Sherman Dan & Barbara Frank Sarah & Justin Sieloff Karen SiegelJacobs Fund (Keren Or) Memory of Rachel Shmidov Ann Ginsburgh Hofkin & Michael Hofkin & Family Memory of Eileen Siegel Joanne Blindman Builders Association of the Twin Cities Kathleen & Charles Coskran Mark & Lucy Rose Fischer LaVon Fisher Barbara Friedman & Lon Rosenfield Jan Frisch Thomas Gavaras Neal Gendler & Margie Wasserman Teri & Mike Greenstein Pamela & Paul Haugen Lorraine Hertz Ann Ginsburgh Hofkin & Michael Hofkin & Family Debra & Paul Greenblatt Debby & Ted Jewett Susan & Tom Kafka Marilyn Karasov Karen Kingsley Betty Kohn Jeffrey & Janet Lauber Janice Meyer Charlotte & Irving Nudell Annalee Odessky Heidi Schneider & Joel Mintzer Carole Senty Blanche Singer Howie Stillman Young Leadership Fund Larry & Lois Schochet Memory of Joanne Glotter Phyllis Sudit Memory of Allan Grosh Lynne Lancaster Memory of Shel Kieffer Phyllis Sudit Memory of Roanne Rosenblum’s mother Clarice & Howard Smith Honor of Miles & Linda Braufman’s special birthdays Phyllis Sudit Honor of Stephanie Levine’s birthday Sheila & David Brod Honor of Neil Margolis’ special birthday Faye & Ralph Stillman Honor of Liba & Tom Stillman’s anniversary Faye & Ralph Stillman Refuah Shlemah to Joe Golin Barbara & Arnold Winikoff Max & Lillian Weitz Fund for Perpetuation of Jewish Studies Memory of Shirley Jaffee Janice & Jeffrey Schachtman Memory of Sheldon Masnek Janice & Jeffrey Schachtman Karen & Meir Serfaty Gisell & Richie Wien Family Fund Memory of Stephen Gasiorowicz Gisell & Richie Wien CLARION ADATH JESHURUN CONGREGATION • MOE AND ESTHER SABES CAMPUS 10500 HILLSIDE LANE WEST • MINNETONKA MN 55305 • 952.545.2424 Prsrt Std U.S. Postage PAID Twin Cities, MN Permit 4665 DATED MATERIAL printed on recycled paper Thank You. Your L’Chaim Gift enriches every facet of synagogue life. L’Chaim scholarship dollars helped build Jewish identities at the Gan Shelanu Preschool, at Jewish summer camps and on Israel pilgrimages. L’Chaim built the joy of community for isolated congregants through rides to services, hot meals and an outstretched hand from Adath’s Caring Community: Yad Sima Tova. Every gift to L’Chaim supports the daily life of our congregation. When you get the call this year, please give from your heart. The mission of Adath Jeshurun Congregation, a member of the Conservative Movement, is to be a progressive, egalitarian and sacred community dedicated to Torah (learning and tradition), Avodah (prayer and spirituality) and Gemilut Hasadim (acts of loving kindness).
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