Connection - Bishop Kelley
Connection - Bishop Kelley
BISHOP KELLEY HIGH SCHOOL Connection A CATHOLIC SCHOOL IN THE LASALLIAN TRADITION FEBRUARY 2014 Catholic Schools Week 2014 Bishop Kelley High School will join Catholic schools across the U.S. to celebrate Catholic Schools Week during the week of January 26th-February 1st. This annual event is meant to celebrate our history as well as the great work being done here every day. In addition, we’re thankful for each of the 862 students currently attending BK and we are excited about the growing interest in a Kelley education among a widening population in Tulsa and the surrounding areas. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: School News Campus Ministry Hoops 4 Hope PTO Comet Sightings Giving to BK Calendar A few stats about Catholic schools in the United States (according to the National Catholic Education Association): There are 2,001,740 students enrolled in Catholic schools this year. 586,496 of those are in Catholic high schools. Total Non-Catholic enrollment is 317,470 (15.9%). There are 6,685 Catholic schools (1,213 Catholic high schools). Catholic schools employ 151,405 people- 96.8% are lay men and women, 2.2% are Religious Sisters, .5% are Brothers, and .5% are Clergy). In the early 1960s more than 5.2 million students attended almost 13,000 Catholic schools. Just in the last 13 years, 2,090 Catholic schools have closed. Urban areas have been most affected by these closures. It is a great blessing that so many in the Diocese of Tulsa have access to Catholic schools but these statistics make clear that we must do all we can to ensure the longterm sustainability of our schools. I'm excited that the Oklahoma legislature is beginning to recognize the value of parental school choice with the passage of the Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarship in 2010. It allows parents of children with special needs to receive funding to help them afford a private school of their choice. In addition to the Henry Scholarship, tuition tax credits from the state of Oklahoma became available after a law was passed in 2011. In Tulsa, this has taken the form of "GO For Catholic Schools", which in 2013 raised $260,000 to help parents choose Catholic schools in our diocese. I hope this is just the beginning of the effort being made to help parents choose what is in the best interest of their particular child rather than being forced to choose a school based on their income and zip code. The future of Catholic schools and especially Bishop Kelley is very bright, but we must continue to be vigilant in our efforts to be the best we can be. Thank you for your continued prayerful and financial support of our efforts here at BK. Happy Catholic Schools Week! Diocese of Tulsa In Christ, Rev. Brian O’Brien President PAGE 2 Cooking Up Compassion Saturday, February 15 The ninth annual Cooking Up Compassion Dinner Event & Live Auction is coming up soon! You’ll LOVE this fundraising event benefiting those served by Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Tulsa. cuc2014! SPRING SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES The BK website also has individual service opportunities listed. A group of students will travel to Chicago for a spring break service trip. Service hours are due by 3:15 on April 29 to be considered for 8 x 8 the privilege as stated on page 15 of the Student/Parent Handbook. POPE FRANCIS INTENTIONS FOR FEBRUARY Universal Elders. That the Church and society may respect the wisdom and experience of older people. For Evangelization Collaboration in Evangelization. That priests, religious, and lay people may work together with generosity for evangelization. COMMUNITY FOOD BANK OF EASTERN OKLAHOMA / LASALLIAN SERVICE DAY 1/11/14 Thank You! Catholic Charities thanks Bishop Kelley families and “all who donated to our Christmas Toy