mission - Broadus Church
mission - Broadus Church
Broadus Memorial Baptist Church May 2016 Volume 20 Number 5 5351 Pole Green Road Mechanicsville, VA 23116 THE MISSION www.broaduschurch.org 2016 Easter Missions Offering Church Goal = $18,000 Given through April = $18,217 Your gifts will be distributed as follows: 50% Alma Hunt Offering for VA Baptist Missions 25% Annie Armstrong Offering for N. America 25% Associational Offering for Camp Alkulana Thank you for your generosity to the Missions Offering. Our collection will wrap up on May 1. FUN! Fridays Summer Schedule of Events June 10 FUN! Friday June 12 Youth Sunday & Graduate Recognition with River Outing in the Afternoon June 18-25 Mission Trip to Standing Rock Reservation in SD June 26-29 “Ocean Commotion” Bible School July 11-16 M-Fuge Youth Camp at N. Greenville University, SC July 18-22 Music & Worship Arts Camp at Eagle Eyrie Throughout the summer, we will be having various work days, as well as Bible study and activity opportunities at the Hebron Campus of Broadus Church. Read next month’s newsletter and check out the weekly bulletins. We want you to be involved! May 6 & June 10 5:30 - 8:30 pm Register in the Commons to be a part of our kid-friendly, fellowship time that includes dinner, crafts & games. Adult & youth volunteers who love playing games & “learning while doing” crafts are always welcome. Cost: One food item per child for the MCEF Pantry. BIBLE SCHOOL June 26 - 29 (Sunday - Wednesday) 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Registration begins May 31 for children age 3 - 5th grade. There is a Leadership Lunch & Learn on June 5 at 12:15 - big picture of the event, Q&A, team time & a BBQ lunch in the Community Building. We need your help! May 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3-5:00 Dover Assn Spring Meeting 8 Lee-Davis High School AP Testing in the Community Building 9 10 5:15 Dinner 6-7:15 Programs 7:15 Choir Practice 6:30 Praise Team 5:30-8:30 Fun!Friday 11 12 13 14 Lee-Davis High School AP Testing in the Community Building Baptism in both services 15 16 17 1:00 Prayer Shawl 4:30 Youth Band 4:30 Personnel 6:00 Finance 6:30 Youth Worship 6:30 Ladies Book 7:00 Business Mtg. Club in CB 22 23 5:15 Dinner 6-7:15 Programs 7:15 Choir Practice 6:30 Praise Team 18 19 20 21 26 27 28 6:30 Praise Team Worship Center in Use Wedding in Worship Center 5:15 Dinner 6-7:15 Programs 6:30 Praise Team 24 25 Last Wed. Activities 4:30 Youth Band 6:30 Connect Grps 29 5:15 Dinner 6-7:15 Programs 7:15 Choir Practice 30 OFFICE CLOSED Memorial Day 31 For more information about Broadus Church and a PDF of this Mission newsletter, visit www.broaduschurch.org. SUNDAY MORNING 8:45 - Traditional Service 10:00 - Sunday School 11:00 - Contemporary Service Back in October of 1982, something special happened at Broadus Memorial Baptist Church. Pastor Joseph Holland and the Personnel Committee invited a young man by the name of Timothy Jones to become custodian of this church. I doubt that anyone at the time could foresee the long and mutually beneficial relationship that lay ahead. Tim quickly became more than just a custodian. He became part of the family. Tim brought with him a gracious and willing attitude that won the hearts of the members. Not only did he use his skills to care for our facilities—first at Harvie Road/Laburnum and then at our present Pole Green Road location—but he also shared his gift of music with us. Some of you may not know this, but Tim taught scores of boys and girls, and a few adults as well, how to play the guitar or other instruments. They would often have their weekly lessons right here at the church. Some of those students went on to become gifted musicians in their own right. Not only that, but even though Tim’s church membership has always been elsewhere, he has played with our praise team a number of times and has even shared solos and duets with us. (His wife Ikisha also has a beautiful voice.) It has been my privilege to work beside Tim for about half of his 34 years at Broadus. I appreciate the work he has done, but my respect goes beyond that. I admire him for his Christian commitment, team spirit, integrity, and kind heart toward those around him. Through the years, he has poured his heart and soul into the ministry of this church. Tim is not quite as young as he used to be. (Are any of us?) Unfortunately, he has suffered some medical conditions that prevent him from continuing in this occupation. It is with regret that we say goodbye to Tim as our custodian, but we are happy to keep him as our friend and brother-inChrist. The church has provided a financial package to help him through this time of transition, and we will also keep him in our prayers. Tim, from all of us: Thank you! I also want to express my appreciation to Jessica Searson and others who have helped with cleaning and set-up since Tim has been ill, and to those who have ministered to Tim on behalf of the church. The Personnel Committee will be making recommendations at the May 15 business meeting regarding an updated custodial job description and