MISSION - Broadus Church
MISSION - Broadus Church
Broadus Memorial Baptist Church November 2015 Volume 19 Number 11 5351 Pole Green Road Mechanicsville, VA 23116 THE MISSION www.broaduschurch.org Senior Adult Celebration Sunday, November 1 On November 1st we will honor our senior adults during both services and recognize couples who have been married for 50+ years. Our church is blessed by our seniors who are young at heart and have served the Lord for many years! InAsMuch Day Saturday, Nov. 7 We expect to have about 150 people involved in community ministry projects on this exciting day! We will be doing home repairs, food collection, yard work, firewood, homebound visitation, a fall festival, and more! If you haven’t yet, please sign up by Sunday, Nov. 1! Participants will be contacted by a project leader with details of their team assignment by Wednesday, Nov. 4th. On Saturday the 7th, plan to meet at church at 8:30 AM for team coordination and prayer. Most projects will wrap up around noon, though actual hours may vary by project. The Fall Festival at Hebron will take place from 11:00-1:00. After the 11:00 service, there will be a complimentary luncheon served in the Community Building for those who have signed up. It will be followed by a fun musical program featuring “True Harmony Trio.” The Living Nativity! On the evenings of November 27-29 & December 4-6, Broadus Church will be presenting the new and improved version of “A Journey Foretold.” Friday the 27th will be a “church night” for the Broadus family. There are sign-up sheets in the church Commons. Please make a note if you need help with mobility issues. All other evenings will be free ticketed performances for the general public. Invite your friends and neighbors by asking them to use the on-line ticketing system now open at www.broaduschurch.org. People will also be able to make reservations by calling the church office. Be praying that the Living Nativity plants the seeds of faith in many hearts! November 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Senior Adult Sunday 12:15-Sr. Luncheon 9:45-Broadus Bells 4:00-Youth Band 6:30–Connect Groups 8 Shoe Boxes Due 9 8:30– Operation InAsMuch Day 11-1-Hebron Fall Festival 7:00-Personnel Committee 5:15 Dinner 6-7:15 Programs 7:15 Choir Practice 6:30-Praise Team 10 11 12 13 14 9:45-Broadus Bells 4:00-Nativity Rehearsal 5:30-One Voice 6:30-Connect Groups 15 BGAV Annual Meeting—Richmond 16 7:00-Personnel Committee 5:15 Dinner 6-7:15 Programs 7:15 Choir Practice 6:30-Praise Team 17 18 19 5:15 Dinner 6-7:15 Programs 7:15 Choir Practice 6:30-Praise Team 25 26 6:00 PM Youth Fall Party & Bonfire @ Smith’s 20 21 27 28 *Living Nativity* “Church Night” *Living Nativity* (Showings 6:00-7:00) (Showings 5:30-9:00) 9:45-Broadus Bells 2:00 Prayer Shawl 4:00-Nativity Practice 6:00-Finance Com 6:30-Connect Grps 7:00-Business Mtg 22 MCEF @ Stevi B;s 23 24 9:45-Broadus Bells 7:00-Community Thanksgiving Service @ Shalom 5:00 Nativity Dress Rehearsal 29 OFFICE CLOSED No Wednesday Night Programs 30 SUNDAY MORNING 8:45 - Traditional Service 10:00 - Sunday School 11:00 - Contemporary Service *Living Nativity* (Showings 6:00-7:30) For more information about Broadus Church and a PDF of this Mission newsletter, visit www.broaduschurch.org. Baptist churches have a reputation for conducting contentious—and sometimes downright ugly—business meetings. I guess that’s what comes when congregational polity (where everyone gets a say) and human nature (where everyone wants their own way) collide. And generally, the more contentious the meeting, the longer it lasts. So after October 18th, I’ve been jokingly telling folks that we had a 2-hour business meeting….and didn’t fight about anything! I may say it with a laugh, but to me it is no laughing matter. It is a blessing from above! It is truly my joy to pastor a church where the expectation is not just that we will get along, but that we will move ahead in the work of God’s kingdom with unity. Consensus is a much healthier way to make decisions than a simple majority vote. It’s not a necessity that we see eye-to-eye on everything, but I have to say it warmed my heart the other night to see a unanimous vote from the 70+ members present that we “expand the ministries and witness of Broadus Church into King William County and beyond” by “formalizing a ‘rebirth’ merger with Hebron Baptist Church.” This is an answer to our prayer that God would show us a new avenue for working with Him. I believe it is a winning scenario for everyone involved: Hebron, Broadus, the rural communities to the east of us, and the Savior who loves us all. Now that the decision has been made, the real work begins! In the months ahead, we will be building relationships, doing renovations, and exploring new ministries through the county schools and social services. And when the time comes, we will be looking for volunteers to be part of the core leadership at the Hebron Campus of Broadus Church. There is a way for everyone to be involved. I hope you will find your place and offer your support! God bless you all. Pastor Phil I was very excited recently to learn that a new CD had