Program, Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets, and Coats for Kids! We could not provide these services without the generosity of so many people in our diocese. Bless you all!” Catholic Charities has many opportunities to help those in need. See http:// CONNECTION FEBRUARY 2014 Baseball players shared their faith on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic during Christmas break. Brock Norton at the lake, one of his favorite places. Sophomore Brock Norton, son of cheer coach Julie Norton, was in a fatal car accident in December. His family very much appreciates the out‐ pouring of love and support from Bishop Kelley. We pray for Brock in eternal life and peace and comfort for his family. PAGE 3 CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK & WINTER HOMECOMING JANUARY 26 - FEBRUARY 1 Dear Bishop Kelley Community, Throughout the week - Find the Spirit Stick, Pep Rally Teacher Contest Let me start by saying, Brocko LOVED being a Bishop Kelley Comet! He loved the students and teachers and continually boasted of the amazing opportunity that he was given by transferring to BK. He was so looking forward to playing ball wearing BK on his hat and in his heart. When approached by former classmates and teammates about coming back to Cleveland, he would simply smile and say- “Thanks so much, but I’m so happy at BK. I love it there”. I had told many friends that I finally had a “happy son”- until you’ve had an unhappy child, you don’t realize the peace and joy that happiness in a child brings. I’m eternally grateful that our Brocko was so happy. All-School Musical January 30 Sunday, February 2 MONDAY, JAN. 27 Window Painting Contest in the cafeteria during lunch Celebrity Dress Up Day To the choir and music department: Your lights shone so brightly at the BK mass as well as Brock’s funeral Mass. Please know how very special we felt to have you all honor Brock with your gifts of music. To Marc LaManque: The gift that you gave our boy in your tribute to him is without measure. From all of us, thank you, but from a Mother’s heart- I will treasure and hold your gift of song dearly forever. (Marc’s tribute) TUESDAY, JAN. 28 Career Day WEDNESDAY, JAN. 29 Catholic Schools Week Breakfast To our precious cheerleaders: Thank you and your amazing parents for the outpour of love, prayers and support. The memory board is a beautiful collection that captured our Brocko’s sweet spirit. Thank you for checking on Riley and me regularly; you all are deeply appreciated by me and all of my family. To the outstanding STUDENTS, PARENTS and FACULTY of Bishop Kelley High School: Please know that YOU all made a difference in Brocko’s life. YOU all showed him true kindness, acceptance and love. YOU all showed him what teaching, learning, playing, and loving with passion and purpose was about. These are all characteristics of our Brocko, but HE felt those from ALL of you as well. For that, we are eternally grateful. It’s true what is said of Bishop Kelley. It’s unique and it’s THE BEST! Dress up Day: Twins Day BK Future Teachers Luncheon THURSDAY, JAN. 30 Catholic Schools Week Mass Lunch for Retired Faculty/Staff FRIDAY, JAN. 31 Red & White Day Pep Rally Teacher Contest Results I am looking very forward to seeing you all soon. I will continue to hold you all up in prayer and I humbly ask that you do the same for me and our family. Homecoming Court Teacher Homecoming Court From our hearts, thank you. Victory Dance God Bless You and GO BE GREAT! Julie Norton, Riley Norton, Todd Norton and all of the family of our Brocko. HOMECOMING DANCE Saturday, February 15, Cox Convention Center. Tickets available in the Student Commons beginning February 3. PAGE 4 PLANS OF STUDY On February 4, all Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors will attend a scheduling presentation where they will each receive a course catalog and Plan of Study for