hopefully a candidate for the position. May God bless us as we continue to move forward in the work of His kingdom. Pastor Phil Hebron Happenings It is an exciting time for Broadus as we are becoming one church with two locations. We had over 50 people for our Hebron Campus brainstorming and visioning session. We divided into 8 groups and have added a ninth. They are Children, Students, Adult Bible Study, Hospitality, Outreach, Ministry and Missions, Worship, Property, and Prayer. We can still use your help. Each group will have challenges to overcome and all are vitally important, but I would like to focus on one specific need today — Outreach. We need lots of help in this area. W need a creative person to design exciting flyers and handouts for upcoming events, we need adults and youth to hand out flyers. This is actually very easy and a lot of fun. We have 2 in a team and a bunch of teams. We go door to door introducing ourselves from Broadus and sharing that we are starting a NEW CHURCH at Hebron Baptist. We invite them to our event, hand them a flier, and move to the next house. At Easter, most everyone was very happy to see us. We took about 10 people out for 3 hours on our first outreach blitz. That is 30 people hours, we had 20 visitors come out to our Easter Sunrise Service at Hebron because of these invitations Think about this statistic: for every 3 hours spent handing out fliers, 2 people visited our church. What if 100 people handed out fliers for 3 hours? We could fill Hebron! We will be doing more visitation in the coming weeks. I hope you will join us because nothing beats that personal touch. —Jeff Broadus Youth: Belong! Believe! Become! Pray for the lasting impact of our Apr. 29-May 1 Spring Retreat! May 14—”Faith Night” at the Diamond. Everyone Invited! May 15—“The Gathering” Youth Worship at 6:30 PM. June 12– Youth Sunday & Senior Recognition Day followed by an afternoon at the Mattaponi River. July 11-16– FUGE Camp @ N. Greenville Univ. in Greenville, SC Don’t miss our weekly Sunday School at 10:00, and Wednesday night “Elevate” at 6:00-7:15 pm in the Community Building. On Mother’s Day, May 8, a men’s choir will be leading the 8:45 worship. Arrive early that morning (8:15) for a quick practice before worship. All youth and adult men are welcome! The children’s choirs will sing in the 11:00 worship on May 22. Parents, bring your children to the front of the worship center after Sunday School. After they sing, the children will sit with you for the remainder of the service. Try to attend all Wednesday practices. On June 12, the youth will be leading both worship services. It’s always a blessing to see our young people sharing their gifts with us. They are our future church leaders! See you in worship, Carol Broadus Bulletin Board Welcome New Members Brent Carrington 1085 Nelson Bridge Road Hanover, VA 23069 Faith Night at the Diamond Saturday, May 14th Gates open at 4:30, Game at 6:00 Come watch the Flying Squirrels. There is live pre-game Christian music, player testimonials and post-game fireworks. Everyone welcome. Tickets at $5.50. Sign up at youth table in Commons. Music & Worship Arts Camp July 18-22 at Eagle Eyrie This is a great opportunity for 4th—8th graders to participate in music and other creative styles of worship. Sign up now! The cost is $175. Sign up in the Commons or talk to Carol Golden. The May Mission Broadus Memorial Baptist Church 5351 Pole Green Road Mechanicsville, Virginia 23116 804 779-2700 www.BroadusChurch.org ADDRESS SERVICES REQUESTED Ministerial Staff Phil Peacock Senior Pastor Randy Cooksey Minister of Youth Carol Golden Minister of Music Karen Tucker Minister of Children & Families Jeff Poythress Minister of Missions Women’s Book Club Our next meeting of the Ladies Book Club will be Monday, May 16, at 6:30 pm in the Community Building. We will be discussing the book “Mister Owita’s Guide to Gardening” by Carol Wall. MAY Focus Item: Canned Fruits & Veggies Also seeking: boys pants; toilet paper; powdered drink mixes like Country Time & Kool-Aid; personal care items: soap, shampoo, toothpaste, single pack toothbrushes. MCEF Support Night at SteviB’s is always the 3rd Monday. Mention MCEF when you place your order at the register on May 16! Dover Baptist Association Spring Meeting Sunday, May 1st, 2016 3:00-5:00 PM Gwathmey Baptist, Ashland The featured speaker will be Dover Music Committee chairperson Pam Cross. She will share a testimony regarding the tragic death of her daughter, Meg Menzies. Everyone is invited to attend. If you are a church member and would like to be a voting messenger, please contact Ted Chewning or Pastor Phil. May Business Meeting Sunday, May 15th 7:00 pm in Room 105/107 “The Gathering” Sunday, May 15 at 6:30 This is a unique worship experience for our youth. Families and others are invited to attend as well. Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Mechanicsville, VA Permit No. 86
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MISSION - Broadus Church
gloves, scarves, etc. These will be distributed through the MCEF food pantry.