UMC 5-6-16 - University Medical Center of El Paso
UMC 5-6-16 - University Medical Center of El Paso
Gqf€( 113 [ NL PASO COTJNTY HOSPITAI, DISTRICT I}OARD OF MANAGERS MEETING DATE: TI]ESDAY, MAY IO,20I6 TIME: J:00 P.M. I'rrso. F.* -76ie crr = *- r,: b .< 1.Ct I POSTED: ' |,i p = '.t i,t i..\ N) l] t( l. Call to Order (,r r-,.\ I., . .'t. Presiding ,1.,, -'..' ^rrr AGENDA 3. 79905 i21-7602 52 l Fax PLACE: UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER OF EL PASO EIGIITH FLOOR BOARD ROOM 48I5 AI,AMEDA AV[., EI, I'ASO,'TEXAS 79905 'l 5 Allrnerl.r -l-X \9 r\) Mr. Steve DeGroat, Board Chairman Mr. Steve DeGroat Mr. Steve DeGroat Establish a Quorum Pledge of Allegiance NOTTCE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under thc CONSENT AGENDA will be considered by the Board of Managers antl enacted b1' onemotion. TherewillbenoseparatediscussionoftheseitemsunlessmembcrsoftheBoardofManagersor persons in the audience request specific items be removcd fiom the CONSENT AGENDA to the REGULAR AGENDA for discussion prior to the tinre of the Board of Managcrs votes on the motion to adopt the CONSENI' AGENDA. CONSENT AGENDA 4, Approve the minutes of the Board of Managers meeting for March 8,2016. (TAB A) 5. Receive and approve the following Reports: A. El Paso County Hospital District Mr. Steve DeGroat Chairman James N. Valenti, President (TAB B) 6. Review and approve the Financial Statements for the El Paso County Hospital District, El Paso First Health Plan,Inc., and thc Bl Paso Children's Hospital for March 2016. (TAIi C) (Finance Committee) Mr. Michacl Nufrcz Chicf Financial Officer Quarterly Investment Report for period Ms. Leticia Flores Corporate Controller (TAB D) (Financc Committee) 7. Revicw and approve the entled March 2016. 8. Revierv and take appropriate action on the Medical Staff req uests : A. B. Medical Staff Temporary Privileges Medical Staff Initial Applications following Dr. Armando Meza Chief of Staff & CEO El Paso County Hospital District Board of Managers Meeting May 10, 2016 C. Initial applications for Allied Health Professional D. Advancement from provisional status E. Medical Staff reappointment applications F. G. H. I. J. K. L. Reappointment application for Allied Health Professional Focus Professional Practice Evaluations Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluations Change in Status/Privileges AdditionalPrivileges Leave of Absence/Resignation/Relocation Revised General Surgery Delineation of Privileges (TAB E) (MEC Approval) 9. Review and takc'appropriate action on the following policies: A. Hospital Policy L23 lVlanagement of Contracted Services (Finance Committee) B. Hospital Policy P-7 Patient Transfers Ms. Christina Ford Chief Legal Officer Ms. C. HospitalPolicy C-l Hospital District Committees & (TAB F) Councils Loriel Giessel Director, Nursing Support Scrvices Mr. Bob Reilly HP&P Committee Chair REGULAR AGENDA 10. Receive and approve an annual presentation Network ll. Plans. from Emergence Health Ms. Kristi Daugherty Chief Executive Officer and Ms. Dennece Knight recommendation by the University Medical Center Foundation of Director, UMC Foundation El Paso Board of Directors, in their March 28r2016 Board meeting, of the following individuals for appointment to a three year term as a Mr. Ilruce Yetter Director for the University Medical Center Foundation of El Paso Board Asst. County Attorney, El Paso First of Directors, to be effective immediately: l. Gary A. Aboud Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the nomination 2. Anthony Furman 3. Nichole (Ayoub) Hughes 4. Mila Marcus (TAB G) Mr. Bruce Yetter appropriate action regarding the nomination and recommendation by the EI Paso First t{ealth Plans Board of Directors, Asst. County Attorney, El Paso First in their April 09, 2015 Board meeting, of Dr. Gurjeet S. Shokar, M. D. for appointment to a three year term as a Director for El Paso First Health Plans Board of Directors, to be effective from and after May 09,2015, expiring May 9,2018. 12. Discuss and take (TAB H) 13. Review and approve the Selection Committee's recommendation for Ms. Maria Zampini Document Destruction Services, and authorizethe President & CEO Chief Operating Officer to negotiate and execute the contract. (TAB I) (Finance Committee) Mr. Robert Tomczak Director, Environmental Services ,l 4l El Paso County Hospital District Board of Managers Meeting May 10,2016 for CEO 14. Review and approve the Selection Committee's recommendation Laundry Processing Services, and authorize the President & to negotiate and execute the contract. (TAB O (Finance Committee) Mr. Robert Tomczak Director, Environmental Services 15. Review and approve the Selection Committee's recommendation for to Ground Ambulance Services, and authorize the President & CEO negotiate and execute the contract. (TAB K) (Finance Committee) for CBO 16. Review and approve the Selection Committee's recommendation Depository Application/Services, and authorize the President & to negotiate and execute the contract. (TAB L) (Finance Committee) Ms. Maria Zampini Chief Operating Officer Mr. Michael Nufrez Chief Financial Officer Mr. David Smead Director, Care Management Services Mr. Michael Nufrez Chief Financial Officer Ms. Leticia Flores Corporate Controller EXECUTIVE SESSION report from Compliance Committee and review Annual Compliance Plan 2016 pursuant to Texas Health and Safety Code$ 161.032 and Texas Government Code S551.101- 17. Receive Ms. Cathy Gibson Chief Compliance Officer 104. bankruptcy proceeding pending in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Texas, EI Paso Division, Re: El Paso Children's Hospital Corporation, Debtor, Case No. 15-30784, and other legal issues relating to El Paso Children's Hospital pursuant to Texas Government Code 18. Discuss Ms. Christina Ford Chief Legal Oflicer $ss1.071. Any action lnken a; a result of lhis discussion will be taken at the opening of this meeting after closed session, orotos OPEN SESSION 19. Review and approve the 2016 Compliance Plan for the El County Hospital District. Paso 20. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding bankruptcy proceeding pending in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Texas, El Paso Division, In Re: El Paso Children's Hospital Corporation, Debtor, Case No. 15-30784 and other legal issues relating to El Paso Children's Hospital Ms. Cathy Gibson Chief Legal Officer Ms. Christina Ford Chief Legal Officer pursuant to Texas Government Code No. 551.071. 21. 3l' Adjournment Mr. Steve DeGroat