next year. Students will be able to get teacher signatures on February 12 from 8 - 8:45 a.m. Plans of Study are due to the Guidance Office no later than Thursday, February 13 at 3:30 p.m. Students should refer any questions about Plans of Study to Guidance Counselors. COLLEGE PREP TEST DATES 2014 ACT TEST DATES Feb. 8, 2014 April 12, 2014 (at BK) June 14, 2014 REGISTRATION DEADLINES Jan. 10, 2014 March 7, 2014 May 9, 2014 SAT TEST DATES March 8, 2014 May 3, 2014 (at BK) June 7, 2014 REGISTRATION DEADLINES Feb. 7, 2014 April 4, 2014 May 9, 2014 To register for these tests go to and When you register for a test, Make sure that you put in Bishop Kelley’s school code 373-620 or we will not receive the scores. FRESHMAN AND SOPHOMORE PARENTS PLACEMENT TEST For Incoming 9th Grade Students Class of 2018 March test date to be announced. Register online CAN’T AFFORD COLLEGE? YES, YOU CAN WITH OKLAHOMA’S PROMISE For more information contact Maureen Lawler in the guidance office or go to or email Students may now apply on-line for the program at ► AP Physics students in Mrs. Othon’s class were assigned to build a catapult that launches a tennis ball at least 10 meters. Bonus points for accuracy! CONNECTION FEBRUARY 2014 ACADEMIC RESOURCES ARE AVAILABLE - ASK FOR HELP PAGE 5 January 23: Progress continues on the Stadium Expansion/Renovation. Project. BK students helped pack 4608 Backpacks for kids on a Lasallian Service Saturday at the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma. Executive Director Eileen Ryan Bradshaw is a Bishop Kelley Alum! The 34th Annual Bishop Kelley Auction, Friday Night Fever, will take place at the Bishop Kelley campus on Friday, April 25, 2014. Thanks to our presenting sponsor, Saint Francis Health Systems! The evening will have that “authentic disco feel” that takes you back to the days of the Hustle line dance, Bee Gees music, and John Travolta moves. Fabulous food, Silent and Live Auctions, and many more surprises are in store. There will be something for everyone when BKBay online auction opens on Monday, April 14. Don’t miss this video preview! The BK Speech and Debate Team won first at the Sapulpa Tournament in December and second at the Jenks 5A Sweepstakes Tournament in January. They hosted Sundaes with Santa to raise funds for competition. Students in Mrs. Monhaut’s Spanish class attended Posada together. “They had such a good time. We prayed the rosary, attended Mass, and ate yummy tamales and sweet bread!” said Mrs. Monhaut. For the first time, Bishop Kelley hosted the Robotics Regionals! The Comets qualified for State and finished strong with a 5-1 record. Thanks to St. Pius X for providing a site when an ice delay caused the event to be rescheduled. Thank you to everyone who made the event such a success! PAGE 6 Hoops 4 Hope A basketball tournament benefit for Tulsa Catholic Charities Teams: Bishop Kelley Cascia Hall Bishop McGuiness Mount St. Mary’s Sponsored by Lexus of Tulsa Albert G’s Bar-B-Q New York Life Pepsi Beverages Company Raising Canes Chicken Fingers Special thanks to Sandi Litzinger, Event Chair Valerie Craig Jane Oberste Comet Ambassadors Parent Volunteers Michael Blazek & BK Video Students CONNECTION FEBRUARY 2014 Hoops 4 Hope raised $4,500 and a large truckload of supplies for Tulsa Catholic Charities. PAGE WINTER HOMECOMING 2014 L to R: Maid of Honor Diana Hassink, Queen Burkely Brining, Danielle Cain, and Meredith Crouch. Back row: Sarah Ervin, Jack Woolslayer, Mary Smith, Riley Smith, Caleb Cole, Forrest Gandall, Nathan Major, Mitchell Oglesby, Matthew Limekiller, Cassidy Middleton, Riley Oatman, and Sarah Mabardy. Swim Comets continue to take top honors and achieve personal best times. They compete at BTW on January 28 at 5:30 p.m. Basketball for Varsity Boys and Girls continues with home games on January 31, Varsity Boys took third in the Skiatook Tournament. Matt Craig was