been released which featured hymns of Fanny Crosby. If you are unfamiliar with this name, Fanny Crosby wrote 8000 hymn lyrics in her lifetime (1820-1915) and happened to also be blind. “To God Be The Glory” & “Redeemed” are just two of hers that we sing. But what is exciting about this, is that there were 2700 hymn lyrics which had never been published and were sitting in storage at Wheaton College. Some of the top worship music writers were given access to these words and have now released contemporary hymns for today’s generation. When the contemporary worship movement began, some people complained that the choruses were too repetitive and didn’t have the theology that our hymns have. That may have been true 20 years ago, but it is not true today. New worship songs are full of God’s Truth. Maybe that’s why I’m excited to hear of this new CD. Words penned by Fanny Crosby set to tunes that resonate with a young generation....a joining of the old and the new....it makes this girl - who loves hymns but also loves the contemporary - it makes my heart happy. Check out Integrity Music’s “Blessed Assurance, The New Hymns Of Fanny Crosby.” Let me know what you think. See you in worship, Carol OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Collection Date: Sunday, November 8 Broadus Youth! Brochures with information about filling the shoeboxes with small Christmas gifts are still available in the church commons. A $7 donation per box covers the shipping and delivery. We have a goal of 200 boxes this year! Prayer Shawl Ministry Have you been wanting to get back into knitting or crocheting? Or have you wanted to LEARN? We can help you with this! The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets once a month. We work on dish cloths that are given in each welcome packet for new visitors. We also make shawls for people dealing with serious illness, and baby blankets for newborns. If knitting or crocheting isn’t your thing, we would greatly appreciate donations of yarn that is 100% cotton to make the cloths for welcome bags. If you have questions, please call Nancy Nash at 746-9480 or Cathy Tignor at 262-7195. Upcoming Events— Nov. 14– Bonfire & Testimonies @ Smith’s home, 6pm -? Come out for a time of fellowship, food, smores, fun, & testimonies. Nov. 1, 8, 15– Connect Groups will meet 6:308pm. MS boys & girls at Comm. Bldg, HS boys & girls at Englehart’s home. December– Youth Christmas Party. Date & Time TBA soon. January 3, 6:30-8pm– “The Gathering” A worship experience with our youth and other youth in Hanover & King William. Come & enjoy worship led by our youth praise band as we reflect on 2015 and look ahead to the new year & A New Beginning. The Gathering will be held on the first Sunday of each month through June. Don’t miss our weekly Sunday School at 10:00, and Wednesday night “Elevate” at 6:00-7:15pm. in the Community Bldg. Broadus Bulletin Board Daylight Saving Time ends on Nov. 1st. Set your clock back one hour before bed on Saturday night. Baptist General Assn of Virginia November 10-11 Second Bapt. Church, Richmond If you wish to represent Broadus as a messenger at this meeting, contact Pastor Phil. Ladies Book Club Our next book is Christmas Train by David Baldacci. We will meet on Monday, January 11, 2016 at 6:30 in the Community Building. Any questions, call Cathy Tignor @ 262-7195. We are a lively group, come join us! Thanksgiving Offering Church Goal = $18,000 50% Lottie Moon Missions Offering 25% VA Baptist Kingdom Advance 25% World Hunger Relief We kick off our offering on Nov. 22. Let’s give generously for Christ! Christmas Ministries! Info will soon be available about donations for the Church Hill Wellness Center Christmas Store. We will be collecting all manner of gifts for under-privileged children in Richmond. Donations are due by November 29th. The Warming Tree will also appear later this month to be decorated with hats, gloves, scarves, etc. These will be distributed through the MCEF food pantry. The November Mission Broadus Memorial Baptist Church 5351 Pole Green Road Mechanicsville, Virginia 23116 804 779-2700 www.BroadusChurch.org ADDRESS SERVICES REQUESTED Ministerial Staff Phil Peacock Senior Pastor Randy Cooksey Minister of Youth Carol Golden Minister of Music Karen Tucker Minister of Children & Families Garry Bone Ministry Coordinator for Pastoral Care Church Business Meeting Sunday, Nov. 15 at 7:00 PM We will be voting on the 2016 budget, the slate of officers & committee members for the coming year, and possibly a candidate for our new staff position to assist with outreach in King William. Community Thanksgiving Service We will be participating with several neighboring churches in this annual Thanksgiving service. Our praise ensemble will be leading some of the praise choruses! It will be held at Shalom Baptist Church on Tuesday, Nov. 24 at 7:00 PM. FUN! Friday December 11, 6:00-9:00 PM Parents may want a little shopping time or alone time! Plan to send your kids to this Christmas –themed Fun!Friday. Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Mechanicsville, VA Permit No. 86
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