named to the AllTournament Team. Freshman boys continue a streak of wins with a 72 season. Comet Wrestling is well-known for the BK Classic, held February 7-8. Over 20 teams will compete. Brice Inbody is on a 17-0 winning streak. National Letter of Intent Signing Day February 5 Student Commons 3:15 p.m. Winter Sport Senior Night February 21 Halftime of Boys’ Game Varsity Girls 6 p.m. Varsity Boys 7:30 p.m. Webcast for games and events. NCAA PRESENTATION For all potential college student athletes Wednesday, February 19 6 p.m. / Student Commons Earl Johnson, Vice President for Enrollment and Student Services at the University of Tulsa will be here to discuss the NCAA Clearinghouse process and college athletics. All potential college athletes and parents are encouraged to attend to learn about the NCAA and the registration process. Questions, contact Cheryl Sanders or Maureen Lawler in the Guidance Office. 7 PAGE 8 Parent Teacher Organization Dear Bishop Kelley Families: We hope everyone is having a wonderful new year! PTO is busy with many upcoming events. Thanks to Stephanie Galles, Cathy Burdick and their committee for providing a Christmas luncheon for the faculty and staff. They also welcomed the faculty and staff back from Christmas break with breakfast. Moms in Prayer are still meeting every Wednesday at 1:45 to pray for our students, faculty, and staff. The PTO Lenten Retreat is March 12, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Details will soon be announced. We are looking forward to our Grandparents Prom and visiting day in March. If you have Grandparents that need to be added to the grandparent list, please sign them up on the Bishop Kelley website. Thank you for your continued support of PTO! Mary Sanderlin, PTO President Club 17 Club 16 Club 14 Friday, February 7 CLUB 17 PARTY! Burdick Home Hosted by Burdicks, Soules, and Stotlers 7 - 10:30 p.m. Appetizers, desserts, and drinks RSVP to Friday, February 7 Bowling at the Dust Bowl 7pm-9 pm $15 / person to bowl + cost of shoes Bowling Party February 7 Dust Bowl $15 to bowl + shoes RSVP if you will be bowling 7-9 Wednesday, February 12 FAMILY SERVICE PROJECT Let's help our Freshman complete their Service Hours while meeting other Freshman Families! Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma / 6 - 8 p.m. / 40(+) Spots available. Younger Siblings must be at least 11 yrs. old. RSVP by Feb. 5, to Beverly Morris at You will receive directions and a volunteer application to bring with you. Friday, February 21 CLUB ’17 LUNCH 11:30/ Russo's Restaurant 8941 S. Yale Ave. No need to RSVP. Questions? Contact Club ’17 Chair, Karin Vaughn at or Co-Chair, Julie Davidson at CONNECTION FEBRUARY 2014 ► Moms in Prayer meet every Thursday, February 20/ Noon Lunch at Charlie Mitchell's 4848 S. Yale Ave. Wednesday at 1:45 p.m. in the De La Salle Chapel to pray for our students, faculty, and staff. All are welcome. Club 15 ► Join us February 4 for our Club 15 Valentines Party Saturday, February 1, 2014 7:00 p.m. Home of Beth and Randall Snapp 3106 S. Columbia Circle RSVP to Bring an appetizer Donations will be collected at the party PTO Monthly Meeting at 8:30 in the Library Conference Room. Lunch at Blue Rose on Riverside Friday, February 14, 2014 11:30 a.m. Lunch at Cardigan's on Lewis Friday, March 7, 2014 (first Friday of the month due to spring break) 11:30 a.m. Spring Social and Wine Tasting Hosted by Kim and Kirk Gage, Elizabeth and Cliff Nutt April - Date TBD ► Grandparents’ Day. Make sure BK has contact information for Grandparents’ Day and “Senior Prom.” See link. If you can help bring muffins or cookies for the receptions, contact Jennifer Wood. These events are very well-attended! ► Looking Ahead Spring Break March 17-21 Prom Saturday, April 26 7-11 p.m. Graduation is Saturday, May 24 at 10 a.m. TU Reynolds Center PAGE Comet Sightings Freshman Devin Raine and Junior Wyatt Evans attended the Teen Jeopardy! audition in Kansas City. These Bishop Kelley academic team members are two out of 300 teens who advanced out of approximately 30,000 who tested. Emily Meador was selected for the All-State Choir. She was one of 1,800 students from 175 schools who auditioned for this 205-student All State Choir. Alex Abney was chosen to represent Bishop Kelley at the 2014 Hugh O'Brien Leadership conference. BK Choir students competed for spots in the prestigious All-State Choirs. Luke Vaughan was one of 200 selected for the Junior High All-State Mixed Chorus. Katherine Soulé was one of 100 state-wide who made the Junior High All-State Women’s Chorus. Emily Meador was one of 1,800 students from 175 schools who auditioned to make the 205member Senior High All State Mixed Chorus. This is her second year to be selected. Do you have a Comet Sighting? Please send it to Thank you! Join over 1,000 other Comets and LIKE our fan page today! 9 The National Honor Society and sponsor Mrs. Amanda Walker received this note about the January NHS / Red Cross Blood Drive. "Your blood drive produced 33 pints of blood. Because each donation has the potential to help save up to three lives, you can feel good knowing your drive helped 99 patients." Thank you to everyone who donated blood and helped with the event. Nathan Gray, Troop 903, earned the rank of Eagle Scout. Nathan built eight carnival games for All Saints’ School’s annual Bingo Night. Read Hanisch earned the rank of Eagle Scout with Troop 153. For his Eagle Project, Read rebuilt the Osage Brush Arbor in the PreColumbia Gardens at Gilcrease Museum. Several Bishop Kelley students/scouts also worked on the project: Eric Johnson, Vincent Pascual, Zach Sheehan, Tommy Hefferan, and Ricky Ronketty. Read’s Eagle project was selected as one of the top 5 in the District of all the 90 Eagle projects completed in 2013. Staff Person of the Quarter Margaret Jones This is Margaret Jones’ 18th year in Bishop Kelley’s Advancement Office. She manages the database of current families, alumni, parents of alumni and donors. Every week, she creates the email that informs families of the events for the week. For the first time, BK is offering reserved seating for the all-school musical—a system that Ms. Jones manages. Whether the event is Backto-School Night, Trivia Night, High School Preview, Auction, PTO Clubs, Athletic Hall of Fame and Hall of Fame, Grandparents Day/ Prom, Phonathons, Sundaes with Santa, or Career Day, Margaret Jones plays an instrumental role. She keeps information up to date on the BK website. Ms. Jones provides data, mailing, and support for Bishop Kelley’s advancement efforts. Every project and event that has her professional touch is sure to be a success! CONNECTION FEBRUARY 2014 PAGE 10 TULSA WORLD ALL– METRO HONORS CROSS COUNTRY Honorable Mention Connor Gajan Amber Obermaier December Seniors of the Month WILLIAM O’CONNOR & DANIELLE CAIN VOLLEYBALL Player of the Year Josie Gandall * First Team Laura Atherton Honorable Mention Catabrean Baumann Phoebe Lowe Megan Parham FOOTBALL Second Team Honorable Mention Thomas Bingham Josiah Siddiki Danny Slagle SOFTBALL First Team Jordan Chimento Honorable Mention Shannon Godfrey * This is the sixth consecutive year that the Volleyball Player of the Year is a BK Comet! CONNECTION Will O’Connor is a class leader. As a member of Class Board each year, Junior Class President last year, and Student Council officer this year. He has represented Bishop Kelley at Boys State and the State Student Council Convention. Will is the head defense lawyer for Mock Trial. He is a member of National Honor Society, Comet Ambassadors, Lasallian Youth, Link Crew, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. A four-year Comet Football player, Will has also run track for the past three seasons. He has maintained a four-year “A” average with honors and AP classes. Will has volunteered at Catholic Charities and Day Center for the Homeless. He is a parishioner of Christ the King Church and went on a youth mission trip to Bay St. Louis, MS. Will plans to study medicine and is in the process of deciding his college plans. This year, he has an internship with Dr. Wesley Stotler an Orthopedic Surgeon at Tulsa Bone and Joint. He has also worked in construction management at Quattrocchi Unlimited. FEBRUARY @BKComets for BK news 2014 Danielle Cain has been busy at BK leading Kelly Krazies, Search, Kairos, and Freshman Girls Retreats, serving as Pro-Life Club President, and participating in Stuco, Varsity Golf, Comet Ambassadors, Campus Ministry, and One Act. She is a member of NHS, and has taken honors classes with AP Calculus, AP Physics, and AP Language. A life-long member of St. Benedict Parish, she is a member of Dead Theologians Society young adult group and she teaches Sunday School. Danielle has been on three national March For Life trips. A volunteer for Special Olympics and a Quik Trip employee, Danielle also loves to babysit and golf for fun. She attended Camp Anytown (a diversity and leadership camp) in 2011 and has continued to stayed involved. About school, Danielle says “I'm thankful for a place where I can be myself and push myself every day to be what God calls me to be. Bishop Kelley has helped me grow closer to God in such a deeper way.” After graduation, she hopes to attend University of Arkansas or OSU, and to major in education. “I would ideally love to teach religion to middle or high school, but I will most likely teach math to high schoolers.” PAGE RECENT ALUMS RETURN 11 DECEMBER TEACHER OF THE MONTH ANNA KALLSTROM Anna Sullivan Kallstrom ’99 returned to teach at Kelley last year when her former art teacher, Dee Anne Short, retired. Anna also taught at San Miguel School. She is the sponsor of the new Art Club and teaches Basic Design, AP Art, Drawing, and Painting. Mrs. Kallstrom assigns creative projects that can be seen in her classroom, on the STC gallery wall, or at BK events. Last year, her students decorated ceiling fan blades according to the color wheel. This fall, Art Club sponsored the sidewalk chalk contest for fall homecoming. Although her art students have extensive requirements, the classroom has a relaxed atmosphere, with music and a mix of interaction and independent activity. Mrs. Kallstrom and her husband Kevin are new parents; their daughter Olena was born in July. Mrs. Kallstrom’s original paintings can be viewed on facebook: A. Kallstrom Paintings. CONNECTION FEBRUARY 2014 PAGE 12 We Bishop Kelley! ► A TIME FOR PLANTING! Help beautify Bishop Kelley’s campus with the gift of a tree. Winter is the time to plant! Bishop Kelley’s large campus has many areas to landscape and we have had extreme weather over the past three years that has taken a toll on our trees. We are partnering with Southwood Landscape and Nursery, owned by alums Joe Schulte ’67 and Ginny Cronk Schulte ’68, to make the most of our landscape donation gifts. Information is available on the Bishop Kelley website and on Bishop Kelley Facebook. ► PLANNED GIVING is beneficial for tax planning as well as funding Bishop Kelley’s future. One effective and convenient way for Bishop Kelley supporters to help the school grow its endowment is through planned gifts. This year alone, four families have placed planned gifts totaling more than $900,000 that will one day benefit the Bishop Kelley Endowment Trust. If this is something you’d like to consider, contact The Advancement Group at 918.491.0079 or Doug Thomas, BK’s Director of Advancement at 918.949.8872 or at ► THANK YOU to everyone who has supported Believe in Kelley, and to our co-chairs, Teresa and Kurt Slagle. This annual fund helps with tuition assistance and school needs not covered by tuition. Our goal is $425,000. This year’s Believe in Kelley drive will also fund upgrades to our bus fleet and tuition assistance. Every gift of any size is welcome! The drive extends until June 30, 2014. ► THANKS to the Class of 1989, our teams, volunteers, and all who are making this year’s Trivia Night such a terrific event! Good luck on Saturday! Br. “Gus” Augustine Kossuth, who served at Bishop Kelley from 1979 to 1984, entered eternal life on January 11. He was a well-loved Director who worked with parents to bring the first Dinner Auction to Bishop Kelley. BK parent Mary Nichols Culver remembers, “Loved Br. Gus! He --along with Mary Pat Fager, Patricia Cunningham, Debbie Walters and I started the girls golf team at BK! He LOVED golf-- and played many weekends at LaFortune. At our Class of '81 graduation, each graduate had a golf tee and as we shook his hand, we each slipped him a golf tee--and he nonchalantly put each in his pocket. He had almost 200 tees in his pocket that night- and got a big kick out of it!” Alumni and others who would know him might remember him in their prayers. You are also invited to consider helping to further educational ministry in Br. Gus’s name by making a memorial contribution to Bishop Kelley High School / 3905 S Hudson Ave / Tulsa OK 74135 or to the Christian Brothers of Brother Gus Kosuth FSC the Midwest / 7650 S County Line Rd / Burr Ridge IL 60527. Thank you. CONNECTION FEBRUARY 2014 February 2014 As it is, these remain: faith, hope, and love, the three of them; and the greatest of them is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 Sun Mon 27 28 Catholic Schools Week Wed 29 Late Start - 9 am Catholic Schools Week Thu Red & White Day All‐School Mass 9:40 am ‐ All are welcome 8:00-8:50 am Cafeteria The Music Man PTO Mtg @ 8:30 am Library Mee ng Room Victory Dance ‘til 10 pm Small Gym 5 Late Start - 9 am 6 Faculty Mee ng 11 B/G Basketball @ Tahlequah Friday through Sunday 2/7‐2/9 Crash Court Assembly B/G Basketball vs Coweta B/G Basketball @ Skiatook Wrestling vs Rogers Wrestling vs Memorial 16 12 Incoming 9th Grade Parent Br. B Scholars Mee ng 7 pm STC 17 Sophomores Late Start - 9 am Swimming 5A Regionals TBA 19th Annual BK Wrestling Classic 13 Beans & Jeans Day 20 Late Start - 9 am 15 21 Club ‘17 11:30 am Russo’s 8941 S Yale 22 B/G Basketball vs Claremore Winter Sports Senior Night Wrestling @ 5A Regionals Swimming 5A State TBA Women’s Kairos—Thursday through Sunday 26 Late Start - 9 am 27 28 1 Freshman Boys Retreat 2014‐2015 Online Registra on Due Advanced Choir Concert STC 7 pm See for complete calendar, school, and sports information Club ‘15 11:30 am 19 Club ‘16 12 noon Charlie Mitchell’s @ 4848 Yale 25 14 Wrestling @ Webster/McClain B/G Basketball @ Collinsville B/G Basketball @ Coweta 24 Lasallian Service Day Club ‘17 Party 7‐10:30 pm Home of Cathy & Keith Burdick Community Food Bank 6‐8 pm Presidents’ Day No Classes 23 State Academic Bowl Blue Rose @ 1924 Riverside Plan of Study Signing Plans of Study Due Diocesan Inservice Cafeteria 7:45‐8:45 am Homecoming Dance by 3:15 pm No Classes Cox Convention Center Happy Valentine’s Day 8-10:30pm Club ‘17 Family Service Project Senior Night 18 Black History Month Club ‘15 Valen ne Party Home of Beth & Randall Snapp 7pm 7 Adora on 7:45‐2:45 Chapel 8 Club ‘16 @ Dust Bowl Lanes 7‐9 pm Search Retreat Wrestling vs East Central 10 1 Wrestling @ Pryor Tournament Incoming 9th Grade Parent Enrollment Mee ng 7 pm Monday‐Thursday STC 9 Sat The Music Man—Thursday through Sunday Plan of Study Presenta ons Final Performance 2pm B/G BB vs Pryor Wrestling vs Bixby B/G BB @ Claremore 4 Pep Assembly 2:15 pm—Gym Catholic Schools Week Wrestling vs Claremore 3 Fri 30 Student Breakfast Career Day Jan. 26‐Feb. 1 2 Tue Girls Basketball 5A Regionals TBA Girls Basketball 5A Regionals TBA Boys Basketball 5A Regionals TBA Wrestling @ 5A State
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